TV Shows: Língua Inglesa

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Língua Inglesa

TV shows

1o bimestre – Aula 1
Ensino Médio
● Vocabulário: tipos de ● Mobilizar práticas de
programas televisivos; linguagem para falar sobre
tipos de programas de
● Gramática: Simple Present.
● Analisar o funcionamento e
os usos do Simple Present
para produzir textos orais e
escritos sobre tipos de
programas de televisão.
Turn around and talk! In 3 minutes, talk to
your classmate about the following
1. How much time do you spend watching
TV daily?
2. What are your favorite types of TV
Talk shows Reality shows
Soap operas Game shows
Variety shows Sports shows
TV series … minutes a day
The news … hours a day
Virem e conversem
In your notebooks, write the titles you know for each 5 MINUTES
of the following TV shows:

Talk shows:
Soap operas:
Variety shows:
TV series:
The news:
Reality shows:
Game shows:
Sports shows:
Na prática – Correção

The titles you listed are personal. Share the ones

you know using the model: I like to watch...

Talk shows:
Soap operas:
Variety shows:
TV series:
The news:
Reality shows:
Game shows:
Sports shows:
Simple Present
O Simple Present é o tempo verbal usado
para expressar o presente do indicativo.
Ele pode ser usado, por exemplo, para
informar opiniões, verdades universais,
desejos ou ações que ocorrem
habitualmente, como os programas de
televisão a que se costuma assistir.

Para usá-lo na forma afirmativa, posiciona-se o verbo em sua
forma-base, logo após o sujeito, flexionando-o de acordo com a
pessoa do discurso e a terminação do verbo. Veja os exemplos:

Like (Gostar) Watch (Assistir) Enjoy (Apreciar) Vary (Variar)

I like I watch I enjoy I vary
You like You watch You enjoy You vary
He likes He watches He enjoys He varies
She likes She watches She enjoys She varies
It likes It watches It enjoys It varies
We like We watch We enjoy We vary
You like You watch You enjoy You vary
They like They watch They enjoy They vary

Também é possível combinar um verbo no Simple Present com um

segundo verbo no infinitivo. Essa combinação é bastante
utilizada para indicar ações que são realizadas frequentemente.
Para tanto, conjuga-se o primeiro verbo de acordo com o sujeito
da oração e o segundo em sua forma-base, antecedido pelo
auxiliar "to" (ou acrescentando o sufixo "–ing"):

I like to watch reality shows.

I enjoy watching soap operas.
She likes to watch game shows.
She enjoys watching talk shows.
Já para a forma negativa do Simple Present, utilizamos os
auxiliares (do e does), seguidos da palavra “not”. É possível,
também, contrair os auxiliares + not (don’t, doesn’t):

I do not like reality shows.

She does not like reality shows.
I don’t watch the news.
He doesn’t watch the news.

Perceba que o auxiliar “does” é usado para os sujeitos na

terceira pessoa do singular e, nesses casos, os verbos
permanecem em sua forma-base.
In your notebooks, complete the sentences
using the verbs in the box according to each
1. My father _____ the news every night.
2. My mother and I _____ the soap opera
every night.
3. She doesn’t _____ to watch reality shows.
4. I _____ TV shows like “The big bang theory”
and “Friends”.
5. He _____ the TV shows he watches.
Sometimes he watches soap operas, and
sometimes reality shows.
Na prática – Correção

In your notebooks, complete the sentences

using the verbs in the box according to each
1. My father watches the news every night.
2. My mother and I watch the soap opera
every night.
3. She doesn’t like to watch reality shows.
4. I enjoy TV shows like “The big bang
theory” and “Friends”.
5. He varies the TV shows he watches.
Sometimes he watches soap operas, and
sometimes reality shows.
Now, write sentences in the Simple Present tense using the verbs in
the box to indicate the TV shows that you and your family like to
watch. (You can also use the titles that you have listed at the
beginning of the class). Follow the examples:
Talk shows: I watch "Lady night". Like
Soap operas: My mother watches "Terra e Paixão". Watch
The news: My brother likes to watch the news. Enjoy
Variety shows: Vary
TV series:
Reality shows:
Game shows:
Sports shows: 5 MINUTES
Na prática – Correção

The sentences written in this activity are personal. Share your

sentences and analyze the different uses of the Simple Present
that you have made, and the different TV shows you enjoy.

Talk shows: I watch "Lady night". Like

Soap operas: My mother watches "Terra e Paixão". Watch
The news: My brother likes to watch the news. Enjoy
Variety shows: Vary
TV series:
Reality shows:
Game shows:
Sports shows:
In pairs or small groups, analyze the TV shows you
have listed in the previous activity and answer the
1. Which soap operas have an actress in the
leading role? Which have an actor in the leading
2. Which talk shows have a black woman as the
host? Which have a black man as the host?
3. Which TV series have a Hispanic actor in the
leading role? Which have a Hispanic actress in
the leading role?
Although some modern TV shows recognize the importance of
increasing diversity in their productions, some groups of people
are still more likely to be in evidence than others. Share your
answers and evaluate: which groups are most in evidence?

The soap operas that have an actress/actor

in the leading role include…
The talk shows that have a black
woman/man as host include…
The TV series that have a Hispanic
actor/actress in the leading role include…
The groups in evidence are…
Preparando-se para a próxima aula

In the next class, we will talk about diversity in TV shows and

movies. At home, reflect and look for information to answer
the following questions:

● Would you say that TV shows and movies promote

diversity? Why?

● Do you feel represented by the people who are more

likely to appear in TV shows and movies? Why?

● What are the topics you consider important to be

discussed in your society?

● Do you recognize these topics in the TV shows and

movies you watch?
● Analisamos o funcionamento e os usos do
Simple Present para falar sobre programas
de televisão;
● Reconhecemos a presença, ou a ausência,
de diferentes grupos em programas de
CAMBRIDGE DICTIONARY, Present Simple. Disponível em:
work?q=simple+presente. Acesso em: 13 nov. 2023.

LEMOV, Doug. Título: Aula nota 10 3.0. 3a Edição. Porto Alegre: Editora Penso, 2023.

SÃO PAULO (Estado). Secretaria de Educação do Estado de São Paulo. Currículo em Ação – Linguagens
e suas tecnologias – 1a série do Ensino Médio.
Lista de imagens e vídeos
Slide 3 – Erik Mclean/Unsplash. Disponível em:
segurando-o-controle-remoto-preto-U-Vu_r6qyyU. Acesso em: 24 nov. 2023.
Slides 4 e 5 – Stickers/Flaticon. Disponível em:
gratis/serie_5531982. Acesso em: 24 nov. 2023.
Slide 6 – Stickers/Flaticon. Disponível em:
gratis/culinaria_7138251. Acesso em: 24 nov. 2023.
Slide 6 – Stickers/Flaticon. Disponível em:
Acesso em: 24 nov. 2023.
Slide 8 – Stickers/Flaticon. Disponível em:
Acesso em: 24 nov. 2023.
Slide 9 – Stickers/Flaticon. Disponível em:
noticias_5527779. Acesso em: 24 nov. 2023.
Slides 10 e 11 – Stickers/Flaticon. Disponível em:
gratis/desenho_4392457. Acesso em: 24 nov. 2023.
Lista de imagens e vídeos

Slide 14 – Stickers/Flaticon. Disponível em:

equipe_11199559. Acesso em: 24 nov. 2023.

Slide 15 – Stickers/Flaticon. Disponível em:

fala_4860911. Acesso em: 24 nov. 2023.

Slide 16 – Stickers/Flaticon. Disponível em:

design_11932379. Acesso em: 24 nov. 2023.

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