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Component’s MRO Technical Data Management Solution

through the Development of a Database with a Tree

Structure Model

Carlos Francisco Libório Barreira

Thesis to obtain the Master of Science Degree in

Aerospace Engineering

Supervisors: Prof. Luís Filipe Galrão dos Reis

Prof. Filipe Szolnoky Ramos Pinto Cunha

Examination Committee
Chairperson: Prof. Fernando José Parracho Lau
Supervisor: Prof. Filipe Szolnoky Ramos Pinto Cunha
Member of the Committee: Prof. António Manuel Relógio Ribeiro

June 2018
Em primeiro lugar, gostaria de agradecer à empresa OGMA pela oportunidade de
realizar o meu projeto de dissertação, e na pessoa de todos os seus colaboradores que direta
ou indiretamente estiveram envolvidos ao longo de todo o estágio, um grande obrigado pela
vossa disponibilidade e toda a ajuda prestada.

À faculdade, Instituto Superior Técnico, gostaria de deixar um profundo

agradecimento e aos orientadores, Prof. Filipe Cunha e Prof. Luís Reis, um agradecimento
especial pela disponibilidade e orientação prestada durante o desenvolvimento do projeto de

Um agradecimento muito especial ao Prof. André Rodrigues pelo apoio e

ensinamentos que me proporcionou, essenciais ao desenvolvimento do projeto realizado.

Uma palavra de apreço também, a todos os amigos e colegas que de alguma maneira
me têm vindo a apoiar, em particular durante o desenvolvimento desta dissertação.

Por ultimo, agradecer à minha família, em particular aos meus pais e à minha irmã, por
todo o apoio incondicional prestado sempre, e especialmente nesta etapa da minha da vida.


The technical data that supports the Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (MRO) of
components is made up of great quantities of data since they have complex product tree with
a considerable number of parts and singular layout.

The solution presented in this thesis aims to integrate both component’s MRO
technical data, such as its Product Breakdown Structure, i.e. identification and description of
all parts and their hierarchical relation to one another within the component’s product tree,
and its Work Breakdown Structure, i.e. disassembly, repair and assembly processes, into a
database with a tree structure model. That, posteriorly combined with analytic tools, enables
the full mapping between every single node of this database.
To achieve such solution, a program using Microsoft Excel and Visual Basic for
Applications capabilities was developed to serve as a decision support system within the
Departamento de Engenharia de Componentes of the case company OGMA.
Considering the analytical tools developed, two inputs such as:

• faulty parts diagnosed within the component.

• repair processes mapped to those parts.

can be selected by the user, enabling outputs to be automatically generated.

Finally, research and development of this database with a tree structure model was
developed using as reference the current OGMA’s solution as well as concepts applied to
related works. Moreover, validation of this concept was obtained by implementing it to two
verified components. Results show that this software can contribute to a more accurate,
faster, integrated and responsive solution in the MRO of components.

Key words: Components, MRO, Technical Data, Product Tree, Database with Tree Structure,
Decision Support System.


Os dados técnicos que suportam o Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (MRO) de

componentes são compostos por grandes quantidades de dados, uma vez que possuem uma
árvore de produto complexa com um número considerável de peças e configuração singular.
A solução apresentada nesta tese tem como propósito integrar os dados técnicos de
componentes, como sejam o PBS, ou seja, a identificação e descrição completa das peças e a
sua relação hierárquica dentro da árvore de produto do componente, e o WBS, ou seja, os
processos de desmontagem, reparação e montagem, numa base de dados com estrutura em
árvore. Que, posteriormente, combinada com ferramentas analíticas permitam a
correspondência entre todos os elementos constituintes desta base de dados.
Para alcançar tal solução, um programa, que usa Microsoft Excel e VBA, foi
desenvolvido no sentido de constituir um sistema de apoio à decisão no Departamento de
Engenharia de Componentes da empresa OGMA.
Considerando as ferramentas analíticas desenvolvidas, dois inputs, tais como:
• peças diagnosticadas como defeituosas no componente.
• processos de reparação associados a essas peças.
podem ser selecionados pelo utilizador, gerando outputs automaticamente.
Em conclusão, o desenvolvimento desta base de dados foi realizado tendo como
referência a solução atual adotada na empresa OGMA, assim como, conceitos aplicados em
trabalhos relacionados. Além disso, a validação deste conceito foi obtida através da
implementação do mesmo a dois componentes verificados. Os resultados mostram que este
software pode contribuir para uma solução mais precisa, rápida, integrada e adequada na
empresa considerando o MRO de componentes aeronáuticos.

Palavras-chave: Componentes Aeronáuticos, MRO, Dados Técnicos, Árvore de Produto, Base

de Dados com Estrutura em Árvore, Sistema de Apoio à Decisão.

Table of Contents
Agradecimentos ........................................................................................................................... i
Abstract....................................................................................................................................... ii
Resumo .......................................................................................................................................iii
Table of Contents ........................................................................................................................iv
Acronyms ................................................................................................................................... vii
List of Figures ............................................................................................................................ viii
List of Tables ................................................................................................................................x
1. Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 1
1.1. Background.............................................................................................................................. 1
1.2. Motivation ............................................................................................................................... 1
1.3. Proposal ................................................................................................................................... 2
1.4. Research Goals ........................................................................................................................ 3
1.5. Research Methodology ........................................................................................................... 3
1.6. Structure .................................................................................................................................. 7
2. Aerospace MRO Environment .............................................................................................. 8
2.1. Maintenance Concept and Perspectives ................................................................................. 8
2.2. A Description of the MRO Industry ......................................................................................... 8
2.2.1. The Aerospace MRO Industry.......................................................................................... 9

2.2.2. The Aerospace MRO Context .......................................................................................... 9

2.2.3. Aerospace MRO Processes as part of the Total Logistics System ................................. 10

2.2.4. Supply Chain in the Aerospace MRO Industry............................................................... 11

2.3. Aerospace MRO Goals ........................................................................................................... 12

2.3.1. Aircraft Maintenance Program Development ............................................................... 12

2.3.2. MRO Companies Goals .................................................................................................. 13

2.4. Characteristics of the Aerospace MRO Industry ................................................................... 15

2.4.1. Variability in Demand .................................................................................................... 15

2.4.2. Uncertainty in the work-scope ...................................................................................... 15

2.4.3. Uncertainty in Supply .................................................................................................... 15

2.4.4. Cannibalisation .............................................................................................................. 16

2.5. Aerospace MRO strategies .................................................................................................... 16

2.6. Aerospace MRO companies .................................................................................................. 17

2.6.1. Aerospace MRO companies’ categorization based on type-function ........................... 18

2.7. The Aerospace MRO market ................................................................................................. 20

3. MRO of Components ......................................................................................................... 21
3.1. Initial Considerations ............................................................................................................. 21
3.2. Technical Documentation ..................................................................................................... 21
3.2.1. ATA Chapters ................................................................................................................. 22

3.2.2. MRO Task Card .............................................................................................................. 24

3.3. On-Aircraft Performance ....................................................................................................... 24

3.4. Off-Aircraft maintenance support ......................................................................................... 25
3.4.1. Outline of MRO core processes ..................................................................................... 26

4. Maintenance Management in Aerospace MRO.................................................................. 29

4.1. Initial Considerations ............................................................................................................. 29
4.2. Business Applications ............................................................................................................ 30
4.3. Asset Maintenance Optimization .......................................................................................... 32
4.3.1. Key Issues and the need for multi-disciplinary approach ............................................. 32

4.4. Operations Management ...................................................................................................... 34

4.4.1. Maintenance Activities .................................................................................................. 34

4.5. Challenges in Maintenance Management ............................................................................ 36

4.6. Implementing Maintenance Management Solutions ........................................................... 37
4.6.1. E-maintenance............................................................................................................... 39

4.6.2. CMMS ............................................................................................................................ 39

4.6.3. The Role of R&D ............................................................................................................ 40

5. Concept and Prototype Development ................................................................................ 41

5.1. Problem identification ........................................................................................................... 41
5.1.1. PBS properties segmentation ........................................................................................ 41

5.1.2. WBS properties segmentation ...................................................................................... 43

5.1.3. Representative Sample.................................................................................................. 45

5.2. Concept Development and Data Gathering .......................................................................... 46

5.2.1. Theoretical Background................................................................................................. 47

5.2.2. Characteristics ............................................................................................................... 49

5.2.3. Virtual Concept .............................................................................................................. 52

5.3. Prototype Development ........................................................................................................ 55
5.3.1. Prototype Architecture.................................................................................................. 56

5.3.2. Template Design ............................................................................................................ 57

5.3.3. Implementing Chart Functionality................................................................................. 59

5.3.4. Implementing Analysis Functionality ............................................................................ 62

6. Results ............................................................................................................................... 67
6.1. Initial considerations ............................................................................................................. 67
6.2. Data analyzed ........................................................................................................................ 67
6.2.1. Template Database........................................................................................................ 67

6.2.2. Chart Functionality ........................................................................................................ 68

6.2.3. Analysis Functionality .................................................................................................... 68

6.2.4. Interpretation of Results ............................................................................................... 71

7. Conclusions and Future Work ............................................................................................ 72

7.1. Conclusion ............................................................................................................................. 72
7.2. Research Goals Qualitative Assessment ............................................................................... 73
7.3. Suggestions and Future Work ............................................................................................... 74
7.3.1. Integrate data analysis .................................................................................................. 74

7.3.2. Additional data .............................................................................................................. 75

7.3.3. Other data analysis ........................................................................................................ 76

8. References ......................................................................................................................... 77


AMTOSS. Aircraft Maintenance and Task Oriented Support System

ASSY. Assembly
ATA. Air Transport Association
CAGR. Compound Annual Growth Rate
CMM. Component Maintenance Manual
CMMS. Computerized Maintenance Management Solutions
EASA. European Aerospace Safety Agency
ICT. Information and Communication Technology
IMRBPB. International Maintenance Review Board Policy Board
IPWBS. Integrated Product and Work Breakdown Structure
IT. Information & Technology
MLG. Main Landing Gear
MPD. Maintenance Planning Documents/Database
MRB. Maintenance Review Board
MRO. Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul
MSG-3. Maintenance Steering Group
NAA. National Aerospace Authorities
NDI. Non-destructive inspections
NFF. No Fault Found
OEM. Original Equipment Manufacturer
OGMA. Indústria Aeronáutica de Portugal, S.A.
P/N. Part number
PBS. Product Breakdown Structure
R&D. Research & Development
RP. Repair
WBS. Work Breakdown Structure

List of Figures
Figure 1.1: Research Methodology. ........................................................................................... 4
Figure 1.2: Structure of the thesis.............................................................................................. 7
Figure 2.1: Layers of a Complex Socio-Technical System applied to a MRO company. ............ 9
Figure 2.2: Maintenance in context ......................................................................................... 10
Figure 2.3: Aerospace MRO as part of Logistics ....................................................................... 10
Figure 2.4: MRO services flow in the MRO industry ................................................................ 11
Figure 2.5: Regulatory compliance process in aircraft MRO.................................................... 13
Figure 2.6: Attainment of Aerospace MRO Companies Goals via Processes at each Layer .... 13
Figure 2.7: Global Air Transport Fleet and MRO Market ......................................................... 20
Figure 2.8: Global MRO Spend 2013 (Billion Euros) ................................................................. 20
Figure 3.1: ATA 100 Chapters ................................................................................................... 22
Figure 3.2: Hierarchy of ATA chapter 79, Oil system ............................................................... 23
Figure 3.3: AMTOSS Task Card. ................................................................................................ 24
Figure 3.4: Components according to ATA codes ................................................................... 25
Figure 3.5: Off-aircraft component repair/overhaul cycle....................................................... 26
Figure 3.6: General outline of repair/overhaul step ................................................................ 26
Figure 3.7: Repair/overhaul step phases ................................................................................. 27
Figure 4.1: Information flow and responsibilities distribution in MRO operations ................. 30
Figure 4.2: MRO IT software packages and its three core business capabilities ..................... 30
Figure 4.3: Stakeholders involved in the MRO of a component. ............................................. 32
Figure 4.4: Key issues involved in the MRO of a component................................................... 33
Figure 4.5: Operations management levels. ............................................................................ 34
Figure 4.6: Operations Management framework within a department of a MRO company. . 36
Figure 4.7: The aims of MRO measures for 2016..................................................................... 38
Figure 4.8: Criteria of Development in relation to later MRO measures................................. 38
Figure 5.1: Database properties segmentation for MLG ATA code 32-10-01 ......................... 41
Figure 5.2: PBS and WBS nodes shape property. ..................................................................... 47
Figure 5.3: Chart with tree structure. ...................................................................................... 48
Figure 5.4: Product-oriented chart with tree structure. .......................................................... 48
Figure 5.5: MRO Technical Data Management Solution. ......................................................... 49

Figure 5.6: Disassembly Process............................................................................................... 50
Figure 5.7: Repair Process. ....................................................................................................... 50
Figure 5.8: Database Hierarchy. ............................................................................................... 51
Figure 5.9: Assembly Process. .................................................................................................. 52
Figure 5.10: Repair Processes vertical location........................................................................ 52
Figure 5.11: Virtual Concept..................................................................................................... 53
Figure 5.12: Conceptual Model. ............................................................................................... 54
Figure 5.13: Prototype Model. ................................................................................................. 55
Figure 5.14: Prototype Excel Worksheets. ............................................................................... 56
Figure 5.15: Prototype Architecture. ....................................................................................... 57
Figure 5.16: Template database transformation into Block Chart Diagram. ........................... 59
Figure 5.17: Macro called for Chart drawing. .......................................................................... 59
Figure 5.18: Function ShowData. ............................................................................................. 60
Figure 5.19: Node shapes used for chart drawing. .................................................................. 61
Figure 5.20: Function ConnectAllShapes.................................................................................. 61
Figure 5.21: Analysis Functionality. .......................................................................................... 62
Figure 5.22: “Analysis” worksheet interface steps. ................................................................. 62
Figure 5.23: Functions developed for the “Analysis” worksheet interface. ............................ 63
Figure 5.24: Step 1 selection example. .................................................................................... 64
Figure 5.25: Step 2 selection example. .................................................................................... 65
Figure 5.26: Step 3 outputs. ..................................................................................................... 66
Figure 5.27: Step 4 output........................................................................................................ 66
Figure 6.1: Program’s execution time. ..................................................................................... 68
Figure 6.2: Scenario 1: INPUT 1, INPUT 2, OUTPUT 1 and OUTPUT 2. ..................................... 69
Figure 6.3: Scenario 2: INPUT 1, INPUT 2, OUTPUT 1 and OUTPUT 2. ..................................... 69
Figure 6.4: OUTPUT 3 for Scenario 1 and 2. ............................................................................. 70
Figure 6.5: Applicability of prototype program to the case company OGMA. ........................ 71
Figure 7.1: Suggestion 1. .......................................................................................................... 75
Figure 7.2: Suggestion 2. .......................................................................................................... 76
Figure 7.3: Suggestion 3. .......................................................................................................... 76

List of Tables
Table 2.1: MRO Companies examples by MRO-type Functions. ............................................. 19
Table 5.1: PBS properties segmentation. ................................................................................. 41
Table 5.2: Group property associated with maintenance group ASSY. ................................... 42
Table 5.3: Group property associated with maintenance group SYSTEMATIC........................ 42
Table 5.4: Group property associated with maintenance group SYSTEMATIC & NDI+TRAT... 42
Table 5.5: Group property associated with maintenance group “NDI+TRAT”. ....................... 43
Table 5.6: Group property associated with maintenance group “VISUAL INSP”..................... 43
Table 5.7: Level property of an example part belonging to Level 1. ....................................... 43
Table 5.8: Level property of an example part belonging to Level 2. ....................................... 43
Table 5.9: Level property of an example part belonging to Level 3. ....................................... 43
Table 5.10: Level property of an example part belonging to Level 4. ..................................... 43
Table 5.11: WBS properties standardization. .......................................................................... 44
Table 5.12: Updated version for WBS properties segmentation. ............................................ 45
Table 5.13: PBS properties of Example Parts. .......................................................................... 45
Table 5.14: WBS properties of Example Parts.......................................................................... 46
Table 5.15: Natural Properties and Relations between WBS and PBS nodes.......................... 47
Table 5.16: Six segmented node’s IPWBS database structure................................................. 57
Table 5.17: Template database implementation for representative sample. ......................... 58
Table 5.19: Function ParentsList. ............................................................................................. 61
Table 5.20: Function GenerateChildsList. ................................................................................ 62
Table 6.1: Template database’s row data entries for performed replications. ....................... 67

1. Introduction
1.1. Background
Data, data integration, information, maintenance management, eMaintenance and
Computerized Maintenance Management Solutions (CMMS) are terms and concepts which
are considered to include modern day efficient MRO of assets such as components [1]. Data
is everywhere, on the other hand, “well managed information can be used to streamline
processes and give real time alternatives to stakeholders” [1].

Nowadays, more than ever, the aerospace sector is strictly regulated and modern
aircrafts are complex technical systems [2]. In fact, airworthiness regulators for civil aircrafts
oblige excellence in operations with strict control procedures [2]. Since 2003, European
Aerospace Safety Agency (EASA) is responsible for the certification of aircrafts in the European
Union [3].

However, the major challenge modern aircrafts face is related to MRO services,
essentially and considering the increasing data flow and systems complexity [2]. In fact,
although modern aircrafts are equipped with a variety of Information and Communication
Technology (ICT) solutions and multiplied computerized functions [2], the support system to
services and functions like maintenance programs, maintenance plans, task cards, defect
diagnosis support, amendment services, health and usage monitoring and operational
feedback are at a low level of development [2]. MRO companies face challenges to increase
productiveness in complex technical systems with multiple products and increasingly stringent
requirements while improving quality delivery [2]. The MRO business environment has an
opportunity to become increasingly digital with the development of Information & Technology
(IT) [1].

1.2. Motivation
One improvement to maintenance management systems is the development of
software solutions, also known as computer packages, that target different core variables of
the MRO process, the scope ranges from Labor, Asset, Materials and Work Management to
Preventive Maintenance. In fact, such solutions integrate the blocks of what is called a CMMS

CMMS solutions have evolved over the last three decades from elementary asset
tracking and preventive maintenance functionality, to diverse enterprise maintenance
information systems [4]. However, far too often companies will purchase standard CMMS
software packages with the expectation that their MRO business will instantly operate more
efficiently [4]. Nonetheless, CMMS can only provide to you what you put into it. Therefore,
only by defining what functionality is required to enable or facilitate and documenting all
existing variables, it is possible to define the role and the need for a CMMS solution [1].
Besides, developing solutions that focus on specific segments, i.e. asset and work

management must consider the company’s needs and characteristics, only then,
implementation of such solutions can promote competitive advantage and economic value to
the company [4].

Finally, and considering the internship done on Departamento de Engenharia de

Componentes of the case company Indústria Aeronáutica de Portugal, S.A. (OGMA), the
author was in an advantageous position and had all the necessary data to develop a needed
solution for a problem perceived by the company on asset technical data management, that
focused primarily in components such as landing gears.

1.3. Proposal
Once the current component’s MRO technical data management solution was
presented, it was clear that it only considered technical data storage. Such solution did not
allow for efficient decision-making when met with MRO projects. In fact, efficient decision-
making is only possible by access to the right information, or at least, to more information.
Since then, this problem became the background of the research for a computerized solution
implementation in this specific segment, i.e. asset technical data management, for the case
company OGMA.

Moreover, an asset, and considering the case of a component, consists of hundreds or

even thousands of parts with convoluted product tree. Moreover, and considering a MRO
project, it has repair, assembly and disassembly processes that span throughout its product
tree structure, thus creating a complex database. Therefore, transforming this kind of data
into information must consider mathematical models that can be later implemented into
computerized functions. In turn, mathematical models can only emerge when standards for
the process of data entry are established. This steps alone will allow data insertion and
systematization to be made more efficient and less propitious to error.

Furthermore, adding capabilities such as enabling visualization of the component’s

product tree on a chart with tree structure, and by that, allowing data manipulation, e.g.
automatic mapping between parts and repair processes should allow the user, i.e. the
Maintenance Engineer, more information when planning the MRO of a component.

The following modules supported the necessity for this prototype program
development in the case company OGMA [5]. In section 1.4, these modules will be further
developed and research goals will be set for each.

1. Asset Data Management.

2. Work Order System-Scheduling/Planning.

1.4. Research Goals
Firstly, and considering all existing variables in the MRO activity, the actual data
requirements need to be determined [5]:

• Identification and characterization of the assets that are going to be tracked, and the
technical data that needs to be collected for each.
• Implementation of new mapping strategies to the technical data collected, considering
what would be an upgrade to the current MRO technical data management solution
of the case company OGMA.
• Determination of what types of analysis will be performed, and the supporting
technical data required for each.
Once the requirements have been defined, a checklist can be compiled to set research
goals that will later rate the functionality of the prototype program under development. The
following list identifies specific fields and functionalities that are expected to be impacted
positively using this solution [4], [5]:
Asset Data Management

• Component’s parts data (part number, description).

• Component’s PBS hierarchy (part number, location on product tree, component’s root
part and its children parts are listed).
• Component’s parts mapping with repair processes (part number, description, repair
processes standardization).
• Faulty parts identification on the database with tree structure (displays repair
processes for each part).

Work Order System- Scheduling/Planning

• Compilation and storage of asset’s MRO technical data, integration of its parts (PBS)
and processes (WBS).
• Support specific MRO projects.
• Accounts for priority of work when generating Task Cards.

To sum up, the implementation of this solution, based on the conceptual model
developed aims to enhance the MRO capability at a tactical and operational level of the case
company OGMA, by creating a new decision support system for the Departamento de
Engenharia de Componentes.

1.5. Research Methodology

The prototype program developed and literature research conducted throughout this
thesis followed steps accordingly to the flowchart depicted in Figure 1.1. In fact, a R&D project
must follow strict steps to achieve its full validation and implementation [6].

The first step to any R&D project is problem identification and definition [6]. Problem
identification was achieved through direct observation and examination of diverse archives
within the company along with information found in literature review. The knowledge
gathered was important to achieve the conceptual model for the case study in hands. A brief
description of each step depicted in Figure 1.1 and its interactions follows:

Figure 1.1: Research Methodology.

1. Problem identification

The problem emerges from the perception of a need from the company, engineer or
any stakeholder involved in the system [6]. It is imperative that the problem described is
understood by the entity that develops the study of the system and by the entity that
identified it, in other words, it must be ensured the comprehension of the total nature of the
problem and the research goals for all stakeholders involved. Furthermore, the problem

identified must be defined in such a way that an exact and concise representation can be
obtained, including a detailed description of the study’s goals, outputs intended, scenarios
that must be analysed and decisions that must be taken [7].

2. Object identification and research range

Once the problem is defined, a broad subject coupled with some keywords initializes
literature research. In this case some keywords like ‘CMMS’, ‘component MRO’, ‘complex
systems maintenance’, ‘aerospace MRO’ and ‘product tree’ were defined as the initial
research gap. This ensures the attainment of a broad knowledge considering the environment
where the system is being developed.
3. Literature Research

From the research gap defined previously, broader information was gathered and
compiled from various sources such as websites, articles, journals and books. Throughout
literature research the information obtained, enabled the constantly narrowing of the
research range.

Literature research may have implications in the initial problem identification by

adding or excluding research goals to the previously conceived case study. Furthermore,
knowledge gained from information gathering allowed better decision-making when
developing the conceptual model.

4. Conceptual model development and data gathering

A conceptual model is an abstraction of the real system that involves mathematical

and logical relations that represent the elements and structure of the system. Initially, the
model should be simple and detail must be added along its development [6].

The representation of a system through a conceptual model ensures a better

comprehension of the system’s details so it can be later developed and adapted to the case
study. The degree of complexity of the conceptual model must be proportional to the quality
of data available and to the necessary degree of validation [6].

5. Prototype Development

After concept development, it is necessary to gather and analyse data of the real
system to specify the model in what relates to its input. The development of a prototype
solution is an iterative process that should interact permanently with data input gathering and
the conceptual model conceived previously. If the complexity of the conceptual model shifts
throughout prototype development, it can be convenient to set some performance measures,
create output variables or even collect new data inputs for the system [8]. Prototype
development is one of the main purposes of this thesis, in fact, it is the only way to fully
demonstrate the viability of the conceptual model designed.

6. Validation
Validation should be done iteratively during the study, but there are some set
moments in a simulation study that validation as preeminent impact. If the concept and
prototype development are done with the participation of entities familiarized with the
system and if there was interaction with the final user, the conceptual model is credible and
valid [6]. Validation can also be conducted through analysis of the outputs gathered from the
developed program, and if they can be properly applied to the case study company OGMA to
generate new and valuable information.

7. Perform Replications
For the case study in-hands it is necessary to elaborate diverse replications that allow
the prototype solution to obtain different outputs. In fact, replications to different
components, combined with different MRO project scenarios for the same component,
presents new variables and challenges that were not considered previously, this will
strengthen the prototype produced or even consider changes to the conceptual model

8. Analysis of data input and output

The analysis of results obtained can be carried by using a variety of tools such as:
statistical analysis, graphical and even, analyzes of sensitivity, capacity and logistics. The goal
is to build confidence intervals for a given measure of performance and to identify changes to
be made for a concrete improvement in performance [6].

9. Documentation of the study and results

The study documentation involves the progress documentation of the prototype

model and the simulation study. The documentation of the simulation model is relevant if it
is to be used again by other entities. It is important to understand how the simulation model
works in case it must be modified or analyzed for another performance measure. The
documentation of the progress of the simulation study is relevant because it records the
chronological order of the work performed and the decisions that were taken along the way

10. Conclusion and Suggestion

After validation is obtained through analysis of data input and output while in
interaction with the program, conclusions and suggestions can be given related to how far the
concept was applied and the potentialities it uncovered.

1.6. Structure
The systematic writing of this thesis is conducted according to chapters. The structure
of the thesis is shown in Figure 1.2.
Chapter 1-This chapter contains background theme setting, motivation, proposal,
research goals, research methodology, and structure of the thesis. Chapter 2- This section is
a literature review of aerospace MRO. A summarized overview of concepts, processes,
characteristics, regulations, goals and networks between different stakeholders within the
aerospace MRO sector. Chapter 3- This chapter goes more in detail on the subject matter of
components’ MRO and their particularities within the aerospace MRO sector. Chapter 4- This
chapter handles the maintenance management of an asset in aerospace MRO and the
concepts and perspectives connected to this work, i.e. the aircraft MRO processes along with
challenges and solutions found in the aerospace MRO sector. Chapter 5- This chapter
introduces the case company current solution, explains theories used in this research, i.e. the
used methods on the conceptual model designed and prototype development. Chapter 6- This
chapter reveals some results already achieved from the program prototype developed.
Chapter 7- In this chapter, the theoretical framework and the research goals identified for the
program development will be discussed and assessed. This chapter also compiles some
suggestions that might be implemented in the scope of this project.

Figure 1.2: Structure of the thesis, adapted from [1].

2. Aerospace MRO Environment
2.1. MRO Concept and Perspectives
“MRO is a broad, complex and high-performance concept” [1]. In fact, MRO is meant
to keep an asset in condition and reliable, thus aerospace MRO activity has direct impact in
terms of air operators’ productivity [1]. Also, MRO services should be produced in such a way
that the customer is satisfied and the relationship between cost, time and quality is as
advantageous as possible for all stakeholders involved [1].

“Traditional perception of maintenance is usually to ‘fix’ broken items” [9]. However,

taking such a narrow view limits the understanding of MRO functions to reactive activities
alone [9]. This type of MRO operation is often referred to as corrective maintenance.

On the other hand, a different approach provides a more comprehensive way of

understanding MRO, as the “set of activities required to keep physical assets in the desired
operating condition or to restore them to this condition” [10]. This approach to MRO is more
proactive and considers proactive tasks such as routine servicing, periodic inspection,
overhaul, modification, preventive replacement and health-monitoring [9]. These activities
are a combination of technical and corresponding administrative, managerial, supervisory and
oversight activities. Besides, other entities such as the Maintenance Engineering Society of
Australia adopt a similar perspective which suggests that MRO is “the engineering decisions
and associated actions necessary and sufficient for the optimization of specified capability”.
“Capability in this definition is the ability to perform a specific function within a range of
performance levels that may relate to capacity, rate, quality and responsiveness” [9]. This type
of MRO operation is often referred to as preventive maintenance.

To restore the capability of an asset, MRO must do some additional activities, besides
the reparation itself, such as: work planning, material purchasing control, personnel
management, and quality control. The series of tasks and activities that must be done can
make aerospace MRO become a complex function to be managed [5].

To sum up, whatever the perspective, the MRO industry as a whole is responsible for
the provision of a fully serviceable aircraft when required by the operator at a competitive

2.2. A Description of the MRO Industry

Different forces guide the MRO operation, these forces are requirements and
networks that MRO stakeholders need to deal with for smoother operation [10]. This section
aims to obtain a representative system of the MRO industry and the identification of its
processes and characteristics.

2.2.1. The Aerospace MRO Industry

To identify best practices within the MRO system, a better understanding of how this
industry is organized must be gathered. Making use of reference [11] cognitive engineering
framework, reference [12] states that a MRO company falls into the definition of a complex
socio-technical system. Reference [13] by means of Figure 2.1 shows the breakdown of such
a system into its various layers.

Figure 2.1: Layers of a Complex Socio-Technical System applied to an Aerospace MRO

company, adapted from [13].

In the core of the complex socio-technical system lies the technical system, which is
the aircraft or components. Above the technical system, maintenance personnel, engineers
and other workers form the next layer. The physical infrastructure layer is formed by MRO
companies such as OGMA. Beyond that, the environment represents government, policies and
regulatory authorities [13].

Ultimately, the breakdown of a complex socio-technical system into these layers

clarifies what constitutes the MRO system and allows identification of what contributes to the
success or failure of the MRO system.

2.2.2. The Aerospace MRO Context

From another perspective, the key objective of aerospace MRO as an industry is “total
asset life cycle optimization” [10], in other words, maximizing the availability and reliability of
the assets in a timely manner. Obviously, this goal must be attained in a cost-effective way
and in accordance with environmental and safety regulations. Figure 2.2 shows that in this
business context, i.e. aerospace MRO, the MRO function needs to cope with multiple forces
and requirements within and outside the walls of the MRO company. In fact, “the tasks of
maintenance are complex, enclosing a blend of management, technology, operations and
logistics support elements” [10].

Figure 2.2: Maintenance in context, adapted from [10].
To cope with and to coordinate the complex and changing characteristics that
constitute MRO in the first place, a management layer is imperative. Management is about
“what to decide” and “how to decide” [10]. Technology refers to the physical assets which
MRO should support with adequate equipment and tools. Operations indicate the
combination of service MRO interventions. Finally, the logistics element supports the MRO
activities in planning, coordinating and ultimately delivering, resources like spare parts,
personnel and tools [10].

2.2.3. Aerospace MRO Processes as part of the Total Logistics System

Figure 2.3 aims to further describe the relationship depicted in Figure 2.2 between
Logistics and Operations, that entail sub-processes such as Supply, Engineering and
Maintenance. The range of logistical activities includes acquisition, distribution of supplies,
maintenance of assets and engineering [13].

Figure 2.3: Aviation MRO as part of Logistics, adapted from [13].

Logistics and operations are separate entities, but they are mutually dependent.
Usually, operational goals and activities will determine logistics requirements. Within logistics,
supply and engineering are separate divisions. The engineering layer is generally associated
with a more cognitive nature that involves decision-making involved in MRO action, and
requires IT solutions to increase its efficiency. Within engineering, maintenance is usually
associated with more hands-on activities, which includes definition of tasks such as servicing,
repairs, and modifications. Supply involves the provisioning, storage, distribution and

transportation of material in the system. Just as logistics and operations are mutually
dependent, supply and maintenance are also closely linked in the way that maintenance
activities determine spare parts requirements, while supply delivers upon these requirements.
Also as components or parts are serviced or repaired, they are fed back into the system via
supply activities [13].

It is important to note that the relationships between operations and logistics and
between maintenance and supply are more than just links. Just as operations cannot be
sustained without the support of logistics, neither can maintenance go on without supplies.
In this situation, it can be stated that the success and efficiency of the aerospace MRO system
depends, to some extent, on the supply chain.

2.2.4. Supply Chain in the Aerospace MRO Industry

The supply chain in the aerospace MRO industry is complex. Each component that
constitutes an aircraft must be certified by the airworthiness authorities, which define strict
requirements to guarantee safety. Due to the elevated level of requirements to qualify a
supplier, there is a very limited number of companies authorized to provide parts and services
in the MRO industry which results in a lack of options when negotiating commercial

Figure 2.4 reflects the above scenario, showing production and spare parts and the
MRO services flow in the MRO industry. Essentially, there are four stakeholders in an
aerospace MRO system: sub tier suppliers or system suppliers, aircraft Original Equipment
Manufacturer (OEM), customers (e.g. airlines) and MRO companies also known as Repair
Shops [14].

Figure 2.4: MRO services flow in the MRO industry, adapted from [14].

2.3. Aerospace MRO Goals
Aerospace MRO companies like OGMA cover tasks and actions due to return or keep
an aircraft’s systems, i.e. components, or structures in airworthy condition. Considering this,
there are three main reasons for aircraft MRO [1]:

1. Operational: To keep the aircraft in a serviceable and reliable condition to generate

revenue for the air operator, e.g. airline.

2. Value Retention: To maintain the current and future value of the aircraft by
minimizing the physical deterioration of the aircraft throughout its life, also known as, asset
life-cycle optimization.

3. Regulatory Requirements: The condition and MRO of aircrafts is regulated by the

aerospace authorities of the jurisdiction in which the aircraft is registered. Such requirements
establish standards for repair, periodic overhauls, and alteration by requiring that the
operator establishes an airworthiness maintenance and inspection program to be carried out
by MRO companies qualified to issue an airworthiness certificate.

2.3.1. Aircraft Maintenance Program Development

The International Maintenance Review Board Policy Board (IMRBPB) is a body set up
by aerospace regulatory authorities and agencies (also known as National Aerospace
Authorities – (NAA), in this case EASA represents the countries in the European Union) for the
continuing development of policies, procedures and guidance in the performance of
Maintenance Review Board (MRB) process, and in the application of the Maintenance Steering
Group (MSG-3) logic as part of these MRB process [15]. In addition to promoting
harmonisation between the NAAs, the IMRBPB advocates the standardisation of MRB policy
and procedures through a structured forum for discussions, leading to the development of
international policy regarding MRB activities [15].

The MSG-3 logic process is an industry document published by Airlines for America
(A4A) that is used by every major transport category aircraft OEM (fixed wing and rotorcraft)
to develop initial scheduled maintenance tasks that become the MRB Report for that aircraft
type [15]. The OEM uses this outcome to provide airlines with a recommended maintenance
plan, which is called Maintenance Planning Documents/Database (MPD). In turn, the airlines
create their own maintenance plans based on the MPD and subsequently schedule their MRO
operations, this process is depicted in Figure 2.5. Thus, any aircraft is maintained using
approved maintenance programs [2] that ensure their continuing airworthiness and reliability
[15], hence the process is prescriptive, in other words, this means that no matter where the
MRO is performed the process remains the same for the same aircraft type.

Figure 2.5: Regulatory compliance process in aircraft maintenance, adapted from [2]

The MSG-3 refers to the recommended aircraft maintenance process as “Task

Oriented”, meaning that the entire sets of tasks are defined from beginning to end [2]. Thus,
an engineer cannot carry out a task on an aircraft without defining and getting the task
approved beforehand. The MRB followed by the aircraft OEM specifies and even mandates
the MRO processes, down to the task level [2].

There is currently a three-year revision cycle for the MSG-3. This revision cycle is
maintained to implement new interpretations and to ensure new and emerging technologies
are captured, while not overloading the revision cycle of the NAAs’ regulatory framework or
creating a burden on aircrafts OEMs [15].

With this aircraft regulatory compliance process, i.e. MSG-3, has defined four
measurable goals [2]:

1. To ensure realisation of the inherent safety and reliability levels of the aircraft.
2. To restore safety and reliability to their inherent levels when deterioration has
3. To obtain the information necessary for design improvement of those items whose
inherent reliability proves inadequate.
4. To accomplish these goals at a minimum total cost, including maintenance costs and
the costs of resulting failures.

2.3.2. MRO Companies Goals

Figure 2.6, shows the link between the MRO system applied to MRO companies
depicted in Figure 2.1 and its goals.

Figure 2.6: Attainment of Aviation MRO Companies Goals via Processes at each Layer,
adapted from [13].

At the technical layer, good engineering design and appropriate use of IT systems is
the basis by which safety, availability and economic goals are attained [13]. At the topmost
layer, the government relies upon legislation, policies, and regulations to attain MRO system
goals. At the middle two layers, best practices form the vehicle by which the above system
goals are attained. According to reference [16], a best practice is “a superior method or
innovative practice that contributes to the improved performance of an organization”. In the
context of the MRO system, achieving “improved performance” can be understood as
attaining and exceeding safety, availability and economic goals [13].

Availability Goals

MRO is performed by a company as part of the logistics effort to support ongoing

operations. For commercial airlines, an aircraft that is unavailable to fly when it is scheduled
will cause delays or cancellations, which ultimately affects revenues [13]. Availability goals
strongly influence MRO practises and processes. To achieve a high level of availability, MRO
companies try to minimize downtime through various means. Aircraft “Mean down time” is
the period that an aircraft is not in operation due to malfunctions, and it can be broken down
into 3 components [13].

• Mean Time to Repair

• Logistics Delay Time
• Administrative Delay Time

Mean time to repair is simply the amount of time needed to bring an asset back into
working conditions. Logistics delay time is the delay time associated with activities like
transporting the asset to and from the depot, bringing spare parts to and from inventory or
even packaging and handling the asset. Administrative delay time refers to time spent on all
other support functions like work planning and other administrative procedures [13].

It can be stated that reduction in any of these components contributes to reduced

“Mean Down Time”. Considering the reduction of administrative and logistics delay time, it
depends on streamlining of procedures and efficient generation of task cards and decision
support tools for maintenance managers [13].

Safety Goals

Maintenance can bring about a high level of availability, but safety is equally
important. Besides allowing an aircraft to continue operations, maintenance also reduces the
risk of failures and hazards to operational personnel. An MRO system that neglects safety of
operations is simply an unsuccessful system [13].

Economic Goals

The incurring of operational costs for maintenance is inevitable, and the reduction of
costs is another major driving factor for the MRO companies to improve MRO practices. As
discussed, the safe transportation of passengers for profit is the main goal of any airline, and
reducing maintenance costs without compromising safety will contribute to achieving this
goal [13]. Generally, reduction in downtime, i.e. increasing availability, has related cost
savings. From another point of view, efficient operations mean that more is accomplished with
less, hence saving both time and money [13].

2.4. Characteristics of the Aerospace MRO Industry

This section seeks to outline the distinct characteristics of the MRO industry within a
MRO company. The MRO industry is characterised by challenges such as demand variability,
uncertainty in the work-scope (and material requirements), unpredictability and complex flow
paths and limited technical data [9]. Another unique characteristic of the MRO industry is what
is referred to as cannibalisation. Whilst these challenges are not limited to the MRO industry
as they are indeed presented in all manufacturing context, they are more pronounced within
the aerospace MRO context.

2.4.1. Variability in Demand

Variability in demand is more pronounced in the MRO context since it is impossible to

predict with utmost certainty when an asset will require MRO. However, many MRO
companies work with scheduled MRO of assets, where customers demand can be predicted
more confidently even though the exact work content may not be known when the asset
arrives for its MRO operations [9].

2.4.2. Uncertainty in the work-scope

Work-content definition in the MRO process often takes place within the context of
the on-going MRO process. This ad-hoc work content definition results in uncertain demand
and schedules for the support MRO companies as well, which leads to unpredictable response
times. Furthermore, these support service companies often deal with unplanned repairs for
which adequate tooling and work standards are often unavailable. Lacking adequate checklist
of work instructions for such unanticipated repairs often results to trail-and-error approaches.
Quite often, these companies must share their resources across multiples requests from
different facilities, which often lead to priority changes and multitasking use of these
resources [9].

2.4.3. Uncertainty in Supply

Uncertainties within the MRO company propagate upwards along the MRO supply
chain, resulting in unpredictable response times from external tier suppliers as well, as

depicted in Figure 2.4. Faced with an uncertain demand, these suppliers are often unprepared
to cater to customer demands, especially because they, in turn, must order the raw materials
from sources that require long lead times [9]. The problem is aggravated because the demand
for these products is typically low, which tend to make them economically infeasible for the
supplier or the customer to maintain an inventory of these components.

2.4.4. Cannibalisation

A practice unique to MRO companies is cannibalisation. Cannibalisation is the practice

of removing modular components from an aircraft undergoing MRO and using them on
another aircraft perceived as needing it more urgently. Cannibalisation takes place because of
the pressures to meet asset readiness. It also occurs because of shortcomings in the supply
chain system.

Cannibalisation is commonplace in MRO operations. Maintenance managers typically

resort to this practice when faced with the lack of available spare parts and unpredictable lead
times without considering the total cost of their decision [9]. From a system perspective,
however, cannibalisation leads to several problems in the long run. A major and often
overlooked problem is that cannibalisation often avoids highlighting problems in the supply
chain that should be rectified. Furthermore, cannibalisation often goes unrecorded, creating
more problems than solutions for the company [9].

2.5. Aerospace MRO strategies

In accordance with reference [2] there are two types of maintenance: scheduled
maintenance and unscheduled maintenance. Following section 2.3.1 and in the context of
aircraft MRO, a sequence of routine preventive maintenance activity, which constitute the
process of proactively achieving continued airworthiness, is carried out [17]. In fact, any new
aircraft type OEM must submit its Scheduled Maintenance Requirements to EASA for approval
in accordance with MSG-3 [18]. Reference [18] presents a table with EASA approved
Manufacturer Scheduled Maintenance by aircraft type.

The aircraft is out of service during scheduled maintenance. Scheduled maintenance

and inspections consists of several checks such as ‘transit’, ‘A’, ‘C’, and ‘D’ checks [2] and their
content depends on the age of the aircraft, the number of hours it has flown, the number of
take-offs and landings and requirements set by aerospace regulations [19]. Within scheduled
maintenance, and considering the checks previously stated it is possible to classify them as
either “On-aircraft maintenance” or “Off-aircraft maintenance” [2].

On-aircraft maintenance is commonly called line maintenance and is performed on or

in the aircraft itself and is done without taking the aircraft out of operation, this includes
’transit’ and ‘A’ checks [2].

• ‘Transit’ checks include, e.g. inspections to wheels, brakes and fluid levels (oil,
hydraulics) plus, any running repairs perceived as needed through data gathered from
on-board sensors [19].
• ‘A’ checks are done every eight to 10 weeks, filters will be changed, key systems (like
hydraulics in the ‘control surfaces’ that steer the aircraft) will be lubricated and a
detailed inspection of all the emergency equipment (like inflatable slides) is
completed. A typical ‘A’ Check on a B737 takes between six and 24 hours [19].

Off-aircraft maintenance also known as heavy maintenance entails the overhaul of

systems removed from the aircraft which means that the aircraft is temporarily put out-of-
service [2]. Heavy maintenance happens every 18 months to six years depending on the
aircraft type and age [19].

• ‘C’ check happens every 18 months to two years (depending on the aircraft type) and
usually takes three weeks [19].
• ‘D’ check also known as a C4 or C8 check depending on the aircraft type. This check is
performed usually every six years and the entire aircraft is basically dismantled and
put back together. Everything in the cabin is taken out so engineers can inspect the
metal skin of the aircraft, inside out. The engines are taken off, the landing gear is
removed and overhauled with the aircraft supported on massive jacks. All the aircraft
systems are taken apart, checked, repaired or replaced and reinstalled [19].

On the other hand, unscheduled maintenance is needed in the event of a breakdown.

Such MRO actions are more definitive and thus requiring extensive testing, adjusting and often
a replacement or overhaul of parts or modular components [2]. The main challenge for aircraft
MRO engineers is to keep the aircraft air-worthy without any operation interruptions. Hence,
in theory, an aircraft should visit a MRO company only when planned.

2.6. Aerospace MRO companies

Normally the structure of a company follows its strategy. However, in the case of
aerospace MRO the core structure of the company is mandated by EASA [20]. This does not
imply that all the MRO companies will look the same, but the core departments must be
organised According to Commission Regulation (EU) 748/2012 [21].

Companies that design aircrafts, changes to aircraft, repairs to aircrafts and parts and
other appliances need to fulfil the requirements as defined in Annex 1 (which is called “Part
21”). Such companies need to demonstrate that they have the right procedures, competencies
and resources [21].The holder of the Design Organization Approval also called “Part 21” is
entitled to design in accordance with the applicable type-certification basis, operational
suitability data certification basis and environmental protection requirements, which defines
the scope of work allowed for each MRO company, in this case and considering company
OGMA, reference [22] shows the Part 21-Approval.

Furthermore, it is also important to note that not all maintenance facilities are
classified as MRO companies. What identifies an MRO company is determined by an approval
known as the “Part 145 Approval”. Within the Part 145 Approval is also a Class and Rating
structure which further categorises MRO operations based on capabilities and specialities of
the company [9]. Reference [23] shows the Part 145- Approval for company OGMA which
approves the MRO company to maintain products, parts and appliances listed in the attached
Approval Schedule.

2.6.1. Aerospace MRO companies’ categorization based on type-function

MRO companies are usually specialised in the type of MRO they perform [9]. Within
each Class structure is also a Rating system which further details specific assets that the MRO
company is approved to support, Table 2.1 enumerates some MRO companies’ examples
within this Class Structure [23]. The MRO-type functions can be broadly categorised into the
following [9]: (see reference [23])

Class: Aircrafts (A)

Rating: e.g. Rating A1 refers to aircrafts whose take-off weight or mass exceeds 5,700
kg, Rating A3 refers to Helicopters [23].

Limitation: Refers to the aircraft types supported by the MRO company. Also, defines
if the MRO company supports both line and heavy maintenance for that specific aircraft type.

• Line Maintenance: This function involves the routine maintenance of the aircraft,
as described in section 2.5. MRO companies within this category can also carry out
minor repairs as advised/required by the aircraft OEM [9].

• Heavy Maintenance: entails scheduled checks, i.e. ‘C’ and ‘D’ as stated in section
2.5, modifications to the aircraft or aircraft systems by an airworthiness directive
or engineering order, special inspections mandated by the airline or EASA, painting
of the aircraft and aircraft interior modifications [9].

Class: Engines (B).

Rating: e.g. Rating B1 refers to Turbine Engines [23].

Limitation: Refers to types of engines supported by the MRO company.

• Engine Overhaul: This ranges from routine service checks to local repairs and
complete overhaul of the engines. It is potentially the largest sector within this
industry and depending on the nature of the repair carried out, this can either be
done whilst the engine is still mounted on the aircraft or at an approved MRO
facility [9].

Components, other than Complete engine or APU (C).

Rating: e.g. Rating C14 refers to Landing Gears, Rating C16 refers to Rotors.

Limitation: In accordance with approved capability list of PART 145 MOE (Components
Capabilities List)

• Component Overhaul: This usually involves the overhaul of all other parts not
categorised under Engine Overhaul. These range from Landing Gears and Rotors to
Structures and other, see reference [23]. All tasks exceeding the advised remit of
Line maintenance will usually require more detailed investigation and work input
rendering the component unserviceable until the required MRO operations have
been correctly carried out [9].

o Avionics is a sub-category within Components: MRO companies within this

category specialise mainly in the overhaul of the aircraft’s avionics and
associated components. Avionics are typically the various electronic
components and systems developed under several types of disciplines such
as Sensors, Communication and Navigation Devices, Lights and others [9].

Specialized Services (D).

Rating: e.g. Rating D1 refers to Non-destructive inspections (NDI) [23].

Limitations: Considering the case company OGMA, the processes allowed range from:
fluorescent penetrant liquids to magnetic particles.

Table 2.1: MRO Companies examples by MRO-type Functions, adapted from [9].

Sector Examples
Line Scandinavian Aircraft Maintenance (Norway);
Maintenance SIA Engineering (Singapore), OGMA [23]
AAR Corporation (Global, HQ Illinois, USA); SR
Aircraft (A)
Heavy Technics (Global HQ Switzerland, Zurich); ST
Maintenance Aerospace (Global, HQ Singapore); GE (HQ US),
OGMA [23]
Lufthansa Technique (Hamburg, Germany);
Engine (B)
Rolls Royce (HQ UK)
Hawker Pacific Aerospace (UK/USA); APPH
Components, other Components
(UK); Ameco (China), OGMA [23]
than Complete engine
Honeywell (Global), Selex Galileo Global
or APU (C) Avionics
(Italy/UK), OGMA [23]
Specialized Services (D) OGMA [23]

2.7. The Aerospace MRO market

Maintaining an aircraft is potentially a money-making business. It is predicted that by

2018 the number of aircrafts flying across the globe will be around 28 000 [2]. This is supported
by reference [24], and depicted in Figure 2.7, which states that in 2013 the active air transport
fleet consisted of 27,052 aircrafts, generating a global MRO market of 48.1 billion euros.

Figure 2.7: Global Air Transport Fleet and MRO Market, adapted from [24].

The Global MRO Market, in 2013 was at 48.1 billion euros and is expected to grow to
69 billion euros by 2022, a 4.1% Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) [24] as shown in
Figure 2.8. Growth outlook reflects the blended impact of [24]:

• fleet and utilisation growth,

• typically, higher cost/event,
• improvements in reliability
• fleet age demographics.


Figure 2.8: Global MRO Spend 2013 (Billion Euros), adapted from [24].

3. MRO of Components
In the field of aerospace MRO, a component is defined as “any self-contained part,
combination of parts, subassemblies or units, which perform a distinctive function necessary
to the operation of a system” [25].

3.1. Initial Considerations

Generally, maintaining a component does not require the rigor of other aircraft
maintenance fields. In fact, the MRO of components does not have to follow the rule of “if
removed – unserviceable” [2], this can happen when components are given No Fault Found
(NFF) score, later explained in section 3.3. However, component’s MRO is like other aircraft
maintenance fields on the following counts [2]:

• The maintenance is strictly carried out as specified in the OEM manuals, i.e. Air
Transport Association (ATA) chapters, explained in section 3.2.1.
• The maintenance activity is task oriented and uses Aircraft Maintenance and Task
Oriented Support System (AMTOSS), subject further discussed in section 3.2.2.
• Major components, like landing gears, require an airworthiness certificate before
being dispatched after MRO is performed.
• Component MRO requires extensive record keeping and preservation of historical

To maximize aircraft utilization, the most critical functions in an aircraft are designed
as component modules so that there is a collection of compact functional components that
can be easily replaced. Every time a faulty modular component is detected it is removed from
an aircraft and an equal functional component could be installed in the aircraft while the faulty
component undergoes MRO [26]. This is done by either replacing it with a spare unit in the
spares supply or by means of cannibalisation.

For many airlines, component maintenance and associated repair and overhaul
represents a complex management challenge [27] and is frequently out-sourced to a MRO
company. Many factors contribute to this complexity, including aircraft configuration control
with multiple fleet types, aircraft models with multiple configurations, aircraft ageing,
modifications via mandatory directives and service bulletins, parts availability and repair cycle
inconsistencies [27]. Besides, every component is unique in what concerns to their technical
documentation that guides and supports MRO operations, thus requiring expertise and
knowledge from the maintenance engineer and technician that supervise and execute MRO.

3.2. Technical Documentation

In engineering, technical documentation refers to “any type of documentation that
describes handling, functionality and architecture of a technical product or a product under

development or use” [2]. The intended recipient for asset technical documentation is both the
(proficient) end user, i.e. air operator, as well as the maintenance technician [2].

3.2.1. ATA Chapters

To standardize the technical data and maintenance activities on an aircraft, ATA has
established a classification of maintenance related actions. These are arranged with
sequential numbers assigned to ATA chapters. These chapters are consistent regardless of
each aircraft type [28]. This standard is a specification approved and used by most aircraft’s
OEM. The information contained in the manuals are organized and standardized to obtain any
information about the aircraft and its systems in the shortest time possible [29]. The manual
contents must be in English and must include [28]:

• Introductory information including explanation of the aircraft’s features and data

as necessary to perform maintenance.
• A full description of the aircraft and its systems, including landing gear, engine and
other appliances.
• Basic operating information describing how the aircraft and its components are
• Servicing information with such detail as servicing parts, task capacities, applicable
pressures for the various systems, access panels for inspection and servicing.

ATA chapters are organized to integrate the following groups according to Figure 3.1:

Figure 3.1: ATA 100 Chapters, adapted from [29].

• Aircraft general-ATA 05 to ATA 12.
• Airframe systems – ATA 20 to ATA 50 - includes technical data for landing gear,
electronic panels and multipurpose components.
• Structure – ATA 51 to ATA 57 - includes technical data for fuselage, doors, wings,
• Power plant- ATA 61 to ATA 91 - includes technical data for engines, propellers and

For every component or modular function there is a chapter. Each chapter is divided
into sections and each section divided into subjects. Through this standardized structure it can
be quickly found any information regarding an aircraft system and within each chapter locate
as easily a subject of interest [30].

Figure 3.2: Hierarchy of ATA chapter 79, Oil system, adapted from [30].

Through this system, all hardware within an aircraft is fully identified and technical
data such as the ones identified below could be integrated [28]:

• Illustrated Parts Catalogue configuration data (IPC).

• Component Maintenance Manual (CMM).
• Tools and Equipment Manual.
• Time Limits Manual.
• Recommended overhaul periods, schedule for cleaning, inspecting, adjusting and
testing of the various parts.
• Applicable wear tolerances.
• Details for an inspection program that identifies both the frequency and the extent of
the inspections necessary to provide for continued airworthiness.
• Troubleshooting information.
• The order and method for proper removal and replacement of parts.
• Procedures for system testing during ground operations.

• Details for application of special inspection techniques.
• Information concerning the application of protective treatments after inspection.
• List of any special tools needed.

3.2.2. MRO Task Card

A task card comprises all the specific information required to carry out the MRO work
and follows the ATA 100 normative. When MSG-3 was published, the major change, which
was also a paradigm shift, was that it recommended task-oriented maintenance, instead of
process oriented maintenance [2], as stated in section 2.3.1.

Aerospace MRO uses the standard AMTOSS, these are specific task numbers, that
apply to each Task Card, defining them uniquely. Therefore, a work package in aerospace MRO
is a set of Task Cards with specific numbers, not just line activities of a work order [2]. Figure
3.2 represents a generic AMTOSS Task Card.

Figure 3.3: AMTOSS Task Card, adapted from [31].

3.3. On-Aircraft Performance

On-aircraft performance also known as “on-wing” performance addresses the
performance of the different components used on a certain aircraft. Usually, the longer the
on-wing life of a component, the lower the impact on related maintenance costs for the
airline. Therefore, developing reliability programs of components installed in an aircraft
belongs to the on-wing category [27].

Reference [25] states that reliability programs establish time limitations or standards
for determining schedules for overhauls, inspections and checks of airframes, engines,
propellers, landing gears, appliances and other aircraft components. The reliability process
allows an airline to explore reliability information for its aircraft’s components during a specific
period [27]. There are multiple factors that impact the reliability of components and,
consequently, the costs associated with component maintenance for airlines [27].

A common metric used when tracking component performance is time-on-wing (TOW)

also known as either Time Since New (TSN) or Time Since Installation (TSI). Time-on-wing is
determined by OEM as mandated-life limits, but airlines can introduce soft-time limits

provided they have supporting data through either their own engineering team or an external
partner, e.g. an MRO company [27].

In general, the longer a component remains on wing, the lower the life cycle costs of
the component with fewer repair cycles in the life of the component. However, maximization
of life-usage of a part number (P/N) on the aircraft doesn’t always lead to optimal costs for
the airline, as a failure of a part during operation can lead to great costs associated with out-
of-service times or Aircraft-on-Ground (AOG) costs [27].

Furthermore, predictive maintenance tools can help operators to cut costs and reduce
downtime. Airlines can take better advantage of the increasing amount of aircraft operational
data available, e.g. health-monitoring tools, to support decisions and adjust maintenance
planning [27].

However, predictive maintenance processes can also result in higher NFF rates, since
a higher number of components are introduced into the repair/overhaul cycle based on
predictions of impending failure of the component. Once bench-tested in the repair shop as
part of the repair cycle, the component may not demonstrate failure modes in the bench test
procedures as when installed in the dynamic on-wing conditions resulting in a NFF score from
the MRO company. Additionally, and equally important consideration should be given to the
possibility of a low-time failure if the component that tested NFF in the repair shop is re-
installed on-wing and is subject to dynamic or extreme conditions that could not be replicated
on the repair shop test bench [27].

3.4. Off-Aircraft maintenance support

According to the ATA code system a variety of modular components could be removed
from the aircraft and sent for MRO operation.

Figure 3.4: Components according to ATA codes, adapted from [32].

Once the component is removed from the aircraft and routed to the MRO company
for repair, overhaul or modification, the focus shifts to the repair/overhaul cycle [27] as
depicted in Figure 3.5, and the components fall under the “off-aircraft” category. Depending
on the reason of its removal, several MRO operations are performed on it. When it is fully
functional, it is certified and sent back to the spares supply. With the certification, the
component becomes airworthy, i.e. it can be installed again in an aircraft [26].

Figure 3.5: Off-aircraft component repair/overhaul cycle, adapted from [27]

3.4.1. General Outline of MRO core processes

The Repair/Overhaul step performed to a component during its repair/overhaul cycle

and highlighted in red in Figure 3.5 consists of distinct processes including fault detection,
instruction design, product disassembly, parts handover, part repairing and inspecting,
product assembly and inspecting, and product testing. Figure 3.6 shows this general outline
of the repair/overhaul step for components [33].

Figure 3.6: General outline of repair/overhaul step, adapted from [33].

Considering the example of landing gears, there are a vast number of parts which need
to be maintained and inspected. In fact, when a modular component that constitutes the
landing gear is received by the MRO company, it will be dismantled and individual parts will
be put through a serious of NDI tests. This testing will identify any developing failures, such

as structural fatigues or internal corrosion. The results of which will determine if the parts are
repaired, replaced, scrapped or recycled [34].

Figure 3.6 shows that the MRO company during MRO execution manages the assembly
process, but also the disassembly process. Indeed, the work quality of the disassembly process
determines the initial state of parts and the accuracy of replaceable parts if installed. At the
same time, the repair, quality inspection and the acceptance check processes must be
executed based on the orders from the task cards published [33].

Reference [2] defines distinct phases to aggregate this set of processes depicted in
Figure 3.6, according to function. The functions identified as phases in Figure 3.7 are discrete
and independent of each other, in the sense that these functions can also be defined as
independent services. Hence, one can automate all the processes in each phase of the
repair/overhaul step separately, by deploying dedicated modules of application software [2].

Figure 3.7: Repair/overhaul step phases, adapted from [2].

• Technical preparing, plan and schedule work:

o Actions: Plan and schedule work, conduct short-term capacity and resource
planning, allocate resources and schedule tasks.
o Processes: Product arriving, Maintenance Dispatch, Product fault detection,
Task card design and Task card publishing.

Once the component arrives in the repair shop a planning exercise is triggered
off and the relevant information pertaining to the life and maintenance history of the
component is recorded. If the component is already known, the repair shop will have
a record, which is than updated. Otherwise a new set of records is created and
subsequently maintained [2]. Normally a component arrives at the component shop
with an unserviceable tag, which has its identification and life information. A defect
report may also accompany the component. Based on the information available, the
component shop creates the work packages consisting of AMTOSS Task Cards [2].

• Mobilize and deploy resources, conduct shop scheduling:

o Actions: Conduct shop scheduling, plan and manage procurement, inventory

and logistics of spare parts and material.
o Processes: Purchase, Inventory and Supply.

A component repair shop has standard WBS for the activities that are normally
carried out for repairing a component. Based on the WBS and the information available
from the Task Cards, the necessary resources are allocated and a requisition for the
materials is raised [2].

• Know the component, disassemble and record configuration:

o Actions: Disassemble and record configuration, identify record and update

component’s configuration-related information.
o Processes: Product disassembly.

Barring in mind landing gears, the configuration of a component is not

necessarily complex. Hence it is rare that a fully-fledged configuration
management exercise is required for component MRO [2]. The record keeping is
done for each serialized component and it is ensured that even if the P/N changes
due to application of a modification the component’s overall history is not lost [2].

• Servicing and repair, execute maintenance work:

o Actions: Execute maintenance work, service/clean the components and repair

if necessary.
o Processes: Part repairing and inspecting, Product assembly.

The MRO work is executed according to the schedule and under the strict
guidelines provided in the technical documentation (CMM, Fault Inspection Manual
(FIM), etc.) from the OEM [2].

• Test and dispatch, certify maintenance work:

o Actions: Certify maintenance work, test the components, prepare for dispatch
and dispatch to the operator or warehouse.
o Processes: Product testing and Product leaving.

The repaired component is tested in accordance with the CMM. If the

component passes the test, then a “serviceable” label is attached and the necessary
documents for dispatch are prepared [2]. The component is then dispatched to the air
operator or whoever is responsible for fitting it to the aircraft. Normally it is received
by the Material Division of the MRO company, where it is again inspected [2].

4. Maintenance Management in Aerospace MRO
For an industry that is so clearly and unambiguously defined, and where MRO
procedures and frequencies of such activities are legally mandated, monitored and are
globally consistent, it would seem unlikely that IT has not yet been applied to a state that
enables process of reporting and execution of MRO tasks in a highly efficient and cost-
effective fashion. But, unfortunately aerospace MRO has yet to fully leverage IT at a general
level [2].

While increasing efficiencies have been brought to all aspects of commercial

aerospace, the area of MRO appears to receive scant attention and investment from the IT
industry [2]. Perhaps the reason behind this fact is that modern commercial aerospace came
to maturity prior to the maturity of modern business support systems from the IT industry,
leaving a gap that is still apparent today in MRO [2].

In this chapter, it will be discussed how to leverage IT in the implementation of CMMS

for aerospace MRO. Reference [35] defines the word “leverage” as “to get as much advantage
or profit as possible from something that you have”. However, the technology can only go so
far, a company does not just run on technology, but such solutions enable the managers and
the workforce to run it more efficiently.

4.1. Initial Considerations

Before going any further, the meanings and differences between the terms of data and
information should be shortly clarified. Data by itself has little relevance or purpose and
provides no judgement and is usually stored in technological systems [1].

On the other hand, information has importance and pertinence. In fact, it is an

essential resource for setting and meeting management objectives. The role it plays within
the company is of vital importance as it helps to build knowledge and thus increasing the
overall performance. As a result, information systems are used to supply support to the
operation of a business, or in the case of MRO, to collect and analyze data. The information
systems must contain modules that can provide maintenance engineers with value added
information necessary to support decision making [36].

MRO processes in aerospace MRO industry are usually out-sourced to MRO companies
that ensure the airworthiness of an aircraft. However, the air operator, e.g. airline, must
ensure the transfer of the aircraft’s continuing airworthiness records to the MRO company
and these records should be available for use when required. Maintenance planning within
the MRO activities undergone by the MRO company is one of the key functions to ensure that
all maintenance is carried out according to regulatory requirements and air operator
requirements [1].

MRO operation must consider information such as the aerospace requirements,
authorities’ requirements, other aviation directives and service bulletins providing operation
of fleet and aircraft types. Reference [1] draws the information flow and responsibilities
distribution in the MRO industry, see Figure 4.1.

Figure 4.1: Information flow and responsibilities distribution in MRO operations, adapted
from [1].

4.2. Business Applications

Next generation MRO IT software products are coalescing around three core business
capabilities, and their successful implementation should create a competitive advantage for
forward looking airlines and MRO companies. Moreover, OEMs are driving IT standards and
will require next generation software to access data (e.g. manuals, drawings, repair, history
and others) and generate more robust tracking systems [24]. Figure 4.2 depicts these three
core business capabilities applicable to a MRO company. Considering the purpose of this
thesis, only Engineering, Operations & Material Management, also broadly known as
Maintenance Management, will be discussed in detail.

Figure 4.2: MRO IT software packages and its three core business capabilities, adapted from

An aerospace MRO company requires a set of applications, i.e. software, to each of the
three core business capabilities thus enabling its business processes [2]. Typically, a packaged

solution is selected for each application area which enables the following business processes

• Maintenance Management

o Asset maintenance optimization: Management actions performed with the

intent of optimizing aircraft and components maintenance scheduling, spare
part optimization and product mix analysis.

o Operations management: Manages the configuration of all assets, e.g. aircraft,

systems, engines, components. It also provides transactional support for
business processes including workflow and management of common
operational data. It supports business functions like engineering, work planning
and execution and materials management.

• Document & Content Management

o Content management: Records legal and contractual compliance, preparation,

authoring, assessment, delivery and management of operational and technical
publications, manuals and documents.

• Configuration Management

o Business process management: Implementing methods for a systematic

approach to monitoring business processes to make a company’s workflow
more efficient and adaptable to an ever-changing environment.

• Finance and Human Resource Management

o Business intelligence: Reporting and analytical support for technical and

financial performance, including condition monitoring and reliability

o Relationship management: Shapes business demand across business functions

like IT, human resources, finance, legal, etc. and ensures that the potential
business value from meeting business demand is captured, optimized, and
recognized [37].

4.3. Asset Maintenance Optimization
Under Maintenance Management and considering its business process, asset
maintenance optimization, basics of the theory of a maintenance system need to be applied
[5]. The term “asset” is used throughout this thesis to denote a complex system or individual
equipment, i.e. a component [10].

A proper study of asset maintenance requires a comprehensive framework that

incorporates all the key elements. In this approach, the environment relevant to the asset is
described through a characterisation where one identifies the relevant variables and the
interaction between the variables. This characterisation, indicated in Figure 4.3, is initially
done by a schematic network representation where the nodes represent the stakeholders
involved and the connected arcs denote their relationships [10].

Figure 4.3: Stakeholders involved in the MRO of a component, adapted from [10].

4.3.1. Key Issues and the need for multi-disciplinary approach

The key issues featured upstream of the MRO of a component are shown in Figure 4.4.
Considering the asset reliability and degradation, it is affected by operations (usage intensity,
operating environment, operating load etc.), which leads to the assessment of the state of the
asset. Besides, the analysis of data and implementation of models to do so, allow for the
optimization in MRO decisions [10].

In this field, to execute efficient MRO, one needs to have a good understanding of a
variety of concepts and techniques for each of the issues presented. Regarding the solution
developed for the case company OGMA, the issues highlighted in blue are perceived as of

preeminent importance and thus requiring extensive research and an inter-disciplinary
approach [10].

Figure 4.4: Key issues involved in the MRO of a component, adapted from [10].

The key disciplines involved in the issues, highlighted in blue in Figure 4.4, are
Engineering, Statistics, Operational Research and IT. In the following list a brief description of
those disciplines is made [10]:

• Engineering: The degradation of an asset depends to some extent on the design and
development stage of the asset. In fact, a well-designed system is more reliable and
hence less prone to failures.

• Statistics: The degradation and failures occur in an uncertain manner. As such, the
analysis of such data requires the use of statistical techniques. Statistics provide the
concepts and tools to extract information from data and for the planning of efficient
MRO systems.

• Operational Research: Provides the tools and techniques for model building, analysis
and optimization. Often, simulation approaches are relevant to evaluate the outcomes
of different decisions and to choose the optimal or near optimal strategies.

• IT: The operation and MRO of components generate a lot of data. One needs efficient
ways to store and manipulate the data and to extract relevant information from data.
IT provides a range of artificial intelligence techniques such as data mining, expert
systems, neural networks etc., which are useful in the MRO context.

4.4. Operations Management

The set of MRO activities performed by a company like OGMA, also known as
operations management, deals with the overall management of the functions performed
during the MRO operation of an asset. In fact, it supports all business functions including
engineering, work planning and execution and materials management. The management of
this functions needs to be done at three distinct levels, i.e. strategic, tactical and operational,
as indicated in Figure 4.5 [10].

Figure 4.5: Operations management levels, adapted from [10].

The strategic level deals with maintenance strategy. This business strategy needs to be
formulated so that it is consistent and coherent within all departments of the company such
as production, marketing, finance, etc. The tactical level deals with the planning, scheduling
and collection of relevant data for decision-making in concrete MRO projects, and is
performed by the engineering department responsible. And finally, the operational level deals
with the execution of the MRO activities [10].

4.4.1. Maintenance Activities

Under operations management and considering only its tactical and operational levels
there are consistent activities that must be performed, such as: request, approval, plan,
schedule, performing work, recording data, developing IT solutions and providing
management control reports. Here is a brief description on these activities, also depicted in
Figure 4.6 [5]:

1. Request: Displays MRO tasks that should be conducted.

2. Approval: Maintenance engineers often handle the whole MRO project decision-
making in accordance with regulatory requirements, however large projects require
approval from several levels of management within the MRO company.
3. Plan: Ensures availability of resources (e.g. material, labor, equipment, supplies).
4. Scheduling MRO activity covers three factors:

a. Priorities. Priority is based on established criteria or the unique characteristics
of the asset and the type of MRO tasks to be undergone.
b. Job assignment. Work assigned for MRO operators.
c. Follow-up reports: Developed as a further measure to ensure that work is being
conducted according to plan.
5. Record data: Recording the data of the MRO tasks performed to an asset may vary
from a simple list to a comprehensive record of the materials and spare units used as
well as the whole work steps taken.
6. Management information & control report: Provides the whole department regularly
with a report of the overall work that has been performed, the cost, the entire data
collected, tools, productivity and scheduling.
a. Updating asset history: MRO work performed must be recorded always and
displays great quantities of data. These reports must accompany the asset
during its life-cycle and provide information concerning the whole asset
update, record keeping, tools used, maintenance time, labor, materials used,
including cost and scheduling.
b. Management controls report: Regularly produced to summarize the results and
functionality of the MRO system, control reports cover expenditure,
performance, security and data equipment. This report is useful for
maintenance managers to make efficient decision-making concerning the
management of work of the department.

The maintenance functions bind many roles and actors together. In fact, these roles
are support planning, preparation, execution, assessment and improvement [1]. Figure 4.6
shows a framework of MRO activities performed within a department of a MRO company. The
maintenance functions involve distinct kind of activities previously mentioned, which are
interrelated and tied to fulfill demands of different stakeholders. During operations
management each activity uses and creates information [1] as depicted in Figure 4.6.

Figure 4.6: Operations Management framework within a department of a MRO company.

4.5. Challenges in Maintenance Management

Maintenance management has undergone major changes during the past decade. It is
now regarded as a prominent business function, a crucial element in business strategy, in fact
not only practitioners have changed their mind about maintenance, but academics did as well
[10]. Efforts are aimed at advancing towards world class maintenance and providing
methodologies to do so [10].

Maintenance management concept has professionalized, expectations for

maintenance are no longer formulated as “keep things running”, but are based upon the
overall business strategy that can be based on performance measures such as flexibility,

quality, reliability, economic or resource efficiency and safety [38]. The MRO company, with
its structural and infrastructural elements, is built accordingly.

Moreover, there is a breeding gap between the strategic management level and the
tactical level on which the maintenance concepts are designed, detailed and implemented
(Figure 4.6). However, the focus of maintenance management research is still on the tactical
and operational planning. Links between the former and the latter part of research are still
very rare, closing this gap by linking maintenance and business throughout all decision levels
is one of the major challenges for the foreseeable future [10].

Considering the gap between the tactical and operational level of maintenance
management, the right information provision should be handed to maintenance planning
support functions. Maintenance support consists of the following resources: technical
documentation, staff, supplies, materials, service parts, facilities and IT systems. The support
functions need the right data to be collected and analyzed. MRO needs optimization of the
information supply process, in several ways [1]:

• contextualized: the involved personnel shall know the purpose for what the data
is collected,
• categorized: development of analysis systems with key elements of the data,
• calculated: the data may have been evaluated statistically or mathematically,
• corrected: mistakes have been deleted from the data,
• condensed: the data may have been condensed to shorter form.

Reference [1] states that CMMS add value and easy the way of transforming data into
information, however this might lead to situations where we are transmitting too much
information in the network. In fact, the lack of rules and requirements for information
management and spreading is a clear challenge in information management and thus in
maintenance management as well.

4.6. Implementing Maintenance Management Solutions

To develop strategies in the field of MRO and to coordinate the choice of solutions
accordingly, it is necessary to know the aims for which MRO measures are performed in MRO
companies, this is illustrated in Figure 4.7 [39]. In 2016, it was profitability (23%) of MRO
activities which is the aim gaining most importance for most companies [39]. Nevertheless,
most of the questioned MRO companies also expected that the significance of reliability
(22%), flexibility (20%) and efficiency of resources (20 %) would increase as well [39].

Figure 4.7: The aims of MRO measures for 2016, adapted from [39].

Upstream and regarding the development of MRO capable products by OEMs,

attention is mainly paid to the high flexibility (34%) and quick feasibility (21%) of future MRO
activities. In addition, high mobility (18%) concerning the performance of MRO measures and
good reusability of components (18%) play a significant role as well. Low costs have almost no
influence on the development of components with only 2 %, one reason for this may be that
the costs of future MRO tasks will be borne by the user of the product, i.e. air operator, and
not by the producer, i.e. OEM, thus providing no incentives for them to minimize the costs,
Figure 4.8 [39].

Figure 4.8: Criteria of Development in relation to later MRO measures, adapted from [39].

To remain competitive and satisfy the needs of clients, the departments of the
providers responsible for MRO operation together with different cooperation partners seize
to constantly develop and enhance MRO activities [39].

4.6.1. E-maintenance

To tackle the challenge of building blocks in maintenance and support systems in the
present digital environment, product data and IT systems, e-maintenance could be considered
not as a solution but as a vision that should be broadly adopted [1]. E-maintenance collects
various kinds of data and information generated by complex products, that in turn can be used
for decision making support systems available to different stakeholders within the company
network [1]. Therefore, effective implementation of e-maintenance requires efficient
information management.

The functions or departments in charge of maintenance processes should optimize

their own actions and procedures regardless of other functional areas in the company
network. The use of e-maintenance tools is expected to grow as an everyday practice in the
industry if the provided solutions prove affordable and cost effective to implementation [1].
Nowadays it is common in the aerospace MRO industry to take account for the integration of
e-maintenance in the company’s maintenance strategy level to meet the new needs and
challenges in a constantly changing market. According to reference [1] the emergence of e-
maintenance is linked to two main elements:

1. enabling technology increases the maintenance efficiency and optimizes the work process.

2. the need to incorporate operating performance, which sets maintenance area the following
criteria: transparency, integration and cooperation with other service providers.

E-maintenance can be taken into several levels in the company hierarchy. On

operational level, technologies and tools are developed to implement the functions to
monitor the MRO actions and its performance as well as performance indicators. On the other
hand, at a tactical level, the technology could be used to monitor the status and availability of
the component for supporting the decision-making of maintenance managers. CMMS, as part
of e-maintenance, provides maintenance managers the surface for implementing the
maintenance policy and gives the appropriate tools to implement maintenance policy to lower
levels of the company [1].

4.6.2. CMMS

The help from IT is of special interest when discussing decision support systems for
maintenance managers. CMMS, also called computer aided maintenance management
(CAMM), maintenance management information systems (MMIS) or even enterprise asset
management systems (EAM), offer substantial support for the maintenance manager. CMMS
are computer based software programs used to control work activities and resources used, as
well as to monitor and report work execution. Besides, they should also offer the capability to
provide maintenance management with a faculty for decision-making [36].

Modern CMMS can handle the entire process of maintenance management, organize
work activities to be more efficient and analyze the whole assets to optimize MRO activities

[5]. The use of the modern computerized maintenance system enables users to observe,
follow and record all MRO activities on a regular basis.

E-maintenance applications offer opportunities for knowledge management

implementations. For maintenance management, a knowledge management programme
helps to capture the implicit knowledge and expertise of maintenance workers and secure this
information in IT systems, so making it accessible for other technicians. The benefits of this in
terms of consistency in problem solving approach and knowledge retention are obvious. Other
knowledge management applications can be, for example, expert systems, assisting in the
diagnosis of complex asset failures, or data mining on maintenance history records to learn
about failure causes [10].

The use of CMMS its intended to achieve information from data gathering and analysis.
To achieve this, maintenance management needs a powerful tool, information. But
information is not readily available, to obtain it, raw data must be collected, analyzed and
processed. Then, it becomes significant for maintenance planning and decision making.

4.6.3. The Role of R&D

So far, an overview of the current concepts involved in the design of current and
adopted IT solutions in the aerospace MRO industry was given. However, these proprietary
business process models, unfortunately, are more focused towards the internal workings of
the software rather than the industry itself. This is evident in the amount of effort spent in
implementing MRO software in a MRO company [2]. This is because a significant amount of
customisation to the company characteristics is required before the system becomes

Since technology exists throughout, we could imagine it as some component that

spans to the entire system. It is a vital aspect of technical core, but it is not vital for the rest of
the system to function, instead it is an augmentation that the system makes use of to function
better and more efficiently. In that light, it could be seen IT as a performance enhancer or
buffer, helping the system to 1) achieve its set goals more easily, and 2) allow goals to be set
to a higher standard. With continual improvements in technology, MRO practices can
continually improve as well [13].

Given the rapid rate of technological change and the need for continual improvement,
MRO companies need to continually reassess their technological capability as well as the risks
involved in implementing innovative technologies.

5. Concept and Prototype Development
This chapter discusses some steps presented in research methodology, see section 1.5,
such as problem identification, concept development and data gathering and prototype
development [40].

The company’s current solution is explained and discussed. Conclusions gathered from
literature review and analysis of the current database solution have evidenced the need for a
more robust system with new features. The information gathered from literature review was
used to develop the concept and ultimately implement it to a prototype solution.

5.1. Problem identification

At the current state within the case company OGMA, a component’s MRO technical
data is gathered through access to technical documentation and displayed on a table in
Microsoft Excel, with segmentation of properties as depicted in Figure 5.1.

Figure 5.1: Database properties segmentation for Main Landing Gear (MLG) ATA code 32-10-
01, PBS properties segmentation highlighted in red, WBS properties or repair processes
discretization highlighted in blue.
This table follows rules of data insertion and organization, in fact, every part that
constitutes the component’s product tree is represented by a row in this table, and each row
has PBS and WBS properties segmented in the form of columns, as illustrated in Figure 5.1.
This solution’s characteristics are rather detailed throughout this section, once they constitute
the main reference used for the database solution developed.
5.1.1. PBS properties segmentation

To each one of the PBS columns depicted in Figure 5.1 and now shown in Table 5.1
technical data is inserted according to the following rules:
Table 5.1: PBS properties segmentation.
Gama Visua
Fig Ite P/ Nomen Mandato Recom materi l Level Level Level Quanti
OU +
. m N clature ry mended al Inspe 1 2 3 ty
100% ction

• Fig.-Reference to the Figure in the technical documentation, usually the component’s

CMM, where the part is illustrated.
• Item- Reference to the number in the Figure where the part is illustrated.
• P/N- This property takes the form of a variable set of alphanumeric characters.
Together those characters form a code whose function is to clearly identify a part.
• Nomenclature- Designation, name or description of the part.

• Quantity – Number of equal parts.
• GROUP- To this property there are associated other sub-properties such as
”Mandatory”, “Recommended”, “Gamma Material 100%”, “NDI+TRAT” and “Visual
Inspection” as highlighted in Table 5.1. This property represents the maintenance
group to which any part belongs to, and links the PBS properties to the WBS properties,
there are:

o “ASSY” GROUP - To this GROUP only disassembly processes are associated:

▪ No sub-property is selected, as illustrate in Table 5.2.

Table 5.2: Group property associated with maintenance group “ASSY”.

GROUP Mandatory Recommended Gama material 100% NDI + TRAT Visual Inspection
ASSY - - - - -

o “SYSTEMATIC” GROUP - To this GROUP no repair processes are associated,

MRO processes resume themselves to replacing the part:
▪ “Mandatory”, “Recommended”, “Gamma material 100%” sub-
properties can be selected according to the characteristics of the
replace process, as shown in Table 5.3.

Table 5.3: Group property associated with maintenance group “SYSTEMATIC”.

GROUP Mandatory Recommended Gama material 100% NDI + TRAT Visual Inspection


o “NDI + TRAT & SYSTEMATIC” GROUP – Considering this GROUP, two types of
MRO actions are possible, repair processes or replace the part:
▪ “Mandatory”, “Recommended”, “Gamma material 100%” sub-
properties can be selected according to the characteristics of the
replace process.
▪ “NDI + TRAT” sub-property is selected, as shown in Table 5.4.

Table 5.4: Group property associated with maintenance group “SYSTEMATIC & NDI+TRAT”.

Gama material NDI + Visual

GROUP Mandatory Recommended
100% TRAT Inspection

o “NDI +TRAT” GROUP – Considering this GROUP, only repair processes are
associated to the part, in this case only:
▪ NDI + TRAT sub-property is selected, as shown in Table 5.5.

Table 5.5: Group property associated with maintenance group “NDI+TRAT”.
GROUP Mandatory Recommended Gama material 100% NDI + TRAT Visual Inspection
NDI + TRAT - - - X -

o “VISUAL INSP” GROUP- Considering this GROUP, only a visual inspection

process is done to the part as MRO process, in this case:
▪ Visual inspection sub-property is selected, as shown in Table 5.6.

Table 5.6: Group property associated with maintenance group “VISUAL INSP”

GROUP Mandatory Recommended Gama material 100% NDI + TRAT Visual Inspection

• Levels- This PBS property describes each part’s vertical position in the component’s
product tree, while identifying each part’s hierarchy, i.e. relationships with other parts.
Depending on the complexity of the component the number of levels may vary. In this
context, and considering a component’s product tree with 4 levels, as indicated by the
PBS properties depicted in Table 5.1, there are some examples:

Table 5.7: Level property of an example part belonging to Level 1.

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
- - -

Table 5.8: Level property of an example part belonging to Level 2.

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

Table 5.9: Level property of an example part belonging to Level 3.

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

Table 5.10: Level property of an example part belonging to Level 4.

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

5.1.2. WBS properties segmentation

Each part within the component’s product tree has also WBS properties, as depicted
in Figure 5.1. Considering the maintenance groups explained in section 5.1.1, a multitude of

repair processes, as well as replacement or visual inspection actions could be associated to
parts as MRO processes.

However, and bearing in mind the current solution presented in Figure 5.1, besides the
replacement and visual inspection actions that are generic and thus featuring in every single
component, only repair processes that are associated to any part within a component’s
product tree would be segmented in the WBS properties, as shown in Figure 5.1, making this
database construction unique to any component. This constituted a problem for the
standardization of MRO processes. Thus, and considering the assess to the database of
multiple components, a list of common MRO processes was compiled and standard
codification was done for each, as depicted in Table 5.11.

Table 5.11: WBS properties standardization.

GROUP NDI+TRAT: Magnetic-Particle Grade A A
GROUP NDI+TRAT: Dye-Penetrant Level 3 B
GROUP NDI+TRAT: Cadmium Plating (AMS-QQ-P-416 Type II, class 2) C
GROUP NDI+TRAT: Passivation (AMS 2700, Method 1, Type 2) D
GROUP NDI+TRAT: Chemical conversion coating (MIL-DTL-5541, class 1A) E
GROUP NDI+TRAT: Shot-Peening, intensity 0.006 to 0.010A, shot size S230,
coverage 200 % minimum (AMS 2430 and MIL-P-81985)
GROUP NDI+TRAT: Glass bead peening - intensity 0.009 to 0.013N, shot size
AGB-35, coverage 125% minimum (AMS 2431/6)
GROUP NDI+TRAT: Hard Chromium Plating (AMS 2460, Class 2, processed to
specified dimensions after plating and MIL-STD-1501, Class 3, Type II)
GROUP NDI+TRAT: Low embrittlement cadmium plating with chromate
conversion coating (AMS 2401)
GROUP NDI+TRAT: Sulfuric Acid Anodizing Coating (MIL-A-8625, Type II, class 1) K
GROUP NDI+TRAT: Phosphate - fluoride coating (AMS 2486) L
GROUP NDI+TRAT: Chromic acid anodizing coating (MIL-A-8625, Type I or Type IB, class
GROUP NDI+TRAT: Epoxy primer green (MEP 10-059, 10P4-2NF, BAC 452) N
GROUP NDI+TRAT: White polyurethane painting (epoxy primer green + polyurethane
enamel finishing)
GROUP NDI+TRAT: Dry Lubricant Film (Molykote Q5-7409, according to NEDE E40-047);
thickness 5 to 15 μm (0.0002 to 0.0006 in)
GROUP NDI+TRAT: Glass bead peening - intensity 0.008 to 0.012N, shot size
AGB-35, coverage 125% minimum (AMS 2431/6)
GROUP NDI+TRAT: Electroless Nickel plating (AMS 2404) T
GROUP NDI+TRAT: Hard anodizing coating Not Sealed (MIL-A-8625 type III) U

This additional step taken to the current database solution allows for the
standardization of maintenance processes while keeping the same structure to the database
construction shown in Figure 5.1. Consequently, an updated version of the WBS properties
segmentation, that can be standardly applied to any component’s database, is presented in
Table 5.12.

Table 5.12: Updated version for WBS properties segmentation.


5.1.3. Representative Sample

Using component MLG ATA code 32-10-01 and looking for representative parts within
this component’s product tree is possible to understand how this database works. Some
example parts were extracted from the database depicted in Figure 5.1, each one constituting
a row of data to both Table 5.1 and Table 5.12, that constitute now respectively Table 5.13
and Table 5.14. This sample data was used as reference for the concept development that will
feature in section 5.2.

Table 5.13: PBS properties of Example Parts.

Gama material 100%

Visual Inspection




Level 1

Level 2

Level 3


1 2002- ASSY - - - 1
01 1 ASSY (LH)
2309- LEG
10 NDI +
2 5 2020- WASHER X STRUT, - - 1
001 ASSY
2309- LEG
10 8 NDI +
3 2032- AXLE X STRUT, - - 1
01 0 TRAT
001 ASSY
3 2309- LEG
4 8 4030- ASSY STRUT, X - 1
5 401 ASSY
4 2309- LEG
5 0 4135- X STRUT, - 1
0 001 ASSY

Table 5.14: WBS properties of Example Parts.

2 X X

3 X X X X X X X

5 X X X

By analysis of this database construction, depicted now through the representative

sample illustrated in both Table 5.13 and Table 5.14, some initial considerations that
supported the need for an enhanced database solution are presented:

• This solution for technical data storage and management of components is not
completely developed nor clear.
• There is no standardization nor automation present in any of the processes associated
with the construction of a reliable database such as data insertion, organization and
analysis, thus human error may occur quite often when handling this database.
• Only automated analysis tools can manipulate or validate, at a reliable level, the data
present in this complex database.
• Besides, only data insertion and organization feature in this database, lacking other
elements such as:
o Schematic representation of the component’s product tree through, e.g. a
chart with tree structure.
o Data analysis tools, with outputs as seemed fit by the company.
• These additional features can only be developed when there is standardization and full
integration of data for both PBS and WBS properties.
• Information gathering from this database is possible but not easy for the end-user.
Difficulties arise due to substantial lack of data integration, and application of correct
conceptual techniques. In fact, at this stage, data access can only be done by means of
filters in both PBS and WBS properties, as shown in Figure 5.1.

5.2. Concept Development and Data Gathering

Through the knowledge and data gathered from access to multiple component’s
database and considering the initial conclusions made, a search was initiated for concepts that
proved efficient when applied to related works. Posteriorly, these concepts were applied
taking into consideration the peculiar characteristics found for this case study, i.e. technical
data management of components.

5.2.1. Theoretical Background

In theory, the WBS should be a combination of the PBS together with the processes or
tasks that must be performed to repair the component. Some authors call this the Project
Work Breakdown Structure (PWBS) to emphasise that it is the combination of product and
processes [41].

The research conducted, analyzed the possible relations between PBS and WBS
properties, and provided a logical model to accomplish the mapping process between parts
and processes. Considering the database construction envisaged, i.e. a database with tree
structure, the PBS should express parts within the component’s product tree, and the WBS
express the task composition of a MRO project. Both should cover the natural properties of
each node and the relation between nodes, as shown in Table 5.15 [41].

Table 5.15: Natural Properties and Relations between WBS and PBS nodes, adapted from

Properties depicted in Table 5.12
Natural Properties depicted in Table 5.1 and
and an additional property
Properties an additional property “shape”.
The hierarchical relation between the The hierarchical relation between
parts (parent-child relation). processes (parent-child relation).
Relations Integration of both concepts, the constraint relation between parts and
processes (parent-child relation).

The natural properties of each node corresponding to the PBS, part, consists of data
inserted into the properties segmentation presented in Table 5.1. The natural properties of
each node corresponding to the WBS, process, consists of data inserted into the properties
segmentation presented in Table 5.12. Therefore, the “part” nodes in the PBS and the “task”
nodes in the WBS can be correspondingly mapped taking advantage of these properties, and
considering their shape, as depicted in Figure 5.2 [41].

Figure 5.2: PBS and WBS nodes shape property.

The parent-child relations in the PWBS are built accordingly to the parent-child
relations of the parts in the PBS. This process is repeated until all the mapping decomposition
of a MRO project is finished thus enabling full integration of PBS and WBS, also known as
Integrated Product and Work Breakdown Structure (IPWBS) [41].

To improve the accuracy of task decomposition on a MRO project, a new

decomposition method based on the IPWBS concept was developed. Any project data, such
as MRO technical documentation can be stored using this IPWBS structure. The IPWBS usually
works with a numbering system to identify the different nodes in it. The integration of the
parts and processes into distinct levels is facilitated by this numbering system and technical
data is collated and processed accordingly. The number of levels in the IPWBS varies
depending on the complexity of the component [42]. In what concerns to the IPWBS visual
representation, the database system envisaged will follow:

• A Chart with tree structure, as shown in Figure 5.3.

Figure 5.3: Chart with tree structure, adapted from [43].

The way a IPWBS is constructed and therefore a project is defined can be done in many
ways [42], depending on the view taken, i.e. different approaches to the hierarchical
decomposition of a project could be taken. In this case the approach considered was:

• Product-oriented, as depicted in Figure 5.4.

Figure 5.4: Product-oriented chart with tree structure.

The IPWBS of a MRO project, featuring a component, is a result of a hierarchical
decomposition. There are hierarchical relations between the parts (i.e. parent-child relation),
which fully reflect the guiding ideology of top to down. Therefore, the hierarchical relation of
parts decides the hierarchical position of tasks of the WBS, thus the parent-child relation of
tasks can be deduced according to the parent-child relation of parts.

The IPWBS concept defines the scope and structure of this thesis and establishes the
foundation for a [42]:

• MRO technical data management solution, as shown in Figure 5.5.

Figure 5.5: MRO Technical Data Management Solution.

To sum up, this thesis puts forward a R&D decomposition method based on the IPWBS
concept by analyzing deeply the relations between PBS and WBS according to their data
composition. Based on these relations, this thesis comes up with a solution comprised of
mapping rules from parts to processes, including generative rules to associate processes to
parts, and decomposition rules based on parent-child relations between part-part, process-
process and part-process. This concept establishes mathematical models that allow mapping
identification and the mapping of parent-child relations, while designing a variety of mapping
connection functions including 1:1, 1: n, and n:1 discussed in detail in the next section.

5.2.2. Characteristics

During Concept Development characteristics were observed for the case study in
hands, difficulties were overcome and theoretical concepts were incorporated. Furthermore,
and considering now the sample parts previously presented in section 5.1.3 on Table 5.13 and
Table 5.14:

Disassembly Process

• “Example Part 1” and “Example Part 4” belong to maintenance group “ASSY, this
means that a disassembly process is associated with these parts from which other
parts come out. In accordance, with the previously stated on section 5.1.1, no repair
processes are associated to these parts’ maintenance group, as shown in Table 5.14.

• Considering the case of “Example Part 1”, this part corresponds to the component’s
root part, see node “1” in Figure 5.3, Level 1 on the component’s product tree
• In turn “Example Part 4”, corresponds to Level 2 on the component’s product tree
hierarchy. In fact, this part was obtained by a disassembly process of “Example Part 1”.
Figure 5.6 depicts the characterization of a generic disassembly process, taking as
reference the “Representative Sample” previously exposed in section 5.1.3. A disassembly
process can be represented in the database with tree structure, by mapping it to a 1:n
mathematical relation in the IPWBS concept.

Figure 5.6: Disassembly Process.

Repair Process

• “Example Part 2” and “Example Part 3” belong to maintenance group “NDI+TRAT” and
are Level 2 on the component’s product tree hierarchy. These parts were obtained by
a disassembly process of “Example Part 1”, as shown in Figure 5.6. There are no
disassembly processes associated with these parts, only repair processes, as shown in
Table 5.14.
• “Example Part 5” belongs also to maintenance group “NDI+TRAT” and is Level 3 on the
component’s product tree hierarchy. There are no disassembly processes associated
with this part, only repair processes, as shown in Table 5.14.

Figure 5.7 depicts the characterization of a generic repair process, taking as reference
the “Representative Sample” previously exposed in section 5.1.3. A repair process can be
represented in the database with tree structure, by mapping it to a 1:1 mathematical relation
in the IPWBS concept.

Figure 5.7: Repair Process.

WBS and PBS nodes integration in the database with tree structure

Figure 5.8 depicts the hierarchical structure proposed for the example parts, exposed
in section 5.1.3., along with the characteristics already found. On a note, since level
discretization of the IPWBS concept is only associated to parts of a component’s product tree,
disassembly and repair processes are considered middle-levels, i.e. 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, etc… This step
taken enables integration of the PBS and WBS nodes in the database with tree structure.

Figure 5.8: Database Hierarchy.

Assembly Process

Considering the full scope of a MRO project, in this case, the MRO of a component. It
should not only be considered the disassembly and repair processes, but also the assembly
processes done after individual parts were maintained. This mapping rule, depicted in Figure
5.9, was not identified previously, but it allows for a full description of a MRO project that was
not considered on the database construction of the current solution depicted in Figure 5.1. An
assembly process can be can be represented in the database with tree structure, by mapping
it to a n:1 mathematical relation in the IPWBS concept.

Figure 5.9: Assembly Process.
5.2.3. Virtual Concept

A difficulty found during concept development was that repair processes could be
associated to parts from various levels, e.g. from Level 2 and 3 as shown in Figure 5.8. Since
PBS and WBS nodes integration in the IPWBS concept is proposed, there is a need for
standardization and thus definition to what level is occupied by the repair processes.

Considering the characteristics found, various solutions were experimented to this

problem and ultimately it was decided to align all repair processes to the same vertical
position, thus creating a new middle-level associated only to repair processes. The location of
this new middle-level is preceded by the last level of a component’s product tree PBS, in this
case level 3.5, as shown in Figure 5.10.

Figure 5.10: Repair Processes vertical location.

Symmetry Characteristic

By overcoming this difficulty and presenting the solution depicted in Figure 5.10
another characteristic was found during concept development. Any MRO project following
this IPWBS concept shows now a structural arrangement that is symmetrical to the repair
processes middle-level in what concerns to its PBS nodes.

In fact, parts are associated with disassembly processes till the symmetry line and
posteriorly to assembly processes. Furthermore, the concept proposed includes the
decomposition of “Example part 1” that corresponds to the component’s root part from
which, through disassembly processes, all parts that make up the component’s product tree
come out. Thus, increasing gradually the width of the chart at each level, till the symmetry line
and posteriorly to the symmetry line, all parts that are now repaired, are assembled till the
component’s root part is again achieved.

Figure 5.11: Virtual Concept.

Applying the virtual concept depicted in Figure 5.11, and taking as reference the
representative sample presented in section 5.1.3 a conceptual model is built, see Figure 5.12.
This model will serve as the basis for the prototype development featured in section 5.3.

Figure 5.12: Conceptual Model.

5.3. Prototype Development
At the present date, scholars had made a beneficial study on the decomposition
method of IPWBS, the relations between WBS and PBS and so on, as presented in section 5.2.
Nevertheless, these studies are just in a conceptual aspect, lacking technological
implementation means [41].

In this scenario, a prototype application was developed to be applicable to the

Departamento de Engenharia de Componentes of OGMA. It proved that the IPWBS concept
can be implemented to the MRO of components and allow, in fact, increasing visualization
and information gathering capabilities to the MRO project while enabling improved efficiency,
accuracy and integrity in MRO technical data insertion, organization and manipulation. To sum
up, and considering the database construction of the case company OGMA depicted in Figure
5.1, and in Figure 5.13 by “Data collection”, further steps were developed to optimize this
MRO technical data management solution [44].

Figure 5.13: Prototype Model, adapted from [44].

5.3.1. Prototype Architecture

Considering the case company’s environment, the prototype was developed using VBA
jointly with Microsoft Excel. The option taken to develop the program prototype using
Microsoft Excel and VBA, instead of using more powerful tools such as Microsoft Visio along
with a template database, was mostly justified by the fact that the Departamento de
Engenharia de Componentes did not want to deploy additional software on their computers.

In this scenario, and considering the general development of applications using Excel
and VBA, one should take as much advantage as possible from the Microsoft Excel native
functionality, i.e. developing interfaces using worksheets, making extensive use of
mathematical formulations and minimizing the use of VBA code [45], [46]. In fact, these
principles were followed throughout the development of this prototype and are of great
relevance once they enable the application to be more robust and faster while becoming
easily adaptable to the business logic.

Each Microsoft Excel worksheet that constitutes the prototype, now considered in
Figure 5.14, has designated content that serves a purpose within the prototype architecture.

Figure 5.14: Prototype Excel Worksheets.

• Notes to user- Gives instructions to the user on how to run the program.
• List of Processes- WBS processes data compilation and codification consisting in a list
of repair processes commonly associated with any component MRO project, as shown
in Table 5.11.
• Data- Puts the component’s MRO technical database as the application’s object,
following the data insertion accordingly to the template created, as depicted in step
“Template” of Figure 5.13.
• Chart- Visualization of the database with tree structure in accordance with the concept
explained in section 5.2 and depicted in step “Chart Block Diagram” of Figure 5.13.
• Analysis- Interface for MRO technical data analysis and manipulation as depicted in
steps “Simulation” and “Analysis” of Figure 5.13.

Once the “List of processes” worksheet is created and the individual component’s
IPWBS decomposition is achieved through use of the template designed, any component’s
database is completely formed and is then stored. Now, and considering these databases
individually created and, hence, associated to individual components, each one can be
retrieved and become the “Data” worksheet. The “Data” Worksheet constitutes the object in

which the application acts, that enables “Chart Block Diagram” design and allows the user
interaction with the “Analysis” worksheet interface. To sum up, although every component’s
database can be created and stored they can only be analysed by the application separately,
however simultaneously. Figure 5.15 tries to represent the previously stated.

Figure 5.15: Prototype Architecture.

5.3.2. Template Design

The template created enables the mapping of every single component’s PBS and WBS
nodes into the IPWBS concept. To this template there were associated some segmented
properties as illustrated in Table 5.16.

Table 5.16: Six segmented node’s IPWBS database structure.

Level Identifier Description P/N Parents Processes

A brief description considering the interactions between properties and goals intended
for each property follows:

• Level: Follows the component’s IPWBS hierarchical decomposition by including

middle-levels associated to disassembly, repair and assembly processes.
• Identifier: Identifies every node by a variable set of numeric characters. This
numbering codification allows mapping identification and association of each node.
This number is linked with the node’s level.
• Description-Same as in section 5.1.2. Designation, name or description of the part

• P/N- Same as in section 5.1.1. This property takes the form of a variable set of
alphanumeric characters. Together those characters form a code whose function is to
clearly identify a part (PBS).
• Parents- Uses “Identifier” property that allows for mapping between every single node
within this database by integrating parent-child relations.
• Processes- The “List of Processes” Worksheet codifies every single repair process to a
letter, allowing data to be accordingly associated to this property. Moreover, parts
before the symmetry line are tagged as ‘UNREPAIRED’ and parts below the symmetry
line are tagged as ‘REPAIRED’ in this property. Furthermore, every assembly and
disassembly process is identified.

This database is introduced manually, taking as reference the current database

solution presented in Figure 5.1 for any component. Therefore, and considering the
representative sample presented in section 5.1.3, the corresponding template database is
presented in Table 5.17:

Table 5.17: Template database implementation for representative sample presented in

section 5.1.3.

Level Identifier Description P/N Parents Processes

1 101 LEG STRUT ASSY (LH) 2309-2002-007 - UNREPAIRED
1.5 151D - - 101 DISASSEMBLY
2 201 WASHER 2309-2020-001 151D UNREPAIRED
2 210 AXLE 2309-2032-001 151D UNREPAIRED
2 270 BONDING JUMPER KIT 2309-4030-401 151D UNREPAIRED
2.5 251D - - 270 DISASSEMBLY
3 3002 CONTACT SUPPORT 2309-4135-001 251D UNREPAIRED
3.5 #RP_1 REPAIR 2309-2020-001 201 A, C
3.5 #RP_10 REPAIR 2309-2032-001 210 A, B, F, H, J, N, O
3.5 #RP_43 REPAIR 2309-4135-001 3002 D, N
4 4002 CONTACT SUPPORT 2309-4135-001 #RP_43 REPAIRED
4.5 451A - - 4002 ASSEMBLY
5 501 WASHER 2309-2020-001 #RP_1 REPAIRED
5 510 AXLE 2309-2032-001 #RP_10 REPAIRED
5 570 BONDING JUMPER KIT 2309-4030-401 451A REPAIRED
5.5 551A - - 501:510:570 ASSEMBLY
6 601 LEG STRUT ASSY (LH) 2309-2002-007 551A REPAIRED

5.3.3. Implementing Chart Functionality

Once the template is created for a component the user can, at any point, access it and
simply rename it to “Data” in the application, as previously stated. From this point on, it is
possible to draw the component’s database with tree structure also known as block chart
diagram, as depicted in Figure 5.16.

Figure 5.16: Template database transformation into Block Chart Diagram.

For this to happen, the “Data” worksheet needs to undergo a set of functions
developed using VBA code. All functions were developed according to reference [47] and are
presented in Appendix 1, they are now explained through the flowchart shown in Figure 5.17.
They enable “Chart” worksheet design and are dynamic, by other words, no matter the
component’s complexity and layout, the chart with tree structure will be drawn considering,
beforehand, a good template database construction.

Figure 5.17: Macro called for Chart drawing.

The following list explains each function used and their utility in the program
developed considering the interactions between them, previously shown in Figure 5.17:

• Function DeleteAllShapes
o Simply resets the “Chart” worksheet environment.
o Does not delete the chart shapes (explained in Function InsertShape).

• Function ShowData:
o When the user clicks in a node on the block chart diagram drawn, this function
shows the associated data to that node in a message box.
o Works as a macro that obtains the related data associated to the row number
in the “Data” worksheet where that node is.
o Shows repair node details, e.g. repair nodes associated with selected parts
provided those repair processes are active (later explained in section
“Implementing Analysis Functionality”, i.e. “Not applicable” at this point),
illustrated in Figure 5.18.

Figure 5.18: Function ShowData.

• Function ParentsList, example illustrated in Table 5.19:

o Generates a parents' list of a node, based on the node location (cell row) in the
“Data” worksheet and considering its shape. Saves it in the “Title” excel
property associated to that node, in case there is no parent, that property
keeps the empty default string.
o Obtains the data associated to that node’s “Parents” property. The result is a
string with all the parents of a node, (developed according to reference [48]).
o At least one parent should exist, if not this function is not called.

Table 5.18: Function ParentsList, example withdrawn from Table 5.17.

Level Identifier Description P/N Parents Processes

5.5 551A - - 501:510:570 ASSEMBLY

• Function InsertShape:
o Inserts a single shape, using standard shapes illustrated in Figure 5.19 and in
accordance with the shape property defined in Figure 5.2.
o Assuming boxes are for integer levels or parts (1,2,3, etc…) and diamonds for
x.5 levels or processes (1.5, 2.5, 3.5, etc…).
o Calls Function ParentsList.
o Calls Function ShowData.
o Assigns the visual label of that node to its “Identifier” property’s string.

Figure 5.19: Node shapes used for chart drawing.

• Function InsertAllShapes
o Insert all shapes by running the entire “Data” worksheet and introducing shapes
according to each node “Level” property.
o Calls Function InsertShape.

• Function ConnectAllShapes, illustrated in Figure 5.20:

o For all shapes check if a shape has a parent, if so a connection is made.
o Discards shapes with no parent (such as first level nodes, and the connector

Figure 5.20: Function ConnectAllShapes.

• Function GenerateChildsList, an example is shown in Table 5.19:

o This function generates, for each node, its children’s list.
o It uses the Excel shape “alternative” field to save the node’s children list.
o Verifies if the shape is a connector line.

o Verifies if that's the first child addiction, and considers the case when there is
more than one child.

Table 5.19: Function GenerateChildsList, example withdrawn from Table 5.17.

Level Identifier Description P/N Parents Processes

CHILD 2 201 WASHER 2309-2020-001 151D UNREPAIRED
CHILD 2 210 AXLE 2309-2032-001 151D UNREPAIRED

• Function AlignAllShapes
o Align all shapes according to the following rule:
▪ Nodes with multiple parents and children are centred according to the
parents and children positions respectively.
o When the relationship is one child one parent both shapes are aligned

5.3.4. Implementing Analysis Functionality

After the Chart Block Diagram is drawn for any component a set of analysis are
performed as depicted in Figure 5.21.

Figure 5.21: Analysis Functionality.

The “Analysis” worksheet interface was designed to take as much advantage as

possible from the mapping already achieved between parts and repair processes. Considering
these complex products with hundreds or even thousands of parts this kind of data
manipulation can lead to useful information when planning efficient MRO operation. This
interface follows steps when interacting with the user, as depicted in Figure 5.13 by “Data
Simulation Inputs” which generate automatic outputs depicted in Figure 5.13 by “Data
analysis Outputs”. Figure 5.22 shows the general outline of this interface.

Figure 5.22: “Analysis” worksheet interface steps.

Each of these steps depicted in Figure 5.22, i.e. steps 1,2,3 and 4, were implemented
using VBA code and are presented in Appendix 1. All functions developed are now explained
through the flowchart presented in Figure 5.23.

Figure 5.23: Functions developed for the “Analysis” worksheet interface.

The following list explains each function used and their utility in the prototype developed
considering the interactions between them, previously shown in Figure 5.23:

• Function AnalyzePhase1, corresponds to Step 1 functionality depicted in Figure 5.22:

o Once the button highlighted in Figure 5.24 is pressed, it generates

automatically the list of “Identifiers” or parts in the component’s IPWBS that
are reparable, in other words, creates a list of parts with repair processes
o For each repair process node this function identifies its parent part, bear in
mind that a 1:1 mathematical relation was used for the characterization of
repair processes.
o This list enables the user to select any faulty part diagnosed within the
component by checking the box with a or leaving it deselected with a
which appears by default.
o If the button highlighted in Figure 5.24 is pressed again, it resets the whole
“Analysis” worksheet interface if any previous analysis was made, i.e. Step 1,2,3

and 4, that includes the list of “Identifiers”, i.e. Step 1, if any previous selection
was made.

Figure 5.24: Step 1 selection example.

Once the selection of faulty parts diagnosed within the component under analysis is
finished, the user should advance to step 2 by clicking the button highlighted in Figure 5.25.

• Function AnalyzePhase2, corresponds to Step 2 functionality depicted in Figure 5.22:

o Step 2 identifies and generates the list of repair processes associated to the
“Identifiers” previously selected on Step 1. This list enables the user to deselect
any repair process that can’t be undergone at the time of analysis, e.g. due to
lack of tools or repair process work overburden, by replacing the checkbox that
by default appears with a by an .
o If the button highlighted in Figure 5.25 is clicked again, it resets Step 2,3 and 4,
if any previous analysis was made, that includes the list of repair processes, i.e.
Step 2, if any previous selection was made. Step 1 selection is kept.

Figure 5.25: Step 2 selection example, considering Step 1 selection made in Figure 5.24.

Step 1 and 2 constitute what is commonly called a simulation study, once different
selections in any of these inputs will present the user with different results. In fact, once Step
1 and 2 selections are concluded the program will generate automatically 2 outputs, by
clicking the button highlighted in Figure 5.26.

• Function AnalyzePhase3, corresponds to Step 3 functionality depicted in Figure 5.22:

o Generate outputs by “Identifiers” or parts, i.e. “OUTPUT 1”, and by repair

processes, i.e. “OUTPUT 2”.
o “OUTPUT 1” creates a list that associates to each part selected in “INPUT 1” the
repair processes undergone, if selected in “INPUT 2”.
o “OUTPUT 2” will generate a list that associates to each repair process selected
in “INPUT 2” all parts selected in “INPUT 1” that undergo this same repair
o By clicking the button highlighted in Figure 5.26 again, the interface will clear
previous analysis results, i.e. OUTPUTS 1,2 and 3. Selections made previously
in Step 1 and 2 are kept.

Figure 5.26: Step 3 outputs, considering Step 1 and Step 2selection made in Figure 5.24 and
Figure 5.25 respectively.

• FunctionAnalyzePhase4, corresponds to Step 4 functionality depicted in Figure 5.22:

o Step 4 or “OUTPUT 3” gives additional information within the “Chart”

worksheet by highlighting the parts selected in “INPUT 1” as shown in Figure
o Making use of Function ShowData, the user can click the repair process nodes
associated to the highlighted parts, as illustrated in Figure 5.27, and validate
the information previously obtained in “OUTPUT 1” and “OUTPUT 2”.
o Shows repair node details, e.g. repair nodes associated with selected parts in
“INPUT 1” will have “Active Processes” or not considering the selection made
of repair processes in “INPUT 2”, as shown in Figure 5.27.

Figure 5.27: Step 4 output, considering Step 1 and Step 2selection made in Figure 5.24 and
Figure 5.25 respectively.
6. Results
6.1. Initial considerations
Each component has its own product tree, that can diverge in number of parts and
layout. On the other hand, the total repair processes are few in comparison with the number
and diversity of parts within each component and are, in general, common to all components,
i.e. several parts may have the same repair processes associated. This characteristic found
during replications and database analysis constituted the basis for the data analysis performed
throughout this thesis.

6.2. Data analyzed

The prototype program developed was implemented to two verified components:

• MLG with ATA code 32-10-01 that will be given the name of “ASSY 1”.
• MLG Shock Strut with ATA code 32-11-01 that will be given the name of “ASSY 2”.

6.2.1. Template Database

Considering the template database construction designed, depicted in Table 5.16, and
the data insertion to that database presented for the “Representative Sample” shown in Table
5.17, it can be stated that:

The template database created for any component’s IPWBS has two row data entries
for each part, one before the symmetry line and one after the symmetry line. Furthermore,
each part will have either a dissassembly process and a assembly process associated, before
and after the symmetry line respectively, or a repair process associated. Therefore, it can be
assumed with some confidence that the transformation from the current database
construction depicted in Figure 5.1 to the template database designed, depicted in Table 5.16,
will follow approximately a ratio of 3 as shown in Table 6.1. This is backed up by the performed
replications to ASSY 1 and ASSY 2 shown in Appendix 2 and 3 respectively.

Table 6.1: Template database’s row data entries for performed replications.
Figure 5.1 database row data entries 484 1023
Table 5.16 template database row data entries 1392 3088
Ratio 2.876 3.0186

With an increasing number of replications to other components, theories of normal

distribution could be applied and intervals of confidence could be stated allowing the
database to be partially validated regarding its content [49]. However, and for now, the
template database must follow rules of data insertion in order for the prototype program to
draw the chart block diagram, as depicted in Figure 5.16.

6.2.2. Chart Functionality

Depending on the component’s complexity under analysis, i.e. the number of row data
entries to the template database, the prototype program will take variable time to draw the
chart block diagram, step depicted in Figure 5.16. Besides, the execution time will vary
depending on the computational capabilities of the computer that is being used to run the
prototype program.

Figure 6.1: Program’s execution time for both ASSY 1 and ASSY 2.

6.2.3. Analysis Functionality

Once the chart is drawn, analysis of data can only be considered by formulating MRO
scenarios based on fault diagnosis made for those components. Consequently, and
considering the case of ASSY 1 and formulating 2 MRO scenarios, see Figure 5.23:

• Scenario 1, depicted in Figure 6.2.

• Scenario 2, depicted in Figure 6.3.

o “INPUT 1” equal for both scenarios.
o “INPUT 2” different for both scenarios. All repair processes selected in
Scenario 1. Repair processes “A”, “C” and “F” not selected in Scenario 2.
o “OUTPUT 3” depicted in Figure 6.4 for both scenarios, since “INPUT 1” is

Figure 6.2: Scenario 1: INPUT 1, INPUT 2, OUTPUT 1 and OUTPUT 2.

Figure 6.3: Scenario 2: INPUT 1, INPUT 2, OUTPUT 1 and OUTPUT 2.

Figure 6.4: OUTPUT 3 for Scenario 1 and 2 (should be read from left to right and top to
6.2.4. Interpretation of Results

Recapitulating, an aircraft, hence all its components, are designed and manufactured
by the OEM which documents all the design details and MRO instructions. These documents
are delivered along with the aircraft to the operator, e.g. airline, that in turn hands over all
the necessary technical data to the out-sourced MRO company in charge of executing a
designated MRO operation.

The MRO company collects and manages all the necessary technical data to perform
MRO, by defining individual maintenance tasks, also known as Task Cards and planning their
sequencing. Subsequently, maintenance tasks are executed and reported, to ensure that the
component is made airworthy again [2].

In other words, an aerospace MRO company generates its revenue by fulfilling all the
tasks necessary to maintain the component. However, this work is not linear, once many
actions must be performed upstream with the intention of managing the MRO execution as
time and resource efficiently as possible, in a very competitive and dynamic market.

In that scenario, enabling IT solutions that can store but also analyse technical
documentation raises the business intelligence level of the aerospace MRO company. This
augmentation proposed to the MRO system of the case company OGMA, and depicted in
Figure 5.14, can be used for generating more efficient sequencing of Task Cards, streamline
processes and give real time alternatives to maintenance managers, constituting a step
towards increased maintenance planning support. All this can be done by applying the right
concepts and techniques through means of automation, reducing proneness to error, time
wasted and giving additional information while planning maintenance, hence increasing
productiveness at an operational level.

Figure 6.5: Applicability of prototype program to the case company OGMA.

7. Conclusions and Future Work
7.1. Conclusion
Nowadays, aerospace MRO industry is ruled by constant development and innovative
solutions are being developed upstream to determine correctly the lifecycle of components
shifting the paradigm from scheduled maintenance to predictive maintenance, i.e. action
based on the actual state of the components in relation to their life cycle, determining the
right moment for their repair or replacement. In fact, and according to reference [50],
innovative technological systems based on Artificial Intelligence are starting to be utilized, that
combined with intelligent algorithms capable of processing huge volumes of data in real time,
and analyzing a large set of heterogeneous data generated by the various sensors in aircraft
components, allow such systems to recognize from this data the actual state of the
components and their lifetime.
However, this does not change the fact that these components will need MRO
downstream. In this scenario, the only thing that will change is the fact that MRO companies
that perform maintenance will need to be more efficient in processes and enable decision-
making tools in face of an increasing dynamic market. In fact, with the advances in technology
upstream it has become obvious that there is a need for maintenance management research
and practices to cope with the advancements made in business requirements. Therefore, the
only way to balance the scale is also through enabling technology downstream in MRO

The prototype program developed may have strong results when applied to the case
company OGMA, however there is a considerable number of R&D projects involving IT
solutions that end in failure and in cost and time overruns. Therefore, this program should be
considered as an R&D project and should follow all necessary steps for its full validation and
implementation in the case company OGMA if seemed fit. Firstly, focusing on building isolated
databases associated to individual components and using the prototype program outputs to
support MRO planning, then bring on derived functionalities [4].

Based on literature review, results concluded that [5]:

1. The program developed is considered to include maintenance support planning

function and adds tools towards fully automated and responsive service.
2. This concept developed demonstrates potential and may support, with some
adjustments and additions, the MRO operation to the whole Departamento de
Engenharia de Componentes of the case company OGMA, see Section 7.3.
3. This application is considered as a liaison between the tactical and operational level of
the Departamento de Engenharia de Componentes in the case company OGMA.
4. The application design is user friendly, because it does not alter the flow of MRO
functions that has gone before and works as an isolated decision support system.

5. The software can process data input into the output report automatically. The output
data will have direct impact if applied on the case company OGMA. If not, it will at least
make rethink how these assets’ data is compiled and manipulated.

7.2. Research Goals Qualitative Assessment

Referring to the research goals which have been enumerated in section 1.4 regarding
the prototype implementation in the case study company OGMA a qualitative assessment is
made considering the results obtained in chapter 6.

Asset Data Management

• Component’s parts data (part number, description).

o All parts within a component are identified and codified by a number that has
PBS properties associated such as its part number and description, see
template database in Appendix 2 and 3.

• Component’s PBS assembly hierarchy (part number, location on product tree

structure, top-level equipment and its children parts are listed).

o All parts within a component are structurally arranged within the database
created with tree structure that follows the component’s hierarchy from top-
level root part to each one of its children parts, see Figure 6.4, Appendix 4 and

• Component’s parts association with repair processes (part number, description, repair
processes codification).

o Within the database with tree structure all parts that are not associated with
disassembly or assembly processes are mapped with repair processes. Each
faulty part diagnosed can be selected in the Analysis interface. The simulation
allows automatic association to a set of fully descriptive repair processes in
‘OUTPUT 1’ and ‘OUTPUT 2’, see Figure 6.2 and Figure 6.3.

• Faulty part identification on database with tree structure (displays repair processes for
each part).
o ‘OUTPUT 3’ highlights on the chart block diagram the faulty parts previously
selected in ‘INPUT 1’ by the user, see Figure 6.4.

Work Order System- Scheduling/Planning

• Compilation and storage of asset’s MRO technical data, integration of its parts (PBS)
and processes (WBS).

o Data compilation and storage for each component’s MRO technical data that is
available when needed and can be updated at any time, as explained in section
5.3.1, see template database Appendix 2 and Appendix 3.

• Support specific repair projects.

o ‘INPUT 1’ and ‘INPUT 2’ constitute an analysis interface that allows selection by

the user considering any given MRO project featuring an individual component
at a given time in operation, see Figure 6.2 and Figure 6.3.

• Accounts for priority of work when generating Task Cards.

o ‘OUTPUT 2’ enables user to prioritize and manage MRO execution accordingly

to the MRO project in hands, see Figure 6.2 and Figure 6.3.

7.3. Suggestions and Future Work

Although the development of the prototype program has been completed for now, it
is realized that there will always be place for improvement to achieve a better and wider

The results obtained in chapter 6 represent only a validation that the prototype
developed works and data can be accessed and relevant information gathered from the
component under analyses. However, further customizations are considered viable and only
demonstrate the IPWBS concept potentialities. The following suggestions demonstrate some
customizations that the case company OGMA may want to apply to the program prototype
that may represent value adding features.

7.3.1. Integrate data analysis

Suggestion 1, considers the replication of the template database to all components

that are or will be in MRO operation in the foreseeable future. At this point, the program
prototype developed only considers the analysis of MRO technical data individually by
component. However, there are several components under MRO operation at a given time in
the Departamento de Engenharia de Componentes. Suggestion 1 conceives that all OUTPUTS,
i.e. OUTPUT 1,2 and 3, could be obtained by either the analysis of MRO technical data of all
the components under MRO or by the ones seemed fit by the user. With this further
development to the program prototype, a broader decision support system that enables MRO
planning for the entire department could be achieved. Enhancing the features already
obtained such as:

• Support MRO planning for the entire department.

• Priority of work created by the makers of Task Cards considering all assets under MRO
operation instead of considering them individually.

Figure 7.1: Suggestion 1.

7.3.2. Additional data

Additional data could be added to the “List of Processes” worksheet such as materials
and special tools associated with every single repair process. Furthermore, data could be
stored concerning the assembly and disassembly processes as well. Moreover, new properties
could be included in the component’s IPWBS template database structure, such as cost or part
criticality. This will enable a broader solution by adding new data to the template database
such as:

Figure 7.2: Suggestion 2.

• Cost (part number, date installed, cost).
• Part criticality.
o Part warranty (part number, description, warranty expiration date)
o Part availability (part number, description, times available during a specified
• Materials list associated to repair, disassembly and assembly processes.
o Special tools (part number, description, special tools required).
• Other additional data seemed fit by the case company OGMA.

7.3.3. Other data analysis

Current data stored in the component’s IPWBS database structure may enable other
data analysis that differ from ‘OUTPUT 1’, ‘OUTPUT 2’ and ‘OUTPUT 3’ created. However,
additional data such as the ones enumerated in section 7.3.2 enable, for sure, other
information gathering. Multiple analysis could be made to the template database created, as
seemed fit by the case company OGMA.

Figure 7.3: Suggestion 3.

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Appendix 1- VBA Code


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