French Language for Bilinguals

All about learning #French language. We love the French language, let's share our favorite resources to learn #French. UNRELATED CONTENT WILL BE DELETED AND SPAMMERS WILL BE BANNED WITHOUT NOTICE. This board is brought to you by Think Bilingual - Learn by doing
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Language Study Tip
Language exchange is a great way to improve fluency while making new friends! Who else has tried this method?
Frustrations of living in another language
Here are some frustrations of living in another language. Language learning isn't always easy.
Language Learning Motivation
Staying motivated is an important factor in language learning.
5 Reasons why having a foreign accent in French is a good thing
Language learning is not easy and an accent is not a measure of your success or failure. Here are 5 reasons why having a foreign accent in French is a good thing.
Quick French lesson: How to say “only”
Quick French lesson: When you want to say “only”
Does Bradley Cooper speak French? Amazed by what I learned from it!
Language learning isn't easy but there are tricks that help. Here's what we can learn from Bradley Cooper speaking French. This is my take on the Bradley Cooper French language skills we can learn from. (Credit: Tinseltown /
5 Tips to make your French more natural
Oui In France 5 Tips to make your French more natural
Oui In France
Oui In France French language: 5 Tips to make your French more natural
Most useful French travel phrases for your trip to France (with AUDIO)
These useful French travel phrases will have you well on your way to scoring points with the French on your next trip to France. The next time you're considering French travel, be sure to listen to these French language travel phrases that will help you greet people, order food, get directions and more when you're a tourist in France. There are audio examples that will help with pronunciation. #frenchtravel #francetravel #frenchlanguage #france #europetravel #francevacation
Having an accent is not a defect
Having an accent is not a defect. Language learning is an ongoing process and we learn all the time. Speaking with a foreign accent in another language is normal and it's nothing to be ashamed of whether you're a tourist, expat, student, etc. #accent #languagelearning #havinganaccent #learningfrench #language #expat
How to say good luck in French and phrases to wish someone well (AUDIO)
Good luck in French and other phrases to wish someone well in this French language lesson with audio.
5 Tips to make your French more natural
5 Tips to make your French more natural for the language learners out there.