Bulletin Board 1

Bulletin Boards: Sustainability, Safety, Alcohol and drugs, Diversity, napping, roommate, stress, breast, Personal skills, Seasonal...
160 Pins
ResLife Crafts: Photo
Finding Nemo themed sexual assault bulletin board (April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month)
Bulletin Board Winners: August/September 2013
Villanova RA Blog: Bulletin Board Winners: August/September 2013
Paint themed passive-RA bulletin: paint yourself a better semester with tips!
Bulletin Board: A custom made wheel for an interactive bulletin board where 1-3 residents can spin until one acquires a set number of points. Resident Assistant, Resident Advisor, RA ~
The Walking Dead, The Dangers of Sleep Deprivation #ra #ca #bulletinboard #october #octoberbulletinboard #octoberrabulletinboard #reslife #communityassistant #residentassistant #caprobs #raprobs #thewalkingdead #twd #sleepdeprivation #zombie
ResLife Crafts
Don’t come back a zombie: tips on avoiding the second semester slumps.