Lagom lifestyle

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What is lagom? And how do you become a lagomer?
Ikea are slowly but surely helping to create a movement of sustainable living, as more and more people are getting on board and becoming lagomers. By Ikea's definition, lagomer is: 'A person who is working towards living a more lagom lifestyle – making small changes to their everyday life to minimise environmental impact, being thrifty with resources and enjoying a fun, happy and balanced life.' There is no one way to live sustainably, it's all about finding a balance, but with...
How to bring lagom into your home: 16 tips from designers and stylists
Swedish word 'Lagom' comes from the phrase 'lagom är bäst', meaning just the right amount; not too much, not too little. It's about having a balanced, sustainable, and equally enjoyable, lifestyle.We already know how to embrace the lagom lifestyle by changing our habits, but how do we incorporate this trend into our home décor? It's all about eliminating the unnecessary and focusing on functional pieces with sleek, minimalistic and curated styles. With lagom you can still have a beauti...
Bringing sleep magic home
A sleep routine is as personal as any other routine. Hatch Restore will help to design the routine that works for you.
Struggling With Stress Or Work-Life Balance? Learn From The Swedish Life Philosophy “Lagom”
‘Moderation’ isn’t exactly a popular word with regards to school and work. Going for ‘good enough’ is mostly frowned upon in the Western world. That is until you hear about the Swedish philosophy ‘lagom’. ‘Lagom’ can be translated as “not too little, not too much, just right”. This single word describes the general Swedish life philosophy: everyone should have enough and not too much. A great example is ‘fika’. ‘Fika’ is the act of meeting up for a coffee (or tea) and having a chat.
Lagom Lifestyle – make 2019 the year of balance
Tips for living the Lagom Lifestyle of balance - not too little, not too much. Just right. #lagom #lifestyle #wellness #balance