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Present Perfect

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COLÉGIO PEDRO II – Campus São Cristóvão II – 2019 – 9o.

Disciplina: Inglês
Coordenadora: Ofélia Professor(a):
Aluno(a): no.: _ Turma: _

O present perfect é empregado em diversas situações. O que existe em comum entre elas é
que a ação sempre tem alguma relação com o presente. Para formar o present perfect usamos o verbo
HAVE/HAS como verbo auxiliar e o verbo principal no PAST PARTICIPLE.

I - PRESENT PERFECT para ações que já aconteceram, mas que repercurtem no presente Usamos o
present perfect para falar de ações / eventos que aconteceram no passado
sem que se mencione quando: o importante não é o quando a ação ocorreu e sim os seus resultados no
Example: “I have finished my homework”.[acabei de fazer o trabalho de casa]. O que
importa é que isso tendo acontecido, agora já posso sair / navegar na Internet / ir dormir etc.

Exercise A - Say what has happened in each situation. Use the clues below and start
your sentences with pronoun:

Break his glasses / lose her car keys. / miss the bus / win the lottery

They have missed the bus . Now they will have to walk.

___________________________. Now she can't open

her car.

. He's a rich man


. Now he can´t read.


Conforme visto acima, usamos o present perfect para se referir a uma ação que já aconteceu, mas
não se sabe ou não se quer mencionar quando ocorreu - porque o que importa é a ação em si e suas
consequências no presente.
Já quando nos referimos a uma ação passada e queremos mencionar quando ela ocorreu porque isso
é um dado importante - usamos o simple past.

Exercise B: Complete the sentences with the present perfect or the simple past of the
verbs in parentheses:

1- My friend is a writer, He many books. (write)

2- I tennis last week. (play) 3-
My sister and I all of the Harry Potter films! (see)
4- My dad abroad many times. (be)
5- The teacher the classroom 10 minutes ago. (leave) 6-
The weather very good yesterday. (be)
7- He to much beer. He shouldn´t drive. (drink)


Usamos o present perfect com SINCE e FOR para falar de uma ação que começou no passado e
continua no presente.
 I have studied English since 5th grade. [estudo inglês desde a 5a série]
 I have studied English for four years. [estudo inglês há 4 anos]
Usamos since quando vamos dizer quanclo a ação começou; usarnos for quando vamos dizer há quanto
tempo a ação acontece. Portanto, a regra

since + o início do período de tempo For + o período de tempo

Exercise C - Write sentences to say how long these things have happened.
Use since or for and the expressions from the box.
drive / he was 18 play the piano / 2003 be a doctor / 20 years work as a teacher /
swim / 40 minutes

Exercise D - Complete the sentences with since or for:

1- I've had this book__________________________________February.
2- They are hungry. They haven't eaten anything__________________ they arrived here. 3- I've had
this car______________only one week, and it's already caused me a lot of problems.
4- Dad has been in his office ___________________12 hours! He must be tired.

Exercise E - Answer these questions. Start with since or for:

1- How long has Cristiane been your teacher?________________________
2- How long have you had your backpack?____________________________________
3- How long have you lived at your present address? __________________________
Usamos o present perfect com ever, yet, already e just Examples:

a - Have you ever been to Pantanal? b -

I have never lived abroad.
c - Has Mike had breakfast yet ? d -
We haven't studied Unit 4 yet .
e - Ann has already finished her homework. f -
I have just seen the teacher.

Exercise F - Refer to the examples above paying attention to the underlined

words. What do they indicate? Write the correct letters in the

[ ] a ação ainda não aconteceu [ ] a ação já aconteceu

[ ] a ação acabou de acontecer [ ] quer saber se a ação esperada já
[ ] quer saber se alguma vez (na vida daquela aconteceu
pessoa) a ação aconteceu [ ] a ação nunca aconteceu

Exercise G - Make up dialogues. Ask questions using ever and answer them in the
negative using never,

Example: (be to India) - Have you ever been to India? - No, I have -never been to India. OR: No
I've never been to India.

1- speak English to a foreigner _____________________________________________

2- drive a truck _________________________________________________________
3- fly in a helicopter_____________________________________________________

EXERCISE H - Make up dialogues. Ask questions using yet and give a short answer.
Example: (finish exercise A) - have you finished exercise A yet?
- Yes, I have Or No, I haven't.
I- (start exercise G) - ________________________________________________________
- _________________________________________________________ 2- (have
lunch) - ____________________________________________________________
- ____________________________________________________________ 3 - (buy
Anita' s new CD) - ____________________________________________________

Exercise I - A teenager who is addicted to alcohol wants to quit. Here are the things he has ( *) or hasn't
done (X). Write sentences using already or yet:

a- (*) Talk to the school counselor

b- (X) Drink only soda
c- ( *)Read about addictions
d- (X) Look for an aid group
Exercise J - What has just happened? Write sentences according to the pictures. Use the clues

clean his shoes - close the door - go to bed - have a bath - stop


Usamos o present perfect também para expressar ações ou hábitos que se repetem há algum tempo. Nesse caso,
muitas vezes vem acompanhado do adverbio lately (=ultimamente).
Example: We have studied a lot lately. (=Temos estudado muito ultimamente)

Exercise L - Say what these people have done lately. Use the dues below. Start with a pronoun:

eat too much chocolate / smoke too much / take a lot of photos / watch too much TV

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