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2.2M views · 181K reactions | Tavuk Çorbası / Chicken Soup 🍲 English⬇️ Siz tavuk çorbasını nasıl seversiniz? Malzemeler 2 parça tavuk 1 soğan 2 patates 2 havuç 2 domates Tuz ve toz biber, karabiber Zeytinyağ ve tereyağ Üzerini geçecek kadar sıcak su ve hazır 🥰🤌🏼 afiyet olsun ⬇️ How do you like chicken soup? Ingredients 2 pieces of chicken 1 onion 2 potatoes 2 carrots 2 tomatoes Salt and pepper Olive oil and butter Enough hot water to cover and ready 🥰🤌🏼 bon appetit #busezeynep #chicken #chickensoup | Buse Zeynep
14K views · 48 reactions | Csicseris-aszalt paradicsomos orzo tészta👌😍 Mentsd el és próbáld ki ebédre vagy vacsira🙌 | By Gökler Kriszti | Facebook
Indiai vajas csirke megúszós „naan”-nal
19K views · 135 reactions | Csőben sült burgonya Hozzávalók: 80 dkg burgonya 4 dl tejszín 2 ek vaj 2 gerezd fokhagyma 2 csomag sült csülök 20 dkg reszelt sajt Ízlés szerint só, bors, majoranna | GastroHobbi
2.5M views · 28K reactions | Recept: Egészséges Tiramisu Hozzávalók 2 főre: - 80 g zabpehely - 2 evőkanál chia mag - 2 dl tejeskávé (bármilyen tejjel, kávé erőssége szabadon választható) -Összekeverjük, pihentetjük 4-6 órát a hűtőben, és megszórjuk holland kakaóporral - 200 g görög joghurt ( méz mennyisége rátok van bízva, kb 2-4 evőkanál) #zabpehely #chiamag #kávézás #tejecske #Joghurt #méz #tiramisu | Not a funny chef
447K views · 88K reactions | Простой и вкусный салат из капусты ща 5 минут!! Ингредиенты: Пекинская капуста Морковь Огурец Яйца 4 шт Зелень Сметана 2ст.л Горчица 1ч.л Сок лимона Оливковое масло Соль Перец Сушеный Чеснок | Нона Тухикян
115K views · 585 reactions | Elkészítenéd? | GastroHobbi
5M views · 383K reactions | Всего 5 минут! Простой и вкусный салат из капусты ✅ИНГРЕДИЕНТЫ: ▫️ Пекинская капуста — 250 г ▫️ Огурец — 200 г ▫️ Морковь — 150 г ▫️ Зелень — 2 ст л ▫️ Яйцо — 3 шт ▫️ Сметана — 100 г ▫️ Горчица — ½ ч л ▫️ Сок лимона — 1 ст л ▫️ Соль — ¼ ч л ▫️ Черный перец — ¼ ч л ▫️ Чеснок сушеный — ¼ ч л ▫️ Оливковое масло — 2 ст л | gromovguru
1M views · 10K reactions | Sertéstarja savanyú káposztával | Sertéstarja savanyú káposztával Hozzávalók: 8 szelet sertéstarja 1 kg burgonya 2 fej vöröshagyma 2 tk őrölt fűszerpaprika 80 dkg savanyú káposzta 3 dl... | By GastroHobbi | Facebook
519K views · 5.2K reactions | Sajttekercs egyszerűen | Ezzel az apró trükkel sokkal egyszerűbb lesz sajttekercset készíteni! 🎄🎄🧀Recept kommentben! | By Receptneked | Facebook
100K views · 662 reactions | It's so delicious that I cook it almost every day! Incredible Chicken and Rice Recipe! | It's so delicious that I cook it almost every day! Incredible Chicken and Rice Recipe! | By Mr Chef | Facebook
2.7M views · 2.4K reactions | Apple & Brie Crostini with Hot Honey | honey, snack, apple | your new fav fall snack: Apple & Brie Crostini with Hot Honey ❤️ | By Ambitious Kitchen | This could be your next girl dinner. So pay attention. These are my apple brie and hot honey crostini and damn they are good. It starts off with good quality brie. Put that on a crostini and bake it until the brie is nice and melty. Top with honey crust apple, a little prosciutto, arugula, and a drizzle of homemade hot honey. Recipe's on
I make this casserole every other weekend ❗️ Delicious broccoli and cauliflower ❗️ | I make this casserole every weekend ❗️ Delicious broccoli and cauliflower ❗️ Chop 4 potatoes Boil until almost ready Chop the cauliflower Boil for... | By Comida de la nevera | Chop 4 potatoes. Boil until almost ready. Chop the cauliflower. Boil for 2-3 minutes. Slice the broccoli. Chop 2 onions. Grate the carrots. Frying oil. Boil the broccoli for 2-3 minutes. Frying oil. Fry the onion and carrot. Rinse the broccoli with cold water. Butter (2 oz or 60 g). 2 tablespoons flour. 3½ fl oz or 100 ml chicken broth. 2 fl oz or 60 ml of milk. Provencal herbs with salt. Salt and pepper. Coriander and Provencal herbs. Dry garlic. Preheat the oven, 350F or 180C. Add the sauce and stir. Grate gouda cheese. Bake in the oven for 30 minutes (350F or 180C).
3.8M views · 16K reactions | You DON'T NEED TO FRY zucchini ❗️ This recipe has conquered the world ❗️ | You DON'T NEED TO FRY zucchini ❗️ This recipe has conquered the world ❗️ Slice 2 zucchini Salt and pepper Smoked paprika Dry garlic Olive oil Bake in... | By Comida de la nevera | Slice 2 zucchini. Salt and pepper. Smoked paprika. Dry garlic. Olive oil. Bake in the oven for 25 minutes (375F or 200C). Grate gouda cheese. Chop the dill. 4 garlic cloves. 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise. Put the mixture on the zucchini. Bake for 10 minutes (375F or 200 C).