Avaliação Diagnóstica 8º Ano 2 Opção

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Superintendncia Regional de Ensino de Curvelo

Acesse: pipcbccurvelo.blogspot.com

Avaliao de Lngua Inglesa 8 ano ______

Nome: _____________________________________________ Data: ____/____/_____

Questo Gabarito Habilidades Valor

2.4. - Identicar e/ou localizar caractersticas lexicais e sintticas de alguns
01 C dos tipos textuais (injunes, descries, narraes), tendo em vista a
compreenso global do texto.
2.1. - Localizar informao especfica (scanning), de acordo com os
02 A
objetivos de leitura dos vrios gneros textuais.
2.1. - Localizar informao especfica (scanning), de acordo com os
03 D
objetivos de leitura dos vrios gneros textuais.
4.1 - Inferir o significado de palavras e expresses desconhecidas com
base na temtica do texto, no uso do contexto e no conhecimento
04 B adquirido de regras gramaticais (flexes, posies das palavras nas frases,
tempos verbais, preposies de tempo e lugar, advrbios de tempo, modo
e lugar).
1.3 - Integrar informao verbal e no-verbal na compreenso global do
05 A
texto escrito de vrios gneros.
1.1. - Identificar (fazendo uso de skimming) o tema geral do texto e
estabelecer alguns aspectos de suas condies de produo (o gnero a
06 D
que pertence, funo scio-comunicativa, finalidade, suporte, autor, data e
local de publicao).
6.1. - Fazer uso, nos textos produzidos, de recursos coesivos gramaticais
07 C e lexicais, como, por exemplo, os pronomes, as conjunes, os
hipernimos, os sinnimos e os antnimos.
14.1. - Inferir sentido a partir do uso de conhecimento prvio e de relaes
08 A
XII. - Funes scio-comunicativas dos graus dos adjetivos.
09 C Fazer o uso dos graus dos adjetivos no processo de recepo/produo de
texto oral e escrito.
1.3 - Integrar informao verbal e no-verbal na compreenso global do
10 D
texto escrito de vrios gneros.
4.1 - Inferir o significado de palavras e expresses desconhecidas com
base na temtica do texto, no uso do contexto e no conhecimento
11 B adquirido de regras gramaticais (flexes, posies das palavras nas frases,
tempos verbais, preposies de tempo e lugar, advrbios de tempo, modo
e lugar).
3.1. - Estabelecer relaes entre termos, expresses e ideias que tenham o
12 A mesmo referente, de modo a construir os elos coesivos (lexicais e
gramaticais) em gneros textuais diferentes.
24.1. - Identificar e/ou fazer o uso adequado dos marcadores do discurso
13 C
(palavras de ligao) e das relaes semnticas que ajudam a estabelecer.
4.3. - Inferir sentido a partir das caractersticas lexicais e sintticas prprias
14 D de alguns dos tipos textuais (injunes, descries, narraes) em gneros
textuais diferentes.
11.2. - Identificar informao especfica (nome dos falantes envolvidos,
15 B nmeros- de telefone, idades, percentagens, temperaturas, condies de
tempo, etc.)

Lngua Inglesa - WILLIAM SILVA DE PAULA - 2014


ESCOLA ESTADUAL___________________________________________________________
PROFESSOR APLICADOR_______________________________________________________
NOME DO ALUNO:_____________________________________________________________
DATA: _____/_____/ 2014 8 ANO_______


Back to School again - Joe

My vacation is almost over and Im feeling a little down because Ill have to go back to my
hometown and leave my grandparents here. I love being with them. They are everything to
me. Besides, getting up early, doing homework all day instead of playing with my friends and
going to school from Monday to Friday is really boring.

Well, since classes start again next week and I have no choice, the best thing to do is to try to
get used to the idea, so Ill try to come up with strategies to help me deal with all those chores
more easily.

Strategy 1: Cheer up! Theres no class on weekends.

Strategy 2: Cheer up! Theres no class on holidays.
Strategy 3: Cheer up! Teachers often go on strike.
Strategy 4: Cheer up! Youll have a vacation. Maybe more than that.
Strategy 5: Cheer up! Dont forget strategy 1, 2, 3 and 4.

Yes, that definitely makes things easier for me.

1- In this text we find characteristics of :

a) Instruction. b) Definition. c) Narration. d) Letter.

2- According to the text the student will use some strategies to help him

a) Make things easier and support the miss of his grandparents.

b) Dont miss his girlfriend
c) Dont forget he has to study a lot
d) Go back to his grandparents house.
3- Joe is:

a) At home.
b) At the park.
c) At his grandparents house.
d) At school.

Lngua Inglesa - WILLIAM SILVA DE PAULA - 2014

4- In the sentence: Well, since classes start again next week and I have no choice. The
underlined expression gives idea of:

a) Addition. b) Time. c) Opposition. d) Place.


5- The picture shows that Monica is:

a) Nervous. b) Sad. c) Tired. d) Happy.

6- This text is a:
a) Cartoon b) Letter. c) Charge. d) Comic strip.

7- In the sentence: Wait, Monica! The underlined word can be replaced by:

a) Fast. b) Walk. c) Expect. d) Fly.

8- Censorship is:

a) Something that is prohibited.

b) Something to eat.
c) Something to wear.
d) Something all black.

9- In the sentence: The Worst Part of Censorship is The underlined word shows that :

a) This is a good thing of something.

b) This is a small thing of something.
c) This is a bad thing of something.
d) This is a thing that nobody knows.


10- We can deduce that the man is:

a) Working. c) Sick.
b) Happy. d) In love.

Lngua Inglesa - WILLIAM SILVA DE PAULA - 2014

A dedicated teenager i

Jane is a very intelligent teenager. She is fifteen years old and

has two brothers. She goes to school in the morning and helps
her parents in the afternoon. In the evening, she studies English
at a school. She loves ice cream and barbecue; she eats an ice
cream every day and, on the weekend, she eats barbecue. Her
brothers dont like to study but they help their parents too. They
want to open a small restaurant because they like to work with
food. Jane likes science and she wants to be a doctor. Her father
tells her that it is necessary to study a lot to be a doctor. Jane
tells her father: Yes, you are correct. This is my dream and I
know it is possible because I am dedicated.

Janes family has problems but they believe there are solutions
and they never give up. Jane doesnt have everything she wants
but she works hard.

11- In the sentence: She eats an ice cream every day and, on the weekend, she eats
barbecue. The underlined expressions gives idea of:

a) Place. b) Time. c) Cause. d) Addition.

12- In the sentence : She eats an ice cream every day and, on the weekend, she eats
barbecue. The underlined words refer to:

a) Jane. c) School.
b) Family. d) Father.

13- In the sentence: She eats an ice cream every day and, on the weekend, she eats
barbecue. The underlined word gives idea of:

a) Opposition.
b) Continuity.
c) Addition.
d) Time.

14- In the sentence: Janes family has problems but they believe there are solutions and
they never give up. The underlined word gives idea of:

a) Irony.
b) Place.
c) Time.
d) Opposition.

15- Jane is 15 years old. Her birthday is on April. How old will she be in 2022?

a) 15 years old. c) 35 years old.

b) 24 years old. d) 15 years old.

Lngua Inglesa - WILLIAM SILVA DE PAULA - 2014

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