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Follow @growphysicallyandmentally for more skincare tips!
simple skincare routine🫧🫧
Follow @growphysicallyandmentally for more skincare tips!
2 tips to naturally brighten/lighten your skin☀️  When Koreans say they want pale skin, it’s less about wanting paper-white unhealthy looking skin (although some people are naturally born that way) and more about having a bright and even skin tone with minimal hyperpigmentation. So whatever skin tone you have, you can make it bright and clear! I respect all skin tone preference and unique features🙏  (credits to owner on INSTAGRAM: krystallee22) (Disclaimer I do not own this video content, no copyright infringement intended)
How do you brighten your skin
2 tips to naturally brighten/lighten your skin☀️ When Koreans say they want pale skin, it’s less about wanting paper-white unhealthy looking skin (although some people are naturally born that way) and more about having a bright and even skin tone with minimal hyperpigmentation. So whatever skin tone you have, you can make it bright and clear! I respect all skin tone preference and unique features🙏 (credits to owner on INSTAGRAM: krystallee22) (Disclaimer I do not own this video content, no copyright infringement intended)