Veterans Day bulletin day

16 Pins
The Characteristics of a Soldier - Veterans Day Bulletin Board
As Veterans Day nears, if you're looking for a display that can be used as a decoration as well as a jumping off point for discussing the holiday - what it means and why we honor the courageous men...
Patriotic Bulletin Board Idea | Printable Bulletin Board Kit July 4th | Veterans
Show your American pride with a Patriotic Printable Bulletin Board Kit! This kit includes a "Land Of The Free Because Of The Brave" saying, with red white and bule stars, American flag, and other symbols of freedom and liberty. Perfect for decorating your classroom, office, or home for Memorial Day, Veterans Day, or any other patriotic holiday.Bulletin Borders, Text Saying, Decorative Images, and activity are all included in this kit.A full color, 22-paged, PDF file - sized 11x8.5" for easy prin