Animals and wildlife

109 Pins
" I thoughts yoo wuz gonna release me in a few days. Dis haz been a long time in captivity - DONT'S get any ideas of keepin' me fer a pet ! "
Hipster Alpaca- Dude! needs to show
Hipster Alpaca- Dude! needs to show "the donald" how it's done RIGHT!!! eat your heart out, trump!!!
I make a snowman !! by Vadim Trunov / 500px
Squirrel: "Humans, please don't think you have the monopoly of building snowmen ~ many of us animals know how to do it too ~ including me!"
May 9-16 Red Squirrel (juv) (12)
(Feelin' Squirrely group board) More
Lying big moufflon
Lying big moufflon
A lemur and his tail
A lemur and his tail
Super cute baby koala and mother just hanging out, looking like stuffed toys
Double koala!
9.1(Sat) 二度と行きたくない店と食べ物 / food | 内山安雄のユーモア通信 / Yasuo Uchiyama's Humor