Wood Projects

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243K views · 4K reactions | DIY Dollar Tree Cubby Shelf | DIY Dollar Tree Cubby Shelf Order Metal label holders here: https://amzn.to/2RFP6nv #dollartreequeen #windycitycrafts #diydollartreedecor... | By Windy City Crafts | Facebook
Barn Candle Holder DIY | Sharing a fun project using Dollar Tree supplies. #farmhousedecor #dollartreediy #dollartree #diydecor #crafts | By Country Lily Decor | For this project, we're using two of Dollar Tree's wood house-shaped pieces. They're fairly thick and this is the barcode in case you want to look that up online if you can't find it in your store. You could also use a scrap piece of wood. These measure about five inches across and from the top to bottom about seven inches. I'm going to use my hair dryer to easily remove both of those labels. We're also going to be using some of these wood planks. They come in a package of six they measure four and a half inches square. You'll need two of those. We're going to put the house pieces on one side and using some wood glue. We're going to apply that to each side of the house and add a little bit of hot glue just to hold our wood plank in place so that we'll easily be able to turn this around and add our other wood plank on the other side. Again, using the wood glue. Then, you'll want to take some larger clamps and you can find these large clamps at Harbor Freight and you'll just want to clamp each side and allow that wood glue to set up. It's going to give it a nice, strong, sturdy hold. Once it has completely set up, I'm going to take a piece of sandpaper and go over the entire piece just smoothing it out but also removing any of the excess glue that may have seeped out. Once you wipe that down, you can then paint it or stain it at the color of your choice. I didn't have any stain color that I particularly liked on hand so I'm going to some Waverly Antique Wax and splash a little bit of water in there just to thin it out and give it a lighter color then I'm going to apply this on the entire outside of the piece using a soft brush and before that dries I'll take a dry paper towel and go over it to remove the excess and blend it in I'll do this around the entire piece and then some of the areas where some of the glue seep through and maybe you couldn't sand it down or just the imperfections in the wood. If you want to cover some of that up, just take some of your antique wax, add it over top of it, and instead of wiping it off, just take your cloth or paper towel and just dab it in or you could leave it with the variation of colors if you like that but I kind of wanted mine to blend in better so I use that method to kind of darken some of those lighter areas up. Using one of Dollar Tree's metal corrugated plaques. This one measures 7 inches square. I'm going to remove the hanger and then I'll find the center point where that groove is for the center. You can bend this. It's very bendable. It's kind of easy. It's not super sturdy. You do have to kind of work with it a little bit. You want to bend it almost to an L shape. Once you get it like that, you'll set it on top of the house and originally, I wanted to use just this one sign but when I set it on top, it's not quite long enough on the side and I didn't like that so I'm going to grab a second metal corrugated sign and once I remove the hanger from that, I can overlap these two pieces together so I'll need to flatten out my first piece and then overlap them and it's going to have about three grooves on each end that's not overlapped and you could just set this on top of the house and kind of make sure you have the equal distance on each side. Once I know exactly where I want to bend it, I'm just going to bend that over just like we did our first sign bending it into a L shape and I am putting the two holes on the inside so at least when they overlap, you'll only see one set of holes on the roof. I'm going to do the exact same thing for the other piece. Once I have those bent into shape and I like the way they are conforming to the top of the house to reinforce them a bit, I'm going to take some E6000 and apply that to all of the areas where they overlap. This is just going to kind of give it a stronger bond and then I'll put the clamps in place on each end just to make sure that that E6000 sets up and that these two pieces are glued together. Once that glue has set up, I'm going to set this on top of the house. Now, you could leave it in the center and make like a house-shaped roof but I kind of want mine to have a porch. So, I'm going to push that tin more towards one end like this going to take my drill and pre drill some holes at the bottom and top and then add these tiny little silver nails that match this corrugated metal perfectly you want to do that on each end so you'll have a total of eight nails in there two on each side at the top and the bottom so it should be looking something like this now I want to create a base for this so I'm going to use one of Dollar Tree's signs this has like a faux wood look on front of it so if you wanted to stain it you could I'm measuring the width of the tin portion so I make sure I have enough of the base I'll measure and mark that out and I'm also going to do the length of the tin so once I have that measured and marked out I'm going to set this on a cutting board and then using my utility knife scored a few times and then this will break right off and if you have any little extra pieces you can trim that down with your utility knife again I'm going to make it the exact same width of the house. So, I had to score and cut the other side as well. Once I know this is going to fit perfectly, I'm going to take a wooden dowel. These come in a pack from Dollar Tree and I want to make post for the front. So, to cut that angle, I'm just going to hold the dowel at the top of the tin and make a mark and then using my handheld miter shears and I have this listed in my Amazon store. If you guys are interested, I'm going to cut that angle and then hold the base at the bottom to make a mark so that I'll have the right length once I know it's going to fit properly I will cut the dowel down for the other side so we'll have a post on each side and I'll just use that first one as a template and then I like to run this over some sandpaper to make sure the ends are nice and smooth so when we get ready to glue em they will adhere flat now we can glue our house onto our base and I'm going to make it flush to the back and the sides and once we have that set in place, we can then add in our dowels for our posts in the front. So, I'm just using some hot glue but you could certainly use a more permanent glue if you like. Once I have both of those dowels in place, I want to add something a little bit extra in the front for a design. Using the same size dowel, I held that in place, made a mark, and cut that so that it would fit in between the two dowels that are already on there. That in place with some hot glue. Then I'm going to take another dowel and put that at the peak of the roof. Make a mark right above that center dowel. Cut that down. Sand it and I always like to make sure that it's going to fit before I put any glue on there. Once that's glued in place, I want to hold a dowel up off to an angle on one side. I can make a mark right below the tin so I'll know exactly what angle to cut and then I can hold in place and make my marking at the bottom which is sort of going to look like an L shape so that it will fit in between those two dowels. Once I know that's going to fit perfectly, I can put the hot glue on there and hold that in place and I'm going to create one identical to go on the opposite side. You could use a super glue for this. I found that by using hot glue, it held it there instantly and I didn't have to clamp anything If you need to add extra glue, you can do so then you want to go back, make sure you remove all your glue strands and I'm using some sandpaper to kind of sand off some of the clumps of glue. I debated on whether or not I wanted to paint this white or black and I decided that black would look better with my decor so I painted all of the dowels as well as the base in the front and I think it turned out gorgeous but I would love to know what you guys think in can even add a battery operated votive to give it a little bit of warmth right there on the porch. For more budget friendly home decor, DIYs and crafts make sure to like and follow.
79K views · 1.7K reactions | Dollar Tree DIY | Dollar Tree DIY | By We Craft Around | Hey, everybody. It's Beth. Today, I'm using these wooden palettes and candle holder from Dollar Tree. I take the four palettes and set them up side by side making sure they're nice and even with each other. I measure up from the bottom two and a half inches and mark those and put some masking tape along all of those on those markings. Underneath the tape, I'm painting it with plaster color chalk paint and I make sure to get in between each of those slots on there as well as the edges of all of them. I remove the tape and then touch up the sides and the backside of the palette. Once that paint is done and dry on each of them I tape off the plaster chalk paint and paint the other section with linen color chalk paint by Folk Art. And again I paint the sides in between the slots and the back. Next I'm taking the candle holder and painting that with a linen color chalk paint as well. I make sure to give that a couple coats. And then after I have that painted and that paint is dry I cover it with a matte varnish by Waverly that'll seal on the paint so it doesn't chip. And then add some hot glue to the side of one of the palettes. And then hold another palette up against that. So it's in the shape of like an L. And then flip it over and do the same thing on the other side. And then I hot glue the final one on the top. Just adding hot glue where they'll meet. And then flip it over so I'll be working with the bottom of it which is the linen color. I placed some craft sticks along the bottom. I needed five for the bottom portion and then another two to glue across them. I take the five that will be going inside and trim one of them down. And then take that one as my guide and cut the other four to match up with that size. I then line all of those up that I had cut down to size and take the other two and hot glue them across all five of those. I then add some hot glue to the bottom of the palettes and then place down the craft sticks and I make sure that the pieces that are glued against those is facing upward into the palettes. I then paint the bottom of that with the linen color chalk paint. I then added some hot glue to the bottom of the candle holder since it's smaller and it'll be able to fit in between the palettes. So I glued that to the craft sticks. That is it for this project. Thank you so much for watching.
152K views · 18K reactions | HERZEN ♥️💕 Ob bauchig und mit richtigen Rundungen oder schlank und gestreckt.....Herzen machen doch immer eine gute Figur, oder? Ich verwende für meine Holzsägearbeiten immer alte Restbestände an Holz, deshalb gibt bei mir die Breite des Brettes immer die Form des Herzens vor. Tipp: ....die Konservendose wird je nach Jahreszeit ausdekoriert, so hat man das ganze Jahr über Freude an seiner kreativen Handarbeit. Alternativ verwende ich auch gerne einmal künstliche Blumen wenn sie natürlich aussehen. Mit Naturmaterialien kombiniert,wirken doch die Schneeglöckchen ziemlich echt....oder? Verwendet ihr auch gelegentlich Kunstblumen in euren Dekorationen? Liebe Grüße Eure Birgit 🧑‍🦰💕 Titel: Free Bird Künstler: Christian Davis Link: https://www.facebook.com/sound/collection/?sound_collection_tab=sound_tracks&asset_id=402168332495550&reference=artist_attr #herz #holzwerken #holzherz #holz #holzarbeiten #heart #winterdekoration #holzliebe #upcycled #upcycling #upcycle #schneeglöckchen #geschenkidee #geschenk #present #gestaltung #dekoidee #floralinspiration #mydiymydecor #naturalcrafts #geschenkidee #naturdeko #dekoinspiration #winterdekoration #winterdeko #selbstgemacht #einfachschön | Birgit Helbig
9.3K views · 295 reactions | Dollar Tree Planter | Dollar Tree Planter | By Creating Through Chaos | Hey, everybody. It's Janice with Creating Through Chaos and we're going to start this project off today with these two little crates that I got from Dollar Tree. These are newer. They just got there. I don't know within the last couple of months and I'm going to paint them with chalk paint in the color celery and it's waverly chalk paint. I even painted the bottoms and the back. You don't really have to do the back for this project but I did anyway and then I painted sort of kind of down on the inside of the crate not fully painted the inside of the crate but just down on inside edges. And I did that on both crates. So once I had those all painted I am going to set those aside and I'm going to use this board that I got at Dollar Tree. Also it's just a plain sign. And I am going to paint the edges of that with the same colour celery paint. And I'm just going to paint around the whole frame. I even did the edges and then I did get inside of the edges like in the center. But you don't have to do that. Once my paint was fully dry I'm going to take my sign and the crates and I'm going to sand off all of the edges. So just go around quickly and hit all the edges. It didn't take much effort to pull off what I wanted to with the sander. And just making sure that I got all edges of the crate. The tops and the sides. And even along the bottoms of them. And once I had them all sanded I am going to take some antique wax and go around the edges of the crates. And then I'm going to take a baby wipe and kind of wipe off some of the stain around the edges. And then I'm going to also use the baby wipe to kind of pull off some and put it in the center of the crates. So as you can see I did it in the center and then I'm going to take the wet side of the baby wipe and just kind of wipe off all of the excess because I didn't want these to be too dark because I still wanted to see that celery color but I wanted them to have an aged look. And again I'm going to do the same thing with the sign. And I just kind of went back and forth with the wax between the applicator and the baby wipe till I got the look that I wanted. So once everything was all dry and all stained. I am going to take this one crate and I'm going to glue it to the very bottom of this sign. And this is going to go right to the very bottom. So this could stand on its own if it wanted to or you can hang it. I had taken the hanger off of the sign and I added it to the backside for the vertical way instead of hanging it horizontally. I'm going to glue second crate about halfway up the sign just so that they were evenly spaced apart. And then once I had those both glued on I am going to add some of this greenery that I got at Hobby Lobby. And this is my favourite greenery. I think it is so beautiful. I don't know the name of it. Um but it was 799 and then when you get the 40% off it ends up being $4 and some change. And you get quite a lot in one bundle. And once you have these all filled up this project is done and I think it turned so super cute. I love it. I chose the greenery because I liked how it looked with the color of the celery paint. If you want, you could use flowers. You could use any greenery that you have. It's totally up to you to personalize this and make it your own. I hope you enjoyed this project. I think it turned out absolutely amazing and it was super simple to make. Thank you guys for watching and as always, don't forget to spread the chaos.
30K views · 918 reactions | Decorative Display Tray DIY | Decorative Display Tray DIY | By We Craft Around | Hey everybody it's Beth. Today I'm using this ten inch wooden tray that I got from Michael's as well as these 20 millimeter half round wood beads from Amazon. I take the four wooden beads and hot glue them to the bottom. I then paint the entire thing with linen color chalk paint by Folkart. I then take some 12 millimeter half round wood beads also from Amazon. Apply some tacky glue to the bottom of each of those and then place them around that top rim of the tray. Now you can do this before you paint the tray. Whatever you find is easier. I decided to put them on after I painted it and then just go back and touch those up with the same paint. And then I'm taking these rub-on transfers there by Timeless Designs and you can get them from Amazon. I cut off a section, removed the backing, and placed it down on the center of the tray. And then just use the little stick it comes with to rub on the image. And then start peeling up the film from the front nice and slow to make sure that everything is stuck down. And that is it for this project. Thank you so much for watching.
222K views · 4.7K reactions | Dollar Display Shelf DIY | In case you missed it. Dollar Display Shelf DIY | By We Craft Around | Hey, guys. It's Beth. Today, I'll be using two of these easels from Dollar Tree and some of their plankwood. I started by removing the screws on the back that connect that little stand. And then take the piece that's connecting the top. And then remove the centerpiece and set that aside because I will not be using it. I'll just be using the two end pieces on each easel. I take wood glue and glue those two pieces together. Using some paint just tape to hold them in place while they dry. I take the stand and I'll be cutting it. I did not measure the size. I just kind of held it along the bottom. Cut a piece off and sanded both pieces. The smaller piece that I had cut will be glued ten inches from the bottom of the stand. And the larger piece will be glued two and a quarter inches from the bottom. And I used wood glue to attach that. And then I did the same thing to the second easel. And then I set those aside to dry. And took sandstone chalk paint by Waverly and cover both pieces of plankwood with two coats. I waited about an hour for these to dry and then used home decor wax by Folkart and brushed the wax on both of the easels. Now I wanted to leave it a darker color so I did not blend it in. I just brushed it on and left it as it was. But if you want a lighter color you can use a baby wipe to wipe off the excess wax and it would be lighter. After everything was completely dry, I had started by putting wood glue on the bottom shelf, one of the easels and to get the second shelf to stand up, I just put some clips on the bottom against my desk and then I added some hot glue with the wood glue on both of those stands on the bottom little shelf placed down my plank wood and I do end up clamping these and letting them dry completely overnight but for now, it stays just fine with the hot glue. Then I do the same on the top shelf. Wood glue and hot glue. And place down my plank wood. And that's it for this project. Super easy and cute. Thank you guys so much for watching.
23K views · 319 reactions | Love this sign and this print from Decoupage Central. I’m so ready for spring🌻 #sunflowers #farmhousedecorating #springdecor #hamdmadedecor #woodsignsdecor #dowhatmakesyoursoulhappy,#decoupageCentral | Simply Bella by Julie
1.2M views · 5.5K reactions | Such a cutie little gift! #asmr #homedecor #lettering #handletteringvideo | Meredithstoll
35K views · 997 reactions | Wall planter DIY | Wall planter DIY | By We Craft Around | Hey, everybody. It's Beth. So, I'm using this plastic planter and shelfsetters from Dollar Tree. I took the shelfsetters and painted them with Barcelona beige chalk paint by Volkart and I covered them completely with two coats. Next I take my planter and I use my square to get a nice straight line across the bottom. And then for the sides it was a little bit tricky so I just held it up against the side to get a straight line down on both sides. And then I took my fisker shears and just cut that in half. And I wanted it to sit flat so I just kind of held it along my desk and till I had the lines cut straight. Just kept trimming it up until they were nice and straight and then took my sander and sanded those down. I then took cottage white chalk paint also by Folk Art and painted both of those. I painted the outside and then just the rim on the inside right on the top so you couldn't see that. Those I gave two coats. The first coat I painted with a paint brush. The second coat I used a sponge to apply it. Just so you don't have any of those paint brush strokes and it just covers better on the plastic. Once those were completely dry, I used a matte varnish by Waverly to seal them. It'll help prevent the paint from chipping off the plastic. You could also use Mod Podge that would work just as well. Next I went back to the shelf sitters. And on the side that'll be the back. I took these little picture hangers. I believe I got them from Hobby Lobby. I used a tumbling block to keep them straight and give me spacing correctly on both. I haul glued them into place at first. And the nails are really tiny so I just took some needle nose pliers, held those into place, and then used my hammer to attach those. And on the planters just to get them to attach better. I hot glued some tumbling blocks on the inside right along the edge. So those will be what I will be hot gluing to the little shelf sitters that I have painted. I put one on each of the bottoms on the inside and then one on each of the sides. I then put some hot glue on the tumbling blocks and placed it down on the sign. Last thing I did was just added in some greenery. This is a box wood pick from Walmart. And that's it for this project. Thank you so much for watching.
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