Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
in Metallic Structures
July 2010
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
Foram medidas durezas em amostras de soldaduras extraídas de uma placa soldada com
preparação em X de onde foram também extraídos os provetes CT. Foram realizados
ensaios de propagação de fendas de fadiga em provetes de metal base com razão de
tensão (R = carga mínima/carga máxima) R=0.1, 0.4 e 0.7, e também da zona afectada
pelo calor de ligações soldadas topo a topo, com R=0.1, seguindo a norma ASTM E647.
Foi obtida a relação comprimento de fenda vs. número de ciclos e seguidamente
procedeu-se à determinação das respectivas leis de propagação.
Foi realizada uma avaliação aproximada do efeito de crack closure no provete de zona
afectada pelo calor testado com R=0.1, e com base nessa avaliação determinada a
relação da/dN vs. ∆Keff para esse provete.
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
The main subject of the present dissertation is the characterization of fatigue crack
propagation laws for the steel used in the Alcácer do Sal bridge being built for REFER.
The stress intensity factor calibration of CT (compact tension) specimens was carried
out using 2D and 3D finite element analyses, as a function of crack length and of
position through the thickness.
Hardness values were measured in samples of double V joints. These samples and the
CT specimens tested were extracted from the same plate. Fatigue crack propagation
tests were carried out in base metal (BM) specimens under load ratios (R=minimum
load / maximum load) of 0.1, 0.4 and 0.7, and also of the heat affected zone (HAZ) of
butt welds under R=0.1, according to the ASTM standard E647. The relationship crack
length vs. number of cycles was obtained, and afterwards the crack propagation laws
were determined.
An approximate assessment of the crack closure effect found in the HAZ CT specimen
tested at R=0.1 was carried out, and on the basis of that assessment the relationship
da/dN vs. ∆Keff was determined for that specimen.
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
Resumo ....................................................................................................................................... v
Abstract ..................................................................................................................................... vii
Acknowledgements ................................................................................................................... ix
Contents ..................................................................................................................................... xi
List of Figures .......................................................................................................................... xiii
List of Tables ........................................................................................................................... xix
List of Acronyms ..................................................................................................................... xxi
List of Symbols ...................................................................................................................... xxiii
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 2
1.1. Generalities ...................................................................................................................... 2
1.2. Aims of the Present Thesis .............................................................................................. 4
2. Fatigue .................................................................................................................................... 8
2.1. Fatigue Life Prediction Models ....................................................................................... 9
2.1.1. The S-N curve........................................................................................................... 9
2.1.2. Damage Tolerance .................................................................................................. 10
2.2. Factors Affecting Fatigue Performance......................................................................... 12
2.2.1. Fatigue Loading ...................................................................................................... 12
2.3. Fracture Behavior Regions or Regimes ......................................................................... 13
2.4. Stress Intensity Factor (SIF) .......................................................................................... 14
2.5. Crack Propagation Laws ................................................................................................ 15
2.5.1. The Compact Tension Specimen (CTS) ................................................................. 18
3. Experimental......................................................................................................................... 22
3.1. Material .......................................................................................................................... 22
3.1.1. Metallographic Study ............................................................................................. 23 Samples............................................................................................................ 23
First Sample .............................................................................................................. 24
Second Sample ......................................................................................................... 28
Vickers Hardness Test .......................................................................................... 35
3.2. Calculation of the CT specimen dimensions ................................................................. 40
3.2.1. Specimen dimensions ............................................................................................. 40
3.2.2. Test loads and plastically deformed region ahead the crack .................................. 42
3.3. Study of the notch geometry.......................................................................................... 44
3.3.1. Determination of the Stress Concentration Factor (SCF)....................................... 48
3.3.2. Stress Intensity Factor values as a function of crack length .................................. 56
3.3.3. Stress intensity factor through thickness (a/W=0,23)............................................. 59 Notch angle of 30o ........................................................................................... 60 Notch angle of 60o ........................................................................................... 64 EDM notch ...................................................................................................... 68
3.4. Fatigue crack growth testing ......................................................................................... 71
3.4.1. Specimen Preparation ............................................................................................. 71
3.5. Results ........................................................................................................................... 73
3.5.1. BM specimen tested with R=0,1 ............................................................................ 74
3.5.2. BM specimen tested with R=0,4 ............................................................................ 79
3.5.3. BM specimen tested with R=0,7 ............................................................................ 86
3.5.4. HAZ specimen tested with R=0,1 .......................................................................... 91
3.5.5. Fatigue crack propagation threshold values ............................................................. 101
3.5.6. Summary of FCP laws abtained ............................................................................... 102
4. Discussion. Crack Closure Effects ..................................................................................... 104
4.1. Crack Closure Assessment for HAZ Specimen ........................................................... 104
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
List of Figures
Figure 1 - Survey of the various aspects of fatigue of structures [1]................................. 2
Figure 2 - Photograph of St. Mary’s Bridge similar to the Point Pleasant Bridge [2]. ..... 3
Figure 3 - Photograph of Point Pleasant Bridge after collapse [2]. ................................... 3
Figure 4 - Photograph showing origin of failure in Point Pleasant Bridge [2].................. 4
Figure 5 - Photograph of I.O.S. 3301 barge failure in 1972 [2]. ....................................... 4
Figure 6 - Image of the three arches of the Alcácer do Sal Bridge. .................................. 5
Figure 7- Alcácer do Sal Bridge: detail of the technical passageway under the
viaduct. .............................................................................................................................. 5
Figure 8 - Metallic box girder used in the 3-span Alcácer do Sal Bridge. ........................ 6
Figure 9 - Double V weld: detail A of Figure 8. ............................................................... 6
Figure 10 - Fatigue test results of unnotched specimens of a low alloy steel (SAE
4130) [1]. ........................................................................................................................... 9
Figure 11 - Principle of safe life crack growth by periodic inspections [1]. ................... 11
Figure 12 - Terminology in Constant-amplitude fatigue [2]. .......................................... 13
Figure 13 - Random-stress loading [2]. ........................................................................... 13
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
Figure 41 - Plastically deformed region ahead of the crack for ∆K = 2 MPam. ......... 43
Figure 40 - Dimensional relationships given by the ASTM E647 standard [9]. ............. 41
Figure 42 - Plastically deformed region ahead of the crack for ∆K = 8 MPam. ......... 44
Figure 43 - Notch details and minimum fatigue precracking requirements, from
[9]. ................................................................................................................................... 45
Figure 44 - Fractured 30o milling tool. The tool was firstly supplied as a disk
finished with the 30o cutting tool. .................................................................................... 46
Figure 45 - Specimen dimensions with a 30o notch angle............................................... 46
Figure 46 - CT Specimen dimensions with a 60o notch angle ........................................ 47
Figure 47 – a) CT Specimen dimensions with a straight EDM notch angle. b) Detail
of the EDM notch. ........................................................................................................... 48
Figure 48 – Detail of the specimen with EDM notch. Meshed model using 53930
C3D8R elements (half model). ........................................................................................ 49
Figure 49 – Detail of the specimen with 30o . Meshed model using 68864 C3D8R
Figure 50 - σ values for a Compact Tension Specimen with an EDM notch. ............... 50
elements (half model). ..................................................................................................... 49
Figure 51 - σ values for a Compact Tension Specimen with an EDM notch. .............. 51
Figure 52 - σ values for a Compact Tension Specimen with an EDM notch. .............. 51
Figure 53 - σ values for a Compact Tension Specimen with a 30o notch angle. .......... 52
Figure 54 - σ values for a Compact Tension Specimen with a 30o notch angle. .......... 52
Figure 55 - σ values for a Compact Tension Specimen with a 30o notch angle. .......... 53
Figure 56 - Forces and moments applied in the specimen for the nominal stress
calculation. ....................................................................................................................... 54
Figure 57 - Stress intensity factor values for different values of a/W using FEM 2D. ... 56
Figure 58 – K values along the thickness for different values of a/W. ........................... 57
Figure 59 - Stress intensity factor maximum, minimum and average values for
different values of a/W using FEM 3D. .......................................................................... 58
Figure 60 - Comparison of stress intensity factor values for different values of a/W. .... 58
Figure 61 - Error committed using FEM compared with the ASTM E647 standard. ..... 59
Figure 62 - Detail of less refined mesh for 30o notch angle for a/W=0,23. ..................... 60
Figure 63 - Comparative plot of the % differences between ASTM E647 and FEM
as a function of the coordinate z/t for both meshes for a/W=0,23. ................................. 62
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
Figure 64 - Nodes for calculating the average stress intensity factor for an element...... 62
Figure 65- Detail of meshed model using C3D8R elements (half model). ..................... 64
Figure 66 - Detail of the less refined mesh for a 60o notch angle for a/W=0,23 . ........... 65
Figure 67 - Comparative plot of the % differences between ASTM E647 and FEM
as a function of the coordinate z/t for both meshes for a/W=0,23. ................................. 67
Figure 68 - Detail of less refined mesh for an EDM notch for a/W=0,23. ...................... 68
Figure 69 - Comparative plot of the % differences between ASTM E647 and FEM
as a function of the coordinate z/t for both meshes for a/W=0,23. ................................. 70
Figure 70- Representation of the position of the weld in the tested specimens. ............. 71
Figure 71 - Precracking sequence used in the first test specimen (MB, R=0,1,
precrack measured from the tip of the EDM notch);a measured from EDM notch. ....... 72
Figure 72 - PEAK microscope, to be mounted on a travelling device incorporating a
Mitutoyo digital ruler. ..................................................................................................... 73
Figure 73 - MTS machine used for the tests and traveling microscopes (one on each
side of the specimen). ...................................................................................................... 74
Figure 74- a vs. N data results obtained from measurements of the test specimen
fatigue crack (BM, R=0,1)............................................................................................... 75
Figure 75 - da/dN vs. K data results using the Excel (SM, BM, R=0,1). ........................ 76
Figure 76 - da/dN vs. ∆ K data results using the Matlab (SM, BM, R=0,1). .................. 76
Figure 77 - da/dN vs. ∆ K data results using the Matlab (PM, BM, R=0,1). .................. 77
Figure 78 - Comparative plot of the experimental results with the calculated Paris
laws (BM R=0,1). ............................................................................................................ 78
Figure 79 - Specimen Picture in the end of the test (BM R=0,1). .................................. 79
Figure 80 - Precracking sequence used in the MB R=0,4 test specimen; a measured
from the EDM notch. ....................................................................................................... 80
Figure 81 - N vs. a data results obtained from measurements of the test specimen
fatigue crack (BM, R=0,4)............................................................................................... 81
Figure 82 - da/dN vs. ∆ K data results using the Excel (SM, BM R=0,4). ..................... 82
Figure 83 - da/dN vs. ∆ K data results using the Matlab (SM, BM R=0,4). ................... 82
Figure 84 - da/dN vs. ∆ K data results using the Matlab (PM, BM R=0,4). .................. 83
Figure 85 - Comparative plot of the experimental results with the calculated Paris
laws (BM R=0,4). ............................................................................................................ 84
Figure 86 – Fracture surfaces in the end of the test (BM R=0,4). .................................. 85
Figure 87 - Precracking sequence used in the BM R=0,7 test specimen; a measured
from EDM notch. ............................................................................................................. 86
Figure 88- N vs. a data results obtained from measurements of the test specimen
fatigue crack (BM R=0,7)................................................................................................ 87
Figure 89 - da/dN vs. ∆ K data results using the Excel (SM, BM R=0,7). ..................... 88
Figure 90 - da/dN vs. ∆ K data results using the Matlab (SM, BM R=0,7). ................... 88
Figure 91 - da/dN vs. ∆ K data results using the Matlab (PM, BM R=0,7). ................... 89
Figure 92- Comparative plot of the experimental results with the calculated Paris
laws (BM R=0,7). ............................................................................................................ 90
Figure 93 - Fracture surfaces in the end of the test (BM R=0,7). .................................... 91
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
Figure 102 - σ values for a1=a2=15 mm (using 22938 elements of type C3D8R)...... 100
mm).................................................................................................................................. 99
Figure 103 - σ values for a1=a2=25 mm (using 27558 elements of type C3D8R)...... 101
Figure 104 - da/dN vs. ∆K summary of FCP laws obtained in the tests. ...................... 102
Figure 105 - Back face strain gauge used. ..................................................................... 104
Figure 106 - Data acquisition system used to obtain the Force vs strain graphic. ........ 105
Figure 107 - Redistribution of residual stress with crack length [13]. .......................... 105
Figure 108 - Back face strain vs. force applied in the HAZ test specimen for
a=58,46 mm. .................................................................................................................. 106
Figure 109 - Back face strain vs. force applied in the HAZ test specimen for
a=64,19 mm. .................................................................................................................. 107
Figure 110 - Back face strain vs. force applied in the HAZ test specimen for
a=69,43 mm. .................................................................................................................. 107
Figure 111 - Back face strain vs. force applied in the HAZ test specimen for
a=76,58 mm. .................................................................................................................. 108
Figure 112 - Crack opening loads infection points (HAZ R=0,1). ................................ 109
Figure 113 - Back face strain vs. force applied in the HAZ test specimen for
a=64,19 mm, under cyclic load. .................................................................................... 110
Figure 114 - da/dN vs. ∆Keff data results using the Matlab with MB, HAZ and HAZ
effective R=0,1 (SM). .................................................................................................... 111
Figure 115 – Fatigue crack growth results correlated using the effective stress
intensity factor range.[14].............................................................................................. 112
Figure 116 - Fatigue crack growth rates as a function of external and effective SIF
[12]. ............................................................................................................................... 112
Figure 117 - Back face strain vs. force applied in the test specimen for a=47,91 mm
(BM specimen R=0,4). .................................................................................................. 113
Figure 118 - Back face strain vs. force applied in the test specimen for a=51,27 mm
(BM specimen R=0,4). .................................................................................................. 114
Figure 119 - Back face strain vs. force applied in the test specimen for a=52,69 mm
(BM specimen R=0,4). .................................................................................................. 114
Figure 120 - Back face strain vs. force applied in the test specimen for a=65,43 mm
(BM specimen R=0,4). .................................................................................................. 115
Figure 121 - Back face strain vs. force applied in the test specimen for a=74,37 mm
(BM specimen R=0,4). .................................................................................................. 115
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
Figure 122 - Back face strain vs. force applied in the test specimen for a=84,39 mm
(BM specimen R=0,4). .................................................................................................. 116
Figure 123 - Back face strain vs. force applied in the test specimen for a=87,55 mm
(BM specimen R=0,4). .................................................................................................. 116
Figure 124 - Crack opening loads inflection points (MB R=0,4). ................................. 117
Figure 125 - Back face strain vs. force applied in the test specimen for a=47,91 mm
(BM specimen R=0,4, under cyclic load). ..................................................................... 118
Figure 126 - da/dN vs. ∆ Keff data results using the Matlab with MB and MB
effective R=0,4 (SM). .................................................................................................... 119
Figure 127 – Clevis design. ........................................................................................... 126
Figure 128 – Force vs. strain plot under dynamic load with a=64,19 mm with 1HZ
frequency (HAZ R=0,1). ............................................................................................... 128
Figure 129- Force vs. strain plot under dynamic load with a=69,43 mm with 16 HZ
frequency (HAZ R=0,1). .............................................................................................. 129
Figure 130 - Back face strain vs. force applied in the test specimen for a=51,27 mm
(BM specimen R=0,4, under cyclic load). ..................................................................... 129
Figure 131 - Back face strain vs. force applied in the test specimen for a=52,69 mm
(BM specimen R=0,4, under cyclic load). ..................................................................... 130
Figure 132 - Back face strain vs. force applied in the test specimen for a=65,43 mm
(BM specimen R=0,4, under cyclic load). ..................................................................... 130
Figure 133 - Back face strain vs. force applied in the test specimen for a=74,37 mm
(BM specimen R=0,4, under cyclic load). ..................................................................... 131
Figure 134- Back face strain vs. force applied in the test specimen for a=84,39 mm
(BM specimen R=0,4, under cyclic load). ..................................................................... 132
Figure 135 - Back face strain vs. force applied in the test specimen for a=87,55 mm
(BM specimen R=0,4, under cyclic load). ..................................................................... 132
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
List of Tables
Table 1 - Chemical composition of the S355NLZ15 steel (base material). .................... 22
Table 2 - Some mechanical proprieties of the base material. .......................................... 22
Table 3 - S355NL steel: welding process 136 WQP according to EN ISO 15614-
1:2004. ............................................................................................................................. 23
Table 4 - Fatigue threshold values [5] ............................................................................. 42
Table 5 - Typical Fatigue threshold for modern steels [10]. ........................................... 42
Table 6 - Maximum fatigue crack loads [10]. ................................................................ 44
Table 7 - Non-dimensional 3D FEM SIF along the thickness, 45942 elements mesh
for a/W=0,23.................................................................................................................... 61
Table 8 - Non-dimensional 3D FEM SIF along the thickness, 68704 elements mesh
Table 10 - Non-dimensional 3D FEM SIF along the thickness, 78946 elements mesh
for a/W=0,23.................................................................................................................... 66
Table 11 - Non-dimensional 3D FEM SIF along the thickness, 44608 elements mesh
Table 13 - Non-dimensional 3D FEM SIF along the thickness, 29988 elements mesh
for a/W=0,23.................................................................................................................... 69
Table 14 - Non-dimensional 3D FEM SIF along the thickness, 53930 elements mesh
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
List of Acronyms
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
List of Symbols
A - Area;
a - crack length;
E - Young modulus;
F - Force;
H - CT specimen height;
J - integral J;
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
R - Stress ratio;
S - stress amplitude;
S - mean stress;
S ! - minimum strees;
Y - geometric factor;
Greek Symbols
∆σ - stress variation;
σ ! - minimum stresss;
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
ν - Poisson ratio;
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
1. Introduction
1.1. Generalities
A single application of a load substantially lower than the static strength of a structure
does not create damage, but if that load is repeated many times it could lead to a
complete failure. Fatigue failures are a well known phenomenon in metallic structures.
In the 19th century the first fatigue investigations were carried out. In Figure 1 [1] some
of the fatigue most important fatigue design aspects are shown.
A well known fatigue failure is the Point Pleasant Bridge collapse which caused the loss
of 46 lives, in 1972.
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
Figure 2 - Photograph of St. Mary’s Bridge similar to Figure 3 - Photograph of Point Pleasant Bridge
the Point Pleasant Bridge [2]. after collapse [2].
Bennett and Mindlin [3] conducted an investigation of the failure of the Point Pleasant
Bridge and concluded that:
“1.The fracture in the lower limb of the eye of eyebar 330 was caused by the growth of
a flaw to a critical size for fracture under normal working stress.
2. The initial flaw was due to stress corrosion cracking from the surface of the hole in
the eye. There is some evidence that hydrogen sulfide was the reagent responsible for
the stress-corrosion cracking. The final report indicates that the initial flaw was due to
fatigue, stress-corrosion cracking and/or corrosion fatigue.
3. The composition and heat treatment of the eyebar produced steel with very low
fracture toughness at the failure temperature.
More fractures in steel bridges and many other types of structures occurred since the
failure of the Point Pleasant Bridge as a result of unsatisfactory design approaches, e.g.
Figure 5. These fractures led to an increasing concern about the possibility of fatigue
and brittle fractures in steel bridges.
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
Industrial sectors have developed fracture control plans for applications as different as
arctic constructions or a space shuttle. Brittle fractures cannot be eliminated simply by
using materials with improved notch toughness, the designer has an important
responsibility for the safety and consistency of the structure. Fracture Mechanics can be
used in design to prevent brittle fractures and fatigue failures of engineering structures.
This master thesis aims at characterizing the fatigue crack propagation behavior of the
steel and of the welded connections of selected structural details of the above mentioned
bridge, taken as critical. Therefore, the base material and the welded samples were
provided by Teixeira Duarte SA, main contractor for this bridge. The specimens tested
in the present thesis are therefore truly representative of this major engineering
Figures 6 to 9 show several views of the Alcácer do Sal REFER Bridge, taken by the
author of the present thesis during a visit on June 16, 2010.
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
Figure 7- Alcácer do Sal Bridge: detail of the technical passageway under the viaduct.
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
detail A
Figure 8 - Metallic box girder used in the 3-span Alcácer do Sal Bridge.
double V weld
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
2. Fatigue
Fatigue is a process of cumulative damage that is caused by repeated variable loads. The
initiation and propagation of a crack occurs due to the accumulated damage of a number
due to this fact. The fatigue crack initiation life, N , is the number of cycles necessary to
of load fluctuations in the plastic regions. Fracture of components occurs in many cases
critical size is called the fatigue crack propagation life, N# . The total fatigue life, N , is
initiate a fatigue crack. The number of cycles needed to propagate a fatigue crack to a
defined as:
N = N + N# (1)
The boundary between fatigue crack initiation and propagation is not precisely defined,
since it would require an explicit consensus on the minimum size of the flaw that
constitutes a crack; such consensus does not exist.
Fatigue failure consists of three phases: initiation, propagation and final failure. It is
hard to define the boundary between initiation and propagation. Usually it is assumed
that one phase is prevailing and it is studied. Frequently in a defect free part the failure
process is assumed as concerning the crack initiation. In large and complex structures it
is more realistic to consider that defects already exist since fabrication, and determine
how fast they can grow.
The life of such structures as aircraft, ships, bridges and off-shore drilling platforms is
governed by the propagation of defects.
The two situations above roughly represent the two different philosophies of design.
In safe-life approach parts are designed for a finite service life during which no
significant damage will occur. No defects are assumed to be present in the new structure
and no inspections are required during the design life. After reaching the life limit the
part is retired from service.
In damage tolerance design an initial flaw is assumed to exist in the structure from day
1- when it is manufactured or leaves the factory. In-service damage and damage that
may occur during maintenance is also taken into account in evaluating the structure. The
idea is to account for the assumed initial defects in such a way that they will be not
allowed to reach critical size during the life of the component. Airframe components,
for example, are being designed according to damage tolerance concept since the
Components designed on the basis of safe life concept are frequently observed to have
appreciable remaining life after being discarded.
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
specimens of CrMo steel (SAE 4130). In these tests1 the average stress is @A = 0, and
different stress levels. Figure 10 gives an example of such results for unnotched
in consequence the stress ratio is C = @ADE ⁄@AFG = −1. The variable in Figure 10 is
the stress amplitude @F . The stress amplitude is plotted in a logarithmic scale. The stress
it leads to an approximately linear relation of log @F and log N. This linear relation can
is usually represented in a linear or logarithmic scale. The log scale is preferred because
be written as:
Figure 10 - Fatigue test results of unnotched specimens of a low alloy steel (SAE 4130) [1].
This relation is known as the Basquin equation. The slope of the linear part is equal to
1/k. Some remarks concerning Figure 10 should be made:
I. Experiments for the same @F do not all give the same fatigue life. Scatter
between results of similar tests occurs.
II. The simple S-N data in Figure 10 require an expensive test program.
A list of symbols is provided in the beginning of this thesis. In general, stress will be represented by σ;
however, since 2.1 is mainly based in ref [1], the notation used in that book was kept in this section.
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
Two situations can be defined: (i) the crack growth period until failure should be larger
than the design life time of the structure because inspections for cracks in service are
unwanted or not practicable, or (ii) the crack growth is accepted, but the occurrence of a
complete failure is prevented by periodic inspections.
For example in aircraft structures crack growth is accepted and the damage tolerance
requirements are specified in official airworthiness regulations; the same happens in
not acceptable. Predictions of fatigue crack growth starts from an initial crack length R ,
other structures if inspections can be done in a trustworthy way and fatigue failures are
RT . The critical crack length at the end of the fatigue life depends of the critical
which is normally associated with typical initial defects, until a final critical crack size
condition considered. The stress intensity factor increases as the crack grows until the
maximum value of the stress intensity factor (UAFG ) is UAFG = UT or UAFG = UVT (UT
end of crack growth life. The critical crack length normally is reached when the
and UVT are plane stress and plane strain fracture toughness respectively), depending on
the state of stress. The crack growth life does not heavily depend on the final crack
length because the crack growth rate is substantially large in the last part of the crack
growth life which therefore covers a small part of the total life.
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
The data required for using this model are (see Figure 11):
4,13). High safety factors values lead to insufficient crack growth life and the safety
analysis must be reconsidered in order to obtain more feasible predictions. In some
cases service simulations experiments have to be carried out to obtain more reliable
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
information. If the crack growth is accepted in the structure and no inspections are
made, a profound analysis of all influence factors should be made. If there is the risk of
a total failure of the structure, a large safety factor on the crack growth life needs to be
used and the possibility of periodic inspections should be considered [1].
Parameters such as stress (load), geometry and proprieties of the component, and the
external environment affect the performance of structural components. The stress
parameters include state of stress, stress range, stress ratio, constant or variable loading,
frequency, and maximum stress. The geometry and proprieties of the component
include stress (strain) raisers, size, stress gradient, and metallurgical and mechanical
proprieties of the base metal and weldments. The external environment parameters
include temperature and aggressiveness of the environment.
the constant amplitude load case is possible to observe a mean stress, σ%! ; an
amplitude (CA) loading (Figure 12) or variable amplitude loading (VA) (Figure 13). In
alternating stress or stress amplitude, σ# ; and a stress ratio, R, Figure 12. The stress
range is the algebraic difference between the maximum stress, σ , and the minimum
stress, σ ! , in the cycle
∆σ = σ − σ ! (3)
The mean stress is the algebraic mean of σ and σ ! in the cycle
σ + σ !
σ%! = (4)
The alternating stress or stress amplitude is half the stress range in a cycle
σ − σ !
σ# = (5)
The stress ratio R, represents the relative magnitude of the minimum and maximum
stresses each cycle
σ !
R= (6)
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
Figure 14 shows the general regions of fracture that shows the increase of fracture
toughness with the increase of temperature for typical structural steels.
Region I has an essentially brittle behavior regardless of the loading rate. Materials with
this type of behavior should be avoided.
Region II shows an elastic-plastic behavior with increasing plastic zone sizes but
unstable crack extension. In this case final fracture is rapid brittle fracture.
Region III has an elastic plastic behavior with large plastic zones and increasing
amounts of ductile tearing followed by unstable mixed mode fast fracture, but only after
considerable deformation. Stable crack growth would occur.
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
Region IV has a general yielding behavior, and specimens exhibit stable tearing at
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
K = Yσ√πa (7)
∆U curve. From these laws the best known, used and important one is the Paris Law.
There are various theories and laws that try to reproduce the behavior of the da/dN vs.
= C(∆K) (8)
stress intensity factor range used in the da/dN vs ∆K is traditionally interpreted as:
where C and m are taken as material properties and is known as Paris law fracture. The
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
Since crack faces will close in compression and no singularity is expected at the tip, it is
more logical to ignore the compressive part of the loading and just take the tensile range
as damaging. Welded structures are exceptions to this generalization, however, because
in weldments. It is then customary to use the full value of K − K ! even if K ! <
of the very wide range of values including high tensile residual stresses that may occur
0, ref. [4].
effects, for threshold behavior for accelerated growth near K . More sophisticated
Paris equation (8) is a simple relation but is not capable of accounting for mean load
da C∆K
= (10)
dN (1 − R)K − ∆K
since K is difficult to determine. Forman equation is reported to give good results with
divergence may occur in predictions for CA-loading in the R < 0 range if the
Al-Alloys and high strength steel but overestimates mild steel behavior. Major
calculation is made with those Forman parameters determined for R > 0. As a general
rule, though, predictions are conservative when “R > 0 parameters” are used.
da ∆K
= Ck l (11)
dN (1 − R)!
= C(∆K − ∆K ) (12)
da ∆K − ∆K
= Cm n (13)
dN K − K
and low ∆K values. Figure 16 shows a typical fatigue crack propagation behavior.
are other suggested relations reflecting the departures from power law behavior at high
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
All of the above cited relations are empirical and are not developed considering basic
mechanisms of FCP. The differences among them are not large and none of them has
general applicability. Each one may be found to be reasonably satisfactory in a limited
region or for limited sets of data.
integration between the initial crack value R and the critical crack size RT . For example
From these crack propagation laws the component fatigue life can be calculated by the
= C(∆K) (8)
∆K = Y∆σ√πa (14)
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
which (for Y not changing within the limits of integration) will yield:
2 1 1
N= u − w (16)
(m − 2)CY π/t ∆σ vt vt
a t a t
Note that m ≠ 2 in this integration and a and a denote the integration limits, namely
the initial and final crack sizes. For a ≪ a the computed fatigue life is not sensitive to
the final crack length a but, instead, is strongly dependent on estimations of the starting
crack size a . Thus, it becomes crucial to correctly determine a , which is the major
phases. The final size a , here, could be the critical size based on the fracture toughness
problem in estimations of life combining the initiation as well as the propagation
of the material or a convenient length to determine the next inspection interval. Plastic
collapse criterion may apply in the case of very ductile materials.
to define the main dimensions like thickness (B) depth or width (W), and crack length
fracture toughness, or of FCP crack laws. In fracture toughness testing, the first step is
(a) as shown in Figure 17. In the case of plane strain fracture toughness, UVT , all
dimensions are univocally related with B.
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
Figure 17 - Values of the CT specimen dimensions for ^_| measurements, e.g. ASTM E399 [5].
The other specimen dimensions are length (C = L) and height (H) are of less
B, should fulfill the given requirements such as the ones given below for UVT testing
importance, but still are prescribed in each test standard. Ideally the specimen thickness,
R = MRM eQℎ ≥ 2,5 (17)
= PeMdeO QℎdMOePP ≥ 2,5 (18)
= PeMdeO dQℎ ≥ 5,0 (19)
These requirements are hard to meet in most steels for welded structures. Therefore the
plate thickness of interest, B, is usually adopted.
The maximum UVT that can be measured for a specimen of thicknes B is:
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
For UVT tests a load versus displacement should be obtained, and UVT is calculated for the
minimum load where the preexisting fatigue crack begins to grow, and is equal to:
U= (R⁄ ) (21)
where (R/) is equal to:
(2 + )
(R⁄ ) = Y (0.886 + 4.64 − 13.32 t + 14.72 Y − 5.6 ) (22)
(1 − ) t
minimum specimen thickness necessary for a given UVT value are not relevant here.
The present work will not concern toughness determination, and so above references to
For the experimental crack laws determination, crack length “a” versus number of
cycles “N” curves should be obtained. Before the beginning test, a fatigue precrack
needs to be made in the specimen.
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
3. Experimental
3.1. Material
Material similar to the one present in the real bridge in construction was provided by
Teixeira Duarte SA. Some of the data provided is included here for the base and welded
The base material used was the steel grade S355NLZ15 according to EN 10025,
EN10029 and EN 10163, with the chemical composition presented in Table 1.
According to ISO E69472 standard PF stands for ascending vertical welding direction,
and PC stands for horizontal welding. A set of welding procedure qualification (WPQ)
certificates according to standard EN ISO 15614-1:2004 3were provided concerning PF
and PC positions of welding for cored metal arc welding with active gas shield
(according to ASME: flux cored arc welding). This process is given the reference 136
according to the standard EN ISO 4073:20044. All certificates indicate 100ºC preheating
Welding and allied processes -- Welding positions
Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials -- Welding procedure test -- Part 1: Arc and gas
welding of steels and arc welding of nickel and nickel alloys
Welding and allied processes. Nomenclature of processes and reference numbers.
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
and an interpass temperature lower than 250ºC. Qualification certificates are available
for thicknesses of 25 and 60 mm. The first (25 mm) corresponds to an approval range of
thicknesses of 12,5 to 50 mm. The second (60 mm) corresponds to an approval range of
thicknesses from 30 up to 120 mm.
The thickness of interest in the present work (original plates’ thickness of 33 mm) is
therefore covered by both WPQ procedure certificates for 25 or 60 mm.
Table 3 - S355NL steel: welding process 136 WQP according to EN ISO 15614-1:2004.
Samples were removed from a welded plate, subjected to the same welding parameters
as weldments of the real bridge. Samples
Two samples were extracted from a welded plate. The first sample was taken from the
top of the welded plate as shown in Figure 18.
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
Figure 18 - Zone of the welded plate where the first sample was taken.
The second sample was taken from a zone distanced 100 mm away from the welded
plate. Figure 19 shows the location of the second sample in the welded plate.
Figure 19 - Representation of the zone of the welded plate where the second sample was taken.
First Sample
Microstructures were acquired in different zones: transition between welded and base
material; welded material; and base material. In Figure 20 the macrostructure of the
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
steel weld specimen is presented. In the macrostructure the different zones (Base
Material - BM, Heat Affected Zone - HAZ, and Welded Material - WM) are identified.
As it can be seen in Figure 20, the first sample observed contained several defects,
including various cracks. The presence of various cracks in this sample, is due to the
sample location at one of the tops of the welded plate, where the welding process
started. The cracks observed are probably related to insufficient pre-heating in this
region, which is anyway a typical region for weld defects. Microstructures of some
cracked zones are shown in Figures 21 and 22.
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
Figure 21 - Microstructure of two cracked zones ;above interface between weld metal (right) and base metal
(left); below, inter-run zone.
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
Vickers hardness values were measured near cracked zones (Figure 23), in order to
analyze this damage and test the hypotheses mentioned above.
Figure 23 - Macrostructure of the steel weld with the respective hardness points measured (first sample).
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
High hardness values were measured near to the crack locations. In those zones
martensitic areas probably exist (383 HV), suggesting that there was a lack of pre-
heating in the beginning of the welding procedure.
This sample is not representative of the welding which is intended to be studied; hence a
second sample was analyzed further away from the welding start point.
Second Sample
In this second sample, and as expected, the welding cross section presents a nearly
perfect structure, where it is possible to distinguish the three different zones of the
welding (BM, HAZ, WM).Various pictures of microstructures of the studied welding
were made in five different location as shown in Figure 25 (HAZ-1 and 5; WM-3 and 4;
BM-2), to analyze the various microstructures.
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
Figure 25 - Macrostructure of the welding (second sample), with reference to the welded zones from where the
microstructures pictures were acquired.
Next, some hardness measurements were performed in various regions of the weld.
Those measurements
rements are represented in the Figure
F 26.
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
Figure 26 - Macrostructure of the steel weld with the respective hardness points measured (second sample).
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
Figure 28 - Microstructure ferritic-perlitic of the Base Metal (DIC), zone 2 of Figure 25.
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
Figure 29 - Microstructure of the Heat Affected Zone material; zone 5 of Figure 25.
Figure 30 - Microstructure of the Heat Affected Zone material coarse grain zone, essentially bainitic; zone 1 of
Figure 25.
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
Figure 31 - Microstructure of the Welded material composed of acicular ferrite and proeuctectoid ferrite
(boundary ferrite); zone 3 of Figure 25.
Figure 32 - Microstructure of the melded material: detail of Figure 30 showing acicular ferrite.
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
Figure 33 - Microstructure of the welded material: inter-run zone. Zone 4 of Figure 25.
The observed microstructures indicate the quality of the weld and are in conformity
with what is expected for this type of steel and welding procedure. The base material
presents a mostly ferritic structure (light zones in Figure 26), with some perlite (dark
(% < 0,86). The HAZ (Figure 30) shows a mainly bainitic structure near the fusion
zones); this can be explained by the carbon percentage, since it is a hipoeutectoid steel
line with 274 HV. In the WM (Figure 31 to 33), two zones are observed:
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Figure 34 - Representation of the zones where the hardness measurements were carried out.
Three Vickers macrohardness filiations were carried out with a 5 kgf load. The
measurements were made on the specimen along three longitudinal directions, close to
the upper and lower surfaces (line 1 and 3 of Figure 34) and one in the central region,
always with a 0.5 mm distance between consecutive measurements according with the
ASTM E62 standard [7]. A macro photograph is shown in Figure 34 with the three lines
of hardness measurements represented. As expected, for lines 1, 2 and 3 (Fig. 35, 36
and 37) the peak hardness values occur for the HAZ near the fusion line. The hardness
of the base metal, given by the results obtained for line 2, varies between 170 and 180
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Figure 38 gives the complete set of hardness data, where it is possible to observe
the increase of hardness in the HAZ where typically maximum values are reached. The
hardness corresponding to the WM is lower than the HAZ hardness but higher than the
BM hardness.
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
Figure 38
This section presents the preliminary study of the test programme to be performed, and
is based on document ref. [8] prepared by Albuquerque. Once the decision to use CT
specimens was taken, it was decided to use thickness (B) as close as possible to the
thickness of structural parts and details of interest in the new REFER bridge at Alcácer
do Sal. That thickness is B=33mm. Several paragraphs of this section 3.2. are directly
reproduced from ref. [8].
The dimensions of the test specimen of the present programme are shown in Figure 39.
As mentioned before the specimen thickness (B=33 mm) is equal to the thickness of
some critical sections in the bridge of interest in this programme, the new railways steel
bridge in Alcácer do Sal, currently being fabricated for REFER. Later on, in this report
it will be stated that the actual thickness of the CT specimens tested was B=32 mm. This
was due to the fact that the welded plates available presented some distortion and B=32
mm was the maximum thickness compatible with extracting flat specimens.
The remaining dimensions were defined in conformity with the ASTM E647 standard
[9] (Figure 40).
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
W ≤ 20 ∙ B = 660 mm (22)
W ≥ 4 ∙ B = 132 mm (23)
W = 132 mm (24)
To fulfill the minimum dimensions in order to use the minimum material possible.
CT specimen base:
CT specimen height:
W 132
h= = = 8,25 mm (28)
16 16
the minimum fatigue precrack is:
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
3.2.2. Test loads and plastically deformed region ahead the crack
In agreement with [5], the fatigue threshold, for a mild steel , is between ∆K =
2 MPa√m and ∆K = 8 MPa√m (Table 4).
Table 4 - Fatigue threshold values [5]
Material à tracção R=Kmin/Kmax ∆Kth
(MPa) (MPam1/2)
0,13 6,6
0,35 5,2
Low carbon steel (soft) 430 0,49 4,3
0,64 3,2
0,75 2,8
0,1 8
Steel A533B (low alloy steel for pressure 0,3 5,7
vessels) - 0,5 4,8
0,7 3,1
0,8 3,1
0,1 6,7
Steel A508 (medium carbon steel alloy) 606 0,5 5,6
0,7 3,1
0 6
Stainless steel 18/8 665 0,33 5,9
0,62 4,6
0,74 4,1
Steel D6AC (high strength alloy steel) 1970 0,03 3,4
In agreement with [10], the fatigue threshold for steels assume the following
approximate values given in Table 5:
Table 5 - Typical Fatigue threshold for modern steels [10].
R ∆K [MPa√m]
0,1 4,7
0,4 2,7
0,7 2
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
1 U t
= ∙m n (31)
The plastic zone ahead of the crack will be analyzed for the two extreme situations:
∆K ! ¡ = 2MPa√m e ∆K ! ¡ = 8MPa√m.
The expression that relates the stress intensity factor amplitude with the load amplitude
is given by the ASTM E647 standard as shown in Equation 22.
(2 + )
U= Y (0.886 + 4.64 − 13.32 t + 14.72 Y − 5.6 ) (22)
√(1 − ) t
Being :
α= = 0,2625 (32)
∆K = 2E6 = ∙ 5,093 ⇔ ∆P = 4708,23 N = 479,941 kgf
0,033 × √0,132
Or alternatively,
∆K = 8E6 = ∙ 5,093 ⇔ ∆P = 18832,90 N = 1919,766 kgf
0,033 × √0,132
0,25 0,30 0,35 0,40 0,45 0,50 0,55 0,60 0,65 0,70 0,75
ΔK=2 e R=0,1 ΔK=2 e R=0,4 ΔK=2 e R=0,7
Figure 41 - Plastically deformed region ahead of the crack for ∆^¦§ = ¨ ©ª«√¬.
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
0,25 0,30 0,35 0,40 0,45 0,50 0,55 0,60 0,65 0,70 0,75
Figure 42 - Plastically deformed region ahead of the crack for ∆^¦§ = ¯ ©ª«√¬.
The ASTM E647 standard specifies the requirements for the notch and minimum
fatigue precrack.
(EDM) or other techniques. The notch plus the minimum fatigue precrack specified in
the standard must be within a specified envelope characterized by a 30º angle at the tip
of the fatigue precrack, as shown in Figure 43 [9].
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
Figure 43 - Notch details and minimum fatigue precracking requirements, from [9].
It was intended to use a milling tool with a 30º angle (detail A of Figure 44),
specifically manufactured for this project by the company “Irmãos Sás Ferramentas de
Corte e Precisão”. This solution did not work properly, and additional cutting edges
were introduced in the flat surfaces of the milling tool (detail B of Figure 44).
Unfortunately the tool broke shortly after starting the milling operations. Consideration
was also given to using a milling tool with a 60º angle, but finally it was decided to use
a notch with a circular tip made by milling. A wire-EDM straight notch was
subsequently cut, to create conditions for the initiation of the fatigue precrack.
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
Figure 44 - Fractured 30o milling tool. The tool was firstly supplied as a disk finished with the 30o cutting tool.
Figures 45 to 47 show the notch geometries that were considered in the preliminary
study and respective dimensions. The chosen geometry is presented in Figure 47. Annex
A shows the clevis used.
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
Figure 47 – a) CT Specimen dimensions with a straight EDM notch angle. b) Detail of the EDM notch.
ABAQUS commercial software code was used and 3-D solid elements ref. C3D8R were
selected. For the simulation of a CT specimen with EDM notch, 53930 hexagonal
elements were used (Figure 48), whereas for the simulation of the V notch specimen
68864 hexagonal elements were used (Figure 49).
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
Figure 49 – Detail of the specimen with 30o . Meshed model using 68864 C3D8R elements (half model).
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
Figures 50 to 55 show stress maps (
( GG ,
²² ), for both cases (Figures
Figures 50 to 52
concern EDM notch, whereas Figures 53 to 55 concern the 30º notch). A 50000 N load
was applied on the center of the CT specimen hole.
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
Figure 53 - °± values for a Compact Tension Specimen with a 30o notch angle.
Figure 54 - °³ values for a Compact Tension Specimen with a 30o notch angle.
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
Figure 55 - °´ values for a Compact Tension Specimen with a 30o notch angle.
The nominal stress at the point of interest can be calculated using basic Strength of
aterials considerations, see Figure 56.
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
Figure 56 - Forces and moments applied in the specimen for the nominal stress calculation.
For both cases the related stress concentration factors were calculated considering a
nominal stress equal to:
¸S∙ ¹ ¶∙∆∙¹
¶ 2 =¶+ 2
EµA = + (33)
· ¹Y · ¹Y
∙ 12 ∙ 12
132 − 26,4
50000 ∙ (132 − ) ∙ (132 − 26,4)
50000 2
= + = 81,38 ¸R
(132 − 26,4) ∙ 32 32 ∙ (132 − 26,4)Y
@¶ = (34)
where is the y direction stress at the tip of the notch given by FEM.
@¶º»¼ = 4,58
@¶Y° = 3,80
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
As it can be seen in Figures 50 to 55 the stress values in the notch tip for the notch made
by EDM are higher than the stress values obtained with a notch angle of 30º. Since the
nominal stress is equal in both cases, this happens because the stress concentration
factor in the case of the notch made by EDM is higher than with a 30º notch. Within the
precision of the numerical model used, these results indicate that the adopted solution
(EDM notch) is more favorable to fatigue crack initiation than the solution initially
planned (30º notch). The use of an EDM notch is therefore favorable because what is
intended with the notch is just to facilitate fatigue crack initiation.
It should be noted that theoretically the stress concentration of the V notch should be
higher than the stress concentration of an EDM notch, since in the second case there is
a notch tip radius of curvature, albeit very small. The calculations presented above are
however approximations, which could be improved with an even more refined mesh,
this was not persuade, since in practice no perfect V notches may be made, and there is
always some bluntness at the V tip.
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
ABAQUS 3D and 2D models were made using the dimensions of the Compact Tension
Specimen (CTS) that will be used for the tests. The 3D and 2D finite element method
(FEM) was used for stress intensity factor determination. The values obtained by FEM
for the comparison of the results was = 50000 L. The ASTM E647 analytical
are compared with the results provided by the ASTM E647 standard. The applied load
solution for the stress intensity factor is given by the formula already mentioned before:
(2 + )
U= Y (0.886 + 4.64 − 13.32 t + 14.72 Y − 5.6 ) (22)
√(1 − ) t
applicable in plane stress situations, relevant for the 2D analysis. A range of R⁄
values were used to calculate UV . Values calculated with the present FEM 2D analysis
are shown in Figure 57.
Figure 57 - Stress intensity factor values for different values of a/W using FEM 2D.
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
The 3D ABAQUS model mesh was designed using a tridimensional hexagonal element
(C3D8R) composed of 68864 elements in this case of a/W=0,2625. For the other a/W
values the number of elements was slightly higher. The mesh in the crack zone was
ABAQUS, UV for given crack length is calculated as an average of J values values along
again more refined because as stated before this is the more important region. Using
½ = ÀÁ ½D ÂÃd (35)
where i is equal to the number of nodes along the thickness used. A representation of
the K values along the thickness is shown in Figure 58.
A comparison of the maximum and minimum values obtained by FEM 3D with the
average results was made and it is shown in Figure 59. The maximum values
correspond to the half thickness of the specimen and the minimum values to the free
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
Figure 59 - Stress intensity factor maximum, minimum and average values for different values of a/W using
Figure 60 shows the results obtained comparing ASTM E647 equation and the present
FEM 3D and 2D analysis.
Figure 60 - Comparison of stress intensity factor values for different values of a/W.
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
As it can be seen in Figures 60 and 61 the solutions obtained using the ASTM E647
standard and using the results provided by FEM 3D are close (difference less than 4%)
for a/W greater than 0,45, but the agreement is poorer for a/W smaller than 0,45
reaching 11% for a/W approximately equal to 0,25. The values calculated from the FEM
2D analysis are closer to the ASTM E647 standard than the values obtained from the
FEM 3D analysis (difference is almost 0% for a/W values higher than 0,45). This
happens, because the ASTM E647 standard is a 2D solution calculated considering
Plane Stress conditions. Difference [%] relates finite element results with the results
found in the ASTM E647 standard, and it is defined as,
The variation of UV trough the thickness, as captured by 3D analyses maybe one reason
Figure 61 - Error committed using FEM compared with the ASTM E647 standard.
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
o Notch angle of 30
In this case
se a Compact tension specimen, Figure
F 45, with R⁄ = 0,2324
2324 and a notch
angle of 30º was analysed. ASTM E647 standard present stress intensity factors
solutions for the same geometry. The geometry was defined with the values presented in
Figure 45. The ABAQUS simulation was made with the mesh represented in Figure 49.
Figure 62 presents a detail of the less refined mesh showing the
stress distribution in
the load direction when a remote load of 50000 N is applied.
Det of less refined mesh for 30o notch angle for a/W=0,23.
Figure 62 - Detail a/W=0,23
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
Table 7 - Non-dimensional 3D FEM SIF along the thickness, 45942 elements mesh for a/W=0,23.
Table 8 - Non-dimensional 3D FEM SIF along the thickness, 68704 elements mesh a/W=0,23.
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
A comparative plot of the percent differences between ASTM E647 and three-
dimensional finite element as a function of z/t for both meshes is presented in Figure 63.
In this case the use of a more refined mesh is useless; the difference with respect to the
reference solution is similar for both meshes.
Figure 63 - Comparative plot of the % differences between ASTM E647 and FEM as a function of the
coordinate z/t for both meshes for a/W=0,23.
Using the three results of SIF for each element, and according to Fig. 64, an average
UÊ + 4UË + UÌ
value of SIF is calculated:
UFÇÈFÉ = (37)
Figure 64 - Nodes for calculating the average stress intensity factor for an element.
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
1 2,974 -2,4
2 3,153 -8,6
3 3,218 -10,8
4 3,254 2,903 -12,1
5 3,277 -12,9
6 3,291 -13,4
7 3,300 -13,7
8 3,304 -13,8
Table 9 presents values of non-dimensional stress intensity factor in each element along
the thickness at the crack tip for the 68704 elements mesh. Layer 1 contains elements on
the surface; External nodes layer is averaged with the other subsequent layers. Stress
intensity factors obtained using the three-dimensional finite element analyses are
compared ASTM E647 standard results.
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
o Notch angle of 60
In this case a Compact tension specimen, Figure 46, with R⁄ = 0,2324
2324 and a notch
angle of 60º was analysed. ASTM E647 standard present stress intensity factors
solutions for the same geometry but with a notch angle of 30º. The geometry was
defined with the values presented in Figure 46. For the ABAQUS simulation the
following model was used, Figure 65.
Figure 66 presents a detail of less refined mesh showing the
stress distribution in the
load direction when a remote load of 50000 N is applied.
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
Figure 66 - Detail of the less refined mesh for a 60o notch angle for a/W=0,23 .
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
Table 10 - Non-dimensional 3D FEM SIF along the thickness, 78946 elements mesh for a/W=0,23.
Table 11 - Non-dimensional 3D FEM SIF along the thickness, 44608 elements mesh for a/W=0,23.
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
Figure 67 - Comparative plot of the % differences between ASTM E647 and FEM as a function of the
coordinate z/t for both meshes for a/W=0,23.
Figure 67 shows comparative plot of the percent differences between ASTM E647 and
three-dimensional finite element as a function of z/t for the different meshes used.
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
In this case
se a Compact tension specimen, Figure
F 47, with R⁄ 0,2324
2324 and a straight
EDM notch was analyzed.
analyzed. ASTM E647 standard present stress intensity factors
solutions for the same geometry. The geometry was defined with the values presented in
Figure 47.
The ABAQUS simulation was made with the mesh represented in Figure 48.
Figure 68 presents a detail of less refined mesh showing the
stress distribution in the
load direction when a remote load of 50000 N is applied.
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
Table 13 - Non-dimensional 3D FEM SIF along the thickness, 29988 elements mesh for a/W=0,23.
Table 14 - Non-dimensional 3D FEM SIF along the thickness, 53930 elements mesh for a/W=0,23.
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
Figure 69 - Comparative plot of the % differences between ASTM E647 and FEM as a function of the
coordinate z/t for both meshes for a/W=0,23.
Figure 69 shows comparative plot of the percent differences between ASTM E647 and
three-dimensional finite element as a function of z/t for the different meshes used.
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
As we can conclude from the study of the three geometries (EDM, 60º and 30º) the
value of the SIF is higher in the specimen half thickness than in the free surfaces. Thus
the notch geometry does not have influence in the SIF values. With these results, a
longer fatigue crack length is expected to be observed in the specimen half thickness. A
fatigue crack front with a nail format should be observed.
This section presents the main work carried out in this thesis. Annex B gives a summary
of resources used.
Specimens were cut from welded plates according to the scheme of Figure 70, where
WM stand for weld metal and HAZ for heat affected zone. Base Material (BM)
specimens were machined from an unwelded plate. Welding was carried out parallel to
the rolling direction. Although in Figure 70 WM specimens are presented, these were
not tested in the context of the present thesis, but will be used later in the continuation
of this work. Polishing
Polishing was made in order to facilitate the crack tip length measurement during the
tests. Firstly, the sample was polished using a sandpaper of 320, and then other of 800.
Lastly alumina was used to give the sample a mirror surface that allows an easier
observation of the crack tip.
Figure 70- Representation of the position of the weld in the tested specimens.
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures Precracking
The ASTM E647 standard state that before test initiation the specimen needs a
minimum fatigue precrack equal to 0,1B, h or 1mm, whichever is greater (Figure 43).
The ASTM E647 standard does not specifies a maximum fatigue crack initiation load,
thus in order to obtain an approximation to the fatigue crack initiation load, an
approximation presented in the British COD tests standard BS5762:1979 [11] was
used. The expression suggested by this standard for the maximum crack initiation load
is such that:
K 8 0,63σ Bt (38)
K 8 45,08 MPa √m
This value suggests a maximum fatigue crack initiation around 120kN, but to ensure
that little plastic deformation occurred at the notch tip, an initial fatigue load of 80 kN
was chosen. After this, the test was initiated and after initiation was detected, the fatigue
crack growth was measured at adequate intervals. Test load was gradually reduced as
the fatigue crack advanced in agreement with the ASTM E647 standard, when the
minimum fatigue precrack was obtained, the value of ∆U is a little higher than the ∆UÑÒ
of the material which is unknown. Figure 71 shows the precracking sequence used for
the first test specimen.
Figure 71 - Precracking sequence used in the first test specimen (MB, R=0,1, precrack measured from the tip
of the EDM notch);a measured from EDM notch.
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
3.5. Results
da/dN= (C) ∙ (∆K) where a is the crack length and N is the number of cycles, C and m
The purpose of these tests is the determination of the Paris law constants
are the constants. As mentioned before, before the actual fatigue crack growth test the
realization of a fatigue precrack of specified minimum size is necessary. During the test
the fatigue crack growth was measured for both of the test specimen sides (a1 and a2).
These measurements were made with the aid of a travelling microscope of 20x
magnification (Figure 72), located on both side of the testing machine, a MTS servo-
hydraulic machine of 250 kN capacity, see Figure 73.
Figure 72 - PEAK microscope, to be mounted on a travelling device incorporating a Mitutoyo digital ruler.
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
Figure 73 - MTS machine used for the tests and traveling microscopes (one on each side of the specimen).
According to ASTM standard E647, the precrack shall consist of a natural fatigue crack
with some minimum length defined by a refired envelope centered at the tip of precrack
with an R value (C = dO. ¹NR/RÓ. ¹NR) equal to 0,1. The test began with an a
(see Figure 43 and 47b) The first test specimen to be tested was a BM specimen loaded
value (average fatigue crack length) equal to 35,2 mm, a1=34,42 mm and a2=35,97
mm. 1466000 cycles were necessary to obtain these values of crack length in order to
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
already shown in Figure 71. The test of this specimen was made with a 16 Hz
fulfill the minimum fatigue crack requirements. Precracking procedure is the one
Figure 74- a vs. N data results obtained from measurements of the test specimen fatigue crack (BM, R=0,1).
In Figure 74 it is shown that the last crack length measurements correspond to a very
large crack length increment per cycle, and this was associated to visible plastic
deformation at the crack tip and large displacement of the loading pins. Similar
considerations were used to end the tests of all the other specimens. (see Figures 81, 88
and 95).
With the obtained data results the constants of the Paris Law were calculated using two
methods: Secant Method (SM) and the Polynomial Method (PM) with seven points; the
(da/dN) ÆP. log ( ∆K) obtained with the secant method and the software Excel and
corresponding software codes are given as Annexe A. Plots of log
using the Matlab with basis on the ASTM E647 standard codes are shown in Figures 75
= (6,52 × 10vZ ) ∙ (∆K)Y,Õ (39)
which is undistinguishable from the result obtained using the Matlab software.
Figure 77 shows the results obtained using the PM method, programmed in Matlab.
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
y = 6,52E-15x3,48
R² = 0,988
da/dN [mm/cycle]
1 MPam1/2=31,62 MPamm1/2
∆K [MPamm1/2]
Figure 75 - da/dN vs. K data results using the Excel (SM, BM, R=0,1).
1 MPam1/2=31,62 MPamm1/2
Figure 76 - da/dN vs. K data results using the Matlab (SM, BM, R=0,1).
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
The Paris law obtained using the second method (PM) was:
= (3,38 × 10vZ ) ∙ (∆K)Y,ZÕÕ (40)
The values obtained are close to the values calculated using the first method.
1 MPam1/2=31,62 MPamm1/2
Figure 77 - da/dN vs. K data results using the Matlab (PM, BM, R=0,1).
In order to verify the quality of the approximation made using the calculated Paris Laws
using the 1st and 2nd (SM and PM) methods, N vs. a experimental results were
compared with the N vs. a values obtained integrating the Paris laws curves, Figure 78.
It is noted that the agreement between experimental test data and the prediction based
upon the Paris law is very good.
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
Figure 78 - Comparative plot of the experimental results with the calculated Paris laws (BM R=0,1).
The final aspect of the fatigue test specimen can be observed in Figure 79. As it can be
seen, and from FEM analyses previously presented, the crack front presents a geometry
similar to a “nail” with the crack length being bigger in the half thickness and a little
smaller in free surfaces. This is related to the fact that the stress intensity factor is higher
in the half thickness then for the free surfaces.
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
The specimen to be tested was a BM specimen loaded with an R value equal to 0,4.
The test began with an a value equal to 34,43 mm, a1=34,66 mm and a2=34,19 mm.
313000 cycles were necessary to obtain these values of crack length in order to fulfill
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
the minimum fatigue crack requirements. Precracking procedure for this test specimen
is shown in Figure 80.
Figure 80 - Precracking sequence used in the MB R=0,4 test specimen; a measured from the EDM notch.
The test of this specimen was made with a 18 Hz frequency, a maximum load of 30 kN
with a 18 kN amplitude (∆P = 18 kN). The data obtained from the experimental
activity is represented in Figure 81.
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
Figure 81 - N vs. a data results obtained from measurements of the test specimen fatigue crack (BM, R=0,4).
(da/dN) ÆP. log ( ∆K) plots were obtained using three procedures: SM calculated using
With the obtained data results the respective Paris Law was calculated. Again, log
the software Excel (Figure 82), SM with basis on the ASTM standard code and Matlab
(Figure 83), and PM method using Matlab (Figure 84).
Using the secant method and the Excel software the resulting equation is:
= (9,929 × 10v ) ∙ (∆K)Y,YÖ (41)
which is undistinguishable from the result obtained using SM method and the Matlab
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
y = 9,929E-14x3,136
1,00E-03 R² = 0,9899
da/dN [mm/cycle]
1 MPam1/2=31,62 MPamm1/2
∆K [MPamm1/2]
Figure 82 - da/dN vs. K data results using the Excel (SM, BM R=0,4).
1 MPam1/2=31,62 MPamm1/2
Figure 83 - da/dN vs. K data results using the Matlab (SM, BM R=0,4).
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
= (4,5931 × 10v ) ∙ (∆K)Y,tÖÕ (42)
1 MPam1/2=31,62 MPamm1/2
Figure 84 - da/dN vs. K data results using the Matlab (PM, BM R=0,4).
In order to verify the quality of the approximation made using the calculated Paris Laws
using the 1st and 2nd (SM and PM) methods, N vs. a experimental results were
compared with the N vs. a values obtained integrating the Paris laws curves, Figure 85.
Though the agreement with the calculated Paris law is good, it is not as good as the
agreement obtained with the first test specimen (see Figure 78). This occurs probably
because the number of points measured were far less than in the first test specimen. The
quality of the approximation using the SM is better than the quality of the
approximation calculated with the PM.
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
Figure 85 - Comparative plot of the experimental results with the calculated Paris laws (BM R=0,4).
The final aspect of the fatigue test specimen can be observed in Figure 865. As it can be
seen the fatigue crack front presents the expected “nail” geometry, with the crack length
being bigger in the half thickness and a little smaller in the free surfaces. This is
associated to the higher stress intensity factor in the half thickness. The appearance of
the crack front is similar to the one observed for the BM test specimen tested with
Unfortunately during the separation of the tested specimen in two halves, a manual saw and vise
clamp were used, and during the operation the fracture surfaces were slightly damaged, as can be seen
in Figure 87.
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
A BM specimen was loaded with an R value equal to 0,7. The test began with an a
value equal to 34,75 mm, a1=34,80 mm and a2=34,70 mm. 200000 cycles were
necessary to obtain these values of crack length in order to fulfill the minimum fatigue
crack requirements. Precracking procedure for this test specimen is shown in Figure 87.
Figure 87 - Precracking sequence used in the BM R=0,7 test specimen; a measured from EDM notch.
The test of this specimen was made with a 16 Hz frequency, a maximum load of 40 kN
with a 12 kN amplitude (∆P = 12 kN). The data obtained from the experimental
activity is represented in Figure 88.
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
Figure 88- N vs. a data results obtained from measurements of the test specimen fatigue crack (BM R=0,7).
With the obtained data results the respective Paris Law was calculated.
Again, log (da/dN) ÆP log ( ∆K) plots were obtained using three procedures: SM
calculated using the software Excel (Figure 89), SM with basis on the ASTM standard
code and Matlab (Figure 90), and PM method using Matlab (Figure 91).
Using the secant method and the Excel software the resulting equation is:
= (3,468 × 10vY ) ∙ (∆K)t,×× (43)
which is undistinguishable from the result obtained using the Matlab software.
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
100 1000
y = 3,47E-13x2,95E+00
R² = 9,64E-01
da/dN [mm/cycle]
1 MPam1/2=31,62 MPamm1/2
∆K [MPamm1/2]
Figure 89 - da/dN vs. K data results using the Excel (SM, BM R=0,7).
1 MPam1/2=31,62 MPamm1/2
Figure 90 - da/dN vs. K data results using the Matlab (SM, BM R=0,7).
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
= (2,304 × 10v ) ∙ (∆K)Y,Øt (44)
1 MPam1/2=31,62 MPamm1/2
Figure 91 - da/dN vs. K data results using the Matlab (PM, BM R=0,7).
The quality of the agreement of the experimental N vs. a with the integration of the
calculated Paris laws is similar to the agreement obtained for the MB specimen tested
with R=0,4 (see Figure 92). The quality of the approximation using the SM is better
than the quality of the approximation calculated with the PM.
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
Figure 92- Comparative plot of the experimental results with the calculated Paris laws (BM R=0,7).
The final aspect of the fatigue test specimen can be observed in Figure 93. As it can be
seen the fatigue crack front presents the expected “nail” geometry, as expected, that is
similar to the surfaces obtained for the BM with R=0,1 and R=0,4 test specimens.
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
The HAZ specimen was tested with a R = 0,1. The test began with an average crack
length value equal to 34,88 mm, a1=34,03 mm and a2=35,72 mm. 2445000 cycles were
necessary to obtain these values of fatigue crack length in order to fulfill the minimum
fatigue precrack requirements. The test of this specimen was made at a 10 Hz
frequency. The precracking procedure of this specimen is shown in Figure 94.
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
Figure 94 - Precracking sequence used in the HAZ R=0,1 test specimen; a measured from EDM notch.
growth rate, which led to consecutive fatigue test load increases in order to raise the ∆K
During the tests several problems occurred as an unexpected slowdown of the crack
values and increase the fatigue crack growth rate. Several weeks were spent with this
test specimen due to this unexpected crack growth rate, see Table 16.
Table 16 - Load variation during the test.
Also during this test a threaded pin tool that made the connection between the machine
load cell and fixtures of grips broke, situation that caused further delay of the test. A
new tool was ordered in “Autoconceptus” in order to replace the broken tool. Finally the
experimental data results obtained are presented in Figure 95.
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
Zone 2
Zone 1
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
Figure 95
a) a vs. N data results obtained from measurements of the test specimen fatigue crack (HAZ R=0,1);
b) Zoom plot of the zone 1 data results obtained from measurements of the test specimen fatigue crack (HAZ
c) Zoom plot of the zone 2 data results obtained from measurements of the test specimen fatigue crack (HAZ
From the experimental data the respective points in the da/dN vs ∆K were obtained
(Figure 96).
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
da/dN [mm/cycle]
1 MPam1/2=31,62 MPamm1/2
∆K [MPamm1/2]
Distances in the horizontal axis without data correspond to moments where the load
amplitude was increased, in order to get propagation and increase the crack growth rate.
The data points marked in red in Figure 96 should not be considered relevant, since they
were associated to the moment where the previously mentioned rupture of a grip
element took place.
It should be mentioned that the ∆K values associated to the blue rectangle of Figure 96
are calculated on the assumption that cracks are through cracks. Post mortem it was
identified that the crack was not a through crack, as will be seen later (Figure 100).
Therefore the data corresponding to the blue region should be taken as approximate and
not rigorous. Paris law determination was made with basis on the data results above
1400 MPamm1/2. The respective Paris law can now be obtained from the experimental
data. Using the secant method and the Excel software the resulting equation is:
= (9,969 × 10vtÖ ) ∙ (∆K)Ö,Ø (45)
which is undistinguishable from the result obtained using the Matlab software.
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
y = 9,969E-26x6,470
R² = 0,9402
da/dN [mm/cycle]
1 MPam1/2=31,62 MPamm1/2
∆K [MPamm1/2]
Figure 97 - da/dN vs. K data results using the Excel (SM, HAZ R=0,1).
1 MPam1/2=31,62 MPamm1/2
Figure 98 - da/dN vs. K data results using the Matlab (SM, HAZ R=0,1).
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
= (2,9269 × 10vtÖ ) ∙ (∆K)Ö,ÖZ (46)
1 MPam1/2=31,62 MPamm1/2
Figure 99 - da/dN vs. K data results using the Matlab (PM, HAZ R=0,1).
After the end of the test the specimen was half cut for the crack surface observation and
once again a surprising and unexpected fracture surface was observed, see Figure 100.
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
Figure 100 - Specimen Picture in the end of the test (HAZ R=0,1).
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
The crack front surface is expected to have a “nail” format (the same as BM in Figure
79) and to be longer in the specimen half thickness due to higher stress intensity factor
values, but from the analysis of the crack front surface we can unexpectedly see that the
crack length are bigger in the specimen free surface than at half thickness. The
observation of the surface suggests that the central zone of the weld is subjected during
loading to compressive residual stresses only, and in the lateral areas of the weld to
tensile stresses. The compressive stresses retard or stops crack propagation, whereas
tensile stresses are associated to crack growth. The delay in the crack growth in the
central area causes retardation in the crack growth in the other areas which made the test
even slower. The stresses in the specimen half thickness grow when the crack length
grows in the free surfaces and seems to be ruptured when the stresses get too big in the
specimen’s central region (mid-thickness).
Numerical simulations of this situation were carried out by FEM 3D. The purpose was
to determine the stress values on the free surfaces of the specimen for the two cases
represented in the Figure 101 and to try to explain the unexpected slowing down of the
crack propagation rate very well documented in Figure 95, where c) consists of a zoom
of the initial region of propagation. This Figure represents schematically two moments
of the crack propagation that led to the actual fracture surfaces photographed in Figure
100. In the left diagram, the situation corresponding to a visible fatigue crack with tip at
point A is shown, whereas the right diagram shows a subsequent moment where the
visible crack tip is at point B.
Figure 101 - Representation of the two cases in study (a1=a2=15 mm and a1=a2=25 mm).
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
Figure 101 indicates the boundary conditions used along the specimen plane of
symmetry, where the crack grows. The white part was modeled in the FEM 3D mesh as
cracked area whereas the hatched area corresponds to the uncracked ligament. The
preparation of the 3D model and mesh for this peculiar shaped cracked area was very
simplified due to the availability of the 3D models of the CT specimen, discussed
dis earlier
in this report. Figures 1022 and 103 show the stress maps in the y direction for both
Figure 102 - °³ values for a1=a2=15 mm (using 22938 elements of type C3D8R).
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
Figure 103 - °³ values for a1=a2=25 mm (using 27558 elements of type C3D8R).
As it can be observed from Figures 102 and 103,, the stress values obtained using the 3D
FEM on the tip of the visible cracks for the two situations considered in the model are
lower for the longer crack (Point B) than for the shorter crack (Point A). This peculiar
situation may justify the slowing down
dow in the crack propagation rate observed in the
early stages of the FCP test of this HAZ specimen, see Figure 95.
3.5.5. Fatigue
atigue crack propagation threshold values
With the data obtained,, fatigue
f crack propagation threshold ( ∆UÑÒÒ ) values were
calculated for all the four test specimens tested.. According to the ASTM E647 standard,
∆UÑÒ values correspond to a da/dN value of 10vØ /MÙM¹e. The ∆U UÑÒ values were
obtained extrapolating the Paris law previously presented. Table 18 gives the data
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
Table 18 – Fatigue crack propagation threshold values obtained from the experimental tests.
Specimen ∆K (MPa√m)
MB R=0,1 3,82
MB R=0,4 2,78
MB R=0,7 2,34
HAZ R=0,1 19,47
HAZ R=0,1 effective 1,52
As it can be seen from Table 18 the ∆K values decrease with increasing R values.
Their magnitude follows expected trend mentioned in earlier section of this dissertation
(see Tables 4 and 5, refs. [5, 10]), as presented by Albuquerque in [8].
Figure 104 presents a summary of the fatigue crack propagation laws obtained in the
tests presented above. This figure shows that fatigue crack propagation rates for base
metal specimens, tested with R=0,1 are lower than FCP rates for base material
specimens tested at R=0,4 and R=0,7. It is observed that there is almost no difference
between results for R=0,4 and R=0,7. Reasons for the behavior of the HAZ specimen
are discussed in the next section.
Figure 104 - da/dN vs. K summary of FCP laws obtained in the tests.
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
A study of possible reasons the unexpected fatigue crack growth rates of the HAZ
specimen tested with R=0,1 was made. A simple procedure was followed consisting of
using a strain gauge in the back face of the test specimen in order to measure the back
face strain (see Figure 105). This is a procedure for identifying crack closure in fatigue
crack crack propagation tests. This effect may be related to residual stress states, e.g.
Beghini and Bertini [12].
If there are residual stresses in the test specimen two different slopes should be seen in
the Force vs. strain plot. The Force vs. strain plot was obtained using a “Spider8” data
acquisition system (Figure 106).
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
Figure 106 - Data acquisition system used to obtain the Force vs strain graphic.
The turning point in the graphic reveals approximately the effect of the residual stresses
in the specimen behavior. Only the final linear portion of the Force vs strain plot
corresponds to an open crack. Before this, although external loading is applied, the
crack faces are closed under the influence of compressive residual stresses. G.O. Rading
[13] refers that the residual stress field present in the uncracked ligament of roughly
similar CT specimen is as shown in Figure 107. This shape of residual stress
distribution in CT specimens including weldments parallel to the crack is also described
in a variety of other papers, see e.g. [14,15,16,17]
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
The crack growth rate slowdown can be explained with the presence of compressive
residual stresses just ahead of the crack front. The residual stresses in the crack front do
not exhibit a linear variation, fact that may explain the observed variation in the crack
growth rates. During the crack growth the compressive stresses in the fatigue crack front
are closing it, implying that his growth slows down, through the crack closure
phenomenon. The measured values in the back face strain are shown in Figures 108 to
Figure 108 - Back face strain vs. force applied in the HAZ test specimen for a=58,46 mm.
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
Figure 109 - Back face strain vs. force applied in the HAZ test specimen for a=64,19 mm.
Figure 110 - Back face strain vs. force applied in the HAZ test specimen for a=69,43 mm.
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
Figure 111 - Back face strain vs. force applied in the HAZ test specimen for a=76,58 mm.
The respective values of the load in the fatigue crack front are shown in Table 19.
Table 19 - - Crack closure load values at the fatigue crack front (HAZ R=0,1).
Figure 112 shows the inflection point as a function of a/W for the HAZ specimen. It is
recalled that these tests consisted of monotonic loading of the specimens starting at zero
load. This Figure shows that the closure effect is reduced at higher crack lengths.
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
Measurements of the back face strain were also made in real time during the cyclic
loading with constant amplitude corresponding to the fatigue test conditions. An
example of the plots obtained from these measurements is shown in Figure 113.
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
Figure 113 - Back face strain vs. force applied in the HAZ test specimen for a=64,19 mm, under cyclic load.
In Figure 113 the presence of two different slopes with a turning point can be observed.
This behavior is similar to the behavior found in the previous measurements under
monotonic load reported in Figures 108 to 111. The strain gauge hysteresis caused by
the cyclic load applied makes the slope turn point observation more difficult and
approximate. The other measurements made are shown in Annex C.
Using the effective ∆K values that were obtained from the Force vs. strain plots we can
get a new da/dN vs ∆K plot without the effect of the residual stresses. The effective ∆K
can be calculated as:
CSS = (49)
+ UÈ (50)
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
In our case, relevant K Û%; is negative as indicated e.g. in Rading [13], and therefore
∆K %88 is lower than ∆K nominal.
da/dN [mm/cycle]
∆K [MPamm1/2]
Figure 114 - da/dN vs. Keff data results using the Matlab with MB, HAZ and HAZ effective R=0,1 (SM).
Figure 114 shows the raw da/dN vs. ∆K data, and the suggested da/dN vs. ∆K %88 curve,
based on the approximate crack closure study presented above.
From Figure 114 we can observe that HAZ da/dN vs ∆K experimental data, when
corrected with the residual stresses effects measured with the back face strain gauge, is
roughly similar to the BM test results obtained. A new corrected Paris law can be
calculated for the HAZ effective data results:
= (6 × 10vt ) ∙ (∆K)t,ZÖ
The residual stresses are taken into consideration in the da/dN vs ∆K data obtained in
the HAZ, the data points are in the same region as the BM.
Figures 115 and 116 show some of the experimental results found by Y.Kitsunai [14]
(Figure 115) and by Beghini and Bertini [12] (Figure 116) that reveals some of the
crack closure effects presented in this thesis, with the respective corrections. It is
noticed that the behaviors presented by these authors were found in the work described
in the present thesis.
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
Figure 115 – Fatigue crack growth results correlated using the effective stress intensity factor range.[14]
Figure 116 - Fatigue crack growth rates as a function of external and effective SIF [12].
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
Figure 117 - Back face strain vs. force applied in the test specimen for a=47,91 mm (BM specimen R=0,4).
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
Figure 118 - Back face strain vs. force applied in the test specimen for a=51,27 mm (BM specimen R=0,4).
Figure 119 - Back face strain vs. force applied in the test specimen for a=52,69 mm (BM specimen R=0,4).
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
Figure 120 - Back face strain vs. force applied in the test specimen for a=65,43 mm (BM specimen R=0,4).
Figure 121 - Back face strain vs. force applied in the test specimen for a=74,37 mm (BM specimen R=0,4).
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
Figure 122 - Back face strain vs. force applied in the test specimen for a=84,39 mm (BM specimen R=0,4).
Figure 123 - Back face strain vs. force applied in the test specimen for a=87,55 mm (BM specimen R=0,4).
Table 20 shows the values of crack opening load as a function of crack length.
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
Table 20 - Crack closure load values at the fatigue crack front (BM R=0,4).
As it can be seen from the values measured, though crack closure effects still exist, their
values are far lower than the ones measured in the HAZ specimen tested, as it should be
expected. In Figure 124 the inflection points corresponding to monotonic loading are
shown. Although there is a tendency for decreasing load at inflection point as a function
of crack length, it is noticed that values are approximately stable for higher a/W values
and in general very small.
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
It is noted that during the FCP test of the BM specimen at R=0,4 some real time records
of load vs. strain were also made, see Figure 125.
Figure 125 - Back face strain vs. force applied in the test specimen for a=47,91 mm (BM specimen R=0,4,
under cyclic load).
Figure 125 shows clearly that no crack closure effect is observed, since the axes of the
represented curve are a straight line, i.e. the curve is an ellipse corresponding to the
strain gauge hysteresis. This should be compared with real time measurement carried
out for the HAZ specimen tested at R=0,1 shown in Figure 112, which clearly reveals
the crack closure effect. Other measurements are shown in Annex C.
Using the effective ∆K values that were obtained from the Force vs. strain plots we can
get a new da/dN vs. ∆K plot without the effect of the residual stresses. The effective ∆K
for this case (crack fully open at minimum load) comes:
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
MB with R=0.4
da/dN [mm/cycle]
MB with R=0.4
1,00E-04 effective
∆K [MPamm1/2]
Figure 126 - da/dN vs. Keff data results using the Matlab with MB and MB effective R=0,4 (SM).
Figure 126 shows the raw da/dN vs. ∆K data, and the suggested da/dN vs. ∆K %88 curve,
based on the approximate crack closure study presented above.
From Figure 126 we can observe that MB da/dN vs. ∆K experimental data, when
corrected with the residual stresses effects measured with the back face strain gauge, is
equal to the BM test results obtained.
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
- Microstructures of samples of welded plates were analyzed and are in conformity with
what is expected for this steel type and welding procedure. The base material presents a
mostly ferritic structure with some perlite.
- Vickers hardness measurements were carried out and agree with the expectations for
this steel type and welding procedure. Peak hardness values were found as expected in
the fusion line on the HAZ.
- A comparison of 2D and 3D FEM models of the CT specimen was made, and the
stress intensity factor calibration was compared with the solution given in the ASTM
E647 standard. The study made clear the dependency of K with depth along thickness,
for a given crack length.
- Base material CT specimens were tested for fatigue crack propagation at R=0,1, R=0,4
and R=0,7. As expected, for R=0,1 crack growth rate is smaller than for other R values.
- Base material fatigue crack propagation rates at R=0,4 and R=0,7 present considerable
- The expected crack front geometry (“nail” like shape) was found in the fracture
surfaces of all three BM specimens tested.
- One HAZ specimen was tested and its exceptionally slow visible crack propagation
rate was justified by compressive residual stresses.
- The peculiar shape of the initial stage of fatigue crack growth in the HAZ was
discussed on the basis of FEM 3D model.
- HAZ specimen presents considerably lower FCP rates than base metal specimen tested
at the same R value (R=0,1).
of these closure loads made it possible to estimate ∆USS for the HAZ test.
- Approximate crack closure effect was measured using back face strain. Consideration
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
Future work will include FCP tests of HAZ (R=0,4 and 0,7) and WM (R=0,1, 0,4 and
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
Annex A
Clevis design
Supplied by Carlos Albuquerque.
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
Annex B
Resources used
• BM specimen, R=0.1. Start date: April 13; end date: April 27.
• HAZ specimen, R=0.1. Start date: April 28, end date: June 4.
• BM specimen, R=0.4. Start date June 7, end date: June 17.
• BM specimen, R=0.7. Start date: June 17, end date: July 7.
External supplies:
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
Annex C
Figure 128 – Force vs. strain plot under dynamic load with a=64,19 mm with 1HZ frequency (HAZ R=0,1).
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
Figure 129- Force vs. strain plot under dynamic load with a=69,43 mm with 16 HZ frequency (HAZ R=0,1).
Figure 130 - Back face strain vs. force applied in the test specimen for a=51,27 mm (BM specimen R=0,4,
under cyclic load).
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
Figure 131 - Back face strain vs. force applied in the test specimen for a=52,69 mm (BM specimen R=0,4,
under cyclic load).
Figure 132 - Back face strain vs. force applied in the test specimen for a=65,43 mm (BM specimen R=0,4,
under cyclic load).
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
Figure 133 - Back face strain vs. force applied in the test specimen for a=74,37 mm (BM specimen R=0,4,
under cyclic load).
Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures
Figure 134- Back face strain vs. force applied in the test specimen for a=84,39 mm (BM specimen R=0,4,
under cyclic load).
Figure 135 - Back face strain vs. force applied in the test specimen for a=87,55 mm (BM specimen R=0,4,
under cyclic load).