CNPJ/MF n° 43.470.988/0001-65
NIRE 35.300.329.520
Companhia Aberta
A Companhia nota que o Programa de Recompra tem como principal objetivo aplicar recursos
disponíveis da Companhia para aquisição de ações de sua emissão em bolsa, a preços de
mercado, a fim de (i) fazer frente à obrigação da Companhia de entregar ações aos executivos
no âmbito de planos de remuneração baseados em ações; e (ii) aprimorar a estrutura de capital
da Companhia. A aquisição das ações no âmbito do Programa de Recompra poderão ser
destinadas ao exercício de direitos no âmbito de planos de remuneração baseados em ações, à
manutenção em tesouraria, cancelamento ou posterior alienação no mercado.
O prazo para a realização das aquisições das ações é de até 180 (cento e oitenta) dias contados
a partir de 19 de novembro de 2024, inclusive, encerrando-se, portanto, em 19 de maio de
2025, inclusive.
Diretor Financeiro e de Relações com Investidores
CNPJ/MF No. 43.470.988/0001-65
NIRE 35.300.329.520
Publicly Held Company
In a meeting held on November 19, 2024, the Company’s Board of Directors has approved a
buyback program for up to 3,000,000 (three million) shares, corresponding, approximately, to
1.56% (one point fifty-six percent) of the Company’s outstanding common shares (“Buyback
The Company notes that the main objective of the Buyback Program is to allocate the Company’s
available resources to acquire shares issued by it on the stock exchange, at market prices, to (i)
fulfill the Company’s obligation to deliver shares to executives under share-based compensation
plans; and (ii) improve the Company’s capital structure. The acquisition of shares under the
Buyback Program may be used to exercise rights under share-based remuneration plans, to be
held in treasury, canceled or subsequently sold on the market.
The deadline for the Buyback Program is up to 180 (one hundred and eighty) days, starting from
November 19, 2024, inclusive, and ending on May 19, 2025, inclusive.
Additionally, the Company emphasizes that, in compliance with the applicable regulations,
especially RCVM 77, the information regarding the Buyback Program, including its terms,
conditions, purposes and characteristics, are described in detail in the minutes of the Board of
Directors meeting held on November 19, 2024 and available for consultation on the Company’s
investor relations websites (https://ri.even.com.br/) and the CVM, and may be consulted by the
Company’s shareholders, in accordance with applicable regulations.
CFO and Investor Relations Officer