FinalThesis - CryptoTrading

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Data Resampling for Cryptocurrency Investment with

Ensemble of Machine Learning Algorithms

Luis Tomé Pinto de Almeida Borges

Thesis to obtain the Master of Science Degree in

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Supervisor: Prof. Rui Fuentecilla Maia Ferreira Neves

Examination Committee
Chairperson: Prof. Teresa Maria Sá Ferreira Vazão Vasques
Supervisor: Prof. Rui Fuentecilla Maia Ferreira Neves
Member of the Committee: Prof. João Miguel Duarte Ascenso

June 2019

I declare that this document is an original work of my own authorship and that it fulfills all the require-
ments of the Code of Conduct and Good Practices of the Universidade de Lisboa.


First and foremost I would like to thank my thesis supervisor, Prof. Rui Neves, for his weekly help and
feedback during the course of this work. I would also like to express my gratitude to Gonçalo Abreu for
the great help and tips he offered.
Thank you to all my family for supporting and encouraging me, not only throughout the development
of this thesis, but during my whole life.
Last but not least, I must thank all my friends and colleagues for all the great times as well as for their
help and motivation throughout my academic path.


Neste trabalho é proposto um sistema baseado em aprendizagem automática que visa criar um sinal
de transações capaz de efetuar trocas no mercado de câmbio das criptomoedas com lucros elevados
mas mı́nimo risco associado. Para tal, os dados financeiros originais são reamostrados de modo a
conceber uma série temporal mais favorecedora a originar retornos elevados. Os resultados obtidos
por reamostragens alternativas são comparados aos obtidos pela comum amostragem em ordem ao
tempo. Estes métodos reamostram a série temporal original de acordo com variação de preço. Isto
é, as amostras originais são agrupadas quando o valor de encerramento ultrapassa uma variação pré-
estabelecida de moeda cotada. Este sistema foi testado com variações percentuais, valor logarı́tmico e
valor simples.
Através da série reamostrada, é calculado um conjunto de indicadores técnicos enviado como input
para quatro algoritmos de aprendizagem automática: Regressão Logı́stica, Floresta Aleatória, Classifi-
cador de Vetores de Suporte e Gradient Tree Boosting. Cada um destes algoritmos é responsável por
gerar um sinal de transação. Após isto, uma média sem pesos dos quatro sinais é calculada, no total,
são testados cinco sinais de transação diferentes.
Este trabalho demonstra que todos os algoritmos aplicados conseguem obter melhores resultados
que uma estratégia Buy and Hold (B&H) na generalidade dos 100 mercados testados. A média sem
pesos, no entanto, obteve em média os melhores resultados, nomeadamente precisões de até 59.26%
para a reamostragem em ordem ao tempo. Por fim, conclui-se que os métodos de reamostragem
alternativos geram retornos muito superiores que a reamostragem temporal.

Palavras-chave: Reamostragem de Dados Financeiros, Criptomoedas, Análise Técnica,

Aprendizagem Automática, Regressão Logı́stica, Floresta Aleatória, Gradient Tree Boosting, Classifi-
cador de Vetores de Suporte, Votação por Combinação.


This work proposes a system based on machine learning aimed at creating an investment strategy
capable of trading on the volatile cryptocurrency exchange markets with the highest returns and lowest
risk. With the former goal in mind, several methods are employed for resampling the original financial
data into a time series more prone of obtaining higher returns and the final results are compared to the
obtained with commonly utilized time sampled series. These methods resample the original financial
time series according to price action rather than a fixed time period. Simply put, the original samples
are grouped as the closing value surpasses a threshold variation of quote currency. Three experimental
thresholds were analysed: percentual value, fixed amount and fixed logarithmic amount.
From the resampled series, a set of technical indicators are calculated and fed as input to the follow-
ing four machine learning algorithms: Logistic Regression, Random Forest, Support Vector Classifier,
and Gradient Tree Boosting. Each of these algorithms is responsible for generating a transaction signal.
Afterwards, a simple unweighted average of the signals from these four algorithms is employed as well
to improve on their results.
This work demonstrates that all learning algorithms outperform the Buy and Hold (B&H) strategy in
the overwhelming majority of the 100 markets tested. Nevertheless, the unweighted average obtains
the best overall results, namely accuracies up to 59.26% for time resampled series. Additionally, it is
concluded that the three alternative resampling methods are capable of generating far greater returns
relatively to time resampled data.

Keywords: Financial Data Resampling, Cryptocurrencies, Technical Analysis, Machine Learn-

ing, Logistic Regression, Random Forest, Gradient Tree Boosting, Support Vector Machine, Ensemble


Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v
Resumo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii
Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix
List of Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii
List of Figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xv
List of Acronyms and Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xvii

1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2 Work’s Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.3 Main Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.4 Document Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

2 Background & State-of-the-Art 5

2.1 Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.1.1 Cryptocurrencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.1.2 Cryptocurrency Exchange Market Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.1.3 Technical analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.1.4 Time Series Forecasting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.2 State-of-the-Art . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
2.2.1 Works on Machine Learning and Financial Markets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
2.2.2 Works on LR, RF, GTB, SVM and Ensemble methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
2.3 Chapter Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

3 Implementation 33
3.1 System’s Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
3.2 Data Preparation Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
3.3 Technical Indicators Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
3.4 Machine Learning Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
3.4.1 Feature Scaling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
3.4.2 Target Formulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
3.4.3 Classifiers Fitting and Predicting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

3.4.4 Forecasting and Ensemble voting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
3.5 Investment Simulator Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
3.6 Chapter Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

4 Results 54
4.1 Financial Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
4.2 Evaluation metrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
4.2.1 Return on Investment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
4.2.2 Maximum Drawdown (MDD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
4.2.3 Sharpe Ratio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
4.2.4 Sortino Ratio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
4.2.5 Classification Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
4.3 Additional Buy & Hold Strategy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
4.4 Case Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
4.4.1 Case Study A - Illiquid Markets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
4.4.2 Case Study B - Methodologies Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
4.4.3 Case Study C - Time Rearrangement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
4.4.4 Case Study D - Log Amount Rearrangement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
4.4.5 Case Study E - Percentage Rearrangement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
4.4.6 Case Study F - Amount Rearrangement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
4.5 Chapter Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77

5 Conclusions 79
5.1 Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80

Bibliography 81

List of Tables

2.1 Summary of the most relevant works covered in the state-of-the-art. . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

3.1 List of all indicators and (if applied) their respective parameters, outputted to the Machine
Learning module. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

4.1 Comparison between the Buy & Hold strategy and each of the five methodologies employed. 62
4.2 Average obtained results for the Buy & Hold and each of the five methodologies employed
with time resampled data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
4.3 Comparison between the Buy & Hold strategy and each of the five methodologies em-
ployed for the time resampling in the POEETH and ADABTC markets. . . . . . . . . . . . 67
4.4 Average obtained results for the Buy & Hold and each of the five methodologies employed
with logarithmic amount resampled data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
4.5 Comparison between the Buy & Hold strategy and each of the five methodologies em-
ployed for the logarithmic amount resampling in POEETH and ADABTC markets. . . . . . 70
4.6 Average obtained results for the Buy & Hold and each of the five methodologies employed
with percentage resampled data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
4.7 Comparison between the Buy & Hold strategy and each of the five methodologies em-
ployed for the percentage resampling in POEETH and ADABTC markets. . . . . . . . . . 72
4.8 Average obtained results for the Buy & Hold and each of the five methodologies employed
with amount resampled data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
4.9 Comparison between the Buy & Hold strategy and each of the five methodologies em-
ployed for the amount resampling in POEETH and ADABTC markets. . . . . . . . . . . . 76

List of Figures

2.1 Section of GOBTC currency pair OHLC prices with its respective RSI plotted underneath. 12
2.2 Section of GOBTC currency pair OHLC prices with its respective %K, fast %D and slow
%D stochastic oscillator lines plotted underneath. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.3 Section of GOBTC currency pair OHLC prices with its respective CCI plotted underneath. 15
2.4 Section of GOBTC currency pair OHLC prices with its respective ATR plotted underneath. 16
2.5 Hyperplane dividing two linearly separable classes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

3.1 Simplified overview of the proposed system’s modular architecture. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

3.2 Regrouping process illustration for a percentage of 2%. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
3.3 Machine Learning module overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
3.4 Train-Test split scheme. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
3.5 Execution example of the trading module. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

4.1 Current total volume in USD as a function of the respective introduction date in Binance
for each cryptocurrency pair. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
4.2 OHLC representation of the market values during the month of August 2018 for the cur-
rency pair HOTBTC (Holo/Bitcoin) with 1-minute precision. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
4.3 Radial bar charts containing a general overview of the ROI’s obtained, measured in per-
centage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
4.4 Radial bar charts containing a general overview of the accuracies obtained. . . . . . . . . 62
4.5 Average accumulated ROI [%] for each instant in the test dataset with time resampled data. 65
4.6 ROI variations for currency pair POEETH ( with time resampling applied. 66
4.7 ROI variations for currency pair ADABTC (Cardano/Bitcoin) with time resampling applied. 66
4.8 Average accumulated ROI [%] for each instant in the test dataset with logarithmic amount
resampled data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
4.9 ROI variations for currency pair POEETH ( with logarithmic amount re-
sampling applied. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
4.10 ROI variations for currency pair ADABTC (Cardano/Bitcoin) with logarithmic amount re-
sampling applied. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
4.11 Average accumulated ROI [%] for each instant in the test dataset with percentage resam-
pled data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

4.12 ROI variations for currency pair POEETH ( with percentage resampling
applied. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
4.13 ROI variations for currency pair ADABTC (Cardano/Bitcoin) with percentage resampling
applied. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
4.14 Entry and exit points for the TRXBTC (Tron/Bitcoin) pair during 17 and 18 January 2018
for percentage resampling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
4.15 Entry and exit points for the IOTABTC (Internet of Things Application/Bitcoin) pair from
mid September 26 until mid October 2 2018 for percentage resampling. . . . . . . . . . . 73
4.16 Average accumulated ROI [%] for each instant in the test dataset with amount resampled
data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
4.17 ROI variations for currency pair POEETH ( with amount resampling applied. 75
4.18 ROI variations for currency pair ADABTC (Cardano/Bitcoin) with amount resampling applied. 75
4.19 Entry and exit points for the TRXBTC (Tron/Bitcoin) pair during most of 17 and 18 January
2018 for amount resampling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
4.20 Entry and exit points for the IOTABTC (Internet of Things Application/Bitcoin) pair from
mid September 26 until mid October 2 2018 for amount resampling. . . . . . . . . . . . . 76

List of Acronyms and Abbreviations

Investment Related

%D Fast D Stochastic Oscillator Component

%K Fast K Stochastic Oscillator Component

ATR Average True Range

B&H Buy and Hold

CCI Commodity Channel Index

CDS Credit Default Swaps

EMA Exponential Moving Average

MACD Moving Average Convergence Divergence

MDD Maximum Drawdown

OBV On Balance Volume

OHLC Open-High-Low-Close

ROC Rate of Change

ROI Return on Investment

RSI Relative Strength Index

SMA Simple Moving Average

TI Technical Indicator

TR True Range

USD United States Dollar

Optimization and Computer Engineering Related

ANN Artificial Neural Network

API Application Programming Interface

ARIMA Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average

CART Classification and Regresstion Tree

EBNN Elman Backpropagation Neural Network

EV Ensemble Voting

GA Genetic Algorithm

LDA Linear Discriminant Analysis

LR Logistic Regression

LSTM Long Short Term Memory

MLP Multi-Layer Perception

NLL Negative Log-Loss

RF Random Forest

RMSE Root Mean Squared Error

RNN Recurrent Neural Network

SVC Support Vector Classifier

SVM Support Vector Machine

XGB Extreme Gradient Boosting

Chapter 1


As a result of the tremendous growth and remarkably high market capitalizations reached, cryptocur-
rencies are now emerging as a new financial instrument and their popularity has recently skyrocketed.
Despite being relatively recent, with the rise of Bitcoin, the cryptocurrency exchange market has become
a global phenomenon, particularly known for its volatility and diversity, attracting the attention of many
new and old investors. As of now, thousands of cryptocurrencies, each with unique objectives and char-
acteristics, are being actively traded against other cryptocurrencies or fiat money. The cryptocurrency
exchange market, properly introduced in chapter 2 is this work’s financial market of focus.

A financial market describes any marketplace where buyers and sellers participate in the trade of
assets such as currencies, equities, bonds and derivatives. Financial activities play an important role
in the world economy, and influence worldwide economic development. On this account, financial time
series forecasting has attracted increasing attention among traders and researchers in the fields of
finance, engineering and mathematics for its theoretical possibilities and practical applications.

Financial time series forecasting is a challenging task. This is primarily because of the uncertainties
involved in the movements of markets. Many diversified factors cause an impact in financial markets
such as political events, general economic conditions and trader’s expectations. Therefore, financial
time series are characterized by non-stationarity, heteroscedasticity, discontinuities, outliers and high-
frequency multi-polynomial components making the prediction of market movements quite complex [1].
In order to predict market prices two approaches are commonly used to process information acquired
from, or pertinent towards, a financial market: Technical and Fundamental analysis, both introduced in
chapter 2.

Nonetheless, the Efficient Market Hypothesis [2] states that no type of analysis is capable of achiev-
ing returns greater than those obtained by adopting a buy and hold (B&H) strategy with a randomly
selected portfolio. This hypothesis states that financial markets are informationally efficient because
current market prices react instantaneously to any informational advantage thereby eliminating oppor-
tunities for profit. Consequently, according to this theory, no profit can be made from information based
trading [3].

This hypothesis is associated with the Random Walk Theory [4], a term used to characterize a price

series where all subsequent changes represent random departures from previous prices. The idea
behind random walk theory is that if the flow of information is unimpeded and instantaneously reflected
in stock prices, then tomorrow’s price changes will only depend on tomorrow’s news and therefore are
independent of today’s price changes [5].
Nowadays nevertheless, the Efficient Market Hypothesis generally is no longer considered to be
entirely valid [5]. In spite of the difficulty to completely disprove this hypothesis (as many results have
contradictory evidence or could be have been obtained by chance), evidence suggests that markets are
to a certain extent predictable, despite not existing a consensus to what extent [3]. In fact the community
of analysts, either fundamental or technical, attempt to predict the direction prices are likely to move,
thus reject the Efficient Market theory.
The complex characteristics of financial time series and the immense volumes of data that must
be analysed to successfully accomplish the task of forecasting financial time series have driven the
adoption of more sophisticated methods, models and simulation techniques. Lately, machine learning or
data mining techniques, widely applied in forecasting financial markets, have been offering much better
results than simple technical or fundamental analysis static strategies. Machine learning methodologies
are able of uncovering patterns and predict future trends in order to identify the best entry and exit points
in a financial time series with the intention of achieving the highest returns with the lowest risk [6].
The work developed in this dissertation sides with the technical analysts, in an attempt to apply
several machine learning methods capable of predicting whether a given financial time series’ price is
increasing or decreasing in the ’future’ better than random guessing. This concept has been widely used
in diverse financial markets, such as stocks, bonds or Foreign Exchange markets.
The cryptocurrencies market is relatively recent, thus, literature regarding machine learning fore-
casting and investment in the cryptocurrency exchange market is still uncommon, save for specifically
Bitcoin. This current work, instead of focusing solely on Bitcoin, aims to increase the scope to a broader
set of cryptocurrencies in order to measure and compare the performance of several machine learning
methods. In this work, as is typically posed, the forecasting problem is defined as direction-predicting,
where the objective is predicting whether a given cryptocurrency pair exchange price is increasing or
decreasing while utilizing only technical analysis as input data.

1.1 Motivation

The main motivation is the typical primary objective for works in this area, designing a profitable strategy
for the considered financial market. In this work, the predictions for the price direction will be utilized in a
real case scenario simulation in order to add a more practical and visual idea of the actual performance
of the created strategy.
Concurrently, from the engineering perspective, designing a machine learning system capable of
uncovering patterns in dynamic, non-linear, non-stationary, noisy and chaotic signals, existent not only in
econometrics but also in other fields such as image and speech, medicine, communication and countless
other purposes, most definitely is a challenging motivation.

Finally, over the past years, specially due to the recently faced rise in artificial intelligence, numerous
strategies and machine learning methodologies have been applied in forecasting financial markets, but
there is still so much yet to be explored. In fact, in this work, a resampling procedure is implemented
and even though this procedure has been previously mentioned in literature, as will be seen in section
2.2.1, no actual experimentation and result comparison has been found whatsoever in existent literature.
Finding out if this procedure yields better results than the common practice was certainly an additional

1.2 Work’s Purpose

The main purpose of this dissertation is creating a realistic system capable of predicting the optimal
market entry and exit points in cryptocurrency exchange markets through the maximization of negative
logarithmic loss in order to obtain the maximum returns while minimizing the risk. This system must
obviously be apt to be implemented in a real life investment scenario. The optimal market entry and exit
points are derived from predicting the direction of price variations for several cryptocurrency pairs with
the smallest forecasting error leading to the reduction of investment risk.
To accomplish this objective, firstly four different data resampling processes are computed to be later
compared. Secondly, four different machine learning methods are employed to predict the future price
directions. In the end, the predictions from each method are aggregated into a fifth prediction method
as an attempt to obtain a better performance relatively to each individual machine learning method.
Finally, each of the five predictions for each of the four resampling methods (20 instances per market
in total), are simulated through backtest trading in a real case scenario. The economic results as well as
other metrics associated with machine learning forecasting obtained from the simulation of the several
forecasting methods are benchmarked against a simple Buy and Hold strategy and compared among
each other.

1.3 Main Contributions

The main contributions of this dissertation are:

• Development of a framework consisting of several supervised machine learning procedures to

trade in a relatively new market, the Cryptocurrencies Market;

• Compare the performance of 5 different types of forecasting trading signals amongst themselves
and with a Buy and Hold strategy as baseline;

• Compare the difference in returns and overall results between a financial time series resampled
according to a parameter derived from trading activity, namely, a logarithmic, a fixed or a percentual
variation to a commonly used time sampled time series, as baseline.

1.4 Document Structure

The structure for this dissertation is the following:

• Chapter 2 contains the theory and key concepts behind the developed work. It begins with an
introduction to Cryptocurrencies followed by some notions regarding market analysis and forecast-
ing. An introduction to each of the learning methods employed in this work is given as well. Finally,
some existing strategies that seek to address analogous problems are described.

• Chapter 3 documents the entire proposed system architecture in detail, explaining each of the
main modules that constitute it.

• Chapter 4 describes the data, metrics and the benchmark strategy used to perform system valida-
tion. Afterwards, the obtained results are displayed.

• Chapter 5 summarizes this work, supplies the respective conclusion and presents some sugges-
tions for future work.

Chapter 2

Background & State-of-the-Art

2.1 Background

This chapter presents the fundamental concepts put into practice throughout this thesis. In first place, the
subject of Cryptocurrencies is introduced and complemented by a description of the overall panorama of
the Cryptocurrency Exchange Market. Secondly, the two main approaches used for examining financial
markets are explained. Thirdly, an overview of the principles of each of the four learning algorithms
as well as the ensemble voting method employed in this work are presented. Lastly, to conclude this
chapter, some academic papers related to this thesis will be reviewed to support some of the decisions

2.1.1 Cryptocurrencies

Nowadays, payments may be sent directly from one party to another through a peer-to-peer version of
electronic cash that does not require going through a financial institution. The usage of these digital
currencies allows for more innovative ways of payment and financing goods and services. One digital
currency, Bitcoin, stood out among the rest. Bitcoin is considered to be the first of the newest subset of
digital currencies, the cryptocurrencies.
The path to creating the first cryptocurrency as they are known today is paved by failed attempts at
creating digital currencies. The earliest ideas of applying cryptography to currency came from David
Chaum in 1983 [7], where he figured out how to avoid double-spending1 while keeping the system
anonymous through blind signatures.
Since the start of digital currencies with David Chaum, many other versions of digital currencies
have been launched and failed until the years of 2007 and 2008, when a severe financial crisis rapidly
developed and spread internationally into a global economic shock, resulting in several bank failures
as well as the near collapse of credit markets [8] causing fear in the failure of government-controlled
agencies and therefore generating interest in alternatives [9]. As OECD’s (Organization for Economic
Co-Operation and Development) Secretary General Ángel Gurrı́a said in 2009 [10]:
1 Flaw in which the specific same amount of coins is spent more than once.

“The global financial and economic crisis has done a lot of harm to the public trust in the
institutions, the principles and the concept itself of the market economy.”

The 2007-2008 financial crisis showed how unsafe it was to empower trusted third parties and how
protective the government was of the banking system. This crisis imposed serious costs to the gov-
ernments that bailed out overextended borrowers and/or lenders. These bailouts lead to higher fiscal
deficits and public debt, banks no longer trusted each other and were hoarding significant liquidity as a
precautionary buffer [11].
In the year 2008, in a white paper called: “Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System” [12],
self published by the pseudonymous Satoshi Nakamoto, Bitcoin was first described. Bitcoin is quite
remarkable as it put an end to 20 years of previously unsuccessful digital currencies. Bitcoin is a peer-
to-peer version of electronic cash that allows online payments to be sent directly from one party to
another without going through financial institutions [12]. It is the first digital currency to introduce the
concept of decentralized cryptocurrency.
During the financial crisis, Bitcoin and its succeeding cryptocurrencies would benefit from these
negative reactions aimed towards the banking system, whereas, similarly to commodities such as gold,
these currencies offered an alternative for those whose faith in the fiat currencies was damaged. But
most importantly, cryptocurrencies were thought to possess the positive characteristics of a backed
currency without the perceived drawbacks of fiat currencies, namely, being under the control of third
parties. Cryptocurrencies instead of relying on a single intermediary, such as a bank or credit card
network, rely upon a large number of competing “miners” to verify transactions. Satoshi Nakamoto
envisioned an online system that resembled one person handing cash to another, while preserving the
services a third party is expected to perform [12]. To verify if each newly made transaction is valid,
miners must confirm a set of rules outlined in the source code. The supply of cryptocurrency may or
may not be limited, but the creation of coins follow a rule that no government or institution can change,
avoiding the possibility of harmful inflationary policies [9].
Bitcoin and the remaining cryptocurrencies filled in an important niche by providing a virtual cur-
rency decentralized system without any trusted parties and without pre-assumed identities among the
participants that supports user-to-user transactions [13].
Conversely to cash, coins or stocks, bitcoins aren’t discrete and aren’t stored. Owning a bitcoin
simply means knowing a private key which is able to create a signature that redeems certain outputs.
As long as owners keep their private keys hidden, this system prevents theft or the usage of bitcoins one
does not rightfully own. A bitcoin is a record of a transaction between different addresses in the Bitcoin
network [12]. This principle was fundamentally followed by the remaining cryptocurrencies.
In cryptocurrencies a transaction is a transfer of funds between two different addresses, also known
as digital wallets. In simple terms, a transaction communicates to the network that a rightful owner of
cryptocurrency units has authorized the transfer of some of those units to another owner. After this, the
cycle may repeat itself; the new owner is now able to make new transfers with the received units, hence
creating a chain of ownership.
To illustrate this, looking at Bitcoin’s case, each transaction record contains one or more input, where

an amount of bitcoins will be debited, and one or more output on the other side of the transaction, where
bitcoins are to be credited. Transactions are like lines in a double-entry bookkeeping ledger [14]. The
debited and credited amount of bitcoins may not add up to the same amount. Instead, outputs add up
to slightly less than inputs and the difference represents an implied “transaction fee”, a small payment
collected by the miner node, the one responsible for including the transaction in the public ledger. The
miners, through competitive computation are able to achieve a consensual blockchain, the authoritative
ledger of all transactions, without requiring a central authority [14].
The transaction also contains proof of ownership for each transferred amount of bitcoins, in the form
of a digital signature from the owner, which can be independently validated by anyone. In Bitcoin terms,
“spending” is signing a transaction which transfers value from a previous transaction over to a new owner
identified by a bitcoin address.
As previously stated, Bitcoin is known as the “original” cryptocurrency, it is awarded the invention
of the blockchain technology. The term “altcoin” describes the hundreds of cryptocurrencies that pre-
ceded and are alternative to Bitcoin. Some altcoins just alternate some parameters or add some form of
innovation to Bitcoin’s three main technical components: transactions, consensus protocol and commu-
nication protocol. Nevertheless, these altcoins contain a completely separate blockchain and network.
In fact, as of September 2015, over 600, active or defunct, cryptocurrencies, were forks of Bitcoin [15].
Each of these forks attempts, in its own way, to fix shortcomings or improve on Bitcoin.
Other altcoins, on the other hand, may not attempt to be currencies at all. Cryptocurrencies may
possess countless different purposes, such as social networks (e.g. Steemit), cloud computing (e.g.
Golem) or data storage (e.g. Siacoin), decentralized trading exchanges (e.g. Binance Coin), powering
the internet of things (e.g. IOTA) and the list goes on [14, 16]. The vast majority of cryptocurrencies are
created with a specific aim that addresses different problems or aspects.
Both Bitcoin and Altcoins can be purchased, sold and exchanged for other currencies at specialized
currency exchanges. These cryptocurrency exchanges, operate as a matching platform. That is, users
do not trade with the exchange. Rather, they announce limit orders to buy and sell, and the exchange
matches buyers and sellers when conditions of both the buyer and the seller are met. On the cryptocur-
rency trading market, much like the underlying principle where the Foreign Exchange market was built
on, traders are essentially exchanging a cryptocurrency for another cryptocurrency or fiat currency.
Cryptocurrencies are commonly considered inadequate as a day-to-day currency due to the large
fluctuations in price [17]. For instance, despite Bitcoin being initially created as a means of payment
and actually being accepted in some stores and platforms [18], it cannot yet be considered a common
medium of exchange [19]. Its argued it behaves as a speculative asset rather than a currency [20],
or at least somewhere in between the two [21]. Even though many cryptocurrencies were created
as a network to pay for goods or services, users commonly trade these as speculative investments,
particularly Bitcoin [22].
In fact, the average monthly volatility in returns on Bitcoin is higher than in gold or a set of foreign
currencies in US dollars, but the lowest monthly volatilities for Bitcoin are less than the highest monthly
volatilities for gold and the foreign currencies [23].

Volatility is a reflection of the degree to which price moves. A stock with a price that fluctuates wildly
and moves unpredictably is considered volatile, while a stock that maintains a relatively stable price has
low volatility. A highly volatile market is inherently riskier, but that risk cuts both ways: high volatility may
either generate larger losses or higher earnings.
The remarkable volatility visible in cryptocurrencies, among many reasons, is due to a lack of gov-
ernance mechanisms and regulatory frameworks. Cryptocurrencies are a barely regulated space that
exist on a collective user consensus of value and, to an extent driven by holders of large quantities of
the total outstanding float of the currency [17]. It is not clear how investors with current holdings in the
millions of US dollars, would liquidate a position that large into legal tender without severely moving the
The present volatility in cryptocurrencies fuels speculation which in turn leads to speculative bubbles
in cryptocurrency markets and further volatility, hence creating a positive feedback loop [17]. Some
significant price changes resemble a traditional speculative bubble [24, 25], which may occur when
optimistic media coverage attracts investors. This obviously complicates an accurate assessment of any
cryptocurrency’s actual value as a currency and prompts merchants to exchange their cryptocurrencies
for fiat currency quickly after receiving them as payment [26]. In fact, to protect retailers from these
fluctuations, cryptocurrency payment service providers accept a set of currencies (typically the ones
with largest market cap, such as Bitcoin, Ethereum and Litecoin) on behalf of the end receiver and the
equivalent amount in legal tender is transferred at the current market exchange rate instead [27, 28].
This way sellers may either choose to receive payments in a combination of cryptocurrencies and legal
tender, or avoid completely the risk of holding cryptocurrencies, with a small exchange fee charged by
these payment service providers. The fee (which diminishes with volume) is usually around 1% on top
of the additional fees imposed by banks or payout method.
Notwithstanding, both functions, asset and currency, arguably matter in the cryptocurrency market. If
the main driver of demand was currency adoption, network effects2 would be dominant and winner-take-
all dynamics would take over. The lack of this dynamic in the recent period indicates that the financial
asset function becomes more prominent. As Bitcoin’s price and volatility increases, we see a substitution
effect increasing the demand for other cryptocurrencies. Thus, the prices of all cryptocurrencies tend to
move jointly [29].
In any case, in terms of number of new currencies, consumer base and transaction frequency, the
market for cryptocurrencies has grown massively since 2008. Taking into account that no previous
digital currency model had gotten even close to achieving these rates of success, this development is

2.1.2 Cryptocurrency Exchange Market Analysis

The cryptocurrency exchange market, similarly to the Foreign Exchange Market (FOREX) market, allows
trading among different cryptocurrencies or fiat currencies. There is a multitude of different trading
2 Positive effect that an additional user of a good or service has on the value of a specific product to others. Simply put, “the

more users the merrier”.

platforms where these trades can be performed.
To study the change of rates in multiple cryptocurrency pairs, a time series can be built from sampling
the market at a fixed time rate using historical data from a specific cryptocurrency exchange platform.
Using a simple application programming interface (API) all historic data used in this thesis was retrieved
from one single exchange: Binance. Binance is an exchange platform that implements a continuous
double auction with an open order book and as of now, has the most traded volume according to [30].
Market trend movements can be characterized as bullish, bearish or sideways. A bull market occurs
when prices are rising (uptrend), being characterized by optimism, investor confidence and expectations
that strong results shall continue. The bear market is the opposite of a bull market, being characterized
by falling prices (downtrend) and typically shrouded in pessimism. Lastly, when there is neither an
uptrend or downtrend and the prices oscillate between a relatively narrow range, the market is said to
be sideways.
In market trading, the terms long and short respectively refer to whether a trade was initiated by
buying or selling first. A long trade is started by buying with the expectation that the price will rise, in
order to sell at a higher price in the future and realize a profit. However, as the Binance exchange does
not support short trading and all historical data was retrieved from it, implementing a system with short-
trading capabilities would be unrealistic. Accordingly, short-trading was not considered in this work’s
system, only long-trading is executed.
There are several tools to analyse different markets, but the two major categories are Fundamental
and Technical analysis. These two approaches to analyse and forecast the market are not exclusive,
they may be applied together and attempt to determine the direction prices are likely to move [31].
Fundamental analysis focuses on the key economic forces of supply and demand that may cause
prices to increase, decrease or stay level [31]. The essence of fundamental analysis, is that the actual
prices of securities tend to move towards their intrinsic values [4]. Accordingly, this approach intends to
determine an asset’s intrinsic value taking into account economic, financial, industry, company conditions
and other relevant aspects that may affect the asset’s value, such as the quality of management [32].
In this work, the cryptocurrency exchange market is analysed. This market is in its infancy, meaning
there is a lack of track records to analyse. Additionally cryptocurrencies are not corporations, but rather
commonly a decentralized representation of value. Thus, a traditional fundamental analysis cannot be
performed for this market. Besides, for the cryptocurrency markets, it has been found in literature,
mentioned in section 2.2.1, that technical indicators typically offer a best predictive results relatively
to fundamental indicators. Besides, this type of data can be misdated, often multiple corrections to
the initial values are issued, data is usually less reliable due to self-interest or company policies, etc.
[33, 34]. Lastly, this type of analysis is typically used for long-term trading, not short-term trading (such
as hourly, daily or weekly) [35]. Accordingly, only technical analysis was employed in this work. With this
in mind, the next section is dedicated to introducing technical analysis and the utilized set of technical
It’s worth adding that these two categories of analysis reject both the Random Walk Theory and
the Efficient Markets Hypothesis. If markets were random or entirely efficient, no forecasting technique

could work.

2.1.3 Technical analysis

Technical analysis focuses on the analysis of past (or historic) price patterns in order to forecast market
behaviour [36]. Unlike fundamental analysis knowing the cause of market movements is not required,
only the effect itself. What matters is past trading data and what information might this data provide
about future price movements. This type of analysis is based on three premises [31]:

• Market action discounts everything: Anything that may affect the price is already reflected in the
price of the market. It is assumed that fundamental factors are utilized in an indirect way as current
price reflects all information contained in the past;

• Price moves in trends: Prices evolve in a non-linear fashion over time. The non-linearities, how-
ever, contain certain regularities or patterns [37]. The price of a market is more likely to follow a
previous trend rather than moving in a totally unpredictable manner. Hence, it’s worth identifying
the patterns and trends in early stages of their development for the purpose of trading according
to their direction.

• History repeats itself: Technical analysis and the study of market action are both deeply related to
the study of human psychology, which tends to react the same way in similar market conditions.

Mathematical metrics, named technical indicators, can be developed in order to summarize rele-
vant information of historic data and volume of a financial time series into short-term statistics with the
objective of forecasting the value, direction or behaviour of an asset.
An important advantage of using technical analysis is that it can be simplified into a pattern recogni-
tion problem in which the inputs are historical prices and technical indicators, while the outputs are the
predictions of the future market movements estimated from past data [38]. This work’s main concern is
making an accurate prediction of future market movements with time sampling frequencies in the order
of the minutes, thus, as previously stated, only technical analysis will be used.
The remainder of this section will be dedicated to explaining in further detail the technical indicators
applied on the historical data of cryptocurrency markets as well as the motivations for their choice. A
more elaborate description of each technical indicator can be found in [31, 32, 39].

• Moving Averages: The moving average is one of the most versatile and widely used technical
indicator. It is used to dampen the effects of short term oscillations, through a smooth line rep-
resenting the successive average, usually of prices. In a moving average, a body of data to be
averaged moves forward with each new trading period. Old data is dropped as new data becomes
available which causes the average to move along the time scale. By definition, this indicator is
based on past prices. A moving average is a trend following indicator, it is unable to anticipate, only
to react, thus, the moving average is a lagging indicator: it is able to follow a market and announce
that a trend has begun, but only after the fact.

The two most widely used types of moving average are Simple Moving Average (SMA) and Ex-
ponential Moving Average (EMA), whose equations are represented in equations (2.1) and (2.2)
X Closei
SM Ap (n) = . (2.1)

In equation (2.1), n refers to the number of time periods in the body of data to be averaged and
p refers to the current period. The SMA is formed by calculating the simple average closing price
over a specific period of time.
EM Ap (n) = EM Ap−1 + [Closep − EM Ap−1 ]. (2.2)

In equation (2.2), once again, n refers to the number of time periods in the body of data to be
averaged and p refers to the current period. Note that the first value coincides with the closing

Comparing equation (2.1) to equation (2.2), it can be noted that the major difference between
these two types of moving average, is that EMA assigns a greater weight to recent data, giving the
ability to react faster to recent price variations.

• MACD: The Moving Average Convergence-Divergence is a simple momentum oscillator technique

calculated using the difference between two exponential moving averages. To calculate the MACD
line, traditionally, a 26-period EMA of the price is subtracted from a 12-period EMA, also of the
price. These time periods are adjustable though. The MACD line is usually plotted at the bottom
of a price chart along with the signal line. The signal line is an EMA of the MACD, commonly a
9-period EMA is used. Finally, the difference between the two former lines composes the MACD
histogram. In equation (2.3) the three components of the MACD indicator are presented.

M ACD = EM A12 − EM A26 , (2.3a)

Signal Line = EM A9 (M ACD), (2.3b)

M ACDhistogram = M ACD − Signal Line. (2.3c)

The real value of the histogram is spotting whether the difference between the MACD and signal
line is widening or narrowing. When the histogram is positive but starts to fall toward the zero line,
the uptrend is weakening. Conversely, when the histogram is below negative but starts to move
upward towards the zero line, the downtrend is losing its momentum. Although no actual buy or
sell signal ought to be given until the histogram crosses its zero line, the histogram turns provide
earlier warnings that the current trend is losing momentum. The actual buy and sell signals are
given when the MACD line and signal line cross, that is, when the histogram is zero. A crossing by
the MACD line above the signal line can be translated into a buy signal. The opposite would be a
sell signal. Histogram turns are best used for spotting early exit signals from existing positions.

• RSI: The Relative Strength Index is a momentum oscillator that measures the speed and change
of price movements. This technical indicator is used to evaluate whether a market is overbought
or oversold. The formula used on its calculation is:

100 AverageGains
RSI(n) = 100 − , with RS(n) = . (2.4)
1 + RS(n) AverageLosses

In equation (2.4), n refers to the number of time periods being analysed (traditionally 14 time
periods are used), AverageGains refers to the average gain of up periods during the last n periods
and AverageLosses refers to the average loss of down periods during the last n periods. The
RSI varies between a low of 0 (indicating no up periods) to a high of 100 (indicating exclusively
up periods). Traditionally, movements above 70 are considered overbought, while an oversold
condition would be a move under 30. A RSI divergence with price is a warning of trend reversal.

Figure 2.1 contains the OHLC chart and the corresponding RSI line for an excerpt of the GOBTC
currency pair around October 23rd, 2018 with 1-minute precision. The visible RSI red overbought
area (above 70) and green oversold line (under 30) represent respectively selling and buying op-

Figure 2.1: Section of GOBTC currency pair OHLC prices with its respective RSI plotted underneath.

• ROC: The Rate Of Change is a simple momentum oscillator used for measuring the percentual
amount that prices have changed over a given number of past periods. Traditionally 10 time periods
are used. A high ROC value indicates an overbought market, while a low value indicates an

oversold market. The formula for calculating this indicator is as follows:

Closep − Closep−n
ROC(n) = 100 × . (2.5)

In equation (2.5), n refers to the number of time periods being analysed, and p corresponds to the
current period.

• Stochastic Oscillator: The Stochastic Oscillator’s intent is to determine where the most recent
closing price is in relation to the price range of a given time period. Three lines are used in this
indicator: the %K, the fast %D line and the slow %D line. The %K line, the most sensitive of the
three, simply measures percentually where the closing price is in relation to the total price range
for a selected time period, typically of 14 periods. The second line, the fast %D is a simple moving
average of the %K line, usually of 3 periods. The previously mentioned %K line compared with a
three-period simple moving average of itself, the fast %D line, corresponds to the fast stochastic.
For the fast stochastic, when the %K line is above the %D line, an upward trend is indicated.
The opposite indicates a downward trend. If the lines cross, the trend is losing momentum and a
reversal is indicated. However, the %K line is too sensitive to price changes and due to the erratic
volatility of the fast %D line, many false signals occur with rapidly fluctuating prices. To combat this
problem, the slow stochastic was created. The slow stochastic consists on comparing the original
fast %D line with a 3-period simple moving average smoothed version of this same line, called
slow %D line. In other words, the slow %D line is a doubly smoothed moving average of the %K

Figure 2.2: Section of GOBTC currency pair OHLC prices with its respective %K, fast %D and slow %D
stochastic oscillator lines plotted underneath.

The formulas for the %K and both %D lines are as follow:

Closet − min(Low)n
%Kn = 100 × ; (2.6a)
max(High)n − min(Low)n

F ast%D = SM Ap (%Kn ); (2.6b)

Slow%D = SM Ap (F ast%D). (2.6c)

In equation (2.6), Closet corresponds to the current close, min(Low)n refers to the minimum Low
of the previous n periods, and max(High)n refers to the maximum High of the previous n periods.
SM Ap corresponds to a simple moving average of p periods. Traditionally 14 periods are used for
calculating the %K line, and 3 periods are used in the simple moving average of the %D line.

In figure 2.2 an excerpt of the GOBTC price for October 23rd, 2018 with 1-minute precision is
represented along with the respective %K, fast %D and slow %D lines of the stochastic oscillator.
Low values of the stochastic oscillator (under 20) indicate that the price is near its local low during
the respective time period, conversely, high values (over 80) indicate that the price is in a local high
during the respective time period.

• CCI: The Commodity Channel Index is an oscillator used to measure the variation of a price from its
statistical mean. A high CCI value indicates that prices are unusually high compared to the average
price, meaning it is overbought. Whereas a low CCI value indicates that prices are unusually low,
meaning it is oversold. Traditionally, high and low CCI values respectively correspond to over 100
and under −100. The formula for calculating this indicator is as follows:

1 T Pp − SM An (T Pp ) Highp + Lowp + Closep

CCI(n) = × , with T Pp = , (2.7)
0.015 σn (T Pp ) 3

where T Pp is referred to as the typical price and Highp , Lowp and Closep represent the respective
prices for the time period p. The item SM An (T Pp ) is the simple moving average of the typical price
for the previous n periods under consideration, and σn (T Pp ) corresponds to the mean deviation
of the SMA during the previous n periods. Commonly, 14 periods are used for the SMA used in
this indicator. Lambert, the creator of this indicator, set the constant 0.015 for scaling purposes, to
ensure that approximately 70 to 80 percent of CCI values would fall between -100 and +100.

An excerpt of the GOBTC currency pair for October 23rd, 2018 is charted with a 1-minute precision
in figure 2.3. Low CCI values (under -100) indicate that the current price is under the average price,
while conversely, high CCI values (over 100) indicate that the current price is above the average

• OBV: The On Balance Volume indicator is a running total of volume. It relates volume to price
change in order to measure if volume is flowing into or out of a market, assuming that volume
changes precede price changes.

The total volume for each day is assigned a plus or minus sign depending on whether the price

Figure 2.3: Section of GOBTC currency pair OHLC prices with its respective CCI plotted underneath.

closes higher or lower than the previous close. A higher close causes the volume for that day to be
given a plus value, while a lower close counts for negative volume. A running cumulative total is
then maintained by adding or subtracting each day’s volume based on the direction of the market
close. The formula used on its calculation is:

 OBVp−1 + V olumep , if Closep > Closep−1

OBVp = OBVp−1 − V olumep , if Closep < Closep−1 . (2.8)

OBV ,
p−1 if Closep = Closep−1

In equation (2.8), p refers to the current period and p − 1 refers to the previous period. The OBV
line should follow the same direction of the price trend. If prices show a series of higher peaks and
troughs (an uptrend), the OBV line should do the same. If prices are trending lower, so should the
OBV line. It’s when the OBV line fails to move in the same direction as prices that a divergence
exists and warns of a possible trend reversal. It is the trend of the OBV line that is relevant, not the
actual numbers themselves.

• ATR: The Average True Range indicator is used as a measurement of price volatility. Strong
movements, in either direction, are often accompanied by large ranges (or large True Ranges).
Weak movements, on the other hand, are accompanied by relatively narrow ranges. This way,
ATR can be used to validate the enthusiasm behind a move or breakout. A bullish reversal with an
increase in ATR would show strong buying pressure and reinforce the reversal. A bearish support
break with an increase in ATR would show strong selling pressure and reinforce the breaking of

support. To calculate the ATR, the True Range must be firstly calculated:

T Rp = max{Highp − Lowp ; |Highp − Closep−1 |; |Lowp − Closep−1 |}. (2.9)

In equation (2.9), p refers to the current period and p − 1 refers to the previous period. Having
calculated the True Range, the next step is calculating the Average True Range. The ATR is a
simple average of the previous n (traditionally 14 time periods are used) True Range values:

AT Rp−1 × (p − 1) + T Rp
AT Rp (n) = . (2.10)

In equation (2.10), p refers to the current period, p − 1 refers to the previous period and n refers to
the number of time periods to be analysed.

Figure 2.4 contains the OHLC chart and the corresponding ATR line for an excerpt of the GOBTC
currency pair around October 23rd, 2018 with 1-minute precision. It can be observed that when-
ever larger variations in price happen (specially around the 6h mark when a sharp increase is
followed by a sharp decrease), the ATR value increases accordingly indicating an increase in
volatility, while on sideways periods, the ATR value is low indicating reduced volatility.

Figure 2.4: Section of GOBTC currency pair OHLC prices with its respective ATR plotted underneath.

2.1.4 Time Series Forecasting

A time series is a sequence of observations taken sequentially in time. Its analysis, modelling and
forecasting is a subject of study in many studies through different fields of research.
Analysing financial time series is extremely challenging due to the dynamic, non-linear, non-stationary,

noisy and chaotic nature of any market [36]. Analysis of financial markets is carried out as an attempt to
find the best entry (buy) and exit (sell) points to gain advantage over the market, increasing gains and
minimizing the risk.
The key element for better financial decision making is better forecasting [40]. In this work it is
assumed that financial time series do not follow a random walk, so forecasting these time series can be
translated into a mathematical and probabilistic problem. Forecasting basically is understanding which
variables lead to predict other variables [41]. This requires having a clear understanding of the timing
of lead-lag relations among many variables, understanding the statistical significance of these relations
and learning which variables are the most relevant to be observed as signals for predicting the market
To forecast financial time series, typically machine learning procedures are employed. These pro-
cedures are capable of analysing large quantities of seemingly noisy and uncorrelated data in order to
detect patterns and predict future data, or to perform other kinds of decision making under uncertainty.
Moreover, this approach provides a reaction time notably faster than a human investor could offer.
In this thesis a major objective is using technical indicators as the available data to describe, or
forecast, the dichotomous event: will a specific currency pair be bullish or otherwise (bearish or side-
ways) in the next instant of a time series. To achieve this aim, several supervised learning classification
approaches are suggested. The main goal of supervised learning is to create a model out of labelled
training data in order to make predictions about unseen or future data. The term supervised refers to
a set of samples where the desired output signal is priorly known. Classification is a subcategory of
supervised learning where the desired output signals, are discrete, commonly known as class labels.
The applied classification methods are responsible for finding the best fitting and most parsimonious
model to describe the relationship between a dependent response variable, or outcome, and a set of
independent predictor variables, also called covariates, features or attributes. The independent variables
are the characteristics which are potentially related to the outcome variable of interest. After a model has
been fit, it may be used to predict new future data using only the set of independent predictor variables.
In this thesis, four total multivariate3 learning methods were used, two of them, the Logistic Regres-
sion and the Support Vector Machine methods are linear and the other two, the Random Forest and
the Decision Tree Gradient Boosting methods are non-linear. In the end a combined solution, an en-
semble of these 4 algorithms, is calculated. This section contains a brief summary of the classification
models utilized in this study. However, before this, a few concepts about machine learning, taken into
consideration throughout this thesis, are introduced.
A common problem in machine learning that may arise is called overfitting, this is when a model
performs well on training data but does not generalize well to unseen test data. Overfitting is often the
result of an excessively complex model. This problem is present due to high variance, which is the
tendency of being overly sensitive to small fluctuations in the training set. High variance can cause
an algorithm to model the random noise in the training data, rather than the intended outputs, causing
3 More than two features are analysed together for any possible association or interactions.

On the other side of the spectrum, a model can also suffer from underfitting. Underfitting occurs
when a model cannot capture the underlying structure or trend of the data. Underfitting is often the
result of an excessively simple model. This occurs when a model has a high bias, which is the tendency
to learn erroneous assumptions and relations in the training set. High bias in an algorithm may be
responsible for missing relevant relations and patterns between features and target outputs, the main
cause of underfitting.
In practice, there is not an analytical way to discover the point where a model is underfit or overfit,
instead a balance between these two must be searched by surveying different levels of complexity.
Different strategies used by each learning algorithm to achieve an ideal bias-variance trade-off will be
presented in the following subsections.

Logistic Regression

A binomial logistic regression (LR) [42] is used to model a binary dependent variable. Logistic Regres-
sion distinguishes itself from linear regression because the outcome variable is binary or dichotomous.
Apart from this, the methods utilized in linear and logistic regression are similar.
In this type of learning algorithm, a single outcome variable Yi follows a Bernoulli probability function
that takes the outcome of interest, usually represented with the class label Y = 1, with probability p while
the unwanted outcome, usually represented with the class label Y = 0, has probability 1 − p.
The odds in favour of a particular outcome can be represented as (1−p) , where p stands for the
probability of the wanted outcome. The logit function is simply the logarithm of the odds ratio, also
known as the log-odds:  
logit(p) = log . (2.11)

This logit function is capable of transforming input values in the range of 0 to 1, to values over the
entire real number range, which can be used to express a linear relationship between feature values and
the log-odds as such [43]:
logit(P (Y = 1|x)) = β0 + β i xi , (2.12)

where P (Y = 1|x) is the conditional probability of Y belonging to class label ’1’ given xi , the feature
values, β0 is the intercept (point that intercepts the function in the Y axis) and βi corresponds to the
coefficient associated with each respective feature.
Joining equations 2.11 and 2.12, the conditional probability can be represented as:

P (Y = 1|x) = P . (2.13)
1 + exp(−β0 − βj xij )

Equation 2.13 is called the logistic or sigmoid function (due to its S-shape). From this function it can be
seen that P (Y = 1|x) varies between 0 (as x approaches −∞) and 1 (as x approaches +∞). Thus, it
is clear that the logistic function is able of transforming any real input into the range of 0 to 1. The class
probabilities are obtained as such. The last aspect to cover is how the coefficient values are defined.
LR models are usually fit by maximum likelihood [42]. An iterative process that yields values for the

unknown parameters that maximize the probability of obtaining the observed set of data. The principle
of maximum likelihood states that the best estimate for the set of coefficients, is the set that maximizes
the log-likelihood. This is equivalent to minimizing the negative log-likelihood [42]. In this work the opti-
mization problem utilized to obtain the coefficients and intercept, minimizes the following cost function:

β2 X
min +C log(exp(−Yi (xTi β + β0 )) + 1), (2.14)
β,β0 2 i=1

where β2 is the L2 regularization penalty, C is a parameter inverse to the regularization strength and
Pn T
i=1 log(exp(−Yi (xi β + β0 )) + 1) corresponds to the negative log-likelihood equation [44]. In the

negative log-likelihood equation, β represents the coefficients associated with each respective feature
value, xi , both are in a vector structure.
A method of finding a good bias-variance trade-off for a model is by tuning its complexity via the regu-
larization strength parameter, C. This method can handle collinearity (high correlation among features),
filter out noise from data and prevent overfitting [43]. The concept behind regularization is introducing
additional information (bias) to penalize extreme parameter weights. Hence, smaller C values spec-
ify stronger regularization, that is, the coefficients jointly shrink. The ideal value of C is supposed to
generate a model that generalizes well to new, previously unseen data.

Random Forest

A Random Forest (RF) [45] is a method of ensemble learning where multiple classifiers are generated
and their results are aggregated. Random Forest is a modification of the method bootstrap aggregating
(bagging) [46] of classification trees.
Before all else, a classification or decision tree is a simple model that takes into account the whole
dataset and all available features. Briefly, a decision tree utilizes a top-down approach where binary
splits are continuously repeated from the root node until a certain stopping criteria is met, such as
maximum depth (path length from a root to a leaf) or until the minimum number of samples required
to split an internal node is no longer surpassed. Its construction starts with the total training dataset
instances, all possible ways of creating a binary split among those instances based on input features
are evaluated.
Each split chooses the best feature, and the best value for that feature to produce the most mean-
ingful separation of the target label. Different metrics can be used to evaluate the quality of a split. The
most common approach to splitting nodes is to define a measure of the impurity of the distribution at a
node, and choose the split that reduces the average impurity the most [47]. Among several, a commonly
used splitting criteria in binary decision trees is the Gini index [48]. Gini Index is a metric to measure
how often a randomly chosen element would be misclassified.
Having found the ’best’ split according to a metric, a node in the tree partitions training instances
either left or right according to the value of the feature. The subsets of training instances may be
recursively split to continue growing the tree until a maximum depth, or until the quality of the splits is
under a certain threshold. Each leaf of the decision tree contains predictions for a target class label.

Decision trees possess many hyper-parameters4 [49] that may be tuned and are taken into consideration
in a random forest model as well. These trees tend to have high variance and overfit on training data,
leading to a poor generalization ability on unseen data. Methods such as pruning can be used to avoid
overfitting on the final tree [44].
In the bagging method however, multiple decision trees are independently constructed using random
samples drawn with replacement (known as a bootstrap sample) of the data set in order to reduce the
variance. In the end, a simple majority vote among all constructed trees is undertaken for prediction
[48]. Bagging is capable of reducing overfitting while increasing the accuracy of unstable models [46].
However, re-running the same learning algorithm on different subsets of the data may still result in
correlated predictors, hence, capping the reduction of variance.
Random Forests improves the variance reduction on bagging by reducing the correlation between
trees [48]. In order to do so, an additional layer of randomness is added to the bagging procedure.
Instead of using all the available features, only a random subset of features is used to grow each tree of
the forest. Contrarily to standard classification trees where each node is split using the best split among
all variables, in a random forest, each node is split using the best among a subset of predictors randomly
chosen at that node. This strategy turns out to be robust against overfitting [50]. Reducing the amount
of features will reduce the correlation between any pair of trees in the ensemble, hence, the variance of
the model is reduced [45].
Let N be the number of data points in the original dataset, briefly, each tree in the random forest
algorithm is created as follows [48]:

1. Draw a random sample of size N with replacement (hence) from the original data (bootstrap sam-

2. Grow a random forest tree to the bootstrapped data. Until the minimum node size is reached,
recursively repeat the following steps for each terminal node of the tree:

(a) Select a fixed amount of variables at random from the whole set;

(b) Split the node using the feature that provides the best split according to the objective function;

(c) Split the node into two daughter nodes.

Note that the size of the bootstrap sample is typically chosen to be equal to the number of samples
in the original dataset as it provides a good bias-variance trade-off [43]. Each time the previous steps
are repeated a new tree is added to the ensemble. Repeating this processes multiple times outputs an
ensemble of trees with as many trees as this process was repeated. After a Random Forest is generated,
a classification can be obtained from doing a majority voting of the class vote from each individual tree
in the forest. The predicted class probabilities of an input sample are computed as the mean predicted
class probabilities of all trees in the forest. The probability estimate of a tree for a given input sample
is the class probability of the corresponding terminal node. In turn, the class probabilities for a terminal
node are estimated by the relative frequency of the class of interest in that terminal node.
4 Parameter whose value is set before the learning process begins as it is not directly learnt within the estimator.

The two main parameters in random forest are the number of trees in the ensemble and the number
of variables to be considered when looking for the best spilt [43]. Typically, with a larger number of
trees, the performance of the random forest classifier is improved, but at the expense of an increased
computational cost. The number of variables taken into consideration on each split is commonly the
square root of the amount of variables.

Gradient Decision Tree Boosting

Gradient Decision Tree Boosting (GTB) in this work is utilized through the XGBoost framework, a scal-
able machine learning system for tree boosting [51].
Boosting is a general method for improving the accuracy of any given learning algorithm [52]. Boost-
ing is the process of combining many weak classifiers with limited predictive ability into a single more
robust classifier capable of producing better predictions of a target [53]. A weak classifier is one whose
error rate performs only slightly better than random guessing, hence these learners by definition have
a high bias. Boosting is an ensemble method very resistant to overfitting that creates each individual
members sequentially [44]. The newest members are created to compensate for the instances incor-
rectly labelled by the previous learners. To accomplish this, misclassified data increases its weight to
emphasize the most difficult cases. Simply put, the main goal of boosting is reducing the error of the
weak learning algorithms [54].
Gradient boosting replaces the potentially difficult function or optimization problem existent in boost-
ing. It represents the learning problem as a gradient descent on some arbitrary differentiable loss func-
tion in order to measure the performance of the model on the training set [55].
The previously mentioned decision tree algorithm has many advantages (such as being easily in-
terpretable, immune to outliers, etc.), nonetheless, they seldom provide an adequate level of predictive
accuracy [48]. Decision tree gradient boosting means to improve the accuracy of decision trees, the
weak classifiers, while maintaining most of their desirable properties for data mining.
In this thesis a generalised gradient boosting implementation that includes a regularization term
(used to combat overfitting) and support for arbitrary differentiable loss functions is used. Instead of
optimising a plain squared error loss, an objective function consisting of a loss function over the training
set and a regularization term used to penalize the complexity of the model is applied as follows:

Obj = L(yi , yˆi ) + Ω(fk ). (2.15)
i k

In equation 2.15, the first term, L(yi , yˆi ), can be any convex differentiable loss function that measures
the difference between the predicted label yˆi and its respective true label yi for a given instance. In this
thesis’s proposed system the log-likelihood loss will be used as loss function. Through the usage of this
loss function, the calculation of probability estimates is enabled. Combining the principles of decision
trees and logistic regression [56], the conditional probability of Y given x is obtained as follows [57]:

eF (x)
P [Y = 1|x] = , (2.16)
eF (x) + e−F (x)

where F (x) corresponds to the sum of the weights of the terminal leafs for a given sample, i.e., F (x) is
the weighted average of base classifiers taking into account in the whole space of trees.
The second term of equation 2.15, Ω(fk ), is used to measure the complexity of a tree fk and is
defined as:
Ω(fk ) = γT + , (2.17)

where T is the number of leaves of tree fk and w is the leaf weights (i.e. predicted values stored at
the leaf nodes). Including equation 2.17 in the objective function (equation 2.15) forces the optimization
of a less complex tree, which assists in reducing overfitting. The second term of this equation, 2 ,
corresponds to the L2 regularization utilized previously in LR. λ is the L2 regularization strength and γT
provides a constant penalty for each additional tree leaf, both are configurable [58].
Boosting proceeds in an iterative manner, hence the objective function for the current iteration m in
terms of the prediction of the previous iteration yˆi (m−1) is adjusted by the newest tree fk :

Obj m = L(yi , yˆi (m−1) + fk (xi )) + Ω(fk ) (2.18)
i k

Equation 2.18 can be optimised to find the fk which minimises the objective. Simplifying the previous
equation outputs a measure of quality or score of a given tree [58]. This score is similar to the impurity
score for evaluating decision trees, except that it is derived for a wider range of objective functions.
Lastly, in order to further prevent overfitting the techniques shrinkage and feature sub-sampling were
added. Shrinkage [55] is a technique to scale newly added weights by a factor after each step of tree
boosting. This technique reduces the individual influence of each tree allowing future trees to improve
the model. The feature sub-sampling concept has already been mentioned in the random forest section.
This technique specifies the fraction of features to be randomly considered when constructing each tree

Support Vector Machine

A Support Vector Classifier (SVC) [59] is a classifier algorithm whose primary objective is maximizing the
margin, of a separating hyperplane (decision boundary) in an n-dimensional space, where ’n’ coincides
with the number of features used. The margin corresponds to the distance between the separating
hyperplane and the training samples that are closest to this hyperplane, the support vectors. Figure
2.5 provides an illustration of these concepts for a simple case with only two features (x1 and x2 ), two
classes (one class is represented with blue crosses and the other class with red circles). Vector w is the
normal to the hyperplane.
The hyperplane is supposed to separate the different classes, that is, in a binary classification prob-
lem, the samples of the first class should stay on one side of the surface and the samples of the second
class should stay on the other side. In figure 2.5 the data is linearly separable, i.e., a separating linear
hyperplane is able to perfectly separate the two classes. However, unlike the case illustrated in figure
2.5, in many occasions, the utilized data may not be fully linearly separable. In this work, it is most likely

Figure 2.5: Hyperplane dividing two linearly separable classes.

that the data is not entirely linearly separable.

Decision boundaries with large margins tend to have a lower generalization error of the classifier,
whereas models with small margins are more prone to overfitting, hence, it is important to maximize the
margins [43]. With the purpose of achieving a better generalization ability, margins may be tampered,
but at the cost of possibly increasing the odds of misclassifying outlier data points. For this purpose, a
slack variable, ξ, indicating the proportional amount by which a prediction is misclassified on the wrong
size of its margin is introduced. This formulation, called soft-margin SVM [59], enables controlling the
width of the margin and consequently can be used to tune the bias-variance trade-off. The positive slack
variable is introduced in the hyperplane equations to allow for misclassified points as such [60]:

w · xi + b ≥ 1 − ξi where ξi ≥ 0 ∀i for yi = 1; (2.19a)

w · xi + b ≤ ξi − 1 where ξi ≥ 0 ∀i for yi = −1, (2.19b)

where w is the normal to the hyperplane, xi contains the input features, b is the offset of the hyperplane
commonly called bias and ξ, as previously mentioned is the slack variable. Equations 2.19 can be
combined into:
Yi (w · xi + b) ≥ 1 − ξi where ξi ≥ 0 ∀i , (2.20)

where Yi is the binary output class label. With this soft-margin formulation, data points on the incorrect
side of the decision boundary have a penalty that increases with the distance from the margin.

In order to maximize the margin, the hyperplane has to be oriented as far from the support vectors as
possible. Through simple vector geometry this margin is equal to ||w|| [48], hence maximizing this margin
is equivalent to finding the minimum ||w||. In turn, minimizing ||w|| is equivalent to minimizing 21 ||w||2 ,
the L2 regularization penalty term previously utilized in LR. The use of this term enables quadratic
programming which is computationally more convenient [48]. Therefore, in order to reduce the number

of misclassifications, the objective function can be written as follows:

||w||2 X
min +C ξi subject to Yi (w · xi + b) ≥ 1 − ξi , ξi ≥ 0, i = 1, ..., n (2.21)
w,b,ξ 2 i=1

where ||w||2 is the squared norm of the normal vector w. C is the regularization parameter, responsible
for controlling the trade-off between the slack variable penalty, ξ, and the size of the margin, conse-
quently tuning the bias-variance trade-off. A larger regularization parameter focuses attention on (cor-
rectly classified) points near the decision boundary, while a smaller value focuses on data further away
In order to calculate probability estimates, Platt scaling [61] is employed [62]. Platt scaling first
requires regularly training the SVM and then optimizing parameter vector A and intercept point B such
P (Y = 1|x) = , (2.22)
1 + exp(Af (x) + B)

where f (x) is the signed distance of a sample from the hyperplane and P (Y = 1|x), similarly to equation
2.13 is the conditional probability of a given output Y belonging to class label ’1’ given x, the feature
Effectively, Platt scaling trains a probability model on top of the SVM’s outputs under a cross-entropy
loss function. To prevent this model from overfitting, an internal five-fold cross validation is used. This
procedure is clearly expensive computationally but it is necessary in order to obtain the probability
estimates used to later create the unweighted average.
In this work a linear SVM is utilized, but it is possible that a non-linear classifier could provide a better
accuracy. Kernel methods can deal deal with such linearly inseparable data by creating non-linear
combinations of the original features to project them onto a higher dimensional space via a mapping
Kernels methods operate in a high-dimensional, implicit feature space without computing the coor-
dinates of the data for that space, but rather by computing the inner products between the images of
all pairs of data in the feature space [43]. This kernel approach is a computationally efficient approach
for accommodating a non-linear boundary between classes [63]. Additional kernel methods, such as
Polynomial or Radial Basis Function can be further investigated in [63].

Ensemble Voting

The goal behind ensemble voting (EV) is to combine different classifiers into a meta-classifier with better
generalization performance than each individual classifier alone. The weaknesses of one method can
be balanced by the strengths of others by achieving a systematic effect. In fact, a necessary condition
for an ensemble of classifiers to become more accurate than any of its individual members is if the
classifiers are accurate and diverse [64, 65].
If each classifier’s error rate is better than random, increasing diversity in classifications between
classifiers tends to decrease the test error as the error concentration is diluted to less than the majority

of votes for any given test case to be classified. Hence, ensemble voting tends to result in the correct
classification [66].
In this thesis, a heterogeneous ensemble5 was combined in a linear manner: the prediction’s proba-
bility estimates from each different individual classifier were combined according to a simple unweighted
average, giving equal probability to each individual output. This process, also known as soft majority
voting [65], is the reason why all previous learning algorithms ought to yield a probability estimate for
each class label, often with the cost of additional computer complexity.

2.2 State-of-the-Art

Having described the essential background for this thesis, a study of previous papers dedicated to
forecasting financial markets using technical analysis are overviewed in this section. Special attention
will be given to papers using the same learning algorithms used in this thesis (LR, RF, GTB, SVM and
Ensemble) to serve as a baseline for this thesis to be compared.

2.2.1 Works on Machine Learning and Financial Markets

Special attention will be given to the cryptocurrency market, however, as this market is relatively new,
only Bitcoin, and somewhat Ethereum, which are the most popular currencies, have been in some
measure examined in regards to market forecasting (as well as to the many remaining details of these
cryptocurrencies, such as security, its architecture, criminality and ethics, etc.), the remaining cryptocur-
rencies are relatively disregarded in literature. However, the underlying principle in forecasting financial
time series using technical analysis is the same for all sort of financial markets.
Firstly, a couple proposals aimed at improving forecasting financial time series employed in this work
are introduced. De Prado in [33], rather than using, as is customary, fixed time interval bars (minute,
hour, day, week, etc.), proposes the usage of a different type of price bar. Fixed time interval bars
often exhibit oversampling, which leads to penalizing low-activity periods and undersampling penalizing
high-activity periods, as well as poor statistical properties, like serial correlation, heteroscedasticity and
non-normality of returns. Instead of time interval bars, as an alternative, the author suggests forming
bars as a subordinated process of trading activity. Volume bars, for instance, are sampled every time a
pre-defined amount of units have been exchanged in the market and dollar bars are formed by sampling
an observation every time a pre-defined market value is exchanged. According to the author, alternative
bars, relatively to the commonly used time bars, achieve better statistical properties, are more intuitive
particularly when the analysis involves significant price fluctuations and the research and conclusions
tend to be more robust. The author mentions, the concept of resampled interval bars is not common yet
in literature. As a matter of fact, throughout literature, no actual experimentation was found that could
validate De Prado’s claims, Nonetheless, this concept will be experimented in this thesis.
In time series analysis the goal is predicting a series that typically is not deterministic but contains
5 Ensemble containing different learning techniques.

a random component. Statistical forecasting methods are based on the assumption that this random
component is stationary in order to make inferences about future observations [67, 68]. Stationary
models assume that the process remains in statistical equilibrium with probabilistic properties that do
not change over time, in particular it is assumed that a stationary series varies about a fixed constant
mean level and has a constant variance [69]. In finance, price series are commonly non-stationary when
expressed in their original form. In a time series, the process of counteracting the non-stationarity by
considering its change series is called differencing in the time series literature. More formally, dt =
yt − yt−1 is referred to as the first differenced series of y [69]. This type of differencing will be used in
this thesis.

To provide a broader perspective of the state-of-the-art, a few examples of financial time series
forecasting using alternative learning algorithms than the ones used in this thesis follow:

Cardoso and Neves [70] proposed a system based on genetic algorithms to create an investment
strategy intended to be applied on the Credit Default Swaps market. This market, similarly to the cryp-
tocurrency market is still growing, is subject to speculation and is quite volatile. The employed strategy
utilized several instances of genetic algorithms with the objective of increasing profitability. The obtained
results suggest that it is possible to create a profitable strategy using only technical analysis as input
data, reaching commonly over 50% on return on investments in the CDS market, ergo, it should be
possible of acquiring, at the least, matching results for the similar cryptocurrency markets.

Abreu, Neves and Horta [71] proposed using a genetic algorithm to optimize the Naive-Bayes cross
validated model output estimation. Using only technical indicators from the Foreign Exchange Market,
the proposed architecture improved accuracy of the unoptimized system from 51.39% to 53.95% on the
test set and improved the return on investment from 0.43% to 10.29% on the validation set. In addition,
an attempt of model visualization using the algorithm t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbour Embedding is
done. Shah and Zhang [72] discuss a method of Bayesian regression and its efficacy for predicting price
variations only in Bitcoin. The used data consisted of 10-second historical prices and limit order book
features. Despite having a decreasing market at the end of their testing period, their strategy was still
profitable. The authors claim reaching a 50-day return on investment of 89% and a Sharpe ratio of 4.10.

Jiang and Liang [73] present a model-less convolutional neural network trained using a deterministic
deep reinforcement method in order to manage a portfolio of cryptocurrency pairs. Historic data sampled
every 30 minutes from the 12 most-volumed cryptocurrencies of a given exchange is the only input of
their system. In this thesis, the selection of cryptocurrencies with the most volume is also utilized to
satisfy a set of constraints mentioned by the authors, utilized in this work. The authors obtained an
increase of 16.3% in their portfolio value, a sharpe ratio of 0.036 and a maximum drawdown of 29.6%,
while the B&H method, used as benchmark, ended with a final portfolio value of 0.87, -1.54 sharpe ratio
and 38.2% maximum drawdown. Nadkarni and Neves [6] developed an approach combining Principal
Component Analysis with NeuroEvolution of Augmenting Topologies (NEAT) to generate a trading signal.
The daily prices, volume and technical indicators from seven financial markets from different sectors
were the only inputs. The return on investment was always larger than what was obtained with a B&H
strategy. For instance, the S&P 500 index acquired a rate of return of 18.89%, while B&H achieved

15.71% and the Brent Crude futures acquired a rate of return of 37.91% while B&H achieved -9.94%.
Nakano et al. [74] utilize a seven layered artificial neural network (ANN) to create trading signals
in the Bitcoin exchange market. Only technical indicators derived from Bitcoin/USD 15-minute return
data (returnt = closet /closet−1 − 1) were used as input. Their system was compared to a benchmark
B&H strategy. The authors defined three strategies of generating a trading signal. Two of them entered
long and short and long positions but one only used long positions (similarly to this work’s strategy).
The strategy using only long positions without considering the bid-ask spread, yielded a final ROI of
12.14% while the simple B&H strategy obtained only 2.28%. The two remaining strategies obtained
better results, both of them exceeded a 50% ROI. Finally, the authors noted that increasing the amount
of technical indicators from 2 (RSI and EMA) to 5 (RSI, EMA, MACD, Stochastics and OBV) originated
better results. As a side remark, the authors mention, that all 3 strategies perform well in the period from
December 2017 to January 2018, where BTC suffers a substantial drawdown which it’s worth praising.
Nevertheless, as expected, the strategy that only implemented long positions performed substantially
worse relatively to the other two strategies that implement short positions as well.
Tan and Yao [75] reported that a neural network model is applicable to the forecasting of foreign
exchange rates. Additionally, the autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) model and a simple
B&H were used as benchmarks to compare their results. Two distinct inputs were fed, one contained a
time series with weekly data and the other contained technical indicators derived from the time series.
Both inputs had 5 different major currency pairs sampled on a weekly basis. It was concluded that
technical indicator series yielded the best results in terms of returns. According to the Normalized Mean
Squared Error (NMSE) metric used to evaluate the performance of the regression, it may be concluded
that Neural Networks yielded better results than both benchmarks.
McNally et al. [76] try to predict the price direction of Bitcoin. For this, a Bayesian optimised recurrent
neural network (RNN), a Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) network and ARIMA were explored and
compared. The daily historical prices combined with two daily blockchain related features were the only
inputs. The LSTM achieved the highest classification accuracy of 52.7% followed by RNN with 50.2%
and ARIMA with 50.05%. However the Root Mean Square Error6 (RMSE) was 6.87% for LSTM, 5.45%
for RNN and 53.74% for ARIMA indicating that LSTM and RNN are far superior in forecasting Bitcoin
price. The author concluded that Deep Learning models require a significant amounts of data and
1-minute precision data would have been used if available while developing the work.
Atsalakis and Valavanis [77] surveyed over 100 published articles focused on neural and neuro-
fuzzy techniques derived and applied to forecast stock markets. The authors found out that the majority
of all articles implementing data preprocessing found it useful and necessary. Cavalcante et al. [35]
more recently, performed a similar comprehensive review of the literature of financial market forecasting,
presenting multiple studies applied in various financial markets using a broader set of machine learning
While this thesis and all the previous mentioned works use historical prices and/or technical indi-
cators, alternative indicators can also be used as input to forecast financial markets, a few examples
6 The sample standard deviation of the differences between predicted values and observed values (called residuals).

Greaves and Au [78] tried to predict whether Bitcoin’s price increased or decreased in the next hour
using accuracy as the classification metric. In this paper Logistic Regression, Support Vector Machine,
Neural Network and a Baseline (percentage of the average price increase) were used. However, the
distinctive aspect of this paper are the used inputs. Apart from using “current Bitcoin price”, the remain-
ing features were all related to blockchain network features such as “mined bitcoin in the last hour” or
“number of transactions made by new addresses in a given hour”. They obtained accuracies of 53.4%
for baseline, SVM followed with 53.7%, LR with 54.3% and finally Neural Networks were the best with
55.1%. The authors concluded that using input data from the blockchain alone offers limited predictabil-
ity, which makes sense as price is dictated by exchanges and these fall outside the range of blockchains.
Finally, it is presumed that price related features obtained from cryptocurrency exchanges are the most
informative in regards to future price prediction.
Colianni et. al [79] use sentiment analysis to prove whether Twitter data associated with cryptocurren-
cies may be advantageous to develop a trading strategy. The authors utilized several machine learning
methods to predict whether the price of Bitcoin will increase or decrease over a fixed time frame. Over 1
million tweets were analysed by the following machine learning algorithms: Naive-Bayes, LR and SVM.
The scores returned from an API for each word’s positivity, negativity and neutrality were fed as feature
vectors (matrix x) to each learning algorithm in order to obtain a prediction of the next period’s Bitcoin
price direction. The authors typically obtained better accuracies for daily predictions rather than hourly
predictions, but, in both cases accuracies of well over 50% were achieved. According to these results,
it seems that a system solely based on twitter data to forecast cryptocurrencies on a minute basis is
unfeasible, as great amounts of data would be required. Stenqvist and Lönnö [80] similarly used sen-
timent analysis to predict whether Bitcoin’s value will increase or decrease during a given time period
through a time shifted signal obtained from 2.27 million Bitcoin related tweets, processed by a rule-
based sentiment analytic software (VADER) able to detect the sentiment intensity. The authors obtained
really positive accuracies, however, they concluded that the number of predictions they created was not
a significant number, hence venturing into conclusions would be unfounded.

2.2.2 Works on LR, RF, GTB, SVM and Ensemble methods

A more thorough literature analysis on the five methods employed in this thesis is done in this section.
Ballings et al. [81], start with an extensive literature review, attempt to benchmark the performance
of ensemble methods (RF, Adaboost and Kernel Factory) against single classifier models (Neural Net-
works, LR, SVM and K-Nearest Neighbours) in predicting stock price direction. Historical price data
combined with fundamental indicators of thousands of publicly listed European companies was the only
input used to forecast one year ahead whether the stock price will increase by a predetermined amount
or not. The evaluation metric used is the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC).
The results indicate that RF is the top algorithm followed by SVM, Kernel Factory, AdaBoost, Neural
Networks, K-Nearest Neighbours and LR. Ou and Wang [82], likewise, compare the performance of

ten forecasting methodologies for the Hang Seng index using only daily historical price data. The best
performing methodologies measured in hit ratio7 are, in descending order, the Least squares support
vector machine (LS-SVM) followed by SVM, LR, ANN alongside Gaussian Process, Quadratic discrimi-
nant analysis (QDA), Linear discriminant analysis (LDA), Naive-Bayes, decision tree and lastly K-nearest
neighbour method. The obtained accuracies are suspiciously high and no explanation is given by the
authors, nonetheless, the comparison between these methods seems valid.
Kumar and Thenmozhi [83] compare the performance of Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA), LR,
SVM, RF and ANN in forecasting the direction of change in the next daily closing price for the NIFTY
index. The authors suggest that forecasting the direction of the price, rather than price levels, is more
effective and generates higher profits. The results were measured by hit ratio, obtaining 56.4%, 59.6%,
62.9%, 67.4% and 68.4% for LDA, LR, ANN, RF and SVM respectively. The superior performance of the
SVM is attributed to the fact that it implements a structural risk minimization principle which minimizes
an upper bound of the generalization error instead of minimizing the training error. It is also suggested
that combining the used models may generate better performances.
Madan et al. [84] used two sets containing Bitcoin’s historical price to predict the signal of future
price change. The first set had a 10-second sampling precision while the second set had a 10-minute
precision. The used algorithms were random forests and binomial logistic regression classifiers. The
results obtained with the 10-second data were much inferior to the results obtained with the 10-minute
time intervals. Using 10-minute data, resulted in approximately 54% accuracy obtained for LR and 57%
for RF on the prediction of the sign of price change in the next (10-minute) interval.
Żbikowski in [85] used a set of 10 technical indicators calculated from Bitcoin’s historical price (with
a 15-minute precision) as input to investigate the application of SVM with Box Theory and Volume
Weighted in forecasting price direction in the Bitcoin Market with the purpose of creating trading strate-
gies. A simple B&H strategy used as baseline, which obtained a ROI of 4.86%, was outperformed by
the BOX-SVM, with 10.6% ROI, and the VW-SVM, with 33.5% ROI.
Mallqui and Fernandes [86] similarly attempt to predict the price direction of Bitcoin, but on a daily
basis. The authors, besides the OHLC values and volume, experimented adding several blockchain
indicators (total transaction fees, number and cost of transactions and average hash rate), as well as a
few ”external” indicators (such as crude oil and gold future prices, S&P500 future, etc.). Several attribute
selection techniques were employed and always considered the OHLC values and volume as the most
relevant attributes. Even though no technical indicators were applied in this work, their usage is sug-
gested as a means for possible improvement. Several ensemble and individual learning methods were
experimented in this work. Nonetheless, the best performers were the SVM by itself and an ensemble of
a Recurrent Neural Network and a Tree Classifier. The SVM obtained a final accuracy of 59.4% (utilizing
80% of the original dataset dedicated to training) and the ensemble an accuracy of 62.9% (utilizing 75%
of the original dataset dedicated to training). The authors conclude that, with respect to the existent
state-of-the art works, their system manages to obtain notably higher accuracies. The results showed
that the selected attributes and the best machine learning model achieved an improvement of more than
7 Ratio between predicted true positives and the number of real positive cases in the data.

10%, in accuracy, for the price direction predictions, with respect to the state-of-the-art papers, using the
same period of information.
Huang et al. [87] investigate the prediction ability of SVM by forecasting weekly movement direction
of NIKKEI 225 index. SVM’s performance is compared to LDA, Quadratic discriminant analysis (QDA)
and to Elman Backpropagation Neural Networks (EBNN). In the end, the previously mentioned method-
ologies are combined to form an ensemble classifier. The combined model reached the highest hit ratio
of 75% followed by SVM with 73%, EBNN got third place with only 69% hit ratio. It’s worth mentioning
that only 36 observations were used as test sample which is not statistically significant. Kim [88] com-
pared the performance of SVM to ANN in predicting the daily variation direction of the KOSPI index. The
SVM obtained the best hit ratio of 57.8% compared to ANN’s hit rate of 54.7%. They concluded that SVM
is sensitive to its hyper-parameters, hence it is important to find the optimal values of the parameters.
Akyildirim et al. [89] predict in the most liquid twelve cryptocurrencies utilizing data with different
sampling frequencies ranging from daily to minute level. The authors utilized the methodologies SVM,
LR, RF and ANN and historical price and technical indicators as inputs. The objective is predicting in a
binary form the price direction in the next time step. ANN performed the worse with an accuracy slightly
under 55%. It is concluded that no significant gain was acquired from using ANN in the prediction of
cryptocurrency returns, however, a larger sample size should be experimented with. LR was consistent
across most different time-scales obtaining accuracies averaging 55%. SVM also had low variation
across the different time-scales and performed better than LR, obtaining on average accuracies slightly
over 56%. Finally, RF obtained the best accuracies at around 59%.
Basak et al. [90] predicted the direction of ten different stock markets prices using RF and GTB using
technical indicators obtained from daily historical prices. The predictions are made for time windows
between 3 and 90 days. Both methodologies obtained, for 90 days, similar accuracies of over 90%
while for 3 days, around 65% was obtained. The suspiciously high accuracies are acknowledged and
discussed in this paper. In any case, both algorithms were considered to be robust in predicting the
direction of price movements.
Alessandretti et al. [91] test and compare three methods for short-term cryptocurrency forecasting.
The first method considers only one single GTB model to describe the change in price of all cryptocur-
rencies. The second method is built using different GTB models for each cryptocurrency. The third (and
last) model is based on the LSTM algorithm. The daily historical price of 1681 cryptocurrencies, as well
as a few fundamental indicators, such as market capitalization, market share, age and rank, are used
as inputs for each of the three methods. As baseline method, the simple moving average strategy8 was
implemented. The three methods performed better than the baseline, even with fees included. The
cumulative returns were positive and plotted for the three methods and the baseline. Between the first
two methods, the second was considered to perform better. Nevertheless, both methods performed well
for short-term windows, suggesting they exploit short-term dependencies. In the end, the three methods
performed better when predictions were based on prices on Bitcoin rather than prices in USD, suggest-
ing that forecasting simultaneously the overall cryptocurrency market trend and the developments of
8 An estimate where the price of a given currency at day t is the average price of the same currency between t − w and t − 1
i i i
included, w is the window size.

individual currencies is more challenging than forecasting the latter alone. One final remark from this
work is that utilizing price as an input feature predominantly is attributed a larger relative importance by
the predictive models employed, rather than the remaining fundamental indicators.
Ó and Neves [92] in order to predict an economic recession used LR, RF, GBT and an ensemble
of the previous three to predict in advance whether the USA economy is in a state of recession or
not, hence, the previous classifiers were binary. Technical indicators were the only used input. It was
concluded that, individually, RF acquired the best results and GBT was robust no matter the different
conditions. However, the classifier obtaining the best Area Under the Curve (AUC) results was the
equally weighted average of the 3 classifiers.
Tsai et al. [93] investigate the prediction performance utilizing classifier ensembles to analyse stock
returns. Three types of single classifiers were compared to a B&H strategy in this paper: multi-layer per-
ception (MLP) neural network, classification and regression tree (CART) decision trees and LR. Multiple
learning methods were used in order to predict whether a given stock yields positive or negative returns.
Using data from the Taiwan Economic Journal, the authors focused on predicting the electronic industry
using only fundamental indicators as input. Taking into account average prediction accuracy, type I and
II errors and return on investment of these models, they concluded that multiple classifiers outperform
single classifiers. In addition, it was also concluded that heterogeneous classifier ensembles performed
slightly better than homogeneous classifier ensembles and, finally, there is no significant difference in
accuracy prediction between majority voting and bagging methods. The best bagging and voting ensem-
ble models both acquired accuracies of 66%, while accuracies of 63%, 60% and 59% were obtained for
MLP-NN, LR and CART respectively.

2.3 Chapter Conclusions

This chapter starts with a description of the fundamental concepts required to comprehend the system
developed in this work. Namely, an overview over the cryptocurrency world and the main characteristics
of its exchange market are presented followed by two forms of financial data analysis. After that, all
financial indicators applied in this work are introduced.
Secondly, the basic concepts of the machine learning algorithms utilized in this work are briefly
introduced. It should be pointed out that each individual classifier algorithm has much more to be said,
which cannot be covered by this work. In order to obtain a more comprehensive understanding of this
work’s employed machine learning algorithms, the literature referenced throughout this section contains
further and more elaborate material.
Finally, the most relevant research conducted for the creation of this work is presented. Besides
including a general outline and conclusions, applicable details or considerations that were taken under
consideration when designing this work are also described. Out of the several mentioned works, the
most pertinent ones are summarized in table 2.1. All things considered, the analysis carried out over
literature had a crucial contribution towards this work and provided the starting point to accomplish this
work’s objectives.

Table 2.1: Summary of the most relevant works covered in the state-of-the-art.
Ref. Year Financial Market Used Methodologies Dataset Time Period Evaluation Function System Performance B&H Performance
(Data Frequency)
[70] 2017 Credit Default Swaps GA 1/12/2007 - ROI 87.84% (ROI) NA
market 1/12/2016 (Daily
[73] 2016 12 most-volumed Model-less 27/08/2015 - Portfolio Value 16.3% (ROI portfolio 0.876% (ROI
cryptocurrencies convolutional NN 27/08/2016 Maximization value) portfolio value)
exchange data (30-minute data)
[74] 2018 Bitcoin/USD ANN (only w/long 31/07/2016 - ROI 6.68% (ROI for 2.28% (ROI for
exchange data positions 24/01/2018 average constant average constant
implemented) (15-minute data) spread) spread)
[76] 2016 Bitcoin/USD LSTM network 19/08/2013 - Accuracy, RMSE 52.7% (Accuracy) NA
exchange data 19/07/2016 (Daily

[78] 2015 Bitcoin/USD SVM, LR, NN 01/02/2012 - Accuracy 53.7% for SVM, NA
exchange data 01/04/2013 (Hourly 54.3% for LR and
data) 55.1% for NN
[85] 2015 Bitcoin/USD BOX-SVM, VW-SVM 09/01/2015 - Accuracy 10.58% for 4.86% (ROI)
exchange data 02/02/2015 BOX-SVM, 33.52%
(15-minute data) for VW-SVM (ROI)
[86] 2019 Bitcoin/USD SVM and Ensemble 01/04/2013 - Accuracy and Mean 59.4% and 62.9% NA
exchange data (RNN and tree 01/04/2017 (daily Square Error (Accuracy)
classifier) data)
[89] 2018 12 most liquid RF (best performing 10/8/2017 - Accuracy 53% (Accuracy) NA
cryptocurrencies model) 23/6/2018 (15-minute
exchange data data)
[93] 2011 Electronic Industry MLP, CART, LR, 2005 Q4 - 2006 Q3 Accuracy Voting Methods 2970% (ROI)
from the Taiwan Voting and Bagging (Quarterly 4837%, Bagging
Economic Journal Methods (of the 3 Fundamental data) Methods 4637%
single classifiers) (ROI)
Chapter 3


In this chapter the proposed strategy implemented to maximize the predictive performance in the cryp-
tocurrency exchange market is described. Before anything else, the main architecture of the system is
overviewed. Afterwards, a more detailed description of each module that composes the system and its
objective will be described.

3.1 System’s Architecture

First and foremost, it is worth noting that no single model is obviously or consistently better than all
others, each model has trade-offs. The “No Free Lunch” theorem [94] states that any two optimization
algorithms are equivalent when their performance is averaged across all possible problems. However,
for this thesis, a particular problem is being solved, thus some algorithms will in fact perform better than
In this thesis a trading system containing 5 different methodologies for forecasting is used to detect
the best entry and exit points in the cryptocurrency market. In order to predict these best entry and exit
points in a financial market, the direction of price, rather than price levels, is forecast in this work. This
method has proven to be effective and profitable by many authors in literature as can be seen in chapter
2. Simply put, this work attempts to solve a binary classification problem. The cryptocurrency market
is known for its volatility, as so, this proposed system is intended to take advantage of the intense and
rapid variations through several mechanisms. The main process to tackle this issue is the resampling
of financial data to a parameter other than time. Through resampling, periods of time with large vari-
ations are given a larger importance relatively to tranquil periods of time. Additional procedures were
added, such as stop-loss orders to curb losses or line of action chosen for the target formulation. These
processes are explained in further detail throughout this chapter.
It is expected beforehand that the predictions made from the ensemble will live up to expectations by
exceeding the performance made from each individual learner’s predictions. In order to create a good
ensemble, it is generally believed that the base learners should be as accurate and diverse as possible
[65]. Thus, in this proposed system a set of individual learners with these characteristics was chosen.

LR is one of the most widely used linear statistical model in binary classification situations [43]. It
is a simple and easily implementable model that offers a reasonable performance, as was seen in 2.2.
The linear SVM and non-linear RF methods, are used due to their well above average performances.
Throughout supervised learning literature [95] and as was seen in section 2.2, when compared to other
learning methods, these two methods generally achieve top performances and are recommended by
the authors. GTB is a non-linear method employed through the extreme gradient boosting (XGBoost)
framework. This method is an efficient and scalable implementation of gradient boosting known for
winning many machine learning competitions. In fact, in 2015 it was the winning algorithm for 17 out of
29 Kaggle1 challenges [96].
Furthermore, these four methods provide the coefficient size for each feature, which can be trans-
lated into how relevant each feature is. LR and SVM additionally provide a measure of the direction
(positive or negative) of the association of each feature. Accordingly, superfluous features could be with-
drawn in an attempt to fine-tune the utilized set of features. This was considered as an advantage over
Artificial Neural Network related models where due to its multi-layered process, an idea of the relation-
ship between inputs and outputs is not provided [48]. These methods, commonly referred to as black
box methods, are powerful in pure predictive settings, such as pattern recognition, but are less useful in
data mining processes, where only a fraction of the large number of predictor variables included are, in
fact, relevant to the prediction [48].
For this system, the common systematic procedure to predict time series using machine learning
algorithms was put into practice by following these steps in this specific order [35]: data preparation,
algorithm definition, training and finally forecasting evaluation. With this purpose, the proposed system
is divided into 4 modules as briefly follows:

• Data module (section 3.2): This module is responsible for collecting the data from Binance’s API
and preparing it to be used by the next module. The data preparation consists in selecting the
pairs with most volume, erasing unessential information and lastly resampling the pairs through
four different methods.

• Technical Rules module (section 3.3): This module receives the processed data from the data
module and calculates a set of technical indicators for each data point to be posteriorly used as
input for the following module.

• Machine Learning module (section 3.4): This module is the main core of the system. Having the
data rearranged and the technical indicators calculated, this module is responsible for splitting the
data into train and test datasets, doing another round of data preparation (standardization), training
the different machine learning methodologies for all the training intervals and finally generating
forecasts using the trained predictive models for all the test intervals. These forecasts, referred to
as “trading signals”, are the output sent to the next module.

• Investment Simulator module (section 3.5): Each trading signal is now tested in a real world situ-
1 Online community of data scientists and machine learners known for hosting hundreds of machine learning competitions since

its inception.

ation. A number of statistical indicators such as accuracy, as well as financial indicators such as
return on investment are calculated, plotted and stored in memory.

This modular approach was adopted to provide independence, flexibility and understandability to
each of the modules. Consequently, any sort of extension or modification to any of the modules is
facilitated. In figure 3.1 the main phases of the system as well as the interactions between each module
are shown.

Figure 3.1: Simplified overview of the proposed system’s modular architecture.

3.2 Data Preparation Module

The starting point for this work’s proposed system is a collection of homogeneously sampled time series
that will be processed in this module in order to acquire informative features. The original time series
were all retrieved through Binance’s API. For each cryptocurrency exchange pair, the obtained time
series contained data for a specified time frame and a specified time frequency. In this thesis the
samples used are as detailed as one can get from Binance: 1 sample per minute.
In this system each data point utilizes the customary fields required to build an OHLC (open-high-
low-close) chart:

• Open time: Starting time for a given trading time period with the format ”YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss”.

• Open: Price in which a cryptocurrency pair is first traded upon the opening of a given trading

• High: Highest price in which a cryptocurrency pair was traded for a given trading period.

• Low: Lowest price in which a cryptocurrency pair was traded for a given trading period.

• Close: Price in which a cryptocurrency pair is last traded upon the opening of a given trading
period. It’s worth pointing out that in this work’s system, it is assumed that trading is contracted by
these closing prices.

• Volume: Amount of base cryptocurrency traded during the respective trading period.

Binance offered a few more data columns, such as ’close time’ indicating ending time for the same
trading period. However, as every single data point contains data for precisely 1 minute, using only one
time label per sample is enough. Hence, the open time was selected and the closing time field, being
redundant, was deleted. A few more data columns were not used throughout the whole system so, in
order to spare computer memory, the remaining downloaded columns were simply freed from memory
and consequently excluded from storage in the final file. In the end, the data columns containing each
of these 6 fields, the only data remaining, were saved into a CSV (comma-separated values) file.
In this work the several alternative bar representations attained through data resampling are to be
tested and compared to the common time sampling, thus, the previously saved dataset containing the
Open time, Open, High, Low, Close and Volume columns is now to be resampled. As mentioned in
section 2.2.1, contrarily to the customary time representation, resampled data is intended to place more
importance in high-frequency intervals by overrepresenting the constituting individual samples, when
compared to low-frequency intervals. In addition two more important aspects of utilizing resampled data
should be noted:

1. From a machine learning perspective, if both high and low-frequency intervals are equally rep-
resented, a mistaken prediction would yield an equivalent penalization for both cases. Now,
assuming high-frequency intervals are overrepresented relatively to low-frequency intervals, if a
high-frequency interval with many samples (all consisting of small time intervals) were to be erro-
neously predicted, a penalization for each single misclassification would be appointed resulting in
a collectively large penalization. On the other hand, an erroneous prediction on a low-frequency
interval would also be penalized, but not as heavily since it contains less samples to classify when
compared to a high-frequency interval. To put it simply, the penalizations for incorrect predictions
can be exploited in order to favour a better performance on high-frequency intervals rather than in
low-frequency intervals throughout the whole forecast;

2. From a financial perspective, it is more important to successfully forecast high-frequency periods

as larger returns or losses can be obtained when compared to the more stable low-frequency

In this work four different resampling processes are applied. All of them follow the same formula,
thus, only the first will be described in full detail. The explanation of the remaining three methods are
abbreviated and contrasted to the first resampling method. A description of each grouping now follows:

• Percentage: The purpose of this type of rearrangement is to sample data according to a fixed
percentual variation threshold rather than to a fixed time period. With this intent, the first step is to
calculate the percentual variation between the consecutive samples of the original time sampled
dataset, i.e., the percentual first order differencing of the closing values. As was mentioned in
section 2.2.1, the first order differencing of a time series consists on calculating the difference
between a given value and the consecutive previous value. In this case, the percentual first order

differencing of close values is calculated: the percentual difference from the close of an actual data
point with its immediate previous data point are stored on a column with indexes synchronized with
the actual data point.

Knowing the absolute variation of each sample, the objective is now to identify sets of consecu-
tive samples whose individual variations aggregated together reach or exceed a fixed pre-defined
threshold of absolute percentual variation. For this purpose, a new column was created to con-
tain the result of a customized cumulative sum of the previously created column (percentual first
order differencing of close values). This customized cumulative sum is responsible for defining
the boundaries of each group through assigning different numerical identifiers to each sample. To
do so, starting on a specific sample, the total cumulative absolute variation of the specific sample
as well as the consecutively posterior samples are added up until the variation sum reaches or
exceeds the fixed threshold. This occurrence dictates the starting and ending boundary for each
group: whenever a threshold is crossed, a group ends on the actual sample and a new one begins
on the next sample, with the next numerical identifier. In the next group, the cumulative sum is
restarted back to zero and the same iterative method is followed, until the cumulative absolute
variation summed reaches or exceeds the threshold, all samples are to be grouped together.

In the end, all samples of the original dataset with the same identifiers are grouped into a single
sample of the final dataset. That is, each original sample is attributed a group identifier in accor-
dance with the modified cumulative sum. This process is done in a orderly manner that iterates
through all samples (in a descendant order, where the oldest entry is at the top and the most recent
is at the bottom), therefore, only consecutive samples can be grouped together. This process is
illustrated in figure 3.2. The seventh column (Cumulative sum w/restart when threshold is reached)
contains the values obtained with the customized cumulative sum algorithm. As can be observed,
whenever the value of this seventh column is equal or larger than a fixed threshold, in this case
2%, the group being numbered with the identifier 0 i0 is closed, the value for the cumulative sum
is restarted and a new group with identifier 0 i + 10 is initiated in the next sample. In the end of
this iterative process each individual sample of the original dataset contains a numerical group
identifier associated to it.

This modified cumulative sum algorithmic formula, is responsible for resampling the original dataset
into one whose sample’s size is as close to the fixed threshold value as possible resulting in an
almost even sized (in this case with the same percentual size) dataset. Furthermore, leaking of
future data is prevented, as new groups are defined only once the threshold is reached or sur-
passed. Through this method, in the end, the same amount of percentual closing price action, is
approximately the same for each sample in the resampled dataset. It’s worth adding that financial
markets generate a discrete time series, making it impossible to achieve a perfectly even-sized re-
sampled dataset with data from any cryptocurrency market. Nevertheless, a finer-grained periodic
(smallest possible time period between data points) original data, independently of the threshold
value, is more likely to build a more regularly and consistently sized resampled dataset. Similarly

(a) Table on the left contains the original dataset that is resampled into the dataset on the right.

(b) Left candlestick group is a representation of the original dataset and right candlestick
group is arepresentation of the resampled dataset.

Figure 3.2: Regrouping process illustration for a percentage of 2%.

to utilizing finer-grained data, if the threshold is increased, uneven resampled data becomes less
noticeable as differences between resampled data points become percentually more insignificant
resulting in a seemingly more consistent dataset. The values considered for the threshold should
be larger than the payed fees, so each profitable transaction covers the fees completely, but not
too large, otherwise too many data points would be grouped resulting in loss of information and
consequently profit loss.

Lastly, as previously mentioned, all data points containing the same numerical group identifier
must be grouped into a single data point. To accomplish this, the Open and Close values of the
new resampled data point are respectively the open value of the first entry and the close value of
the last entry in the set of samples that make part of the respective group. The new High value is
the highest of high values out of all the entries in the group and the new Low value is the lowest.
Lastly, the new Volume corresponds to the sum of all volumes for each data point in the group.
In case a group consists of only one data point, meaning a percentual variation larger than the
chosen threshold happened in that instant, one of two cases happens: either the actual group is
closed (e.g. row 11 in the original dataset of figure 3.2); or, if this new row is supposed to initiate a
new group, a group is started and closed in the same instant (e.g. row 12 in the original dataset of
figure 3.2). For the second case, there is no need to rearrange that data point, as it is already in the

final form. One last detail worth mentioning is that, grouping is done by comparing two consecutive
entries, the initial data point of the original dataset is only used as reference, it does not contribute
towards any group. However, the impact caused by discarding this single sample is negligible as
the original dataset for each cryptocurrency pair on average contains hundreds of thousands of
data points.

• Amount: The purpose of this type of rearrangement is to sample data according to a fixed vari-
ation threshold rather than to a fixed percentage or time period. This process is identical to the
Percentage rearrangement but is even simpler. Instead of calculating the percentual first order
difference between closes, simply the actual first order difference series of the closing values is
calculated. As was mentioned in section 2.2.1, the first order difference of the close series cor-
responds to the changes from the close of an actual data point with its immediate previous data
point and has the added benefit of achieving (or approaching) stationarity.

All procedures for calculating the alternative cumulative sum column, for assignment of new group
identifiers and sample grouping are identically followed throughout the remainder of this resampling
process. The only exception is the fixed threshold and how it is determined. In this case, a fixed
price value is used as threshold instead. This fixed value corresponds to a fixed closing price vari-
ation of the base currency expressed in units of quote currency. To obtain this fixed value, firstly, the
sum of absolute differences between closes is calculated, i.e., Sum(abs(dif f erencing(close prices))).
The value obtained is divided by the total number of data points obtained in the percentage group-
ing. This procedure guarantees that the quantity of data points obtained is similar to the quantity
obtained in percentage grouping. Nonetheless it is unlikely that the final amount of samples ob-
tained correspond precisely to the amount of samples obtained in the first rearrangement. These
two types of resampling procedures group samples according to different variations which may
phase themselves differently resulting in less groups during the customized cumulative sum group
identifier assignment process and consequently less samples in the final dataset. Anyhow, this
is not a frequent occurrence and the total sample difference between this rearrangement and the
percentage rearrangement is never substantial (it is never larger than 1% of the total amount of
samples of each rearrangement). In the end, likewise to the percentage rearrangement, the same
amount of closing price action, is approximately the identical for each candlestick.

• Logarithmic Amount: This process can be explained as an extension to the amount rearrange-
ment. The only distinction is that a natural logarithm is applied to the closing prices before calcu-
lating the first difference series of the closing values: the difference between each data point and
the consecutive previous one are calculated in a logarithmic scale.

Once again, apart from using a different fixed value to group samples, all other processes are
conducted identically to the previous procedures. This rearrangement’s fixed value is calculated
analogously to the procedure used in the previous rearrangement but with the logarithmic scale
taken into account: the final sum of absolute differences between each consecutive close value
in a natural logarithmic scale, i.e., Sum(abs(dif f erencing(log(closingprices)))), is divided by the

total number of data points obtained in the percentage grouping. Once more, this was chosen
so that the total quantity of rearranged data points for this process is similar to the total quantity
of data points obtained in the two previous groupings. Subsequently, the customized cumulative
sum column is calculated, each sample is assigned to a group and actual resampling happens
identically to what was described in the percentage resampling method. In the end, likewise the
two previous rearrangements, the same amount of closing price action in a logarithmic scale, is
approximately the same for each candlestick.

The purpose of this resampling process is similar to the simple first differencing of a time series
utilized in the amount rearrangement case and introduced in section 2.2.1. However, logarithmic
scaling makes better use of input data scope by evenly spreading data across the input range. It
is a simple but effective way to stabilize the variance across time. In most cases, as variation in
volatility is larger for the series without logarithms, using a logarithmic scale is a means for stabi-
lizing the variance [97]. However, even the first differences of logarithms still show considerable
variation in the volatility. While the difference series (amount resampling) itself may still display
a non-stationary behaviour, a log transformation with differencing is more likely to ensure a sta-
tionary condition [98]. Furthermore, the logarithm converts multiplicative relationships to additive
relationships, and exponential trends to linear trends. The logarithmic transformation straight-
ens out exponential growth patterns and stabilizes variance. The logarithmic resampling is more
amenable to statistical analysis than the simple amount resampling because it is easier to derive
the time series properties of additive processes than those of multiplicative processes [99].

Changes (up to ±15%) in the natural log of a variable can be directly interpretable as percent
changes [100]. Nevertheless, contrarily to percentages, a decrease in a certain differenced log
value followed by a same-sized increase takes the value to the same position, whereas a given
percentual loss followed by the same percentual gain ends up in a worse position. It follows that the
slope of a trend line of the logged data is similar to the average percentage growth, as changes are
similar to percentage changes [68]. In conclusion, logarithmic resampling has potential to perform
better than the two other resampling methods.

• Time: This resampling variety was implemented with the aim of being the comparison baseline as
it is by far the most commonly used layout for sampling financial time series in literature [33].

In spite of the original dataset being already sampled according to time, due to the lack of re-
arrangement, it contains plenty more data points than each resulting re-sampled dataset of the
three previous rearrangements. This would most certainly generate unfair results. A larger dataset
could generate much larger profits, or losses. Therefore, to make comparisons between the differ-
ent resampling methods fair, a time grouping must also be implemented. This type of resampling
consists on simply grouping together a fixed amount of consecutive data points. The fixed amount
of consecutive data points to be aggregated is obtained identically to the previous rearrangements:
calculate the integer division between the total amount of data points and the average amount of
rearranged data points of the three previous rearrangements.

In the end contrarily to the three previous rearrangements, candlesticks are not grouped according
to an amount of closing variation but according to a fixed interval of time as is customary. It’s
worth mentioning that despite the final total number of samples rarely coinciding with the previous
3 groupings, similarly to the differences between the amount and percentage rearrangements,
the total difference between the number of samples of each rearrangement is never significant

The procedures utilized in this module were fully optimized and made use of parallelization methods
with the intention of reducing this module’s total execution time. In the end, this module turned out
relatively fast, seldom taking over 2 seconds even for large datasets, therefore, there was no need to
store the output in memory.

3.3 Technical Indicators Module

The purpose of this proposed system is predicting future values of financial markets, based on technical
indicators. This module is responsible for generating and outputting the respective technical indicators
for each data sample. To accomplish this, the rearranged time series are received as input and several
technical indicators are calculated for each data sample. The input dataset corresponds to the output of
the Data Module.
Using technical analysis simplifies the forecasting future market movements problem to a pattern
recognition problem, where inputs are derived from historical prices and outputs are an estimate of the
price or its trend [38].
In literature, researchers have used different types of technical indicators to monitor the future move-
ments of prices and in setting up trading rules. In this proposed system, the used indicators were chosen
by gathering a set of the most commonly used technical indicators in machine learning algorithms des-
tined to forecast financial markets. Each indicator reveals information about a certain characteristic of
the said financial market, hence, using a diversified set of technical indicators was given importance.
The used set of technical indicators and the values for each respective parameter are shown in table
3.1. All technical indicators, except for one additional variant utilized in the Stochastics, are explained in
section 2.1.3. It’s worth mentioning that relatively to the SMA, the EMA reacts faster to price variations
yielding better results in forecasting the cryptocurrency market, hence only the latter was utilized.
The utilized technical indicator variant, consists on replicating the histogram method from the MACD
indicator on the stochastic oscillators to indicate trend reversals (when a sample of this indicator crosses
zero) as well as whether the trend is upwards or downwards. For this purpose, two histograms were
used: the difference between %K line and slow %K line is the first, and the difference between %K line
and fast %D line is the second. Aside from this variant all the technical indicators used in this thesis
were implemented as described in section 2.1.3. Table 3.1 lists the used technical indicators as well as
the values for each parameter (if existent). In this proposed system, the values used for each parameter
are the ones traditionally used or suggested.

Technical Indicator Parameters
EMAs 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 periods
Relative Strength Index 14 periods
Moving Average Convergence Divergence histogram signal EMA 9, fast EMA 12, slow EMA 26 periods
On Balance Volume -
Rate Of Change 10 periods
Commodity Channel Index 14 periods
Average True Range 14 periods
Stochastic Oscillator %K line 14 periods
Stochastic Oscillator Fast %D line 3 periods
Stochastic Oscillator Slow %D line 3 periods
Histogram between %K line & Fast %D line -
Histogram between %K line & Slow %D line -

Table 3.1: List of all indicators and (if applied) their respective parameters, outputted to the Machine
Learning module.

The dataset containing the calculated technical indicators in this module is outputted to the next mod-
ule where it will be responsible for generating the input features used to train the four binary classifiers.
This module is relatively fast, hence, there was no need to store the output in memory.

3.4 Machine Learning Module

The output data from the previous module, technical indicator module, is received by this module. At
this point, the useful fields of financial data have been picked out, grouped and the technical indicators
for each data point have been calculated. This module is the most complex and the main core of the
system, as so it was divided into 3 main components, each with a different responsibility.

The first component is responsible for scaling the features (the input data containing the technical
indicators) and posteriorly the best features are selected to be used. Feature scaling is a actually a
requirement for some of the machine learning algorithms employed in this proposed system.

The second step undertaken in this module is defining the target prediction vector. This component
is necessary because all methods of binary classification used in this system are a type of supervised
learning, which by definition require a target prediction.

Lastly, only when both the target prediction vector is defined (also known as vector y) and the financial
data is in its final form and ready to be used as the sample matrix (also known as matrix X), is the system
ready for the third and last component. The aim of this third component is fitting each of the 4 binary
classifiers, generating a forecast for each algorithm and in the end creating an average of the forecasts
from the four algorithms making an ensemble of machine learning algorithms, the fifth prediction signal
of this system. All 5 predictions are outputted to the Investment Simulator module, the last module of
this system, to be translated into a trading signal and simulated into a real market environment.

Figure 3.3 contains a brief illustration of this module’s main steps.

Figure 3.3: Machine Learning module overview.

3.4.1 Feature Scaling

Feature scaling is a data preprocessing step, applied in this thesis through a technique called standard-
ization, represented in equation 3.1. Standardization is the process of centring features by subtracting
the features’ mean and scaling by dividing the result by the features’ standard deviation. Standardization
centres the features at mean 0 with standard deviation 1, so that the range of each independent feature
has the properties of a standard normal distribution. The standardized value, also known as z-score or
standard score, of a given sample, x, is calculated as follows:

xstandardized = , (3.1)

where µ is the mean of the training samples and σ is the standard deviation of the training samples.
Equation 3.1, which is based on properties of the normal distribution rescales each sample in terms of
how many standard deviations they fall above or below the mean value.
Feature scaling is not only important if we are comparing measurements that have different units,
but it is also a general requirement for many machine learning algorithms. When the input dataset
contains features with completely different units of measurement, which is the case in this system, using
feature scaling avoids the problem in which some features come to dominate solely because they tend
to have larger values than others. Processes used in this system, namely by gradient descent, such
as, regularization or optimization employed in algorithms such as Logistic Regression or Support Vector
Machines, are sensitive to magnitudes and consequently require feature scaling in order to work properly
[43, 101].
Tree-based methods are the only family of algorithms who are scale-invariant2 [48]. Even though
Gradient Decision Tree Boosting utilizes gradient descent, similarly to RF, the base learners are trees
which are invariant to scaling, hence, feature scaling is inessential for both [43]. However, after veri-
fying that standardized data did not harm the results of the Random Forest or Gradient Decision Tree
Boosting classifiers this procedure was used in all algorithms in order to facilitate comparisons between

2 Feature of objects that do not change if variables are multiplied by a common factor, thus represent universality.

Data standardization happens independently on each feature by computing the relevant statistics on
the samples in the training set. The parameters of the standardization from the training dataset are
stored in order to standardize the test set or any new unseen data point. Utilizing the stored mean and
standard deviation obtained from the training dataset avoids any leaking of future data into the test set,
commonly referred to as look-ahead bias3 .

3.4.2 Target Formulation

The objective of the second component of this module is defining the target discrete values to be pre-
dicted, the class label, for each data point. This process is a requirement when using methods of
supervised learning.
In order to decide whether the signal in the next instant has one of the two possible outcomes, a
deterministic binary classification is proposed. In this proposed system, a binary outcome was taken
into account: the cryptocurrency market either has a positive or a negative variation in the next instant.
In the rare cases where the variation is precisely null, the outcome of the previous instant is duplicated
into the current one.
If a signal was previously declining and then stagnated, the instant of stagnation is classified as
a negative variation because no profit would be made if an investor entered a long position in this
stagnated instant. Equivalently, if a signal was previously increasing and then stagnated, the stagnation
instant is classified as a positive variation, because there is no need to leave the market right away
and pay trading fees, the increasing trend might persist. This concept is based on the belief that long
term trends more often than not will persist rather than reverse. Hence, in the long run the strategy
of duplicating the previous outcome will be beneficial relatively to the strategy of attributing a fixed
classification (even though this situation seldom occurs due to all the decimal cases).
Before going into further detail regarding this system’s target formulation, transaction fees and bid-
ask spreads ought to be introduced. The market of cryptocurrencies is a specially volatile market where
short term trend reversals are common. Recurrent reversals would result in entering and leaving the
market too often, thereby exhausting the initial investment on trading fees. Furthermore, frequent small
increases in value, which are bullish by definition, may result in a loss if the trading fees are larger than
the increase. Having these two cases considered, the buy and sell trading fees should be taken into
account, functioning as a safeguard against these two cases when determining the ideal long position
start and ending points. As the financial data was downloaded from Binance, the trading fees applied in
this system are Binance’s general trading fee of 0.1% [102].
Throughout literature, more often than trading fees, the bid-ask spread is overlooked. While its impact
may be negligible on specific cases, it may also be responsible for harming the system’s investments in a
real situation if unaccounted for. This bid-ask spread is the difference between the current best buyer’s
price (ask value) and the best seller’s price (bid value) of a given exchange. In less liquid markets,
specifically in the most “exotic” cryptocurrency pairs (whose financial worth is typically in the USD cents),
3 Usage of data or information that would have not been available during the period under analysis.

the percentual difference between the best buyer and the best seller may become large enough so that
the common assumption of utilizing the closing value as both bid and ask values becomes quite far-
fetched leading to a disparity with reality that may no longer become acceptable.
However, in the cryptocurrency exchange market, there is no single source providing free (or even
for a reasonable monetary amount) bid-ask spread historical data. To the author’s knowledge, enquiring
specific exchanges or sources for the spread of the current instant (save for the Bitcoin/USD exchange
market whose spread data is readily available, but becomes increasingly expensive as detail increases)
is the only method of acquiring this data free of charge. Through this method, a database of instan-
taneous spread enquires could be built. Regardless, in order to assemble a decent amount of data,
years of data gathering would be required. An alternative possibility would be utilizing a constant bid-
ask spread for the whole time period, as done by Nakano et al. in [74]. Nonetheless, contrarily to
Nakano et al.’s work where only the Bitcoin/USD exchange and its commonly available daily average
bid-ask spread were analysed, in this work 100 different currency pairs are analysed with a precision
of up to 1-minute. By no means can an analogous procedure be applied to this work, specially for the
most uncommon “exotic” cryptocurrencies which are significantly dissimilar from the most capitalized
cryptocurrencies where the bid-ask spread becomes relatively negligible.
In this work, due to the unavailability of bid-ask spread values, only transaction fees are considered.
It is preferable to be prudent rather than to undertake erroneous assumptions that could considerably
increase the disparity from reality damaging the final conclusions. Nevertheless, it should be pointed
that overlooking the importance of bid-ask spreads is not ideal and before applying this system in a real
scenario, a database containing the spread values should be built and taken into account to fully validate
this strategy.
In order to reduce risk, transaction fees are taken into account when calculating the target formu-
lation. A positive variation, or 1, corresponds to when a closing price of a given time period deduced
by the respective fee, is larger than the closing price of the previous time period, also with the respec-
tive fee taken into consideration. A negative variation, or 0, corresponds to the opposite case, when a
closing price of a given time period deduced by the respective fee, is smaller than the closing price of
the previous time period, also with the respective fee considered. As previously mentioned, in the rare
cases where the signal has a null variation, the outcome of the previous instant is duplicated onto to the
current one.
On the grounds of taking fees into account, a larger price gap is demanded between consecutive
instants in order to enter a long position. Owing to this increased gap, small variations that could induce
in losses are classified as negative variations rather than positive variations. Furthermore, positive
variations can be translated into the possibility of an immediate profit (only a possibility because if the
long position is held for long enough a negative trend may take place and turn this initial profit into a
It may be noted that in theory there is a possibility that successive small increasing variations, which
would individually result in losses due to the existing considered fees, could collectively generate a large
enough increase resulting in a profit. Due to this formulation, possible profits from this occurrence are

being discarded, as no individual variation would be large enough to trigger a positive variation which in
turn would start a long position to collect the profits. However, in the cryptocurrency market, because of
its volatility, the losses caused by small single positive variations amid negative variations far outbalances
the gains from successive small variations that collectively generate a profit. Moreover, the resampling
method mentioned in section 3.2 is capable of grouping the original data to contain “individual” variations
of a scale much larger than trading fee sized variations, hence, this situation will seldom be verified.
A vector called vector y (represented in equation 3.2) contains the target classification for each
sample in the dataset. Each entry follows a binomial probability distribution, i.e., y ∈ {0, 1}, where 1
symbolizes a positive or bullish signal variation and 0 symbolizes a negative or bearish signal variation.
Putting the previous process mathematically, for a given currency pair, being closet the closing price
for a given time period t, and closet−1 the closing price for the previous time period, t − 1, the target for
the given time period, yt , is defined as follows:

 0, if Closet−1 × (1 + T radingF ee) < Closet × (1 − T radingF ee)

yt = 1, if Closet−1 × (1 + T radingF ee) > Closet × (1 − T radingF ee) , (3.2)

t−1 × (1 + T radingF ee) = Closet × (1 − T radingF ee)
y , if Close

The only exception to the previous equation would be if the first two samples of the dataset fell under
the last case, i.e., first close is equal to the second close with trading fees taken into account. As there
is no previous entry to be duplicated into the actual one, to avoid risks a fixed negative classification, ’0’,
is attributed instead.
In the end, all data samples have a corresponding entry in vector y except for the last sample as
there is no posterior sample to evaluate whether the variation is positive or negative.
Having vector y defined, the problem can be written in a probabilistic way to employ the four learning
algorithms: being x the observable features (technical indicators) at the current time and yt+1 the direc-
tion of the signal in the future, the probability for a given future direction knowing the current features,
P (yt+1 |x), for each learning algorithm may be calculated as explained in section 2.1.4.
It’s worth noting that only long positions are employed in this proposed system. The reason for this
is because the utilized data was retrieved from Binance, and in accordance with this cryptocurrency
exchange, short positions are not accepted (as of now). Therefore, to be truly faithful to a real case
scenario, only long positions can be adopted by this system.

3.4.3 Classifiers Fitting and Predicting

This is the last component of the Machine Learning module. The objective of this component is, out
of a dataset received as input, creating a model with the learned data by training each of the four
classification algorithms and, in the end, creating a classifier ensemble with the output of each algorithm
by averaging each sample. The four individual learning algorithms can be fit in whatever order.
Before the actual training procedure begins, both the features (matrix X) and the target vector (vector
y), must be split into train dataset, used to train or fit the model, and test dataset, used to give an

unbiased estimate of the generalization skill of the final tuned model. It is pivotal that each observation
of the original complete dataset must belong to solely one set. Tainted testing datasets with data included
as well in the training dataset, or vice-versa, manifest leaking of future data: training a given model with
data also included in the testing dataset contradicts the concept of forecasting the future.

When developing a model for forecasting, it is obviously desirable to train and test the model on
the longest possible datasets to cover the largest possible array of events. Therefore, in this proposed
system both matrix X and vector y undergo multiple train-test splits, with the purpose of training and
evaluating multiple models. Utilizing multiple test-train split sets has the benefit of providing a much
longer testing interval which, despite being discontinuous, is in accordance with the prevention of future
data leaking.

With the employed train-test split, each training set consists only of observations that occurred prior
to the observations that form the test set. Thus, no future data leaking occurs in the construction of the
forecast. For each currency pair in this system, 4 splits divide the time series in 5 equal sized intervals,
i.e., each interval contains the same number of samples. It’s worth noting that because the splits divide
the number of samples, only the time rearranged series will be split in 5 time intervals with same time
duration. The remaining resampling strategies, although having the same amount of samples in each
interval, most likely will have clearly different durations for each of the 5 intervals. The test interval
size is consistent for all iterations. This way, the calculated performance statistics of each tested model
are consistent with each other and can be combined or compared. On the other hand, the train set
successively increases in size with every iteration, i.e., it may be regarded as a superset of the train sets
from previous iterations. Naturally, the first iteration is the exception, the training dataset consists only
of the first interval. The test set corresponds to the immediate succeeding data interval relatively to the
training dataset. For this reason, the generated classification models are less likely to become outdated
in face of new distant testing data due to utilizing a single fixed classification model for the whole test
dataset. Ultimately, when using this method, no future data leaking occurs and forecasting since a much
earlier time point is enabled. This series of train-test splits are illustrated in figure 3.4.

For each currency pair, because of the 4 different resampling methods utilized (explained in section
3.2), the model training procedure has to be executed 4 different times. Additionally, 4 training intervals
(as the fifth interval from the train-test split is only used for testing) are defined for each currency pair and
this module is responsible for training one model for each of the 4 learning algorithms utilized. Hence, in
total each currency pair has 64 models in total fitted. As soon as the boundaries between the split test
and training sets are delimited, each classifier begins the model fitting procedure for each of the training
intervals, one at a time. Throughout the training or fitting process, all classification algorithms share two
aspects: the performance metric and the cross-validation method.

The first aspect to be defined is the used performance metric for model training. This evaluation
metric defines which instance of the model is the best performing for each pair of the training and
testing datasets. In this proposed system, all classification algorithms use negative log-loss or negative
cross-entropy loss. For a binary classification case, the utilized formulae of this performance metric is
represented in equation 3.3.

Figure 3.4: Train-Test split scheme.

The reasoning behind this choice is that investment strategies profit from predicting the right label
with high confidence. Accuracy accounts equally for an erroneous buy prediction with high probability
and for an erroneous buy prediction with low probability [33]. For this reason, accuracy does not provide
a realistic scoring of the classifier’s performance. Conversely, log loss computes the log-likelihood of the
classifier given the true class label, which takes the probabilities for each prediction into account, as can
be seen in the following equation:

− log[P (yt |yp )] = −[yt × log(yp ) + (1 − yt ) × log(1 − yp )], (3.3)

where yt corresponds to the true label, ∈ {0, 1}, and yp corresponds to the estimated probability of
yt = 1.

The second aspect, cross-validation, is mainly used to determine the generalization error, i.e., its
performance on unseen data of the model in order to prevent overfitting. Instead of partitioning the
available data into three independent sets (train, validation and test), reducing the available number
of samples to train and test the model, through usage of cross validation, multiple validation sets are
used and later reused as training data. Take notice that any given data point once included in the
training dataset remains in this same dataset for the remainder of the whole fitting procedure. One last
advantage of cross-validation is that it makes full use of all available information both for training and
testing, thus yielding more robust error estimates [103].

The type of cross-validation proposed for this system is commonly referred to as time series cross-
validation. It is a variation of the commonly used k-fold cross-validation destined specifically for time
series data samples. In the k th split, the first k folds are returned as train set and the (k + 1)th fold as
validation set. Averaging the k obtained error measures yields an overall error measure that typically will
be more robust than single measures [103]. This employed cross-validation is identical to the previously

explained process of splitting train and test data, the only differences are that rather than only 4 splits,
10 splits are done and instead of splitting train and test data, train and validation data is being split.
This is a simple notation difference. Although this approach may be computationally expensive, a more
accurate performance estimate can be derived. On top of this, a strict and exclusive validation set is now
dispensable, thus more data can be used on the training and/or testing intervals. Additionally, during
cross-validation tuning of hyper-parameters can be carried out. In this work, a simple grid search was
carried out in this proposed system.
Grid-searching is a simple exhaustive search through a manually specified subspace of values with
the purpose of finding the best values for each hyper-parameter. During the model training step, in
each fold, various instances of each learning algorithm are trained with all the possible hyper-parameter
combinations and tested on the respective validation set. This way, the performance according to the
negative log-loss metric is obtained on unseen data for each hyper-parameter combination.
The results for each hyper-parameter combination are averaged through all validation sets. The
instance of the model containing the average highest cross-validated scoring parameters is then refit on
the whole training dataset to measure its performance on the whole training dataset continuously. This
best instance is also later used as the final model to issue the final predictions on the test dataset.
For each classifier in the learning procedure, the value for each parameter was chosen with the
objective of maximizing the predictive performance. To accomplish this, multiple combinations of param-
eters were grid searched for each classifier in order to find the best parameters. While some parameters
are still grid searched in this final version of the system, in RF and SVM’s case none are. These two are
the slowest algorithms, hence, because both computational power and time were limited for the creation
of this study, only the best values obtained for each parameter are directly applied. In spite of being
computationally expensive, the grid search method would not take much longer than advanced methods
because in this system not too many parameters are grid searched for each of the used methodologies.
To conclude the training process, the last aspect are the additional specific parameters of each
individual classifier used. A description of the most relevant specific parameters and aspects of each
classification algorithm follow:

• Logistic Regression: First of all, even though it is uncommon for the datasets utilized in this
thesis to be remarkably imbalanced, with the utilized data it is common to witness a 60%-40%
level of imbalance between the two class labels. Hence, instead of using a unitary weight for both
classes, the weights for each class are adjusted inversely proportional to class frequencies in order
to put more emphasis on the most infrequent classes. In other words, each mistake is penalized
differently for each class as follows:
wj = , (3.4)
k × nj

where wj is the weight to class j, n is the total number of samples, nj is the number of observations
of class j and k is the total number of classes. This way, the most uncommon class is penalized
the most in order to improve class performance of the minority.

In this proposed system L2 penalization is used and the C parameter is grid searched, both pa-

rameters were discussed in section 2.1.4. Finally, multiple solvers for the optimization were ex-
perimented with. However, the difference between results was negligible, the “saga” algorithm
[104], a variant of the Stochastic Average Gradient descent algorithm, was used due to its faster
convergence and consequently shorter execution time.

• Random Forest: Identically to LR proportional weights on errors are added to control class imbal-
ance. In terms of time intensity, this classifier is a close second, only falling behind SVM, hence
grid searching was not utilized in the end version. The final version of this model contained 400
trees in the forest and both the minimum number of samples required to be a leaf node and min-
imum number of samples required to spilt an internal node were chosen to be 9. The splitting
criteria utilized is the Gini index mentioned in section 2.1.4 and the minimum impurity threshold for
a split is 10−7 . As mentioned in the same section, each split instead of looking into all features,
only considers a specific set. The amount of features considered correspond to the formula used
by default, the square root of all available features [48].

• Gradient Decision Tree Boosting: Once again, proportional weights on errors are added to
control class imbalance identically to LR. For this learning method 100 boosted trees were fit with
a maximum depth of 3. The minimum loss reduction required to make a partition on a node of
the tree, the minimum sum of instance weight needed in a child and the L2 regularization strength
were grid searched. The minimum loss reduction required to make a further partition on a leaf
node of the tree was chosen as 1. Finally, the step size shrinkage used was defined as 0.01.

• Support Vector Machine: Similarly to the previous methods, proportional weights on errors are
added to control class imbalance. The C parameter explained in section 2.1.4 was defined as 1. As
this method additionally employs Platt scaling, which takes a considerable amount of time, a linear
kernel was used principally to avoid an even larger computational complexity and consequently
slower execution. For this same reason, the maximum number of iterations had to be limited to
10000 in this classifier and still, it was by far the most time intensive algorithm. It had to be limited
as the computational power available for this thesis too, was limited. Hence, the search for the
optimal hyper-parameters is somewhat restrained.

The training process of the four binary classifiers is the most time intensive procedure of the whole
system. Therefore, before all 4 classification algorithms are trained, it is firstly verified if a previously fit
model for the specific cryptocurrency pair and train interval (by verifying the starting and ending dates
to a precision of minutes) has been saved into memory. If so, there is no need to retrain that model, the
existent one is simply loaded up. Otherwise, a model is fit for the train interval and saved to be later
used. Additionally, the weight for each feature is written in a file for statistical purposes.

3.4.4 Forecasting and Ensemble voting

At this point, having a model for a specific training dataset either fit or loaded into memory, may the
second part of supervised learning, the forecasting, commence. For each specific training dataset, all

learning algorithms apply the fit model on the respective testing dataset. A probability estimate of the
respective class labels for each sample of the test dataset is generated with each algorithm and stored
to be later used on the weighted averaging of the 4 classification models. Only one of these odds needs
to be saved as these two events are mutually exclusive and the classification is binary and collectively
exhaustive, hence their sum always equals 100%. In this work, each obtained series containing the
probability of each sample in a given test dataset being classified as 1 is named the trading signal.
The classification odds for each test sample of the 4 models, were combined through soft majority
voting into an ensemble. The driving principle behind majority voting is to build several estimators
independently and then to average their predictions. In soft majority voting, the probabilities for the
prediction of each class label of the test dataset previously calculated are averaged. This way, soft
majority voting takes into account how certain each classifier is, rather than just a binary input from each
classifier as in hard majority voting.
At last, this module outputs the five different trading signals generated containing the predicted data.
Four trading signals are originated from the individual learning algorithms while the last is originated
from the unweighted average of these four. All the trading signals have the same time frame, and will be
simulated in a real world environment in the next module, the investment simulator.

3.5 Investment Simulator Module

The investment simulator model is responsible for translating the five trading signals obtained from
predicted data in the Machine Learning module received as input, into market orders with the purpose
of simulating the forecasts’ performance in a real market environment.
The trading signal received as input, consists on a series containing the probability of each sample
being classified as 1, according to the target formulation specified in section 3.4.2. The trading signal
is firstly converted into a class label series according to the largest likelihood. In this system the trading
signal received as input contains the probability of a given sample being classified with the label 1,
hence, a probability of 50% or over is classified as 1. Conversely, if the odds are under 50%, then a
class label 0 is assigned.
After the trading signal has been converted into the class label series, each entry of this series is
interpreted as follows:

• A class label of 1 meaning the currency is forecast to be bullish in the next instant represents
a buy or hold signal. If the system is currently out of the market, i.e., not holding units of base
currency, the system opens a long position at the closing price of the corresponding trading period.
All available quote currency units are applied by the system when opening a new long position.
On the other hand, if the system is currently with a long position active, meaning it is only holding
units of base currency, this class label orders the system not to sell, keeping all its units of base

• A class label of 0 meaning the currency is forecast to be bearish in the next instant represents a

sell or out signal. If the system is currently not holding units of base currency, this signal orders the
system not to buy and stay out of the market, keeping the same amount of capital. On the other
hand, if the system is currently holding units of base currency, an order is issued by the system to
sell all its units of base currency, i.e., convert them into quote currency.

To simulate the market orders, backtest trading is employed in this work. Backtest trading is the
process of applying a trading strategy to historical data in order to measure how accurately the strategy
would have predicted historical results and performed in an actual market situation, without risking actual
capital. The assumption is that if the strategy has worked with past data, there is a good chance of it
working again in the future and conversely, if the strategy has not worked well in the past, it probably
will not work well in the future. Because this backtest process utilizes historical data, the following two
assumptions must be imposed for this proposed system:

1. Market liquidity: The markets have enough liquidity to conclude each trade placed by the system
instantaneously and at the current price of their placement.

2. Capital impact: The capital invested by the algorithm has no influence on the market as it is
relatively insignificant.

This module starts with a fixed capital for investment (by default it’s one unit of quote currency) and
invests that capital according to the previously mentioned interpretation of the class label series. Each
of the five trading signals outputted from the previous module are independently converted and are
simulated continuously throughout the entire testing period. It’s worth reminding that trading positions
are contracted with closing prices to represent the worst case scenario. In other words, trades are only
executed at the end of each candle in order to enact the waited time experienced in reality.
The fees introduced in section 3.4.2 are taken into consideration in the trading simulator as well with
the purpose of reproducing a real market. Each trading order (both buy and sell) made by the simulator
takes into account Binance’s general trading fee of 0.1% [102].
The behaviour of this module, with fees included, is exemplified in figure 3.5. In this figure the red
columns represent period intervals where the investment strategy is outside or should immediately leave
the market and, conversely, the green columns represent inside or should enter the market immediately.
The represented Trading Signal row contains the probability of each sample being classified as 1. This
series of probabilities, as was previously explained, is easily converted into a series containing class
labels, which is represented in the second row. The class label series dictates what should be done in
the market under analysis, briefly summarized in the last four rows of the figure. Note that the Owned
Capital row corresponds to the investment strategy’s owned capital in quote currency units at each given
Lastly, as a method to control risk on a trade-by-trade basis, in this system stop-loss orders were
implemented. This method of approaching risk leads to traders placing orders to sell/buy securities
to cover open long/short positions when losses cross predetermined thresholds. An initial stop-loss is
ordered whenever a market entry, or buy, is placed. If the price of the security falls surpassing a specified
threshold, then a stop-loss is triggered and the position is sold at a loss. If the stop price is further away

Figure 3.5: Execution example of the trading module.

from the current price, then there is potentially more money at risk, however, there is a lower chance that
the stop will be triggered by noise. On the other hand, the use of tight stops may be degrading towards
long term performance [105] as well. Clearly, the closer the stop is to the actual price of the security, the
less money will be lost if the price falls, but the more likely it is that a smaller price fluctuation or random
noise will trigger the stop. Hence, the stop-loss percentage must be chosen so that only in drastic cases
is it triggered. For this system a default stop-loss of 20% was chosen.
In the end, a series of metrics, revealed and explained in section 4.2, are calculated in this simulator
and written into a file. Finally, each prediction and its respective metrics can be plotted and stored into

3.6 Chapter Conclusions

This chapter was intended to give an insight of the proposed system’s architecture. The main architec-
tural decisions, many of them based on the literature reviewed in chapter 2, are reasoned and further
described throughout this chapter.
To sum up, this system is composed of four main models: the Data, Technical, Machine Learning
and Investor Simulator modules; each of these modules is interconnected to the remaining ones and is
indispensable towards the development of the final trading signal. These main modules are described
in detail throughout this chapter. Notice that several aspects of these system are easily modifiable or
extendible, namely the utilized technical indicators and their parameters, the threshold that defines the
resampling frequency, the parameters that characterize each individual learning algorithm, the stop-loss
activation parameter, etc. In chapter 4, the system explained throughout this chapter is evaluated in full

Chapter 4


In this chapter, the results obtained from the proposed system described in the previous chapter are pre-
sented. First of all, the financial data, evaluation metrics and an additional strategy utilized as compari-
son baseline for this work’s system are described. Afterwards, the results obtained for each methodology
and for each different type of resampling are presented and analysed in form of case studies.

4.1 Financial Data

The used data was extracted from Binance’s API owing to its accessibility and to the extensive list of
cryptocurrency pairs nowhere else offered. Particularly pairs containing non-mainstream cryptocurren-
cies whose exceptional volatility could be exploited by this work’s system. Nevertheless, instead of using
the nearly 400 currently available pairs in Binance, only the 100 pairs with the most traded volume were
selected. This selection filters out many pairs that have been recently listed and don’t have a large
enough dataset. When utilizing small data sets, among other several undesired effects, outliers and
noise have a larger impact to the point of becoming troublesome and increasing the risk of overfitting
a model. Another reason for selecting the pairs with most volume is that in a real investment scenario,
the market orders generated by this algorithm are more likely to be carried out immediately and to be
insignificant relatively to the remaining orders. Accordingly, it becomes more unlikely to saturate the
market or to even have a noticeable impact. Thus, through this filtration, it is more likely that the selected
markets are in conformity with the backtest trading assumptions expressed in section 3.5.
For the sake of finding the most actively traded pairs, the total volumes must be compared with each
other in the same currency unit. Due to the large availability of data, the US Dollar was chosen as the
comparison currency for this purpose. In order to convert and compare the volumes, firstly, for each
pair, the volume of each data point was converted into USD according to the respective price at each
data point’s time instant. Secondly, the sum of the volume in USD for all data points of each pair was
calculated, outputting the total volume in USD. Finally, the list of pairs was ordered by total volume in
It should be noted that in the markets MTHBTC, MTLBTC and SNMBTC, who all placed in the

selection of 100 markets, the returns obtained were in the order of hundred thousand percent. The
bid-ask difference in these markets is evidently too large to be overlooked. Hence these three markets
were simply swapped for the next three markets with most volume. This was done to avoid tampering
the final and average results. Figure 4.1 contains the introduction date and current volume in USD of the
100 markets used. Three additional markets will also be swapped, as will be explained in section 4.4.1,
this figure also takes into account this additional swap.

Figure 4.1: Current total volume in USD as a function of the respective introduction date in Binance for
each cryptocurrency pair.

In order to use the maximum amount of available data, no common starting date was chosen for all
currency pairs. Each currency pair’s data begins at the moment Binance started trading and recording
the specific currency pair. The ending date, on the other hand, is fixed at 30th October 2018 at 00h00.
Out of the used cryptocurrency pairs, the largest pairs originally contain 676827 trading periods while
the smallest pairs contain 68671 trading periods. Each trading period, as previously mentioned, has the
duration of 1 minute. The starting date varies from 14th July 2017 (Binance’s official launch date) for the
oldest pairs, up to 12th October 2018 for the most recently introduced pair. Surprisingly, pairs containing
two well known currencies such as ETH/BTC (Ethereum/Bitcoin) or LTC/BTC (Litecoin/Bitcoin) did not
enter the top 100 cryptocurrency pairs with the most volume. This is possibly because these well known
pairs have been actively traded for longer than Binance’s creation, hence users may have preferred
not to change their marketplace. Moreover, one main objective of Binance, contrarily to many other
exchanges, has always been to offer a large variety of cryptocurrencies, many of them are smaller and
considered as ”exotic”. Binance’s extensive variety of rarely offered cryptocurrencies is an attractive and
differentiating factor for investors when picking an exchange.
The original data for the 100 selected currency pairs, prior to its usage in forecasting, must be
resampled. As was explained in section 3.2, to carry out the multiple resampling procedures, a fixed
percentual variation threshold must be picked to define the approximate final size of each candle in
the final dataset. In the subsequent results, a fixed percentage of 10% was chosen for the resampling
procedures according to the following reasons:

• Trading Fees: This value ought to be greater than the constant trading fees in order to avoid loss

of profits as was described in section 3.4.2. Hence, the minimum considered percentage must be
larger than 0.1%.

• Volatility: As mentioned in section 2.1.1 the cryptocurrency exchange market is quite volatile rela-
tively to the remaining financial market world. Therefore, resampling the original data to variations
in the order of 10% still yielded positive results and not too much information was lost. Moreover
this value is much larger than the trading fee which agrees with the previous point.

• Computational Power: Due to limited computational power, even with this seemingly high per-
centage of 10%, running the whole system for the 100 selected cryptocurrency pairs took several

4.2 Evaluation metrics

As was mentioned before, the main goal of this proposed system is maximizing the negative logarithmic
loss and returns while minimizing the associated risk of this work’s trading strategy. With this goal in
mind, the following metrics of market performance were additionally calculated for each currency pair
with the intention of providing a better analysis of the obtained results:

4.2.1 Return on Investment

The return on investment (ROI) measures the amount of return gained or lost in an investment relative
to the initially invested amount. This metric is expressed as a percentage and, thus, can be used to
compare the profitability between different investments or strategies during a given period of time. The
simple standard formula of this metric is represented as follows:

F inalCapital − InitialCapital
ROI = × 100%, (4.1)

where F inalCapital corresponds to the capital obtained from the investment bought with InitialCapital.

4.2.2 Maximum Drawdown (MDD)

The maximum drawdown measures the maximum decline, from a peak to a through before a new peak is
attained, of a given investment. This indicator is used to assess the relative downside risk of investments
or strategies with focus on capital preservation during a given time period [106]. This metric is calculated
as follows:
M DD = max [ max (ROIt ) − ROIT ], (4.2)
t∈(StartDate,EndDate) t∈(StartDate,T )

where ROI corresponds to the return on investment at the subscript’s point in time and maxt∈(StartDate,T ) (ROIt )
corresponds to the highest peak from the starting point until the instant T . As a whole, equation 4.2 can
be seen as the maximum of all possible drawdowns. This equation may posteriorly be divided by the

peak value correspondent to the final MDD to convert the value into a percentage. In this work, as is
customary, MDD it is quoted as a percentage of the peak value.
One final remark is that, in this work cryptocurrency markets are being analysed. Owing to their
inherent volatility, this metric most often will be higher relatively to other systems who handle more
stable financial markets.

4.2.3 Sharpe Ratio

The Sharpe Ratio is a method for calculating the risk-adjusted return. This ratio describes the excess
return received for holding a given investment with a specific risk, conveying if the investment’s return
is due to a smart decision or if it is the result of a higher level of risk. The sharpe ratio is calculated as
ROI − Rf
SharpeRatio = , (4.3)

where ROI corresponds to the return on investment, Rf is the current risk-free rate, 3.5%, and σ is
the standard deviation of the investment’s excess return. Generally, the greater the value of the Sharpe
ratio, the more attractive the risk-adjusted return is. Finally, it’s worth noting that while for most financial
markets (stocks, bonds, funds, etc.) 252 days in a year are used, for the cryptocurrency exchange
market, 365 in a year are considered because these are continuously available for trading at all times.

4.2.4 Sortino Ratio

The Sortino Ratio is a modification of the Sharpe ratio metric also used for measuring the risk-adjusted
return of a strategy. In contrast to Sharpe ratio where all returns variations are accounted, the Sortino
ratio includes only negative variations. Upside variations are beneficial to investors and are not a factor
to worry about. Due to this fact, when accounting for risk, this metric takes out of the equation these
positive variations. In this sense, the Sortino ratio has the objective of presenting a more realistic risk
measure. The formula for calculating this metric is identical to the formula displayed in equation 4.3,
however, the denominator corresponds only to the standard deviation values observed during periods of
negative performance, also known as downside deviation.

4.2.5 Classification Parameters

Besides the four presented metrics used to evaluate the performance of an investor, the following pa-
rameters are also used in the classification of this proposed system:

• Percentage of periods in market: Percentage of time periods where a long position was in effect
out of all the available time periods of the testing set. A percentage is used because the analysed
markets in this work do not contain the same number of test periods. Hence, a direct comparison
between periods in market would be meaningless, a relative comparison had to be resorted to.
This metric is intended to measure how active this work’s proposed system is in a market. Due

to the characteristically high volatility of the cryptocurrency markets, it is preferable that a strategy
contains a low percentage of periods in market. The investor becomes less susceptible to risk;

• Percentage of profitable positions: This parameter is calculated by dividing the number of trades
that generated a profit (with fees included), by the total number of trades. It is worth noting that this
probability is complementary to the percentage of non-profitable positions (positions that yielded a
precisely null variation in returns or losses), a similarly relevant measure;

• Average Profit per position: Average percentual profit or loss per position, considering all trades
within a specific time period. To calculate this parameter, the net percentual profit is divided by the
total number of positions assumed;

• Largest Percentual Gain: Most profitable position taken in the period of analysis, calculated as a
percentage. It is the largest obtained result of (P riceSold − P urchaseP rice)/P urchaseP rice;

• Largest Percentual Loss: Similarly to the greatest profit, it is also relevant to determine the greatest
loss. It is the lowest obtained result of the equation mentioned in the previous parameter.

4.3 Additional Buy & Hold Strategy

In order to validate this system, besides testing with real market data through backtest trading and
analysing the results with the just introduced metrics, a previously mentioned investment strategy, the
Buy and Hold (B&H) is applied. According to the Efficient Markets theory addressed in chapter 1,
prices are independent of each other, hence no profit can be made from information based trading. In
conformity with this theory, the best strategy is employing a buy and hold strategy, regardless of market
fluctuations. Due to the limited number of existent solutions for trading in multiple cryptocurrency pair
markets and to put the Efficient markets theory to the test, B&H was defined as a benchmark strategy
intended to be an additional term of comparison for this work’s proposed system.
With the purpose of simulating this strategy, this work’s system had to somehow be able of interpret-
ing this strategy. In order to do so, this strategy was converted into a trading signal following the same
rules of the previous five used trading signals. Therefore, the B&H trading signal consists on a vector of
1’s, except for the last entry which is a 0 (the trading signal coincides with the class label series). Thus,
this trading signal establishes that the system enters a long position on the first period of the first test
dataset. This instant purposefully coincides with the first period where the remaining trading signals,
derived from the machine learning module, are able of entering the market, this way all signals fairly
have the same winning potential. The system is kept inside the market until the very last period where
the starting long position is closed. It is assumed that this strategy assumes with a certainty of 100%
that each sample should be classified as 1, or 0 for the last sample’s case.
It’s worth noting that the accuracy and negative log-loss metrics are included for this strategy in
order to provide a perspective on how the market itself reacts to the target formulation developed in this
work’s system. The accuracy metric simply indicates how many entries of the financial time series were

assigned a label 1, while the NLL metric indicates the uncertainty of the prediction based on how much
it varies from the actual label.

4.4 Case Studies

In this section, the following case studies are described to evaluate the developed system:

• Case Study A: Prior to analysing in detail the actual results of this work’s proposed system, a few
cases of illiquid markets worth noting are identified and explained.

• Case Study B: Comparison between B&H strategy, each of the four different machine learning
algorithms and the ensemble voting classifier.

• Case Study C: Analysis of time resampling.

• Case Study D: Analysis of logarithmic amount resampling.

• Case Study E: Analysis of percentage resampling.

• Case Study F: Analysis of amount resampling.

The case studies C, D, E and F are ordered according to EV’s average final ROI, because as will be
seen in case study B, this method originates the trading signals with best overall performance. Notwith-
standing the existence of a fixed execution order in the system where time resampling has to be the
last method to be executed, the final results obtained from the different resampling methods are in-
dependent. Additionally, time resampling is undoubtedly the most widely used method of resampling,
therefore, it ought to be the first sampling method analysed to be considered as the comparison baseline
towards the other three case studies.

4.4.1 Case Study A - Illiquid Markets

Before going into detail about the actual results of this work’s system, it is worth noting these specific oc-
currences. A few cryptocurrency pairs from the 100 selected, provided suspiciously high ROIs. Namely,
the currency pairs HOTBTC, NPXSBTC and DENTBTC, who all placed within the top 10 pairs with most
volume, obtained ROI values in the orders of over a million million percent. In reality this ROI is obviously
unobtainable, hence these specific pairs were further investigated.
These pairs have open and close values fixed for several hours at a time and on top of that the
percentual difference between open and close values is in the order of 5% or above. These markets
have the potential of generating huge profits. Predicting the price direction of the next instant is not a
difficult task: the algorithm simply goes long on the relative or local low value and closes the position as
soon as a higher value is reached. Because the open and close values are locked for long periods of
time, rarely is the algorithm forced to close the position at an equal (losing profits due to fees) or lower
value relatively to the value in which the long position was initiated. This work’s proposed system enters

and closes a long position once every 5 to 30 minutes obtaining profits in the orders of 5% the majority
of times. Keeping this strategy for a few months would yield monumental profits.
The Holo-Bitcoin (HOTBTC) market illustrated in figure 4.2 exemplifies this situation. Holo’s value
is around the minimum divisible amount of Bitcoins1 , thus the smallest possible variations for the open-
close values are over 5% in size. Note that the represented candles are all dark-coloured because too
many small candles are being displayed. The used software is incapable of rendering colour at such
great detail.

Figure 4.2: OHLC representation of the market values during the month of August 2018 for the currency
pair HOTBTC (Holo/Bitcoin) with 1-minute precision.

After a thorough analysis it was concluded that in theory this occurrence seems to be correct, how-
ever, in practice it would be impossible to achieve. In this work’s system, due to the backtest process
employed, it was assumed that the invested markets have the liquidity to accept instantaneously buy
and sell orders given by this system. Instantaneous acceptance of an order is more probable in markets
with large traded volumes, which is why such markets were preferred to test this system on. How-
ever, in these 3 cryptocurrency pairs the markets are just not liquid enough. According to Binance’s
cryptocurrency exchange, any buy or sell transaction would take on average a few days, whereas this
work’s system on average intends to enter and close a long position within 5 to 30 minutes. Due to
the impossibility of achieving these buy and sell rhythms, in reality reaching the obtained ROI values
would be unfeasible, consequently, these three cryptocurrency pairs were excluded. Nonetheless, for
consistency’s sake, to keep the number of analysed markets an even number, these three markets were
swapped for the three next markets with most volume.
As a side note, it seems that these 3 (and possibly more) cryptocurrency pairs may potentially be
caught in a loop of slow but easy and guaranteed profit. It could be for this reason that all 3 pairs have
such a large volume in Binance. In any case, this falls on the realm of speculation and is way beyond
the scope of this work.

4.4.2 Case Study B - Methodologies Overview

First of all, it’s worth noting this case study is intended to provide a general idea of the overall per-
formance obtained with each different methodology independently of the resampling method utilized.
Contrarily to the succeeding case studies where in depth results are presented, this current case study
had to sacrifice detail in order to present a broader view over the system’s results. To achieve this, whilst
1 The smallest divisible unit of Bitcoin is one Satoshi unit corresponding to 10−8 of a Bitcoin.

utilizing the buy and hold strategy as benchmark, the five trading signals generated by the four individ-
ual learning algorithms and the ensemble voting method are individually averaged and subsequently
compared against each other.
The shown results were obtained by executing this work’s proposed system exactly as explained
in chapter 3. Each of the five methodologies built 4 different trading signals for each cryptocurrency
pair, one for each resampling method. A total of 100 cryptocurrency pairs from Binance are analysed,
as mentioned in section 4.1, hence a total of 2400 (100 Pairs×4 resampling Methods×6 strategies (5
Classifiers+B&H)) individual trading signals are analysed. A general overview of the results is presented
in figures 4.3 and 4.4. Each of these figures contains five radial bar plots, one for each methodology, with
a general overview of the ROI and accuracy metrics. In figure 4.3 each single blue bar represents the
final ROI for a given market. If a blue bar is placed over a green background, the respective methodology
acquired a larger ROI than B&H did for the given market, while a red background represents the opposite.
It is only worth adding that the B&H strategy’s ROI had no comparison method, hence the background is
clear. Analogously, in figure 4.4 each single blue bar represents the average accuracy obtained during
the testing period for a given market, a green background means that the accuracy obtained for the
respective market is larger than 50% and a red background the opposite.

(a) Buy & Hold strategy; (b) Logistic Regression; (c) Random Forest;

(d) Gradient Tree Boosting; (e) Support Vector Classifier; (f) Ensemble Voting.

Figure 4.3: Radial bar charts containing a general overview of the ROI’s obtained, measured in percent-

Since the remaining metrics are not visually as informative or intuitive as the ROI or accuracy metrics,

(a) Buy & Hold strategy; (b) Logistic Regression; (c) Random Forest;

(d) Gradient Tree Boosting; (e) Support Vector Classifier; (f) Ensemble Voting.

Figure 4.4: Radial bar charts containing a general overview of the accuracies obtained.

their average values are summarized in table 4.1 instead, which is sufficient to demonstrate the general
overview of the obtained results for each methodology. Once again, the B&H strategy is additionally
represented as the baseline for comparison.

Parameter B&H LR RF GTB SVC Ensemble Voting

Average Obtained Results (all markets and resampling methods are considered)
Final ROI -10.45% 518.5% 294.6% 335.4% 537.8% 614.9%
Accuracy 40.2% 53.50% 53.62% 53.51% 53.38% 56.28%
Negative Log-Loss -20.6 -0.7031 -0.6992 -0.6918 -0.6975 -0.6829
Periods in Market 100% 56.02% 52.91% 55.04% 50.39% 39.87%
Profitable Positions 19.5% 60.22% 56.17% 58.30% 58.77% 57.61%
Profit per Position -10.46% 0.565% 0.307% 0.325% 0.610% 0.686%
Largest Gain 35.6% 17.64% 17.71% 17.28% 18.39% 15.02%
Largest Loss -46.0% -14.39% -15.01% -15.14% -14.51% -13.15%
Max Drawdown 79.9% 57.6% 60.6% 62.0% 54.7% 49.3%
Annual Sharpe Ratio -0.164 0.769 0.413 0.312 0.848 0.945
Annual Sortino Ratio 0.169 2.374 1.665 1.407 2.568 2.821

Table 4.1: Comparison between the Buy & Hold strategy and each of the five methodologies employed.

Through analysis of figures 4.3 and 4.4 and table 4.1, the following observations can be made:

• Buy and Hold, the benchmark strategy, as initially expected, obtains the worse values for most

metrics in the great majority of markets. This simple approach to investing obtains a significantly
lower ROI and predictive power. Furthermore, on average this strategy obtains the worst values
for the risk metrics (Sharpe ratio, Sortino ratio and MDD). After all, contrarily to the other strategies
derived from learning algorithms, B&H, in any event, blindly stays inside the market until the last
sample is reached.

• Logistic Regression was favourably unexpected. Out of the individual learning algorithms it
placed as second best performer in terms of ROI and profit per position, only being narrowly
exceeded by the SVC in these metrics. On top of that, out of all methodologies it obtained the best
percentage of profitable positions. At the same time, this learning algorithm on average also ob-
tained the worst negative log-loss. The fact that this algorithm on average is the individual learning
algorithm most frequently with a long position active in market coupled with obtaining the worst
negative log-loss, suggests that LR yields a risky trading signal.

• Random Forest yielded surprisingly underwhelming results. Despite being clearly superior to the
benchmark strategy, the results did not exceed or even match the initial expectations whatsoever.
The obtained values for this learning algorithm are sub-par. This algorithm obtained the worst
ROI and the second worst scores for MDD and Sharpe and Sortino ratios out of the individual
algorithms. All in all, this learning algorithm by itself generates a risky trading signal with the
lowest returns relatively to the remaining learning algorithms.

• Gradient Decision Tree Boosting also had a sub-par performance. For most metrics the same
conclusions of RF can be taken, the exceptions are the slightly larger ROI and negative log-loss.
In fact, the trading signals generated from this algorithm on average have the highest negative
log-loss out out of all individual learning methods. On the other hand, the largest MDD as well
as lowest Sharpe and Sortino ratios were also obtained. Apart from B&H, this method yields the
riskiest trading signals.

• Support Vector Classifier performed as expected, it is clearly one of the top tier learning al-
gorithms employed in this system. Concerning riskiness, in addition to a relatively good Sharpe
and Sortino ratios as well as MDD, the value obtained for percentage of periods in market is the
lowest out of all individual learning algorithms. On top of this, the average largest gains for a
method based on machine learning are obtained with this classifier and a ROI better than any of
the previous classifiers is obtained on average with this method. All things considered, out of all
individual classifiers, the SVC usually generates the trading signals with the less risk and highest
ROI associated.

• Ensemble Voting is by far the most robust alternative. Employing this most computationally ex-
pensive and time intensive method consistently yields the best pay-off. As can be seen, the trading
signal obtained from EV obtains the best values for the majority of the metrics. This method ob-
tains top scores for the metrics associated with forecasting performance: accuracy and negative
log-loss, suggesting that this is the best predictor. The remaining metrics also suggest the su-

periority of this method, namely due to obtaining on average the largest ROI. Within a specific
cryptocurrency pair, this methodology seldom obtains the worst ROI. In fact, through observation
of the individual results, in a specific cryptocurrency pair the ROI obtained by EV is usually well
above the average of the final obtained ROI of the other four methods. Regarding risk, this method
obtained top scores for the MDD, both Sharpe and Sortino ratio, the smallest percentage of peri-
ods in market, largest average profit per position and the smallest largest loss values. All in all,
relatively to the remaining signals of this system, the trading signals generated by this method are
by far the less risky and the most profitable. It is worth noting that the trading signals generated
by this method did not obtain the top score for largest average gains most likely due to the more
conservative stance as can be confirmed by the relatively small amount of periods in market.

The obtained accuracies are on par or, for the case of ensemble voting, exceed the accuracy of most
papers regarding cryptocurrency exchange market forecasting throughout the state-of-the art (section
2.2 and table 2.1). The risk measures and returns on investment are also superior on average. Only
Mallqui and Fernandes [86] obtained an absolute superior accuracy. It should be noted that in their
work only one single market was analysed and as can be observed in figure 4.4, independently of the
resampling method, this system is also capable of achieving such levels of accuracy.
To conclude, there is no clear performance hierarchy for each of the four individual learning algo-
rithms. Nonetheless, the ensemble voting methodology is the top performer out of all five methods.
In any case, all five methodologies clearly outperform the plain Buy and Hold strategy. This alone is
not indisputable evidence to entirely disprove the efficient market theory (mentioned in chapter 1), but
is enough to suggest that the analysed cryptocurrency exchange markets possess characteristics that
oppose the Efficient Market Hypothesis.
One final note is that managing a portfolio with only a subset of all these cryptocurrencies could be
beneficial for the outcome of the overall system. With an effective portfolio management, markets that
no matter the resampling or classification method employed, consistently yield negative results, could
potentially be excluded. Thereby, only the subset of cryptocurrency exchange markets with top perfor-
mances in the training periods would actually receive investment in the testing period. Furthermore, a
portfolio management enables having control over how much capital is allocated to each cryptocurrency
pair. On the whole, through an effective portfolio management, losses in unpromising markets are more
likely to be avoided.

4.4.3 Case Study C - Time Rearrangement

From this case study onwards, the main objective is to describe the performance of each resampling
method in detail. With this objective in mind, each case study contains statistics for a pair that yielded
top results and another that yielded bottom results. Meanwhile, all results will be interpreted.
Firstly, a temporal graph showing the evolution of the average ROI per market for each trading signal
is represented in figure 4.5. In other words, this figure, contains for each time instant, the respective
average ROI of all 100 analysed markets. In this figure it can be observed that from May until September

Figure 4.5: Average accumulated ROI [%] for each instant in the test dataset with time resampled data.

2018 the analysed market’s price drops considerably, as can be confirmed by B&H’s signal. EV and SVC
were the methodologies that suffered the smallest losses in this period. Overall, most methodologies are
quite conservative when the market suddenly rises, hence a B&H strategy earns more in these periods.
On the other hand, this conservative behaviour is also responsible for minimizing losses in sudden price
drops, contrarily to the B&H strategy.
Secondly, table 4.2 contains the general statistics obtained for the time resampling method.

Parameter B&H LR RF GTB SVC Ensemble Voting

Average Obtained Results (all markets are considered)
Final ROI -27.93% 25.61% 3.92% 3.30% 39.53% 18.72%
Accuracy 37.40% 54.77% 55.58% 54.84% 54.70% 59.26%
Negative Log-Loss -21.6 -0.6931 -0.6896 -0.6890 -0.6757 -0.6746
Periods in Market 100% 51.40% 44.38% 48.93% 44.94% 27.73%
Profitable Positions 15.00% 57.60% 50.77% 53.36% 55.99% 54.95%
Profit per Position -27.93% 0.05% 0.01% -0.02% 0.09% 0.06%
Largest Gain 20.8% 18.10% 20.76% 19.63% 18.41% 15.32%
Largest Loss -48.7% -15.20% -14.51% -14.94% -16.18% -12.59%
Max Drawdown 77.0% 55.6% 56.8% 59.6% 52.5% 42.5%
Annual Sharpe Ratio -0.352 0.075 -0.135 -0.327 0.228 0.288
Annual Sortino Ratio -0.137 0.608 0.330 -0.074 0.985 1.102

Table 4.2: Average obtained results for the Buy & Hold and each of the five methodologies employed
with time resampled data.

In this table, it is not easy to define a clear better method. Relatively to EV, SVC achieved a worse
predictive power and is slightly more risky, yet obtained over twice the profits. Nonetheless, EV stands
out due to the best accuracies and NLL as well as due to the remarkably small percentage of periods in
market and top values in the risk metrics, thus suggesting that this is the least risky alternative. Thirdly,
two specific markets and their return on investment evolution are represented in figures 4.6 and 4.7 and
their statistics are shown in table 4.3. In these figures, the top subfigure contains a candlestick repre-
sentation of the utilized resampled data for each cryptocurrency pair. As can be seen, the background is
divided into 5 different coloured periods. Each coloured period represents a different sub-dataset of the
train-test splitting procedure, as was explained in section 3.4.3. This splitting procedure divides the data
in five intervals with the same amount of samples. Peculiarly in this case study, because the original
data was uniformly resampled according to time, the output of this procedure yields five datasets with
the exact same duration. Additionally, it is also visible that the ROI line only begins at the start of the
second dataset, which is in accordance with the fact that the first sub-dataset is only used during the

training procedure. In the following case studies figures with this same structure will be presented.

(a) OHLC representation with time resampled data.

(b) Chronological evolution of the ROI [%] for the 5 calculated trading signals and B&H strategy.

Figure 4.6: ROI variations for currency pair POEETH ( with time resampling applied.

(a) OHLC representation with time resampled data.

(b) Chronological evolution of the ROI [%] for the 5 calculated trading signals and B&H strategy.

Figure 4.7: ROI variations for currency pair ADABTC (Cardano/Bitcoin) with time resampling applied.

Note that, for the trading signals where stop-loss orders are active (all except the ones originated
by B&H) throughout this whole chapter, the largest loss peaks at approximately -20%, the stop-loss
activation percentage. Whenever the largest loss exceeds this value, a stop-loss order most likely had
to be employed at least once by the system. Figure 4.6 contains the example of a market where this
system performed remarkably well. From this figure and the upper half of table 4.3 it is clear that the
trading signal from the LR outperformed the remaining signals. EV obtained a clear second place with
mostly above average results. Figure 4.7, on the other hand, contains a market with one of the worst
performances obtained with this system. From this figure and the lower half of table 4.3 it can be
concluded that EV yielded the best results with lowest risk. However, if the trading signals from which
it is derived from do not perform well, there is only so much EV can do. In any case, the B&H strategy
was outperformed by the remaining trading signals as expected.

Parameter B&H LR RF GTB SVC Ensemble Voting
POEETH market with Time resampling
Final ROI -28.01% 179.9% -15.59% 51.76% 39.65% 71.26%
Accuracy 39.02% 55.51% 58.75% 58.36% 50.99% 60.06%
Negative Log-Loss -21.06 -0.6851 -0.6732 -0.6840 -0.6660 -0.6730
Periods in Market 100% 60.87% 35.21% 41.43% 73.30% 31.03%
Profitable Positions 0% 63.47% 52.22% 54.35% 55.32% 55.67%
Profit per Position -28.01% 0.205% -0.022% 0.060% 0.048% 0.102%
Largest Gain NA 3.55% 21.3% 16.67% 25.87% 16.67%
Largest Loss -28.01% -20.62% -20.30% -7.70% -20.98% -20.5%
Max Drawdown 70.5% 27.14% 63.51% 19.16% 57.27% 26.93%
Annual Sharpe Ratio 0.222 2.190 -0.057 1.174 0.900 1.471
Annual Sortino Ratio 0.368 3.405 -0.152 1.869 1.383 2.130
ADABTC market with Time resampling
Final ROI -76.33% -72.57% -50.27% -44.42% -67.08% -34.07%
Accuracy 35.54% 45.31% 55.21% 52.78% 43.41% 57.22%
Negative Log-Loss -22.26 -0.7053 -0.6905 -0.6925 -0.6632 -0.6826
Periods in Market 100% 79.95% 50.70% 54.15% 84.70% 44.5%
Profitable Positions 0% 48.27% 44.80% 39.07% 49.08% 51.17%
Profit per Position -76.33% -0.168% -0.134% -0.129% -0.206% -0.080%
Largest Gain NA 8.12% 10.77% 21.75% 19.41% 10.77%
Largest Loss -76.33% -20.9% -14.36% -20.35% -15.39% -15.19%
Max Drawdown 79.30% 74.20% 57.61% 53.87% 71.34% 45.58%
Annual Sharpe Ratio -2.057 -2.350 -1.541 -1.051 -1.842 -0.872
Annual Sortino Ratio -3.005 -3.372 -2.370 -1.719 -2.743 -1.380

Table 4.3: Comparison between the Buy & Hold strategy and each of the five methodologies employed
for the time resampling in the POEETH and ADABTC markets.

In conclusion, taking all figures and tables of this case study into account, the developed strategy
is not flawlessly suited for this type of resampling. Neither B&H nor any of the five remaining models
achieved absolutely formidable returns. In any case, it may be concluded the EV methodology is the
superior one. It’s worth praising EV’s high predictive performances as can be perceived by the high
accuracies and NLLs, implying that this system has predictive potential for this resampling method. This
suggests that if this same machine learning formulae is combined with a more fine-tuned strategy, there
is potential to achieve more impressive results, risk and return-wise.

4.4.4 Case Study D - Log Amount Rearrangement

This case study contains an analysis over the results obtained when the system utilizes logarithmic
amount resampled data. Despite performing better than the time resampling method for the most part, it
clearly underachieves the results of the two posteriorly analysed resampling methods. This case study
follows the same structure of the previous one. Firstly, a temporal graph showing the instantaneous
average ROI of the 100 analysed markets for each of the methodologies is shown in figure 4.8. In this
figure, a drop also observed in the previous resampling method, is still visible from around May until
September 2018. Nevertheless, this resampling method generates considerably higher ROIs relatively
to time resampling. It is also observed that the B&H’s ROI signal was clearly surpassed by all remaining
trading signals in terms of profits.

Figure 4.8: Average accumulated ROI [%] for each instant in the test dataset with logarithmic amount
resampled data.

Secondly, a table containing the general statistics obtained for this resampling method follows in table
4.4. In this table, once more, the EV outperforms the remaining methodologies. Even though on average

Parameter B&H LR RF GTB SVC Ensemble Voting

Average Obtained Results (all markets are considered)
Final ROI 16.61% 397.4% 325.8% 431.4% 431.2% 417.8%
Accuracy 41.31% 52.96% 52.77% 52.92% 52.59% 55.02%
Negative Log-Loss -20.3 -0.7059 -0.7032 -0.6935 -0.7088 -0.6866
Periods in Market 100% 58.21% 56.20% 57.66% 53.37% 44.05%
Profitable Positions 25.00% 61.40% 54.46% 59.61% 59.97% 58.45%
Profit per Position 16.61% 0.467% 0.350% 0.440% 0.511% 0.493%
Largest Gain 56.58% 13.35% 17.45% 14.28% 16.94% 14.71%
Largest Loss -39.96% -12.86% -15.02% -14.38% -13.54% -13.22%
Max Drawdown 80.5% 57.3% 61.8% 62.6% 55.4% 50.8%
Annual Sharpe Ratio 0.070 1.173 0.643 0.638 1.018 1.181
Annual Sortino Ratio 0.618 3.481 2.006 2.267 3.042 3.293

Table 4.4: Average obtained results for the Buy & Hold and each of the five methodologies employed
with logarithmic amount resampled data.

the returns are slightly inferior to GTB and SVC, this method obtains the highest predictive power and
the lowest risk out of all other trading signals. Anyhow, the B&H strategy clearly obtained the worst
performance, as expected.
Thirdly, the results for two specific markets and their return on investment evolution are represented in
figures 4.9 and 4.10 and their statistics are shown in table 4.5. With the purpose of enabling comparison,
these figures follow the same structure and contain the same markets as the figures presented in the
previous case study. However, contrarily to the previous case study, note that with this, and the following
resampling methods, the different sub-dataset intervals, from the train-test splitting procedure, visibly,
no longer contain the same duration.
Figure 4.9 contains the example of a market where this system performed well. From this figure
and table 4.5 it can be concluded that EV has the best predictive power and lowest risk. The remaining
trading signals yielded results as good as expected except for the SVC who clearly underachieved
despite on average yielding relatively better results as was seen in table 4.4. Figure 4.10, on the other
hand, contains the same market from the previous case study who underperformed. From this figure
and table 4.5, it can be concluded that SVC in an outlier fashion performed the best. Particularly RF and
XGB generated awful results similar to the B&H strategy and LR is not particularly good as well. Hence,

(a) OHLC representation with logarithmic amount resampled data.

(b) Chronological evolution of the ROI [%] for the 5 calculated trading signals and B&H strategy.

Figure 4.9: ROI variations for currency pair POEETH ( with logarithmic amount resam-
pling applied.

(a) OHLC representation with logarithmic amount resampled data.

(b) Chronological evolution of the ROI [%] for the 5 calculated trading signals and B&H strategy.

Figure 4.10: ROI variations for currency pair ADABTC (Cardano/Bitcoin) with logarithmic amount resam-
pling applied.

there was not much the EV method could do. After all, this method is derived from the four trading
signals received from the machine learning algorithm. For a given market, if the four trading signals
outputted from the individual learning algorithms are unacceptable, most likely so will the EV signal be.
All in all, this resampling method successfully generates on average a much higher ROI and with
lower risk relatively to the time resampling method as expected. Nevertheless, its predictive power is
clearly inferior. This issue is discussed in further detail in section 4.5.

4.4.5 Case Study E - Percentage Rearrangement

This case study contains an analysis over the results obtained when the system utilizes percentage
resampled data. The EV results from this type of resampling, are only narrowly outperformed by amount
resampling in terms of predictive power and final returns. Nevertheless, on average these results are

Parameter B&H LR RF GTB SVC Ensemble Voting
POEETH market with Logarithmic Amount resampling
Final ROI 64.11% 1006.4% 693.9% 1241.7% 357.3% 1901.5%
Accuracy 43.25% 55.48% 52.66% 54.31% 53.29% 55.90%
Negative Log-Loss -19.60 -0.6862 -0.7067 -0.6897 -0.6947 -0.6877
Periods in Market 100% 48.4% 61.6% 52.4% 44.9% 40.9%
Profitable Positions 100% 61.2% 55.4% 59.4% 56.0% 61.4%
Profit per Position 64.11% 1.06% 0.75% 1.41% 0.66% 2.28%
Largest Gain 64.11% 4.65% 0.59% 0.98% 1.87% 1.09%
Largest Loss NA -0.06% -8.12% -2.95% -8.12% -2.25%
Max Drawdown 90.10% 40.51% 27.40% 61.49% 60.15% 18.26%
Annual Sharpe Ratio 1.036 3.202 2.317 2.763 2.126 4.346
Annual Sortino Ratio 2.475 6.361 5.437 6.423 4.576 9.753
ADABTC market with Logarithmic Amount resampling
Final ROI -76.39% -47.86% -72.26% -75.57% -24.97% -32.42%
Accuracy 40.54% 52.54% 49.12% 46.66% 57.75% 53.95%
Negative Log-Loss -20.54 -0.6860 -0.7170 -0.7063 -0.6779 -0.6891
Periods in Market 100% 47.6% 63.1% 71.7% 14.3% 33.7%
Profitable Positions 0% 52.5% 40.59% 41.7% 56.4% 45.6%
Profit per Position -76.39% -0.13% -0.19% -0.28% -0.15% -0.14%
Largest Gain NA 13.5% 29.2% 10.4% 17.5% 33.4%
Largest Loss -76.39% -20.5% -22.1% -21.7% -8.41% -22.1%
Max Drawdown 88.61% 73.15% 81.9% 87.0% 39.0% 55.4%
Annual Sharpe Ratio -1.483 -1.430 -1.968 -1.664 -0.778 -0.658
Annual Sortino Ratio -2.336 -2.053 -2.921 -2.531 -1.415 -1.126

Table 4.5: Comparison between the Buy & Hold strategy and each of the five methodologies employed
for the logarithmic amount resampling in POEETH and ADABTC markets.

significantly less risky. Due to its low risk and only slightly lower profits and predictive power, it is worth
carrying out a more in depth analysis. This case study follows the same structure as the previous ones.
Firstly, a temporal graph showing the instantaneous average ROI of the 100 analysed markets for each
of the methodologies is presented in figure 4.11. In this figure, although not as significant as the previous

Figure 4.11: Average accumulated ROI [%] for each instant in the test dataset with percentage resam-
pled data.

resampling methods, the drop in the markets from May until September 2018 is also visible in this case.
This resampling method generates much higher ROIs relatively to the logarithmic amount resampling,
particularly for the SVC and EV methods. Once again, the signal from B&H was clearly surpassed by
all remaining trading signals in terms of profits.
Secondly, a table containing the general statistics obtained for percentage resampling method follow
in table 4.6. In this table, even though, once again, on average EV’s returns are slightly inferior to SVC,

Parameter B&H LR RF GTB SVC Ensemble Voting
Average Obtained Results (all markets are considered)
Final ROI 16.41% 791.9% 494.4% 691.5% 1062.9% 922.74%
Accuracy 41.38% 53.03% 53.00% 53.06% 52.64% 55.23%
Negative Log-Loss -20.2 -0.7112 -0.7028 -0.6928 -0.7187 -0.6866
Periods in Market 100% 56.72% 55.80% 58.00% 52.30% 43.28%
Profitable Positions 25.00% 61.88% 55.16% 57.96% 59.67% 59.04%
Profit per Position 16.41% 0.82% 0.51% 0.67% 1.17% 0.97%
Largest Gain 56.27% 20.86% 15.03% 16.29% 19.10% 13.59%
Largest Loss -39.86% -13.23% -14.18% -14.23% -13.85% -12.71%
Max Drawdown 80.5% 56.6% 59.9% 60.5% 55.4% 50.1%
Annual Sharpe Ratio 0.066 1.297 0.868 0.824 1.360 1.496
Annual Sortino Ratio 0.605 3.907 2.911 2.689 3.765 4.325

Table 4.6: Average obtained results for the Buy & Hold and each of the five methodologies employed
with percentage resampled data.

this method distinctly obtains the highest predictive power and the lowest risk out of all other trading
signals, thus it may be concluded that the ensemble voting methods clearly is the top performer. The
B&H strategy clearly obtained the worst average performance, as expected.
Thirdly, the results for two specific markets and their return on investment evolution are represented
in figures 4.12 and 4.13 and their statistics are shown in table 4.7. Once more, these figures follow the
same structure and contain the same markets as the figures presented in the previous case studies.

(a) OHLC representation with percentage resampled data.

(b) Chronological evolution of the ROI [%] for the 5 calculated trading signals and B&H strategy.

Figure 4.12: ROI variations for currency pair POEETH ( with percentage resampling

Figure 4.12 contains the example of a market where this system performed well. From this figure and
table 4.7 it can be concluded that the signal from EV only obtained top results for the risk ratios. Results
regarding ROI and specially predictive power are slightly inferior to the top values. In this example
the top values are dispersed throughout the different trading signals, which goes to show that when
utilizing varied learning algorithms, one’s weakness can be overcome by another learning algorithm
and, ultimately only the best traits of these algorithms are hopefully noticeable in the EV, which in this
case, did not happen. Figure 4.13, on the other hand, contains the same market who underperformed

(a) OHLC representation with percentage resampled data.

(b) Chronological evolution of the ROI [%] for the 5 calculated trading signals and B&H strategy.

Figure 4.13: ROI variations for currency pair ADABTC (Cardano/Bitcoin) with percentage resampling

Parameter B&H LR RF GTB SVC Ensemble Voting

POEETH market with Percentage resampling
Final ROI 64.24% 1436.3% 849.8% 3145.4% 5747.3% 4415.72%
Accuracy 42.59% 56.60% 52.33% 56.71% 53.92% 56.54%
Negative Log-Loss -19.83 -0.6860 -0.7058 -0.6894 -0.6824 -0.6859
Periods in Market 100% 46.5% 64.4% 43.8% 59.5% 44.87%
Profitable Positions 100% 60.9% 54.1% 61.0% 62.3% 61.3%
Profit per Position 64.24% 1.6% 0.96% 3.7% 2.1% 4.9%
Largest Gain 64.24% 2.61% 2.50% 4.76% 6.4% 7.3%
Largest Loss NA -2.2% -8.9% -3.7% -8.2% -4.3%
Max Drawdown 89.98% 16.60% 54.60% 20.03% 70.94% 23.92%
Annual Sharpe Ratio 1.041 3.969 2.661 3.868 3.404 3.970
Annual Sortino Ratio 2.510 9.326 6.125 10.192 10.829 11.927
ADABTC market with Percentage resampling
Final ROI -71.06% -56.81% -45.75% -85.70% -29.08% 10.12%
Accuracy 40.0% 52.04% 54.88% 50.24% 55.97% 59.02%
Negative Log-Loss -20.72 -0.6921 -0.6903 -0.6941 -0.674 -0.6837
Periods in Market 100% 58.4% 52.5% 61.9% 23.6% 29.4%
Profitable Positions 0% 58.6% 47.7% 48.4% 47.1% 53.8%
Profit per Position -17.06% -0.14% -0.082% -0.20% -0.19% 0.026%
Largest Gain NA 9.5% 9.4% 14.4% 12.5% 9.2%
Largest Loss -71.06% -20.3% -11.9% -24.2% -8.8% -11.8%
Max Drawdown 88.64% 75.77% 57.4% 87.7% 32.7% 35.7%
Annual Sharpe Ratio -1.483 -1.190 -1.028 -3.168 -1.013 0.471
Annual Sortino Ratio -2.303 -1.812 -1.637 -4.061 -1.682 0.662

Table 4.7: Comparison between the Buy & Hold strategy and each of the five methodologies employed
for the percentage resampling in POEETH and ADABTC markets.

from the previous case studies. From this figure and table 4.7 it can be concluded that EV obtained top
predictive results with a low risk, and even achieved a positive ROI, contrarily to the remaining trading
signals. In fact, almost the opposite to what happened in the previous market is verified here. The
trading signal from EV outdid most metrics of the remaining trading signals. This occurrence does not
consistently happen, but is one potentiality of the EV. Obviously the contrary, where the trading signal

produced by EV is the worst out of all, does happen as well, but it is a much rarer occurrence in this
system as can be confirmed by the tables containing the average overall results for any resampling
method, where the EV trading signal on average excels the remaining.
By now, it is evident that this resampling method is able to generate on average much higher ROIs
than the previous two case studies. However, in order to achieve a more thorough analysis of this
work’s system, specific entry and exit points from periods with different characteristics are represented
in figures 4.14 and 4.15. Figure 4.14 contains a volatile period of the cryptocurrency pair TRXBTC.

Figure 4.14: Entry and exit points for the TRXBTC (Tron/Bitcoin) pair during 17 and 18 January 2018 for
percentage resampling.

Figure 4.15: Entry and exit points for the IOTABTC (Internet of Things Application/Bitcoin) pair from mid
September 26 until mid October 2 2018 for percentage resampling.

Here it is visible that the system is mostly inside the market as the overall trend is bullish. Figure 4.15, on
the other hand, contains a relatively calm period of the pair IOTABTC. The system is outside the market
for days. By comparing the two figures, it is clear that the system is more inactive during calm intervals,
which is in accordance with the intention of taking advantage of highly volatile situations.
In conclusion, this resampling procedure clearly outperforms the logarithmic amount procedure.
Hence, it is relatively preferable, namely because, as was mentioned in section 3.2, these two pro-
cedures have similar properties. The fact that these two procedures generate the sub-datasets intervals
with the closest separation dates, and consequently similar durations for the respective intervals, sup-
ports their similarity. Relatively to the time procedure, even though the profits were clearly superior,
likewise the logarithmic amount, its predictive power is clearly inferior. This last issue is discussed in
further detail in section 4.5.

4.4.6 Case Study F - Amount Rearrangement

This case study contains an analysis over the results obtained when the system utilizes amount resam-
pled data. This type of resampling procedure generates on average the best performance in terms of the
ROI metric for the trading signals generated by EV. Hence, similarly to the previous case study, a more

in depth analysis will be carried out. For continuity’s sake and to enable a more efficient comparison,
this case study follows the same structure as the previous ones. Firstly, a temporal graph showing the
instantaneous average ROI of the 100 analysed markets for each of the methodologies is represented
in figure 4.16. In this figure, similarly to percentage resampling, a slight drop is still visible from around

Figure 4.16: Average accumulated ROI [%] for each instant in the test dataset with amount resampled

May until September 2018. This resampling method generates an overall higher ROI relatively to the
percentage resampling method. Once again, the B&H signal was clearly surpassed by all remaining
trading signals in terms of returns.
Secondly, a table containing the general statistics obtained for amount resampling method follow in
table 4.8. In this table, yet again, the trading signal produced by EV clearly outperforms the remaining

Parameter B&H LR RF GTB SVC Ensemble Voting

Average Obtained Results (all markets are considered)
Final ROI -46.92% 859.1% 354.2% 215.5% 617.8% 1100.3%
Accuracy 40.84% 53.24% 53.12% 53.20% 53.58% 55.61%
Negative Log-Loss -20.4 -0.7021 -0.7012 -0.6921 -0.6868 -0.6839
Periods in Market 100% 57.75% 55.28% 55.56% 50.96% 44.41%
Profitable Positions 13.00% 59.72% 52.80% 55.49% 57.42% 57.10%
Profit per Position -46.92% 0.919% 0.357% 0.210% 0.671% 1.22%
Largest Gain 8.66% 18.26% 16.08% 18.94% 19.12% 16.44%
Largest Loss -55.6% -16.28% -16.31% -17.00% -14.48% -14.10%
Max Drawdown 81.6% 61.0% 63.7% 65.3% 55.5% 53.7%
Annual Sharpe Ratio -0.440 0.531 0.276 0.114 0.786 0.816
Annual Sortino Ratio -0.411 1.500 1.410 0.744 2.479 2.565

Table 4.8: Average obtained results for the Buy & Hold and each of the five methodologies employed
with amount resampled data.

methodologies. This method obtains the highest profits, the best predictive power and the lowest risk
out of all available trading signals. The B&H strategy visibly performed the worst as usual. Relatively to
the previous case studies, it may be concluded that on average, this resampling method generates the
highest profits, but is riskier than both logarithmic amount and percentage resampling.
Thirdly, the results for two specific markets are represented in figures 4.17 and 4.18 and their statis-
tics are shown in table 4.9. Likewise, these figures follow the same structure and contain the same
markets as the figures presented in the previous case studies. Figure 4.9 and table 4.9 contain the
example of a market where this system performed notably well. Once more, the trading signal from the
EV overcomes in all aspects the remaining signals. Nonetheless, it is observable that in this resampling

(a) OHLC representation amount resampled data.

(b) Chronological evolution of the ROI [%] for the 5 calculated trading signals and B&H strategy.

Figure 4.17: ROI variations for currency pair POEETH ( with amount resampling applied.

(a) OHLC representation with amount resampled data.

(b) Chronological evolution of the ROI [%] for the 5 calculated trading signals and B&H strategy.

Figure 4.18: ROI variations for currency pair ADABTC (Cardano/Bitcoin) with amount resampling ap-

method worse results were obtained for this market relatively to when percentage resampled data was
used. The fact that lower values were obtained can be up to some degree blamed on the lower predic-
tive performance and the higher riskiness, as can be seen by comparing the metrics from this table with
table 4.7. Figure 4.10, on the other hand, contains the market who underperformed. From these figures
and their respective values in table 4.9, a conclusion similar to the one taken in the previous case study
may be taken. The SVC’s signal performance, one more time, exceeded the remaining trading signals.
However, tn this case, similarly to the logarithmic amount case study, the EV was unable of excelling
both SVC and the remaining trading signals.
For comparison purposes, the entry and exit points of the same periods and markets used in the
previous case study, but with data resampled according to an amount, are represented in figures 4.19
and 4.20. Figure 4.19 contains a highly volatile period of the cryptocurrency pair TRXBTC. Relatively
to the previous case study (figure 4.14), it is clear that with amount resampled data, the trading signal

Parameter B&H LR RF GTB SVC Ensemble Voting
POEETH market with Amount resampling
Final ROI -39.35% 67.34% 367.7% 904.0% 1070.0% 1930.8%
Accuracy 42.31% 52.96% 52.41% 56.33% 54.90% 57.18%
Negative Log-Loss -19.92 -0.6881 -0.6970 -0.6870 -0.6793 -0.6817
Periods in Market 100% 63.4% 67.3% 49.4% 52.9% 45.9%
Profitable Positions 0% 56.9% 53.4% 57.7% 58.6% 59.2%
Profit per Position -39.35% 0.060% 0.39% 0.98% 1.2% 2.0%
Largest Gain NA 4.11% 2.4% 4.1% 3.7% 11.6%
Largest Loss -39.35% -16.7% -7.7% -0.84% -0.66% -1.7%
Max Drawdown 90.3% 75.3% 65.0% 37.1% 40.4% 24.9%
Annual Sharpe Ratio 0.2394 0.9534 1.855 2.051 2.799 3.092
Annual Sortino Ratio 0.4224 1.861 4.854 7.718 7.222 11.979
ADABTC market with Amount resampling
Final ROI -85.87% -84.06% -86.45% -79.24% -45.78% -58.85%
Accuracy 39.37% 51.28% 49.51% 51.23% 52.96% 54.66%
Negative Log-Loss -20.94 -0.6916 -0.7176 -0.6935 -0.6732 -0.6882
Periods in Market 100% 70.0% 71.1% 60.9% 64.3% 59.6%
Profitable Positions 0% 52.1% 46.6% 49.3% 50.4% 50.7%
Profit per Position -85.87% -0.135% -0.213% -0.200% -0.084% -0.113%
Largest Gain NA 12.2% 13.5% 10.2% 16.4% 15.4%
Largest Loss -85.87% -12.9% -21.6% -11.5% -8.4% -9.7%
Max Drawdown 88.58% 85.5% 87.5% 79.9% 50.6% 61.9%
Annual Sharpe Ratio -2.224 -2.802 -3.018 -2.475 -0.960 -1.394
Annual Sortino Ratio -3.197 -3.845 -4.025 -3.341 -1.645 -2.015

Table 4.9: Comparison between the Buy & Hold strategy and each of the five methodologies employed
for the amount resampling in POEETH and ADABTC markets.

Figure 4.19: Entry and exit points for the TRXBTC (Tron/Bitcoin) pair during most of 17 and 18 January
2018 for amount resampling.

Figure 4.20: Entry and exit points for the IOTABTC (Internet of Things Application/Bitcoin) pair from mid
September 26 until mid October 2 2018 for amount resampling.

typically does not keep the same long position active for as much time. With this type of resampling,
relatively to percentage resampling, the triggered long positions are of shorter durations. Therefore,
this strategy is prone to sustain heavier losses, namely due to transfer fees, which explains the larger
risk verified. Figure 4.20, on the other hand, contains a relatively calm period of cryptocurrency pair

IOTABTC. Note that all candles have durations of above 2 hours due to the reduced price variation. The
largest variation seen in this figure is of around 5% in the course of 12 hours, this same pair earlier
in 2018 on a regular basis had this same percentual variation in a matter of minutes. Once again, the
judgement that this system is clearly more active in volatile moments is upheld.
In conclusion, this resampling procedure outperforms the results obtained with logarithmic amount
resampled data in all aspects. Regarding, percentage resampled data, generally this resampling proce-
dure yields a better ROI and a slightly superior predictive power, yet this procedure clearly has a higher
risk associated. Once again, this resampling method obtains clearly superior ROI’s relatively to the time
procedure, but the predictive power is certainly inferior, likewise the amount and logarithmic amount
procedures. This issue is discussed in further detail in section 4.5.

4.5 Chapter Conclusions

In this chapter, firstly the metrics utilized for analysis and comparison of the different trading signals and
resampling methods employed in this system are described, as well as a simple investment strategy to
be used as baseline. Posteriorly, particularly noteworthy case studies are analysed.
Regarding the analysis done to case study A, section 4.4.1, it’s worth adding that, to some degree,
this hypothesis may be extended to the remaining markets. The markets utilized may not be able to
accept a trade instantaneously as the algorithm intends, in a real case scenario this situation of illiquidity
could take a toll on the system’s performance, but as mentioned in section 3.5, this is a limitation of a
backtest trading simulation.
The second case study, section 4.4.2, reveals that the ensemble voting classifier matches the initial
expectations. The great majority of times the trading signals from this forecasting method are the most
profitable and typically achieve top performance according to all metrics used for evaluation.
The succeeding case studies, section 4.4.3 through section 4.4.6, individually analyse the trading
performance of this work’s system for different resampling methods. In terms of final profit, all performed
better than the ordinarily utilized time resampling method presented in section 4.4.3. In any of these four
case studies, the trading signals originated by EV customarily are the less risky and contain the best
predictive power. Even though only on amount resampling did EV on average obtain the top returns, in
the remaining resampling procedures, the ROI obtained by EV is well above average, nearing the top
value for this metric out of all methods. Despite logarithmic amount resampling yielding on average a
higher ROI than time resampling, according to this same metric, it was clearly inferior to the amount and
percentage resampling procedures. Relatively to percentage resampling, amount resampling obtains
on average a slightly superior ROI, but this fact could be attributed to its higher risk. Furthermore, the
difference in predictive power is almost negligible. Therefore, it is hard to pick a clear preferable choice
between these two.
In any case, as a rule, all three alternative resampling procedures consistently provide a higher
ROI relatively to time resampling, suggesting that financial time series resampled in accordance to an
alternative metric, rather than time, have the potential of creating a signal more prone of earning larger

profits. Anyhow, independently of the resampling method, this system is clearly more active in volatile
periods than calm periods as was pretended. Throughout these last four case studies, it was verified
that specific markets, such as ADABTC, will invariably yield losses independently of the resampling
procedure. A portfolio management could possibly withdraw these markets from the list of tradeable
markets in order to prevent these types of losses. On the upside, it was also verified that if this work’s
system was able of turning a profit with a time resampled financial series, most likely, the same given
market attains far larger returns with any of the three alternative resampling procedures. One important
takeaway worth noting is that, independently of the utilized strategy, higher accuracies or NLL do not
inevitably translate into a higher ROI or a lower risk.
One last point must be addressed: the fact that, time rearrangement on average, holds the lowest
ROI, but contradictorily also obtains the best accuracies and negative log-losses out of all the resam-
pling methods employed. One possible explanation is because most investors utilize similar investment
strategies and prediction algorithms based on similarly time sampled data. Resemblance in prediction
algorithms imposes a positive feedback loop, where the resultant time sampled data is continuously
being shaped. Because the algorithms and strategies utilized by investors are related and due to their
collective influence, the current ongoing time series is constantly being heavily impacted. Hence, when
an algorithm similar to the ones who collectively crafted and whose influence is deeply embedded in a
given time series intends to backtest trade with this same time series, it seems plausible that its overall
predictive power is enhanced. Consequently, the two metrics associated with machine learning turn out
relatively better when the original time series is utilized, this is, when time resampling is applied. Time
series sampled according to time obtained lower returns relatively to the alternative resampling proce-
dures, possibly on account of the following two reasons: not having the properties mentioned in section
3.2 that make a time series prone to larger earnings; this work’s time sampling frequency may be out of
phase relatively to the majority of investors. While it is common to utilize 1, 10 or 60 minutes as sampling
frequency, in this work the utilized frequency is usually an integer anywhere between 1 and 10 minutes.
As a result, the maximum possible value for the return on investment could be limited.
This hypothesis stems out of the fact that, nowadays human investors or investment bots, may co-
incidentally or purposefully (if a strategy or bot is intentionally teamed with others), artificially inflate or
deflate prices and propagate feedback loops (an extreme example of this propagation, albeit usually un-
intentional, are flash-crashes2 ). Investors purposefully teaming up their strategies or bots is considered
market manipulation. Many different schemes of market manipulation have been detected in the cryp-
tocurrency exchange market world (such as wash trading, spoofing, pump-and-dump, etc.), but as of
now, are tolerated due to the non-regulated nature of these markets. Nevertheless, market manipulation
is a topic that falls out of the scope of this work and, in order to assign it as the unambiguous source of
this issue would require further investigation.

2 Very rapid, deep and volatile fall in prices occurring within a short time period. Generally stem from high-frequency trading


Chapter 5


In this work a system combining several machine learning algorithms with the goal of maximizing predic-
tive performance was described, analysed and compared to a B&H strategy. All aspects of this system,
namely the target formulation, were designed with the objectives of maximizing returns and reducing
risks always in mind. To validate the robustness of this system’s performance, this system was tested
on 100 different cryptocurrency exchange markets through backtest trading.

Based upon this work, it may be concluded that all four distinct learning algorithms consistently
bared positive results, better than random choice or the B&H strategy. Nonetheless, the trading signal
generated by the ensemble voting method by far provides the best results. Particularly with ensemble
voting method when time resampling is employed, the predictive power of this work’s proposed system is
on average superior to the state-of-the art in forecasting the direction of prices with a sampling frequency
in the order of minutes, as can be seen by comparing section 2.2, to this work’s case studies, section
4.4. Therefore, the task of creating a successful forecasting system may be deemed as accomplished.

In addition, the outcome of utilizing several different resampling procedures was analysed. On aver-
age the three alternative resampling procedures studied in this work generate significantly higher returns
than commonly utilized time sampled data. In terms of the returns on investment obtained, resampled
data according to an amount was the top performer, followed by the percentage and lastly the logarith-
mic amount. While ordinary time resampling data originates the best accuracies and NLLs, the lowest
returns out of all tested resampling methods were counterintuitively also obtained with this method. A
possible reason for this occurrence is discussed in section 4.5. Nevertheless, the overall results were in
accordance with what was expected: rearranging financial time series according to an alternative metric
does in fact construct a series prone to generating larger returns, which is in accordance with one of the
main intentions of this work. It should be pointed out that throughout all stages of this work, a primary
priority was ensuring that each different resampling method was tested under equal and fair conditions
in all modules of the system, so as to avoid any unfairness that could invalidate the final results.

It is worth noting that ROIs obtained in this system with the alternative procedures are in some
markets excessive. This fact is attributed to the absence of bid-ask spread data, as was mentioned
in section 3.4.2. Putting it differently, this work shows that the three alternative methods offer more

profitable time series relatively to time resampling, however, it is unlikely that this system would do as
well, return-wise, in an actual real scenario in face of bid-ask spreads.
In conclusion, the initial objectives were accomplished and the obtained results are promising: sev-
eral methods for predicting the direction of price in the cryptocurrency market were developed, par-
ticularly the EV, were successful and the alternative resampling procedures certainly have potential in
generating larger returns relatively to the commonly put in practice time resampling procedures.

5.1 Future Work

Despite having accomplished this work’s objectives, there is always room for improvement. For future
work, besides perfecting the investment strategy that defines the entry and exit points, several limitations
of this work as well as possible future directions or improvements are suggested:

• Firstly, the bid-ask spreads should be gathered and incorporated into this system.

• In this thesis the utilized resampling thresholds are constant. In future work, adjusting these values
dynamically as a function of specific indicators could be explored. Additionally, the parameters of
each technical indicator as well as of each individual classifier are also fixed. Either a method for
finding the ideal values of each parameter such as a genetic algorithm could be introduced, or a
more extensive grid searching procedure could be introduced.

• Regarding the set of features utilized as input, additional indicators could be experimented with,
specifically fundamental indicators (such as market capitalization) or data extracted from social
media. Even though the importance of these additional indicators is unclear in literature, it is
plausible that adding these alternative indicators to a set of technical indicators, may give an
extra advantage to the system’s performance. Specifically because in the market under analysis,
the cryptocurrency exchange market, schemes of market manipulation are allowed and disclosed
through social networks.

• Mechanisms for portfolio management, money management1 or both, could be put in place to
avoid the riskiest and loss-making markets.

• In this work the financial data was pulled from Binance due to its accessible API as well as because
it enables trading a set of cryptocurrency pairs that are nowhere else offered. In order to correctly
evaluate this forecasting system, the creation of a faithful and realistic simulation was a main
priority of this work, the conditions imposed by the exchange, namely being limited to taking only
long positions were complied. If Binance were to enable short positions, the final results could
potentially be improved. There are other exchanges who allow short positions, nonetheless, it
is unlikely to find one that offers these remarkably volatile exotic cryptocurrency pairs. In these
exchanges (such as in Bitfinex, eToro, etc.), most likely only the most popular cryptocurrencies are
traded against the USD.
1 Method for managing the size of the position taking the risk and total capital available into consideration.


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