Rds Documetacao Sem Formatacao
Rds Documetacao Sem Formatacao
Rds Documetacao Sem Formatacao
Os seguintes recursos RDS serão instalados: Session Host, Broker, Web Acess e Gateway.
- É necessário que todos os servidores que terão os recursos do RDS instalados devem ser
membros de um domínio do Active Directory.
Clique em “Próximo”:
Esses serviços poderão ser configurados, após toda a instalação desse recurso:
Insira o servidor que deseja instalar o Acesso “Via Web RDS” e clique em “Avançar”:
Insira um ou mais servidores que deseja instalar o Acesso “Host de Sessão RDS” e clique
em “Avançar”:
Marque a opção para reiniciar o servidor automaticamente, assim o botão de implantação será
habilitado. Clique em “Implantar” para iniciar as configurações:
Defina um nome para esse conjunto e insira uma descrição para identifica-la.
Insira “grupos de usuários” ou “usuários” que deverão ter acesso a Área de Trabalho Remota.
Clique em “Criar”:
A criação é muito rápida e já temos um novo conjunto de sessão criado em nosso ambiente
• Geral
• Grupo de usuários
• Sessão
• Segurança
• Balanceamento de Carga
• Configurações de Clientes
• Perfil de Discos
Configurar o licenciamento
You will need to create a new (duplicated from workstation) certificate template,
and modify the template’s settings to incorporate the correct extensions when
enrolling for a new certificate via this template.
As prerequisite for this tutorial, it is assumed that you already have an enterprise
certificate authority, and remote desktop services deployement installed on your
Our first step will be the creation of a new certificate template, modified to enroll
correct certificates for our RDS deployment.
In the certificate templates console, scroll down until you find the ‘Workstation
Authentication’ template. Right click it and select Duplicate Template.
On the General tab of the new template, change the template display name to
RDS Certificate Template and mark the checkbox to publish the certificate in
Active Directory.
On the Request Handling tab, select ‘allow private key to be exported’.
On the Extensions tab, select Application Policies and select Edit.
Add Server Authentication to the list.
On the Subject Name tab, select ‘Supply in the request’.
Close the new template now by selecting ok, and close your Certificates
Templates Console.
For proof of concept, we will enroll a certificate using this template on our
Remote Desktop Broker Server.
Open a management console by right clicking start, then run, type mmc and press
Click File – Add/Remove Snap-in…
Now we have the Certificates Store of the local computer open, we will be
requesting a new certificate from within this console to our enterprise CA.
Under Certificates, Personal, right click the certificates folder and select all tasks,
request new certificate.
Click next on the certificate enrollment window.
Make sure Active Directory Enrollment Policy is highlighted, and click next.
Select RDS Certificate Template, and click the link to configure additional
information for enrollment.
On the certificate properties window, add a common name for the certificate, this
may be your FQDN of your RDS broker server, subsequently, add alternative dns
names for other roles that u might be hosting on the same server like your RDS
web access, or if you are planning to use this certificate also on the other servers
in your deployment, add the FQDN’s of the other servers as DNS entries.
On the General tab, fill in a descriptive name for the certificate that you are
enrolling, after this, select ok to close the certificate properties window.
Now click the Enroll button to request your certificate to the Enterprise CA.
We now need to export the certificate and the private key to import it again via
our RDS management console.
Right click the certificate, select all tasks and click export.
Open Server Manager, and open Remote Desktop Services in the left pane, then
click tasks, and edit deployment properties.
Go to certificates, highlight the role for which u want to deploy your certificate,
and click select existing certificate.
Select, choose a different certificate, browse for your certificate, enter your
certificate password, and select to allow the certificate to be added to the
trusted root certification authorities store. After that confirm with ok.
Click apply to apply the certificate. After this action, the status will show OK and
the level will be Trusted.
HTML5 client for Microsoft Remote Desktop Service
- O RD Gateway, RD Broker e RD Web Acess dever estar executando o Windows Server 2016 oi
- As licenças de acesso dos conjuntos – Collection devem estar configuradas por usuário (CAL
for user)
Execute os seguintes comandos no PowerShell para instalar o cliente Web da Área de Trabalho
(Reinicie o PowerShell)
Exportar uma cadeia de certificados de emissão completa para autenticação LDAPS com Active
Esse passo é necessário para que o servidor se autentique com o serviço de proxy reverso. Ao
final da exportação do certificado o mesmo deve ser enviado para o setor responsável pelo
proxy reverso na Prodest.
1- On an Active Directory domain controller running on Windows Server 2012, open Start
> Run > certlm.msc
2- Navigate to Certificates (Local Computer) > Personal > Certificates.
3- Right-click the SSL certificate and click Open.
4- Go to Certification Path and select the top certificate.
5- Click View Certificate.
6- Go to the Details tab and select Copy to File.
1- Navegue até a tela Remote Desktop Services e no menu suspenso Tasks , clique em
Edit Deployment Properties.