Enzimas Cardiacas
Enzimas Cardiacas
Enzimas Cardiacas
The most specific enzymes for the laboratory diagnosis of acute myocardial
infarction (AMI). They are: Myoglobin, CK-Total, CK-MB and Troponin. This
study aimed to describe the importance of the dosages of cardiac enzymes in
the laboratory diagnosis of AMI. The study is characterized as narrative
bibliographic review. We searched databases online: Sielo, Pubmed,
Magazines and Google academic. The research considered articles published
on the subject in the period 1993-2014. It was observed that after cardiac injury,
the kinetics of the markers depend on several factors, among them is the
intracellular behavior of the proteins, size of the molecules, regional lymphatic
and blood flows, and the rate of clearance of the marker. These factors,
together with the characteristics of each marker, differentiate the diagnostic
performance of each enzyme in AMI. The enzymes most used in clinical
practice in patients with suspected AMI are Myoglobin, CK-MB and Troponins,
due to their high specificity in the cardiac region. Troponin I is the most specific
in the case of AMI
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