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‘THE ANDHRA PRADESH CHARITARLIEAND HINDU RELIGIOUS INSTITUTIONS AND ENDOWMENTS ARCHAKAS'AND OTHER OFFICE HOLDERS AND SERVANTS QUALIFICATIONS AND EMOLUMENTSRULES 1987 (G. 0. MS. 1171, REVENUE (ENDOWMENTS ~ 1) AGTH: DECEMBER, 1987) Inexercise of the powers conferred bysitixieedon (3) of Séction35 read with Section 153 of the Andhra Pradesh Chinritable‘auid ‘Hisidu Religious Institutions and endowmients Act, 1987 ( Act No.3U/87),'the Governor of Andhra Pradesh hereby makes the follwing -rules, with istimedinte: elfect Ure same having been published in No. 63 Rules. Supplement to-Part 1, Extaodinary of the Andhra Pradesh Gazette dated the 23rd Oct. 1987 axrequiired hy sub-section (I}of Section 153 of the Act, Rules uncler Section 35 (3) of the Act, 30/87. 1. Shorttitle:~Thesefules may be called the Andhra Prudesh Chuititableund Hindu Religious Institutions and Endowments Archaks and other OlTice holders and servants qualifications and emoluments Rules -1987 PART -T 2. The rules in this part shallnpply twArehakas and other office holders and servants menfioned'tir Rules 4.and Rule 13 of this part of all the Charitable: Relighous Instistiansy cither than Tirumala Tirupathi Devasthanams. : (a) Competent Authority’ metins the Con Commissioer, the Regional Joint Commissior the Deputy Commis- sioner of the Assistant Comniisgioner, as the ease may be : (b)’ ‘executive Authority’ means, Executive Officer or Chaiman of the Board of Trustees whereihereisno Executive Officer and in respect of Maths Head of the Math. © (e) ‘Income’ means the inenme as calculated Section O5-0F the Act 4, There shall be the following gindes of Archakas or pujaris in the in the State. institutions (i) First Grade Archiike. (ii) Second Grade-Archukt, Giiy ‘Third Grade Archuka, iv) Fourth Grade Archakw* (v) Fifth Gradee Archaka (vi) Sixth Grade Archaka. (vii) Seventh Gradé Archiko. (vii) Eiptly Grade Archaka Scanned with CamScanner(ix) Ninth Grade Archaka ‘ des specified below, shall be appointed in the gra 5. (1) The Archakas of the gre asshown therenn- institutions:clastified under Section Gof the Act, der: Institutions classified under Section 6 (a) of the Act- First Grade, Second Grade'ind’Taird Geade. * {lon'6 (6) of (he Act— Fourth Grade, w@ (i) Institutions classifiedunderSeet Fifi Grade andSixth Gi (iii) Institutionsclassified deraécton’s (c) of the Act —Seventh Grade, Eight Grade afi NinthiGratle. “ For the purposes of appointing urchakas, the Maths shall be classi- fied in Uirec categories, incomieewite. on par-with the institutions published u/s. 6(a), 6(b) and.6(c) of the Act, respectively and archakas of the corresponding grades shall be appointed. 6 The emoluments payable to Archakas of different grades shall be 2 consolidated sum as specified in-thesSchedule I to the Rules. ie 7. - emay notbe incumbenton the Exectiive Authorityto makeappointments (0 all the grades specified tn uny entegory of the institutions, Filling up of vacancies shal beias pel the necessity and financial viability of the institutions subjéct tot such nsttuctions as may be issued by the Commiisionér froin timevortines 7" 8 The consolidated emoluments spicdfied in Riule'6'may be revised from time to time. 9. Every archaka shall pass such examination in the relevant Agama being followedin the temples recognised by the Commissioner, Endownients. ‘The examination to-be passed by tlie respective Grades of the Archakas shall be a8 follows; GRADE OF ARCHAKA AND EXAMINATION TO BE PASSED. (i) Sth Grade:to 9th Grade Archakas -—~Pravesa or equivalent examination. (ii) 3rd Grade and 4th GradesAtelinkos ~ Vara-or equivalent examinatioin: Gil) Ist oad 2nd Greidé Acctinkowy-* Piven of equivalent examination, 10. (iy Every archinkw on uppelifinentisball produce the certificnte regard- ing qualifications specitidd : Je’ 9. foe performing thie functions attached his oltiec vei pAbeliha ivho hos been holding the jar sm Ue date:of commencementiof he Aét, or wlio Is appointed to such puss such date, shall;within:tWo-years from tie;sald date obtain acertificate as to the qualifications prescribed ini Rule 9 and in case of default, he shall | riot be allowed to perfarm the functions, attached! to the office tll he acquirs such qualificcations;ntess he is exempted by the Commissioner from possessing the prescriked:qualifications. Scanned with CamScanneri Gg (2). The Comunisstoner may’ exempt an archaka from Rule 9 of these rules provided thathe completed 45 years of ageandis well aquaintd with Pooja Vidhianam in the said Agams or Sumpradayam. If it is found necessary the Commissioner may also require such archaka to appear the such oral test as may be decided by him. ‘ 11 (1) Im the case of Archaka whose office was hereditary prior to the ‘commencement of this Act, and who is not qualified as prescribed under ‘ Rule 9 shall undergo-training in Agama Palikaln inunaged by Pharma Prachara Parishad constituted under Section 112 of the Act, or any Agama Patasala recognised by the Commissioner for.a period not less than six months. ae. : mas (2) Every Archaka required to, undergo training under sub-rulc(!) above shall be pald stipend which shall be léss than thet emoluments payable to the highest grade Archaka of the Institution concerned. 12, The promotion to an Archaku from one grade to another within the category of the institution shall be on the basis of seniority-cum-suitabil- ity. 7 13, Other Office-holders and servaiits:- ‘The common categories and the qualifications of the posts of other office holders and servants in Charita- ble and religious Institutions shall be shown in.the Table below:- + TABLE Pos action a) : : @) 1. Sthonacharya (1) Mustipassi(he!Pravara or‘équivalent Examination of the relevant Agam: (ii) Mustpossess good knowledge of the Sampradaya of the concerned institutions; and (iii) Must be able to guide the Archakas in the performance of the daily service riwals:and other festivals and ecremoni¢s, 2. Vedaparayunndars Must possess aeertificate oP Patta in (1) Krammantham in Sukla or Krishna Yajurveda, or (ji) Mulam or ae Samhita in Rigveda~sr-Adharvana Veda; or (iii) . Padanghani with Chandogyan in Sania Veda issued by Sabhas coimpetent to give Certificate, and recog- nised by thiciGdtnmissiqner, 3. Sapta Sati and Miist'be pidficient'in Sreevidya Parayaria Upasaka Sreevidya Pura- —_certifiediby'titpuled pebthaii recognised by the 5 yanamdar Comnitssfone: —* 4, (a) Adhyapaka —- Must poggeijeridcetifiicute in *Nalayara’ Divya Prabfisiidnin’gealiled by Scanned with CamScannerI~O (b) Prabhanda- (1) TED Vedapattinsafa;or - Parsyanadar. ” (i) Any’ Vedanta Acharya Pectham, recognised by the Commissioner. ‘Thevaram recitor Should be well-versed in reciting Thevaram. Other Parnyanadars Must be proficient'in the parayanam of respective Puranas, Ithiiasss, or Hindu Texts. 7. Paticharika or such ‘The duties attached to which are purely for assistance designations. in the performing of religigus worship or conduct of rituals in the Sagetumis saiictorum. Cook or Assistant. Must ie proficleniin preparation of Nyvedyam and Cook. prasadams. 9. (a) Sannayi ‘Must have acertificatein the Art.concerned from any (Nadaswaram) institution recognised by the Commissioner and must have proficiency. Prefernce may be given to diploma holders. 10. (a) Sruthi ‘Must have proficiency in the Art concerned. : (b) Talam. Explanatfon:- 2 (LyAny other posts whlch dornaf ff tisderthe above éategories but declared -is stich by the Commisstoner sHalf allo falf under‘this rule, (2) An the gase of Maths asithe:pitis hich are Congliered religious by pul i at rf ry the ‘Head of the Mol shal soe abies, 14, ‘Thearghakis another kad detvails governed by the rules \) under this part shaff auain-tieia iuperannoation onthe completéion of 65 yearsof age: Provided thatn physically unfitarchala and other office holder and servant may be retired befare the nge of super annuation, 15, The emoluments payable ‘to different categories of posts shall be as specified in Schedule:MI of théseinules subject to revision from time to ime ~~ 16. The rules relating to the conditions of service of office holders and servants of Charltable:and Hindu Religious Institutions or Endowments office thay TiramalaTrupni aol unt framed under xubesection(4) of Section 35-and.Sectlon'39: shalljopply:to.the Archokas, other Office holders and servants i. raspesie ‘fnatiem alfier shan those expressly ptovided,thetelhs We : 17. (Age: Noipersons shall:bé:fiigible’ foreapjointment to any post In F Sehedile-Uopiiect reccllaye mye hoxcomplsted thenyao! 45 years. as on-LstdJuly of the yede-it'whteb-iie appoinuiients is inade. Scanned with CamScanner” 7 (I) The Commissionermayrelax thé visper‘age limitin favour of person.for being appointedtotthe postespecified ln Schedulé-I of these rules, in such manner as may appear to hilin just ond equitbale, SCHEDULI ia ee: 6 (a) Institutions: * (Consolidated) Rs, Grade-l Archakas, 1.500 -Do- Grade-II Archakas “1.250 _ De Grade-IIL Archkas : too Dee * 6 — (®) Institations: : ” Grade-IV Archakas 300 -Do- : Grade-V Archakas 10 0, «Do i Grade-VI Archakas 600. -Do- 6 — (c) Institutions: ; Grade-VII Archakas. 500 -Do- Grade-VIII Archakns 400 -Do- Grado-IX:Archakas 300 -Do- SCHEDULE-IL (SBERELE - 15) ties as i = Eynojuments od 6 (a) Institutions: Vedaparayanadar Equivalent to Superin- tendent seale:- ic, 1330- 60-1930-70-2630 Consolidated Rs, 1,200 = Do- Adhyapaka, Prabhanida Parayanadar, Sapthasati Sreevidys Parayanadne - TheevaramRecitar 8 0 e ae : 800 -Do- Paricharakiy ’ 800 poe? Scanned with CamScanneras 1,200 -Do- on 800 -Do- Asst. Cook “ ‘ 1,000 -Do- Sannayi 0 -Do- Dolu m -Do- Sruthi ow Talam 500 aa 6 = (b) Institutions: Veda Pandit 900 -Do- Abhishekam Puroliit 600 -Do- Paricharika . an" Do- Cook 400 -Do- Sanayi 500 -Do- Bolu 400 -Do- Sruthi 300 ” Do. alam : 300 < -Do ee Do Note:- (1) The competentauthority shall have power to set right anomolies in the emoluments to the other sligious office holders aud servants, in case their emoluments specified in these rules loss than thase received intmediately privrto 4 these rules. Note:- (2) In respect of ollicr 6 (o)institutions where there is a paicharika and a cook, the competent authority may fix remuneration depending on the income of the institution, PART-II 1. The rules ffi thls piistishiillapply io wll Archakas and other otlive holders and servanttof TirumafirTakupadi! Devasthanams mentioned in Sched sule-IIl & IV to tht, part: 2, The various grades of Archakus and other oltice holders and servants including archaka Supervisor and their emoluemnts shall be as shown in the Scheclule-Ii:to these rules, 3. It shall not be incumbent on the Executive Authority to make appoint- ments (o all the grides of Archakas or the categories of stall specil the Schedule-tI}, 4, The consolidated emgliynents specified. in the Schedule-Ill may be revised fréintimeto time. The method of recruitemnt andthe qualtications for various posts.in the Stlicdule-H1! shull he as shown in the Scheddule-1V. Scanned with CamScanner7 ee ? 5. (i) Every Archakas Mirnsiduror Qumekar Miraxidar holding the office as such on the date of comméncement of the Act shall he appointed to the category of archakaxupervisor or Gamckar Supervisor as the ccase:may be, (ii) Every Archnka Supervigor‘or Archaka, or Gamekar supervisor or Gamekar or any other offi¢e'holder or servant on appointment shall produce certificate regarding qualifications specilied in the Sch. 1V. or performing the functions attnched to his office. (iii) Every Archoka Supervisor or Archaka or Gamekar supervisor or Gamekar or any other office holder or servant who has been holding the post on the date of gommencement of the Act and who is appointed to such postsvafjer such date shall within two years from the said date, obtain a certificate as to the «ualificatibns prescribed in the Sch-1V and in case-of default shall not be allowed to perform the functions dutsichedro jhe office till he acquirces such qualifica- Uons unless he Is-exenjptet by the Executive Officer from possess- ing the:préseribed qualifications. 6. Gi) The ExceutiveOMceriiiyexenpt anyArehakusoruiy other office LZ 1 holder ov servant specified in Rule above from acquiring quallf- _ 20,8 s\, cations presctibed Jn Schedule 1V provided that he had completed \ 45 yearsof ageauid ivwell osquainted with pooja vidhanams in the YW retevant againa of saipfidayany or in performing functions at- tached this office Ui ix found:necessary the EO may also require such Archakn or any other Office holler to appear for such oral or practical test as muy be prescribed hy him. 1 (ii). The Executive OlficerTirvmala Tirupati Devasthanams may relax the uppisr agent fervour of iy person Torheingappointed ithe K post specified i Selicilule-III for-thase rules in such a manner as may appear to blinjust anid equitable. 7. G) Inthe ensecof Avehilen whose offige was hereditary prior to the colittighceaneng auld whigtis viot qualified us presecibed: under Sefiedife’t ‘uitdGrgsratoidgy in-Agonm patashala moaiitiged By Dhiiit 2 Shara f Parishad constituted under Sec. 12 of the Act, of:any Agaivis:Pitlinshata recognised hy the Caminis- sitner forn perlaLatiot lessthun Gmonths, Any ether olfier halder : or serennt shall uucgige training in any recognised institution for such period tspeéadélbod hy the Executive Ofifees. (ii) Every Archaka reqyjred to undergo training shall be paid stipend which shall not he Fess than the aie payable to the lowest grade Archaku, 1 the case af aay ther «HE e bef tes required. toruntlerge tiniiting. itt paid a stipend which shail wo be Tess tlian-iliedéntisluinents payiihle to that past in Sehecule-IL. Scanned with CamScannerll choker or any other office holder from one ii tion té an a fe il) Tho peqmotin the basis of enlority-cum-nultability. grade to another shall'be-on Schedule MI shall retire ——— 8. ‘Every persortholding’ the-postimientioried in the ‘omattaiaing the age-of"65 years: Provided thai physically unfit pefsof- thay be vetived before the age of superannuation: f 9. The rules relating to thie servied" conditions of the oifice holders und servants of the Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams framed under sub-sec. (4) of Sec. 35 shall apply to the archakas and other office holders and servanisin respect of matters other than those expresesly provided herein. -SCHEDULE-ILL (1-EDEVASTHANAMS) The following emoluments are notified | for the following posts. SI. Name of the post. Emoluments (P.M.) No i Rs. m @ . : @> L Archakam Supervisor, 2.700 2. Archaka Grode-I 1,500 3. Archaka Grade-IT 1,250 4. Archaka Grade-IIl 1.100 5. Yekangi 1.100 6. - Adhyapukas Grade-Il 11D0 7. Yamunotharai 300 8. Samaveda Vadhyar “1.000 9. Tallapakam ' 1400 10. Tarigonida 500 HW. Golla —_— +12. “Gamekar Supervisor “13 Gumekar Senior, 4. Gamekar Juniior 4.250 15. Paricharika Junior 1,100 16, Bokl mdar 1.100 17, Uttara Parapatyadar-Juntor 1.100 Scanned with CamScannery WAN 9 18, Kaikala mirvahuk 1.000 19, Siddanti 1,100 20. Kotikanyakadanamdar 500 21, Sarinadiviti 1,100 22, ‘Sweeper (PAT) ; 1,000 23. Dharmakartha Koinkaryadar ‘ 1,000 24, Maniyamdar 1,000 25. Melam Staff (Nogalpuram temple) 1,000 26. Purchitham Vadyar : | 1250 21. ‘Tloppacher 1,000 1,000 . 28. Purohitudu Scanned with CamScanner| 26 ‘o _ SCHEDULE. IV , Si Designation Method of __Quallfications~"Remargr- No Recruitment qa) @) (3) (4) (5) For direct recruitment or for promotion. 1. Archaka 1. By direct (i) Centifificate in Pravara Supervisor recruitment —_Bxaimination conducted by the Endowinents ’ OR Department. : 2. By proniotion OR : from the Diploma in Uttara Bhaga Fo a post of in concerned Agama Exani- Archaka nation conducted by the ‘Grade |. Tirumala ‘Virupati Devastha- nams Vidwath Sodas. Gi) Working knowledge in Sanskrit, Gil) A knowledge of the Stholn Purana and tradition Of the temples. : Givy Must have nét.completed 45-yeur$ of age. Provided tliat forproniotion from the post of Are! Grade I ‘one shall have experience of 5S years. 2, Archaka By direct (@— Certificatein Pravara Grade I recruitment Examination conducted by h the Endowments Department OR By promotion or the post of Dipléma in Uttara Bhaga in : fet Archaka cofedined Amgania exami- : Grade It nation conducted hy the ‘Tirumala ‘liropati Devastha- snajpe Vidwat Sagas. ATP Working knowledge in oskril. titi) Arknowledge of Sthala Purana and the teadition of the temples. tiv) Must have nat completed 45 yours of age, Provided Scanned with CamScanner3. Archaka 1. By Direct Grade II recruitment yl alee OR ’ 2. By promotion from the-post of Archaka Grade til, 4. Archaka By direct Gradelll recruitment ara BE f Bt oe : L yf 5. Bkangi By direct recruitment a. n that for promotion trom the;post of Archaka Grade I1.one shall have experience af 45 years, (@) Cettificate in Pravara Examination conducted bythe Endowments - Department, OR Diploma:in Uutarn Bhaga in concecied Agama examina- ‘tioit conducted by. (he ‘Tirumala ‘Devagthanams Vidwat Sadas. iy Wrkiig knovilgdge in + ‘Sanskrit. (ii) A knowledge of Sthala Purana and the tradition of the temples. (iv) Must have not completed 45 years of age. Provided Uhat For promotion from thé post of Arctitika Grade Ill ‘one shall have experience of three years, (Certificate in prayora exami- ‘natignconductettaby the. Buidavrmenti Deparment. D OR Diploma Ultar Bhaga in concerned! Agamg exnminaion condduéted by the Tirumala ‘Tirupatl Devasthanams Vidwat Sodus, {il) Working knowledge in Sanskrit Gli) Acknowledge of the Sthala Piurnnias and the-tradition of \Wotemples. (iv) Rust have not completed AS yours of age. {iy Ascerifieate oF proficiency in fi. BlvyaPeatiiandam, ‘or A certificate iv Nitys nakenmam with wo ye Scanned with CamScanner% Adhyapaka Grade Il ‘Yamunothari ‘Samaveda- vadyar Thollapakam . kainkaryadar Tharigonda- kainkaryadar Gollakain- karyadar Gamekar Supervisor By direct recrutiment By direct recruitrnent By direct recruitinent By direct recruitment By direct recruitment By direct evcryitment By divect! * recruflinent ~“@xparelnice in’ Gost! parayanain QR n (i) Must be an un-married person. (iiiy Must have not completed 28 years of age. (WA certificate of proficiency in Divya prabandam. OR A certificate in Nityasunda- nakromam with (wo years ‘expereietice in Gostiparayanam. Gi) Must have not completed 28 years-of age. i):Must have passed V _ Class examination, * (ii) Must-have skill and profi- cieney'tn the special art of tying of flowes. “i) A certificate or diploma in simavediun, ° Gi) Should be able to recite Sahasrunamarchana and Manthrapushpam.. i) Must have not completed the age, 40 ycars. (@ A certificate of proficiency in'Thallapakka Sankecr- ianainis, Gi) Must'tinve nofcompleted the nge 40 years, (®) Must have possed VILL Class Examination, * tii). Shall Be'a persan in accordance with custom and usage, i) Must hye passed VIL (Class FExaun eustom-and 1s (i) Shall he a porsan in in accordance with custom ‘and usage. Foidieél recruinuent: Scanned with CamScannerV3. Gamekar (Senior) “44, Gamekar unior) 15. Parichorika unior) 16, Bokkusumdar By Promotion from Gamekar (Senior) By direct recruitment By. promotion By direct recrutiment. By direct recruitment By direet redrullyent “60 Muse 7 j {and usage, WHY Mat ttave 10 years experience ity preparation of all kinds of prasadams and panyaram: ‘Temples of same agama, For Promotion: (i) Must have completed 5 years of Service in the cadre of Gamekar (Senior) For Direct Recruitment: (Shall bea person in * accordance with custom and.usage. fli) Must have 10 years expericnee in the preparation of all + Kinds of prasadams and panyaramacts in temples in same agama. For Promotion () Not less than $ yours of Service in the cadre of Gamekar (Junior). (i Shall be'a person in agcordance with custom agd uigiye, {diy Muselinye 5 yenrs of 5. expetionce in the pre paration of all kinds of prasndams and panya- rams in (emples of same agama, i) Shalt he person in accordance with custom and usage. Gi) Must be pro! doing req ‘daiiigsrequired Service Scanned with CamScanner20. 2. 23. 24, Uttarapara- By direct pathysdar recruitment Kaikala By direct Nirvahok recruitment Sidhonthi By direct tecruitment Koti Kannir- By direct kadanam recruitment Sannadiviti By direct (Sri Vedana- recruitment rayanaswamy ‘Temple Naga- lapuram) . Sweepers By direct (Sri PAT) ——feéruitiienit* Dhirmakartha By direct Kalnkaryadar recruitment. Maniamdar —_—By direct recruitment Melam-Staff By direct (Nagalapuram reerdltmant Temple). -bvithe Temple. 4d) Musttiave passed VIL Class Examination. (ii) Must be able bodied capable of doing. ‘Umbrella Service. 3. (i) Must have passed VIL Class examination. (li) Must be well versed in arranging paradas during Temple rituals. 4, (i) Must have passed VIII Cinss Examination, (iy Most hive good ” Kniewicdge of Panchan- gain sind: Puranam., 5. (i) Must’have passed VII Class examination, i) Mast be able to render Prabhandha Sevakalam. 6.(i) Must have passed + VIII Class examination. ii) Must be ablebodied to do required Temple service. _ Masts have:passed VIII class + deamination, “1, Musthave studied 8th elass. 2, Mus! be a Brahmin in community. 3. Must not have completed 28 years of nge. 1, Must have studied 8th class. 2, Must’be a Brahmin in conununity. 3, Musts not have conyt « 1. Proficiency imArt 2. Shuulel not have completed ‘Wyeunvol age, Scanned with CamScanner26. Purohitam- vadyar By direct 27. Tholappachari By direct recruitment recruitment Sore ae oma (i):Must.Nave passed Archa- ka Examination recognised by the Commissioner or iploma isused’by the pasal GFITD's orany‘other recognised institution. OR Person rendering in Archakat- wam for more than LO years in any:registered Temple. (il) He should have knowledge to.perform ulsavams and sevas as.per usage and Customs of the Temple, iii) Must have not completed 4S'ycars of age. (® Hesshould have good Pliysijyuc.. 7 (i): He should have knowledge anthrapushpam, Scanned with CamScanner
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J.R.R. Tolkien
Nota: 4.5 de 5 estrelas
4.5/5 (25849)
Art of War: The Definitive Interpretation of Sun Tzu's Classic Book of Strategy
No Everand
Art of War: The Definitive Interpretation of Sun Tzu's Classic Book of Strategy
Stephen F. Kaufman
Nota: 4 de 5 estrelas
4/5 (3325)
Oscar Wilde: The Unrepentant Years
No Everand
Oscar Wilde: The Unrepentant Years
Nicholas Frankel
Nota: 4 de 5 estrelas
4/5 (10370)
The Hobbit
No Everand
The Hobbit
J.R.R. Tolkien
Nota: 4.5 de 5 estrelas
4.5/5 (26296)
Freakonomics Rev Ed
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Freakonomics Rev Ed
Steven D. Levitt
Nota: 4 de 5 estrelas
4/5 (7964)
Pride and Prejudice: Classic Tales Edition
No Everand
Pride and Prejudice: Classic Tales Edition
Jane Austen
Nota: 4.5 de 5 estrelas
4.5/5 (20437)
Habit 3 Put First Things First: The Habit of Integrity and Execution
No Everand
Habit 3 Put First Things First: The Habit of Integrity and Execution
Stephen R. Covey
Nota: 4 de 5 estrelas
4/5 (2514)
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
No Everand
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
Stephen R. Covey
Nota: 4 de 5 estrelas
4/5 (2585)
Habit 1 Be Proactive: The Habit of Choice
No Everand
Habit 1 Be Proactive: The Habit of Choice
Stephen R. Covey
Nota: 4 de 5 estrelas
4/5 (2573)
Wuthering Heights (Seasons Edition -- Winter)
No Everand
Wuthering Heights (Seasons Edition -- Winter)
Emily Brontë
Nota: 4 de 5 estrelas
4/5 (10301)
American Gods: The Tenth Anniversary Edition
No Everand
American Gods: The Tenth Anniversary Edition
Neil Gaiman
Nota: 4 de 5 estrelas
4/5 (13133)
Habit 6 Synergize: The Habit of Creative Cooperation
No Everand
Habit 6 Synergize: The Habit of Creative Cooperation
Stephen R. Covey
Nota: 4 de 5 estrelas
4/5 (2500)
The Picture of Dorian Gray: Classic Tales Edition
No Everand
The Picture of Dorian Gray: Classic Tales Edition
Oscar Wilde
Nota: 4 de 5 estrelas
4/5 (9811)
The Iliad: A New Translation by Caroline Alexander
No Everand
The Iliad: A New Translation by Caroline Alexander
Nota: 4 de 5 estrelas
4/5 (5828)
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn: Bestsellers and famous Books
No Everand
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn: Bestsellers and famous Books
Mark Twain
Nota: 4 de 5 estrelas
4/5 (9707)
Life of Pi
No Everand
Life of Pi
Yann Martel
Nota: 4 de 5 estrelas
4/5 (13557)