ISSN 2358-1107
Universidade de Marília
Márcio Mesquita Serva
Regina Lúcia Otaiano Losasso Serva
Jose Roberto Marques de Castro
Prof. Dr. Heron Fernando de Sousa Gonzaga
Profa. Dra. Tereza Laís Menegucci Zutin
Profa. Dra. Walkiria Martinez Heinrich Ferrer
3º edition
Marília/SP 2021
Anais do III Congresso Internacional de Educação e Saúde da Universidade de Marília
19:00 Abertura
Graduado em Filosofia pelo Instituto Universitário Santa Rosa de Lima; Gaduação em Teologia -
Universidad Pontifícia Salesiana. Mestre em Filosofia de la Práxis - Universidad Católica Andrés Bello;
Mestre em Derechos Humanos, Interculturalidad y Desarollo - Universidad Pablo de Olavide; Doutor em
Derechos Humanos y Desarrollo - Universidad Pablo de Olavide; Pós-doutorado no Programa de Pós-
Graduação em Direito da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Psicólogo pela PUC-SP; Mestre em Psicologia Social PUC-SP; Doutor pela Faculdade de Saúde Pública da
14:40 - 15:10– Tema: Abuso sexual infantil e saúde mental: uma conversa sobre transmissão
psíquica transgeracional.
Anais do III Congresso Internacional de Educação e Saúde da Universidade de Marília
Psicóloga formada pela Unesp de Bauru; Mestre em Psicologia do Desenvolvimento pela USP Ribeirão
Graduada em Medicina pela Faculdade de Ciências Médicas de Santos; Doutora em Dermatologia pela
Universidade de São Paulo; Livre Docente em Dermatologia pela Faculdade de Ciências Médicas da
UNICAMP; Professsa Adjunta de Dermatologia da Faculdade de Ciências Médicas da UNICAMP
19:30 – 20:00 – Tema: Entrustable Professional Activities (EPA) e o currículo por competência
Palestrante: Prof. Doutor João Costa Amado e Prof. Doutor João Neves Amado
Prof. Dr João Costa Amado
Professor associado convidado da Universidade Católica Portuguesa (UCP) Instituto de Ciências da
Saúde - Centro Regional do Porto; Investigador do Centro de Investigação Interdisciplinar em Saúde da
UCP; Licenciado em Medicina pela Universidade do Porto (Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas de Abel
Salazar); Doutorado em Ciências Biomédicas, e especialista de Saúde Comunitária.
Médico pela Universidade de Marilia – Unimar; Especialista pela Sociedade Brasileira de Pneumologia e
Tisiologia; Clínica Médica e Pneumologia, pela Irmandade Santa Casa de Misericórdia de São Paulo
Faculdade de Medicina de Marília. Residente em Clínica Médica pela Faculdade de Medicina de Marília;
Especialista em Preceptoria de Residência Médica pelo Hospital Sírio Libanês; Mestre em Saúde e
Envelhecimento pela Faculdade de Medicina de Marília; Pós Graduado em Medicina Paliativa pelo
Instituto Paliar
Enfermeira pela Escola de Enfermagem de Ribeirão Preto da Universidade de São Paulo; Especialista em
Enfermagem Obstétrica e Neonatológica - modalidade Residência pela EERP-USP; Mestre e Doutora em
Saúde Pública pela EERP-USP; Pós-Doutoranda na University of Alberta, Canadá.
14:00 – 14:30 – Tema: Genética Médica. Perfil da especialidade, áreas de atuação e equipe
Médico Geneticista; Coordenador do Centro de Genética Médica da Universidade Federal de São Paulo-
Escola Paulista de Medicina
14:40 - 15:10– Tema: Recursos laboratoriais em Genética Médica e sua aplicação na prática
Médico graduado pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas; Residência médica em Genética Médica;
Mestrado pela Universidade Federal de São Paulo
20:10 – 20:40 – Tema: Qualidade dos cursos graduação: o desafio da sua construção e
avaliação à luz de múltiplos indicadores.
ISBN: 2358-1107
CDD – 610
Anais do III Congresso Internacional de Educação e Saúde da Universidade de Marília
ÍNDICE ...........................................................................................................................9
CONFERÊNCIAS ...........................................................................................................16
O ANALISTA E O ANALISANDO NO CONTEMPORÂNEO ................................................................................... 17
DIREITOS HUMANOS E PSICANÁLISE: CONTRIBUIÇÕES ................................................................................. 26
TRANSGERACIONAL ........................................................................................................................................................... 31
CUIDADOS PALIATIVOS: ASSISTÊNCIA HOSPITALAR ....................................................................................... 40
EPIDEMIOLOGIA: PROMOÇÃO DA SAÚDE E NO CUIDAR DE ENFERMAGEM......................................... 44
EPIDEMIOLOGIA: ÂMBITO GERAL E NA PRÁTICA DA MEDICINA .............................................................. 48
....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 53
QUALIDADE DE VIDA DAS PESSOAS IDOSAS ......................................................................................................... 63
ÁREA BÁSICA ..............................................................................................................69
DA COVID-19 ...................................................................................................................................................................... 70
ATUANTES NO ATENDIMENTOPRÉ-HOSPITALAR............................................................................. 72
CARE. .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 74
CAN CURCUMA SPECIES EXHIBIT DERMATOLOGICAL EFFECTS? .............................................................. 78
COVID-19: OS RISCOS DA AUTO-HEMOTERAPIA Á SAÚDE ................................................................ 80
COVID-19: THE HEALTH RISKS OF AUTOHEMOTHERAPY ............................................................................. 81
DIABETES TRIGGERING IN PATIENTS WITH OBESITY..................................................................................... 84
MENTAL ................................................................................................................................................................................. 86
CIRCADIAN INFLUENCE ON NEURONS OF THE SUBSTANTIA NIGRA....................................................... 90
MEDICINA ............................................................................................................................................................................. 92
OF THE NURSING TEAM ................................................................................................................................................... 98
DE MEDICINA ..................................................................................................................................................................100
STUDENTS .............................................................................................................................................................................102
CLÍNICA MÉDICA .......................................................................................................104
LITERATURA ........................................................................................................................................................................105
ALCAPTONÚRIA – UMA REVISÃO DA DOENÇA ..........................................................................................109
Anais do III Congresso Internacional de Educação e Saúde da Universidade de Marília
STUDENTS .............................................................................................................................................................................419
Anais do III Congresso Internacional de Educação e Saúde da Universidade de Marília
Anais do III Congresso Internacional de Educação e Saúde da Universidade de Marília
Podemos fazer várias leituras do conto de Clarice. Privilégio a distância, que Clarice
nomeia de Quase - entre a Vida e a Morte. Nascemos e morremos, mas que são unidos por um
contínuo dentro de cada ser vivo. Clarice diz: estivera a pique (a ponto) de pegar na
morte....tocar no que era também minha. O que é isso?
No conto a presença de um passado e do mal-estar emocional mostra que a
personagem tinha o desejo de superá-lo. Instaura-se dois tempos: um em busca de esperança
Todos os negritos são do autor
Anais do III Congresso Internacional de Educação e Saúde da Universidade de Marília
da graça de Santa Teresinha e, portanto, de um futuro que possa alcançar paz e outro um
passado/presente morto. Destes dois tempos se constrói um presente escuro, do qual emergiu
toda criatividade de Clarice.
Clarice Quase toca na morte, entretanto essa experiência emocional permite concluir o
conto dizendo: .... porém tão viva como um botão fresco de rosa. Ou seja, um espaço onde
Morte e Vida estão muito próximas e tão nascente e frágil como um botão de rosa.
Agamben diz: “Perceber no escuro do presente essa luz que procura nos alcançar e não
pode fazê-lo, isso significa ser contemporâneo. Por isso os contemporâneos são raros” p. 65.
Entendemos esta colocação como que para ser contemporâneo se necessita possuir um
espaço interno, ou seja, uma fronteira entre Vida e Morte, que organiza um contínuo escuro
que podemos chamar de espaço transicional/potencial.
Um continuum4, com efeito, resulta da cesura e com ele encontra-se o pensamento em
estado nascente, aparentemente frágil, mas imensamente resistente e capaz de superar os
mais terríveis embates: sequer a morte o destrói, por ser o lugar onde nasce os pensamentos.
A organização da mente não é condição para o pensamento ter lugar. O espaço de um
aparelho de pensar surge após a primeira fusão que ao evoluir através da cesura do
nascimento, que contém toda a potencialidade e, portanto, a expressão dos pensamentos
arcaicos e primitivos, será o lugar para a integração, como vemos na instalação da
Preocupação Materna Primária.
José Saramago, discursou em Turim e se referiu a mudança de vértice por seu
amadurecimento de olhar o "escuro".
Em 1999, de volta à Itália, o já prêmio Nobel foi surpreendido com uma homenagem
planejada pelos amigos e acobertada pela companheira, a jornalista espanhola Pilar del Rio.
Daquele discurso de 1998 ficara uma gravação, que acabava de se transformar em
livro....AEstátua e a Pedra, que em nova edição com correção do autor ficou Da Estátua à
Pedra. A passagem da pedra à estátua e novamente à pedra, é composta por fronteira e, é dela
que nasce a estátua. Diz:
... Fez uma detalhada análise das próprias criações e confessou uma intuição: sua
escrita passava por um momento de mudança. Era como se ele tivesse decidido penetrar mais
fundo no universo que até então vinha descrevendo. Identifica, assim, duas fases em sua
trajetória: a da estátua e da pedra. A primeira, mais "barroca" e adornada, começava a ser
suplantada por uma etapa em que o objetivo era a busca do essencial. "Que é isto de pretender
penetrar o interior da pedra em vez de continuar a descrever sua superfície?", indagou o
literato português naquela tarde. Em seguida, respondeu: "A minha ideia, ou melhor, a minha
preocupação, neste momento ou mais provavelmente desde sempre, ainda que nos últimos
títulos se tenha tornado mais evidente, é considerar o ser humano como prioridade absoluta.
Por isso, o ser humano é a matéria do meu trabalho, minha cotidiana obsessão, a íntima
preocupação do cidadão que sou e que escreve". .... Dentro de nós há uma coisa que não tem
nome, essa coisa é o que somos. 08/2013, Revista Bravo, p 13.
Clarice Lispector, Saramago e Agamben falam da cegueira de diferentes formas. Em
Ensaio sobre a Cegueira, Saramago fala da história de uma cegueira fulminante que ataca os
habitantes de uma cidade [...] Mas o autor crê que já estamos cegos com os olhos que temos,
que não é necessário que nenhuma epidemia de cegueira venha assolar a humanidade. Talvez
os nossos olhos vejam, mas a nossa razão esteja cega...p 18.
Os psicanalistas são cegos a medida que optam por uma ideologia teórica que os
impede de "ver" a fronteira entre as teorias e conceitos.
Marcelo Gleiser (2010, p 114-115) com relação ao estudo da energia escura do
Universo faz a hipótese de que no microcosmo, que chamamos de espaço
Aproximar estes conceitos é necessário que uma nova "bruxa" nos auxilie a pensar a
mente como produto da natureza. Do "casamento da física do muito pequeno com o do muito
grande" nasce essa nova bruxa, como Freud chamou a metapsicologia.
Proponho a hipótese de que é nesse espaço escuro (Agamben) cheio de energia (Gleiser) e
constitutivo da Cesura e do Espaço Transicional/Potencial (Winnicott e Bion) que ocorrem
fenômenos não vistos como pudemos desenvolver em Preconcepções - sua evidência na clínica
psicanalítica5, através dos desenhos de uma criança.
Os desenhos, na realidade traços, como o jogo do rabisco de Winnicott, sem uma forma
que determina um significado, convidam para a observação. As figuras humanas contidas nos
traços foram possíveis de serem vistas a medida que criativamente o desenho por meio de
xerox em acetato transparente ou informatizados, puderam se dispor um sobrepondo com seu
verso, como nas associações livres dos sonhos, mostraram nova configuração dos grafos
Colucci A,M, Woier, (2014)
Anais do III Congresso Internacional de Educação e Saúde da Universidade de Marília
Trabalhamos numa fronteira que denominamos de setting. Nele tudo é novo. Não há a
dependência do passado, o que permite a criação poética e não há repetição, pois no aqui e
agora, o espaço tempo é novo. No setting, a periodicidade por “imitar” o tempo circadiano
constrói um espaço “suficientemente bom” capaz de permitir a regressão. Podemos dizer que
a existência de um ambiente suficiente bom permite ao setting que, pela periodicidade e clima
afetivo propicia a evolução para o novo.
Na situação analítica, guardada sua especificidade o par, analista-analisando, deve
encontrar e/ou criar condições propícias para que uma unidade se estabeleça, e a partir dessa
fusão se instale um "espaço escuro" (fronteira) dentro de cada um e no entre-os-dois,
permitindo que na fala ou no silêncio, aflore aquilo que não consegue de outro modo se
expressar e que o presente assuma a proeminência sobre as imposições do passado e sobre o
temor as inseguranças futuras, transitando pelas fronteiras com medo e paixões, frequentes
no trabalho analítico, para atingirmos o além do ontem e do amanhã. Com isso posto,
necessita algo mais: criar condições técnicas para a contemporaneidade na Psicanálise do
Novo Normal.
Agamben, Giorgio, 2012, O que é o contemporâneo e outros ensaios. Argos, Chapecó. p.55-73.
Bion, W. R. Two papers: the grid and caesura. Rio de Janeiro: Imago, 1977.
Bion. W.R. Cesura. Rev bras.Psicanal, 15:123-136. 1981
Colucci, A M e Woiler, E. Estudo e investigação de traços arcaicos em desenhos: novos
métodos. Rev. bras. psicanál, 2014, vol.48, no.1, p.173-190. ISSN 0486-641X
Freud, S. (1976). El porvenir de una ilusión. In S. Freud, Obras completas (J. L. Etcheverry,
Trad., Vol. 21, pp. 1-55). Buenos Aires: Amorrortu. (Trabalho original publicado em 1927).
Gleiser, M. - Criação Imperfeita Cosmo, Vida e o Código Oculto da Natureza – 2 ª edição
– Rio De Janeiro: Record, 2010.
Lispector, Clarice, 1999, A descoberta do mundo - Rio de Janeiro: Rocco
Viel, R, J. Saramago por Saramago. Revista Bravo de 08/2013. p 11-18.
Anais do III Congresso Internacional de Educação e Saúde da Universidade de Marília
É um prazer também compor essa mesa com meus colegas de trabalho e de vida.
Dra. Silvana Neves do Amaral
Dr. Alfredo Menotti Colucci
Ao relatar essa situação clínica, quero através desse exemplo, podermos observar um
analista trabalhando na contemporaneidade. O objetivo dessa análise, dessa dupla vai muito
além da resolução de conflitos ou da diminuição da sintomatologia. Isso é importante, mas em
primeiro lugar o que foi trabalhado por muito tempo, é desenvolver o sentir-se vivo, diminuir a
desvitalização que rondava os dias dessa paciente. A tentativa é desenvolver essa capacidade
de sentir-se vivo que é uma experiência superior e prioritária e deve ser considerada como um
aspecto da experiência analítica em si mesma.
Atualmente sobre qualquer coisa que iremos falar temos que citar a total mudança que
em tudo se fez em função da pandemia. No campo da Psicanálise não é diferente.
Praticamente de um dia para o outro, tivemos que mudar nossa prática para continuarmos
respondendo às demandas que sempre tivemos e que agora com o advento de toda a ameaça
desencadeada pelo perigo de contágio da Covid-19 quantas coisas passaram se somar as já
muitas tarefas existentes!
Isso sem contar a grande demanda que passou existir em função do aparecimento de
muitas situações que passaram solicitar a presença de um analista. Tanto de pessoas que
estavam assustadas, inseguras e ameaçadas, como de pessoas que passaram a adoecer,
Anais do III Congresso Internacional de Educação e Saúde da Universidade de Marília
em que não somos capazes de estar vivos para nossa experiência, seja a experiência da alegria,
ou a capacidade de amar, a capacidade de perdoar alguém (inclusive nós mesmos) ou
simplesmente para se sentir vivo para o mundo ao nosso redor e dentro de nós mesmos –
Todos temos nossas próprias áreas especificas de experiência que fomos incapazes de viver e
vivemos em busca dessas experiências perdidas que fomos incapazes de viver.
circunstâncias da vida, um ou outro estado de mente com as emoções que são características
de cada estado e que podem predominar. Todos nós podemos estar de um ou de outro jeito.
Atualmente em psicanálise temos falado muito do infantil no adulto.
Todos guardam dentro de si a criança que foi um dia. Cuidar da criança pequena para
que ela tenha condições de se desenvolver bem, num ambiente seguro e amoroso, pode fazer
diferença para si e para as gerações seguintes. Cuidar do infantil num adulto, pode mudar o
modo desse adulto se relacionar consigo e com seu entorno. Seja com as pessoas com quem
convive seja com o ambiente em que se insere.
Cuidar bem de si, pode ser determinante na forma de cuidar do outro. Um filho,
paciente, amizades, família, comunidade em que vive.
Receber cuidados é determinante para cuidar bem.
Na posição esquizo-paranoide, as defesas usadas são cisão negação, idealização. A
onipotência faz parte dos sentimentos. Neste estado, o indivíduo se sente muito poderoso. Só
que ele também fica muito medroso no mundo que ele julga ser muito perigoso e ameaçador.
É um salve-se quem puder. Cada um preocupado consigo mesmo, e todos contra todos. A
pessoa se sente muito ameaçada. Onipotente e ameaçada ao mesmo tempo. Todos estão
contra ele, então ele tem que atacar sempre. É uma guerra vivida dentro da mente, mas que
traz consequências fora. Neste estado de mente, a pessoa briga mais com o outro, fica mais
angustiada, mais preocupada com esse tipo de vivências e menos disponível para as atividades
construtivas que poderia se dedicar. Assim, o mundo é um lugar para ser usado. Como se a
mãe Terra fosse uma fonte inesgotável de recursos só para serem usados. Tudo e todos são
usados para seu próprio benefício.
Já em posição depressiva, a pessoa se preocupa com o outro, consegue entender que
precisa do outro e para tanto deve cuidar da relação com ele. Outro aqui entendido como
sendo pessoas com as quais se relaciona, seu entorno, a terra, o mundo. Para usufruir daquilo
que o mundo nos proporciona, ele tem que ser preservado. Assim como nas relações, em que
também é preciso cuidar. O outro é necessário para nossa sobrevivência. A terra tem que ser
preservada pois para nos beneficiarmos do que ela nos oferece, é preciso cuidar.
Eu estou dizendo que toda criança deveria ser bem cuidada para que ela possa vir a ser
um adulto que consiga cuidar de si e do seu entorno. E cuidar da criança e do infantil no adulto
é algo imprescindível para que uma vida que possa ser mais criativa e para se acreditar que
vale a pena ser vivida!
Em meados de 2019, ainda não existia pandemia, a vida seguia normalmente e eu ia
toda semana para São Paulo fazer minha formação de psicanalista. Eu estava na sala de espera
da minha supervisora e me deparei com uma manchete de jornal Folha de SP, que me chamou
atenção. A notícia era de que um economista, James Heckman, 75, da Universidade de Chicago
(EUA) havia ganho um prêmio Nobel em Economia. A entrevista dizia que, segundo Heckman,
investir na primeira infância é antídoto para desigualdade, que estimular crianças de zero a
cinco anos evita a perpetuação da desigualdade de uma geração para outra. Heckman defende
que é mais eficiente a pré-distribuição de competências do que a redistribuição de renda. A
reportagem seguia dizendo da importância do apoio às famílias e suas configurações atuais.
...do nascimento até os cinco anos, as crianças são muito
maleáveis, aprendem com grande facilidade e podem
desenvolver uma base sobre a qual aprenderão todas as
proficiências que a vida vai lhe oferecer. E isso cria vantagens
diante das oportunidades que a vida ou mesmo a escola
proporcionam, é preciso que as crianças estejam preparadas para
receber o conhecimento, equipadas com habilidades cognitivas e
sócio emocionais com as quais possam enfrentar desafios e
interagir. Se uma criança recebe estímulos aos três anos, ela será
Anais do III Congresso Internacional de Educação e Saúde da Universidade de Marília
aprende a linguagem das emoções, ela ganha acesso a outro mundo que não aquele de guerra,
de destruição, de perseguições da posição esquizo-paranoide. Uma criança que tem
conhecimento sobre si, sobre seus sentimentos, sobre seu mundo interno está liberada para
conhecer tudo que o mundo externo tem a lhe oferecer, inclusive seus desafios, e está mais
disposta a estar e cuidar deste mundo externo que inclui os outros ao seu redor e o ambiente
em que está inserida.
Digo da importância dos primeiros cuidadores (mãe/pai) e daqueles que vem a seguir:
cuidadores de creches, professores, médicos enfermeiros, assistentes sociais, fisioterapeutas,
fonoaudiólogos e tantos outros profissionais que cuidam. Pessoas que cuidam, vão cuidar
melhor tanto quanto estiverem melhor cuidadas.
Nós, seres humanos, somos ao mesmo tempo fortes e frágeis. Diante do cenário que
estamos vivendo, a pandemia, estamos expostos a nossa fragilidade em sua dimensão física,
mas também a dimensão mental, emocional. A pandemia nos remete a nossa condição
humana, a de que temos um corpo que pode adoecer e morrer, que precisa de cuidados. Se
nosso corpo adoece, nossa mente fica concentrada nisso.
Vocês vão trabalhar com os cuidados de outras pessoas: seus corpos, suas mentes. Ao
mesmo tempo, estarão, de alguma forma, tocando suas almas. Corpo e mente não se separam.
Vocês estarão expostos às misérias humanas em todas suas dimensões. Não é incomum
estudantes da área da saúde passarem por um período em que acham que sofrem, em algum
grau, de cada um dos males que estuda. Sim, o estudante também é humano e está sujeito às
mesmas condições tal qual seu paciente. É possível que usem de defesas psíquicas para se
proteger da dor de sermos humanos e frágeis. Uma possível defesa é a negação. Podemos
negar o que não queremos ver ou aquilo que nos faz sofrer. Diante da fragilidade podemos
ficar onipotentes e ai sim, podemos nos colocar mais em risco.
Para M. Klein (2006b), saúde mental diz respeito a ter uma personalidade bem
integrada. E isso pressupõe maturidade emocional, força de caráter, capacidade de lidar com
emoções conflitantes, equilíbrio entre as vidas internas e adaptação à realidade e uma bem-
sucedida integração.
Saúde mental não é compatível com superficialidade pois superficialidade se liga a
negação de conflitos (interno) e de dificuldades (externas).
E para finalizar, me lembrei de quando um professor de psicanálise e de vida, me disse
que é só quando pensamos na morte é que podemos pensar e cuidar melhor da vida. Fiquei
impactada. Como assim pensar na morte para daí sim conseguir cuidar melhor da vida?? Hoje
concordo totalmente. Sim, é só considerando nossa fragilidade, a possibilidade de morrer é
que pensamos em cuidar melhor da vida e aproveitá-la e ter prazer pois um dia ela acaba!
Para ser psicanalista, temos que fazer uma extensa formação com estudos, supervisões
e análise pessoal por muitos anos. Lembram-se que falei que estava na sala da minha
supervisora? Lá encontrei esse jornal e me deparei com essa entrevista. No grupo que falei
encontrei Dr. Heron que me fez o convite e poder pensar o que compartilhei com vocês.
Encontros, experiências, possibilidades, novas histórias, o contato com tantas pessoas, enfim,
meu encontro com a psicanálise continua me proporcionando muitas coisas interessantes!
Ouço muitas histórias, viajo para tantos mundos, o que considero serem oportunidades
Pois bem, a psicanálise se propõe a cuidar da vida desde os seus começos e nos
proporciona a condição para desenvolvermos o direito mais humano, mais fundamental em
nós, que é o de ser quem verdadeiramente somos!
Klein, M. (2006a). Notas sobre alguns mecanismos esquizoides: 1946. In M. Klein, Inveja e
gratidão e outros trabalhos: 1946-1963 (Vol. 3, pp. 17-43). Rio de Janeiro: Imago.
Anais do III Congresso Internacional de Educação e Saúde da Universidade de Marília
Klein, M. (2006b). Sobre a saúde mental: 1960. In M. Klein, Inveja e gratidão e outros
trabalhos: 1946-1963 (Vol. 3, pp. 305-313). Rio de Janeiro: Imago.
Klein, M., Socha, A. (Org.). (2019). Melanie Klein: autobiografia comentada. São Paulo: Ed.
Mena, F. (2019, 29 de julho). Pré-distribuir habilidades é melhor estratégia para reduzir
desigualdade. [Entrevista com James Heckman]. Folha de S. Paulo, p. A12.
Anais do III Congresso Internacional de Educação e Saúde da Universidade de Marília
Psicóloga graduada pela UNESP de Bauru e Mestra em Ciências pelo Programa de Pós-graduação em Psicologia
da USP de Ribeirão Preto
Anais do III Congresso Internacional de Educação e Saúde da Universidade de Marília
Livre docente do Programa de Pós Graduação em Psicologia da Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras de
Ribeirão Preto da USP.
Nomes fictícios.
Anais do III Congresso Internacional de Educação e Saúde da Universidade de Marília
A literatura distingue duas formas de transmissão psíquica: a intergeracional e a
transgeracional. A primeira se refere a um material que pode ser transformado e
metabolizado, ou seja, que foi pensado e que agora é falado; ela é estruturante e existe em um
espaço de transcrição transformadora. Este tipo de transmissão é dita claramente, quando se
comunica uma morte na família, conta-se uma história, transmite-se um valor importante. A
transmissão transgeracional atravessa o psiquismo em várias gerações, invadindo-o
violentamente; constitui-se de um material inconsciente e não simbolizado, o qual não pode se
beneficiar de modificações que permitam integração psíquica, e não há preservação dos
espaços ou bordas da subjetividade. Ela acontece quando, em alguma geração, alguma
experiência traumática aconteceu e foi sentida com tamanha intensidade, que não pôde ser
falada, nomeada, pensada e, então, precisa ser transmitida para a geração seguinte como uma
tentativa de elaboração (Granjon, 2000; Trachtenberg, 2012).
A transmissão psíquica transgeracional possui as seguintes características: é uma
violência imposta, que suscita a alienação do sujeito; é uma transmissão direta, sem espaço de
retomada e transformação, correspondente a uma continuidade e repetição de
acontecimentos vividos; ocorre a transmissão de formas psíquicas negativas (irrepresentável e
irrepresentada), com função desligadora, que ocorre a partir de uma falha no aparelho de
transformação da família, afetando o sujeito individualmente e a intersubjetividade do grupo.
O herdeiro desta herança é um sujeito convidado a isto, alguém que recebe esta proposta,
mesmo que de maneira imposta, e logo, se não puder transformá-la ou modificá-la, deve se
alienar e renunciar (em parte ou totalmente) de sua subjetividade (Granjon, 2000). De acordo
com Correa (2000), há uma “patologia transgeracional”, porque, há um traumatismo
acumulado nas gerações que adoece os membros familiares, na medida em que prejudica o
desenvolvimento emocional e sucumbe a subjetividade.
Esta teoria pertence à Psicanálise Vincular, a qual foi desenvolvida por psicanalistas
europeus após a exterminação do holocausto na Segunda Guerra. Ela surge a partir de
questões teóricas e práticas da psicanálise de família, de casal e de grupo, as quais concebem
que o sujeito, para além de uma realidade construída de fantasias inconscientes e vida
pulsional (intrapsíquica), é constituído no espaço da intersubjetividade (Puget, 2000). Nesta
época, o sofrimento dos sobreviventes era de tal profundidade que abarcava famílias inteiras.
As perdas desconhecidas, sobreviventes únicos de determinadas famílias, mortes por tortura
na presença dos familiares desencadearam traumas e lutos impossíveis de serem vividos e
transformados. A ausência de palavras é transmitida para a geração seguinte e foi sendo
observado repetições de traumas, mortes, violência nas próximas gerações. Nesse momento,
penso que é possível que tenhamos que lidar com questões semelhantes diante do cenário das
inúmeras mortes trágicas por Covid-19 que estamos presenciando nesse momento.
No que diz respeito ao abuso sexual infantil, a vivência desta violência para uma criança
é um acontecimento traumático que provoca uma devastação na estrutura psíquica da criança
e impossibilita uma nomeação (Fuks, 2006) a qual, em alguns casos, é transmitida para as
próximas gerações como uma tentativa de ser elaborada. Por si só, o abuso infantil carrega a
característica do segredo imposto pelo abusador, ou seja, ele já abarca uma impossibilidade de
palavras. Além disso, a criança, dentro da sua condição de imaturidade emocional, cognitiva,
que está em desenvolvimento, não tem recursos mentais para lidar com um acontecimento
dessa ordem, que invade seu corpo e sua mente sem que ela tenha qualquer consentimento.
A partir da minha experiência de pesquisa no mestrado, observou-se que foi vivida uma
experiência traumática de abuso sexual em uma geração (a qual é desconhecida por nós) que
não foi possível de ser elaborada, pensada, transformada e, então, precisou ser transmitida e
repetida nas gerações seguintes. Além disso, outras repetições aconteceram: as quatro
participantes não puderam contar com uma figura materna que oferecesse os cuidados
Anais do III Congresso Internacional de Educação e Saúde da Universidade de Marília
Amazarray, M. R., & Koller, S. H. (1998). Alguns aspectos observados no desenvolvimento de
crianças vítimas de abuso sexual. Psicologia:Reflexão e Crítica, 11(3), 559-578.
Borges, J. L., & Dell’Aglio, D. D. (2008). Abuso sexual infantil: indicadores de risco e
conseqüências no desenvolvimento de criança. Revista Interamericana de Psicología, 42(3),
Brasil (2021). Abuso sexual contra crianças e adolescentes – Abordagem de casos concretos em
uma perspectiva multidisciplinar e interinstitucional. Cartilha Maio Laranja 2021. Disponível
Anais do III Congresso Internacional de Educação e Saúde da Universidade de Marília
em https://www.gov.br/mdh/pt-
Correa, O. B. R. (2000). Eclosão dos vínculos genealógicos e transmissão psíquica. In O. B. R.
Correa (Org.), Os avatares da transmissão psíquica geracional (pp. 61-72). São Paulo, SP:
Ferreira, A. L. (2005). Acompanhamento de crianças vítimas de violência: desafios para o
pediatra. Jornal de Pediatria,81(5), 173-180.
Fuks, L. B. (2006). Consequências do abuso infantil. Recuperado de
Granjon, E. (2000). A elaboração do tempo genealógico no espaço do tratamento da terapia
familiar analítica. In O. B. R. Correa (Org.), Os avatares da transmissão psíquica geracional (pp.
17-44). São Paulo, SP: Escuta.
Jewkes, R., Sem, P., Garcia-Moreno, C. (2002). Sexual violence. In E. G. Krug, L. L. Dahlberg, J. A.
Mercy, A. B. Zwi, & R. Lozano (Eds.), World report on violence and health (pp. 149–181).
Geneva, SWI: World Health Organization.
Ministério Público do Paraná (2020). Estatísticas - Três crianças ou adolescentes são abusadas
sexualmente no Brasil a cada hora. Disponível em
Puget, J. (2000). Disso não se fala... Transmissão e memória. In O. B. R. Correa (Org.), Os
avatares da transmissão psíquica geracional (pp. 73-88). São Paulo, SP: Escuta.
Trachtenberg, A. R. C. (2012). Efeitos psíquicos das heranças culturais. In S. S. Pastori, & R. F.
Nicolau (Orgs.). Encontro transcultural:subjetividade e psicopatologia no mundo globalizado
(pp.155 -165). São Paulo, SP: Escuta.
Anais do III Congresso Internacional de Educação e Saúde da Universidade de Marília
Em 2019, trabalhamos para a construção de EPAs para os dois primeiros anos do curso
médico a partir do currículo da Faculdade de Medicina de Marília (Famema)11.
O grupo de trabalho formado pelos Profs. Drs. H.P., I. F. e Y. H. entendeu a íntima
parceria das escolas médicas brasileiras com o Sistema Único de Saúde assim como a
importância do trabalho na Atenção Básica em Saúde 5,8. O projeto versou sobre o
Delineamento de EPAs para a efetivação dos cuidados na Atenção Básica em Saúde 11.
Ao longo de 5 meses trabalhamos na caracterização das EPAs que depois foram
analisadas por um grupo de 15 docentes, sendo oito médicos e sete enfermeiros. As sugestões
recebidas foram revisadas e incluídas no material 11. Após a segunda rodada de estudo Delphi
alcançou-se um índice de concordância superior a 80% e assim as descrições das EPAs foram
Anais do III Congresso Internacional de Educação e Saúde da Universidade de Marília
Ten Cate O. Entrustability of professional activities and competency-based training. Med Educ. 2005;
39(12):1176-7. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/J.1365-2929.2005.02341.X.
Ten Cate O. A primer on entrustable professional activities. Korean J Med Educ. 2018 Mar;30(1):1-10.
FRANCISCHETTI, I, Moreno J B, Holzhausen Y, Peters H. Entrustable Professional Activities for
Community Medicine: Integrating Medical Undergraduate Courses and Primary Health Care.
Creative Education.2020 Jan: 11(02):86-104. doi: 10.4236/ce.2020.112007
SÁ P, Paixão F. Contributos para a clarificação do conceito de competência numaperspetiva integrada
e sistémica. Rev Port Educ. 2013; 26(1):87-114.
LAMPERT, JB. Tendências de mudanças na formação médica no Brasil [tese]. Rio de Janeiro: Escola
Nacional de Saúde Pública Sérgio Arouca; 2002.
Anais do III Congresso Internacional de Educação e Saúde da Universidade de Marília
GONCZI, A. Competency-based approaches: linking theory and practice in professional education with
particular reference to health education. Educ Philos Theory. 2013; 45(12):1290-306. doi:
LINGARD, L. What we see and don’t see when we look at ‘competence’: notes on a god term. Adv
Health Sci Educ Theory Pract. 2009; 14(5):625-8. doi: http://dx.doi. org/10.1007/s10459-009-
HARDEN, RM. Outcome-based education - the ostrich, the peacock and the beaver. MedTeach.
2007; 29(7):666-71. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01421590701729948.
FRANCISCHETTI, I, Holzhausen Y, Peters H. The time has come for Brazil: translating
Competence Based Medical Education into practice by Entrustable Professional Activities
(EPAs). Interface (Botucatu). 2020;24:e190455.
HOLZHAUSEN, Y, Maaz A, Renz A, Bosch J, Peters H. Development of Entrustable Professional
Activities for entry into residency at the Charité Berlin. GMS J Med Educ. 2019 Feb;36(1):Doc 5.
World Health Organization. Primary Health Care. Geneva: WHO; 2019.
https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/primary-health-care. Accessed 2021 Feb
Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada. Social accountability: a vision for Canadian
Medical Schools.Ottawa: AFMC; 2002.
Anais do III Congresso Internacional de Educação e Saúde da Universidade de Marília
intensos em todos os cenários do mundo, com pacientes, familiares e profissionais, ainda não
terminou. Parte do fato que justifica a sobrecarga de profissionais de saúde são
responsabilidades extremas de escolhas que precisam ser feitas frente à escassez de recursos,
desde os mais básicos como equipamentos de proteção e medicações, até mais tecnológicos
como ventiladores mecânicos. Todos os fundamentais para o tratamento de doentes
portadores não só da Covid-19 mas também para as demais doenças que também necessitam
dos mesmos cuidados. O cuidado paliativo entra como uma das linhas de cuidado a ser
avaliada dentro de fluxogramas já documentos por algumas sociedades médicas, propondo um
melhor direcionamento dos recursos àqueles que mais precisam. De forma geral, como
exemplo, em se tratando principalmente de recursos invasivos sustentadores de vida artificial,
ao evitar utilizá-los de forma errada em pacientes onde a priorização do conforto é o enfoque,
evita-se a perpetuação de um sofrimento e uma prática distanática, além de permitir com que
o serviço possa resguardar tais recursos e utilizá-los em outro momento mais oportuno com
real indicação.
Enfim, discussão importante sobre justiça e equidade frente ao complexo problema de
escassez de recurso, além de reforçar avaliações constantes e equilibradas de medidas que
trarão mais benefícios do que malefícios. Nunca foi tão necessário rever e fortalecer o
entendimento dos princípios bioéticos, fundamentados pelo modelo principialista, criado por
Beauchamp e Childress em 1989. As decisões devem, sempre que possível, serem
compartilhadas entre integrantes da equipe assistente, paciente e familiares, respeitando e
incluindo a autonomia de todos os envolvidos.
Em conclusão a essa arte de cuidar, tendo como enfoque a assistência hospitalar,
relembremos que em 1990, um médico intensivista estadunidense, escreveu a um dos
principais jornais do país uma analogia ao cuidado realizado para determinados doentes
através de uma história interessante, a qual adaptei para aprimorar a compreensão
acadêmica: “Em determinado período de nossa história, um navio com três missionários
atracou em um ilha aparentemente deserta, no intuito de conhecer povos novos, e claro, levar
o conhecimento deles a frente. Ao caminharem pela ilha se depararam com pequenas casas de
palha, o que pareciam ocas. Nada demorou para que aparecessem três índios, os quais foram
ao encontro dos missionários. ‘Hm, jantar!’, disse um dos índios. Com os rostos paralisados, os
missionários perceberam se tratar de uma tribo de canibais. Outro dos índios logo indagou,
‘Morte ou mamba?’. Os missionários desesperados perceberam que não havia escapatória,
mas sabiam que não queriam morrer. Os dois missionários mais à frente rapidamente
responderam, mesmo sem saber o que significava, ‘Mamba!’. E assim foi, os índios entraram
em uma das ocas e voltaram com um cesto fechado que, ao abrirem, foi possível visualizar
cobras verdes e negras, as chamadas mambas. Extremamente venenosas, fizeram com que
fatalmente os dois missionários que as escolheram tivessem uma morte lenta e sofrida, com
dores intensas, falta de ar, sangramentos, entre outros sintomas. O último missionário vendo
seus colegas em tal situação, percebeu que não queria passar por todo aquele sofrimento, e
implorou para os índios apenas a morte, sem o sofrimento das mambas. Os índios por fim,
olharam para ele, e concordaram, mas apenas parcialmente, decidiram que o último antes de
morrer também seria colocado frente a uma ou duas mambas pelo menos.”.
A história dos missionários nos faz relembrar e associar ao cuidado de saúde instituído
aos pacientes. Os índios são os profissionais e os missionários os pacientes. A obstinação
terapêutica excessiva e a negação do profissional da saúde frente a inevitabilidade da morte
faz com que muitas vezes seja instituído mambas durante o processo saúde-doença, e tais
mambas podem ser exemplificados por medicações, sondas nasogástricas, sondas vesicais,
intubações orotraqueais, monitorização, coleta de exames laboratoriais e até mesmo
Anais do III Congresso Internacional de Educação e Saúde da Universidade de Marília
4. Os “novos” desafios
Como se depreende são inúmeros e novos os desafios que se nos apresentam. Do uso da
epidemiologia e da ação/atuação da enfermagem nesse âmbito, nomeadamente de promoção
da saúde e de prevenção da doença da nossa comunidade.
No campo dos desafios as novas tecnologias são uma importantíssima ferramenta para se
terem disponíveis dados (ex.: big data). E, torna-se necessário, poder saber usá-la. Com devo
proceder para transferir esta informação para a atividade da minha intervenção e da minha
[enfermeiro] prestação de cuidados? Torna-se novamente inerente a alusão ao reforço do uso
da epidemiologia com o seu papel essencial no uso desta informação e sua adequação. Não se
trata de apenas olhar para esses dados e/ou usar recursos que poderão ser excessivamente
caros: basta o simples facto de eu poder pensar nas coisas, programar adequadamente uma
intervenção, prever que indicadores, que taxas fazem sentido e me vão dar outcomes que
levarão a interpretar os resultados mensuráveis da minha ação. É necessário usar a
epidemiologia para ir promover a reflexão do enfermeiro e orientar na a ação na constante
interação com as comunidades.
Não podemos estar alheados do uso destes recursos, isso tornar-nos-ia excessivamente
dependentes de terceiros.
O não envolvimento representaria perder a dinâmica, perder a capacidade de conhecer e
dar resposta às situações que de forma mais ou menos acelerada se nos apresentam. Seria
desperdiçar a possibilidade de mantermos ao longo dos anos uma “estrutura” permanente e
de agregação de dados muito necessária e útil para a as atividades desenvolvidas.
A título de exemplo posso indicar uma base de dados que contruiu em Microsoft Access e
que desde há 10 anos até ao presente nos tem ajudado na Saúde na Escola realizar os registos
da nossa atividade e devolver imediatamente análises e dados para melhor compreender os
fenómenos detetados na comunidade. Quando estamos cientes destas vantagens de controlar
e usar os dados, podemos promover saúde e antecipar ações – prevenir – para evitar doença
na comunidade. As novas tecnologias podem – são - ferramentas importantes para o
enfermeiro, para a área da saúde.
Um outro exemplo, desta feita relacionado com a pandemia que atravessamos, é termos
colocado a inovação para implementar o estudo COSMO.pt em ligação com a OMS
(Organização Mundial da Saúde) / Europa – do qual faço parte. Neste estudo que se baseou na
aplicação de um instrumento através das ferramentas online encontraram-se resultados que
apelam a ações específicas: nos 750 respondentes, 5% das pessoas não partilharia todos os
contactos que teve se fossem considerados casos positivos de COVID19 mas só 9% desses
respondentes refere que faria essa partilha pelas consequências que teriam (ressalta a
importância que esta informação sonegada acarreta em termos de saúde pública); 77% das
pessoas está preocupada com as consequências económicas que a pandemia lhe possa trazer;
24% das pessoas ingeriu alimentos menos saudáveis (o que apela para a promoção de hábitos
e da alimentação saudável) e 12% ingeriu mais álcool nas últimas duas semanas do que o
habitual; 21% fumou mais do que em tempos de pandemia; preferencialmente é selecionado o
centro de saúde (82% favoráveis) e o hospital (53% favoráveis como local preferencial de
vacinação contra a COVID19 ao invés de apenas 19% selecionar opção de apoio locais (ex.:
juntas de freguesia).
São contributos da epidemiologia para monitorizar a o estado da população, para
monitorizar o estado de saúde e promover as melhores ações e trabalhar para o bem da
E constitui isto uma boa ocasião para nos desafiarmos neste Dia Internacional do
Anais do III Congresso Internacional de Educação e Saúde da Universidade de Marília
BONITA, R; Beaglehole R; Kjellstrom T. – Basic Epidemiology. WHO, Geneva, 2006. 2nd edition
DETELS, R, Beaglehole L, Gulliford M A (2016). Oxford Textbook of Public Health. Oxford
University Press, New York, 6th edition.
GORDIS, L. Epidemiology. Elsevier Saunders, 2018. 6th edition. ISBN: 9780323552295
Last J. Um Dicionário de Epidemiologia. Departamento de Estudos e Planeamento da Saúde,
Lisboa. 1995. 2ª edição
PEREIRA, Maurício Gomes. Epidemiologia Teoria e Prática. Guanabara Koogan, 1995. ISBN
PORTA, M. A Dictionary of Epidemiology. Edited for the International Epidemiological
Association. Oxford, 2008. 5th edition.
Anais do III Congresso Internacional de Educação e Saúde da Universidade de Marília
1. Âmbito Geral
A Epidemiologia pode definir-se como “o estudo da ocorrência e distribuição dos estados
ou eventos relacionados com a saúde em populações específicas, incluindo o estudo dos
determinantes que influenciam esses estados e a aplicação deste conhecimento para o
controle dos problemas de saúde.” (Porta M, 208)
As duas últimas afirmações desta definição apontam-nos para um caminho a percorrer pela
epidemiologia e que, nas suas definições primeiras era, nos primórdios, não explicitado. Na
verdade, a epidemiologia não é uma ciência narcísica: a sua finalidade é uma intervenção
sobre a comunidade ou população sobre que se debruça o seu estudo: intervir sobre situações
que nos levem a tornar a qualidade de vida mais usufruída pelos indivíduos inseridos naquela
comunidade. Torna-se assim, como no-lo refere a Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) a
disciplina básica para os cuidados de saúde comunitários (OMS).
Vemos assim que, na abrangência do seu âmbito, o estudo inclui desde a vigilância, a
observação, o testar de hipóteses até à investigação com estudos analíticos e experimentais.
Como pontos importantes de partida e subjacentes a qualquer um dos tipos de estudo
estão os indicadores população, tempo e lugar (localização espacial) a fim de se poder
equacionar e relacionar as diferentes variáveis ou condicionantes.
A saúde a que se reporta o alvo da epidemiologia também ela foi, na sua definição, objeto
de adequação, por um lado, e de melhoria, por outro. Sofreu a evolução devido à perceção
quer do circunstancialismo dos indicadores e melhoria socio-sanitária quer da acrescida
garantia possível da satisfação dos anseios individuais a satisfazer e, eventualmente, realizáveis
pela comunidade. Sempre na consideração de uma herança recebida das gerações
precedentes e de um capital a transmitir às gerações vindouras. A mudança, na certeza da
permanência pessoal, é que nos faz no confronto genética-ambiente seres capacitados para a
vida. Somos seres individuais (individualizados). Nunca nem por mais uniformizáveis ou
colonáveis que nos queiramos, seremos iguais, indistintos. Sobrevivemos (e tanto mais como
espécie) quanto mais diferentes pela diversidade que a nós é inerente e nos torna aptos a
sobreviver nesta luta endo e exógena. Biofisiologicamente, somos seres de morte, não para a
morte. Só conseguimos viver, morrendo; numa morte ultrapassável. Somos de morte nas
mortes acontecidas mas vencidas o que nos vai fazendo, na espécie humana que somos,
vencedores sobreviventes. O desafio para a nossa natureza será o de mantermos um equilíbrio
possível dentro da instabilidade que é a saúde. E traduzir-se-á na capacidade de, na doença ou
limitação/incapacidade, repor ou ajustar o equilíbrio desajustado. Aqui se vê a qualidade do
profissional que tem de lidar com esta limitação. Procurando-lhe responder, a epidemiologia
constitui um desafio contínuo no horizonte do profissional da saúde: para cuidar, tratar,
recuperar ou apenas estabilizar as diferentes situações de agressão nas dependências.
Na vertente de investigação, a epidemiologia que lhe dá o suporte, é um estímulo à crítica
permanente e escrutinadora da ação concertada do profissional. É uma garantia da qualidade
*10 Universidade Católica Portuguesa. Centro de Investigação Interdisciplinar em Saúde. Instituto de Ciências da
Saúde – Centro Regional do Porto. Comunicação apresentada no III Congresso Internacional de Educação e Saúde
da Universidade de Marília-UNIMAR a 12 de maio de 2021.
Anais do III Congresso Internacional de Educação e Saúde da Universidade de Marília
empenhando a qualidade de vida com perdas importantes, muito antes do que seria desejado
e/ou previsível. O importante é – será – o vivermos o mais longamente possível e morrermos
saudáveis no esgotar das potencialidades biológicas. Isto seria – será --, de facto, o nosso
grande desafio.
Roy Acheson tem uma afirmação que como questão de partida fazia a si próprio (dizia para
consigo) quando com um utente/doente se lhe deparava. Vinha num dos livros de estudo.
Considero-a exemplar para toda a prática clínica: POR QUE tem ESTE doente ESTA doença? A
partir daqui começava a encaminhar/moldar o diálogo com a pessoa através deste por quê.
Costumo adaptar e fazer a partir dela uma questão de partida para a epidemiologia: POR QUE
tem ESTE doente (esta comunidade), ESTA doença (situação), NESTE momento, Neste lugar e
COMO pode ser ela (–promovida), prevenida ou controlada? Um grande desafio este se o
colocarmos dentro da nossa atitude de exercício profissional. E se a epidemiologia é como que
aquele inconsciente de rotina nós devemos pensar o que se observa e pensar/observar o que
se pensa: Por que acontece? Como gerir o processo? Como controlar a situação? Que lição
dela podemos retirar? É uma atitude necessária para respondermos aos objetivos da própria
epidemiologia, isto é, avaliar a extensão, o peso das situações de saúde, identificar fatores de
risco os quais são interrelacionáveis), estudar a história natural da doença e/ou a sua alteração
(vemos isto avaliando os tratados de há 40 anos comparando-os com os de hoje em diferentes
doenças), avaliar as medidas de intervenção e fornecer os fundamentos para planos de
intervenção. Subjacente a este interrogar temos, como acima referido, três itens básicos: a
pessoa/população, o tempo e o lugar.
A pessoa: o risco de doença e de morte mais elevado é a idade. Quanto mais se avança na
idade mais expostos e mais sujeitos estamos aos riscos de doença e morte; o sexo: para um ou
para outro, as doenças não se comportam da mesma forma nem se equivalem no tempo; o
que altera também a sua emergência devido aos comportamentos que são adotados; e, mais
do que a raça, emerge a condição socioeconómica que é um dos fatores muito importantes.
Relativamente à população: conhecemos a representação que a demografia nos tem dados
das pirâmides populacionais: o estreitamento da base e o alargar do topo; em alguns países
e/ou regiões troncos de cone em processo ou realmente já invertidas.
Falávamos que uma das situações muito importantes é a condição socioeconómica. Tendo
como base uma afirmação de Edwin Chadwick no século XIX, apropriada como o circulo vicioso
da saúde-pobreza pelo médico português de Saúde Pública, Gonçalves Ferreira no século
passado, e que nós adaptámos, podemos sintetizar este processo da seguinte forma: “ As
pessoas adoecem porque são pobres, empobrecem porque estão doentes e continuam
doentes porque permanecem pobres“. Se virmos os riscos de doença e de morte, verificamos
que eles são sempre mais e mais elevados na população pobre, nas classes
socioeconomicamente mais desfavorecidas, nas periferias. Aqui se apela ao contributo que as
ciências sociais podem e devem dar. À primeira vista poderia parecer, em alguns casos, que o
sucesso verificado em setores da saúde se deveria à estratégia médica e/ou de enfermagem; e
não é isso que acontece ou aconteceu: o que se releva de maior peso é a condição
socioeconómica; veja-se, por exemplo, o acontecido com a tuberculose. E se nos debruçarmos
sobre o que se passa ao longo das diferentes idades nós vemo-lo também na sua inerência ao
tipo de doença, seja cardiovascular, cancerígena ou outra.
O local onde é sempre outra determinante. Uma das grandes contribuições de Clemensen
foi o interrogar-se (1946) acerca da distribuição geográfica para patologias oncológicas o que,
mais tarde, veio a fundamentar a necessidade da criação pela OMS dum centro de investigação
nesta área, “International Agency for Research on Cancer”.
A circunstancialidade tempo que a todos os níveis nos envolve é uma marca que nos
diferencia ao longo do processo de vida tanto a nível pessoal quanto e, sobretudo,
comunitário. Temos o exemplo do surto pandémico que vivemos.
Anais do III Congresso Internacional de Educação e Saúde da Universidade de Marília
nas pessoas. Daí que nos confrontemos frequentemente com “anúncios” de curas
anunciadas… Mas não somente para esta patologia os fatores de risco que teimamos em não
considerar nos nossos comportamentos desde há muito se encontram estudados. Destaca em
primeiro lugar a alimentação (difícil de individualizar no peso dos seus nutrientes) emerge
como o fator subjacente mais determinante (fisiologicamente, digamos, “nós somos aquilo que
comemos” na afirmação de 1969 do Senado dos E.U. da América) e, seguidamente, o tabaco
como o fator singular isolado de maior peso.
Mas sempre, como em todos os resultados conclusivos dos estudos, é preciso ter
consciência de que a interligação ativa ou passiva é complexa, uma rede ou trama intrincada:
gera-se na teia de interdependência de fatores se bem que conjugáveis mas que em muitas
situações e/ou doenças não conseguimos dirimir e isolar.
Mas, para o geral da nossa intervenção, conhecemos bem alguns individualizáveis que, de
tão importantes na estratégia de redução de riscos, devemos sempre considerar: não fumar,
fazer consumo moderado de álcool, praticar regularmente atividade física (exercício
moderado), promover e consumir alimentação (de forma) saudável, manter o peso sob
controlo. Reforçando o que acima acerca dos fatores ficou sublinhado, cito uma frase --“A
alimentação é provavelmente a mais potente droga (fármaco) que temos no nosso arsenal
anti-envelhecimento” (Bowden, 2010). E como a única forma de não morrer cedo (o que
queremos que aconteça com o acrescentar de anos de vida) é envelhecer, envelheçamos de
forma saudável. Uma outra afirmação desejo deixar. É de Pasteur e diz-nos: “Confesso que ao
pensar numa doença, nunca tive a intenção de lhe encontrar um remédio, mas, pelo contrário
de encontrar um remédio capaz de a prevenir.”
Tenhamos, contudo, a lucidez de que seremos muitas vezes, neste campo, contrariados
nos nossos propósitos, difíceis de serem facilmente audíveis e praticáveis. O que muitos e
variados dissabores nos podem causar.
Travamos uma luta que se não consciente e devidamente enquadrada nos pode fazer
desanimar (somos seres de morte, não para a morte): lutamos pela vida a ser mantida e na
qualidade que lhe queremos assegurar; na certeza, porém, de que um dia, a morte nos
vencerá; não(!), pela morte a nossa luta será reconhecida! Pois que, concluindo -- deixamos
sublinhado -- não nos devemos esquecer que o nosso desafio médico e de profissional de
saúde, suportados na epidemiologia como senso crítico de análise e de intervenção, sempre se
pode enquadrar e reger pelo antigo aforismo medieval: “Curar algumas vezes, aliviar muitas
vezes, consolar sempre”.
A todos um bem-(h)ajam. Obrigado.
BONITA,R; Beaglehole R, Kjellstrom T. – Basic Epidemiology. WHO, Geneva, 2006, 2nd edition
DETELS, R;BEAGLEHOLE, L;GULLIFORD, M. A. Oxford Textbook of Public Health. Oxford
University Press, New York, 6th edition.2016
GORDIS, L. Epidemiology. 6th edition, Elsevier Saunders, 2018. ISBN: 9780323552295
Epidemiology. New York, Lange Medical Books/McGraw-Hill, 2005. Fourth edition
OMS. Doc SHS/79.2. 1979)
PORTA, M. A. Dictionary of Epidemiology. Edited for the International Epidemiological
Association. Oxford, 2008. 5th edition
Anais do III Congresso Internacional de Educação e Saúde da Universidade de Marília
A situação pandémica por Sars-CoV-2 terá certamente impacto nos índices de envelhecimento da
população em termos mundiais. Contudo, o verdadeiro impacto desta pandemia na demografia do
envelhecimento ainda é desconhecido. Acredita-se, apesar de tudo, que o envelhecimento da
população continuará a ser um desafio global no que diz respeito às ciências económicas, sociais e da
saúde. A par deste desafio demográfico, espera-se que os ecossistemas se adaptem às verdadeiras
necessidades dos cidadãos, tornando-se cada vez mais amigáveis, saudáveis e inteligentes em particular
para a pessoa idosa (DANTAS, CARINA; STAALDUINEN, 2020).
Neste momento, temos mais de 900 milhões de pessoas com 60 ou mais anos de idade e as perspetivas
eram, antes da situação pandémica, que este número chegasse, em 2050, aos 2 biliões (DEPARTMENT
Vivemos numa sociedade em plena mutação! Procura-se cada vez mais viver nas cidades, temos cada
vez menos filhos e vivemos até mais tarde. A estrutura e a dinâmica familiar são mais solitárias. Em
termos europeus, pelo menos uma em cada cinco famílias é constituída por uma única pessoa. A
agravar a situação os idosos vivem, cada vez mais, sós e apresentam, em especial nos países em
desenvolvimento, baixos níveis de literacia e de escolaridade o que compromete a procura de cuidados
de saúde e a respetiva tomada de decisão (EUROPEAN COMMISSION, 2020).
Mais de 20% dos adultos com 60 anos ou mais sofrem de algum tipo de transtorno mental ou
neurológico, sendo as demências, a depressão, os transtornos de ansiedade e o uso de substâncias os
transtornos mais comuns da população idosa (WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION (WHO), 2017).
A demência, também chamada transtorno neurocognitivo major, é uma síndrome clínica manifestada,
de um modo geral, por alterações cognitivas associadas a um conjunto de sintomas
psicocomportamentais (SPC, como agitação, inquietação, alteração do traço de personalidade,
alterações do humor). Esta síndrome deve-se a um processo de neurodegeneração cerebral devido a
Anais do III Congresso Internacional de Educação e Saúde da Universidade de Marília
algum dos seguintes subtipos etiológicos: doença de Alzheimer, doença fronto-temporal, doenças de
Corpos de Lewy e doenças vasculares, entre outras (AMERICAN PSYCHIATRIC ASSOCIATION (APA),
Atualmente, o número de pessoas com demência é de aproximadamente de 50 milhões e projeta-se
que em 2050 seja superior a 140 milhões (PRINCE et al., 2015; WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION, 2015).
Neste momento, a demência é também considerada uma pandemia dos países desenvolvidos/ em fase
de desenvolvimento. A título de exemplo, só para os países da América do Sul, espera-se até 2050 um
crescimento superior a 300% do número de casos de pessoas com demência (PRINCE et al., 2015;
A demência (excluindo raras exceções de reversibilidade) é uma síndrome crónica ainda com severas
limitações no que se refere ao seu tratamento. Porém, em termos preventivos, perspetiva-se que mais
de um terço dos casos são potencialmente evitáveis e os principais fatores de risco modificáveis para
a demência são a perda auditiva, isolamento social, hipertensão, obesidade, tabagismo, depressão,
sedentarismo, educação e diabetes (LIVINGSTON et al., 2017; ORGETA et al., 2019). Contudo, mesmo
após a demência estar instalada existe sempre algo a fazer, dado que intervenções ajustadas, mostram
retardar a progressão da doença e controlar os SPC (APÓSTOLO et al., 2019a; SILVA et al., 2016, 2018,
individuais, que possam ser realizadas num formato de um para um (terapeuta vs. pessoa cuidada, ou
até cuidador vs. pessoa cuidada) não é um conceito novo, porém é um formato de intervenção muito
pouco explorado. Como exemplo de intervenções cognitivas individuais para além da EC individual,
temos a reabilitação cognitiva individual e o treino cognitivo individual (BAHAR-FUCHS; CLARE; WOODS,
2013), que podem ser implementadas por um cuidador ou pessoa(s) significativa(s), em contexto
domiciliário. Na verdade, a possibilidade de existirem intervenções que possam ser aplicadas pelo
cuidador é uma área de interesse nos cuidados à pessoa idosa com demência que se quer, cada vez
mais, comunitária e menos institucionalizada. Assim, no contexto de se fomentar o ageing in place
vários estudos têm explorado esta prática de estimulação, treino ou de reabilitação cognitiva realizada
de um para um.
Tendo por base estes pressupostos, com o propósito de explorarmos a eficácia das intervenções
cognitivas individuais (como EC, treino cognitivo e reabilitação cognitiva) desenvolvemos uma revisão
sistemática da literatura de eficácia, segundo a metodologia do Instituto Joanna Briggs (JBI). Mais
especificamente, teve-se como objetivo explorar, avaliar e sintetizar a evidência de eficácia das
intervenções cognitivas individuais implementadas pelo cuidador (ou pessoa significativa) na cognição,
no funcionamento social e qualidade de vida das pessoas idosas com demência (SILVA et al., 2016,
2020). A investigação desenvolvida neste contexto permite-nos concluir que as intervenções cognitivas
individuais, implementada pelos cuidadores, mostram benefícios em vários domínios cognitivos
incluindo memória, atenção, fluência verbal e resolução de problemas. Portanto, pode-se concluir que
estas intervenções se mostraram associadas a melhores desempenhos cognitivo e a um aumento da
autonomia para as atividades de vida diária. Porém, consideramos necessário mais estudos sobre os
efeitos destas intervenções, bem como uma maior compreensão das características sociodemográficas
e clínicas das pessoas com demência e seus cuidadores. Pois, estas característica parecem interferir no
sucesso da intervenção (SILVA et al., 2016, 2020).
Após um longo processo de tradução e validação deste programa, desenvolvemos um ensaio clínico
controlado e randomizado, durante 12 semanas, para avaliar a aceitabilidade e aplicabilidade deste
programa e, simultaneamente, avaliar o seu impacto na (a) cognição, (b) SPC e qualidade de vida da
pessoa com demência, (c) no estado de saúde do cuidador, e (d) na qualidade da relação entre os
elementos da díade (pessoa com demência e cuidador). No que se refere aos resultados, verificou-se
diferenças significativas entre o grupo de intervenção e controlo em dois domínios cognitivos:
orientação (p < 0,01) e compreensão de ordens (p <0,05), e ainda na qualidade de vida do idoso,
segundo a perspetiva do cuidador (p < 0,01). Não se observou impacto significativo da intervenção
relativamente às outras variáveis de interesse. Houve uma taxa de atrito de 23,0% e a razão mais
frequentemente mencionada para justificar o abandono do programa foi a perda de interesse por parte
da pessoa com demência/cuidador em participar, o que correspondeu a 30,8% dos casos (SILVA, 2019).
De referir que a taxa de atrito e de adesão são semelhantes a outros estudos realizados no âmbito das
intervenções não farmacológicas.
Daqui concluímos que esta intervenção pode ser muito promissora por duas razões principais: a)
evidenciou ganhos em saúde em dois domínios cognitivos; b) e é uma intervenção centrada nas
preferências dos utilizadores finais e esta perspetiva de cuidar é um paradigma que se deve fomentar,
para potenciarmos o envelhecimento na comunidade, mas também para o continuo envolvimento do
cidadão na tomada de decisão.
Estimulação multissensorial
O planeamento de intervenções direcionadas às pessoas com demência depende em muito do nível de
deterioração cognitiva que a pessoa apresenta. Se nas fases mais iniciais desta síndrome o
desenvolvimento de atividades cognitivas desafiantes é o mais indicado para dar resposta ao período
de desintegração das operações formais; nas fases mais avançadas na doença procura-se desenvolver
intervenções mais focadas nas dimensões sensoriais, com o objetivo de dar resposta ao período de
desintegração das operações sensoriomotoras.
Entende-se por EM o desenvolvimento de atividades estruturadas que envolvem mais do que um
sentido. A estimulação sensorial nasceu com o conceito Snoezelen criado e desenvolvido nos anos 70
na Holanda (MASEDA et al., 2014; SÁNCHEZ et al., 2013). Esta técnica/terapia é aplicada numa sala
confortável onde os sentidos são estimulados pela uso de diferentes abordagens sensoriais:
aromaterapia, colunas de água de diferentes cores, cabos de fibra ótica e estruturas táteis (MASEDA et
al., 2014; SÁNCHEZ et al., 2013). Na sua génese, o Snoezelen foi pensado e direcionado para jovens com
dificuldades no processo de aprendizagem (BALL; HAIGHT, 2005). Contudo, desde o início dos anos 90,
o seu uso foi introduzido nos cuidados às pessoas com demência (MASEDA et al., 2014; SÁNCHEZ et al.,
2013). Neste mesmo paradigma, a EM quando direcionada a uma pessoa com demência pode ser
Anais do III Congresso Internacional de Educação e Saúde da Universidade de Marília
O uso de robôs sociais projetados para promover interação e comunicação em pessoas idosas com
défices físicos e/ou cognitivos é um fenómeno recente, mas que tem ganho um grande destaque em
termos internacionais (SMITS et al., 2015). Centrando o nosso discurso nos robôs mais direcionados
para a deterioração cognitiva e para a vertente social, destacamos vários tipos de robôs, contudo na
sua maioria em formato de animal, sendo o gato e o cão, possivelmente os animais que mais
predominam (SMITS et al., 2015). Uma das razões dadas para a escolha da roboterapia em prol da
petoterapia, deve-se aos custos associados à manutenção e treino dos animais, apesar dos excelentes
resultados que são identificados nas pessoas com demência (GOMES, 2019).
As evidencias apontam que a roboterapia pela simulação animal, reconhecidos como robôs sociais, é
uma excelente ferramenta na promoção da comunicação, no controlo dos níveis de ansiedade e
estados confusionais, promovem sentimentos de felicidade e reduzindo sentimentos de solidão (SMITS
et al., 2015). Por conseguinte, estes robôs estão centrados em aspetos como a interação social de uma
forma afetiva, na assistência cognitiva, na EM, motora e até psicológica (GOMES, 2019).
Neste âmbito, possivelmente o robô mais estudado até ao momento é o PARO, figura 1. Sendo um robô
terapêutico em forma de foca bebé - http://www.parorobots.com/.
Figura 1 – Robô-PARO
Este robô terapêutico está em comercialização no mercado Japonês desde 2005 e na Europa e Estados
Unidos da América desde 2009. O PARO é um produto inovador que associa a robótica e a inteligência
artificial. Este robô possui inovação tecnológica: i) no âmbito da interatividade social; e ii) no registo
dos estados emocionais do utilizador através de um conjunto de sensores que, conjugados com
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IV)(AMERICAN PSYCHIATRIC ASSOCIATION (APA), 2002) ; iii) Score entre quatro (declínio cognitivo
moderado) e sete (declínio cognitivo muito severo) de acordo com Global Deterioration Scale de
iv) Anuência do responsável pela pessoa idosa (cuidador de referência) para que o mesmo participe no
estudo. Já em relação aos critérios de exclusão: i) Diagnóstico psiquiátrico prévio (doença bipolar,
esquizofrenia e outros distúrbios de personalidade); ii) Défices sensoriais que não permitam a
participação compatível no estudo (diminuição da acuidade visual e auditiva, afasia) (GOMES, 2019).
Para garantir a implementação da intervenção individual (duas vezes por semana) uma equipa
multidisciplinar da estrutura residencial foi envolvida. Esta equipa foi sujeita a formação, com uma
duração média de 120 minutos conduzida pela investigadora principal (GOMES, 2019).
Entre março de 2019 e maio de 2019, os participantes foram sujeitos às sessões de Roboterapia-PARO,
sessões estas de caráter individual, com a duração de 30 minutos, duas vezes por semana, no período
do dia compreendido entre as 11h00 e as 17h00 ao longo de oito semanas (GOMES, 2019).
Caraterização dos Participantes - a totalidade dos participantes eram do sexo feminino, com idades
compreendidas entre 79 e 93 anos, para uma média de 84,50 (SD=5,38); em termos de nível de
escolaridade, o grupo com maior expressão incluiu participantes com ensino básico – ou seja, quatro
anos de escolaridade (40%), participantes com ensino básico incompleto (30%) e analfabetos (30%). Em
relação ao tempo de permanência dos participantes na estrutura residencial para idosos a maior parte
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(60%) tem residência inferior a cinco anos. A aplicação da Escala de Deterioração Global (GDS) indica
que ao nível cognitivo 60 % (n=6) dos participantes apresentam uma deterioração cognitiva
moderadamente grave (score 5), 30% (n=3) dos participantes apresentam uma deterioração cognitiva
grave (score 6) e 10 % (n=1) dos participantes apresentam uma deterioração cognitiva muito grave
(score 7). Relativamente aos sinais e sintomas de depressão, a aplicação da Escala de Cornell para
Depressão na Demência (CSDD), indica cinco participantes com ausência de sintomas depressivos
(score ≤ 9) e cinco participantes com prováveis sintomas depressivos (score 10 a 17)(GOMES, 2019).
Aceitação e Impacto da intervenção
Os resultados do estudo parecem indicar que os participantes que realizaram a roboterapia-PARO
apresentaram bom níveis de aceitabilidade (a taxa de atrito foi de 20%).
Aquando as sessões de roboterapia-PARO os participantes, na sua maioria, foram aumentado de sessão
para sessão as manifestações de afeto, através do aumento da duração do toque (dcohen=0,445) e
abraço (dcohen=0,505) e outros aspetos do cuidado como olhar (dcohen=0,621) e escovar
(dcohen=0,460) (GOMES, 2019). Ao longo da intervenção foi visível a forte ligação com a PARO e,
consequentemente, duas das participantes por vezes se sentiam angustiadas com o final das sessões e
consequente afastamento do PARO (GOMES, 2019).
Os resultados do estudo sugerem ainda que os participantes que realizaram a roboterapia- PARO, duas
vezes por semana num período de oito semanas, tiveram melhorias significativas ao nível da
comunicação verbal e interação social(GOMES, 2019).
Os SPC foram analisados através do Inventário Neuropsiquiátrico (INP). Estatisticamente, neste estudo
verifica-se uma melhoria significativa ao nível destes sintomas (p=0,046), mais especificamente, as
melhorias foram registadas nos níveis de agitação (redução em três dos participantes). A depressão
(redução em um participante) no pós-teste (T8), também foi um dos resultados aferidos. No que se
refere aos sintomas depressivos, avaliados com recurso à escala CSDD, não se encontraram alterações
significativas (p=0,105), entre o pré e pós-intervenção. Contudo, verifica-se um grande tamanho de
efeito (dcohen=1,195)(GOMES, 2019).
Os resultados obtidos neste estudo sugerem que a implementação de intervenções não farmacológicas
em pessoas idosas com demência demonstra uma boa aceitabilidade e efeitos tendencialmente
positivos são encontrados. Por exemplo, na roboterapia- PARO o aumento da frequência e duração de
comportamentos como o olhar, o toque, a comunicação verbal, o sorriso e os gestos de cuidados, como
escovar o PARO, foram ganhos obtidos durante as sessões, e que contraria o estado de comportamento
inativo característico destes idosos durante o seu período vígil, o que demonstra a importância desta e
de outras terapias.
Portanto as intervenções não farmacológicas requerem uma maior atenção por parte dos profissionais
Anais do III Congresso Internacional de Educação e Saúde da Universidade de Marília
de saúde em geral e dos enfermeiros em particular, com o propósito de se promover uma vida com
mais sentido às pessoas com demência incrementando a sua qualidade de vida!
Referências bibliográficas
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Anais do III Congresso Internacional de Educação e Saúde da Universidade de Marília
Ana Caramelo 11
De acordo com a literatura, o perfil das pirâmides etárias alumia dois tipos de envelhecimento:
da base (redução da base da pirâmide etária - caracteriza-se pela diminuição da percentagem
de jovens) e do topo (aumento do topo da pirâmide etária - aumento da percentagem de
Pessoas Idosas).
As causas deste processo são unânimes e consensuais, e assentam sobretudo em três fatores:
baixa e adiamento da fecundidade, evolução tecnológica com o consequente aumento a
nível da esperança de vida e a intensidade e diversidade dos fluxos migratórios.
Segundo as previsões, a nível mundial, e nos próximos anos, a expectativa de vida deverá
aumentar nos países desenvolvidos e em desenvolvimento
(World Population Prospects: the 2019 revision, United Nations, 2019).
O envelhecimento demográfico em Portugal não é muito diferente daquele que se verifica nos
restantes países desenvolvidos: mantém-se a tendência de envelhecimento demográfico em
função da redução da população jovem e em idade ativa, associada ao aumento do número de
pessoas idosas (INE, 2020).
Portugal apresenta uma estrutura etária da população cada mais envelhecida, com
decréscimo da população jovem, forte queda de fecundidade, baixos níveis de mortalidade,
um significativo aumento da esperança de vida, uma redução no número de jovens e ritmos
de crescimento acentuado de Pessoas Idosas (INE, 2020).
*11 Universidade Católica Portuguesa. Centro de Investigação Interdisciplinar em Saúde. Instituto de Ciências da
Saúde – Centro Regional do Porto. Comunicação apresentada no III Congresso Internacional de Educação e Saúde
da Universidade de Marília-UNIMAR a 12 de maio de 2021.
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Os dados disponibilizados pelo Instituto Nacional de Estatística (INE) revelam que, entre os
anos de 2014 e 2019, a proporção de jovens (menos de 15 anos), relativamente ao total de
população residente, passou de 14,4% para 13,6%; a proporção de pessoas em idade ativa (15
a 64 anos) igualmente diminuiu de 65,3% para 64,3%. Ainda de acordo com o mesmo
documento “Estatísticas Demográficas 2019”, em contrapartida, a proporção de pessoas
idosas (65 ou mais anos) aumentou 1,8 p.p. (de 20,3% para 22,1%). Em consequência, o índice
de envelhecimento, que comprara a população idosa com a população jovem, passou de 141,3
para 163,2 pessoas idosas por cada 100 jovens.
As projeções disponíveis pelo Instituto apontam para a uma diminuição da população e
progressão do fenómeno do envelhecimento, mesmo na hipótese de os níveis de fecundidade
aumentarem e de os saldos migratórios continuarem positivos. Estima-se que, entre os anos
de 2019 e 2080, a população mais idosa, com 65 ou mais anos de idade, poderá passar de 2,3
para 3,0 milhões de pessoas. O número de idosos atingirá, assim, o valor mais elevado no início
da década de 50, momento a partir do qual passa a decrescer (INE, 2020).
O índice de envelhecimento poderá quase que duplicar, entre 2019 e 2080, passando de 163,2
para 300,3 idosos por cada 100 jovens (INE, 2020). O envelhecimento demográfico surge assim
como um fenómeno irreversível.
É um facto constatável que o envelhecimento da população portuguesa não se manifesta de
forma homogénea em todo o território, no entanto, nenhuma das regiões NUTS II
(Nomenclatura das Unidades Territoriais para fins Estatísticos) assegura a substituição das
atuais gerações de País.
A importância dos idosos, como um grupo específico com cada vez maior representatividade
em termos estatísticos e sociais, implica maior interesse na obtenção de respostas sobre o que
envelhecimento representa (Fonseca, 2018).
Os desafios face a esta veracidade são muitos, incita a novas exigências e desafios à sociedade,
exigindo a conjugação de esforços do ponto de vista político-social e de saúde que garantam
um envelhecimento ativo e saudável.
Este fenómeno social obriga à reflexão sobre questões com relevância crescente como a
Qualidade de Vida das Pessoas Idosas. A obtenção de dados de caracterização da Qualidade
de Vida das Pessoas Idosas é fundamental para dinamizar medidas adequadas a esta
Aliás, desde há alguns anos, o envelhecimento da população tornou-se uma das principais
preocupações dos intervenientes do domínio da saúde e começa a influenciar profundamente,
a prática dos cuidados de enfermagem (Ermel, 2018).
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Para todas as facetas o score dos valores possíveis pode variar de 4 a 20.
Esta escala tem a vantagem de ser mais fácil de responder e de poder ser submetida a
tratamentos estatísticos mais rigorosos, e no Brasil já foi empregue em inúmeras
investigações, na população idosa (Ermel, 2017; Ermel, 2015; Ermel, 2014)
Este questionário foi adaptado e validado para a população portuguesa (Vilar, Simões, Sousa,
Firmino, Paredes, & Lima, 2010), e integra uma nova faceta em estudo, “Família/Vida
Familiar” - avalia a satisfação com o apoio e as relações familiares e a preocupação com a
saúde e bem-estar de familiares.
A versão portuguesa do WHOQOL-OLD é, assim, constituída por 28 itens, composto por 7
facetas, (escala varia entre 28 e 140 pontos) nomeadamente: “Funcionamento Sensorial”,
“Autonomia”, “Atividades Passadas, Presentes e Futuras”, “Participação Social”, “Morte e
Morrer”, “Intimidade” e “Família/Vida Familiar”; mantendo as especificidades das escalas de
resposta e dos indicadores que é possível obter.
O WHOQOL-OLD permite obter um resultado global e um resultado por faceta,
correspondendo a valores mais elevados, uma Qualidade de Vida mais elevada. Os estudos
concluem que apresenta boas propriedades psicométricas (Chachamovich, Trentini, Fleck,
Schmidt, & Power, 2008; Fleck, Chachamovich, & Trentini, 2006; Power et al., 2005; Vilar,
Simões, Sousa, Firmino, Paredes, & Lima, 2010).
Relativamente à investigação que tem sido efetuada para avaliar este constructo, em Portugal,
utilizando esta versão portuguesa do WHOQOL-OLD, referenciamos o estudo efetuado por
Caramelo (2015) com a finalidade de avaliar a Qualidade de Vida das Pessoas Idosas, em Lares
e Centros de dia, num distrito do Norte de Portugal, englobando uma população de 2588
Pessoas Idosas e posteriormente uma amostra de 508 idosos.
As Pessoas Idosas avaliaram positivamente a Qualidade de Vida em todas as facetas do
WHOQOL-OLD; e os scores avaliativos por faceta, em ordem crescente, foram: “Autonomia”
(10,00), “Morte e Morrer” (10,51), “Intimidade” (11,22), “Funcionamento Sensorial” (12,97),
“Família/Vida Familiar e Atividades Passadas” (21,70), “Participação Social e Atividades
Presentes e Futuras” (22,12), (Caramelo, 2015).
Martins (2012) ao estudar de que forma as relações sociais dos idosos podem contribuir para
uma melhor Qualidade de Vida nas FAI - Famílias de Acolhimento de Idosos”, empregaram o
mesmo instrumento, WHOQOL-OLD, versão portuguesa, avaliando a Qualidade de Vida de 13
idosos residentes no concelho de Vila Nova de Famalicão.
Esses idosos não percecionaram mais positivamente a Qualidade de Vida que as Pessoas Idosas
da anterior pesquisa, pois apenas apresentaram os scores médios superiores para duas
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Referências Bibliográficas:
ERMEL RC, et al. Bem-estar espiritual das pessoas idosas moradoras em uma instituição de
longa permanência. REAS, Revista Eletrônica Acervo Saúde; volume 10 (6): 2219 - 2224; DOI
ERMEL RC, et al . (2017). “Perceção sobre a Qualidade de vida dos idosos de Portugal e do
Brasil”. REAS, Revista Eletrônica Acervo Saúde; volume 9 (2):1315-1320; DOI
ERMEL, R.; CARAMELO, A.; VIEIRA, M.; FRACOLLI, L.; ZUTIN, T. Instrumentos utilizados na
avaliação da qualidade de vida da pessoa idosa em Portugal e no Brasil: Uma Revisão da
Literatura. In: Ferrer, W.; Zutin, T. (Org.). In focus: Coletânea de Iniciação Científica da Área de
Ciências Biológicas e da Saúde da Universidade de Marília. Editoras: São Paulo, Arte& Ciência;
Marília, Editora UNIMAR, 2014/2015. p. 171-185.
ERMEL, R.; ZUTIN, T.; VIEIRA, M.; CARAMELO, A.; Fracolli, L.. Qualidade de vida dos idosos de
Marília, SP, Brasil, avaliada por meio do instrumento Whoqol-Old. In: Zutin, T.; Serva, F.
(Org.). Gerontologia: Olhares diversos sobre o envelhecimento. São Paulo: Arte & Ciência,
2015. p. 83-100.
CARAMELO, A.; VIEIRA, M.; ERMEL, R. (2015). “A Qualidade de Vida e a família das pessoas
idosas, utentes de lares e centros de dia, no distrito de Vila Real”. 9th International Seminar
on Nursing Research Proceedings. Instituto de Ciências da Saúde – Porto, Universidade Católica
Portuguesa. ISBN: 978-989-97041-3-8.
Anais do III Congresso Internacional de Educação e Saúde da Universidade de Marília
CARAMELO, A.; VIEIRA, M.; ERMEL, R.; ZUTIN, T. Qualidade de vida, idade e gênero: estudo
em uma população portuguesa. In: Zutin, T.; Serva, F. (Org.). Gerontologia: Olhares diversos
sobre o envelhecimento. São Paulo: Arte & Ciência, 2015. p. 131-162.
Anais do III Congresso Internacional de Educação e Saúde da Universidade de Marília
The etiological agent of COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, is a virus in the coronavirus family. This is
responsible for the current pandemic that impacts several sectors globally. When infected, the
individual can present various symptoms, such as fever, dry cough, myalgia, anosmia, ageusia,
fatigue and diarrhea. With high transmissibility and high mutation capacity, it is known that,
within its pathogenesis, it is capable of triggering acute respiratory syndromes due to the
cascade of reactions that lead to an “inflammatory storm” thus altering the lung tissue.
Melatonin is a neurohormone produced by the pineal gland that has antioxidant, anti-
inflammatory and immunological functions. Many diseases that develop with an inflammatory
condition end up generating oxidative agents that gradually damage the tissue, as in the case
of COVID-19. Due to the high mortality rate and the serious damage caused by the virus, the
search for factors that can assist in the treatment and thus reducing these effects is essential in
coping with this pathology. Therefore, this work aims to analyze the possible effects of
melatonin as a therapeutic tool to assist in the treatment and prevention of possible damage
caused by SARS-CoV2 in the lung tissue. With this purpose, a literature review was carried out
in the PubMed database with articles published in the last 5 years. Based on the literature, it is
possible to observe that the use of melatonin as an auxiliary tool in the treatment resulted in a
reduction in the length of stay of patients hospitalized in ICUs. A reduction in changes in lung
tissue thus avoiding other complications associated with the condition. In addition, studies
highlight the value of this molecule due to the low cost of its production and its ease of access.
As for the unfavorable points in relation to its use, we can mention the lack of studies on the
long-term effects and the non-standardization of the best route of administration. Thus,
through these studies, it was possible to observe that melatonin can present itself as a
potential auxiliary agent in therapy against COVID-19. However, more detailed studies
regarding the possible side effects must be produced and also a better standardization
regarding the routes and dosages of its administration. Keywords: Melatonin. Covid-19.
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SILVA, Isabela de Souza*; SILVA, Lucas Eduardo da*; EVANGELISTA, Viviane Canhizares**;
GIANINI, Silvia Helena Soares**; ZUTIN, Tereza Lais Menegucci**.
constante contra o tempo para salvar vidas. Portanto, é necessário que haja
condições melhores de trabalho para esses profissionais atuantes no APH, uma
vez que, inúmeras vidas passam por eles e os mesmos precisam estar em ótimas
condições físicas, fisiológicas, psicológicas e emocionais, para que assim possam
desenvolver um cuidado de qualidade direto a essas vítimas que se encontram em
situações de atendimento imediato, entre a vida e a morte.
SILVA, Isabela de Souza*; SILVA, Lucas Eduardo da*; EVANGELISTA, Viviane Canhizares**;
GIANINI, Silvia Helena Soares**; ZUTIN, Tereza Lais Menegucci**. * Undergraduate Nursing
Students/University of Marília ** Professors of the Undergraduate Nursing Course/University
of Marília.
E-mail: vi.evangelista@gmail.com
Introduction: In recent years we have experienced the importance and need of PreHospital
Care (PHC) for our health system, where a few minutes are enough to define between life and
death, the Mobile Emergency Care Service (SAMU) has been highlighted and has been crucial
to save countless lives since its implementation and federal regulation in 2003. Currently, we
observe the increase in traffic accidents, domestic or urban violence, among other necessary
situations of a PHC and consequently a greater dedication of the team, since overwork,
concern for human life and the team's own feelings can trigger psychological, physical and
physiological changes important for the professional. Objective: Identify the predominant
alterations in the nursing team in the context of pre-hospital care. Material and methods: This
is a literature review, where we searched the SCIELO and Google Scholar databases with
articles published from 2011 to 2020, after inclusion and exclusion criteria, we used 14 articles
and also used the guidelines of the Ministry of Health as support for understanding about
SAMU. Results: After reading and analyzing the selected articles, it was possible to identify that
there are significant alterations, in the physical/physiological aspect the alterations of higher
incidence were physical exhaustion, physical fatigue and exhaustion, where they also end up
presenting an impairment in sleep quality due to these changes; Soon in the psychological
aspect, the most incidenceal alterations were emotional exhaustion, mental fatigue, mood
swings, exhaustion, stress, frustration, insecurity and mental and personal conflicts, each of
these alterations end up triggering not only physical changes, but also physiological and
psychological changes that directly reflect on personal, professional and direct care for each
victim. Conclusion: In the emergency and emergency environment we are in the light of
scenarios of a serious nature and patients at imminent risk of death, pressure from people
around, and a constant struggle against time to save lives. Therefore, it is necessary that there
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are better working conditions for these professionals working in PHC, since countless lives go
through them and they need to be in excellent physical, physiological, psychological and
emotional conditions, so that they can develop a quality care direct to these victims who are in
situations of immediate care, between life and death. Keywords: Nursing; Pre-Hospital Care;
Urgency and Emergency.
Anais do III Congresso Internacional de Educação e Saúde da Universidade de Marília
Bruna de Alvarez Rezende1, Maria Lucia Jorge de Sousa Gonzaga2, Heron Fernando de Sousa
Gonzaga2, Gabriela Achete de Souza1; Ricardo de Alvares Goulart2, Sandra Maria Barbalho 3
Bruna de Alvarez Rezende1, Maria Lucia Jorge de Sousa Gonzaga 2, Heron Fernando de Sousa
Gonzaga2, Gabriela Achete de Souza1; Ricardo de Alvares Goulart2, Sandra Maria Barbalho 3
Introduction: Curcuma species and its bioactive compounds may be used to treat several
diseases associated to inflammation or oxidative stress. There are many studies showing that
these compounds can be used for dermatological purposes such as in the treatment of
Psoriasis, in the reduction of facial redness, and wound-healing properties. Objective: This
review aimed to provide an up-to-date and rigorous synthesis of studies that demonstrated
the clinical efficacy of Curcuma longa and its derivatives (curcuminoids) in the skin. Methods:
For this review, we evaluated studies published in the MEDLINEPubMed/PMC (National Library
of Medicine) following the PRISMA guidelines. The search included papers published in the last
five years in controlled clinical trials, doubleblind and randomized controlled studies, and case
studies. Results: Our search resulted in eight clinical trials (randomized, double-blinded studies,
two investigative studies, and one case study) that were published between May 2014 and
March 2020. Curcuma and its derivatives are associated with anti-inflammatory, antioxidant,
antibacterial, and antifungal activities in the skin. Two species of Curcuma (C. longa and C.
aeruginosa) were found to produce different dermatological effects. Curcuma has
effectiveness in wound healing, can prevent chronic ultraviolet B harm, and can prevent facial
redness such as rosacea and flushing. It may is related to antioxidant and anti-inflammatory
processes in the production of hyaluronan, the increase in the skin's moisture, and the
reduction of axillary hair growth. Curcuma can also reduce pruritus, erythema, thickness, burn,
and pain in psoriasis and improve radio-dermatitis lesions. The use of C. longa tonic reduced
the scaling, erythema, and induration of lesions; thus, it was also associated with improving
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the patients' quality of life. Extract and essential oil of C. aeruginosa may improve the
treatment results once it results in anti-androgen effects and can be considered an effective
treatment for androgenic alopecia. Conclusion: This systematic review showed that Curcuma
can be used in the management of skin health and may exhibit different dermatological
effects. However, more studies (clinical trials) should be performed with human beings to
establish the best doses, delivery, and duration of the treatment that could bring benefits to
different dermatological conditions.
Key-words: Curcuma; Curcuminoids; Skin, Antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory
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*FRANCISCO, Andrielly Filizardo Buzzo **CARDIN, Marcia Abúsio **GIANINI, Silvia Helena
Introdução: Em dezembro de 2019, tivemos os primeiros casos de infecção pelo
SARS-CoV-2, causador da doença COVID-19, sendo considerada uma
síndrome respiratória aguda grave. Os fatores de risco e/ou doenças de base, que
acometem os pacientes, tornam ainda mais difíceis as condutas médicas e o
estabelecimento de protocolos que apresentem menor risco no tratamento. O
atual cenário de emergência em saúde, tem levado pacientes e familiares a
procurarem meios alternativos, sem comprovação científica, para o tratamento da
COVID-19. Um dos tratamentos é o da auto- hemoterapia, que consiste na retirada
de sangue do paciente e em seguida, a infusão deste novamente, na tentativa de
estimular o sistema imunológico. Objetivo: Evidenciar a prática da auto-
hemoterapia em pacientes com suspeita ou diagnóstico do Covid-19.
Material e métodos: Foram selecionados artigos científicos na base de dados
PubMed, com a utilização dos seguintes descritores em saúde: “covid” AND
“hemotherapy” e os filtros: “free full text”, “last 2 years” e “english and
portuguese”. Foram encontrados um total de 5 artigos. Além disso, foi
pesquisado a plataforma da ANVISA, sobre terapias alternativas e o novo
coronavírus. Resultados: Pacientes com suspeita ou diagnóstico de COVID-19, têm
realizado a auto- hemoterapia, se expondo a riscos de transmissão de doenças
infecciosas e contaminação das pessoas envolvidas. Tais infecções estão
relacionadas ao fato de que na pele há bactérias, e uma parte delas pode entrar
na seringa; e quando for injetado no músculo, forma-se um hematoma, que é uma
fonte de cultura de bactérias. Isso ainda pode ser agravado pela falta de
conhecimento e pesquisas sobre o manejo do coronavírus e sua
transmissibilidade pelo sangue. Tal procedimento não é reconhecido pelas
autoridades da àrea da saúde, tão pouco pode ser realizado pelos
profissionais. Conclusão: A prática da auto-hemoterapia em pacientes com
suspeita ou diagnóstico de COVID-19, ainda é assunto que demanda estudos e
pesquisas. Não há nenhuma comprovação científica dos benefícios da auto-
hemoterapia nesses pacientes. O uso dessa prática alternativa pode deixar o
paciente mais vulnerável e trazer efeitos indesejáveis à saúde, devido o risco de
abandono dos tratamentos convencionais e de infecção durante a sua prática.
Palavras-chave: Infecções por Coronavírus. Auto-hemoterapia. Saúde.
*FRANCISCO, Andrielly Filizardo Buzzo **CARDIN, Marcia Abúsio **GIANINI, Silvia Helena
Introduction: In December 2019, we had first cases of infection with SARS-CoV-2, which causes
the COVID-19, being considered a severe acute respiratory syndrome. The risk factors and / or
underlying diseases, make medical conduct and the establishment of safe low risk protocols
even more difficult. The current health emergency scenario has led patients and families to
seek alternative ways, without scientific evidence, for COVID-19 treatment. One of those
treatments is auto-hemotherapy, consists of drawing blood from the patient and then infusing
back again, in an attempt to stimulate the immune system. Objective: Evidence the practice of
autohemotherapy in patients with suspected or diagnosed Covid-19. Material and methods:
Scientific articles were selected from the PubMed database, using the following health
descriptors: “covid” AND “hemotherapy” and the filters: “free full text”, “last 2 years” and
“english and portuguese ”. A total of five articles were found. In addition, ANVISA's platform
was researched on alternative therapies and the new coronavirus. Results: Patients with
suspected or diagnosed COVID19, have undergone auto-hemotherapy, exposing themselves to
risks of transmission of infectious diseases and contamination. Such infections are related to
the fact that on the skin there are bacteria, and a part of them can enter the syringe; and when
it is injected into the muscle, a hematoma is formed, which is a source of bacterial culture. This
can still be aggravated by the lack of knowledge and research on the management of the
coronavirus and its transmission through blood. Such procedure is not recognized by health
authorities, nor can it be performed by professionals. Conclusion: Auto-hemotherapy practice
in patients with suspected or diagnosed COVID-19 still requires studies and research. There is
no scientific proof of the benefits of autohemotherapy in these patients. The use of this
alternative practice can leave the patient more vulnerable and bring undesirable health
effects, due to the risk of abandoning conventional treatments and infection during their
practice. Keywords: Coronavirus infections. Auto-hemotherapy. Health.
Anais do III Congresso Internacional de Educação e Saúde da Universidade de Marília
phosphorylation of the substrates of the insulin receptor. Along with the decrease in insulin
resistance, weight gain, inadequate diet, high in fat, and low in fiber, it increases the risk of
developing glucose intolerance and Type II Diabetes. Overweight or obese individuals have a
significant risk of developing diabetes, which is about three times that of the population with
normal weight, showing the role of obesity in the physiopathology of diabetes. Conclusion:
Therefore, we observed that obesity is a risk factor for the development of Type II Diabetes.
Keywords: Obesity, Diabetes, Insulin, Glucose, BMI
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Email: karlacrribeiro@gmail.com
Email: karlacrribeiro@gmail.com
The present paper is part of an ongoing Scientific Initiation and aims to demonstrate how the
Popular Education in Health can be a possibility to qualify the guarantee of rights in Mental
Health, in the perspective of Primary Care. As a research proposal, the paper opted for a
bibliographic review containing a path about the change in the health paradigm, as well as its
history as a concept and as a public policy for guaranteeing right ensured by the Federal
Constitution, in order to then analyze the current Mental Health strategies, considering the
idea of Popular Education in Health. It was a qualitative research, whose analyzed issues
brought relevant contributions, expressed in the actions offered by the health services and the
way health is tough today. The resarch still in progress and the initials results allowed us to
identify that the Primary Care, the methodology of Popular Education in Health and the Mental
Health services have similarities and defend common principles. It is concluded, for now, that
Popular Education in Mental Health as a practice in Mental Health contributes to the
expansion of access to health, qualifying the guarantee of the health and popular participation.
KEYWORDS: Popular Education. Mental health. Public health
Anais do III Congresso Internacional de Educação e Saúde da Universidade de Marília
Gyovanna Sorrentino dos Santos Campanari¹; Jeferson Santiago³; Caio Sergio Galina Spilla³;
Gizelle Rocha Evangelista de Oliveira¹; Luciana Pinato ²; Leila Maria Guissoni Campos³.
Gyovanna Sorrentino dos Santos Campanari¹; Jeferson Santiago³; Caio Sergio Galina Spilla³;
Gizelle Rocha Evangelista de Oliveira¹; Luciana Pinato ²; Leila Maria Guissoni Campos³.
presence of clock genes in areas classically unrelated to circadian control, as in the case of
dopaminergic neurons of the substantia nigra and reinforce the understanding of the
bidirectional relationship between circadian rhythms and the dopaminergic system.
Conclusion: The expression of these proteins in physiological conditions expands the
traditional ways of discussing the functions of the substantia nigra pars compacta and leads us
to reconsider the physiological, behavioral and psychopathological importance of these region-
specific rhythms in different brain areas.
Keywords: substantia nigra; circadian rhythms; primate; dopamine.
Anais do III Congresso Internacional de Educação e Saúde da Universidade de Marília
MINNITI, Giulia*; MARÇAL, Bruna B.*; MARIN, Bruna T.*; MUJAHED, Guilherme B. U.*; JÚNIOR,
José R. A. *; BUENO, Patrícia C. S.**
E-mail : pcincotto@gmail.com
MINNITI, Giulia*; MARÇAL, Bruna B.*; MARIN, Bruna T.*; MUJAHED, Guilherme B. U.*; JÚNIOR,
José R. A. *; BUENO, Patrícia C. S.**
E-mail : pcincotto@gmail.com
Conclusions: Despite the population's knowledge about the use of psychostimulant drugs,
they are widely used among medical students in an attempt to improve cognitive potential
through this medium. It is important to reiterate to students about the consumption of these
drugs and their consequences, especially when used without medical indication and
prescription. Keywords: Psychostimulant drugs. College students
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BORELLI, Julia Ribeiro *; GALETE, Maria Isabela *; LOPES, Gabriel Oberleitner*. EVANGELISTA,
Viviane Canhizares **; CARLI, Flávia Vilas Boas Ortiz;
BORELLI, Julia Ribeiro *; GALETE, Maria Isabela *; LOPES, Gabriel Oberleitner*. EVANGELISTA,
Viviane Canhizares **, CARLI, Flávia Vilas Boas Ortiz;
Burns are injuries to the skin, caused by thermal, chemical, radioactive or electrical agents,
which can be classified into first, second and third degrees. The severity of them are related to
the extension and depth, causing loss of fluid, metabolic changes, deformities and risk of
infection. Mortality rises according to the affected area, and may have irreversible damage,
great physical and psychological suffering. Nursing has a fundamental role in the treatment of
burn patients, requiring immediate and effective care, with a multidimensional approach in
order to obtain positive results in the care provided. Objective: To identify the role of the
nursing team when caring for burn patients and the difficulties of these professionals. Method:
This is a literary review in which the search was carried out in national journals on platforms
such as: Scielo, Google Scholar and Lilacs, in the period from 2012 to 2020, with fifteen articles
related to the theme, and after the criteria of exclusion, 10 articles were selected once they
responded to the research objective. Results: After analyzing the selected material, we
identified the following precautions: skin care: removal of the victim from the heat source,
cooling and abundant washing of the skin with running water, removing clothes that are not
adhered to the skin, brushing of the skin in burns chemicals, bursting of bubbles and removal
of weakened tissues, applying antimicrobial cover, for treatment and healing of tissues;
hydration care: perform large-sized venous access, ensuring fluid replacement and pain
control, assessing venous hydration in the first twenty-four hours, avoiding renal dysfunction;
neurological and respiratory care: monitoring possible obstructions in the upper airways,
presence of ventilatory movements, gas exchanges and hemorrhagic foci, evaluating the
ventilatory parameters with oximeter; if the patient has decreased saturation, start treatment
with oxygen therapy according to the medical prescription; feeding care: the feeding of
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patients should occur according to the severity of the injury, maintaining gastrointestinal
motility and integrity of the gastric mucosa, monitoring risks of aspiration pneumonia;
physiological eliminations care: monitoring frequency, volume and characteristics of
physiological eliminations, strictly controlling urine output. The professional's greatest
difficulty is the impotence facing the patient's pain, they report that the burn sector is one of
the most difficult to exercise the profession, dealing with physical and emotional pain, within
the assistance provided by the team, the time of the bath and dressing changes appear as one
of the most difficult because the patient reports or demonstrates the highest pain index. It is
necessary to take a critical look at nursing during the interventions, inserting measures for pain
relief before the procedures that cause the greatest discomfort, promoting comfort to the
patient during treatment. Final considerations: The results indicate the importance of the
nurse in the care and monitoring of the burned patient, offering recovery individually
according to their necessities. The professional's psychological preparation is essential to deal
with the patient's exacerbated pain during treatment, which is the greatest difficulty reported
by the nursing team. Keywords: Burn. Nursing Care. Role of the Nursing Professional.
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*SANTOS, Roberta de Amorim; PEREIRA, Mariana Aparecida Garcia Severino; **GIANINI, Silvia
Helena Soares
E-mail: silgianini@hotmail.com
SANTOS, Roberta de Amorim; PEREIRA, Mariana Aparecida Garcia Severino; **GIANINI, Silvia
Helena Soares
E-mail: silgianini@hotmail.com
Introduction:Methylphenidate and other related drugs (MPH) are drugs that have the main
substances used for neuroenhancement and are therefore highly employed in the treatment of
narcolepsy and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Methylphenidate
Hydrochloride, belonging to the amphetamine group, being central nervous system stimulants,
has a mechanism of action related to the direct stimulation of alpha and beta adrenergic
receptors or, indirectly, the release of dopamine and noradrenaline at the synaptic terminals;
and, in this way, presents more noticeable effects on mental activity than on motor activity.
MPH are the drugs most commonly known by the trade names Ritalin®, Concerta®, Venvance®
and Adderal®. Due to the high workload of the medical course, students resort, often illicitly,
to excessive use of these drugs in order to improve their performance, since these substances
have psychostimulant properties. Objective: To highlight the indiscriminate use of
methylphenidate and related drugs in the quest for higher performance by medicalstudents.
Materials and Methods: Bibliographic review on the theme in the databases Virtual Health
Library (VHL), scientific academic literature, Compendium of Psychiatry - Behavioral Science
and Clinical Psychiatry, and Caribbean in Health Sciences (LILACS), using the descriptors
"methylphenidate", "medical students" and "central nervous system stimulants", gathering
and comparing the different data found in the query sources used. Twenty-five articles
pertinent to the theme were selected, and those that did not address the research interest
were excluded. Results: The search for cognitive enhancement by medical students with the
purpose of improving academic performance is due to the excessive demands of the student
himself, as well as of everyone present in his social and affective cycle, which comes associated
with extensive study periods, which cause high rates of stress and mental fatigue. In line with
this and with the capitalist logic of productivity, the psychostimulant effects of MPHs induce
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Vitor Fernando Bordin Miola¹; Ana Rita de Oliveira dos Santos¹; Bárbara de Oliveira Zanuso¹;
Sandra Maria Barbalho²
E-mail: smbarbalho@gmail.com
Objetivo: Este estudo tem como objetivo analisar e compreender a ação das
adipocinas liberadas pelo tecido adiposo no metabolismo humano, assim como
sua relação no desenvolvimento de doenças cardiovasculares e distúrbios
metabólicos. Revisão de literatura: As adipocinas liberadas pelo tecido adiposo
controlam o metabolismo lipídico e podem interferir de modo substancial na
sensibilidade à insulina, na patogênese da obesidade e no desenvolvimento de
complicações metabólicas. A adiponectina, de ação anti- inflamatória, possui
íntima relação com o aumento da oxidação de ácidos graxos e melhora da
sensibilidade à insulina. De modo semelhante, a leptina atua na estimulação do
gasto energético através da oxidação de ácidos graxos e supressão do apetite.
Contudo, níveis elevados de leptina, observados na obesidade, estão
intimamente relacionados com o aumento de citocinas pró-inflamatórias e
resistência à insulina. O aumento de massa gorda induz um estado inflamatório
evidente e a liberação de adipocinas metabolicamente prejudiciais, como a
resistina e a interleucina (IL-6). Ambas conferem o desenvolvimento da
resistência à insulina, diabetes tipo II e doenças cardiovasculares através da
ativação do supressor de sinalização de citocinas 3 (SOCS3), para a resistina, e
inibição do substrato do receptor de insulina 1 (IRS1) e transportador de glicose
do tipo 4 (GLUT4), para a IL-
6. Na mesma perspectiva, outras adipocinas como a asprosina, chemerina, SFRP5,
lipocalina 2, folistatina tipo 1 (FSTL1), visfatina e fetuina-A também proporcionam
um estado pró-inflamatório relacionado à obesidade, sedentarismo e
hábitos de vida não saudáveis. Estas adipocinas interferem negativamente no
metabolismo da glicose, fator crucial na influência na patogênese de doenças
cardiovasculares e instabilidade das placas ateroscleróticas em pessoas
obesas. Por outro lado, outras adipocinas de ação anti-inflamatórias são capazes
de desempenhar melhora significativa nas comorbidades metabólicas. A
omentina, expressa pelo tecido adiposo visceral, age como importante fator anti-
Anais do III Congresso Internacional de Educação e Saúde da Universidade de Marília
Vitor Fernando Bordin Miola¹; Ana Rita de Oliveira dos Santos¹; Bárbara de Oliveira Zanuso¹;
Sandra Maria Barbalho²
E-mail: smbarbalho@gmail.com
Objective: This study aims to investigate the action of adipokines released by adipose tissue in human
metabolism, as well as their relationship in the development of cardiovascular diseases and metabolic
disorders. Literature review: Adipokines are released by adipose tissue to control lipid metabolism and
can substantially interfere with insulin sensitivity, the pathogenesis of obesity, and the development of
metabolic complications. Adiponectin, which has an anti-inflammatory action, is closely related to the
increase in fatty acid oxidation and improves insulin sensitivity. Similarly, leptin acts to stimulate energy
expenditure through the oxidation of fatty acids and suppression of appetite. However, high levels of
leptin, seen in obesity, are closely related to the increase in pro-inflammatory cytokines and insulin
resistance. The increase in fat mass induces an evident inflammatory state and releases metabolically
harmful adipokines, such as resistin and interleukin (IL-6). Both are related to the development of
insulin resistance, type II diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases through the activation of the cytokine
signaling suppressor 3 (SOCS3) for resistin and inhibition of the insulin receptor substrate 1 (IRS1) and
type 4 glucose transporter (GLUT4) for IL-6. In the same perspective, other adipokines such as asprosin,
chemerin, SFRP5, lipocalin 2, follistatin type 1 (FSTL1), visfatin, and fetuin-A also provide a pro-
inflammatory state related to obesity, sedentary lifestyle, and unhealthy lifestyle. These adipokines
interfere negatively in glucose metabolism, a crucial factor in influencing the pathogenesis of
cardiovascular diseases and instability of atherosclerotic plaques in obese people. On the other hand,
other antiinflammatory adipokines are capable of significantly improving metabolic comorbidities.
Omentin, expressed by visceral adipose tissue, acts as an important anti-atherosclerotic factor and
directly improves insulin sensitivity and glucose absorption. The same occurs with vaspin, a serine
protease inhibitor protein expressed by fat and muscle tissue, and can reduce the synthesis of pro-
inflammatory cytokines. In the same perspective, fibroblast growth factor 21 (FGF21), released by white
and brown adipose tissue during physical exercise, stimulates decoupling protein 1 (UCP1) and other
thermogenic genes that act in lipolysis. Besides, zinc-α2-glycoprotein (ZAG) also plays a role in
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regulating lipogenesis and lipolysis and stimulating other adipokines, such as adiponectin. Other
adipokines such as progranulin and nesfatin have substantial protection against insulin resistance and
induction of satiety by inhibiting food intake, contributing to reduced adipose tissue volume.
Conclusions: Understanding the metabolic dynamics of the action of adipokines in different
comorbidities is essential for the development of future therapies.
CARVALHO, Lucas Cápia Castro de*; ALVES, Rayssa Andrade**; Pinheiro, Jonas André
Jachimowski*; Haber, Rafael Santos de Argollo*; CHAGAS, Eduardo Federighi Baisi***; HABER,
Jesselina Francisco dos Santos****.
Email: haber.jesselina@gmail.com
CARVALHO, Lucas Cápia Castro de*; ALVES, Rayssa Andrade**; Pinheiro, Jonas André
Jachimowski*; Haber, Rafael Santos de Argollo*; CHAGAS, Eduardo Federighi Baisi***; HABER,
Jesselina Francisco dos Santos****.
Email: haber.jesselina@gmail.com
OBJECTIVE: This study aims to analyze the literature to better comprehension of Alkaptonuria
(AKU). REVIEW: AKU is an autosomal recessive disease, rare and caused by inborn errors of
metabolism, in which there is a deficiency of the enzyme homogentisate dioxygenase (HGD),
which acts on the metabolism of tyrosine, with no complete metabolism, accumulating
homegentisic acid (HGA). Excess HGA leads to black urine after contact with the oxygen that
oxidizes it. Black urine is the first symptom that appears in childhood. Around the age of 20,
some signs and symptoms start, such as ochronosis, in regions of skin, sclera, intervertebral
discs, auricular and articular cartilages, protokinetic pain, aortic valve calcification, renal and
prostatic lithiasis. The diagnosis is made, mainly, in young or elderly adults, through the
investigation of urinary and/or blood HGA and genetic confirmation, indispensable to genetic
counseling. However, there is no consensus on its real prevalence and treatment. In this
diapason, the literature believes that the disease affects around 1 to 4:250,000, whereas in
Eastern Europe it is believed to be around 1:25,000, however in 2020 it was estimated around
1250 patients diagnosed with AKU, of these about 25 are in Brazil, a number less than the
mentioned incidence. Regarding pathophysiology, the literature shows that HGA does not act
in isolation on connective tissues, but that its accumulation is oxidized spontaneously in
benzoquinone-acetate, a molecule similar to melanin, which leads to the ochronosis of
structures. It is also believed that its accumulation is related to mechanical forces since the
same occurs in joints with great impacts such as hips, femurs, knees, spines, and tendons, in
the cardiovascular system it presents selectivity for arteries and aortic valve. In regions such
as auricular cartilage, sclera, and skin, an enzyme called HGA-oxidase-polyphenol is produced
that catalyzes the reaction by increasing the production of benzoquinone-acetate. Other
theories for the changes are that HGA leads to changes in joint macromolecules, inhibits the
formation of collagen by hydroxylysine, and increases the excretion of type I collagen. There is
no treatment or cure for AKU. Researches have been used drugs such as nitisinone that
inhibits the formation of HGA, on the other hand, it causes tyrosinemia. Another drug that
has been used is vitamin C, which reduces ochronosis by reducing HGA oxidation, however,
some studies have shown an increase in HGA production, not inhibiting the development of
previously mentioned changes related to HGA. CONCLUSION: Thus, it is appropriate to ask
about its real prevalence, in which it can be believed that the diagnosis is unusual or its
predicted incidence is not correct, in addition to requiring further studies to understand the
effects of HGA and benzoquinone-acetate, causing new therapeutic methods effective in the
control of the disease. Keywords: Alkaptonuria. Ochronosis. homegentisic acid. Metabolism,
Inborn Errors. Nitisinone
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E-mail: silgianini@hotmail.com
Introduction:In December 2019, the first cases of infection with the new coronavirus emerged in
Wuhan, China. COVID-19 is an infectious severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), caused by
coronavirus. In April 2021, the world was immersed in a pandemic, with 149 million cases, and 3.14
million deaths. The natural history of the disease is still unclear, a fact that implies the difficulty in
developing effective preventive measures and clinical protocols. It is known that the pathology has a
systemic approach and acute and chronic complications. The management of patients with risk factors
and / or underlying diseases makes medical management and the establishment of protocols that
present a lower risk in treatment even more difficult. Objective: To highlight the possible cardiovascular
complications that may arise after viral infection by COVID-19. Material and methods: A bibliographic
review was carried out in the Virtual Health Library (VHL) databases, Latin American and Caribbean
Health Sciences Literature (LILACS) and Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online
(MEDLINE), using the descriptors: “Coronavirus infections”, “cardiovascular diseases” and
“Coronavirus”. Twenty-one articles relevant to the theme were selected and, excluding those that did
not address the research interest. Results: Complications arising from the disease vary, and it is already
known that they affect several devices. The direct injury caused by the virus and the complications
secondary to the inflammatory and thrombotic response triggered by the infection, are mechanisms
that evidence cardiovascular complications in patients with COVID19. Probable mechanisms of cardiac
injury can be mediated by direct mechanisms involving viral infiltration in myocardial tissue or indirect
due to respiratory failure and cardiac inflammation secondary to severe systemic hyperinflammation.
Common cardiovascular complications are ventricular fibrillation or tachycardia, malignant arrhythmias
and acute coagulopathy. Conclusion: It is essential to dedicate special attention to patients in the risk
group; and the correct management during the conduct of the case, with the need for quick
identification and implementation of an appropriate treatment, in order to avoid more severe
conditions and permanent complications in the patient's life after COVID-19. Key words:Coronavirus
infections. Cardiovascular diseases. Coronavirus.
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Davi Cassiano Ueda Simensato1,Maria Júlia Bastos Pereira1; Rodrigo Haber Mellem1;
Luiza Santos de Argollo Haber1; Luiza Pedro Constanzo 1,Jesselina Francisco dos Santos
Davi Cassiano Ueda Simensato1,Maria Júlia Bastos Pereira1; Rodrigo Haber Mellem1;
Luiza Santos de Argollo Haber1; Luiza Pedro Constanzo 1,Jesselina Francisco dos Santos
OBJECTIVE: Assessing dyslipidemia as a risk factor for COVID-19 and analyze changes in lipid
profile parameters as predictors of patients infected by SARS-VOC-2. REVIEW: In December
2019, in the city of Wuhan, China, a sudden outbreak of a contagious viral disease began,
which took on global proportions in a short period of time, characterized as the pandemic
COVID-19. SARS-CoV-2 is associated with greater severity in some risk groups, including those
with dyslipidemia. It affects approximately 30-60% of the global population and is a known risk
factor for cardiovascular disease. Thus, it may be one of the most common comorbidities in
patients with COVID-19. Potential prognostic factors, illnesses and laboratory results facilitate
the stratification and allocation of high-risk patients to receive more intensive monitoring.
Dyslipidemia has been increasingly related to the poor prognosis of patients infected with the
new coronavirus, one of the hypotheses being the ongoing inflammatory processes caused by
the excess of pro-inflammatory cytokines, which results in the modulation of HDL-c-related
apolipoproteins, increased serum amyloid protein A and decreased apolipoprotein (Apo) A-I,
ApoM and ApoE, which negatively impacts the antioxidant, antiinflammatory and
immunomodulatory roles of HDL-c. Such inflammation alters the composition and function of
HDL-c apolipoprotein, but the exact mechanism for the phenomenon is currently unknown. In
addition, in infection, immune-mediated inflammatory dyslipoproteinemia occurs, that is when
the total cholesterol (TC), LDL-c and plasma HDL-c decrease, while Triglyceride (TG) is
frequently elevated. The increase in cholesterol consumption, associated with the synthesis of
pulmonary surfactant to fight the infection and the viral replication, may be one of the reasons
for these changes. The progressive development of HDL-c at low levels and TG at high levels is
associated with the severity of COVID-19 and its mortality. An example of this is the increased
risk of cardiovascular events, vasculopathies and pulmonary inflammations. CONCLUSION: The
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lipid profile is altered in patients infected by COVID-19. Decrease in HDL-c and increase in TG
are strong plasma predictors and they are also related to severity and mortality. The
dyslipidemia comorbidity is reiterated as a severity factor in positive cases for coronavirus,
which implies the vulnerability of such individuals to the severe form of the disease and raises
an alarm flag for them to be treated as a risk group, regardless of associated comorbidities that
may bear.
Ledyane Taynara Marton1 , Adriano Cressoni Araújo1 ; Marcelo Dib Bechara1 ; Sandra Maria
1Faculdaede Medicina de Marília - UNIMAR - Marília, São Paulo, Brasil. 2Programa de Pós-
Graduação em Interações Estruturais e Funcionais na Reabilitação - UNIMAR - Marília - SP,
E-mail: smbarbalho@gmail.com
Ledyane Taynara Marton1 , Adriano Cressoni Araújo1 ; Marcelo Dib Bechara1 ; Sandra Maria
1Medical School of Marília – UNIMAR – Marília, São Paulo, Brazil; 2Postgraduate Program in
Structural and Functional Interactions in Rehabilitation - UNIMAR - Marília – SP, Brazil.
E-mail: smbarbalho@gmail.com
Introduction: Autoimmune diseases may affect innumerous people and are related to a
significant cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. The incidence of autoimmune diseases
usually is higher in industrial centers, and the triggering factors are genetics, diet, alcohol
consumption, and environmental factors (such as latitudinal gradients that are correlated with
sunlight-ultraviolet radiation exposure and vitamin-D levels). Inflammatory diseases, such as
Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), Osteoarthritis (OA), Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE),
Psoriasis, and Multiple Sclerosis (MS) also affect millions of people worldwide. Curcuma longa
and its bioactive compounds such as curcuminoids have been considered as important
adjuvants in the therapy of inflammatory diseases due to their multiple mechanisms of action
that are related to antiinflammatory and antioxidant effects. Objective: The objective of this
systematic review was to evaluate the role of curcuminoids in the treatment of Autoimmune
inflammatory diseases (AID). Methods: The search for articles associating the use of Curcuma
longa or curcuminoids in IBD, OA, SLE, Psoriasis and MS was carried out in the PubMed,
EMBASE and Cochrane databases. For the selection of the studies, the PRISMA guidelines
(Preferred Reporting Items for a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis) were used. Results: The
medications commonly used are expensive and associated with multiple side effects.
Derivatives of Curcuma longa (curcuminoids) exerts anti-inflammatory, antioxidant,
antiatherogenic, anti-diabetic, anti-dyslipidemic and anticancer actions and has shown positive
effects on AID. The included studies show that such compounds exert similar effects as the
commonly used medications, such as the use of diclofenac in the therapeutic approach to OA.
The evaluation of the studies included in this review shows that the bioactive compounds
present in Curcuma longa can reduce oxidative stress and the production of pro-inflammatory
cytokines that are commonly observed in AIDs, mainly due to the inhibition of transcriptional
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E-mail: silgianini@hotmail.com
E-mail: silgianini@hotmail.com
Introduction: Since the emergence of the pandemic by the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2),
there has been concern that neuroinvasion by this virus may cause damage to the central
nervous system (CNS) of severely affected survivors. The viral neurotropic mechanisms of
access to the CNS occur through the systemic circulation or the lamina cribiform of the
ethmoid bone. SARS-CoV-2 enters the CNS by direct (neuronal and hematologic pathway) and
indirect routes, infecting leukocytes in the bloodstream, and then crosses the blood-brain
barrier via diapedesis. It can also invade the vascular endothelium via ACE2 receptors, leading
to increased permeability of the blood-brain barrier, including infecting glia cells in the CNS.
Aim: To evidence the association between Covid-19 severity and subsequent major
neurological outcomes. Material and methods: Literature review, using articles published in
the Virtual Health Library (VHL) and Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online
(MEDLINE) databases, using the descriptors: "Neurological outcomes in survivors of covid19",
with the filter "Medline", and "Coronavirus Covid-19 nervous system diseases", with the filters:
Medline; main subject: central nervous system diseases; type of study: diagnostic study. Five
relevant articles were selected and those with unclear results were excluded. Results: Several
neurological outcomes have been observed in hospitalized patients who have developed the
severe form, such as ischemic stroke, intracranial hemorrhage, dementias, Parkinson's disease,
and encephalitis, among others. Studies have shown that inflammatory patterns caused by the
virus can cause CNS damage, especially in hospitalized patients with systemic diseases such as
hypertension and diabetes mellitus, predisposing them to acute cerebrovascular disease due
to excessive inflammation, immobilization, hypoxia, and diffuse intravascular coagulation.
Furthermore, the hypotheses raised are that SARS-CoV-2 may cause neuronal damage to the
corticolimbic network and subsequently alter dyspnea perception and breathing control,
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explaining silent hypoxemia. The severity of covid-19 is associated with a greater number of
neurological outcomes subsequent to the event, especially in elderly patients and those with
chronic systemic diseases such as hypertension and diabetes mellitus. Conclusion: There is a
possible association between the severity of the disease and the various neurological
outcomes, especially in elderly patients and those with chronic systemic diseases. Such
evidence indicates the nature of services that may be required, as well as a need for
neurological follow-up in patients, admitted to the ICU.
Rafael Santos de Argollo Haber, Lucas Capia Castro de Carvalho 1 ; Luiza Santos de Argollo
Haber 1, Rodrigo Haber Mellem 1, Luiza Pedro Costanzo 1; Jesselina Francisco dos Santos Haber
sugeriu que taxas de mortalidade, intubação e sepse não foram maiores naquelas
com diabetes tipo 1, contanto que tivessem níveis de hemoglobina glicada
(HbA1c) ≤ 7%. Conclusão: A possibilidade de um paciente portador de DM1
adquirir COVID e internar é semelhante a população geral, entretanto o
descontrole da glicemia pode estar associado ao maior risco, pacientes com HbA1c
elevadas ou em cetoacidose apresentam maior risco de complicações e má
evolução. Não há evidencias concretas de que o SARS- CoV-2 induza por si só DM1.
Infecções pediátricas por SARS-CoV-2 estão cada vez mais frequentemente
documentadas, os registros dos casos e a documentação dos dados do paciente
em registros eletrônicos de saúde permitirão que haja uma melhor avaliação desta
doença em nossas crianças com diabetes.
Rafael Santos de Argollo Haber, Lucas Capia Castro de Carvalho 1 ; Luiza Santos de Argollo
Haber 1, Rodrigo Haber Mellem 1, Luiza Pedro Costanzo 1; Jesselina Francisco dos Santos Haber
1 Student: Universidade de Marília (UNIMAR);
Objective: Assess the effect and demeanor of COVID in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus.
Review; A new disease called COVID-19 arise in December 2019 in Wuhan, Hubei province,
China. Since then, a new reality has been at the forefront of global behavior causing thousands
of deaths and conceptual changes. Patients considered to be at risk, such as the elderly, people
with Diabetes Mellitus (DM), and obesity, are the ones who suffer most from this situation. In
the case of patients with diabetes with COVID19, the high level of glycated hemoglobin
(HbA1c) is associated with inflammation, hypercoagulability, and low O2 saturation, making
DM 2 a risk factor for mortality in COVID 19 (27.7 %). Diabetes Mellitus 1 (DM1) is a chronic
childhood disease and the effect of COVID 19 was initially unknown in this group, leading to
prolonged isolation of this group, concerned with risks. There is evidence that COVID-19 in its
severe form is associated with an increase in blood glucose (since it leads inflamatory process),
hence the need to monitor blood glucose and keep it within safe values. During the pandemic
COVID 19, the difficulty in maintaining good glycemic control increased, given the social
isolation with less possibility of exercise, more anxiety, and dietary errors. There is no concrete
evidence that the virus can trigger DM1. The prevalence of DM1 in patients with COVID-19
ranged from 0.15% to 28.98%, being the most common presentations of the disease, fever, dry
cough, nausea and vomiting, high blood glucose, and diabetic ketoacidosis (CAD). The fear of
seeking medical services in a pandemic season can increase the CAD rate and this is a sign of
poor prognosis, with a substantial increase in mortality. Most diabetic patients (78%) can be
treated in social isolation, without hospitalization. Among those requiring hospitalization, the
most common reasons were CAD (71.4%;) followed by bacterial pneumonia (14.3%;), fever
(14.3%;), sore throat (14.3%;), severe hyperglycemia (14.3%;) and pneumonia by COVID 19
(14.3%;), in which the maintenance of serum blood glucose levels within the target range (70
to 180 mg/dl). A study comparing patients with DM1 and people without the disease
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suggested that mortality rates, intubation, and sepsis were not higher in those with type 1
diabetes, as long as they had levels of glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) ≤ 7%. CONCLUSION: The
possibility of a patient with type 1 DM acquiring COVID and hospitalizing is similar to the
general population, however the lack of glycemia control may be associated with a higher risk,
patients with elevated HbA1c or in ketoacidosis have a higher risk of complications and poor
evolution.There is no concrete evidence that SARS-CoV-2 itself induces DM 1. Pediatric SARS-
CoV-2 infections are increasingly documented, case records and documentation of patient data
in electronic health records will allow a better assessment of this disease in our children with
Anais do III Congresso Internacional de Educação e Saúde da Universidade de Marília
Pedro Henrique dos Santos*; Pedro Rafael Fracacio*; Otavio Shiguemitsu Valenciano*; Júlio
Resende Gualberto*; Matheus Aires Bisoni*; Nivaldo Fracacio Junior**
* Estudante de Medicina/UNIMAR
** Médico residente de Medicina Preventiva e Social/HCFMUSP.
Pedro Henrique dos Santos*; Pedro Rafael Fracacio*; Otavio Shiguemitsu Valenciano*; Júlio
Resende Gualberto*; Matheus Aires Bisoni*; Nivaldo Fracacio Junior**
Introduction: In the last three decades, research in the areas of immunology, metabolism and
genetics has allowed to detail the hyperglycemic syndromes in young individuals, showing the
difference between MODY-type diabetes mellitus and type 1 and 2 diabetes mellitus.
Objective: To present a literature review on the diagnosis and evolution of diabetes mellitus
type MODY, as well as the differentiation of the main subtypes. Literature Review: Diabetes
mellitus (DM) type MODY (Maturity Onset Diabetes of the Young), is a monogenic disease,
with autosomal dominant inheritance, in which genetic defects are related to the function of
the beta cell. More than fourteen genes involved have been described. The diagnostic criteria
used are: beginning before 25 years of age; family history of DM in two or more consecutive
generations; absence of autoantibodies against pancreatic beta cells; and dosage of C peptide
greater than 0.6 ng / dL. For the definitive diagnosis, genetic sequencing must be performed.
The most frequent subtypes, which correspond to 85% of the cases, are: MODY-HNF1A, MODY
GCK and MODY-HNF4A. In MODY GCK (MODY 2) it is caused by the mutation in the gene that
encodes the glucokinase (GCK), which makes glucose phosphorylation into glucose-6
phosphate, signaling insulin secretion, alteration in the sensitivity of beta cells by glucose,
generating an elevation from the glucose threshold that stimulates insulin secretion as a result
of this change, mild hyperglycemia occurs and drug treatment is generally not necessary,
except during pregnancy when it may be necessary. MODY-HNF1A (MODY 3) occurs due to
dysfunction of the nuclear hepatocytic factor 1alpha, present in pancreatic beta cells and
kidneys. Glycosuria occurs due to the reduction in the renal glucose reabsorption threshold, in
addition to progressive hyperglycemia. In this case, sulfonylureas can be used with good
response. Finally, MODY-HNF4A (MODY 1) is caused by dysfunction of nuclear hepatocytic
factor 4 alpha that regulates the expression of genes involved in glucose metabolism and
transport. The clinical picture and treatment are similar to MODY-HNF1A, but without
glycosuria. Conclusion: MODY type DM is a monogenic disease, with several subtypes
Anais do III Congresso Internacional de Educação e Saúde da Universidade de Marília
described, characterized by early onset, family involvement and preserved endogenous insulin
reserve. Of the three most frequent subtypes, two respond well to oral treatment and one
generally does not require pharmacological treatment. The definitive diagnosis is made
through genetic tests. The importance of the etiology is in the proper management of the case,
as well as in the genetic counseling of the family members involved.
Email: uriflato@gmail.com
Email: uriflato@gmail.com
Objective of the work: to analyze scientific evidence about the use of echocardiography at the
time of cardiorespiratory arrest. Literature review: a systematic review was carried out from
the Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (MEDLINE) database, using the
“MESH” tool, with the descriptors “Cardiac Arrest” and “Echocardiography”, in order to
identify original articles published between the years 2019 and 2021. 253 articles were
identified, of which only 7 were selected for the final sample. Case reports, review articles and
those that did not respond to the research objective were excluded. The data obtained
indicate that the use of echocardiography in cardiorespiratory arrest helps in the assessment
of differential diagnoses, such as Cardiac Tamponade, and in the anatomical adequacy of
cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) maneuvers, contributing to diagnosis, prognosis and
clinical decision-making. Two strategies were addressed: transthoracic echocardiography (TTE)
and transesophageal echocardiography (TEE). Due to its practicality, TTE has been considered
the first choice, since its training and realization can be carried out with the use of mini
devices. TEE requires more training time for professionals, an adequate device for evaluation,
however it presents a continuous myocardial image, becouse it does not interrupt CPR. As
contraindications for TEE, esophageal perforation or other damage to the mucosa of the upper
gastrointestinal tract or resistance when placing the device were pointed out. In addition, both
ETT and ETE are not suitable for shockable rhythm. Conclusions: the use of echocardiography
in non-traumatic cardiorespiratory arrest proves to be a feasible tool with prognostic and
diagnostic implications and associated with increased patient survival.
BATISTA, Flávia Pereira*; ENDO, Nádia Hitomi *; ZUTIN, Tereza LaisMenegucci **; GIANINI,
Silvia Helena Soares**; CARLI, Flávia Vilas Boas Ortiz **
E-mail: flaviavvilasboas@gmail.com
BATISTA, Flávia Pereira*; ENDO, Nádia Hitomi *; ZUTIN, Tereza Lais Menegucci **; GIANINI,
Silvia Helena Soares**; CARLI, Flávia Vilas Boas Ortiz **
Introduction: Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a metabolism syndrome of multiple origin, resulting
from the lack of insulin and/or the inability of insulin to adequately exert its effects. Insulin is a
hormone produced by the pancreas responsible for maintaining glucose metabolism,
transforming it into energy for the maintenance of our body's cells, and its lack causes a deficit
in glucose metabolization, consequently, diabetes. DM can have several complications, among
them: diabetic retinopathy, diabetic nephropathy, myocardial infarction, stroke, infections,
and the diabetic foot. Objective: To identify the risk factors associated with the development
of diabetic foot. Material and method: A literature review was carried out in the Google
Academic, Virtual Library, Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) and Latin American and
Caribbean Literature on Health Sciences (LILACS) databases. Ten articles pertinent to the
theme were selected, from 2018 to 2021, and those that did not address the research interest
were excluded. Results: The onset of diabetic foot occurs when blood circulation is impaired
and blood glucose levels are not controlled, leading to inadequate tissue healing. The risk
factors associated with the development of diabetic foot are: microvascular complications,
arterial hypertension, inadequate glycemic level, sedentarism, use of inappropriate shoes,
added to dermatological and structural alterations, such as: calluses, fissures in the region of
the heels and toes, inadequate nail cutting, thickened nails, and overlapping toes. Conclusion:
DM is a chronic disease and a worldwide public health problem. Investments in health
education are necessary for the prevention of the disease and treatment of complications, in
order to avoid the high rates of limb amputations resulting from this pathology.
Júlio Resende Gualberto*; Pedro Rafael Fracacio*; Otavio Shiguemitsu Valenciano*; Matheus
Aires Bisoni*; Pedro Henrique dos Santos*; Nivaldo Fracacio Junior**
* Estudante de Medicina/UNIMAR
** Médico residente de Medicina Preventiva e Social/HCFMUSP.
Email: nivaldofracaciojunior@hotmail.com
Júlio Resende Gualberto*; Pedro Rafael Fracacio*; Otavio Shiguemitsu Valenciano*; Matheus
Aires Bisoni*; Pedro Henrique dos Santos*; Nivaldo Fracacio Junior**
* Estudante de Medicina/UNIMAR
** Médico residente de Medicina Preventiva e Social/HCFMUSP.
Email: nivaldofracaciojunior@hotmail.com
Objective: To present the literature review of a neglected zoonosis, so that the main points of
the disease are recognized, and thus, instigate this diagnostic hypothesis in cases with similar
symptoms. Literature review: Brazilian Spotted Fever (BSF), an acute infectious disease with
high lethality, is transmitted to humans by the vector Amblyomma cajennense, commonly
known as “star tick / rodoleiro” infected by the gram-negative bacteria Rickettsia rickettsii. In
Brazil, the first case was seen in 1929 in the state of São Paulo, but it was only included in the
mandatory notification list in 2001. Since then, diseases have been reported in several states.
In the state of São Paulo, in particular, between 2009 and 2019, 752 confirmed cases were
reported. The BSF has an incubation period that varies from 2 to 14 days (average of 7 days).
As it is a systemic disease, it can present a variable clinical course, from classic conditions to
atypical forms without rash. The onset is mostly abrupt, with nonspecific symptoms such as
fever (usually high), headache, severe myalgia, general malaise, nausea and vomiting. The
maculopapular rash originates between the second and sixth day of the disease, and has a
centripetal progression with predominance in the lower limbs, which may affect the palmar
and plantar region in 50 to 80% of patients, with this symptom being the most characteristic. In
severe cases, the rash evolves to a petechial and then hemorrhagic presentation, consisting
mainly of bruises or suffusions. The absence of the rash (in 9 to 12% of patients) can hinder or
delay the diagnosis and, consequently, the treatment. The diagnosis is laboratorial, through
serology by indirect immunofluorescence (gold standard) or by direct research of rickettsia (by
immunohistochemistry, isolation or polymerase chain reaction). Differential diagnoses make it
difficult to diagnose BSF. Initially, in the first days, clinical manifestations may also suggest
leptospirosis, viral hepatitis, meningoencephalitis, malaria and pneumonia caused by
Mycoplasma pneumoniae. With the rash, the differential diagnoses are meningococcemia,
Anais do III Congresso Internacional de Educação e Saúde da Universidade de Marília
sepsis by gram-negative and mainly viral exanthematic diseases. Treatment should be started
immediately upon suspicion of FBM. The mortality rate is directly related to early diagnosis and
the initiation of appropriate treatment. If started in the first three days, the mortality rate is
around 2 to 9%, according to the age group. The treatment is carried out with doxycycline for
at least 7 days, and must be maintained for 3 days, after the fever ceases. Another option is
Chloramphenicol. As it is a condition of compulsory notification, its notification must be made
on suspicion of the disease. Conclusion: The number of cases in Brazil (especially in the state of
São Paulo) calls attention to the dissemination of knowledge about this disease, since the delay
in diagnosis and treatment directly implies an increase in BSF lethality.
Pedro Rafael Fracacio*; Otavio Shiguemitsu Valenciano*; Júlio Resende Gualberto*; Matheus
Aires Bisoni*; Pedro Henrique dos Santos*; Nivaldo Fracacio Junior**
* Estudante de Medicina/UNIMAR
** Médico residente de Medicina Preventiva e Social/HCFMUSP.
Email: nivaldofracaciojunior@hotmail.com
Pedro Rafael Fracacio*; Otavio Shiguemitsu Valenciano*; Júlio Resende Gualberto*; Matheus
Aires Bisoni*; Pedro Henrique dos Santos*; Nivaldo Fracacio Junior**
* Estudante de Medicina/UNIMAR
** Médico residente de Medicina Preventiva e Social/HCFMUSP.
Email: nivaldofracaciojunior@hotmail.com
Objective: This review of the literature on Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) due to 21-
hydroxylase deficiency (21OH) aims to alert early diagnosis for immediate treatment to reduce
mortality. Literature review: CAH is a group of autosomal recessive diseases, caused by
mutations in genes that encode adrenal steroidogenesis, in particular, cortisol synthesis. About
90% of cases occur due to 21OH deficiency, a mutation in the CYP21A2 gene, located on
chromosome 6p21. Its incidence in Brazil ranges from 1: 10,000 to 1: 18,000 live births. There
are two forms: the classic, subdivided into a salt loser and simple virilizing, and the other,
nonclassical. Due to 21OH deficiency, 17-hydroxyprogesterone (17-OHP) does not convert to
cortisol, with hypocortisolism and, consequently, increased ACTH, leading to bilateral adrenal
hyperplasia and increased precursors of other enzymatic pathways, with increased production
of androgens . In the classic salt-wasting form, in addition to hypocortisolism, there is a deficit
of aldosterone, due to the deficit in the conversion of progesterone to corticosterone. Clinical
and laboratory manifestations include: lethargy, nausea, vomiting, dehydration, hypotension,
hyponatremia and hyperkalemia. The condition predominates in the first two weeks of life. As
a consequence of hyperandrogenism, virilization occurs, with atypical genitalia in females and
macrogenitossomy in males. Neonatal screening is performed after 48 hours of life, but false
positives, such as premature and low birth weight, may occur. For diagnostic confirmation,
serum 17-OHP dosage is performed. Values above 1,000 ng / dL confirm and below 200 ng / dL
exclude the diagnosis. Intermediate dosages require stimulation testing with synthetic ACTH.
Chronic treatment is done with Glucocorticoids and Mineralocorticoids. The most commonly
used glucocorticoid is Hydrocortisone, 10 mg / m² of body surface per day, divided into three
times. For mineralocorticoid replacement, Fludrocortisone of 0.05-0.2 mg / day is associated.
Anais do III Congresso Internacional de Educação e Saúde da Universidade de Marília
Always educate the patient and family about the prevention of adrenal crisis in the face of
stressful situations, doubling or tripling the dose of glucocorticoids. In the follow-up, monitor
clinical parameters such as signs of hypocortisolism, virilization and growth. In laboratory tests,
testosterone and androstenedione are kept within the normal range, since 17-OHP is not a
good parameter for follow-up, as its normalization would require high levels of glucocorticoids,
with an increase in side effects. Conclusion: CAH due to 21OH deficiency, a classic salt-wasting
form, is part of the neonatal screening test, and serum dosage should be performed for
confirmation. It can evolve with adrenal crisis, which must be recognized and immediately
started with treatment with glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids, in addition to fluid
replacement in the acute condition. Education about the disease is important for recognizing
emergency signs, preventing crises and conducting the case.
Keywords: Adrenal Hyperplasia, Congenital; Steroid 21-Hydroxylase; Adrenal Gland Diseases.
Anais do III Congresso Internacional de Educação e Saúde da Universidade de Marília
Bárbara de Oliveira Zanuso¹; Ana Rita de Oliveira dos Santos1 ; Vitor Fernando Bordin Miola1 ;
Sandra Maria Barbalho2* .
E-mail: smbarbalho@gmail.com
Bárbara de Oliveira Zanuso¹; Ana Rita de Oliveira dos Santos1 ; Vitor Fernando Bordin Miola1 ;
Sandra Maria Barbalho2* .
¹Medical Student at the University of Marília (UNIMAR), Avenida Higino Muzzi Filho 1001,
Marília 17525-902, São Paulo, Brazil. 2Department of Biochemistry and Pharmacology, School
of Medicine, University of Marília (UNIMAR), Avenida Higino Muzzi Filho 1001, Marília 17525-
902, São Paulo, Brazil.
E-mail: smbarbalho@gmail.com
(BDNF) and meteorin; and hepatokines: fibroblast growth factor 21 (FGF21) and high levels of
adropine. Besides hyperglycemia and dyslipidemia, reactive oxygen species produced in this
scenario favor endothelial vascular damage, hypertension, and inflammatory processes such as
atherosclerosis, common in cardiovascular complications. Therefore, all of these described
homeostatic disorders characterize Metabolic Syndrome. Conclusions: The study of
organokines is new, and for these reasons, more clinical studies are needed to better
understand the integrated actions of adipokines, myokines and hepatokines to act as possible
biomarkers for the diagnosis of metabolic and cardiovascular diseases in the future.
Matheus Aires Bisoni*; Pedro Rafael Fracacio*; Otavio Shiguemitsu Valenciano*; Júlio Resende
Gualberto*; Pedro Henrique dos Santos*; Nivaldo Fracacio Junior**
* Estudante de Medicina/UNIMAR
** Médico residente de Medicina Preventiva e Social/HCFMUSP.
Email: nivaldofracaciojunior@hotmail.com
Matheus Aires Bisoni*; Pedro Rafael Fracacio*; Otavio Shiguemitsu Valenciano*; Júlio Resende
Gualberto*; Pedro Henrique dos Santos*; Nivaldo Fracacio Junior**
* Estudante de Medicina/UNIMAR
** Médico residente de Medicina Preventiva e Social/HCFMUSP.
Email: nivaldofracaciojunior@hotmail.com
Objective: To present a literature review on lead poisoning, also known as Saturnism, and the
practical importance in the early recognition of its diagnosis. Literature review: Lead poisoning
or saturnism occurs when individuals accumulate lead metal in their body. Low socioeconomic
status, children and some types of work are risk factors for the disease. Intoxication occurs
through inhalation, ingestion (inorganic lead) or through the skin (organic lead). In adults, the
inhalation route is the main route, while in children it is more common through the
gastrointestinal tract. Once absorbed, lead is stored mainly in bone tissue (95% of body lead,
where it can remain for decades). In the circulation, it binds to red blood cells and its excretion
is basically renal. Lead is a non-essential toxic element that accumulates in the body. The
pathophysiological mechanism is characterized by the oxidative toxic effect caused by lead.
The clinical manifestations are diverse, from a totally asymptomatic case, to severe
manifestations that can evolve to death. The most affected systems are gastrointestinal,
hematological, renal, central nervous system, cardiovascular, skeletal and reproductive muscle.
Symptoms can be nonspecific such as fatigue, headache, anorexia, nausea and pain in the
limbs. The classic picture is episodes of abdominal cramps of strong intensity with diffuse
localization, which may be accompanied by arterial hypertension and intestinal constipation.
This condition is known as saturnine colic. When the patient does not present a worsening of
the condition, the disease is diagnosed only in its late stage and is accompanied by several
complications, such as: acute renal failure due to tubular involvement, infertility associated
with erectile dysfunction and encephalopathy associated with hallucinations. The diagnosis is
made by the clinical picture with increased serum lead. The most important measure in
treatment is to cease exposure to the agent. In symptomatic cases, we can chelate the lead
accumulated in the soft tissues with ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, but it does not chelate
Anais do III Congresso Internacional de Educação e Saúde da Universidade de Marília
the lead accumulated in the bone tissue, with that the patient presents an increase in the
serum lead after the initial fall. The treatment slows down the progression of the disease, but
does not act on the already established dysfunctions. If the disease is associated with
occupational exposure, the case must be notified. Conclusion: Intoxication is a routine that
every doctor will witness one day, lead is still present in our country, and its intoxication can be
extremely serious if it is not identified in time.
Leonardo Escobar Medeiros 1 Gabriel Milanez Silva 1, Guilherme de Lima Conceição 1, Lucas
Teles Vidal de Paula 1 ,Uri Adrian Prync Flato 2
Leonardo Escobar Medeiros 1 Gabriel Milanez Silva 1, Guilherme de Lima Conceição 1, Lucas
Teles Vidal de Paula 1 ,Uri Adrian Prync Flato 2
1Medicina – UNIMAR
E-mail: herongonzaga@yahoo.com.br
The skin is the interface between the environment and the interior of the organism. It is an old
medical ambition that skin signs can be a non-invasive method for the diagnosis of internal
diseases. There are multiple possibilities of cutaneous manifestations in systemic diseases,
from systemic neoplasms, endocrinopathies, gastroenteropathies, genetic, metabolic diseases,
pneumopathy, nephropathies, neurological, infectious. These manifestations can be
concomitant or subsequent to systemic diseases. Among these systemic diseases that can
present cutaneous manifestations, we have the infection by COVID19. In December 2019, the
disease caused by the coronavirus called COVID19 was diagnosed in Wuhan, China, leading to a
worldwide pandemic of greater relevance for all of humanity in force. The epidemic disease
caused by SARS-CoV-2, was called coronavirus-19 disease (COVID-19). The presence of COVID-
19 manifested several symptoms, from asymptomatic, mild symptoms to severe illness and
death. The viral infection has expanded internationally, and the WHO has announced a public
health emergency of international concern. This work proposes to present a review of the
cutaneous manifestations of the disease. LITERATURE REVIEW: Cutaneous manifestations
associated with COVID-19 have been described in multiple retrospective and prospective
studies, case series and isolated clinical cases. The reported incidence reached 20.4%, with a
substantial heterogeneity of clinical standards. Of these, erythematous / maculopapular,
urticarial, papulovesicular, purpuric / petechial eruptions, perniosis-like lesions and livoid /
acroischemic lesions stand out. Authors divided the cutaneous manifestations into three major
groups of cutaneous manifestations: 1) Vesicular eruptions, which may appear preceding the
symptoms or until the 3rd day of the disease and disappear until the 8th day, without leaving
scars. They involve more trunk than limbs, save face and mucous membranes. Lesions tend to
be monomorphic and not itchy. 2) Maculo-papular eruptions, divided into: Exanthema and
enanthema; Papules; Flaking plates; Livedo reticularis; Purple. These injuries have been the
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most common in COVID-19, appearing together with other symptoms, lasting from 7 to 8 days
and disappearing spontaneously. They are generalized, symmetrical and start at the trunk, with
centrifugal progression for the limbs. 3) Acral ischemia and necrosis, which appear later in
patients in more serious situations and have been related to Disseminated Intravascular
Coagulation, reported in several cases of the disease. Conclusions: There is a great variability of
cutaneous manifestations in the condition, as seen in other viral conditions. It must be
remembered that these board refer to the state of the disease and that post-COVID19
manifestations have to be observed yet.
Isabella Bispo Diaz Toledo Martins 1; Camila Tanuri Reyner Cordeiro 1; Eduarda Manfio 1; Laura
Badiz Furlaneto 1; Lorena Marchioreto Matsuda 1,Uri Adrian Prync Flato 2
Isabella Bispo Diaz Toledo Martins 1; Camila Tanuri Reyner Cordeiro 1; Eduarda Manfio 1; Laura
Badiz Furlaneto 1; Lorena Marchioreto Matsuda 1,Uri Adrian Prync Flato 2
Objective: Recently, the identification of a new line of coronavirus, which was called SARS-CoV-
2, has become the subject of studies worldwide, reaching pandemic proportions. In line with
this, this virus was identified as the etiological agent of a clinical entity called COVID-19,
characterized by potentially severe pneumonia. In addition to respiratory involvement, the
cytokine storm inherent to the pathophysiology of the disease constitutes a cascade of
inflammatory activation, mediated by cytokines, which can lead to numerous multisystemic
complications, including myocarditis. It is also postulated that myocardial involvement is due
to direct viral cytopathic effects, as well as lymphocytic cell cytotoxicity, generating myocardial
injury and cardiac dysfunction. This study aimed to describe the presence of myocarditis as a
serious complication of SARS-CoV-2 infection, to better guide health professionals to consider
this association as a diagnostic hypothesis in the face of the current scenario, in order to
promote early diagnosis and management. Case report: The reported patient, 32 years old,
presented with typical manifestations of COVID-19, had no cardiovascular risk factors and had
preserved cardiac function at admission. We report the evolution of myocarditis, with impaired
cardiac function in 72 hours, severe hypoxemia, describing the investigation using tools such as
pulmonary ultrasound, computed tomography of the chest and echocardiogram, in addition to
the management of the clinical condition. There is a positive outcome with recovery of the
patient's ventricular function. Conclusion: The report shows the importance of early diagnosis
of myocarditis as a complication of COVID 19, concomitant with early interventions and
therapies, in order to minimize possible negative outcomes.
Anais do III Congresso Internacional de Educação e Saúde da Universidade de Marília
Bárbara de Oliveira Zanuso¹; Ana Rita de Oliveira dos Santos1 ; Vitor Fernando Bordin Miola1 ;
Sandra Maria Barbalho2* .
E-mail: smbarbalho@gmail.com
Bárbara de Oliveira Zanuso¹; Ana Rita de Oliveira dos Santos 1 ; Vitor Fernando Bordin Miola1 ;
Sandra Maria Barbalho2* .
¹ Medical Student at the University of Marília (UNIMAR), Avenida Higino Muzzi Filho 1001,
Marília 17525-902, São Paulo, Brazil. 2Department of Biochemistry and Pharmacology, School
of Medicine, University of Marília (UNIMAR), Avenida Higino Muzzi Filho 1001, Marília 17525-
902, São Paulo, Brazil.
E-mail: smbarbalho@gmail.com
Objective: To investigate the effects of the main myokines described in the literature and
establish relationships between these organokines, metabolism, and metabolic disorders such
as type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2), obesity, and cardiovascular complications. Literature
review: recent studies have observed that skeletal muscle is involved in actions beyond its role
in the production of movement, reserve and consumption of carbohydrates, and acting as an
endocrine organ. Myokines are released, especially during muscle contraction, and appear to
have beneficial actions on metabolism and improvement of DM2, obesity, metabolic
syndrome, and cardiovascular diseases. Irisin is one of the most recently identified myokines. It
enhances energy expenditure and weight loss, inducing the darkening of white adipose tissue,
which shows its role in preventing or improving obesity. Regarding glycidic metabolism, many
studies have concluded that irisin optimizes the action of insulin by increasing the mobilization
of glucose transporter 4 (GLUT4) in insulin-dependent tissues, indicating an important action
against the typical insulin resistance of DM 2. Pre-clinical and clinical studies also show other
myokines released during physical activity such as myonectin, apelin, interleukin-6 (IL-6),
interleukin-15 (IL-15), brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), and fibroblast growth factor
21 (FGF21) and the beneficial effects on metabolism. IL-6 showed anti-inflammatory effects
when derived from muscle contraction, as well as increased insulin release, in addition to a
possible effect on appetite inhibition. IL-15 appears to act on reducing visceral fat and
increasing glucose uptake. Myonectin also appears as a regulator of lipid metabolism, inducing
uptake of these molecules by muscle and liver and decreasing the concentration of free fatty
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acids in plasma, which is crucial to avoid a state of obesity and its complications. Apelin is
associated with cardioprotective effects by controlling the heart muscle and blood pressure. In
some studies, cardioprotective effects of irisin have also been described and are related to a
lower risk of atherosclerosis in coronary arteries. Recent studies have suggested important
actions of muscle BDNF and FGF21 in carbohydrate metabolism, such as increased insulin
sensitivity and reduced plasma glucose levels and lipid metabolism with increased lipolysis. In
contrast, most studies describe myostatin as a myokine released in the context of physical
inactivity, and that has substantial effects on the genesis of several metabolic disorders. This
myokine has shown an increase in visceral adiposity and a reduction in muscle mass in many
studies, contributing to an inflammatory scenario, disturbance in the metabolism of glucose
and lipids, facilitating the occurrence of insulin resistance, obesity, and cardiovascular
complications. Conclusions: Myokines positively affect preventing or improving metabolic
scenarios such as DM2, obesity, and cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, future studies must
improve the domain of these myokines with promising potential to create new diagnostic and
therapeutic methods for the management of these comorbidities.
INTRODUCTION: Patients undergoing intensive care may have a strong relationship with the
outcome of clinical cases, and the therapeutic resources used also influence the morbidity and
mortality of critically ill patients. OBJECTIVE: To correlate the epidemiological profile of
morbidity and mortality in the intensive care unit / ICU of a public hospital in the Federal
District with the outcomes of the interventions used. METHODS: This is a cross-sectional,
quantitative, retrospective and observational research. The sample consisted of 182 patients,
data collection took place between January and December 2016. The patients included were
male and female, over 18 years of age, attended at the ICU for at least 24 hours of
hospitalization. Instruments used: semi-structured sociodemographic data, admission, clinical
status, intervention adopted and outcome at the final unit in the ICU. Research approved by
CEP (2,027,942). RESULTS: Male patients, elderly, with a mean age of 56.42 ± 18.11 years (Min.
= 18, Max. = 96 years) prevailed. Most of the admitted patients came from other sectors of the
regional hospital itself (50.5%), being the red and yellow room of the Emergency Room and the
surgical center. Most admitted patients were sedated (73.6%) and without pressure injuries
(67.0%). Sepsis and / or septic shock was the main diagnosis of hospitalization, it was also the
main cause of deaths in the unit, representing 56% of the total, 15% with acute respiratory
failure, 10% multiple organ failure and 8% of deaths related to trauma and / or violence. The
mortality rate was 33%, being associated (p≤0.05) with the use of vasoactive drugs on
admission, with a shorter hospital stay, and APACHE scores above 20 points. Discharge was
associated with shorter mechanical ventilation time and no need for hemodialysis.
CONCLUSION: The profile of patients admitted to the ICU was male, over 60 years old, coming
from the hospital itself, with sepsis and / or septic shock as the main cause of hospitalization
and death in the unit. The real mortality rate was 33%, being associated with the use of
vasoactive drugs on admission, with a shorter hospital stay and with APACHE rates greater
than 20 points, while discharge was associated with a shorter time on mechanical ventilation
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and with no need for hemodialysis. Nursing and the professional team in the ICU, should, as a
front line, care for the critical patient reflect this profile found with a view to planning and
organizing the sector, in the care of the critical patient.
Anais do III Congresso Internacional de Educação e Saúde da Universidade de Marília
Ana Rita de Oliveira dos Santos 1; Vitor Fernando Bordin Miola 1; Bárbara de Oliveira Zanuso1;
Sandra Maria Barbalho2.
Ana Rita de Oliveira dos Santos 1; Vitor Fernando Bordin Miola 1; Bárbara de Oliveira Zanuso1;
Sandra Maria Barbalho2.
Objectives: Evaluate the effects of the hepatokines, proteins released and produced by the
liver, on human metabolism, emphasizing their beneficial and harmful relationships that act in
complications such as insulin resistance, obesity, type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2), and
metabolic syndrome (MS). Literature review: Hepatokines can act in an autocrine, endocrine,
and paracrine manner, influencing the organism's homeostasis. Elevated levels of fetuin-A
mainly affect the translocation cascade of the Type 4 Glucose Transporter (GLUT4), causing
damage to the β cells of the pancreas, triggering resistance to the action of insulin contributing
to the development of obesity, DM2, and SM. On the other hand, reduced levels of adropine
are related to obesity, polycystic ovary syndrome, hepatic steatosis, insulin resistance, and
cardiovascular diseases. However, when the serum level of these biomarkers is elevated,
especially in patients after bariatric surgery, she can improve these antagonistic effects and
decrease glucose tolerance. Follistatin increases along with the glucagon-insulin ratio and is
associated with insulin resistance. However, it is associated with skeletal muscle hypertrophy,
a factor that increases glycolysis. FGF-21 (fibroblast growth factor 21) acts on insulin
sensitivity, increases the liver's oxidation in the liver, decreases liver steatosis and endogenous
glucose production. Besides, it regulates food intake by acting on the hypothalamic center of
hunger-satiety. Finally, Angiopoietin-like 4 (ANGPTL4) is increased when physical activity is
performed, reducing fat absorption and the action of the lipoprotein lipase enzyme.
Conclusions: Hepatokines are fundamental biomarkers in homeostasis and may act in the
future as potential therapeutic targets capable of diagnosing and treating metabolic diseases.
However, further studies on each hepatokine are still needed to infer its metabolic actions and
relationships with other organokines. Key-words: Hepatokines; Metabolism; Obesity;
Metabolic syndrome
Anais do III Congresso Internacional de Educação e Saúde da Universidade de Marília
Giovanna Prezoto Garcia1, Isabella Bispo Diaz Toledo Martins1, Eduarda Manfio1, José Victor
Pompermayer Garrido1, Jaqueline Vidal Rodrigues1, Uri Adrian Prync Flato2
Objetivos do trabalho: o aumento de número de casos relacionado ao Sars- Cov2 é
uma preocupação institucional e necessita de ações multimodais paraa mitigação
e biossegurança dos colaboradores institucionais e corpo discente. Com o intuito
de apoiar este momento, desenvolvemos o projeto Telemedicina COVID19
Redução exposição colaboradores e discentes baseado em triagem e tele
consulta (monitoramento, checagem de sinais de alerta, acompanhamento padrão
respiratório etc.) e mitigação de danos e complicações. Material e métodos: o
projeto comtempla 6 etapas e requisitos de softwares. Em virtude da alta
demanda de atendimento médico hospitalar, utilizaremos triagem COVI19 por
meio de questionário eletrônico (plataforma Survey Monkey) enviado a mídias de
Smartphone e freeware de telemedicina (telemedicinaconectamedico) de acordo
com Lei de Proteção Geral de Dados (LGPD). Os pacientes com sinais de alerta
(baseados em diretrizes Institucionais) serão direcionados a consulta presencial no
setor Código Roxo do Hospital Beneficente da UNIMAR). Após os
atendimentos, 14 pacientes foram selecionados para responder perguntas por
meio do NPS (net promoter score) com o intuito de avaliar a satisfação dos
pacientes, porém 10 participaram e 4 ignoraram a avaliação. Resultados: realizado
155 acessos, 46 teleconsultas e monitoramento sequencial dos pacientes.
Identificado 46 pacientes com Sars-Cov. Na avaliação de satisfação do paciente, a
primeira pergunta sobre como o usuário, de modo geral, classificaria a
telemedicina, 100% dos participantes responderam “muito positiva”. Já na
segunda questão que abordava o quão satisfeito ou insatisfeito está com o
serviço prestado pela UNIMAR, 90% classificou como “extremamente satisfeito”
Anais do III Congresso Internacional de Educação e Saúde da Universidade de Marília
Giovanna Prezoto Garcia1, Isabella Bispo Diaz Toledo Martins1, Eduarda Manfio1, José Victor
Pompermayer Garrido1, Jaqueline Vidal Rodrigues1, Uri Adrian Prync Flato2
Objectives of the work: the increase in the number of cases related to Sars-Cov2 is an
institutional concern and requires multimodal actions for the mitigation and biosafety of
institutional collaborators and students. In order to support this moment, we developed the
Telemedicina COVID19 project, seeking to reduce exposure among employees and students
based on screening and tele-consultation (monitoring, checking for warning signs, respiratory
pattern monitoring, etc.) and mitigating damage and complications . Material and methods:
the project includes 6 stages and software requirements. Due to the high demand for hospital
medical care, we will use COVID19 screening through an electronic questionnaire (Survey
Monkey platform) sent to Smartphone media and telemedicine freeware
(telemedicineaconectamedico) according to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
Patients with warning signs (based on Institutional guidelines) were directed to a face-to-face
consultation in the Purple Code sector of the UNIMAR Beneficent Hospital). After
consultations, 14 patients were selected to answer questions through the NPS (net promoter
score) in order to assess patient satisfaction, but 10 participated and 4 did not answer. Results:
after 155 accesses, 46 teleconsultations and sequential monitoring of patients. 46 patients
with Sars-Cov were identified. In the assessment of patient satisfaction, the first question
about how the user, in general, would classify telemedicine, 100% of the participants
answered “very positive”. In the second question that addressed how satisfied or unsatisfied
you are with the service provided by UNIMAR, 90% classified it as “extremely satisfied” and
10% as “moderately satisfied”, the third and fourth question, which addressed the patients
doubts, if they were resolved during the teleconsultation, 90% answered “all” and 10% “most”
and in the question that addresses how clear the information provided by the analyst at the
Anais do III Congresso Internacional de Educação e Saúde da Universidade de Marília
telemedicine institution UNIMAR was, 90% answered “extremely clear” and 10 % "very clear".
Conclusions: the objectives pursued by the Telemedicine Unimar project were achieved, the
participants were treated and guided, without having to search for a face-to-face health
service, thus drastically reducing the rate of transmission through these patients.
Anais do III Congresso Internacional de Educação e Saúde da Universidade de Marília
Pedro Rafael Fracacio*; Otavio Shiguemitsu Valenciano*; Júlio Resende Gualberto*; Matheus
Aires Bisoni*; Pedro Henrique dos Santos*; Nivaldo Fracacio Junior**
* Estudante de Medicina/UNIMAR
** Médico residente de Medicina Preventiva e Social/HCFMUSP.
Email: nivaldofracaciojunior@hotmail.com
Pedro Rafael Fracacio*; Otavio Shiguemitsu Valenciano*; Júlio Resende Gualberto*; Matheus
Aires Bisoni*; Pedro Henrique dos Santos*; Nivaldo Fracacio Junior**
* Estudante de Medicina/UNIMAR
** Médico residente de Medicina Preventiva e Social/HCFMUSP.
Email: nivaldofracaciojunior@hotmail.com
anticoagulation in some cases where there is involvement of the sinuses, or in order to prevent
septic emboli caused by IJV thrombosis; however, there are still no controlled studies that
prove this benefit. Studies from the pre-antibiotic era have reported lethality of around 90%.
Currently with an early diagnosis and the use of the correct antibiotic therapy, studies show a
lethality between 0% and 18%. Conclusion: Lemierre's syndrome is a rare disease after the
advent of new antibiotics; but the health professional must be attentive to its diagnosis and
early treatment, due to its high mortality when there is a failure in the diagnosis.
Beatriz Laperuta do Carmo1; Fhilipe Coelho Bandeca1; José Victor Pompermayer Garrido1; Lilian
Ferrari Jardim Torres1; Maria Eduarda Queiroz Borges Lima 1, Uri Adrian Prync Flato2
Beatriz Laperuta do Carmo1; Fhilipe Coelho Bandeca1; José Victor Pompermayer Garrido1; Lilian
Ferrari Jardim Torres1; Maria Eduarda Queiroz Borges Lima 1, Uri Adrian Prync Flato2
Objectives: The aim of this study was to report the occurrence of Takotsubo Syndrome (TS) in a
patient admitted to an intensive care unit in a city in the interior of the state of São Paulo (SP),
diagnosed with COVID-19 by RT-PCR. Case description: A 75-year-old female patient started
with a runny nose and fever of 38 °C three days after admission. She reported onset of
dyspnea on small efforts and sought emergency services. She presented hypoxemia at
admission, with oxygen saturation 88% and respiratory rate of 24 incursions per minute. She
was admitted to the intensive care unit for supplemental oxygen and respiratory surveillance.
As a personal history, she reported type II diabetes, systemic arterial hypertension and grade II
obesity. RT-PCR COVID-19 test was performed, with positive results and computed
tomography of the chest evidencing approximately 30% peripheral ground glass and in
posterior lobes. On the second day of hospitalization, she presented sustained ventricular
tachycardia, without signs of hemodynamic instability, and opted for chemical reversion with
150 mg Amiodarone. After tachyarrhythmia reversal, an electrocardiogram was carried out
showing signs of ST segment elevation acute myocardial infarction (AMI with STSE).
Immediately, she was transferred to the hemodynamics laboratory, with the request for
emergency coronary angiography. Echocardiogram, performed at the bedside, showed middle-
apical hypokinesis of all walls and Ejection Fraction (EF) of 32% (using the Simpson method).
Emergency Cineangiocoronariography did not show significant obstructive lesions.
Additionally, ventriculography was performed showing apical swelling compatible with
Takotsubo Syndrome (TS). After 10 days of hospitalization, patient was discharged with
optimized drug therapy for ventricular dysfunction. Conclusion: Takotsubo Syndrome (TS)
should be considered as a differential diagnosis in patients with COVID-19 and Acute Coronary
Syndrome with ST- segment elevation. Furthermore, the opposite is also valid, that is, COVID-
19 should be considered as a diagnosis in patients who present with cardiac complications
Anais do III Congresso Internacional de Educação e Saúde da Universidade de Marília
corresponding to TS during the pandemic. The exact mechanism by which the virus leads to
cardiac changes remains unknown, however, it is possibly related to stress-induced
cardiomyopathy, due to the high release of pro-inflammatory cytokines and catecholamines
and due to the high inflammatory activity of lymphocytes during infection. However, we
cannot exclude the possibility of direct cardiac injury, due to the tropism of SARS-CoV-2 by the
enzyme ACE2, which is also expressed in cardiomyocytes and endothelium. Finally, we
conclude that the investigation with echocardiogram should not be delayed in patients with
alterations suggesting ischemia on the electrocardiogram, due to the importance of this exam
for the correct diagnosis of TS. Early recognition of the syndrome is essential for the precise
management of this complication and for reducing morbidity and mortality in patients with
cardiovascular complications in the presence of viral infections, such as COVID-19.
Anais do III Congresso Internacional de Educação e Saúde da Universidade de Marília
Otavio Shiguemitsu Valenciano*; Pedro Rafael Fracacio*; Júlio Resende Gualberto*; Matheus
Aires Bisoni*; Pedro Henrique dos Santos*; Nivaldo Fracacio Junior**
* Estudante de Medicina/UNIMAR
** Médico residente de Medicina Preventiva e Social/HCFMUSP
Email: nivaldofracaciojunior@hotmail.com
Otavio Shiguemitsu Valenciano*; Pedro Rafael Fracacio*; Júlio Resende Gualberto*; Matheus
Aires Bisoni*; Pedro Henrique dos Santos*; Nivaldo Fracacio Junior**
* Estudante de Medicina/UNIMAR
** Médico residente de Medicina Preventiva e Social/HCFMUS
Email: nivaldofracaciojunior@hotmail.com
heart murmur and nonspecific symptoms, such as prostration, irritability or low weight gain. If
the patient has a major obstruction of the RV outflow tract, the initiation of prostaglandin will
be necessary to maintain the open arterial duct. If the obstruction is milder, it is possible to
start clinical treatment with beta blockers and postpone the surgical procedure until weight
gain, in order to facilitate the performance of the surgical procedure. The treatment is divided
into complete repair or procedure in two stages, the first palliative approach and the second
resolutive approach, with subsequent significant increase in the average life of these patients.
The reduction in mortality after surgical correction shows the importance of diagnosing T4F.
Prenatal screening using the correct indications and instruments is essential for a good
prognosis. Conclusion: Therefore, T4F has its expressiveness among cyanotic congenital heart
diseases and early diagnosis alters the prognosis of the disease.
Otavio Shiguemitsu Valenciano*; Pedro Rafael Fracacio*; Júlio Resende Gualberto*; Matheus
Aires Bisoni*; Pedro Henrique dos Santos*; Nivaldo Fracacio Junior**
* Estudante de Medicina/UNIMAR
** Médico residente de Medicina Preventiva e Social/HCFMUSP.
Email: nivaldofracaciojunior@hotmail.com
Otavio Shiguemitsu Valenciano*; Pedro Rafael Fracacio*; Júlio Resende Gualberto*; Matheus
Aires Bisoni*; Pedro Henrique dos Santos*; Nivaldo Fracacio Junior**
* Estudante de Medicina/UNIMAR
** Médico residente de Medicina Preventiva e Social/HCFMUSP.
Email: nivaldofracaciojunior@hotmail.com
Luciano Ramos de Lima1; Isabella Carneiro Miranda2; Leila Maria Sales Sousa3;
Suélia De Siqueira Rodrigues Fleury Rosa4; Yasmin Carneiro Lobo Macedo5; Marina
Morato Stival6
Luciano Ramos de Lima1; Isabella Carneiro Miranda2; Leila Maria Sales Sousa3;
Suélia De Siqueira Rodrigues Fleury Rosa4; Yasmin Carneiro Lobo Macedo5; Marina
Morato Stival6
Postprandial glycemia was better in the case group followed by the control group and, finally,
the self-test group (ranged between 77-137mg / DL). The largest wounds were in the case
(11.29cm3), self-healing (10.671 cm3) and control (3.91 cm3) group. They were submitted to
dressings three times (self-realization) to twice (control and case), the longest wound time was
for the control group (18 months) and six months (self-realization and case). The average
length of stay in the study was eight weeks between groups. It is observed that there was a
reduction in the wounds in both groups and a significant reduction in the self-realization and
control group (p = 0.025) respectively. The reduction in the size of the lesion occurred in all
groups, with the group that most reduced it being self-realization, followed by the case group
and finally the control. The comparison of healing between the three groups identified that
there was healing of 26.6% (four cases) between the three groups evaluated. CONCLUSION:
Men, between 60 and 69 years old, and diabetics prevailed. The case group had more
controlled postprandial blood glucose rates. All groups had uncontrolled blood pressure. A
significant reduction in wounds was in the self-performing and control groups. The largest
wounds were in the case group, followed by selfrealization and finally the control group, the
group with the longest wound time. There was a reduction in the size of the lesion in all
groups, the groups being self-performing and the case being the ones that most reduced.
Anais do III Congresso Internacional de Educação e Saúde da Universidade de Marília
E-mail: silgianini@hotmail.com
E-mail: silgianini@hotmail.com
Introduction: In December 2019, the world was surprised by a new virus, SARS-CoV-2, which
causes COVID-19 (English coronavirus disease). This new type of coronavirus spread quickly
and became a pandemic. As of May 1, 2021, more than 150 million cases were recorded with a
mortality rate of 2-4%. Since then, several companies have tried to develop a vaccine against
the new virus. We can divide the vaccines produced into categories according to their
production technique: modification of the mRNA - Pfizer / bioNtech and Moderna; binding of
the SARS-Cov-2 protein vector to an inactivated chimpanzee adenovirus vector - AstraZeneca;
binding of the SARS-Cov-2 protein vector to an inactivated human adenovirus vector -
Gamaleya and Johnson & Johnson; recombination of a SARS-Cov-2 glycoprotein subunit -
Novavax; use of SARS-Cov-2 inactivated - Sinovac. Objective: To show whether there are risks
or contraindications for vaccination against the new coronavirus in patients with autoimmune
diseases (AD). Materials and Methods: Literature review on the topic in the PubMed / NCBI
databases and the descriptor “covid vaccine and autoimmune diseases”. Results: The
production of such vaccines has brought the medical community some questions about the use
of the vaccine in individuals with AD, as it is widely known that some vaccines used to prevent
other infections are contraindicated in these patients, both due to the pathophysiology of
some of these diseases, as well as the medications used for its control. There is no known risk
of worsening AD after vaccination. In theory, the immunomodulatory medications used can
decrease the response to the vaccine in these patients, however the management of AD in
vaccination should be individualized, if clinically viable the administration of Methotrexate can
be suspended for 1-2 weeks after each dose of the vaccine, Rituximab can have your next cycle
started 4 weeks after the second dose, Abatacept, Cyclophosphamide and JAK inhibitors
should be administered 1 week after both doses. In addition to these, other drugs that can
reduce the response to vaccination are: Glatiramer acetate, S1P1 modulators, Ocrelizumab,
Anais do III Congresso Internacional de Educação e Saúde da Universidade de Marília
Alemtuzumab, Cladribine, the latter two being able to increase the risk and severity of SARS-
CoV-2 infection. The use of Prednisolone only showed changes in the response to the vaccine
from 20mg / day and Baricitinib was shown to increase the production of antibodies against
the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein. The other drugs showed no change in response to vaccination.
Conclusion: The suspension of drugs used in AD should be individualized, and the recurrence of
AD can corroborate to a greater severity in the event of a possible infection with the new
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Anais do III Congresso Internacional de Educação e Saúde da Universidade de Marília
Juliana Pascon dos Santos1; Marcela Amaro de Santana2; Ricardo de Argollo Haber3;
Juliana Pascon dos Santos1; Marcela Amaro de Santana2; Ricardo de Argollo Haber3;
Juliana Pascon dos Santos1; Marcela Amaro de Santana2; Ricardo de Argollo Haber3;
E-mail: juju@scorpnet.com.br
OBJECTIVE: a case report of a child diagnosed with acute abdominal pain and during surgery, a
Meckel`s diverticulum containing Polyethyleneglycol was discovered. CASE REPORT: M.S.F.;
male, 4 years old, brought to the emergency service due to acute abdominal pain for 18 hours,
associated to constipation, vomiting and progressive abdominal distension. At clinical
examination, the abdômen was distended, diminished hydroaerial noise, painful palpation in
right iliac fossa and hypogastrium. Ultrasonography showed distended intestinal loops, with no
liquid in the cavity. Submitted to exploratory laparotomy and found a Meckel`s diverticulum,
with wide base, full of flucculated substance, causing an intestinal occlusion. A
diverticulectomy was performed with end-to-end anastomosis. CONCLUSION: the Meckel`s
diverticulum (MD) is a true diverticulum, located 60 centimeters from the íleo cecal valve and
may contain heterotopical mucosa. Abdominal pain, painless gastrointestinal bleeding and
others rare complications can occur, such as intestinal obstruction, intussusception and
perforation. However, the most common sintomatology is bleeding secondary to ulceration
caused by acid secretion due to ectopic gastric mucous tissue. The diagnosis is hard because of
the overlap of clinical symptoms and image exams to other abdominal inflammatory
conditions. We must suspect Meckel`s
Luiza Santos de Argollo Haber 1,Davi Cassiano Ueda Simensato 1; Rodrigo Haber Mellem 1,
Luiza Pedro Costanzo 1, Ricardo de Argollo Haber2 , Jesselina Francisco dos Santos Haber 2
Luiza Santos de Argollo Haber 1,Davi Cassiano Ueda Simensato 1; Rodrigo Haber Mellem 1, Luiza
Pedro Costanzo 1, Ricardo de Argollo Haber2 , Jesselina Francisco dos Santos Haber2
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the acute abdomen as an initial or subsequent symptom of the COVID-
19 viral infection and to analyze the care and protocols performed in emergency acute
abdomen surgeries in patients infected with SARS-CoV. REVIEW: Covid-19 acute respiratory
syndrome began in 2019, was subsequently announced as a pandemic by the World Health
Organization (WHO) and brought several obstacles to the global medical system. In the surgical
field, many elective procedures were canceled for general safety, but emergency surgeries
could not be postponed. Thus, patients with acute abdomen demanded immediate measures.
It has been documented in some reports in the literature, the association of the manifestation
of the acute abdomen as a symptom or complication caused by the SARS-CoV infection.
Another important fact is that patients with COVID 19 can enter the emergency room by
simulating an acute abdomen due to abdominal pain that the virus can cause. A plausible
hypothesis for this disease complication is the fact that the cell angiotensin-converting enzyme
2 is present in several abdominal organs, making the virus binding more susceptible. Due to
the inflammatory and thromboembolic process generated by a viral infection, mesenteric
ischemia with acute vascular abdomen can occur as a clinical picture of COVID 19.
Gastrointestinal symptoms can commonly be associated with COVID with acute diarrhea
present in 7.8% of cases. Like acute cholecystitis, pseudoappendicitis, without respiratory
symptoms and gastric perforation, has been reported as a possible complication of COVID. In
addition, in the case of laparoscopic surgeries, the operating room has become an
environment of possible viral spread, since there is the presence of the virus in the
pneumoperitoneum, and the released aerosol can contaminate the team and the surgical
environment, for this reason, greater caution is necessary. Thus, during the surgical procedure,
suction devices were used to remove body fluids, preventing the transmission of the virus.
Anais do III Congresso Internacional de Educação e Saúde da Universidade de Marília
Thus, new guidelines on surgeries performed on patients contaminated with COVID-19 were
published by Anvisa in technical note 6/2020. CONCLUSION: Given the above, it is evident that
the acute abdomen with or without surgical pathology, in some circumstances may be one of
the forms of presentation of COVID-19 or, in other cases, a consequence caused by viral
infection. Because of this, difficulty in diagnosis is present, since the clinical symptoms, signs,
and laboratory values overlap, challenging the management and the search for a diagnosis
without iatrogenic complications. Thus, the differential diagnosis with COVID 19 should be
made in patients with acute abdomen. In addition, surgical management protocols must be
performed, aiming at the safety of the medical team and preventing contamination in
laparoscopic procedures.
Anais do III Congresso Internacional de Educação e Saúde da Universidade de Marília
Objective of the work: to perform cross-cultural adaptation and content validation of a urinary
incontinence scale resulting from radical prostatectomy for the Brazilian language.Material and
methods: methodological study of cross-cultural adaptation and content validation of the
Urinary Incontinence Scale After Radical Prostatectomy, created in China in 2010, consisting of
eight self-applied items for assessment of signs and symptoms of urinary incontinence after
prostatectomy. It allows scoring from 0 to 32 points and the higher the score, the greater the
urinary incontinence. The study was developed in 5 stages: 1) translation; 2) synthesis of the
translations; 3) back-translation; 4) analysis by a 25 specialists committee and 5) pre-test with
40 men between 18 and 80 years of age, submitted to radical prostatectomy and being
followed-up in an oncology reference institution in Minas Gerais. The translation into
Portuguese was carried out by two independent translators, one a health professional who
was aware of the study objective (V1); and the other from a different area who was not aware
of the objective (V2). This version was back-translated into the original language (English) by
two American translators with the objective of identifying discrepant aspects (R1 and R2). They
lived in Brazil, mastered the Portuguese language and Brazilian culture, had no experience in
the health area, and knew the objective of the study. Subsequently, an analysis of the
semantic, idiomatic, cultural and conceptual equivalences was carried out, and this process
was done by means of an expert evaluation using a structured scale. By presenting the need
for adequacy in the translation (partial or complete) for a given item, the experts should
describe suggestions for adequacy. For the fourth stage, the content validation index (CVI) was
calculated, and values above 0.90 were considered adequate. The study was authorized by the
original authors of the scale and received a favorable opinion from the Research Ethics
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Committee of the proposing institution in accordance with Resolution 466/12. Results: in the
first analysis by the expert committee, the resulting version obtained CVI lower than 0.90,
thus, orthographic and linguistic modifications were made, such as the replacement of "I have
urine leakage", "I urinate", "urine usually comes out" and "urine comes out" for "I have urine
loss", standardizing the language in all items. Other changes included changing "consult" to
"consider", "considering" to "based", "wait" to "stay", "I wake up" to "I get up", and others.
After the adjustments, the scale was subjected to a new analysis and the CVI was higher than
0.90, ranging from 0.94 to 1.00. Finally, in the pre-test, the participants were questioned about
the general understandability of the items and the results indicated that 15% of them had
difficulty in specific items, which were then reformulated and adjusted. Conclusions: the
resulting version was considered adequate for Brazilian men with post-radical prostatectomy
urinary incontinence and is viable for the next stage of analysis of its psychometric properties.
Key words: Urinary Incontinence; Prostatectomy; Validation Studies; Evaluation Studies;
Anais do III Congresso Internacional de Educação e Saúde da Universidade de Marília
Luiza Santos de Argollo Haber1 ,Davi Cassiano Ueda Simensato1 ; Rodrigo Haber Mellem1 ,
Pedro Costanzo1, Ricardo de Argollo Haber 2, Jesselina Francisco dos Santos Haber2 .
Luiza Santos de Argollo Haber1 ,Davi Cassiano Ueda Simensato1 ; Rodrigo Haber Mellem1 Pedro
Costanzo1, Ricardo de Argollo Haber 2, Jesselina Francisco dos Santos Haber 2 .
OBJECTIVE To evaluate the acute abdomen as an initial or subsequent symptom of the COVID-
19 viral infection and to analyze the care and protocols required in emergency acute abdomen
surgery in patients infected by the virus. METHODOLOGY: Retrospective, secondary and
descriptive study. Literature review was carried out in the PubMed and Scielo databases from
March 2020 to March 30, 2021. The keywords used were “COVID 19”, “and”, “Acute
abdomen”. Adding the databases, 96 articles were found, 94 of which were in pubmed and 2 in
Scielo. After reading the titles and abstracts of the articles, it was noted that none was
repeated in the different bases. Finally, 24 articles were selected and seventy-two were
excluded because they were not included in the criteria of this study. REVIEW: Covid-19 acute
respiratory syndrome is now considered a pandemic by the World Health Organization, and
has brought several obstacles to the global medical system. In the surgical field, many elective
procedures were canceled for general safety, but emergency surgeries could not be
postponed. Thus, patients with acute abdomen demanded immediate measures. It has been
documented in some reports in the literature the association of the manifestation of the acute
abdomen as a symptom or complication caused by the SARS-CoV infection. Another important
fact is that patients with COVID 19 can enter the emergency room by simulating an acute
abdomen due to abdominal pain that the virus can cause. A plausible hypothesis for this
disease complication is the fact that the cell angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 is present in
several abdominal organs, making the virus binding more susceptible. Due to the inflammatory
and thromboembolic process generated by viral infection, mesenteric ischemia with acute
vascular abdomen can occur as a clinical picture of COVID 19. Gastrointestinal symptoms can
Anais do III Congresso Internacional de Educação e Saúde da Universidade de Marília
commonly be associated with COVID with acute diarrhea present in 7.8% of cases. Acute
cholecystitis, pseudoappendicitis, without respiratory symptoms and gastric perforation, has
been reported as a possible complication of COVID. In addition, in the case of laparoscopic
surgeries, the operating room has become an environment of possible viral spread, since there
is the presence of the virus in the pneumoperitoneum, and the released aerosol can
contaminate the team and the surgical environment, for this reason greater caution is
necessary. Despite that, during the surgical procedure, suction devices were used in order to
remove body fluids, preventing the transmission of the virus. Anvisa published new guidelines
on surgeries performed on patients contaminated with COVID-19, in technical note 6/2020.
CONCLUSION: Given the above, it is evident that the acute abdomen with or without surgical
pathology, in some circumstances may be one of the forms of presentation of COVID-19 or, in
other cases, a consequence caused by viral infection. In view of this, a difficulty in diagnosis is
present, since the clinical symptoms, signs and laboratory values overlap, challenging the
management and the search for a diagnosis without iatrogenic complications. Therefore, the
differential diagnosis for COVID 19 should be made in patients with acute abdomen. In
addition, surgical management protocols must be performed, aiming at the safety of the
medical team and preventing contaminationinlaparoscopicprocedures.
Anais do III Congresso Internacional de Educação e Saúde da Universidade de Marília
Objective of the work: to analyze the evidence available in the literature on the use of
auriculotherapy in adults and the elderly with impaired urinary elimination. Literature
review: conducted in five stages: elaboration of the research question, literature
search, evaluation of primary studies, data analysis and presentation of the review. The
guiding question was "What evidence is available in the literature about the use of
auriculotherapy in adults and the elderly with impaired urinary elimination?". The
search was carried out in December 2018. A total of 296 studies were found in
electronic searches and after removing duplicates and excluding them by title and
abstract, 17 remained for full reading. Of these, only eight answered the guiding
question of the study and, therefore, were part of the present sample. Of the eight
articles included, 50.0% were from health science journals. A total of 696 individuals
participated in the selected studies with a minimum age of 25 years and a maximum
age of 88. In 62.5% of the studies, the sample was composed only of men. As for the
participants in the control groups, they received placebo, other treatments (systemic
acupuncture, medications and infrared photon application in the pelvic region), or
routine care. Although the studies have been conducted in different populations, it is
clear that the therapy was effective in controlling impaired urinary elimination in
80.0% of the studies that evaluated the intervention in isolation. In cases where
auriculotherapy was associated with other interventions, there were also positive
results from combined therapy to control impaired urinary elimination. The outcomes
most addressed by the studies were urinary frequency, urgency, nocturia and urinary
incontinence. In addition, two studies evaluated urinary retention in patients
undergoing surgery. Other variables evaluated were quality of life, sleep and level of
anxiety and discomfort. In all studies, auriculotherapy was applied using fixed
treatment protocols. The most used auricular points were bladder, internal or external
genitals, vegetative nervous system, ureter / urethra and kidney. In relation to the
applied devices, the use of needles predominated, with the other devices being used
Anais do III Congresso Internacional de Educação e Saúde da Universidade de Marília
laser, magnet and seeds. Only one of the studies described the professional training of
the therapist who applied the therapy. Conclusions: there were favorable effects of
using auriculotherapy to control impaired urinary elimination, especially in elderly men
with prostatic changes and individuals with urinary retention undergoing surgery.
Finally, it emphasizes the importance and relevance of a greater insertion of the
nursing professional in the care related to adults and the elderly with impaired urinary
elimination through auriculotherapy associated or not with other complementary,
behavioral or medication treatments.
Maria Júlia Bastos Pereira1; Carolina de Lima Montanhim1; Davi Cassiano Ueda Simensato1;
Marcos Alberto Pagani Júnior2
Isabela Ribeiro Caixeta, Natália Regina dos Santos Soares, Lívia Cristina de Resende
E-mail: livia.izidoro@faculdadepm.edu.br
Isabela Ribeiro Caixeta, Natália Regina dos Santos Soares,Lívia Cristina de Resende
E-mail: livia.izidoro@faculdadepm.edu.br
Júlio Resende Gualberto*; Pedro Rafael Fracacio*; Otavio Shiguemitsu Valenciano*; Matheus
Aires Bisoni*; Pedro Henrique dos Santos*; Nivaldo Fracacio Junior**
**médico Residente de Medicina Preventiva e Social HCFMUSP
Email: nivaldofracaciojunior@hotmail.com
Objetivo: Apresentar uma revisão da literatura sobre a doença de
Hirschsprung (DH) com intuito de elevar a frequência do diagnóstico precoce,
sendo este um dos principais fatores que alteram o prognóstico da doença .
Revisão da literatura: A doença de Hirschsprung ocorre
aproximadamente em uma a cada 5.000 crianças nascidas vivas. É uma doença
multifatorial, podendo ser de origem genética ou espontânea, com o
acometimento mais frequente no sexo masculino. A maioria dos casos são
considerados de origem espontânea. A doença é causada pela falha da
migração de células ganglionares pela crista neural no plexo mioentérico (plexo
de Auerbach) e submucoso (plexo de Meissner), entre a 4ª e 12ª de gestação,
causando uma ausência dessas células em parte do cólon. Essa zona
agangliônica fica espástica, causando obstrução do segmento. Cerca de 80%
apresentam acometimento no reto ou no colo retossigmoide, 10% têm maior
envolvimento do colo proximal, e 5-10% tem aganglionose total do colo, com
envolvimento variável do intestino delgado distal. Em raros casos, pode ter o
acometimento total do intestino, cursando com uma aganglionose intestinal
quase completa. Ocasionalmente, algumas síndromes são associadas à DH
(como por exemplo, a síndrome de Down). Os sintomas variam desde
obstrução intestinal neonatal a constipação crônica progressiva com o
início apenas em crianças mais velhas. Aproximadamente 80% dos pacientes
podem apresentar algum sintoma no primeiro mês de vida, como dificuldade
de motilidade intestinal, fezes escassas ou distensão abdominal progressiva. A
maioria dos recém-nascidos com DH, cerca de até 90%, não apresentam
liberação do mecônio nas primeiras 48 horas. Um achado característico é o alívio
da obstrução pelo toque retal ou por clister de salina, cursando com liberação
explosiva de fezes e gases. Nas crianças mais velhas os sintomas mais comuns são
constipação crônica e impactação fecal recorrente. O quadro clínico pode variar
conforme o acometimento intestinal. Exames complementares como a radiografia
de abdome, o enema opaco, a manometria anorretal e a biópsia, sendo esta o
padrão-ouro, permitem o diagnóstico dos casos. Deve ser atentado quanto
aos diagnósticos diferenciais, como as anomalias anorretais, a síndrome da
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rolha de mecônio que pode ter associação com a fibrose cística, atresias intestinais
baixas e o megacólon psicogênico (em crianças maiores). O tratamento consiste
na retirada do segmento agangliônico do trânsito intestinal, por procedimento
cirúrgico. Conclusão: É de suma importância o conhecimento da doença de
Hirschsprung visto que é um dos principais diagnósticos diferenciais do atraso da
eliminação do mecônio. Uma hipótese diagnóstica de fácil reconhecimento que
cursa com bom prognóstico se identificada precocemente.
Júlio Resende Gualberto*; Pedro Rafael Fracacio*; Otavio Shiguemitsu Valenciano*; Matheus
Aires Bisoni*; Pedro Henrique dos Santos*; Nivaldo Fracacio Junior**
**médico Residente de Medicina Preventiva e Social HCFMUSP
Email: nivaldofracaciojunior@hotmail.com
Marcela Amaro de Santana1; Fabrício Doná Érnica2, Bruno Fiorante Akimoto3, Juliana Pascon
dos Santos4
OBJETIVO: Revisar as evidências científicas sobre possíveis falhas ou mau uso do
eletrocautério monopolar que resultaram em fogo na sala cirúrgica. REVISÃO DA
LITERATURA: A estratégia de busca permitiu a análise de 24 artigos que relataram
o bisturi elétrico monopolar como uma das principais fontes de ignição nos
episódios de fogo na sala cirúrgica, porém, não foi possível constatar nenhuma
evidência clara de falha do equipamento. Todos os eventos tiveram
concomitantemente mais fatores associados como o uso de soluções alcoólicas
ou outros elementos combustíveis, uma maior concentração de oxidante e até
mesmo falta de informação e comunicação dos profissionais envolvidos. O uso
de soluções alcoólicas foi um tema recorrente e citado como um dos principais
combustíveis nos artigos analisados, com relato de incêndio mesmo seguindo a
orientação de secagem do fabricante, sendo sugerido aguardar mais do que 3
minutos, evitar acúmulo nos campos cirúrgicos e usar a menor quantidade
possível. CONCLUSÃO: Pode-se concluir que nesta base de dados não houve
nenhum relato de fogo na sala cirúrgica devido a falha do eletrocautério
monopolar e que apesar de ser citado como uma das principais fontes de ignição,
todos os acidentes tiveram outras variáveis associadas que foram essenciais para a
ocorrência de fogo. Embora não se tenha evidenciado nenhum episódio de falha
do equipamento, esta revisão não é capaz de descartar essa possibilidade.
Marcela Amaro de Santana1; Fabrício Doná Érnica2, Bruno Fiorante Akimoto3, Juliana Pascon
dos Santos4
OBJECTIVE: review the scientific evidences about the possible failures or misuse of the
monopolar eletrocautery resulting in fire in the operating room. LITERATURE REVIEW: the
research strategy found 24 articles which reported the monopolar eletrocautery as one the
main sources of ignition in cases of fire in the operation room, however, they could not find
clear evidences of equipment failure. All the cases reported showed concomitantly, more
factors associated, such as use of alcoholic solutions or others imflammable elements, a bigger
concentration of oxidants and even the lack of information and comunication of the surgical
team. The use of alcoholic solutions has been a recurrent issue and cited as one the main fuels
on the articles reviewed, fire was reported even following the manofacture`s instructions of
drying, being suggested to wait more than 3 minutes, avoid the accumulation in the surgical
fields and use as little as possible. CONCLUSION: we can conclude that in this database there
was no report of fire in the operating room having the monopolar eletrocautery failure as
cause. Despite of being cited as the main source of ignition, all the incidents had others
associated variables that were essential to occurrence of ire. Although there is no evidence of
failure of the equipment, this review is not able to discard this possibility.
Keywords: eletrocautery; fire in the operating room.
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OBJ ETIVO: revisar a lite rat ura pont uando a e pide miologia e
morbimortalidade da reconstrução de trânsito intestinal após colostomia. REVISÃO
DA LITERATURA: ostomia é uma abertura de origem cirúrgica, quando há
necessidade de desviar o fluxo normal da respiração, alimentação e/ou
eliminações. As causas que levam à necessidade de uma ostomia são muitas,
compreendendo um grupo heterogêneo de enfermidades, sendo o câncer
colorretal e o trauma abdominal as principais. É bem elucidado que a população
que necessita de ostomia é diversa, com pacientes de todas as faixas etárias e de
diferentes grupos sociodemográficos. A reconstrução do trânsito intestinal está
associada a índices elevados de morbimortalidade, com taxas de morbidade
entre 19,2-56,8% e mortalidade variando entre 1,7- 3,6%. Vários estudos
procuraram determinar os fatores associados às complicações encontradas após o
fechamento de estomas, apesar disso, os resultados obtidos nos estudos são
conflitantes. A maioria deles, porém, parece concordar com o fato de que
operações para fechamento de estomas possuem morbidade semelhante às
operações colorretais de grande porte. CONCLUSÃO: a reconstrução de trânsito
intestinal continua sendo uma cirurgia com índices elevados de morbidade e com
taxas de mortalidade consideráveis. A infecção continua sendo um dos maiores
desafios a ser superado neste procedimento.
OBJECTIVE: literature review concerning the epidemiology and morbimortality of the intestinal
transit reconstruction after a colostomy. LITERATURE REVIEW: an ostomy is a surgical opening
when it`s necessary a bypass to the normal flow of breath, feed and/or eliminations. There are
many causes leadind to an ostomy, including a large group of diseases; being the colorectal
cancer and abdominal trauma the most common. It’s well known that the population needing
a colostomy may vary, including all ages and differents sociodemographic groups. The
intestinal transit reconstruction is associated with high rates of morbimortality, with morbidity
rates around 19,2 – 56,8% and mortality 1,7 – 3,6%. Several studies aimed to determine the
risk factors associated to the complications after the ostomy closing surgery, but the results
are conflicting. However, most of them seems to agree that these surgeries have similar
morbidity when compared to major colorectal surgeries. CONCLUSION: the intestinal transit
reconstruction is still a surgery with hight rates of morbidity and with considerable rates of
mortality. The infection remains one of he biggest challenges of the precedure. Keywords:
ostomy; intestinal transit reconstruction, colostomy
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Objective: to analyze the psychometric properties of the Urinary Incontinence Scale After
Radical Prostatectomy (UISRP). Material and methods: methodological, quantitative study
conducted between December 2017 and April 2018 in an oncology unit with 80 men
undergoing radical prostatectomy. Data collection was conducted in the nursing offices of the
institution. The interviews lasted an average of 30 minutes. The UISRP, an instrument
translated and adapted for Brazil in 2018, specifically assesses the severity of post-radical
prostatectomy urinary incontinence. It is a selfadministered instrument composed of eight
items. Each item is a statement evaluated by a five-point likert-type scale, in which zero
corresponds to "never" and four "always." The total score ranges from zero to 32 points, with
higher scores indicating greater severity of urinary incontinence. Other instruments of data
collection used were: the Brazilian version of the King's Health Questionnaire (KHQ) and the
Brazilian version of the International Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire - Short Form
(ICIQSF), both instruments that evaluate the impact of urinary incontinence on the quality of
life of individuals. The psychometric properties of the EIUPR were obtained by exploratory
factor analysis, convergent and divergent construct validity and reliability by Cronbach's alpha.
The significance level adopted was p ≤ 0.05. Results: The mean age of the study participants
was 66 years (±8.8). The mean time after surgery was 286.2 (±191.4) days, which is equivalent
to approximately nine and a half months. As for the data on urinary incontinence, 40% of the
men reported using a diaper or absorbent pad, with an average of two pads a day. The result
of the factor analysis showed a variance explained by the unidimensional structure equal to
77.3% and the communality of the items ranging from 0.676 to 1.000. Factor loadings were
greater than 0.40 in all items, with the exception of item two (I always get up at night two or
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more times to urinate), which had a dimensional theoretical model of the seven-item
instrument showed adequate fit indices (χ² = 13.019, gl = 20; χ²/g.l.= 0.65; RMSEA = <0.001; CFI
= 1.00; TLI = 1.00). In convergent validity, significant correlation was identified between the
total score of the UISRP and the instruments of applied measures (KHQ and ICIQ-SF) (p<0.001).
In divergent validity, there was a significant difference in the total score of the scale between
men who reported losing or not losing urine (p<0.001). Cronbach's alpha was 0.94. Conclusion:
the psychometric properties of the UISRP were satisfactory which characterizes the scale as
valid. This instrument is the only one available in the literature capable of assessing urinary
incontinence with specificity for individuals submitted to radical prostatectomy. The
application of this scale may help in the evaluation of urinary incontinence and, consequently,
provide data that will make possible to determine the severity and thus subsidize the
performance of health professionals facing the options of treatment and early rehabilitation.
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E-mail: mariaaugustajorge@terra.com.br
The maxim that life imitates art is the premise of this work, starting from works of the film industry
with the theme of pandemics / epidemics. Although produced years ago, these films involve different
circumstances similar to the one we experience today with Covid-19. History shows that pandemics
were scourges that marked societies and occurred in different contexts. This was also the script
followed and coincident in many of the films analyzed and referred to in this work. In December 2019, a
new coronavirus, called Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) or (2019-
nCoV) of unknown origin spread in China's Hubei province. The epidemic disease caused by SARS-CoV-
2, was called coronavirus-19 disease (COVID-19). Its presence can be asymptomatic, and manifest
symptoms ranging from mild to severe illness and death. As this viral infection has expanded
internationally, WHO has announced a Public Health emergency of international concern, decreeing the
Covid-19 pandemic. In order to quickly diagnose and control this highly infectious disease, suspicious
individuals were isolated and diagnostic and treatment procedures were developed using
epidemiological and clinical data from patients. This work sought to reflect on the intersection between
cinema and health / medicine, what are the possible connections between fiction and reality from the
survey of films on the theme of world pandemics, produced by the film industry. Even if the films are
portrayed in an exaggerated way, it is possible to make several reflections on the aspects presented by
them. 3 The survey of film works was carried out through consultations on the social network of films
Filmow, on the database of cinematographic works IMDb, on the Google search site, on the academic
studies' database on Google Scholar and on the library of academic productions SciELO. Thus, we
surveyed 30 films with themes similar to the current Covid-19 pandemic, made in the period from 1971
to 2019. The results were organized in tables and related to studies on cinema and pandemics /
epidemics. We observed 3 films, corresponding to 10%, with total similarity to the reality of the current
pandemic in Covid-19, both in the form of virus spread, isolation and quarantine and 1 film with some
similarity. Based on the idea that cinema is one of the main disseminators of behavior, these films can
make us reflect on the moment in which we live.
Keywords: Cinema, Medicine, COVID19, Pandemic.
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E-mail: leilacampos@alumni.usp.br
¹ Medical Student at the University of Marília (UNIMAR), Avenida Higino Muzzi Filho 1001,
Marília 17525-902, São Paulo, Brasil.
² Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, University of Marília (UNIMAR), Avenida Higino
Muzzi Filho 1001, Marília 17525-902, São Paulo, Brasil.
E-mail: leilacampos@alumni.usp.br
Introduction: The History of Art encourages questioning about biases in order to establish
connections, meanings, attention to detail and a critical sense of reality. Seeking to understand
the Arts (plastic, literature, music, etc.) stimulates the individual to inspect and rethink
intersubjectivity.The doctor-patient relationship benefits from this through the knowledge of
multiple socio-cultural circumstances, making it possible to adapt to the particularities of each
patient. Mastering technical objectivity, relating to otherness and taking responsibility for
communication are part of the ambiguity of practicing medicine. Medical practice has scientific
and humanistic components in a manner analogous to the interdisciplinary correlations
established by the History of Art. The undertaking of a medical student in the development of
clinical thinking requires the capacity to systematize different areas of science at the same
time as he or she relates socially with the patient. Therefore, the possible use of Art History as
a tool in the construction of clinical reasoning is highlighted. Objective: To highlight the
humanizing potential that the History of Art has for the professional development of medical
students. Materials and methods: A narrative review of the literature was carried out from
2010 to 2020. The articles were analyzed qualitatively by their titles, followed by the reading of
the full texts; in order to verify the relationship between Medical Humanities, art and clinical
practice. 7 articles were selected in this work. Results: Having cultural repertoire is a
differential for the relationship with otherness, and represents a condition whose result
strengthens empathy and communication. Learning to question, reflect and criticise is
primordial for the rationalisation of things. We can see that one thing depends on the other:
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we can't develop a critical sense without a repertoire, and we also can't build a pantheon of
references without the ability to question and correlate. Discussion: In Brazil, a country where
education isunderappreciated or seen as a simple means of getting a good report card or a
place at university, having contact with knowledge through art urges as a practical and
intellectual tool. Reality isalways framed, thus assuming that everything is relative and that our
way of judging things always says more about us than about others is essential for the
development of a rationalised, conscious empathy. Although the lack of curricular delimitation
of Medical Humanities makesthe development of the discipline difficult, the urgency for the
construction of the diverse sociocultural modalities of the doctor-patient relationship is
unquestionable. The dedication toachieve the accuracy and delicacy of a Renaissance artist is
analogous to the undertaking of a medical student towards the increasing mastery of
technique without losing humanity. Conclusion: It would be of great value, therefore, that
future health professionals have a differentiated training of contact with other types of frames
of reality so that communication is welcoming and effective; intersubjectivity, built and
prejudices, deconstructed.
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*CASTRO, Gabriela de, *SERAFIM, Isabela de Sá, *GONÇALVES, Eleny Rosa Guimaraes.
**EVANGELISTA, Viviane Canhizares.
E-mail: vi.evangelista@gmail.com.
*CASTRO, Gabriela de, *SERAFIM, Isabela de Sá, *GONÇALVES, Eleny Rosa Guimaraes.
**EVANGELISTA, Viviane Canhizares.
E-mail: vi.evangelista@gmail.com.
Introduction: Facing the constant necessity to adopt measures for the professional
development of Nursing in health services in Brazil, understanding the relevance of permanent
education and the challenges associated with it, that is of great importance today, since both
directly influence the quality of care provided to healthcare patients. Objectives of the work:
To identify and analyze in the literature the necessity for the process of continuing education
in nursing and its barriers in Brazil. Methodology: This is a literature review, where a search
was carried out in the SCIELO and Google Scholar databases with articles published from 2000
to 2015, after inclusion and exclusion criteria, we analyzed eight articles to understand the
need for permanent education in nursing in Brazil. Results: After reflective analysis of the
articles, we can infer that with the social, cultural and technological changes of the nursing
work process in the last decades and the lack of investments in workers' education, the need
for qualification and permanent behavioral and theoretical adaptation of nurses intensified in
health institutions. In this sense, the encouragement of permanent education and the
development of continuing education activities in institutions, such as: training, access to
courses, lectures and training by the management and the leaders of health organizations in
Brazil demand planning and adaptation to reality of the institution's professionals.
Furthermore, it is fact that from the articles it is possible to understand the difficulties of
creating a culture of education in the institutions, in addition to understand the reflexes of the
lack of permanent education of nursing professionals and consecutively its relationship with
the quality of care and the conditions for improving the performance of care provided in
health services. Final considerations: After re-reading, we infer that even with difficulties, the
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process of continuing education for nurses in Brazil is essential, as it is the responsibility of the
professional and the institution to ensure quality care for the patient. We understand that in
order to achieve the desired objective of improving the provision of health services by the
nursing team, it is essential to develop management strategies and measures that cover the
various resources available, especially the new technologies to promote permanent nursing
Camila Santana Domingos1,2; Luana Vieira Toledo1; Caroline de Castro Moura1; Cissa
Azevedo2; Patrícia Oliveira Salgado1; Tânia Couto Machado Chianca2
E-mail: taniachianca@gmail.com
Camila Santana Domingos1,2; Luana Vieira Toledo1; Caroline de Castro Moura1; Cissa
Azevedo2; Patrícia Oliveira Salgado1; Tânia Couto Machado Chianca2
E-mail: taniachianca@gmail.com
Purpose: Characterize the mobile applications about management in nursing available in the
virtual stores “Play Store” and “Apple Store”. Methods and Procedures: Descriptive study,
analysis using descriptive statistics. Results: All applications were launched in 2015. The
Professional Code of Ethics was the predominant content (57.14%). Conclusions: The use of
mobile applications by nursing professionals can optimize their managerial work process.
Keywords: Health Management; Mobile Applications; Nursing. Purpose Characterize the
mobile applications about management in nursing available in the virtual stores “Play Store”
and “Apple Store”. Methods and Procedures Descriptive study, based on the recommendations
of the Standards for Quality Improvement Reporting Excellence (SQUIRE 2.0) (1). Data
collection took place in the virtual stores “Play Store” and “Apple Store”, between the months
of July and August 2020. For that, the controlled descriptors were used, according to the
Descritores em Ciências da Saúde (DeCS) and Medical Descriptors Subject Headings (MeSH):
"enfermagem", "nursing" and "enfermería". Applications that contained content through texts
and illustrations related exclusively to the area of nursing managerial were included. Duplicate
applications or applications that contained information through audio (podcasts) were
excluded. For the extraction of data from the selected applications, a data collection
instrument was developed by the researchers, which was based on a previous investigation(2) .
This instrument consisted of the following information: year of launch; year of the last update;
virtual store; type of access (free or paid); language; user evaluation carried out through the
distribution of stars (0 to 5), number of downloads; management knowledge area; and use of
bibliographic references in the available information It is noteworthy that the search for
applications in virtual stores, the selection, extraction and categorization of data were carried
out by two independent researchers and the differences were resolved by a third researcher.
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Microsoft Office Excel® software, version 2016, was used to store the collected information.
The data were analyzed using the statistical software Statistical Package for Social Science®,
version 22.0, using descriptive statistics and absolute and relative frequencies. The authorship
of all applications linked to its developer was respected. All information was accurately
transcribed, as presented in the applications. Results 14 applications were included in the
analysis, which deal exclusively with nursing management. Conclusions It was found that the
creation of applications in the area of nursing management is recent, with a predominance in
the virtual store Play Store. Most applications are free to access, available in Portuguese, have
not yet been evaluated by users, have up to 50 thousand downloads, are related to the
Nursing Code of Ethics and have bibliographic references. It is noteworthy that the use of
mobile applications by nursing professionals can optimize their work process, but it is
important that such applications are based on scientific evidence and validated in clinical
practice, so that the information transmitted by them is, in fact, reliable. The importance of
nurses' use of this technological resource is highlighted, exploring other content related to the
managerial area. References 1. Ogrinc G, Davies L, Goodman D, Batalden P, Davidoff F, Stevens
D. 4. SQUIRE 2.0 (Standards for Quality Improvement Reporting Excellence): revised
publication guidelines from a detailed consensus process. BMJ Qual Saf. 2016 Dec;25(12):986-
992. doi: 10.1136/bmjqs2015-004411. 2. Monteiro JCS, Richter S. The process of developing a
content analysis study to evaluate the quality of breastfeeding information on the Internet-
based media. Methodological Innovations. 2019; 1-6. doi:10.1177/2059799119863286.
Lívia Cristina De Resende Izidoro1; Cissa Azevedo2; Fabrícia Eduarda Baia Estevan2;
Mariana Ferreira Vaz Gontijo Bernardes2; Lizete Malagoni de Almeida Cavalcante
Oliveira1; Luciana Regina Ferreira da Mata1.
Lívia Cristina De Resende Izidoro1; Cissa Azevedo2; Fabrícia Eduarda Baia Estevan2;
Mariana Ferreira Vaz Gontijo Bernardes2; Lizete Malagoni de Almeida Cavalcante
Oliveira1; Luciana Regina Ferreira da Mata1.
E-mail: professoradolfocalderon@gmail.com
E-mail: professoradolfocalderon@gmail.com
Although, in 1965, the so-called Sucupira opinion, which established the foundations of
Brazilian Graduate Studies, starting with the University Reform of 1968, established the need
to create professional Master's and Doctorate degrees in the country. Only in December 2018
it was approved in the Brazil, in the medical field, the first Professional Doctorate in Research
and Development in Medical Biotechnology, proposed by the Faculty of Medicine of Botucatu,
of the Universidade Estadual Paulista "Júlio de Mesquita Filho". With Ordinance No. 389, of
March 23, 2017, which establishes the possibility of implanting Professional Doctorates in
Brazil, a scenario of challenges opens up for Graduate Studies in Brazil in an attempt to meet
the requirements of the legislation, that is, social, organizational or professional demands and
the labor market. Therefore, the present article gols to identify whether Professional
Doctorates are courses commonly offered by the main universities in the world and to analyze
the trends of this modality in the so-called World Class Universities (UCM), having as analytical
indicators: main thematic focuses, courses’s objectives, year of creation, vacancies offered,
admission prerequisites, payment time, student dedication regime and prerequisites for
obtaining a degree. The methodology used in this project consisted of bibliographic and
documentary analysis, considering national and international scientific literature, legislation,
proposals for Professional Doctorates in the medical field at UCM, as well as those recently
approved in Brazilian territory. The proposals in question were obtained from the relevant
documents available on the websites made available on the web. There were 15 DP programs
in the 13 UCM selected as the first 10 of the three main rankings chosen. The thematic focuses
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found were Public Health, Bioengineering, Clinical Medicine, Mental Health, Pediatric
Dentistry, Orthopedics and Traumatology. The prerequisites for the programs were basically a
previous master's degree and experience in the area. In Brazil, there is only one approved
program and in it was in November 2018. The observed programs have a strong characteristic
of training professionals who will work in practical settings, as from a collective or individual
point of view, whether in clinical practice or in the market.
E-mail: herongonzaga@yahoo.com.br
Adriana Porto Nunes Gazetta1; Silvia Helena Soares Gianini Grecca2; Heron Fernando de Sousa
Gonzaga3; Tereza Laís Menegucci Zutin4.
em Educação pela UNESP/Marília; Assessora Pedagógica do Curso de Medicina –
E-mail: apngazetta@gmail.com
Adriana Porto Nunes Gazetta1; Silvia Helena Soares Gianini Grecca2; Heron Fernando de Sousa
Gonzaga3; Tereza Laís Menegucci Zutin4.
1Mestre Master in Education from UNESP/Marília; Pedagogical Advisor of the Medical Course -
2Master in Teaching and Health by FAMEMA/Marília; Coordinator of the Propaedeutics
Module at UNIMAR
PhD in Medicine from UNIFESP/SP, Coordinator of the Medical Course - UNIMAR
4PhD in Sciences from USP/SP, Coordinator of the Nursing Course - UNIMAR
Orientadora: Profa. Adriana Porto Nunes Gazetta
E-mail: apngazetta@gmail.com
INTRODUCTION: The pandemic generated by SARS-COV 2 infection has had a high impact on
teaching worldwide, from early childhood education to higher education. Coordinators,
professors and students of the Medical Course of UNIMAR experienced this moment of
innovation with intensity resulting in the restructuring of the propaedeutics module.
OBJECTIVE: To report the process of restructuring the Propaedeutics module of the Medical
Course of UNIMAR. METHODOLOGY: The Propaedeutics Module takes place in the second year
of the course, and the new isolation regulations and the pandemic containment plan of the
Government of the State of São Paulo collaborated in the restructuring of the module. The
activities that took place in real scenarios: outpatient clinics, hospital wards and primary care
of the city (UBS and ESF) needed to be rethought. The real scenarios were decreased and the
simulation scenarios prioritized, using the Health Practices laboratory that has simulated care
scenarios (office rooms, UBS) and simulators. We chose to use the simulation teaching
methodology with elaboration of scenarios and scripts that favor the acquisition of semiology
and semiotechnical skills and concomitant integration between the propaedeutics,
morphophysiology and mechanism of aggression and defense. Students are divided into
groups of 8 to 10 students and one teacher. For the activities of medical interview simulation,
the scenic simulation with pairs was used: teacherstudent and student-student, assuming roles
of doctor and patient. For semiotechnique activities, we used videos demonstrating the
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performance of the physical examination, and simulators. The programmatic content of the
module was divided into stages that follow the same division of the medical consultation
(medical interview and physical examination) and for each stage there are four meetings that
are concluded with a conference addressing important aspects of that stage. In addition to
simulation activities, there is a discussion of aspects of medical communication with emphasis
on the patient's relationship with professors of psychology and communication. RESULTS: The
evaluation carried out in the first quarter of 2021 on the restructuring of the Propaedeutics
Module was satisfactory. Most students reported that learning was significant with the peer
simulation strategy, with teachers and in simulators before performing interviews and physical
examinations in the real scenario. CONCLUSION: The restructuring of the propaedeutics
module of unimar's medical course prioritized as a learning teaching strategy the realistic
simulation starting from clinical care situations aiming at the contextualization of semiology
learning. This strategy was evaluated favoring learning in semiology and met the need to
decrease real scenarios during the pandemic.
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Heron Fernando de Sousa Gonzaga1; Adriana Porto Nunes Gazetta2; Tereza Laís Menegucci
Zutin3; Fernanda Mesquita Serva4
E-mail: herongonzaga@yahoo.com.br
Heron Fernando de Sousa Gonzaga1; Adriana Porto Nunes Gazetta2; Tereza Laís Menegucci
Zutin3; Fernanda Mesquita Serva4
E-mail: herongonzaga@yahoo.com.br
INTRODUCTION: The work reports strategies for humanization approach in the medical course.
A student forum about humanization of UNIMAR was held as a joint action of the Pro-Rectory
of Community Action and the Coordination of the Medical Course, aiming to contribute to the
training of a doctor prepared for the most humanitarian exercise of Medicine. The Forum
aimed to know, the conceptions and experiences of students about Humanization in the area
of health and within the scope of the medical course of UNIMAR. OBJECTIVE: To report the
experience of the methodology used during the Forum. METHODOLOGY: The Coordination of
the Medical Course created an Organization Committee in which the Coordinator, the
pedagogical advisor of the course and nine teachers from different areas participated. The
organizing committee chose to hold a workshop as a strategy for surveying students'
conceptions about humanization in the health area during medical school. Students from the
1st to 6th grade of the course participated divided into groups with a facilitating teacher. The
workshops took place for 3 days from 14:00 to 16:00 hours; As follows: First day: 270 students
divided into 9 groups of 30 students each with 1 facilitator teacher per group in separate
rooms. Second day: 240 students participated in 8 groups of 30 students each with 1 facilitator
teacher per group in separate rooms. Third day: 240 students participated in 8 groups of 30
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students each with 1 facilitator teacher per group in separate rooms. Each day the Course
Coordinator held an opening meeting with the students where the objective of the Forum was
explained and after the students were divided into rooms in the respective groups. During the
workshops, the groups shared situations considered as humanizing and lacking in
humanization that they experienced during medical school; as a product of the workshop, each
group constructed a poster containing the “fantasy” name for the group and the illustration of
the situations (humanizing or not) that the group discussed. The posters were displayed during
the final plenary session. After the 3 days of the workshop, a compile of the discussions was
held, which was delivered to 5 invited professionals (CRM counselors, responsible for mental
health of the municipality, pro-rectors) who discussed the product of the workshops and the
theme humanization together with participants. RESULTS: The use of the Workshop as a
strategy to know the students' conceptions about Humanization allowed interaction between
students and participating teachers, where active participation of students was observed. In
the evaluation of the organizers, the students were able to expose their conceptions about
humanization in the health area by sharing real experiences in a critical and reflexive way. The
creation of the posters was characterized as a moment of interaction in the group with
development of the ability to work as a team.
The World Development Report 1998/99 (El Informe sobre el Desarrollo Mundial 1998/99 :) -
Knowledge for Development (World Bank, 1999) proposed an analytical framework that
emphasizes the complementary role of four strategic dimensions to guide countries in their
transition to a knowledge-based economy: an adequate economic and institutional regime, a
strong human capital base, a dynamic information infrastructure and an efficient national
innovation system (SALMI, 2009, p. xv, xvi). The dimensions mentioned above are pillars to be
followed in the search for academic and scientific “excellence”. REVIEW: Especially since the
2000s, as highlighted by Thiengo and Bianchetti (2018), different actors, namely International
Organizations (IOs), experts and think tanks, as well as different strategies, among which stand
out the rankings, have acted and been used in order to corroborate the need to achieve this
“excellence” based on a new university model, the World Class University, also called
Universities of Excellence and / or World Class Universities (UCM). Although the terms
Universities of Excellence or World Class have gained notoriety in publications published by OIs
from the first decade of 2000 onwards, Thiengo and Bianchetti (2018) realized that the logic of
differentiation and creation of centers of excellence have been composing the guidelines of
these Organisms since the 1990s, this being the basis for the formation of a consensus about
differentiation, which is brought to paroxysm from the UCM model. In 2014, the publication
Times Higher Education (THE), responsible for the ranking of the same name, launched on its
website the average of the first 200 HEIs. Elisabeth Dudziak (2015) mentioned that Phil Baty,
editor of the Times Higher Education World University Ranking, presented that the top 200
world class universities, which represent 1% of the best universities in the world. According to
a review by Thiengo (2018, p. 108-9), SALMI and SAROYAN (2007) state that UCMs must be
closely linked to: a) the country's economic and social development strategy; b) the changes
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underway and the reforms envisaged in the lower levels of the education system; c) plans for
the development of other types of higher education institutions, to build a technology-
oriented system that integrates teaching, research and institutions. In a literature review Serva
et al (2017) show that the courses offered by universities that occupy the first places in
international rankings, framed within the so-called UCM, constitute a restricted segment of
elite HEIs that seek to be at the top of international education systems higher education
located in a select group of countries. These institutions are considered the best in the
globalized world. CONCUSIONS: Academic and scientific excellence in higher education is
sought by a large number of institutions, leading to a great appreciation of the university
rankings that classify and, indirectly, guide the development of these institutions. According to
a review by Thiengo (2018, p. 108-9), SALMI and SAROYAN (2007) state that UCMs must be
closely linked to: a) the country's economic and social development strategy; b) the changes
underway and the reforms envisaged in the lower levels of the education system; c) plans for
the development of other types of higher education institutions, to build a technology-
oriented system that integrates teaching, research and institutions. In a literature review Serva
et al (2017) show that the courses offered by universities that occupy the first places in
international rankings, framed within the so-called UCM, constitute a restricted segment of
elite HEIs that seek to be at the top of international education systems higher education
located in a select group of countries. These institutions are considered the best in the
globalized world. CONCLUSIONS: Academic and scientific excellence in higher education is
sought by a large number of institutions, leading to a great appreciation of the university
rankings that classify and, indirectly, guide the development of these institutions.
Adriana Porto Nunes Gazetta1; Heron Fernando de Sousa Gonzaga2; Tereza Laís Menegucci
Adriana Porto Nunes Gazetta1; Heron Fernando de Sousa Gonzaga2; Tereza Laís Menegucci
1 Master in Education from UNESP/ Marília; Pedagogical Advisor of the Medical Course -
2 PhD in Medicine from UNIFESP/SP, Coordinator of the Medical Course - UNIMAR.
3 PhD in Sciences from USP/SP, Coordinator of the Nursing Course - UNIMAR.
Orientadora: Profa. Adriana Porto Nunes Gazetta
E mail: apngazetta@gmail.com
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Júlia Santos de Oliveira¹ ; Ariane Brabo Faria¹; Andressa Maria dos Reis Guerra¹; Gabriel Maraia
Ciolfi¹; Túlio de Almeida Hermes²
OBJECTIVES: To map the available evidence on the main investigated topics related to
Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and the consequences of late diagnosis, lack of
adequate treatment and biopsychosocial consequences. LITERATURE REVIEW: The
search started on the Regional Portal of the Virtual Health Library (VHL),
corresponding to the Medline, Lilacs, Ibecs platforms and also on the PubMed
platform. All languages were considered, being international (97%) and national (2%),
also primary and secondary studies. 970 articles were detected in the VHL and 120 in
PubMed, totaling 1090 by the keywords "Autistic Spectrum Disorder" or / end
"Diagnosis", referring to the years 2011 to 2021. Of these, 951 met the criteria and
were included in this analysis , 79.1% contained specific themes about children and
20.9% youth and adults.The elimination of 139 articles occurred due to duplicates
(4.3%) and the wrong population (81.3%). integrative literature review.To extract the
data, an instrument developed by the authors of the research was used, using a
script based on the PICO strategy.The most frequent themes found were: Diagnosis
with genetic tests, Protocols, Biomarkers, Scales, Exams of image that aid the
diagnosis, Telemedicine, Eye tracking, Artificial intelligence, Evidence-based tests,
that is, concern in detecting the disease in the child population, (18.6%). it is related
to the mental health of individuals, such as suicide rate, depression (15%). The least
successful analyzes in the child population were: Vulnerabilities and comorbidities,
such as leukemia, constipation, recurrent hospital visits (0.4%) and in the adult
population were: Multisectoral challenges in the transition from home health care to
young people with autism and nutritional treatment (2.8%). CONCLUSIONS: The
results provided an important mapping of the issues surrounding the rights of autistic
people and the need to include studies in the diagnosis of adults. KEYWORDS: Autistic
Spectrum Disorder, Late diagnosis, Adult and child population.
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*SERAFIM, Isabela de Sá; *CASTRO, Gabriela de; **ZUTIN, Tereza Laís Menegucci,
**EVANGELISTA, Viviane Canhizares.
*SERAFIM, Isabela de Sá; *CASTRO, Gabriela de; **ZUTIN, Tereza Laís Menegucci,
**EVANGELISTA, Viviane Canhizares.
Introduction: Melatonin is a hormone produced mainly by the pineal gland and which
has a direct action on the regulation of physiological processes, especially the circadian
cycle, also has a direct action on the secretory patterns of many substances, such as
cortisol and adrenaline, acting on the activity/rest and sleep/wake cycles. Melatonin
has its synthesis regulated by the absence of a light stimulus, being inhibited by light.
The daily increase in its secretion correlates with a subsequent increase in the
propensity to sleep, starting its serum elevation about 2 hours before the usual sleep
time. Objectives of the work: Identify and analyze in the literature the benefits of
Melatonin. Methodology: This is a literary review, based on searches on databases as
PubMed, Scielo and Google Scholar, in the period from 2016 to 2019, with “10” articles
related to the theme being found and after evaluating their abstracts were selected 07
articles that responded to the research objective. Results: After analyzing these
articles, we obtained as a result that this hormone is directly involved in the regulation
of physiological processes, such as the circadian cycle, immune and cardiovascular
regulation. It was also possible to identify that there is a visible improvement in
primary insomnia, and when associated with antidepressants, exogenous Melatonin
demonstrated positive effects on depressive symptoms, also found on its involvement
in immunobiological processes, modulating the main cellular components of the innate
immune response. The use of exogenous melatonin has also been demonstrated to be
beneficial in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, such hormone has promoted
positive results in experimental models of colitis, reducing visceral hyperalgesia and
decreasing the severity of the illness. Clinical trials have presented that its
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administration, combined with conventional treatment during acute myocardial
infarction, provides significant protective effects against ischemia-reperfusion injuries.
Final considerations: It was evident that the use of Melatonin is quite extensive,
presenting benefits to human health and used to treat many disorders and even
physiological regulations. The Melatonin topic is a subject that presents clarity,
regarding its use, contraindications and benefits. Keywords: Benefits of Melatonin,
physiological regulator, exogenous hormone.
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The human right to health is part of a social dimension, being a right for all and duty of the
State, guaranteed by public policies that seek to reduce the risk of diseases and other health
problems and equitable universal access to actions and services for its promotion, protection
and recovery. The main international institution that works with the aspects of health, in its
broadest form is the World Health Organization (WHO), in charge of leading global health
issues, defining the health research agenda, setting norms and standards, articulating
evidence-based policy options, providing technical support to countries and monitoring and
assessing health trends. In order to inform their actions and the health situation in the various
global scenarios, WHO presents an annual report. The main purpose of the report is to provide
countries, donor agencies, international organizations and other institutions, the information
they need to help in the making of policies and funding decisions. The purpose of this study
was to address how the human rights are presented by the institution. METHODOLOGY: The
analysis of WHO annual reports from 1995 to 2015 was carried out, using the ethical diamond
methodology of Herrera Flores. RESULTS: The analysis of annual reports of the WHO of 1995 to
2015 showed that the institution has in its structure an implicit vision of human rights with
respect for human dignity, seeking the material and immaterial conditions to live a life worth
living. CONCLUSIONS: As the WHO a policy institution, it may be a possibility of leadership for
its member states, with public policies to do so.
Gleicy Kelly Felix1, Costa Ana Paula Rodrigues Arciprete1, Juliana Cristinados Santos
Monteiro 1
Email: jumonte@eerp.usp.br
Gleicy Kelly Felix1, Costa Ana Paula Rodrigues Arciprete1, Juliana Cristinados Santos
Monteiro 1
Email: jumonte@eerp.usp.br
Objectives: The stealthing is to withdraw the condom during sexual intercourse without the
consent of the partner. Despite not having a standardized translation in Brazil and a legal
recognition, the practice of stealthing is sexually active young people, exposing to the risk of an
unwanted pregnancy and to Sexually Transmitted Infections. It is a breach of trust and a denial
of the partner's autonomy and a sexual violence. This study aims to identify the profile of
young university students and the practice of stealthing among them. Material and methods::
observational, cross-sectional and descriptive study, carried out on a campus of a public state
university located in a large city in the interior of São Paulo. All students aged 18 or over up to
24 years old were invited to participate on the online survey between May and September
2018, by e-mail and a questionnaire with identification data, sociodemographic characteristics
and sexual and reproductive health was used, which was transposed to the REDCap®. The
project was approved by the Research Ethics Committee linked to the National Research Ethics
Commission. Results: 380 students participated in this study, aged between 18 and 24 years.
Most participants declared themselves to be white (78.16%), did not have paid work (80.00%),
had no religion (79.21%) and declared themselves single (51.58%). With regard to the
characteristics of life habits, most of the participants reported not having the habit of smoking
(88.42%) and not using illicit drugs (66.94%). With regard to alcoholic beverages, the majority
referred to consumption, with the highest percentage of participants (36.84%) reporting using
these drinks one or two per week. Regarding the characteristics of sexual and reproductive
health, all participants had already started their sexual life. As for stealthing, it was identified
that 1.33% of the sample had performed this practice. As for having suffered stealthing,
11.44% of the sample had already suffered this situation. In fact suffering or practicing
stealthing demonstrates that sexual practices involve consent that usually occurs non-verbally
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and one of the partners can believe that he is not the one who has the power to direct sexual
intercourse, not being able to communicate the own desires and establish limits or to judge
that this is not necessary and that the decision rests with only one of them, by the way.
Conclusions: It is concluded that, among young university students on the studied campus, the
occurrence of stealthing is higher among those who have suffered this practice than among
those who practiced it, which suggests the importance of further studies to understand the
factors associated with this practice. Sexual and reproductive health education actions could
be formulated in order to inform young people about the risks of this practice.
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OBJETIVO: Descrever a vivência de acadêmicos de enfermagem na execução
das cinco etapas do Arco de Maguerez, após a observação de barreiras
processuais, durante estágio curricular em um hospital localizado na região
metropolitana de Goiânia, Goiás. RELATO: Durante a vivência do estágio curricular,
foi proposto aos acadêmicos do 6º período de Enfermagem a elaboração e
execução de um Plano de Intervenção utilizando a Metodologia de
Problematização, que tem como objetivo a resolução de problemas a partir da
observação da realidade. Durante a primeira etapa, os discentes identificaram a
não utilização dos Equipamentos de Proteção Individual (EPI) pelos Profissionais
de Saúde como principal fragilidade, utilizando um olhar crítico reflexivo do
cenário de vivência, os outros pontos observados foram relacionados a segurança
do paciente e ao descarte de resíduos hospitalares. Após a identificação dos
problemas e os seus pontos-chave, iniciaram as buscas por referenciais teóricos
que auxiliassem na resolução do problema distinguido, através de estratégias
possíveis de serem executadas considerando o atual cenário pandêmico. Após
o levantamento de informações utilizando as bases de dados Biblioteca Virtual em
Saúde e Pubmed, foram elencadas as possíveis hipóteses de soluções, entre elas a
realização de um momento para educação continuada, construção de cartazes
educativos e produção de campanhas internas quanto ao uso dos EPI’s. Para a
etapa final de Aplicação à realidade, os discentes elaboraram materiais em forma
de slides com o intuito de realizar a divulgação nas plataformas digitais, contendo
dados estatísticos sobre segurança do trabalho; notícias sobre o tema
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abordado, nome dos colaboradores destaques do mês que fizeram uso correto
dos EPI’s, juntamente com alguma “premiação”. As premiações seriam definidas
pelo próprio hospital, com intuito de encaixar na realidade do local. Também foi
desenvolvido um formulário de Notificação de incidentes de fácil preenchimento,
para poder identificar os possíveis problemas que precisam ser abordados e
podendo haver uma intervenção efetiva. Durante a etapa de aplicação à realidade
optou-se pela apresentação da proposta idealizada para representantes do
hospital, no qual obteve-se boa aceitação, no entanto, os representantes
sugeriram que a ficha de notificação fosse feita de forma online para facilitar o
trabalho dos gestores responsáveis e auxiliar na execução de gráficos para dar um
feedback aos profissionais da unidade. CONCLUSÃO: Com a execução do Arco
de Maguerez foi possível identificar os problemas de forma ampla e detalhada,
considerando os fatores causais e as possibilidades existentes para minimização
dos problemas através de práticas simples e continuada. Esse método pôde
mostrar as diversas formas que profissionais e estagiários podem trabalhar
juntos para solucionarem um problema que afeta não só os colaboradores, mas
também os usuários do sistema de saúde. Obtivemos assim, o retorno positivo
na adesão da solução proposta, proporcionando uma assistência e um cuidado
mais seguro para paciente e profissional de saúde.
To describe the experience of nursing students in the implementation of the five steps of the
Arc of Maguerez, after the observation of procedural barriers, during curricular internship in a
hospital located in the metropolitan region of Goiânia, Goiás. REPORT: During the internship in
a hospital located in the metropolitan region of Goiânia, Goiás, it was proposed to the students
of the 6th Nursing period the elaboration and execution of an Intervention Plan using the
Problematization Methodology, which aims at solving problems from the observation of
reality. During the first stage, using a critical reflective look for this identification, the students
pointed out the non-use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) by Health Professionals as the
main weakness. The other points observed were related to patient safety and the inadequate
disposal of hospital waste, the look focused on procedural barriers is justified by the first
contact of students in hospital practice and the initial experience in this scenario. After the
identification of the problems and their key points, the search for theoretical references that
could help solve the distinguished problem, through possible strategies to be executed
considering the current pandemic scenario, began. After gathering information using the
databases Virtual Health Library and Pubmed, the possible hypotheses of solutions were listed,
among them the realization of a moment for continued education, construction of educational
posters and production of internal campaigns regarding the use of PPE. For the final stage of
Application to reality, the students prepared materials in the form of slides in order to
disseminate them on digital platforms, containing statistical data on occupational safety and
news about the topic. An easy to fill out Incident Notification Form was also developed, in
order to identify the possible problems that need to be addressed, and so that an effective
intervention can take place. During the stage of application to reality, it was decided to present
the idealized proposal to representatives of the hospital, which was well accepted, with
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pertinent suggestions to facilitate data analysis by the managers. Therefore, since this is an
experience report without the purpose of exposing and/or analyzing direct and/or indirect
data from research participants, the evaluation of the ethics committee was not required.
CONCLUSION: With the execution of the Arc of Maguerez it was possible to identify the
problems in a broad and detailed way, considering the causal factors and the existing
possibilities for minimizing the problems through simple and continued practices. This method
can show the various ways that professionals and academics can work together to solve a
problem that affects not only the employees, but also the users of the health system. Thus, we
obtained positive feedback on the adherence to the proposed solution, providing safer
assistance and care for patients and health professionals. KEY WORDS: Nursing; Higher
Education Institutions; Nursing Course; Personal Protective Equipment.
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Introduction: Rubella is an acute exanthematic disease, of viral etiology, which has a high
contagiousness. The involvement of pregnant and non-pregnant women is highlighted, since,
when contracted, the disease can generate major complications at individual and collective
levels. It is in this context that the rubella vaccine represents the only way to prevent and
protect society from this disease. Objective: To investigate the prevalence of rubella in
pregnant and non-pregnant women in the southeastern region of Brazil. Method: This is a
study to analyze the prevalence of rubella in women in the Southeast region of Brazil. The
investigation plan was prepared following the database analysis design of the Department of
Informatics of the Unified Health System of Brazil (DATASUS), through Health Information
(TABNET) between 2006 and 2014, of pregnant and non-pregnant women 10-39 years old from
the states of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais and Espirito Santo and in white, black,
yellow, brown and indigenous races. Results: A greater involvement of rubella can be observed
in non-pregnant women in the years 2007 and 2008, with a focus on white ethnicity in the age
group of 30-39 years. Conclusion: It can be concluded that the prevalence of rubella was higher
in non-pregnant women and concentrated in the years 2007 and 2008.
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Greco, Annik Ianara de Souza*; Carvalho, Lucas Cápia Castro*; Jorente, Josep*; Toreto, Barbara
Nascimento; Flato, Uri Adrian Prync**
Greco, Annik Ianara de Souza*; Carvalho, Lucas Cápia Castro*; Jorente, Josep*; Toreto, Barbara
Nascimento; Flato, Uri Adrian Prync**
Introduction: Currently, the Portuguese language does not distinguish the athlete from the
figure of the sportsman. In fact, they are treated as synonyms, including in legislation.
However, for scientific research it is necessary to define athlete and sportsman, as there may
be a series of evaluations and inappropriate use of the term athlete, which ends up generating
influences on the results of the same. Considering that injuries are determined as complaints
sustained by an individual, as a result of training or prior competition, regardless of the need
for medical attention; this work arises from the precarious categorization between athlete and
sportsman in literature and aims to become an instrument for analyzing injuries between
these two groups in different sports. Objectives: The present work aims to discuss and
characterize the population of athletes and sportsmen involved in the 83rd edition of the Open
Games of the Interior of the State of São Paulo. Materials and methods: An online
questionnaire validated during a state sporting event was used to obtain the characterization
of the individual and the physical activity practiced, with the approval of the Ethics and
Research Committee of the University of Marília. The sample consisted of 1695 participants
over 18 years of age and, after collecting data, dividing the mint two groups according to the
criteria of Araújo and Scharhag (CAS) and Pearson's X² test was used with a significant value p
<0 05. Results: In a sample with male dominance (n = 1013) and aged between 20 and 40 year
sold (n = 833), the prevalence of self-styled non-athletes (n = 973) over athletes (n = 722) was
evidenced, as well as CAS kept most of the sample as sportsmen (n = 873). Although there is a
minimal difference between the data mentioned above, through statistical analysis with p
<0.05, it was shown that self-denomination can not be trusted, since 217 individuals who
called themselves athletes are not suitable for this group according to the CAS, and 317
qualifying sportsmen do not fit the same, totaling 534 divergences. Conclusion: Therefore, it is
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concluded that in a regional sporting event it was found mostly sportsmen in the age group of
young adults. In addition, the difficulty brought by the Portuguese language and the legislation
in differentiating the figure of the athlete from the sportsman becomes the main problem for
the characterization of the practitioners of physical exercise, which becomes an important
point about the anatomical, physiological characteristics and related injuries to each group.
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Rafaela Aparecida Fideleis de Macedo 1 ,Andréia Cristina Barbosa Costa2,Eliza Mara das Chagas
Paiva2, Melissa Santos Nassif2, Munyra Rocha
Rafaela Aparecida Fideleis de Macedo 1 ,Andréia Cristina Barbosa Costa2,Eliza Mara das Chagas
Paiva2, Melissa Santos Nassif2, Munyra Rocha
The objective was to report the experience of an extension project. This is an account of the
experiences of the “PALIAB” Extension project about Palliative Care in the context of Primary
Health Care (PHC). A palliative care training course is being developed that will be offered to
PHC health professionals. Information about the theme was offered through social media,
holding a Webinar and also elaborating Ebooks. The extension action provides a new
perspective on life for the student and, for society, greater access to reports.
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Amanda Reginato da Silva1; Henrique da Silva dos Santos1; Natália Michelato Silva2
Amanda Reginato da Silva1; Henrique da Silva dos Santos1; Natália Michelato Silva2
Objective: To carry out a review of the literature in order to investigate studies related to the
mental health of primary health care professionals (APS) in front of Covid-19 pandemic.
Methods and procedures: A review was conducted by electronic means through the Portals of
newspapers Google Scholar and SciELO. The established inclusion criteria were: primary
studies that addressed the period from March 2020 to March 2021, in the portuguese, english
and spanish languages available in full. The exclusion criteria adopted were: literature reviews,
secondary studies and published summaries. For inclusion, the following collection steps were
used, a) the search for the works through the descriptors: pandemic, health professionals,
primary care health and mental health; b) Jobs indexed in the main databases of psychology
and health sciences; c) Reading the abstracts aimed at responding to the inclusion and
objective of the work. After the inclusion of the works, it was read the articles in integrate to
carry out a discussion. Results: The first step of the collection of studies took place through the
descriptors. In this stage, 34 articles were included. The second inclusion stage occurred from
the exclusion of periodicals that were not indexed in the databases (BVS Psychology, Capes,
Pepsic and BIREME). In this stage, 12 articles were excluded. For the third and last stage of
inclusion of articles, a reading of the work summaries was carried out to investigate which of
the works addressed the mental health of the professionals of basic health care, and in this
stage were included only two work that addressed the changes in the Customer service
protocols and primary care services, aiming to protect the Community and professionals from
virus contamination, but only one work framed in all inclusion criteria established. It was
possible to observe that even the study that answered all inclusion criteria for the present
work, did not have as main objective the mental health of these professionals. Conclusion:
National scientific production on the mental health of primary health care professionals in
front of COVID-19 is still scarce, even if many authors consider APS as the main link between
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the Unified Health System and the community. The present study suggests that health
professionals carry out more research targeted for APS professionals, since even if you have
studies directed to the mental health of health professionals in a general context, studies are
needed to take into account the environment and the demands of the APS in order to
elaborate effective interventions for these professionals.
Keywords: Pandemic. Health professionals. Primary health care. Mental health.
Anais do III Congresso Internacional de Educação e Saúde da Universidade de Marília
Introduction: School nurses can act both as a health educator, taking into account
health promotion processes, promoting lectures and campaigns on health
issues, as well as promoting first aid workshops, actions that allow early
identification of risk factors/diseases to avoid risks in adulthood. Objective:
To know the perception of elementary and high school teachers in public and
privateschools about the presence and actions of schoolnurses. Methodology:
This is a field research, descriptive, transversal of quantitative nature, where we
did an interview with teachers who work in elementary and high school of different
private and public educational institutions on the perception of teachers in the face
of the role of school nurses. Results and discussion: The main results found were
that most participants are aged between 40 and 50 years (45%); they have been
training for 11 years or more (61%); they have been working for 11 years or more as
elementary and/or high school teachers (70%). 84% teach classes in public schools;
68% teach in elementary school; 75% of teachers work from 21 to 40 hours per
week; and 75% have only one employment relationship. Final considerations:
We can note that 100% of the interviewees found that nurses are important
in the school environment, even though 82% of them did not have the opportunity
to work in a school where they had one. In relation to the 18% who had, 64%
reported that nurses performed activities such as first aid, 27% said they
were on medication and 9% had health education. This study points to the
importance of school nurses, because through it we can have a longitudinality in
care, seeking to bring knowledge to students in this phase of life reduce diseases
and injuries in adulthood. A downside is the lack of schools that have the
program. This research was approved under protocol number: 4,372,827.
MEDEIROS, Luiza*; CEOLIN, Lara*; MEDEIROS, Matheus*; ALCÂNTARA, Yara B; ** FRIZZO, Ana
Cláudia Figueiredo**; CARLI, Flávia Vilas Boas Ortiz ***
E-mail: flaviavvilasboas@gmail.com
Curso: Medicina
a quedas. Conclusão: Os idosos com perda auditiva são mais propensos a ter um
histórico de quedas, as quais podem promover sérios distúrbios na qualidade de
vida da população geriátrica. Portanto, os serviços especializados de saúde
devem estar preparados para avaliar o risco de quedas na reabilitação auditiva,
por meio de protocolos, estabelecendo assim, medidas preventivas adequadas,
tratamento e reabilitação que permitam reduzir o impacto desta condição.
MEDEIROS, Luiza*; CEOLIN, Lara*; MEDEIROS, Matheus*; ALCÂNTARA, Yara B; ** FRIZZO, Ana
Cláudia Figueiredo**; CARLI, Flávia Vilas Boas Ortiz ***
E-mail: flaviavvilasboas@gmail.com
Curso: Medicina
Introduction: Human aging generates important functional, structural and sensory changes.
Among the changes observed in the elderly who configure aging pathologies, there are
changes in hearing function. It is known that individuals with hearing loss are more likely to
have a history of falls, which can promote serious disturbances in the quality of life of the
geriatric population Objective: To describe the relationship between hearing loss and the risk
of falls in the elderly. Material and methods: This is a bibliographic review, in which, the search
was carried out in the LILACS and Virtual Health Library (VHL) databases, the inclusion criteria
were: articles published in full, in Portuguese, in the period from 2013 to 2020, that
contemplated the main objective of the research. A total of 10 articles were found that met
the inclusion criteria. Results: It was evidenced that the aging process, can cause alterations of
the auditory function due to the degeneration of the structures of the peripheral and central
auditory system responsible for the communication and maintenance of the corporal balance.
Hypoacusis being one of the main causes of falls, which can be explained by the anatomy and
physiology of the inner ear, a complex system located in the temporal bone, housing two
sensory systems: the cochlea, responsible for hearing and the vestibular system, which in turn
responsible for the balance. These inner ear systems are interconnected. Therefore, disorders
that affect the inner ear can affect both sensory systems, that is, once the elderly person has
hearing loss, he may present balance problems and consequently be more prone to falls.
Conclusion: Elderly people with hearing loss are more likely to have a history of falls, which can
promote serious disturbances in the quality of life of the geriatric population. Therefore,
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specialized health services must be prepared to assess the risk of falls in hearing rehabilitation,
through protocols, thus establishing appropriate preventive measures, treatment and
rehabilitation to reduce the impact of this condition.
Descriptors: Hearing loss. Accidents due to falls. Postural balance.
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Gabriel Milanez Silva, Maria Fernanda Coelha Zaina, Maria Vitória Favaro, Nathalia Majewski
Pinheiro, Paula Cristina Cola
Gabriel Milanez Silva, Maria Fernanda Coelha Zaina, Maria Vitória Favaro, Nathalia Majewski
Pinheiro, Paula Cristina Cola
Background: The sepsis is currently one of the major causes of hospitalizations in Brazil and
worldwide, that are associated with high levels of mortality or limiting outcomes. It’s
associated with a dysregulated inflammatory condition due to a infection, that can lead to
severe conditions of hypoperfusion and hypotension, culminating in multi-organic failure in
serious cases. Objective: To have the lethality levels in Sepsisaffected people in the state of Sao
Paulo and its relationship with associated factors, as ethnicity, gender and age group.
Methods: Secondary data acquire from database TabNET of DataSUS was analyzed about three
factors, absolute values of hospitalizations and deaths and the average days remained
hospitalized and together was obtained data referring to age group, gender and ethnicity.
Results: At the data view, hospitalizations due to Sepsis has increased between 2013 and 2019
(growing-up 38,36%) and consequently its relative deaths (growing-up 35,91%), that results in
a decreased average of days remained hospitalized (impairment 13,39%). Between the
associated factors, the males (52,79%) of white ethnicity (54,26%) and older than age 60
(64,26%) are the most affected, showing a smooth variation of the lethality levels around of
55%. Conclusions: Sepsis continue as a significant cause of hospitalizations in state of Sao
Paulo, related with a lethality level greater than 55% and an increasing in the hospitalizations
and deaths, what made necessary more in-depth studies about new techniques of health
retrieval aiming save life.
Keywords: Sepsis, Septic Shock, Septicemia, Hospitalizations, Lethality, Epidemiology
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Miguel Florentino Antonio; Rafael Carreira Batista; Pedro Gazotto Rodrigues da Silva; Yuuki
Daniel Tahara Vilas Boas; Patrícia Cincotto Bueno dos Santos
Miguel Florentino Antonio; Rafael Carreira Batista; Pedro Gazotto Rodrigues da Silva; Yuuki
Daniel Tahara Vilas Boas; Patrícia Cincotto Bueno dos Santos
Introduction:Eating habits contribute strongly to promoting the health of the individual. Its
devaluation, so present today, brings with it an increase in the development of chronic
diseases. With regard to university students, their eating habits can be influenced by numerous
factors, such as entering university, exchanging their parents' home and family meals for
university housing, exchanging full meals for practical and quick snacks with a high caloric
value, due to the lack of time and the lack of company. These factors, in addition to alcoholism,
smoking and physical inactivity, can influence morbidities, which are often confirmed late in
aging, but which could be identified in youth. Therefore, evaluating eating habits of university
students is of paramount importance.Goals: Evaluate and compare eating habits among
students of Medicine and Nutrition courses at the University of Marília (UNIMAR).Methods:
For inclusion criteria, the research sought students of both sexes, enrolled in one of the
courses already mentioned at the University of Marília. Questionnaires from students who did
not provide enough information to analyze the data or did not fit the inclusion criteria were
excluded, totaling a final sample of 99 students, 40 of them in Medicine and 59 in Nutrition.
For data collection, a questionnaire from the Ministry of Health was used with adapted
questions about eating habits, all of which were scored on a scale ranging from 0, less suitable,
to 4 points, more appropriate. The total score was calculated by adding the score obtained in
each of the items, with a maximum score of 58 points. The higher the score, the better the
eating habit. Furthermore, anthropometric data (self-reported weight and height) were
calculated, such as the Body Mass Index (BMI), classifying the nutritional status according to
the criteria adopted by the World Health Organization. The study was approved by the
Research Ethics Committee of UNIMAR, under opinion No. 3,742,914, on December 3, 2019.
Results: It was observed that the majority of the sample (61%) was of adequate weight, 6%
were underweight, 29% were overweight and 4% were obese. There was an equivalent
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distribution between the nutritional status in the 2 groups. Relevant and focusable data were
found, such as low fruit consumption (65.6%), greater inadequacy in the medical school (p
0.05). There was a large consumption of alcoholic beverages (75.75%), most notable in the
medical school (p <0.05), and vegetables (82.8%), with no difference significance between
courses (p> 0.05). There was a large consumption of alcoholic beverages (75.75%), most
notable in the medical school (p <0.05). Finally, through the total score of the questionnaires
and comparing the two courses, they showed significant differences (p <0.05), revealing a
higher average in the Nutrition group (41.16), being a better eating habit compared to that of
Medicine. (35.37). Conclusion: There was a significant difference regarding the worst habits in
the consumption of alcoholic beverages and fruits by medical students compared to nutrition
students, although they also have bad habits. Given the above, the need to address the
concepts of eating habits in university environments is fundamental to lead them to adopt a
healthy diet. although they also have bad habits. Given the above, the need to address the
concepts of eating habits in university environments is fundamental to lead them to adopt a
healthy diet. although they also have bad habits. Given the above, the need to address the
concepts of eating habits in university environments is fundamental to lead them to adopt a
healthy diet.
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The creation of the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS) occurred through the enactment of
Law 8,080 of 1990, and provides for the conditions for the promotion, protection and recovery
of health. The principles of the constitution of SUS derive from the Federal Constitution of
1988, a document that marked the period of redemocratization in the country and
universalized the right to health, that is, it became a right for all Brazilians, free of charge, and
making it the responsibility of State. Therefore, there is no distinction of any kind guaranteeing
the principle of universality and comprehensiveness, and treating the individual in its entirety,
in its biopsychosocio-spiritual aspect, considering physical, emotional, social, cultural, religious,
family issues, among others. However, health was not always considered a universal and free
right. In the period known as Brasil Colônia, health care was based on the religions, beliefs of
the peoples of the land, and on the raw materials that the territory offered, such as herbs and
plants. In Brasil Império, with the arrival of the Portuguese court and European vessels, the
country was occupied by nobles and colonists who had possessions and access to doctors and
medicines at the time, having greater chances of facing illnesses and death. The poor and the
slaves lived in precarious conditions and had no access to medical care. Thus, access to
treatments varied according to social class. It was during the transition from the Empire to the
Republic period that important changes were made to improve the quality of health in Brazil
and face the epidemics and diseases that were spreading in the country. Institutions and
bodies were created to supervise public hygiene, in addition to medical universities and
philanthropic institutions serving the most impoverished. In the period before the re-
democratization, public health became the responsibility of the National Institute of Medical
Assistance and Social Security (INAMPS) and served only the population who worked in formal
jobs and contributed to Social Security. It was after the end of the military dictatorship that
health was considered a universal right, without any distinction. Objective: This work sought to
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understand the history and development of health in Brazil, identifying that health was not
always considered a right, with periods of non-access by the population to it. Literature
Review: This is an exploratory research, carried out a bibliographic review. The searches were
carried out in the Scielo database, selecting 39 scientific articles that supported the theoretical
reflections. The searches took place in the year 2020, from May to August, as a selection
criterion, we used scientific articles published in the last 10 years, in Portuguese, using
descriptors such as Brazilian health, Unified Health System, health history. Conclusions: Study
this theme in times of social crisis and public calamity it is essential for us to be aware of how
important the achievement of the Unified Health System (SUS) was, which currently
guarantees full, universal and equal access to the population, and awakens in us the
participation in the struggle for strengthening public health and defending the SUS today.
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E-mail: flaviavvilasboas@gmail.com
Introduction: Population aging is responsible for the increase in the prevalence of chronic
noncommunicable diseases, in which medicines play an important role. Although necessary in
many cases, polypharmacy can be a risk, especially in the elderly. Polypharmacy can be defined
as the concomitant use of four or more drugs and can increase the likelihood of drug
interactions and adverse reactions, which can cause severe complications. Among this
population, the use of medications is "epidemic" and is even more aggravated when over-the-
counter or inadequately prescribed drugs are purchased. Objective: To describe the risk of the
practice of polypharmacy by elderly people. Material and methods: A literature review was
carried out in the Scielo and Google Scholar databases, using the keywords: polypharmacy,
elderly and adverse reactions. 10 articles were selected in the period from 2017 to 2021.
Results: It was observed that the most cited risks resulting from polypharmacy were: increased
frailty, increased risk of falls, reduced mobility and functional capacity, cognitive dysfunction,
worsening of pathologies pre-existing, intoxications and use of potentially inappropriate
medications, malnutrition related to gastrointestinal disorders, changes in cardiac and
respiratory rhythms. Polypharmacy is also related to an increased risk of drug interactions,
adverse drug reactions and cumulative toxicity. Conclusion: In this way, it was possible to
conclude that the elderly population is more vulnerable to adverse events related to
medications and that health professionals, in addition to remaining attentive to the problem of
polypharmacy, should carry out educational actions in order to provide subsidies for
caregivers, family members and the elderly themselves, so that they can use the medicines in a
safer way, thus ensuring a successful therapy, with less risk for the elderly, promoting an
improvement in the quality of life of this population.
Keywords: Polypharmacy. Elderly. Drug interactions.
Anais do III Congresso Internacional de Educação e Saúde da Universidade de Marília
Ana Carolina de Almeida Bertanzin,Lauanda Alves de Lima, Maria Cleide dos Santos
Costa, Shirley Cristina da Silva Fujihara, Livia Cristina de Resende Isidoro, Pedro
Henrique Alves
Ana Carolina de Almeida Bertanzin,Lauanda Alves de Lima, maria Cleide dos Santos
Costa, Shirley Cristina da Silva Fujihara, Livia Cristina de Resende Isidoro, Pedro
Henrique Alves
Ana Maria Gonçalves Milla1, Isabella Bispo Diaz Toledo Martins1, Giuliana Simões Nakano1,
Jaqueline Vidal Rodrigues1, Claudio Fernando Nishi Cintra1, Uri Adrian Prync Flato2
Email: uriflato@gmail.com
Ana Maria Gonçalves Milla1, Isabella Bispo Diaz Toledo Martins1, Giuliana Simões Nakano1,
Jaqueline Vidal Rodrigues1, Claudio Fernando Nishi Cintra1, Uri Adrian Prync Flato2
Email: uriflato@gmail.com
Isabella Bispo Diaz Toledo Martins1, Johannes Daniel Fischer1, Nathalia Satoo Demian1Ferreira1,
Victor Satoo Demian Ferreira1, Fernanda Mesquita Serva2, Uri Adrian Prync Flato1
Email: uriflato@gmail.com
A pandemia causada pelo vírus Sars-Cov-2, mais conhecida pelo nome da doença
causada, a Covid-19, teve início no final do ano de 2019 na China, obrigando
muitos profissionais de saúde e hospitais a se reinventarem, tanto na esfera
clínica quanto financeira. Levando em consideração a alta taxa de transmissão do
vírus, as questões de biossegurança e a necessidade de um cuidado integrado e
imediato, tecnologias alternativas são cada vez mais necessárias na área da saúde,
visto que se deve minimizar a exposição dos pacientes e dos profissionais
envolvidos em seu cuidado, a fim de reprimir o contágio. Com isso, ferramentas de
telemedicina e telessaúde vêm ganhando destaque. Tais ferramentas
demonstram-se útil na atual situação de isolamento social, pois permite a
manutenção da relação médico-paciente sem que isso implique em riscos para
ambos. Diante desse cenário e de todos os desafios enfrentados no setor
“Código Roxo”, como são chamados os espaços destinados aos pacientes em
tratamento de COVID 19 no Hospital Beneficente UNIMAR (ABHU) em Marília -
SP, foram buscadas soluções com o uso de dispositivos de telepresença,
porém as opções atualmente disponíveis no mercado são economicamente
inviáveis, devido ao alto custo atrelado a vulnerabilidade econômica trazida pelo
contexto atual. A partir disso, foi idealizado e iniciado o projeto “Low Cost
Telepresence Robot – STIV Prototype”, um Sistema Teleguiado de Interface
Virtual (STIV), com a finalidade de promover maior segurança e flexibilidade aos
profissionais da saúde e pacientes, por meio de uma redução na circulação de
pessoas e, consequentemente, a diminuição da exposição, muitas vezes
desnecessária, à ambientes vulneráveis. O grande diferencial desse dispositivo é
ter um baixo custo de produção e operação. O STIV é um dispositivo teleguiado,
controlado remotamente através de um aplicativo para tablet ou até mesmo
celular, que possibilita interações de áudio e vídeo entre profissionais- pacientes,
pacientes-familiares, estudantes-profissionais-familiares, ou até mesmo entre
profissionais de diferentes especialidades, integrando a rede de cuidados aos
pacientes. Esse dispositivo transitará entre enfermarias e Unidades de Terapia
Intensiva do “Código Roxo”. Através dessa ferramenta, médicos poderão
Anais do III Congresso Internacional de Educação e Saúde da Universidade de Marília
monitorar e acompanhar seus pacientes, modificar condutas ou até mesmo
tomar decisões em situações emergenciais. Ademais, o STIV pode atuar como um
dispositivo educativo, uma vez que os alunos dos cursos da área da saúde,
poderão acompanhar condutas médicas e evolução de pacientes. Outra
utilidade possível é a promoção de um melhor contato entre os pacientes e
seus familiares. Atualmente, estão sendo feitos alguns ajustes técnicos no STIV, e
está em fase final de implementação nas unidades de terapia intensiva do
Isabella Bispo Diaz Toledo Martins1, Johannes Daniel Fischer1, Nathalia Satoo Demian1Ferreira1,
Victor Satoo Demian Ferreira1, Fernanda Mesquita Serva2, Uri Adrian Prync Flato1
Email: uriflato@gmail.com
The pandemic caused by the Sars-Cov-2 virus, better known by the name of the disease
caused, Covid-19, began at the end of 2019 in China, forcing many health professionals and
hospitals to reinvent themselves, both clinically and financially. Taking into account the high
rate of transmission of the virus, biosafety issues and the need for integrated and immediate
care, alternative technologies are increasingly necessary in the health area, since the exposure
of patients and professionals involved in their care should be minimized in order to suppress
contagion. With this, telemedicine and telehealth tools have been gaining prominence. Such
tools are useful in the current situation of social isolation, because it allows the maintenance
of the doctor-patient relationship without this implying risks for both. Given this scenario and
all the challenges faced in the sector " Purple Code", as are called the spaces for patients
undergoing treatment of COVID 19 at the Hospital Beneficente Unimar (ABHU) in Marília -SP,
solutions were sought with the use of telepresence devices, but the options currently available
in the market are economically unfeasible, due to the high cost tied to the economic
vulnerability brought by today's context. From this, the project "Low Cost Telepresence Robot
– STIV Prototype", a Teleguided Virtual Interface System (STIV), was conceived and started,
with the purpose of promoting greater safety and flexibility to health professionals and
patients, through a reduction in the circulation of people and, consequently, the reduction of
exposure, often unnecessary, to vulnerable environments. The great differential of this device
is to have a low cost of production and operation. The STIV is a guided device, remotely
controlled through a tablet or even mobile application, which enables audio and video
interactions between patient professionals, patient-family members, student-family
professionals, or even among professionals of different specialties, integrating the patient care
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network. This device will transit between wards and Intensive Care Units of the "Purple Code".
Through this tool, physicians will be able to monitor and monitor their patients, modify
conducts or even make decisions in emergency situations. Moreover, the STIV can act as an
educational device, since students of health courses, can follow medical conduct and evolution
of patients. Another possible utility is the promotion of better contact between patients and
their families. Currently, some technical adjustments are being made to the STIV, and it is in
the final phase of implementation in the intensive care units of the ABHU.
Anais do III Congresso Internacional de Educação e Saúde da Universidade de Marília
Gabriel Lopes Chaves1 Natália de Sousa Esteves Vieira2 , Érika de Cássia Lopes Chaves3 , Lígia de
Souza Marino4 , Denise Hollanda Iunes4
Gabriel Lopes Chaves1 Natália de Sousa Esteves Vieira2 , Érika de Cássia Lopes Chaves3 , Lígia de
Souza Marino4 , Denise Hollanda Iunes4
Objectives: To validate a systemic laser acupuncture protocol for chronic cervical pain.
Methods: This methodological study was developed in two stages: a) construction of the AA
protocol with laser for chronic pain in chronic cervical pain from a systematic review; b)
validation of the protocol content by judges. The PICO strategy (P- population; Iintervention; C-
comparison; O- outcomes) guided the research question: what systemic acupuncture protocols
are used to treat chronic cervical pain? The protocol sequence was elaborated by two
Physiotherapists Specialists in Acupuncture with clinical experience in the area. The second
stage was based on the recommendations of the Standards for Reporting Interventions
Controlled Trials of Acupuncture (STRICTA), The protocol for the treatment of chronic neck
pain with laser systemic acupuncture was composed of data extracted from the first stage. The
protocol contains the following items: 1) Use of PPE's as Face Shield, or glasses in lab coat and
mask by the therapist and the patient, 2) Asepsis of stretchers with 70% alcohol and placement
of paper sheets, 3) Explanation of the technique to be used performed and reaffirmation of
consent, 4) Asepsis of the hands, with 70% alcohol, and use of gloves, by the researcher
responsible for the application of the protocol, 5) Position of the volunteer in prone or sitting
position, 6) Asepsis of the lumbar or cervical region with 70% alcohol, 7) Putting on goggles for
laser application and placing film paper on the laser tip, 8) Laser, with a useful emission power
of 100mW, according to the stipulated dose, which will be 4J / cm2 per point, 9) Application of
the laser at points VB20, VB34, B10, VG14, ID3 and IG4, 10) Switch off the device, 11) Remove
the goggles, 12) Finalize the application technique, after the end of the stipulated time, 13)
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Removing the paper sheet, asepsis of the stretcher and equipment hos used with 70% alcohol.
For the content validation, the terms of free and informed consent and the forms for the
evaluation of the protocol were sent to the experts, via electronic mail. Results: The study
counted on the participation of 21 physical therapists, 100% with the title of specialist in
acupuncture and clinical experience with the technique. In the evaluation, the level of
agreement between the evaluators was greater than or equal to 85.71% in all the proposed
items. It is considered adequate for the treatment of chronic pain in the spine when the level
of agreement is above 80% of the proposed items. Conclusion: The validation of acupuncture
points, by experts, is important and showed that the protocol developed is valid for the
treatment of chronic neck pain. Key words: cervical pain; chronic pain; laser; acupuncture
laser; acupuncture
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Objective: to know the social representations of Brazilian university students about the use of
masks to control the disease caused by the coronavirus, COVID-19. Material and methods:
qualitative survey research, anchored in the Theory of Social Representations. 283 Brazilian
university students participated, self-declared undergraduate students and who did not belong
to health courses. The invitation to the study was disseminated in groups, associations and the
virtual community of the social networks Facebook and WhatsApp and the data were collected
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between April 29 and May 29, 2020, through an authorial digital form containing open
questions. It was used Thematic Analysis for data analysis. The study was approved by the
Research Ethics Committee, according to CAAE nº 30964820.0.0000.5142 and opinion nº
4.109.280. Results: a theme named “The mask for prevention: materialization of the fear of
contagion” was elaborated, and three subthemes, entitled, respectively “The construction of a
new habit: the necessary evil of masks”; “The macrosocial in the modification of the self” and
“The use of the mask in daily life: the individualization of the social”. It was observed that the
students' representations about the masks point to a resource that, although uncomfortable,
has become necessary to prevent a life-threatening condition and the favorable inclination to
use seems to organize in response to the fear caused by the virus and its consequences, which
include hospitalizations and deaths. Thus, it was observed that familiarization with this
phenomenon is influenced by macrosocial elements, such as the information conveyed by the
media and the recommendations of government agencies, but it is also marked by the
students' subjectivity and cognitive efforts to conform to the new habit. Conclusions: the social
representations of the participating Brazilian university students denoted the use of masks as a
resource for preventing a life-threatening condition. Although the results portray the specific
time frame in which the data collection occurred, that is, the initial moment of the
implementation of preventive measures in Brazil, this study can contribute to the
understanding of the aspect involved in the construction of the habit of wearing masks for the
prevention of COVID-19 in the Brazilian scena.
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Anais do III Congresso Internacional de Educação e Saúde da Universidade de Marília
Email: airton.mendes20@gmail.com
INTRODUCTION: The Covid-19 pandemic significantly and negatively affected society’s overall
mental health. Studies have shown the increase of cases involving depression, stress, anxiety,
and the use of psychotropic substances. The lockdown interfered in the majority of the
population’s social interactions, leading to emotional distress, especially among children and
teenagers. This age group was primarily affected due to the shutdown of scholarly and
recreational activities, impacting their mental health and increasing its vulnerability towards
psychological issues. In order to reduce the symptoms of post-traumatic stress such as anxiety,
fear, lack of appetite, nightmares, discomfort, and agitation, more medications started to be
prescribed. With this being said, it is crucial to take seriously the signs and symptoms children
present, so that they can be treated adequately. OBJECTIVE: Inform about the detriments
associated with the rise of psychiatric disorders and of the use of psychotropic drugs in
children and teenagers due to the Covid-19 pandemic and its required isolation. MATERIALS
AND METHODS: This study is about a bibliographic review through the platforms SciElo and
PubMed, by the terms “Mental Health, “Covid-19”, and “Children”, 5 articles were used as a
reference. The research included articles published in the last two years. RESULTS: The
increase of biological markers related to stress and functional neurological symptoms and the
increase of the use of medication in order to improve symptoms can be observed. Results
showed various psychological alterations in adolescence and infancy, such as: 36: increase of
excessive parental dependency; 32% of lack of attention; 29% of concern; 21% of sleep issues;
18% of lack of appetite; 14% of nightmares; and 13% of discomfort and agitation. The results
also showed that for every ten participants, four presented anxiety symptoms related to
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quarantine, with an emphasis on younger and lower social class participants. Consequently,
there is an association between decline of mental health, well-being, rise of mental disorders,
use of psychotropic substances, and suicidal behavior with the pandemic. CONCLUSION: Based
on this research, the negative consequences that social isolation can generate on children and
adolescent’s mental airton.mendes20@gmail.com health can be inferred. This confirms the
detriment of the learning process and social and psychological formation of children and
adolescents. Therefore, support networks and special attention are necessary so that these
alterations do not lead to future negative repercussions.
Anais do III Congresso Internacional de Educação e Saúde da Universidade de Marília
ALVES, Rayssa Andrade*; ALVES, Lucas Vaz**; DE CARVALHO, Lucas Cápia Castro***; DOS
SANTOS, Maria Júlia Candeloro*; CHAGAS, Eduardo Federighi Baisi****; HABER, Jesselina
Francisco dos Santos*****.
ALVES, Rayssa Andrade*; ALVES, Lucas Vaz**; DE CARVALHO, Lucas Cápia Castro***; DOS
SANTOS, Maria Júlia Candeloro*; CHAGAS, Eduardo Federighi Baisi****; HABER, Jesselina
Francisco dos Santos*****.
ALVES, Lucas Vaz*; ALVES, Marcos Eugênio**; DOS SANTOS, Maria Júlia Candeloro**; ALVES,
Rayssa Andrade**; CHAGAS, Eduardo Federighi Baisi***; HABER, Jesselina Francisco dos
ALVES, Lucas Vaz*; ALVES, Marcos Eugênio**; DOS SANTOS, Maria Júlia Candeloro**; ALVES,
Rayssa Andrade**; CHAGAS, Eduardo Federighi Baisi***; HABER, Jesselina Francisco dos
The type I diabetes mellitus (DM1) is an autoimmune disease characterized by the destruction
of pancreatic β cells, which results in a deficiency in insulin secretion, generating a picture of
chronic hyperglycemia. Glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) is a strong ally in monitoring the
glycemic control of this public. This represents the average blood glucose concentration of the
last 2 to 3 months, and it should remain below 7% (166 mg / dL), thus reducing the chances of
major complications from this pathology. For adequate glycemic control to occur in patients
with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus, in addition to a healthy lifestyle, drug treatment through the
use of insulin, a hormone that is also related to growth and weight gain, is necessary. As age
increases, we consequently have an increase in daily caloric expenditure, especially in
pubescent and post-pubertal periods, due to growth and increase in body weight, with the
effect of a higher BMI, in addition to the hormonal changes in these periods that make
stabilization of glycemia, requiring in some cases applications of larger doses of insulin daily.
Thus, the objective of the study is to evaluate the relationship between daily caloric
expenditure, glycated hemoglobin, and daily insulin dose in children and adolescents with Type
1 Diabetes Mellitus. The sample consisted of 73 individuals of both gender, aged between 3
and 19 years attended the Ambulatory of Specialty Physicians. Data on daily insulin dose and
glycated hemoglobin values were obtained through access to clinical records after
authorization by patients and guardians by signing the Informed Consent Form. The values of
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daily caloric expenditure were obtained using Bouchard's physical activity record. The project
was submitted to the Ethics and Research Committee of the Universidade de Marilia on
protocol 20492619.6.0000.5496 with approval 3,742,916. Although the daily caloric
expenditure is directly related to physical activity and not only to the increase in weight and
age, most of the sample was sedentary, although these data are not presented at work. That
said, a positive correlation was observed by the Pearson test, indicating that the increase in the
daily insulin dose is related to the increase in HbA1c (%) (r = 0.564; p ≤ 0.05) and daily energy
expenditure (r = 0.598; p ≤ 0.05) and a negative correlation between increased HbA1c (%) and
energy expenditure (r = -0.046; p ≤ 0.05). In view of the result presented, it is concluded that
the increase in caloric expenditure associated with the increase in age and body weight, brings
greater instability in metabolic control, thus generating higher values of HbA1c (%) and thus
providing an increase in the daily dose of insulin.
Keywords: Energy expenditure; Glycemic control; Insulin therap
Anais do III Congresso Internacional de Educação e Saúde da Universidade de Marília
Eliza Mara das Chagas Paiva, Thais Bastos dos Reis, Laura Carvalhoo de Oliveira, Anne Pereira
Calheiros, Christianne Alves Pereira Calheiros
Eliza Mara das Chagas Paiva, Thais Bastos dos Reis, Laura Carvalhoo de Oliveira, Anne Pereira
Calheiros, Christianne Alves Pereira Calheiros
Objective of the study: To verify the perception of adolescent mothers regarding the assistance
offered by nurses residing in low-risk prenatal consultations. Materials and methods: This is a
study with a qualitative, descriptive and exploratory approach, based on Bardin's theory of
content analysis. The population involved in this study was six adolescent mothers who were
users of a Family Health Strategy unit located in the south of the State of Minas Gerais, who
were assisted by nurses resident in the National Obstetric Nursing Residency Program during
prenatal care. The semi-structured interviews took place through a script prepared by the
authors of the study, being recorded on audio and later transcribed in full. Data collection took
place in the period from June to July 2019. The Research Ethics Committee approved it, under
the CAAE protocol 50547715.8.0000.5546. Results: The adolescent puerperal women
participating in the study were between 15 and
CARVALHO, Lucas Cápia Castro de*; ALVES, Lucas Vaz**; PINHEIRO, Caroline Rosseto**; ALVES,
Rayssa Andrade**; CHAGAS, Eduardo Federighi Baisi***; HABER, Jesselina Francisco dos
CARVALHO, Lucas Cápia Castro de*; ALVES, Lucas Vaz**; PINHEIRO, Caroline Rosseto**; ALVES,
Rayssa Andrade**; CHAGAS, Eduardo Federighi Baisi***; HABER, Jesselina Francisco dos
Type I diabetes mellitus (DM1) is defined by the destruction of β cells in the pancreas leading
to an absolute deficiency in insulin production resulting in hyperglycemia and glycosuria. Its
diagnosis is made mainly in childhood, in a patient with symptoms of
polyuria, polydipsia, weight loss, and polyphagia, and eventually progressing with ketoacidosis,
if not treated properly leads to a reduction of 10 to 20 years in the average life expectancy.
After diagnosis, treatment should be started immediately using insulin analogs, long-acting and
fast-acting, administering them subcutaneously with multiple daily injections (MID) or with
technologies such as continuous insulin infusion subcutaneous tissue (ICIS). ICIS works
exclusively with fast-acting insulin analogs and is recommended for most patients. It requires
the patient to use an insulin pump (BI) that infuses insulin at pre-determined basal rates and
the patient can release other infusions after feeding. The control of the disease is performed
efficiently by glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c), for all patients, with HbA1c being the average
blood glucose of patients within the last 3 months. OBJECTIVES: Given this, the objective of this
study is to assess the correlation between disease control according to HbA1c and the use of BI
in children and adolescents with DM1. METHODS: Patient data were obtained through
laboratory tests with HbA1c, routine consultations, and access to medical records at the
Medical Specialties Clinic of the University of Marília after approval by the Ethics and Research
Committee of the University of Marília (Register: 3.742.916/2019). The sample consisted of 50
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individuals divided into two groups: 11 using BI and 39 using MID. After data collection, the
Student T-test was used for independent samples with a significant value of p <0.05. RESULTS:
It was found that patients with BI use have an average HbA1c value (%) of 7.6%, which is lower
than patients who perform the MID form, being of this group 8.9%, having a significant value
of p <0.05. In this sense, it is also proven that the use of BI by using glycemia sensors
continuously informing blood glucose levels, trying to reproduce the functioning of the
organism, the possibility of the patient turning off BI according to peaks of hypoglycemia,
insulin infusion in hyperglycemia better control of professionals who accompany the patient by
storing data in the BI cloud leads to better control of DM1 in these patients. CONCLUSION: In
this context, it is possible to understand that the use of ICIS corroborates with better disease
control according to HbA1c, being a beneficial device for the treatment of DM1 not only for
better disease control but also for a better quality of life.
Anais do III Congresso Internacional de Educação e Saúde da Universidade de Marília
Monike Alves Lemes1, Giovanna Prezoto Garcia1, Vinicius Batista Silva1, Giulia Minniti1, Maria
Eduarda Monteiro Machado1, Jesselina Francisco Dos Santos Haber 2
Monike Alves Lemes1, Giovanna Prezoto Garcia1, Vinicius Batista Silva1, Giulia Minniti1, Maria
Eduarda Monteiro Machado1, Jesselina Francisco Dos Santos Haber 2
Email: haber.jesselina@gmail.com
Objective of the work: to investigate the repercussions of screen time by children during the
2019 Coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19). Literature review: using the combination of the
descriptors Screen Time, Child and COVID-19, according to the MESH tool, a search was
performed in the Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (MEDLINE) database
for original articles, published from 2020, which responded to the objective of the study.
Ninety articles were identified, of which 11 met the inclusion criteria and made up the final
sample. The results indicate that there was an increase in screen time and that many parents
do not monitor this exposure. Participation in online games has grown significantly which, on
the one hand, can reduce stress due to virtual socialization, on the other, can present risks
such as prolonged social isolation and addiction. In addition, there is evidence that increased
screen time is associated with decreased physical activity, increased consumption of
carbohydrates and processed foods and increased hours of sleep, situations favorable to the
development of metabolic and cardiovascular diseases. In this sense, following a daily routine,
monitoring screen time, encouraging outdoor play for more than 2 hours and healthy family
activities are provided in articles that support children's physical and psychological well-being
during the pandemic. Conclusions: the social restrictions necessary to reduce the spread of
COVID19 increased children's sedentary behavior, including screen time. Such factor, added to
the alteration of the eating pattern, sleep and reduction of physical activities, can favor
cardiometabolic and psychological alterations. Furthermore, it is worth noting that the
increase in internet access, adherence and dependence on digital equipment will not
necessarily end at the end of the pandemic, which can have an even more negative impact on
children's health.
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Keywords: Screen Time, Child, COVID-19.
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Anais do III Congresso Internacional de Educação e Saúde da Universidade de Marília
Ana Paula Rodrigues Arciprete ,Regina Célia Fiorati; Flávia Azevedo Gomes-Sponholz
Ana Paula Rodrigues Arciprete ,Regina Célia Fiorati; Flávia Azevedo Gomes-Sponholz
Objectives: Abortion remains one of the main causes of maternal death in Brazil, which can be
characterized as a picture of health inequalities in the country as there is still no effective
public policy in protecting these women that allows them to be subjected to procedure in a
safe manner, in adequate sanitary conditions and reception conditions. Therefore, it is possible
to understand that induced and unsafe abortion is the product of several social determinants,
such as gender, sociodemographic, ethnic-racial factors and socioeconomic position, and this
has direct effects on its outcome and the direct impact on women's health, leading to high
comorbidities and high mortality rates. The present work aims to understand which are the
Social Determinants of Health related to abortion and which are the social protection policies
existing in Brazil. Material and methods: This is a theoretical reflection based on the critical
conceptualization of Ministerial Decrees, Technical Reports, scientific literature published in
journals with national and international, current and classic, for the understanding and
discussion of the proposed theme. The results were grouped into four topics presented in a
dialogical manner: “Women's health policies in Brazil”, “Abortion as a Brazilian public health
problem” and “Abortion in Brazil: crisis aggravated by the Covid-19 pandemic”. Despite the
severity of the impact of unsafe abortion as a public health problem in Brazil, remaining not
treating it as such, with the maintenance of punitive legislation, leads to underreporting of
cases and the lack of real understanding of the dimension of the problem, making creation
impossible effective public policies. Associated with this, the crisis caused by the Covid-19
pandemic lead to setbacks in health policies and in discussions about legalization and abortion
assistance in Brazil, due to the diversion of financial and human resources that can be
displaced from sexual and reproductive health. , further aggravating the quality of abortion
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care. Conclusions: The investigation of abortion from the perspective of Social Determinants of
Health is fundamental to identify which factors influence this phenomenon, aiming at the
creation, implementation and continuous evaluation of health policies inclusive of protection
and that effectively promote health for these women.
Anais do III Congresso Internacional de Educação e Saúde da Universidade de Marília
Objectives: The COVID-19 pandemic impacts on social, economic and labor relations
inequalities between men and women, which also have a direct relationship with their well-
being and health. Specifically with regard to entrepreneurship, it is known that in Brazil 43% of
the entrepreneurial population is composed of women, although only 20%
Amanda Xavier Ribeiro1, Ana Laura Toledo Oliveira1, Anna Luiza Alves Boldrin de Siqueira 1,
Manuela Simões Nakano1, Vitor Pontelli Siravegna1, Paula Cristina Cola2
Amanda Xavier Ribeiro1, Ana Laura Toledo Oliveira1, Anna Luiza Alves Boldrin de Siqueira 1,
Manuela Simões Nakano1, Vitor Pontelli Siravegna1, Paula Cristina Cola2
Introduction: The Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a parasite responsible for infecting
blood cells and the nervous system, as well as decrease the activity of the immune system. The
prevalence of this virus, in women, increased gradually since 1980. Vertical transmission
(mother-child transmission) occurs when this virus is passed from mother to child during
pregnancy, childbirth, or breastfeeding. Objectives: analyze epidemiological data of parturients
carrying Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) in the states of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro and
compare the data on those who self-declared as white between the two states. Method: the
research was carried out using data from DATASUS referring to the states of São Paulo and Rio
de Janeiro. This data was collected from 2014 to 2019, taken from research forms for HIV
pregnant women, aged 15-34 years old. Results: the number of cases of HIV positive pregnant
women was higher in the years 2014 and 2018, with women aged 20-34 years old, declared
with brown ethnicity, with incomplete high school and in the state of Rio de Janeiro.
Conclusions: the state of São Paulo, despite having registered, in 2007, 91.7% of the total cases
of pregnant women diagnosed with HIV in Brazil, presents, during the years 2014 to 2019,
smaller quantities when compared to the state of Rio de Janeiro. In addition, even with
differences in aspects such as ethnicity and education, both states showed prevalence in the
age group of 20 to 34 years. Keywords: pregnant; HIV; prenatal; vertical transmission
Anais do III Congresso Internacional de Educação e Saúde da Universidade de Marília
Luiza Pedro Costanzo1 ,Luiza Santos de Argollo Haber1 ; Rodrigo Haber Mellem1; Davi Cassiano
Ueda Simensato1; Ricardo de Argollo Haber2; Jesselina Francisco dos Santos Haber2 .
Luiza Pedro Costanzo1 ,Luiza Santos de Argollo Haber1 ; Rodrigo Haber Mellem1; Davi Cassiano
Ueda Simensato1; Ricardo de Argollo Haber2; Jesselina Francisco dos Santos Haber2 .
OBJECTIVES: To review in literature the efficiency of using Cranberry as a way of prevention for
urinary tract infections (UTIs) in young women besides comprehending how cranberries can
help in the UTIs prophylaxis. METHODS: The model of study is retrospective, secondary and
descriptive. The review was made based on PubMed and Scielo data from 21st to 22nd of April
2021. The key-works used were “urinary tract infection”, “Young women”, “prevention” and
“cranberry”. Adding up all databases, there were 101 articles found: 101 in PubMed and 0 in
Scielo. After reading the titles and the abstract of each article, it was noticed that any of them
repeated in the different bases and 70 of them did not fit the criteria for this study. Lastly,
thirty-one (31) articles were selected and seventy (70) were excluded because they did not
correlate to the purpose of this study. RESULTS: Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are one of the
most frequent infections in women, being 50 times more prevalent in women. Among women
who have already developed UTI, 1/3 of them start to have the infection on a recurring basis
(which is classified as:> or equal to 2 times in 6 months or> 3 times in 1 year). Treatment for
this type of infection is done with antibiotics, but frequent use can lead to resistance to this
type of medication. A therapeutic alternative may be the use of Cranberry to prevent UTI by
reducing the use of antimicrobials. Cranberry might help in UTIs prevention by creating a
“biological barrier” though, possibly, groups of anthocyanin/proanthocyanin that lower the
adhesion of P-fimbriae (Escherichia coli.) uropathogens to the epithelium of the urinary tract
organs. For that effect to be accomplished, women in treatment need to keep up with it from 6
to 12 months (1 year), which, most of the times, was the reason for withdrawals because the
method in use during the experiments was drinking juice or eating the dehydrated fruit,
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different from the new technologies that may now be usedthe capsules. Already seen side
effects are gastrointestinal intolerance, weight gain (if the consumption of the cranberry is
through juice or fruit itself due to the high caloric index), and the interaction with other drugs
due to the inhibitory effect of flavonoids on the metabolism of drugs mediated by cytochrome
P450. The literature is controversial regarding the effectiveness of using cranberry to prevent
urinary tract infections due to the following reasons: dose in different experiments, people
dropping out of the study (55.5%), the difference in physiological characteristics of the people
studied (neuropathic bladder, different age and sex, previous spinal cord injury and
radiotherapy), the difference in time of administration of Cranberry (6 months to 1 year) and
the lack of quantity of studies. In most studies, use for young, healthy women showed a 26 to
35% decrease in the risk of contracting this type of infection. For this reason, the alternative
may be viable for this specific audience. CONCLUSION: Despite the possible benefits already
evaluated, clinical use can be contraindicated since there is not very concrete information for
all audiences. The studies already done are inconclusive and lead to doubts about the
functionality of such an attempt at prophylaxis.
Anais do III Congresso Internacional de Educação e Saúde da Universidade de Marília
Daniel de Souza Oliveira1 Júlia Mara da Silva2 Simone Albino da Silva3 Andréia Cristina Barbosa
Costa4 Patrícia Scotini Freitas5 Christianne Alves Pereira Calheiros6
4Doutora. Colaboradora. Docente da Escola de Enfermagem da Universidade Federal de
5 Doutora. Colaboradora. Docente da Escola de Enfermagem da Universidade Federal de
6 Doutora. Orientadora. Docente da Escola de Enfermagem da Universidade Federal de
Email: s. daniel.oliveira@sou.unifal-mg.edu.b
Daniel de Souza Oliveira1 Júlia Mara da Silva2 Simone Albino da Silva3 Andréia Cristina Barbosa
Costa4 Patrícia Scotini Freitas5 Christianne Alves Pereira Calheiros6
4Doutora. Colaboradora. Docente da Escola de Enfermagem da Universidade Federal de
5 Doutora. Colaboradora. Docente da Escola de Enfermagem da Universidade Federal de
6 Doutora. Orientadora. Docente da Escola de Enfermagem da Universidade Federal de
Email: s.daniel.oliveira@sou.unifal-mg.edu.b
Introduction: It is the realization of training in prenatal care of usual risk and puerperium for
nurses in primary care. According to the Ministry of Health, some of the duties of nurses in
low-risk prenatal care are: health education; the registration of pregnant women in the
Pregnancy Monitoring System, the supply and filling of the card keeping it updated in each
consultation; vaccination status; gynecological consultation; active search for absent pregnant
women; home visits; and issues involving family planning. For this to occur with mastery, a
technical-scientific training in nursing must be sought. Objective: To investigate nurses'
perception of the training offered and identify the potential and weaknesses of this
educational process. Material and methods: This is a qualitative study of the exploratory
descriptive type with content analysis by Bardin. Data collection was performed by completing
a training assessment questionnaire with 65 nurses, divided into groups of five participants.
This study was approved by the Ethics and Research Committee, under opinion number
2.816.026. Results: The training took a total of 63 hours and included the presentation of
several topics. On its last day, the training evaluation questionnaire was applied, followed by
documentary analysis. The results were grouped into three major thematic categories: 1.
Contributions from prenatal and puerperium training to professional qualification; 2. Potentials
and weaknesses identified in prenatal and puerperium training; 3. Possibilities brought by the
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training to strengthen the area of women's health at the university, at the regional health
superintendency and in the municipalities of the region. Conclusion: The present study was
able to conclude that there was a significant contribution for nurses who undertook the
training. Favorable points were pointed out regarding professional performance, security,
autonomy, empowerment and exchange of experiences, and limitations, such as infrastructure
and transportation for carrying out the training. In addition, with this research it was possible
to identify the gaps to be filled in carrying out future training actions in prenatal care at usual
risk and puerperium, such as dividing the participants into smaller classes for the realization of
practical classes, greater dynamism of the pedagogical process and subsidies for the
implementation of municipal nursing care protocols. From the critical analysis of nurses, there
was also the suggestion of participation of municipal managers in training so that they support
the necessary changes in the work process of the multidisciplinary teams of primary care.
Anais do III Congresso Internacional de Educação e Saúde da Universidade de Marília
Eduarda Santos Rocha 1; Gustavo dos Santos da Costa1; Mirela Dias dos Anjos1 ,Gabriela
Henrica Abu Kamel2; Flávia Vilas Boas Ortiz2; Juliana Regina Cafer 2
E-mails: gabihenrrica@gmail.com
Eduarda Santos Rocha 1; Gustavo dos Santos da Costa1; Mirela Dias dos Anjos1 ,Gabriela
Henrica Abu Kamel2;Flávia Vilas Boas Ortiz2; Juliana Regina Cafer 2;
E-mails: gabihenrrica@gmail.com
Introduction: According to the World Health Organization, obstetric violence refers to the
appropriation of the woman's body and reproductive processes by health professionals, in the
form of dehumanized treatment, abusive medication or pathologization of natural processes,
reducing the patient's autonomy and capacity to make their own decisions freely about their
body and sexuality, which has negative consequences on their quality of life. Objective:
Understand through the literature review the perception of nurses about obstetric violence.
Methodology: This is a bibliographic review. The search was carried out in the LILACS and
Virtual Health Library (VHL) databases, the inclusion criteria were: articles published in full, in
the Portuguese language, in the period from 2015 to 2020, that contemplated the main
objective of the research. The exclusion criteria were: manuals and articles not published in
databases. A total of 13 articles were found, of which only three met the inclusion criteria.
Results: In one of the articles found, all nurses interviewed recognized obstetric violence. In
the other analyzed articles, the theme was portrayed in several ways by nurses, with the non-
recognition of certain practices, such as the Kristeller maneuver, episiotomy, routine oxytocin
infusion or even the use of intimidating and embarrassing terms such as violence. Obstetric
violence was identified not only in the techniques that are no longer recommended, but also in
psychological violence and verbal violence. In addition, in another article, there is recognition
about the theme, classified into categories, which are prejudice against gender, race or
ethnicity, dispensable procedures and inappropriate conduct of childbirth assistance. Final
conclusions: Given this, there are gaps in knowledge about obstetric violence by nurses, thus
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contributing to the perpetuation of actions not recommended within health services, in the
context of women's health. It is noteworthy that obstetric violence has been the subject of
research all over the world, however, there is a need for efforts to implement health policies
that prevent these actions from occurring, in addition, health education for health
Key words: Knowledge; Nursing; Obstetric, Violence.
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Anais do III Congresso Internacional de Educação e Saúde da Universidade de Marília
* PEREIRA, Mariana Aparecida Garcia Severino; SANTOS, Roberta de Amorim; **GIANINI, Silvia
Helena Soares
E-mail: silgianini@hotmail.com
* PEREIRA, Mariana Aparecida Garcia Severino; SANTOS, Roberta de Amorim; **GIANINI, Silvia
Helena Soares
Introduction: The word suicide derives from suicidium, from the Latin sui, to oneself, and
cidium, murderer. Suicide has occurred since the beginning of history and has since been
assessed as taboo and may vary among the various existing cultures. Moreover, at the present
time there are approximately 650,000 suicide attempts each year in the world. As one of the
most relevant risk factors, physicians are among the professionals most threatened by this
condition. Similarly, medical students carry with them throughout their entire degree course a
number of conditions that lead to this fatality. Objective: To identify the main causes of suicide
attempt among medical students in relation to the general population. Materials and methods:
Bibliographic review on the theme in the databases Virtual Health Library (VHL), scientific
academic literature, Compendium of Psychiatry - Behavioral Science and Psychitr. Clinical, and
Caribbean in Health Sciences (LILACS), using the descriptors "suicide", "suicide attempt" and
"mental health", gathering and comparing the different data found in the query sources used.
Twenty articles pertinent to the theme were selected, and those that did not address the
research interest were excluded. Results: There are causes that accompany medical students
from the moment they enter the selection process, considering that the course is one of the
most popular in universities; these causes are psychological pressure, perfectionism, difficulty
in conciliating leisure activities, sleep deprivation, among others. Concomitantly, during
graduation, curricular, affective, personal, and institutional factors are variables that make
medical students prone to commit suicide. Moreover, these manifestations can lead to
significant psychiatric factors such as anxiety, depression, Burnout Syndrome, and parasuicidal
behavior - self-mutilation conduct without necessarily a desire to die. Conclusion: Strategies
for suicide prevention in medical students are important. It is essential to determine
potentially lethal behavior patterns, and from this to develop a student support network, with
consequent reduction of the stigma that permeates the subject. Keywords: Suicide. Attempted
Suicide. Mental Health.
Anais do III Congresso Internacional de Educação e Saúde da Universidade de Marília
Gabriela Achete de Souza¹; Júlia Novaes Matias¹; Gyovanna Sorrentino dos Santos Campanari¹;
Vinícius Marinho Lima¹; Gabriela Lopes¹; Sandra Maria Barbalho².
Gabriela Achete de Souza¹; Júlia Novaes Matias¹; Gyovanna Sorrentino dos Santos Campanari¹;
Vinícius Marinho Lima¹; Gabriela Lopes¹; Sandra Maria Barbalho².
Introduction: The Glucagon like peptide 1 (GLP-1) is a hormone majority secreted by the
enterocytes face of food ingests. This function is mimic by the Liraglutide drug, one agonist of
the GLP-1 receptors, which has a half-life time superior to the GLP-1 endogenous. Its use is
popularly known for your capacity of retarding the gastric emptying and by its action at the
neural central system (NCS), reducing appetite. So, the therapy recommendation for the
obesity treatment is widespread nowadays. However, its properties at NCS have been
generating discussions because recent studies shown that the GLP-1 agonists do not have
limited action on the appetite modulation, but also acting at the mesolimbic system,
decreasing the compulsion of alcohol consume, being a possible adjuvant on the mental and
behavioral disorders due to the alcohol use with withdraw syndrome. Objectives: The present
study objectives provide better clarity of the GLP-1 properties on the treatment of disorders
due to alcohol, bringing new perspectives to the treatment of these comorbidities. Methods:
The methodology consists in the research of PubMed publications using as descriptors
“Glucagon like peptide 1 and addiction”, selecting published articles in the past five years.
Results: The alcohol consumption acts on the NCS reward-related areas, more precisely at the
nucleus accumbens and in the ventral tegmental area, inhibiting the dopamine release
triggered by the alcohol consumption. This fact, generate the decrease of alcohol preference
and it consume in animals’ models. Thus, it attenuates effects of withdraw, allowing impact in
the relapse’s decrease, which is an important obstacle on dependency treatment. These
characteristics are noticed from the continuous use of the medication, and those benefits are
interrupted with the absence of therapy. Conclusion: In conclusion, the new drugs appearance
has been attracting attention in the treatment of mental and behavior disorders due to alcohol
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use with withdraw syndrome, since these disorders generate several impacts in the
biopsychosocial context. Therefore, it was seen that GLP-1 agonists action inhibit the
dopaminergic action in the reward-related areas, decreasing the implications of alcohol
consume in the NCS attenuating the effects of abstinence. Although, on account of being a
new therapy, more human trials need to be stimulated since it promotes important
information about posology, route administration and possible adverse effects. Keywords:
Alcoholism; Liraglutide; Alcohol Abstinence; Dopamine.
Anais do III Congresso Internacional de Educação e Saúde da Universidade de Marília
Kárita Mayara Socorro Lopes da Silvai1 , Nayara Barbosa Ferreiraii2, Gabriela Eiras Orton3 , Lara
Tavares Santiago Borgesi1, Luciene Apolinário de Araújo3, Katiulcy Carvalho Oliveira3 , Sérgio
Gomes de Miranda4
E-mail: serginhosong@hotmail.com
Kárita Mayara Socorro Lopes da Silvai1 , Nayara Barbosa Ferreiraii2, Gabriela Eiras Orton3 , Lara
Tavares Santiago Borgesi1, Luciene Apolinário de Araújo3, Katiulcy Carvalho Oliveira3 , Sérgio
Gomes de Miranda4
E-mail: serginhosong@hotmail.com
Nursing work involves several aspects, as it deals all the time with relationships and
interactions that involve nurse-patient and also interactions with other health professionals. In
this context, absenteeism is a factor that aggregates problems for the team, where the
absence of a professional overloads the other employees. This can generate aggravating
factors such as physical, mental, social and spiritual wear, consequently causing illness.
Objective: To identify in the literature what are the main causes of absenteeism among nursing
professionals, pointing out the factors that lead to absence from work and the damage caused
by absenteeism. Method: This is a narrative review of the literature, carried out through an
online search for the main causes of absenteeism in nursing. Results and discussion: Data were
collected through the Virtual Health Library (VHL). Eighteen (18) articles were selected in the
period from 2008 to 2019. It was evidenced that absenteeism in the nursing area is
multifactorial, represented in three distinct but interrelated categories, which are:
psychological, biological and social. The analyzed studies addressed that there are five main
types of absenteeism: by illness, by professional, legal, compulsory and voluntary pathology. In
this context, the psychological factor stands out as one of the main reasons that can lead to
absenteeism in the health area. Conclusion: The main causes of absenteeism by nursing
professionals are multifactorial, involving psychological, biological and social aspects. It is
extremely necessary to develop effective strategies within the work environment, providing a
place with better work quality, aiming at preventive strategies to the worker's health, where
the caregiver will also be cared for.
Anais do III Congresso Internacional de Educação e Saúde da Universidade de Marília
*SANTOS, Roberta de Amorim; PEREIRA, Mariana Aparecida Garcia Severino; **GIANINI, Silvia
Helena Soares
*SANTOS, Roberta de Amorim; PEREIRA, Mariana Aparecida Garcia Severino; **GIANINI, Silvia
Helena Soares
Introduction:Methylphenidate and other related drugs (MPH) are drugs that have the main
substances used for neuroenhancement and are therefore highly employed in the treatment of
narcolepsy and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Methylphenidate
Hydrochloride, belonging to the amphetamine group, being central nervous system stimulants,
has a mechanism of action related to the direct stimulation of alpha and beta adrenergic
receptors or, indirectly, the release of dopamine and noradrenaline at the synaptic terminals;
and, in this way, presents more noticeable effects on mental activity than on motor activity.
MPH are the drugs most commonly known by the trade names Ritalin®, Concerta®, Venvance®
and Adderal®. Due to the high workload of the medical course, students resort, often illicitly,
to excessive use of these drugs in order to improve their performance, since these substances
have psychostimulant properties. Objective: To highlight the indiscriminate use of
methylphenidate and related drugs in the quest for higher performance by medicalstudents.
Materials and Methods: Bibliographic review on the theme in the databases Virtual Health
Library (VHL), scientific academic literature, Compendium of Psychiatry - Behavioral Science
and Clinical Psychiatry, and Caribbean in Health Sciences (LILACS), using the descriptors
"methylphenidate", "medical students" and "central nervous system stimulants", gathering
and comparing the different data found in the query sources used. Twenty-five articles
pertinent to the theme were selected, and those that did not address the research interest
were excluded. Results: The search for cognitive enhancement by medical students with the
purpose of improving academic performance is due to the excessive demands of the student
himself, as well as of everyone present in his social and affective cycle, which comes associated
with extensive study periods, which cause high rates of stress and mental fatigue. In line with
Anais do III Congresso Internacional de Educação e Saúde da Universidade de Marília
this and with the capitalist logic of productivity, the psychostimulant effects of MPHs induce
healthy people to seek this performance enhancement. Conclusion: By interfering in academic
and professional performance, the excessive use of MPH causes a dependence, and
consequently, prevents the student from being aware of his/her true level of competence
without the medication. Besides affecting in the future the exercise of their profession, and
putting at risk the lives of their own patients. Keywords: Methylphenidate. Medical Students.
Central Nervous System Stimulants.
Anais do III Congresso Internacional de Educação e Saúde da Universidade de Marília
Trabalhos e autores
Marela Amaro de Santana, Gleydson Bizerra da Mota Junior, Juliana pascon dos
Marela Amaro de Santana, Gleydson Bizerra da Mota Junior, Juliana pascon dos
Luani Bernardochi Ramalho; Letícia Fernandez Rodrigues Silva; Maria Eduarda Côrtes
Camargo; Mariane Magalhães Pedrotti; Roberta de Amorim Santos, Paula Cristina
CARVALHO, Lucas Cápia Castro de; ALVES, Lucas Vaz; PINHEIRO, Caroline Rosseto; ALVES,
Rayssa Andrade; CHAGAS, Eduardo Federighi Baisi; HABER, Jesselina Francisco dos Santos
Ana Paula Rodrigues Arciprete ,; Regina Célia Fiorati; Flávia Azevedo Gomes
Anais do III Congresso Internacional de Educação e Saúde da Universidade de Marília
Ana Paula Rodrigues Arciprete ,; Regina Célia Fiorati; Flávia Azevedo Gomes
Daniel de Souza Oliveira; Júlia Mara da Silva; Simone Albino da Silva; Andréia Cristina
Anais do III Congresso Internacional de Educação e Saúde da Universidade de Marília
Barbosa Costa; Patrícia Scotini Freitas; Christianne Alves Pereira Calheiros
PEREIRA, Mariana Aparecida Garcia Severino; SANTOS, Roberta de Amorim; GIANINI, Silvia
Helena Soares