GCSE Drama Studio

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I don't think there is a specific definition for his technique. Tom Haney makes mechanical prop arts and toys using assemblage techniques. He is Inspired by inventors such as the Wright brothers. "Some of my earliest memories are of creating things (toys, games etc,) and I've also always been fascinated with anything mechanical, often taking household items apart, much to my parents' disapproval. http://tomhaney.com/bio.htm
AlienFox Designs – Gabriel
Headpiece: AlienFox Designs Model: Luke Godfrey. The Goblin Ball - Sat 22 June 2013. Melbourne, Australia
Julian Crouch juliancrouch.com An artist extraordinaire. Masks, sets, puppets..did i mention i love masks and puppets??? These are from the Met Opera's production of Satyagrha
Where Professional Models Meet Model Photographers
what a mask