ANPG Newsletter Primeiro Oleo No14 PT
ANPG Newsletter Primeiro Oleo No14 PT
ANPG Newsletter Primeiro Oleo No14 PT
PETRÓLEO A Somoil desempenha um papel fulcral
no cenário energético do país.
A ACEPA elegeu, no dia 28 de
Janeiro, Olivier Jouny (Total), para o
A “Mumala”, uma plataforma virtual
de interacção, direccionada para
E GÁS A empresa passou as suas duas
primeiras décadas a construir uma
cargo de presidente da Associação
e Derek Magness (Chevron Angola),
estudantes universitários, foi
disponibilizada pela ONG
forte base de activos. Pág. 3 para a Vice-Presidência. Pág. 4 Development Workshop (DW). Pag. 8
Pág. 2
Prezados colegas,
Estamos no mês de Março, que já nos
habituou a ser uma época especial e
de simbolismo reforçado no espírito da
jornada “Março Mulher”, em virtude de
abarcar datas comemorativas do Dia
da Mulher Angolana e do Dia Interna-
cional da Mulher.
A Assembleia Geral da Associa- Para além de nomear as mem a gestão do Comitê de Higie- de Angola e da indústria. A Asso-
ção de Companhias Petrolíferas Direcções dos diferentes Comités, ne Segurança e Ambiente, ao pas- ciação reúne os principais ope-
em Angola (ACEPA) elegeu, no a reunião abordou as principais so que ENI e a Chevron chefiam o radores no País, nomeadamente
passado dia 28 de Janeiro, Olivier realizações da ACEPA no que Comité Jurídico. a Total, ExxonMobil, Chevron, BP,
Jouny, Director-Geral da Total E&P se refere ao ano passado e as ENI, ALNG, Sonangol P&P, Equinor,
Angola, para o cargo de presiden- perspectivas para 2021, desta- O recém-empossado presiden- Somoil e a Pluspetrol.
te da Associação e Derek Mag- cando-se a coordenação com as te salientou que “a crise da COVID
autoridades na gestão da crise da reforçou o valor da ACEPA na rela- Entre outros, a ACEPA conduziu
ness, Director Geral da Chevron
Covid-19 e a construção de insta- ção da indústria com as autorida- com sucesso discussões com as
Angola, para a Vice-Presidência.
lações e laboratórios clínicos em des angolanas”. autoridades para ultrapassar
Luanda, no Soyo e em Cabinda. litígios fiscais e criou grupos que
Jouny, que já entrou em fun- Criada como organização sem trabalharam com o Ministério dos
ções, assume o leme deixado fins lucrativos em 2002, a ACEPA
Assim, a Total e a ExxonMobil Recursos Minerais, Petróleo e Gás
pelo seu antecessor, Andre Kos- tem como principal objectivo pro-
passam a liderar os Comitês de e a Agência Nacional de Petróleo,
telnik, até então representante mover o diálogo e a cooperação
Finanças, Recursos Humanos e a Gás e Biocombustíveis (ANPG), no
da ExxonMobil, que terminou a Cadeia de Aprovisionamento. Já a em questões de interesse comum sentido de fornecer matérias para De-
sua missão em Angola. Sonangol P&P e ExxonMobil assu- e propor soluções em benefício cretos Presidenciais em áreas-chave.
O Executivo Angolano, atra-
vés do Decreto Presidencial
nº 52/19, de 18 de Fevereiro,
aprovou a Estratégia Geral
de Atribuição de Concessões
petrolíferas para o período de
2019 – 2025, que prevê a li-
citação de mais de 50 novas
concessões nas zonas terres-
tres (Onshore) e marítimas
(Offshore), com o objectivo
Uma plataforma virtual de inte- irá facilitar o acesso à informa- de 2020, tenham também aces-
racção, denominada “Mumala”, ção e serviços dos actuais 95 so ao Serviço de Mentoria e Co-
direccionada a estudantes uni- estagiários nas províncias de aching Profissional para as suas
versitários, foi disponibilizada Benguela, Cuanza Norte, Huam- iniciativas de auto-emprego.
pela Organização Não Gover- bo, Luanda, Uige e Zaire assim O programa de estágios com
namental (ONG) Development como todos os futuros estagiá- a DW teve início em 2011 com
Workshop (DW) no início do rios. fundos próprios da bp e já be-
mês de Fevereiro, com o patro- neficiou mais de 3000 estu-
cínio da BP e dos seus parcei- dantes. A edição actual, com
Adoptado o modelo de “In-
financiamento da ANPG e dos
ros no Bloco 31. novation Hub” (em português
parceiros do bloco 31 iniciou
Plataforma de Inovação), a em 2019 e apoia 95 estudan-
Com o impacto da COVID-19 “Mumala” vai funcionar como tes. Estão garantidos fundos
em todo o mundo, o lançamen- um sistema de gestão e permi- adicionais para o próximo ano,
to da plataforma digital para tirá que os 95 estagiários, que visando beneficiar mais estu-
mentoria, coaching profissional iniciaram uma formação sobre dantes e alargar as actividades
e trabalho por conta própria, empreendedorismo em Março ligadas ao empreendedorismo.
Dear colleagues,
We are in March, which has already
accustomed us to being a special
time, of reinforced symbolism in the
spirit of the “March Woman”, due to
encompassing both commemorative
dates of Angolan Women’s Day and
International Women’s Day.
THE GENERAL MEETING of the As- In addition to appointing the Mobil take over the management benefit of Angola and the industry.
sociation of Oil Companies in An- Boards of the different Commit- of the Hygiene, Safety and Envi- The Association brings together
gola (ACEPA) elected on the 28th tees, the meeting addressed the ronment Committee, while ENI the main operators in the cou-
of January, Olivier Jouny, General main achievements of ACEPA with and Chevron head the Legal Com- ntry, namely Total, ExxonMobil,
Manager of Total E&P Angola, as regard to last year and the pros- mittee. Chevron, BP, ENI, ALNG, Sonangol
President of the Association and pects for 2021, highlighting the P&P, Equinor, Somoil and Pluspe-
Derek Magness, General Mana- coordination with the authorities The newly appointed president trol.
ger of Chevron Angola, as Vice- in managing the Covid-19 crisis stressed that “the COVID crisis Among other things, ACEPA suc-
-President. and the construction of facilities reinforced the value of ACEPA in cessfully conducted discussions
and clinical laboratories in Luan- the industry’s relationship with with the authorities to overcome
Mr. Jouny, who has already da, Soyo and Cabinda. the Angolan authorities”. Created tax disputes and created groups
taken office, takes the helm left as a non-profit organization in that worked with the Ministry of
by his predecessor, Andre Kostel- Thus, Total and ExxonMobil are 2002, ACEPA’s main objective is Mineral Resources, Oil and Gas
nik, until then representative of now leading the Finance, Human to promote dialogue and coopera- and the National Agency for Oil,
ExxonMobil, who ended his mis- Resources and Supply Chain Com- tion on issues of common interest Gas and Biofuels (ANPG), to pro-
sion in Angola. mittees. Sonangol P&P and Exxon- and to propose solutions for the vide counseling for Presidential
Decrees in key areas.
The Angolan Government,
through Presidential Decree
nº 52/19, of February 18th,
approved the General
Strategy for the Attribu-
tion of Petroleum Conces-
sions for the period 2019 -
2025, which provides for the
bidding of more than 50 new
concessions in the onshore
zones and maritime (offsho-
re), with the aim of:
The Forum on Oil Exploration in En- interest, he underlined, to get well con-
vironmental Conservation Areas, an sidered solutions that protect the en-
initiative of the Ministry of Culture, vironment and open opportunities for
Tourism and Environment (MCTA) economic activity, that consequently
and Mineral Resources, Oil and Gas improve the living conditions of the po-
(MIREMPET), with the support of the pulations.
National Agency for Oil, Gas and Bio-
fuels (ANPG), gathered in Luanda, on By his side, the Culture, Tourism
the 1st of March, with members of the and Environment Minister, Jomo For-
Parliament, ministers, managers, oil tunato, considered this Forum as a
sector technicians, journalists, envi- strategic action and of great value for
ronmentalists and distinguished Ango- open communication. He added that
lan society personalities. “the Government will prepare an addi-
tional and specific legislative package,
It was a dialogue aimed at settling in order to ensure that good interna-
inaccurate interpretations about the tional practices will be observed by
announcement of public tenders laun- all stakeholders in the environmental
ched by ANPG for the study of the en- protection areas”.
vironmental impact and accessibility
in the Terrestrial Basins of Etosha / Among the concerns raised by the
Okavango. environmentalists during this event,
with emphasis to João Vintém, Eufrasi-
For the duration of three hours and na Teodoro and Janice Mwanamalon-
a half, with the cooperation from the go, it was the diagnosis of the capacity
MIREMPET, MCTA and ANPG speakers to respond in case of big fires in the
the Forum discussed three different is- Parks, and the necessity to maintain
sues in three different panels. The first permanent dialogue to find the best
was about “Oil exploration in Angola, equipped solutions concerted with
strategies and perspectives”. The se- civil society, but they also recognized
cond one about “The legal framework that there is common sense and the-
applicable to the sector oil” and the re’s an openness to cooperate.
last one discussed the “Activities in
areas of environmental sensitivity”. The Forum, with online transmis-
sion and free access, had the pre-
In his welcoming speech, the Minis- sence of provincial circle members of
ter of Mineral Resources, Oil and Gas, Parliament from Cabinda – Raúl Dan-
Diamantino de Azevedo, praised the da; Namibe – João Guerra; and Zaire,
discussion of different points of view Makuta Nkondo.
in a public space. It is in Government’s
A virtual interaction platform ces for the current 95 interns The internship program with
called “Mumala”, aimed at in the provinces of Benguela, DW started in 2011 with BP’s
university students, was made Cuanza Norte, Huambo, Luan- own funds and has already be-
available by the Non-Govern- da, Uige and Zaire, as well as all nefited more than 3000 stu-
mental Organization Develo- future interns. dents.
pment Workshop (DW) at the
beginning of February, with the Adopted the “Innovation Hub” The current edition, with fun-
sponsorship of BP and its part- model, the “Mumala” will work ding from ANPG and Block 31
ners in Block 31. as a management system and partners, started in 2019 and
will allow the 95 interns, who supports 95 students. Additio-
With the impact of COVID-19 started a training course on en- nal funds are guaranteed for
worldwide, the launch of the trepreneurship in March 2020, the next year, aiming to benefit
digital platform for mentoring, to also have access to the Ser- more students and expand acti-
professional coaching and sel- vice Mentoring and Professional vities related to entrepreneurship.
f-employment will facilitate ac- Coaching for their self-employ-
cess to information and servi- ment initiatives.