Friday Likes Contenders

Identity projects for consideration for the Friday Likes posts on Brand New
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Moodly - Una empresa dedicada a producir mejores estados de ánimo.
Moodly era una marca de productos naturales basados en CBD y Nootropics, que ofrece soluciones de bienestar para cuidar tu cuerpo, mejorar tu estado de ánimo y abrazar tu diferencia. Una misión sintetizada en su lema "Boost your mood”.
Corvo House Coffee - Ceren Burcu Turkan
Corvo House Coffee :: Behance
FARE :: Behance
Chochoi Studio
PERSPECTIVA . - Brand Design Studio in Zacatecas, Mexico
PARDO :: Behance
Combo :: Behance
The Brand Identity – Graphic Design’s Greatest
Marking the moment day meets evening, l’apéro is the perfect pause to slow down, spend time with friends and family, and enjoy a l’apéritif – a light beverage served to stimulate the appetite. In the case of Bellamie, a revival of the nearly forgotten French ‘Guignolet’ liqueur with a decadent cherry flavour, Founder Marie Voirin tells us she wanted the brand, label, and bottle design to be a celebration of life and French heritage. Working with global brand studio Glasfurd & Walker, the resulti
Old Grand-Dad 16yr's Legacy-Driven Label is Worth Its Weight In Bourbon
Old Grand-Dad 16yr's Legacy-Driven Label is Worth Its Weight In Bourbon - DIELINE
Search Projects :: Photos, videos, logos, illustrations and branding
THE WHIRL - Branding & Packaging :: Behance
ERLY Skincare - Clean, Dermatologist-Backed, Simple & Effective
ERLY Skincare - Clean, Dermatologist-Backed, Simple & Effective