Salud y bienestar

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Salud Integral (@cupidodijo) on X
Salud Integral (@cupidodijo) on X
El mejor ejercicio para rejuvenecer
Tu piel puede rejuvenecer con la rutina adecuada. ¡Descubre cómo con estos ejercicios faciales! Busca en 🌸💫
Vidafaciall | ⭐️CLIC EN EL LINK DE NUESTRO PERFIL SI TE GUSTARÍA APRENDER MÁS. 🟢Si aún no me sigues te invito a que lo hagas para que no te pierdas... | Instagram
Bliss yoga on Instagram: "Unlock a simple technique that can help reduce tension in the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) while promoting a youthful, contoured look! 🌟 Gently pressing on the TMJ area (located near the ear) while opening your mouth can not only relieve TMJ discomfort but also stimulate circulation and muscle tone, which helps to tighten the face. By targeting the area beneath the zygomatic bone, you can help enhance facial contours naturally. This pressure point therapy works by activating key muscles and increasing blood flow, giving you a more youthful appearance and better facial structure over time. Try it daily for visible results! 💆‍♀️✨ #TMJRelief #FacialContouring #YouthfulGlow #TMJDisorder #FacialMuscleRelaxation #NaturalBeauty #HealthySkin #AntiAging #WellnessTips
Trucos de Belleza on Instagram: "Nuestros mejores consejos dermatológicos...🤫🤭 • • • • • #pestañaslargas #belleza #secretosdebelleza #modelo #pestañas #consejosdebienestar #suero #rutinadeskincare #bellezatips #consejosdebelleza #usa"
La forma correcta de usar skindion✨ Consíguelo en #skindion #liftingfacial #pielperfecta
La forma correcta de usar skindion✨ Consíguelo en #skindion ...
Foot-foundation of health."foot health"
Foot-foundation of health."foot health" credit:@Weightloss Enthusiast | Home Workout Tips
Unlock the Power of Facial Cupping In Your Skincare Routine!
Discover the incredible benefits of facial cupping with with my in-depth guide, including how exactly it should be done and before-and-after comparisons. Your journey to beautiful, glowing skin starts here! Head to the blog for my facial cupping video tutorial!
This contains an image of: Buccal or Intra-oral Massage for Face muscle tension reduction!
Buccal or Intra-oral Massage for Face muscle tension reduction!
This contains an image of: ADIOS PAPADA 👵🏼👩🏼💥👶🏼