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zen beauty slim on Instagram: "Recette warp sain 😃 . #recettehealthy #resterenforme #retrouvelaforme #pertedepoids #bienetremental #coachinhealthylifestyle #nutrition #sesentirbien #sesentirbelle #coachinglife #etreenbonnesanté Coaching alimentaire 0486 327 968."
Meal Prep Champ🍱 on Instagram: "Say "YUM" if you would eat this Spinach Feta Breakfast Wrap by @healthymoodsf The best 5-minute breakfast for a busy morning.🔥 Ingredients: Whole wheat tortilla or tortilla of choice 2 eggs, whisked Salt and pepper to taste Mozzarella + Parmesan cheese, shredded Large handful Spinach Feta cheese Pepperoncini Olive oil for cooking Other optional add-ons I like to use: cherry tomatoes, olives, mushrooms, pickled jalapeños, avocado, bacon."
Sara amyn on Instagram‎: "Involtini di verza con pollo 🌱 Ingredienti ⬇️ - 8 foglie di verza - 300 g di macinato di pollo o di tacchino - 150 g di carote a Julienne - 60 g cipolla rossa - 80 g di di provola - 30 g di parmigiano grattugiato - 2 cucchiai di salsa di soia - olio extravergine d’oliva - sale e pepe ————————— 🌿 lessare le foglie 3-4 minuti in abbondante acqua. 🌿 cuocere in forno a 180° per 20 minuti. azionando il grill gli ultimi 5 minuti . المكونات⬇️ - 8 أوراق كرنب - 300 جرام من الدجاج المفروم أو الديك الرومي - 150 جرام من الجزر مقطع جوليان - 60 جرام بصل أحمر - 80 جرام جبنة موزاريلا او اي نوع تحبين - 30 جرام من جبن البارميزان المبشور - 2 ملعقة كبيرة صلصة الصويا - زيت زيتون بكر ممتاز - الملح والفلفل الأسود - خبز محمص وضعته في الخير مع جبن البارميزان. ————————— 🌿 غلي الأ
@veganrecipe_ideas on Instagram: "🧡💕"GET NEW VEGAN COOKBOOK - Over 200+ Delicious Vegan Recipes Including 30-day Meal Plans" =>> LINK IN BIO 🔗 @veganrecipe_ideas Any Legume Pancakes 🤯 By @Hermann INGREDIENTS Mung Bean Pancakes 100 g dried mung beans 50 g basmati rice (or other grains) 50 g spinach 10 g ginger 1 green chili 1/2 tsp cumin seeds 3/4 tsp salt 1 tbsp oil Chickpea Pancakes 100 g dried chickpeas 50 g basmati rice (or other grains) 10 g ginger 1 green chili 1/2 tsp cumin seeds 3/4 tsp salt 1/2 tsp turmeric 1 tbsp oil Red Lentil Pancakes 100 g dried red lentils 50 g basmati rice (or other grains) 10 g ginger 1/2 tsp cumin seeds 3/4 tsp salt 1/2 tsp Kashmiri chilli powder 1 tbsp oil INSTRUCTIONS For the Mung Bean Pancakes Add the mung beans and rice to a bowl and wash them
@veganrecipe_ideas on Instagram: "🤩🔥"GET NEW VEGAN COOKBOOK - Over 200+ Delicious Vegan Recipes Including 30-day Meal Plans" =>> LINK IN BIO 🔗 @veganrecipe_ideas A VEGETARIAN SANDWICH that even a meat eaters will LOVE! Make extra spread because it goes with just about anything! By @Erekav Veggie Options: Grilled eggplant, grilled zucchini, roasted peppers, sprouts, avocado, canned and drained artichokes Vegan parmesan or any vegan cheese (optional) Bread options: flatbread, toasted ciabatta, pita bread Basil Spread: 1/3 C cannellini beans drained 1 C fresh basil 1/3 C olive oil 1/3 C toasted pignoli nuts 2 garlic cloves 1/2 tsp salt Juice from 1/2 lemon Add ingredients to blender or food processors and blend well. Pepper Spread: -3 tbsp whole jarred Calabrian chili peppers, stems
Guillaumine Thérond 👩🏻‍🍳 on Instagram: "Wrap a la courgette et sans farine 🥒 Une recette facile et rapide pour faire des wraps healthy et sans farine ! Let’s go ! 👩🏻‍🍳 Ingrédients pour 2 wraps : - 1 courgette - 1 œuf - 40g de fromage râpé - cumin - sel et poivre 1. Raper la courgette et bien l’essorer pour retirer l’eau. 2. Ajouter un œuf, le fromage, le cumin le sel et le poivre. 3. Sur une plaque recouverte de papier sulfurisé, frôler 2 cercles assez fin et enfourner 15-20min à 200. Laisser refroidir quelques minutes avant de les décoller. C’est prêt ! 😋 #recette #recettemaison #recettefacile #recettesimple #recettehealthy #recettesaine #cuisinemaison #cuisinefacile #cuisinesaine #courgette #wrap #sansgluten"
@veganrecipe_ideas on Instagram: ""GET NEW VEGAN COOKBOOK - Over 200+ Delicious Vegan Recipes Including 30-day Meal Plans" =>> LINK IN BIO 🔗 @veganrecipe_ideas 1️⃣ or 2️⃣? Which #recipe would you try?👇 By @Dr.vegan 1️⃣ Mushroom Burrito Ingredients Mushrooms: 4 king oyster mushrooms 2 tbsp olive oil 3 tbsp barbecue sauce or hot sauce Splash of water Seasoning: 1 tsp chili powder 1/2 tsp ground cumin 1/2 tsp onion powder 1/2 tsp smoked paprika 1/2 tsp garlic powder 1/2 tsp dried oregano 1/2 tsp salt 1/2 tsp black pepper Avocado Sauce: 2-3 ripe avocados Salt to taste Juice of half a lemon 1 tbsp olive oil To Serve: Large flour tortillas 2 Lettuce shredded Tomato diced Onion thinly sliced Vegan Sour Cream Optional Instructions Tear the king oyster mushrooms into thin strips using a fork
⭐️ SARAHKHEF ⭐️ Fitness 💪 on Instagram: "🍠Wrap de patate douce 🍠 Wrap : 1 patate douce Huile d’olive Parmesan Au four 15min à 180• Garniture : 1 avocat 1/2 oignon rouge 1/2 tomate Sel poivre et piment #recette#viral#viralvideos#wrap#sweetpotato#guacamole#wrap#protein#recettefacile#recettesaine#maigrir#pertedepoids#healthy#homemade#healthyfood#healthylifestyle#fitfood#foodie#brunch#snack#reels#reelsforyou#nutrition#coach#nutritionist#diet#vegan"
Frederikke Wærens - Food & Cake inspiration on Instagram: "The viral potato wraps with cheese and oregano filled with pesto, spinach, parma ham, mozzarella, balsamic glace and pine nuts👏🏻🌯 An easy glutenfree wrap that you can fill with anything you like😍 Go get the easy recipe on my blog (in both Danish and English) - link in bio #potatowrap #kartoffelwrap #potatoes"
@veganrecipe_ideas on Instagram: ""GET The Complete Plant Based Cookbook - Over 200+ Delicious Vegan Recipes Including 30-day Meal Plans" =>> LINK IN BIO 🔗 @veganrecipe_ideas 1️⃣ or 2️⃣? What recipe do you like the most? by @kidfriendly.meals 1️⃣ Quinoa Wraps (Tortillas) Ingredients 1 cup yellow quinoa (185g) 1 1/2 cups room temperature water 2 tablespoons chia seeds Instructions Rinse the quinoa under cold running water in a fine-mesh strainer. Transfer to a large bowl and cover with water. Use enough water to submerge the quinoa completely. Allow the quinoa to soak for at least 3 hours. Drain and rinse again under cold water in a fine-mesh strainer to remove any remaining residue. Drain and add to a high-speed blende along with water, chia seeds, and optional seasoning(s). Blend un
Famille Healthy - Recettes saines on Instagram: "👉 Commentez "Bilan" pour obtenir votre bilan gratuit Wrap délicieux et rapide à réaliser 🫔🥑 🌟 Ingrédients : - 2 œufs - 1 tomate - 1 tortilla - 1/2 avocat - quelques oignons marinés - halloumi - miel - épinards - sel, piment et poivre noir 👉 Votre bilan gratuit en commentant "Bilan" sur ce post 🌟 Instructions : 1. Suivre les étapes de la vidéo. Bon appétit 💚 👉 Votre bilan gratuit en commentant "Bilan" sur ce post ⁠ by@ recipesbyvictoria #wrap #avocat #recettefacile #recette #miam #perdredupoids #alimentation #maigrirensemble #instaregimeuse #mangerbien #dietetique #alimentationsaine #minciravecplaisir #regimeuse #mangerbouger #viesaine #mincir #repriseenmain #produitsfrais #maigrir #teamgallice #recetteshealthy #miammiam #sain #e
Anne-Charlotte Boukachabine on Instagram: "Recette du Wrap Hyper Protéiné: Ingrédients pour 1 wrap - 250-300g de cottage cheese ( 1 pot et demi ) - 2 œufs - Une poignée de roquette - Deux tranches de tomates - Un demi avocat - Deux rondelles de mozzarella - Huile d’olive - Vinaigre balsamique - Graines de sésame - Origan Instructions: 1. Préchauffer le four à 180°C. 2. Mélanger le cottage cheese avec les œufs et mixer jusqu’à obtenir une préparation homogène. 3. Étaler la préparation sur une feuille de papier cuisson. 4. Assaisonner avec des graines de sésame et de l’origan, selon votre goût. 5. Cuire au four pendant 25-30 minutes. 6. Laisser refroidir avant de décoller. 7. Garnir le wrap de roquette, tomates, avocat, mozzarella. 8. Arroser d’huile d’olive et de vinaigre balsami
Wraps au poulet, à l’avocat et au citron vert
Régalez-vous avec ces wraps fourrées au guacamole, poulet et lardons. C'est délicieux et très pratique pour un repas sur le pouce, au bureau ou à la maison.