Middle school classroom

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Science Teacher Decal, Science classroom decor, Science class decal, Science door decal, Back to school wall decor
Science decal for a Science classroom decor: "Science Teacher using the periodic table elements". This sharp looking science quote is a perfect decal for a science teacher classroom door, science lab decor, Chemistry classroom, Chemistry Lab for back to school wall decor Approx. sizes: 11Hx22W 16Hx33W 20.5Hx43W Each decal is made of high quality, self-adhesive, matte-finish vinyl that gives a crisply painted look to whatever surface you choose to apply it to: walls, doors, windows, mirrors, wood, plexiglass, etc. Clean, dry, and flat surfaces work the best for our vinyl wall decals but they can be applied to textured walls and surfaces. The decal will simply reflect the texture of the surface and may take a little more time and love to make it stay put. Vinyl is removable, but not reu
Meet the Teacher & Classroom Information Forms for Back to School
Meet the Teacher & Classroom Information Forms for Back to School Meet the Teacher template one page spread syllabus for back to school open house fun way to get to know the teacher. editable through google I found that when the countdown begins to the first day of school, I simply do not have time to create a beautiful flipbook or foldable for my student’s parents to be used at the Open House, or Meet the Teacher! I also didn’t want to sacrifice the time it would take to type up a letter that s