Bodyweight Workouts

Welcome to our Bodyweight Workouts Pinterest board! Here, you'll find a wide variety of exercises and routines that use only your bodyweight as resistance. From beginner-friendly exercises to advanced workouts, we have something for everyone. Get fit and strong without the need for any equipment. Follow our board for daily inspiration and tips on how to incorporate bodyweight exercises into your fitness routine.
30 Pins
How to Do A Side Plank With Leg Lift
The reason this is one of the best exercises for losing love handles is because it incorporates both the upper and lower part of the oblique muscles. Most exercise try to concentrate on one section of the love handle. This exercise forces the entire area to hold your whole body up. This way, it recruits more muscle fibers and strengthens the area very effectively.
A Complete Guide To 27 Different Types of Pull Ups You Can Do on a Homemade Home Gym
Recently, I pulled out my full PVC home gym and thought I’d do a bunch of pull-ups. Pull-ups are a great way to develop upper body strength, especially in your lats and biceps. Yet did you know that there were so many different types of them?
Pull Up King Got Brought To His Knees By A Girl!
Are you facing a challenge right now? Maybe life circumstances have got you down and you can’t seem to pull yourself out of the pit. I’ve got a suggestion for you… start a challenge. A good challenge is like a morning espresso. It will get your adrenaline pumping and get you excited about life.
5 Alternatives to Pull-Ups
As we’ve discussed before, one of the best parts about calisthenics is it can be done anywhere. That’s true for even for bodyweight exercises that require some kind of equipment, like pull-ups for example. Listen, when it comes to fitness, we’re a no-excuse group. If it’s something that’s important to you, we believe there’s always a way to make it happen.
Why Horse Sit Ups Works
I got this exercise after watching a workout of one of the greatest fighters of all time, Rickson Gracie. He was doing this exercise on a beach. This sit up is simply fun to do and adds some uniqueness to working out the abs.
The Magical Mummy Sit Up
The Mummy Sit up is a great way to add variety to your normal ab routine. The idea behind the name is because your legs are straight out in front of you and kind of looks like a mummy.
How To Do A Handstand In 30 Days | Yoga Training For Beginners | Action Jacquelyn
Learn how to do handstands, forearm stands and headstands in 30 days! How To Do A Handstand In 30 Days | Yoga Training For Beginners | Action Jacquelyn
Practice These 8 Steps to Find Balance in Headstand |
Learning how to do a headstand is no easy feat. Follow these eight simple steps to find your balance in this elusive pose. #yoga #headstand #tutorial #sirsasana
Dog Training Podcasts to Help You Reach Your Training Goals and Mindset - Podcasts for Dog Sports
Check out our dog training podcasts to help you reach your goals with your canine companion. Covering a wide range of topics with an emphasis on competitive dog sport enthusiasts. Get tips for your dog agility competitions, scent training and nose work, and just working as a team in general. Reach new goals and overcome challenges with your canine team mate.
Easy Exercises You Can Easily Do At Home
Are you ready to start a new exercise routine? You can start right at home with these simple, easy to follow exercises that can be done in the comfort of your home. Whether your goal is to lose weight or just start moving more! You don't need to have any experience to try these types of workouts. I have had RA for 25 years, so these are joint friendly, low impact moves I love to do even with physical limits. Come check it out on Chemistry Cachet!