ARTIGO - A política pública e a economia do turismo local
ARTIGO - A política pública e a economia do turismo local
ARTIGO - A política pública e a economia do turismo local
Abstract: The aim of this paper is to propose an analytical model for the development of tourism
through the results of the impacts caused by territorial public policies. It is understood that the action
plans for promotion of the tourism economy is a tool that can greatly contribute to territorial
development, and initiatives can have originate in both the public and private, but must show
efficiency, efficiency and effectiveness in their results. The methodology used the bibliographic
description of the analytical model. Finally, he concluded that the management of public policies for
the local tourism economy shows are often disconnected from the management of the territory, so the
ideal is that public policies are designed according to the structuring of the territory, or is, intersectoral
of own public management with the objective of promoting the collective good in an integrated
e lucros de curto prazo pode, no entanto, causar impactos negativos não só para a
economia local como para o bem-estar de toda a comunidade. Nesse caso, o governo
local, deveria ser chamado para interferir e corrigir o problema.
Ponto de ligação
Comunidade NS S S N N S
invisíveis Dinâmica da
Cidade NS N NS S S S
Considerações finais
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Submetido em 12/03/2013.
Aprovado em 07/09/2013.
Sobre os Autores