Past Simple

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O passado simples (past simple ou simple past) é o tempo equivalente ao pretérito

perfeito do indicativo, indicando uma ação já concluída.

A maioria dos verbos em inglês é dividida entre verbos regulares (regular verbs) e
verbos irregulares (irregular verbs). Os irregulares são os verbos que não são
conjugados da mesma maneira que os regulares e para os quais não existe uma regra
geral; para cada verbo irregular há uma regra.

Os verbos regulares recebem o acréscimo de -ed ao infinitivo para formar o passado

simples (simple past) e o particípio passado (past participle). Em alguns verbos, é
necessário seguir algumas regras antes de acrescentar o sufixo -ed, de acordo com a
terminação do verbo (infinitivo):


• Verbos terminados em E: acrescente apenas -d.

Exemplo: to free → freed

• vogal + y: acrescente -ed.

Exemplo: to play → played

• consoante + y: elimine o Y e acrescente -ied.

Exemplo: to dry → dried

• consoante + vogal tônica + consoante: repita a consoante final e acrescente -

Exemplo: to plan → planned

Nos demais verbos, permanece a regra de simplesmente acrescentar o sufixo -ed.


Nos verbos irregulares, não há nenhum tipo de regra que estabeleça como será
formado o passado. É necessário decorar o passado de cada verbo irregular. Alguns

• to be → was (1ª e 3ª pessoas do singular), were (plural e 2ª pessoa do singular)

• to have → had
• to do → did
• to eat → ate
• to go → went
• to come → came
• give → gave → given → dar

Sujeito + verbo no passado + complemento


I stopped here yesterday. (stop)

Eu parei aqui ontem.

Sujeito + did not (didn't) + verbo no infinitivo (sem o to)


I did not stop here yesterday.

Eu não parei aqui ontem.

This table was not here yesterday.

Esta mesa não estava aqui ontem.

Note que o verbo to be não precisou do auxiliar did para formar o passado simples.
Isso ocorrerá também nas formas interrogativas a seguir.


Did + sujeito + verbo no infinitivo + ?

Pronome interrogativo + did + sujeito + verbo no infinitivo + ?


Did I stop here yesterday?

Eu parei aqui ontem?

Was he a painter five years ago?

Ele era pintor cinco anos atrás?

What did she buy at the mall?

O que ela comprou no shopping?

Did + sujeito + not + verbo no infinitivo + ?


Did I not stop here yesterday?

Eu não parei aqui ontem?

Wasn't he supposed to do his homework?

Ele não deveria fazer sua lição de casa?

Observação: Nas formas interrogativa, negativa e interrogativo-negativa, usa-se o

auxiliar did, que é o passado de do/does, e o verbo principal fica no infinitivo, sempre
sem o "to" (bare infinitive)

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William Shakespeare (be) born in Stratford-on-Avon on April 23, 1564. He

(go) to the local Stratford Grammar School, where he (be) (teach) by
Master Walter Roche. Lessons began at six o'clock in the morning in the summer in
order to make the most of daylight.

His father (be) (call) John Shakespeare a Stratford upon Avon glove-maker.
He (send) William to the local grammar school in 1571, but when William
(be) only 14 years old his fortunes fell so low that William (have) to leave school.
Some historians say he (work) in his father's shop.

At the age of 19 William (to marry) Anne Hathaway the daughter of a rich
farmer near Stratford. Three years later Shakespeare (go) to London. How he
(live) there we do not know.

In about 1587 he (become) a member of one of the few theatrical companies

which (exist) in those days. Around 1590 he (begin) to try his hand at
writing plays. There (be) no female actors in those days, all the female parts
(be) (play) by boys. It is thought that he (write) his first major play,
Henry VI., Part One, in 1592.

His most famous play, Hamlet, (be) probably first seen in 1601 at the Globe
Theatre. Shakespeare (continue) to write about 2 plays a year.

He (return) to Stratford in 1612, where he (live) the life of a country

gentleman. He (die) of a fever on his birthday in 1616.

Respostas: was, went, was, taught, was, called, sent, was, had, worked, married, went, lived, became,
existed, began, were, were, played, wrote, was, continued, returned, lived, died..
Infinitive Past Tense Past Participle Translation
(infinitivo) (Passado) (Particípio) (Tradução)
to arise arose arisen surgir, erguer-se
to awake awoke awoken despertar
to be was, were been ser, estar
to bear bore born nascer
to beat beat beat / beaten bater
to become became become tornar-se
to begin began begun começar
to bet bet bet apostar
to bend bent bent abaixar-se, debruçar-se,
to bite bit bitten morder
To bid bid/bade bid/bidden tentativa de fazer algo
to bleed bled bled sangrar
to blow blew blown soprar
to break broke broken quebrar
to breed bred bred reproduzir-se, criar (animais), cultivar
to bring brought brought trazer
to build built built construir
to burn burnt burnt queimar
to buy bought bought comprar
to catch caught caught caçar
to choose chose chosen escolher
to come came come vir
to cost cost cost custar
to cut cut cut cortar
to dig dug dug cavar
to do did done fazer
to draw drew drawn desenhar
to drink drank drunk beber
to drive drove driven dirigir
to eat ate eaten comer
to fall fell fallen cair
to feed fed fed dar de comer
to feel felt felt sentir
to fight fought fought lutar
to find found found encontrar
to fly flew flown voar
to forbid forbade forbidden proibir
to forget forgot forgotten esquecer
to forgive forgave forgiven esquecer
to forsake forsook forsaken abandonar
to freeze froze frozen congelar
to get got got / gotten receber; conseguir; obter; adquirir...
to give gave given dar
to go went gone ir
to grow grew grown crescer
to have had had ter
to hear heard heard ouvir, escutar
to hide hid hid / hidden esconder, ocultar
to hit hit hit bater, ferir
to hold held held segurar
to hurt hurt hurt machucar
to keep kept kept manter
to know knew known saber, conhecer
to lead led led conduzir, comandar
to lend lent lent emprestar
to lose lost lost perder
to make made made fazer, criar
to meet met met encontrar
to pay paid paid pagar
to put put put colocar
to read read read ler
to ride rode ridden andar, passear
to ring rand rung tocar (sino, campainha)
to rise rose rise levantar, erguer
to run ran run correr
to say said said dizer
to see saw seen ver
to sell sold sold vender
to send sent sent enviar
to shut shut shut fechar
to sleep slept slept dormir
to speak spoke spoken falar, dizer
to swim swam swum nadar
to take toke taken pegar
to teach taught taught ensinar
to tell told told dizer
to think tought tought pensar, acreditar
to throw threw thrown jogar, arremessar
to win won won ganhar
to write wrote written escrever

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