Aprecie o Silêncio: 1 MPPT, Monofásico

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Aprecie o Silêncio

Linha NS
1 MPPT, Monofásico

1.0kW 1.5kW 2.0kW 2.5kW 3.0kW

A linha GoodWe NS é ideal para projetos de novas construções

ou pequenas aplicações domésticas, fornecemos os modelos
que variam de 1 a 3 kW para instalações pequenas a partir
de 3 módulos fotovoltaicos.
A linha NS leva vantagem sobre outros inversores da mesma
classe de potência devido ao seu tamanho e peso.

Fator Potência

Adequado para
Sistema de 3 Paineis


Ampla Faixa MPPT

Controle de Exportação

Atualização Remota

Dados Técnicos GW1000-NS GW1500-NS GW2000-NS GW2500-NS GW3000-NS

Dados de Entrada CC
Potência Máxima de Entrada CC (W) 1300 1950 2600 3250 3900
Tensão Máxima de Entrada CC (V) 500 500 500 500 500
Faixa de Operação MPPT (V) 80~450 80~450 80~450 80~450 80~450
Tensão de Partida (V) 80 80 80 80 80
Faixa MPPT em Carga Plena (V) 120~450 180-450 230-450 180-450 215-450
Tensão Nominal de Entrada CC (V) 360 360 360 360 360
Corrente Máxima de Entrada (A) 10 10 10 18 18
Corrente Máxima de Curto (A) 12.5 12.5 12.5 22.5 22.5
Número de MPPTs 1 1 1 1 1
Número de Strings por MPPT 1 1 1 1 1
Dados de Saída CA
Potência Nominal de Saída (W) 1000*1 1500*1 2000*1 2500*1 3000*1
Potência Máxima Aparente de Saída (VA) 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
Tensão Nominal de Saída (V) 220/230 220/230 220/230 220/230 220/230
Frequência Nominal de Saída (Hz) 50/60 50/60 50/60 50/60 50/60
Corrente Máxima de Saída (A) 5 7.5 10 12.5 13.5
Fator de Potência de Saída ~1 (Ajustável 0.8 capacitivo - 0.8 indutivo)
THDi Nominal de Saída <3% <3% <3% <3% <3%

96.5% 97.0% 97.0% 97.5% 97.5%

uro 96.0% 96.0% 96.0% 97.0% 97.0%
Proteção Anti-ilhamento Integrado Integrado Integrado Integrado Integrado
Proteção de Polaridade Reversa Integrado Integrado Integrado Integrado Integrado
Resistor de Detecção de Isolamento Integrado Integrado Integrado Integrado Integrado
Monitoramento de Corrente Residual Integrado Integrado Integrado Integrado Integrado
Proteção de Sobrecorrente de Saída Integrado Integrado Integrado Integrado Integrado
Proteção de Curto de Saída Integrado Integrado Integrado Integrado Integrado
Proteção de Sobretensão de Saída Integrado Integrado Integrado Integrado Integrado
Dados Gerais
Temperatura de Operação (ºC) -25~60 -25~60 -25~60 -25~60 -25~60
Umidade Relativa 0~100% 0~100% 0~100% 0~100% 0~100%
Altitude de Operação (m) ≤4000 ≤4000 ≤4000 ≤4000 ≤4000
Resfriamento Convecção Natural Convecção Natural Convecção Natural Convecção Natural Convecção Natural
Ruído (dB) <25 <25 <25 <25 <25
Interface do Usuário LCD & LED LCD & LED LCD & LED LCD & LED LCD & LED
Comunicação RS485 ou WiFi RS485 ou WiFi RS485 ou WiFi RS485 ou WiFi RS485 ou WiFi
Peso (kg) 7.5 7.5 7.5 8.5 8.5
Dimensões (Comprimento*Altura*Profundidade) (mm) 344*274.5*128 344*274.5*128 344*274.5*128 344*274.5*128 344*274.5*128
Grau de Proteção IP65 IP65 IP65 IP65 IP65
Consumo Noturno Próprio (W) <1 <1 <1 <1 <1
Topologia Sem Transformador Sem Transformador Sem Transformador Sem Transformador Sem Transformador

VDE0126-1-1, AS4777.2, EN50438(PL), G83, ERDF-NOI-RES_13E, IEC61727, IEC62116,

Regulamentação de Rede
CEI 0-21, RD 1699:2011 , UNE 206006 IN: 2011 , UNE 206007-1 IN: 2013

Regulamentação de Segurança IEC62109-1&2

EMC EN 61000-6-1, EN 61000-6-2, EN 61000-6-3, EN 61000-6-4, EN 61000-4-16, EN 61000-4-18, EN 61000-4-29

*1: Para CEI 0-21 a potência nominal de saída GW1000-NS é 900, GW1500-NS é 1350, GW2000-NS é 1800, GW2500-NS é 2250, GW3000-NS é 2700.

Opção de Cores
STP265 - 20/Wem
STP260 - 20/Wem
STP255 - 20/Wem
265 Watt
High module conversion High PID resistant
efficiency Advanced cell technology
16.3% Module efficiency up to PID and qualified materials lead to
16.3% achieved through high resistance to PID
advanced cell technology and
manufacturing capabilities

Positive tolerance Suntech current sorting

Positive tolerance of up to process
5W delivers higher output System output maximized by
0/+5W 2%
reliablity reducing mismatch losses up
to 2% with modules sorted &
packaged by amperage

Extended wind and snow Withstanding harsh

load tests environment
3800Pa Module certified to Reliable quality leads to a
withstand extreme wind better sustainability even in
(3800 Pascal) and snow harsh environment like desert,
loads (5400 Pascal) * farm and coastline
Certifications and standards:
IEC 61215, IEC 61730, conformity to CE

Trust Suntech to Deliver Reliable Performance Over Time Special 4 busbar design
• World-class manufacturer of crystalline silicon photovoltaic modules The unique cell design leads
• Unrivaled manufacturing capacity and world-class technology tremendous reduction in
• Rigorous quality control meeting the highest international standards: electrodes resistance and raise
ISO 9001: 2008, ISO 14001: 2004 and ISO17025: 2005 in conversion efficiency. Less
• Regular independently checked production process from international residual stress, less cell micro-
accredited institute/company cracks and hotspot risks.
• Tested for harsh environments (salt mist, ammonia corrosion and sand
blowing testing: IEC 61701, IEC 62716, DIN EN 60068-2-68)***
• Long-term reliability tests
• 2 x 100% EL inspection ensuring defect-free modules

Industry-leading Warranty based on nominal power IP68 Rated Junction Box

• 97.5% in the first year, thereafter, for The Suntech IP68 rated
years two (2) through twenty-five junction box ensures an
100% Indus (25), 0.7% maximum decrease from outstanding waterproof
try lea
Warranted Power Output

ding li
10 near w MODULE’s nominal power output level, supports installations
ty per year, ending with the 80.7% in all orientations and
25 in the 25th year after the defined reduces stress on the cables.
1 10 25 WARRANTY STARTING DATE.**** High reliable performance,
• 12-year product warranty low resistance connectors
• 25-year linear performance ensure maximum output
warranty for the highest energy
* Please refer to Suntech Standard Module Installation Manual for details. **PV Cycle only for EU market.
*** Please refer to Suntech Product Near-coast Installation Manual for details. **** Please refer to Suntech Product Warranty for details.

©Copyright 2016 Suntech Power www.suntech-power.com IEC-STP-Wem-NO1.01-Rev 2016

STP265 - 20/Wem
STP260 - 20/Wem
STP255 - 20/Wem
Electrical Characteristics
992 [39.1] ± 2 [0.08] STC STP265-20/ STP260-20/ STP255-20/
942 [37.1] ± 1 [0.04] Wem Wem Wem
Maximum Power at STC (Pmax) 265 W 260 W 255 W
Drainage holes

Optimum Operating Voltage (Vmp) 31.0 V 30.9 V 30.8 V

14×9 [0.55×0.35]
Product label
Mounting slots
8 places Barcode Optimum Operating Current (Imp) 8.56 A 8.42 A 8.28 A
Open Circuit Voltage (Voc) 37.8 V 37.7 V 37.6 V
Short Circuit Current (Isc) 9.02 A 8.89 A 8.76 A
1000 [39.4]

Module Efficiency 16.3% 16.0% 15.7%

Operating Module Temperature -40 °C to +85 °C
290 [11.4]

1640 [64.6] ± 2 [0.08]
1385 [54.5] ± 1 [0.04]
885 [34.8] ± 1 [0.04]

Maximum System Voltage 1000 V DC (IEC)

Maximum Series Fuse Rating 20 A
6-Ø5.1 [Ø0.2]
290 [11.4]

Grounding holes
Power Tolerance 0/+5 W
(Back View)
STC: lrradiance 1000 W/m2, module temperature 25 °C, AM=1.5;
Best in Class AAA solar simulator (IEC 60904-9) used, power measurement uncertainty is within +/- 3%

11[0.4] NOCT STP265-20/ STP260-20/ STP255-20/

Wem Wem Wem
35 [1.4]

14.3 [0.6]
1.5 [0.06]
Maximum Power at NOCT (Pmax) 194 W 191 W 188 W
35 [1.4]
(Front View) Optimum Operating Voltage (Vmp) 28.3 V 28.2 V 28.1 V
Note: mm[inch]
Optimum Operating Current (Imp) 6.86 A 6.76 A 6.68 A
Open Circuit Voltage (Voc) 34.8 V 34.8 V 34.7 V
Short Circuit Current (Isc) 7.32 A 7.19 A 7.12 A
Current-Voltage & Power-Voltage Curve (265-20) NOCT: Irradiance 800 W/m2, ambient temperature 20 °C, AM=1.5, wind speed 1 m/s;
Best in Class AAA solar simulator (IEC 60904-9) used, power measurement uncertainty is within +/- 3%
10 300

Temperature Characteristics
Nominal Operating Cell Temperature (NOCT) 45±2°C
Temperature Coefficient of Pmax -0.41 %/°C

Temperature Coefficient of Voc -0.33 %/°C
Current (A)

Temperature Coefficient of Isc 0.067 %/°C

Power( W)


50 Mechanical Characteristics

Solar Cell Polycrystalline silicon 156 × 156 mm (6 inches)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 No. of Cells 60 (6 × 10)
Voltage (V)
1000 W/m2 800 W/m2 600 W/m2 400 W/m2 200 W/m2
Dimensions 1640 × 992 × 35mm (64.6 × 39.1 × 1.4 inches)
Weight 18.2 kgs (40.1 lbs.)
Excellent performance under weak light conditions: at an irradiation
intensity of 200 W/m2 (AM 1.5, 25 °C), 96.5% or higher of the STC efficiency Front Glass 3.2 mm (0.13 inches) tempered glass
(1000 W/m2 ) is achieved
Frame Anodized aluminium alloy
Junction Box IP68 rated (3 bypass diodes)
Dealer information Output Cables TUV (2Pfg1169:2007)
4.0 mm2 (0.006 inches2), symmetrical lengths (-) 1000mm (39.4
inches) and (+) 1000 mm (39.4 inches)
Connectors MC4 compatible

Packing Configuration
Container 20’ GP 40’ HC
Pieces per pallet 30 30
Pallets per container 6 28
Pieces per container 180 840
Information on how to install and operate this product is available in the installation instruction. All values indicated in this data sheet are subject to change without prior announcement. The specifications may vary slightly. All specifications are in
accordance with standard EN 50380. Color differences of the modules relative to the figures as well as discolorations of/in the modules which do not impair their proper functioning are possible and do not constitute a deviation from the specification.

E-mail: sales@suntech-power.com www.suntech-power.com IEC-STP-Wem-NO1.01-Rev


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