Banco BMG S.A
Banco BMG S.A
Banco BMG S.A
Companhia Aberta
CNPJ/ME Nº 61.186.680/0001-74 | NIRE: 3530046248-3
(i) criar um comitê especial não estatutário nomeado ad hoc para conduzir uma
análise profunda e detalhada relativas à denúncia objeto do Processo 5005639-
72.2020.4.03.6181 em trâmite na 2ª Vara Criminal Federal de São Paulo (“Comitê
(ii) indicar, para a composição do Comitê Especial, a Sra. Ana Karina Bortoni Dias,
Diretora Presidente do Banco; os membros independentes do Conselho de Administração,
a Sra. Olga Stankevicius Colpo e o Sr. Dorival Dourado Jr.; o membro do Conselho de
Administração, Sr. José Eduardo Gouveia Dominicale; e o Sr. Roberto Faldini, membro
efetivo do Conselho Fiscal;
Banco, conforme necessário, sobre o dever de ampla e irrestrita cooperação com o Comitê
Publicly-Held Company
CNPJ/ME No. 61.186.680/0001-74 | NIRE: 3530046248-3
BANCO BMG S.A. (B3: BMGB4) (“Bank”), in compliance with the provisions of the
CVM Instruction No. 358/02, as amended and currently in force, hereby discloses to its
shareholders and the market in general in complement to the Material Fact and to the
Notice to the Market disclosed on October 29th, 2020, that the Board of Directors met on
an extraordinary basis, and unanimously adopted the following resolutions:
(ii) to appoint, for the composition of the Special Committee, Ms. Ana Karina Bortoni
Dias, CEO of the Bank; the independent members of the Board of Directors, Ms. Olga
Stankevicius Colpo and Mr. Dorival Dourado Jr.; the member of the Board of Directors
Mr. José Eduardo Gouveia Dominicale; and Mr. Roberto Faldini, effective member of
the Supervisory Board;
(iii) to appoint Mr. Roberto Faldini as the Coordinator of the Special Committee;
(iv) to endow the Special Committee with its own human and financial resources, as
necessary for the unrestricted and complete fulfillment of its duties, including the
contracting of the Maeda, Ayres and Sarubbi Advogados law firm, specialized in
corporate investigations;
(v) to determine that the Bank’s Executive Board, observing the legal provisions and
the provisions of the Bylaws, perform all the acts necessary for the faithful fulfillment of
the above resolutions, including informing the Bank's employees and service providers,
as necessary, about the duty of broad and unrestricted cooperation with the Special