TCC - Matheus Silva de Mattos - Final e Com Ficha Cat
TCC - Matheus Silva de Mattos - Final e Com Ficha Cat
TCC - Matheus Silva de Mattos - Final e Com Ficha Cat
Pelotas, 2022
Matheus Silva de Mattos
Pelotas, 2022
Universidade Federal de Pelotas / Sistema de Bibliotecas
Catalogação na Publicação
Banca Examinadora:
This study is a systematic review of the scientific literature on quality of work life,
considering the COVID-19 pandemic period. Quality of work life (QWL) is a central
theme in human resources management that needs to be constantly studied and built
due to its subjective and changeable nature. The general objective of this study was
to systematically review the scientific literature published between February/2020
and October/2022 on quality of work life and available on the database.
Eleven studies that met the inclusion parameters of this review were located. All
studies investigated work within the service sector, mainly in the public area, with
emphasis on health and education. Most studies focused on a broad approach to
QWL and on investigations related to the dimensions of working conditions and work-
related stress. The main contribution was the evidence of the importance of the
theme in human resources management and how it should be addressed in view of
its complexity. As suggestions for further studies, the dimensions of work models and
flexible working hours were pointed out, given their relevance to the theme and their
low incidence in the reviewed studies.
Quality of life of Family Health Strategy Sao Paulo Medical Journal Ago
7 professionals: a systematic review 2021, Volume 139 Nº 4
N° do
Área estudada Tipo de Trabalho Setor Dimensão QVT
Condições de
1 Saúde Público Serviços
2 Ensino / Educação Público Serviços Geral
Estresse no
3 16 áreas variadas Público e Privado Serviços
Estresse no
4 Saúde Público Serviços
5 Ensino / Educação Público Serviços Bem estar geral
Condições de
6 Saúde Público Serviços
7 Saúde Público Serviços Geral
8 Ensino / Educação Público Serviços Geral
9 Ensino / Educação Público Serviços Geral
10 Tecnologia Público Serviços Geral
Condições de
11 Saúde Público e Privado Serviços
Tabela 3: amostra enumerada, áreas de cada estudo, tipo de trabalho estudado e setor da
economia. Elaborado pelo autor, em 2022.
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