Apostila Inglês

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O inglês está cada vez mais presente em nosso dia-a-dia. Na TV, na internet, nas
revistas, na música, nos jogos e em muitas outras atividades da nossa rotina. Seguidamente
nos deparamos com esta língua e aos poucos ela vai se tornando um importante
instrumento de comunicação. É a língua oficial de mais de 50 países distribuídos em todos
os continentes? Como exemplo podemos citar Jamaica, África do Sul, Austrália, Canadá,
Escócia, EUA, Inglaterra, Irlanda...

Sem contar que com tantos avanços da ciência e da tecnologia você está fazendo
parte desse mundo cada vez mais informatizado, lidando com tantos termos em Inglês, quer
seja nos bancos, nos produtos com códigos de barras, nas lojas e supermercados, nos
manuais e eletrodomésticos de nossa casa, nas máquinas e computadores no ambiente de

Estudar inglês é necessário para entender melhor o tempo em que vivemos e para
nos tornarmos cidadãos de um mundo globalizado.


I - Countries and Nationalities………………………………………………………………………4

II - Numbers…………………………………………………………………………………………...8
III - Colors……………………………………………………………………………………………10
IV - Days of the week……………………………………………………………………………….12
V - Months…………………………………………………………………………………………....14
VI – Family members……………………………………………………………………………….15
Extra Exercises……………………………………………………………………………………...18


Where are you from? What’s your nationality? What language do you
Argentina Argentinean/Argentinian Spanish
Australia Australian English
Brazil Brazilian Portuguese
Canada Canadian English/ French
Chile Chilean Spanish
China Chinese Chinese
Colombia Colombian Spanish
England English English
France French French
Germany German German
Greece Greek Greek
Italy Italian Italian
Japan Japanese Japanese
Mexico Mexican Spanish
Peru Peruvian Spanish
Portugal Portuguese Portuguese
Russia Russian Russian
Spain Spanish Spanish
The United States American English

1- what’s the correct answer:

a) Tom is from Berlin. His nationality is _________. a. Germany b. German c. Dutch

b) David is from New York. His nationality is _____. a. Mexican b. American c. Canadian
c) Sara is from Porto Alegre. Her nationality is _______. a. Brazilian b. Irish c. Scottish
d) Nicole is from Paris. Her nationality is _________. a. France b. French c. English
e) Carlos is from Madrid. His nationality is _________. a. French b. Italian c. Spanish
f) Donald is from Rome. His nationality is _______. a. Switzerland b. Austrian c. Italian
g) Bruce is from Sydney. His nationality is ________. a. British b. Australian c. Austrian
h) Keiko is from Tokyo. Her nationality is ________. a. Chinese b. Korean c. Japanese
i) David is from Toronto. His nationality is _______. a. Japanese b. Canadian c. French

2- Choose the right answer:

a) I'm from Colombia. I can speak __________. a. Spanish b. Colombian c. English

b) She's from Russia. She can speak ___________. a. Russia b. Italian c. Russian
c) We're from Italy. We can speak__________. a. French b. Italian c. Spanish
d) My friend is from Korea. He can speak ________. a. Korean b. Chinese c. Koreanese
e) Pablo is from Mexico. His language is _________. a. Spanish b. Mexican c. Portuguese
f) Martha is from the USA. Her language is __________. a. American b. Irish c.English
g) My father is from China. He can speak _________. a. Japanese b. Chinese c. Corean
h) Gloria is from Peru. Her language is _________. a. Peruvian b. Portuguese c. Spanish

3- Write the correct answer:

1. I live in France. I'm …………………………
2. I live in …………………….. I'm English .
3. I live in America. I'm ...................................
4. I live in ……………………… I'm Australian.
5. I live in Italy. I'm ......................
6. I live in ………………….I'm Spanish.
7. I live in Germany. I'm ...........................
8. I live in ………………….. I'm Japanese
9. I live in Portugal. I’m.....................................
10. I live in England. I’m....................................

4) Ligue o país com a língua falada:

Argentina • • English

Chile • • Spanish

Greece • • Japanese

China • • Spanish

Canada • • Russian

Australia • • Spanish

Russia • • Greek

Japan • • English / French

Colombia • • Chinese


Cardinal Numbers
0 zero 26 twenty-six
1 one 27 twenty-seven
2 two 28 twenty-eight
3 three 29 twenty-nine
4 four 30 thirty
5 five 40 forty (no "u")
6 six 50 fifty
7 seven 60 sixty
8 eight 70 seventy
9 nine 80 eighty
10 ten 90 ninety
11 eleven 100 a/one hundred
12 twelve 101 a hundred and one
13 thirteen 110 a hundred and ten
14 fourteen 120 a hundred and twenty
15 fifteen 200 two hundred
16 sixteen
1,000 a/one thousand
17 seventeen 1,001 a thousand and one
18 eighteen 1,010 a thousand and ten
19 nineteen 2,000 two thousand
20 twenty 10,000 ten thousand
21 twenty-one 11,000 eleven thousand
22 twenty-two 100,000 a/one hundred thousand
23 twenty-three 1,000,000 a/one million
24 twenty-four 2,000,000 two million
25 twenty-five 1,000,000,000 a/one billion

Separation between hundreds and tens

Hundreds and tens are usually separated by 'and' (in American English 'and' is not

110 - one hundred and ten

1,250 - one thousand, two hundred and fifty
2,001 - two thousand and one

Use 100 always with 'a' or 'one'.

100 - a hundred / one hundred

'a' can only stand at the beginning of a number.

100 - a hundred / one hundred

2,100 - two thousand, one hundred


Use 1,000 and 1,000,000 always with 'a' or 'one'.

1,000 - a thousand / one thousand

Use commas as a separator.


Singular or Plural?

Numbers are usually written in singular.

two hundred Euros

several thousand light years

1- Write the names of the following numbers:

a) 345 - .........................................................................................................................................
b) 2,678 - .......................................................................................................................................
c) 82 - ...........................................................................................................................................
d) 4,209 - ......................................................................................................................................
e) 702 - …………………………………………………………………………………………………..
f) 580 -……………………………………………………………………………………………………

2- Put the number, according to the writing:

Ex: nine hundred and fifty-five – 955
a) eight hundred and fifty-two -…………………………………………………………………………..
b) five thousand, three hundred and thirteen - ………………………………………………………...
c) one thousand, nine hundred and eighty-three -……………………………………………………..
d) nine hundred and sixty-six - …………………………………………………………………………..
e) four hundred and thirty-six - ………………………………………………………………………………….

3- How can I write "2014" and "2015" in English?

a. Two thousand fourteen / two thousand fifty

b. Two thousand forty / two thousand fifteen
c. Two thousand fourteen / two thousand fifteen
d. Two hundred fourteen / two hundred fifteen

Você já parou para pensar como tudo seria triste se o mundo não fosse colorido?
Vamos verificar agora algumas cores em inglês para colorir a nossa aula.
Veja os quadrinhos abaixo e suas respectivas cores:

1 - Write the correct color:

What colour is it? It's................................

What colour is it? It's………………………………..

What colour is it? It's…………….………………….

What colour is it? It's……………..…………………..

What colour is it? It's………..………………………..

What colour is it? It's…………………………………..

What colour is it? It's……………..…………………….

What colour is it? It's.......................................

What colour is it? It's…………………..……………….

What colour is it? It's……………………………………

What colour is it? It's………..............................

Falando em cores responda agora:

What is your favorite color?..................................................................................................

- para tons claros devemos acrescentar, antes da cor, a palavra light.
- assim temos: light blue, light green, light brown, etc...
- para tons escuros devemos acrescentar, antes da cor, a palavra dark
- assim temos: dark brown, dark blue, dark green, etc...

Você sabia que...

As Bandeiras Inglesa e Americana tem as mesmas cores?
Pois é, elas são azul, vermelha e branca.

Confira abaixo cada uma delas:

Inglaterra Estados Unidos

write the colours:

1.What colour is your hair? …………………………………………………………………………

2.What colour are your eyes?...................................................................................................
3.What colour is the star?.........................................................................................................
4.What colour is the snowman?................................................................................................
5.What colour is your dog/cat? ……………………………………………………………………..
6.What colour are your shoes? ……………………………………………………………………..
7.What colour is your house?....................................................................................................
8.What colour is the door?.........................................................................................................
9.What colour is the board?.......................................................................................................


Days of the Week - Dias da Semana ( Just for curiosity)

Em várias línguas, os nomes dos dias da semana originaram-se dos números e

planetas. Em Inglês, alguns dos nomes dos dias da semana derivam de deuses Anglo-
Saxões. Thursday (Quinta-Feira) e Friday (Sexta-Feira) originaram-se dos deuses
Escandinavos, Thor e Freyja, por exemplo. O nome Saturday (Sábado) é uma exceção
entre os outros, pois deriva de Saturno (Saturn), um deus Romano. Nos países de Língua
inglesa os dias da semana são: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,
Saturday e Sunday. A maioria dos calendários nos Estados Unidos e Canadá marcam o
Domingo (Sunday) como o primeiro dia da semana, embora no Reino Unido, Irlanda,
Austrália, África do Sul e América do Sul, o primeiro dia da semana é a Segunda-Feira

1- Complete with the days of the week:

1- The second day of the week is………………………..

2- The seventh day of the week is………………………

3- The fifth day of the week is……………………………

4- The third day of the week is…………………………..

5- The sixth day of the week is…………………………..

6- The first day of the week is……………………………

7- The fourth day of the week is………………………….

2- Write the missing letter:

a) .…..unday b) …...onday c) …...uesday d)…….ednesday

e) …….hursday f) .......riday g) …….aturday

3- Write the days of the week in the right order:

Wednesday - Saturday - Monday - Friday - Tuesday - Sunday - Thursday

1. Sunday . 2. ................................... 3. .................................... 4 ………………................

5. …………………………………. 6. ............................................7. ………………………………

4- Which days are weekend days?

( ) Tuesday ( ) Friday ( ) Monday ( ) Sunday ( ) Wednesday

( ) Saturday ( ) Thursday

5- Which days are school days?

( ) Thursday ( ) Saturday ( ) Wednesday ( ) Sunday ( ) Monday

( ) Friday ( )Tuesday

6- True or False?

a) The day after Monday is Wednesday. ( …………………………)

b) The day before Friday is Thursday. (…………………………..)

c) Wednesday is between Tuesday and Thursday. (………….………………..)

d) The last day of the week is Thursday. (………………………..)

e) Saturday is after Sunday. (……………………………)

f) The first day of the week is Sunday. (…………………….………)

g) The day after Wednesday is Friday. (……………………………….)

h) The day between Sunday and Tuesday is Monday. (………………………………)

i) Saturday is the last day of the week. (…………………………)


1- Put the
e months of the yea
ar in orderr:


1- …................................. 2-.........................................3- .......................................

4- ....................................... 5- .....................................6- ......................................
7- ........................................8-......................................9-.......................................
10- .....................................11- ...................................12- .....................................

2- Complete the se

a) The summer is be
etween __
___and __
b) March, ________
____May, _________
_ _________
__July, ___
c) I like to
o go on vaccation in __
d) On ___
___is my birthday parrty.
e) Christm
mas is cele
ebrated in _________
_ _________
f) The sch
hool holidays are in _________
_ _________
________ and
a _____
g) Easter is celebratted in ____

3- Comple
ete with the
e months of
o the year:

1- The second montth of the ye

ear is………
….is the sevventh montth of the ye
3-The fifth
h month of the year iss………………………
4-The thirrd month of the year is…………
5- The sixxth month of
o the yearr is…………
6- ……………………
……..……iss the first month
m of th
he year
eventh mon
7- The ele nth of the year
y is……
8- The fou
urth month
h is…………
9- The ten
nth month of the yearr is…………

4- Fill in the blanks with the appropriate month:

a) Halloween takes place in ………………………………

b) ……………………….. comes after February.
c) The last month of the year is ………………………………….
d) The month between August and October is ………………………………..
e) Christmas is celebrated in………………………………………
f) The 6th month of the year is …………………………………..
g) The first month of the year is ……………………………..
h) …………………………… has 28 days.
i) My birthday is in ……………………………………

Grandparents → avós
Grandfather → avô - Grandmother → avó
Great-grandfather → bisavô
Great-grandmother → bisavó
Parents → pais (pai e mãe)
Father → pai - Mother → mãe
Children → filhos (crianças)
Son → filho - Daughter → filha
Grandchildren → netos
Grandson → neto - Granddaughter →neta
Wife → esposa - Husband → esposo
Boyfriend → namorado - Girlfriend → namorada
Brother → irmão - Sister → irmã
Uncle → tio - Aunt → tia
Cousin → primo ou prima
Nephew → sobrinho - Niece → sobrinha
Father-in-law → sogro - Mother-in-law →sogra
brother-in-law → cunhado - sister-in-law → cunhada
godfather → padrinho - godmother → madrinha

stepfather →padrasto - stepmother → madrasta

A Happy Family

Este é Paul Smith e sua família... Podemos vê-lo na foto de camisa branca, vemos
também seu pai Peter, sua mãe Mary, e sua irmã Carol. Quem bateu a foto foi seu outro
irmão chamado Mike.
Observe a apresentação da família feita por Paul:
I am Paul.
Peter is my father.
Mary is my mother.
Peter and Mary are my parents.
Carol is my sister and Mike is my brother.

1- Write (yes) or (no) according to the text:

a) ( ) Mary is my sister.
b) ( ) Carol is my mother
c) ( ) Mary is my mother
d) ( ) Peter is my brother
e) ( ) Mike is my father
f) ( ) My family is very happy

2- Answer the questions below:

Who is the father? Peter is the father.

a) Who is the mother? _______________________________________________________
b) Who is the sister? ________________________________________________________
c) Who is the brother? _______________________________________________________
d) Who is very happy? _______________________________________________________

3- Read the text below and write the names:

..................... .....................

.................. …………. ................... ................ ................... ...................

………… ………… ………… ……………… ………… …………

Hello! My name is Brenda. This is my family tree. There are fourteen members in my family.

My parents are Frank, my dad, and Joey, my mum. They are very nice.

I have a big brother. His name is Jack.

I have a baby sister. Her name is Sara.

I like my grandparents. My granddad is Henry and my grandma is Helen.

My dad's brother is Jerry and he is married to Sandra.

They have one child. Her name is Britney.

My dad’s sister is Julia and she is married to Derek.

They have two children: Paul and Laura.

4- Look at Brenda's family. Write the word under the picture and unscramble the word.

…………… ……………… ………………. ………………… ………………

…………… …………….. …………….. ………………. ……………

1- ioucsn cousin 2- setirs ...........................

3- amargnd ....................... 4 -umm .................................
5 -thorber ............................... 6 -apanrgd ...........................
7- nuat ........................... 8 -clune ...........................
9- add ................................ 10 -sconiu ................................


Colors in our World - Quiz

1. A stop sign is ………..……………………… 2. A banana is ………………………………….

3. The sky is ………………………………..….. 4. An elephant is ………………………………..

5. A cloud is ……………………………….……..6. The night is ………………………………….

7. A tree is …………………………………...

8. The colors of the flag of Brazil are …………..………..,……………………….,……….………

and ……………………………

9. The color of Napoleon horse was …………………………………………

10. I love to eat …………………………… apples.

Choose the correct answer:

( ) YES, IT IS.
( ) NO, IT ISN'T.

( ) YES, IT IS.
( ) NO, IT ISN'T.

( ) YES, IT IS.
( ) NO, IT ISN'T.

( ) YES, IT IS.
( ) NO, IT ISN'T.

( ) YES, IT IS.
( ) NO, IT ISN'T.

( ) YES, IT IS.
( ) NO, IT ISN'T.

( ) YES, IT IS.
( ) NO, IT ISN'T.

( ) YES, IT IS
( ) NO, IT ISN'T.

( ) YES, IT IS
( ) NO, IT ISN'T.

( ) YES, IT
( ) NO, IT

( ) YES, IT IS.
( ) NO, IT

Marque um X na ressposta certa:

a) What color
c is the sun? a) ye
ellow b) grreen c) black
b d) pink

b) What color
c is the sky? a) red
d b) blue
b c) purple d) brown

c) What color is the

e blood? a) wh
hite b) orrange c) red
r d) gray

d) What color
c is the banana? a) pin
nk b) black c) blue
b d)) yellow

e) What color
c is the grass? a) pu
urple b) gre
een c) black
b d
d) red

Where are
a they frrom and what are their nattionalitiess?

This is Ge
eorge. This is Andrew.
He is from
m …………
… He is
s from ……
He is ..................................................... He is
s ............................................................

This is Ca
amille. This
s is Helmut.
She is from …………
… He is
s from ……
She is ........................................................ He is
s ...........................................................

This is Ma
arco. This
s is Klazien
He is from
m …………
….. She is from ....................................................
He is ........................................................ She is ...........................................................

Write the correct answer:

1. Dimitri is from Greece. His nationality and language is ...................

2. Luigi is from Italy. He is ....................................
3. Valery is from Russia. He is ...........................................
4. Mehmet is from Turkey. He is ....................................
5. Lucas was born in Germany. His nationality is ............................................
6. Juan is .........................................He is from Spain.
8. Carlos is from Portugal. He is ....................................................

Look at the Simpsons Family and click on the correct words.

1. Marge Simpson is the ……………………..……. father mother brother .

2. Homer Simpson is the…………………………… father sister mother .
3. Marge and Homer Simpson are the……………. babies parents .
4. Bart Simpson is the ……………………………brother sister grandmother .
5. Lisa Simpson is the…………………………… brother sister grandfather .
6. Abraham Simpson is the……………………… mother sister grandfather .
7. Maggie Simpson is the………………………….father baby grandfather .


Hello. My name is Michael and this is my family.

Jane is my................................................. Samuel is my.......................................................

Alice is my……………………………….…. Brian is my…………………………….…………….

Sophie is my ............................................. James is my .........................................................

Emily is my ………………………………… Andrew is my ........................................................

Richard is my ............................................

Read and answer:

1 - It’s the day before Wednesday. (………………….……………………)

2 – It´s the day after Sunday. (……………..…………………………..)

3 – It´s the day before Friday. (…………………..……………………)

4 – It´s the day after Saturday. (……………………………………………)

5 - It´s the day before Sunday. (…………………………………………….)

6 - It´s the day after Thursday. (…………………………………………..)

7 - It´s the day after Tuesday. (……………………………………………)


4 1. The month after May.
2. The eighth month of the year.
1 6
3. The month before November.
4. The twelfth month of the year.
2 5. The month after January.
2 6. The month before August.
7. The third month of the year.
8. The month before May.


3 1. The month before October.

7 2. The eleventh month of the year.
3. The month after April.
4. The first month of the year.


SILVA, Antonio de Siqueira e; BERTOLIN, Rafael. Compact Dynamic English. São Paulo,
IBEP, 1ª.ed.,1996.

MARQUES, Amadeu. New Password English. São Paulo/SP: Editora Ática, 15ª.ed., 2003.

HOLLAENDER, Arnon; SANDERS Sidney. Keyword A Complete English Course. São

Paulo/SP: Editora Moderna, 1997.

GRANGER, Colin. Creative English 2. Oxford, Ed. Oxford, 1a. ed., 2004.

GRANGER, Colin. Creative English 3. Oxford, Ed. Oxford, 1a. ed., 2004.

PEREGINI, Maria Cristina Giunta; SANTOS, Ana Maria Borges dos. My Journey English
Course. Santa Cruz do Rio Pardo/SP: Editora Viena, 1ª. Ed.,2011.

SOARS, John and Liz. America Headway Starter Student Book. Oxford University Press,
New York, NY /USA, 2002.

RICHARDS, Jack C. with Jonathan Hull and Susan Proctor. Interchange – English for
international communication / workbook 1. Cambridge/USA, Cambridge University Press,





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