
17 Pins
Take the Secret Out of “Secret Sisters” for Deeper Relationships and Better Follow-Through
Just Sisters! A women’s ministry idea for Small Churches. Foster deeper relationships in your small church Women’s Ministry with a Just Sisters Program. See how one church revamped a Secret Sisters Program from hurt feelings and lack of follow-through to face-to-face friendships and sharing.
Women's Ministry Themes
Do you need a theme for your women's ministry? Use God’s Word as the cornerstone for YOUR events! Join me to learn how to pick the right theme for you, your ministry, and your women.
10 Ideas for Church Women's Events that Women Will Actually Enjoy - Bare Marriage
10 Women's Ministry Event Ideas
13 Ways to Publicize Your Event Inside Your Church - Women's Ministry Toolbox
Publicity has the potential to make or break your event. If women don’t know what is going on they can’t attend. Relying on the Sunday bulletin or church newsletter is no longer enough. Women need multiple reminders. Your women have busy schedules. And some just plain forget! Here are 13 ways you can publicize events …
How to Get Women to Show Up
Is your team struggling to get women to show up at your women’s ministry events and activities? Trust me, you're NOT alone, join me today while we talk about meetings, and my best tips for a successful Women's Ministry Meeting!
How to Create a More Welcoming Women's Ministry - Women's Ministry Toolbox
Are your women less than welcoming? Check out these ideas for creating a more welcoming women's ministry! #womensministry #hospitality