Cognitiv Comp La Copii
Cognitiv Comp La Copii
Cognitiv Comp La Copii
ReZumat Terapia cognitiv la copii este o extensie a fundamentelor terapiei comportamentale bazat pe teoria nvrii clasice, operante i prin modelare, putnd util n tratamentul tulburrilor psihiatrice e externalizate (hiperactivitate, agresivitate, comportamente disruptive), e internalizate (depresie, anxietate). Terapeuii comportamentaliti au adaptat tehnicile la nivelul de dezvoltare al copilului. Metodele operante au inclus: utilizarea ntririlor pozitive i negative, supracorecia, contractele terapeutice, extincia i pedepsele. Metodele nonverbale i nondirective (terapia prin joc sau artterapia) sunt cele mai rspndite, n timp ce formele cognitive sau hipnoza sunt mai rare. Exist aproximativ 230 de tehnici psihoterapeutice care pot aplicate la copii i adolesceni Este nevoie de o evaluare precis i de adaptarea strategiilor i metodelor verbale i nonverbale la nivelul de nelegere a copiilor n suferin. Cele mai bune rezultate se obin la adolesceni (ntre 13-18 ani) i la preadolesceni (11-13 ani) i rezultate mai modeste la copiii mai mici (5-11 ani), dar orice copil poate benecia de terapia cognitiv-comportamental. Prin reevaluarea i corectarea gndirii, copiii i adolescenii nva: s-i stpneasc problemele, s-i monitorizeze gndurile negative automate (cogniiile); s recunoasc legtura dintre cogniie, trire i comportament; s examineze evidena pro i contra gndurilor automate; s substituie interpretrile bazate pe realitate n locul celor bazale negative; s nvee s-i identice credinele disfuncionale care-i predispun la astfel de experiene. Cuvinte cheie: psihoterapie cognitiv-comportamental, copii i adolesceni.
Motto: H. Ey: Dac psihoterapia nu este ntotdeauna sucient, ea este ntotdeauna necesar.
Termenul de psihoterapie cognitiv-comportamental are mai multe sensuri. n cel restrns acoper terapia cognitiv i comportamental clasic, iar n cel larg se refer la o perspectiv cognitiv asupra ntregii psihoterapii n msura n care vizeaz modicarea comportamentului, a modului de prelucrarea a informaiei i a felului n care este trit o situaie traumatic. Unele tehnici dinamice de orientare psihanalitic i experienial sunt reevaluate n lumin cognitiv-comportamental. dcinile terapiei cognitivR comportamentale a copilului i adolescentului Terapia cognitiv la copii este o extensie a fundamentelor terapiei comportamentale bazat pe teoria nvrii clasice, operante i prin modelare, putnd
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Conf. Dr., Disciplina de Psihiatrie pediatric, UMF Iuliu Haieganu Cluj-Napoca MA Psih. clinician i Psihoterapeut, c. Gen. Iuliu Haieganu Cluj-Napoca
Adresa de coresponden: Viorel Lupu, Str. Osptriei F.N., Cluj-Napoca, jud. Cluj, cod 400660, e-mail:
util n tratamentul tulburrilor psihiatrice (Eysenck, 1959). Multe dintre tehnicile cognitive utilizate la copii i aduli se aseamn cu cele utilizate n terapia comportamental. De exemplu, trainingul abilitilor sociale este considerat actualmente o strategie cognitivist, dar i are rdcinile adnci n terapia comportamental, prin utilizarea modelelor, jocului de roluri, repetiiei. La fel, relaxarea este o important tehnic n terapia cognitiv, dei iniial a fost pus la punct de ctre Jacobson (1938, apud Ronen, 1997) i apoi dezvoltat de ctre Wolpe (1982), ind utilizat ca o parte a desensibilizrii clasice n terapia comportamental. Terapia expunerii a fost dezvoltat de ctre Marks (1987) ca o parte a condiionrii operante, iar n terapia cognitiv a fost integrat ca centrare pe propria expunere, ca o condiie necesar n imageria dicultilor (n special n nvarea de a-i accepta emoiile). Terapeuii comportamentaliti n-au creat tehnici specice pentru copii, ci doar le-au adaptat acestora.
Viorel Lupu
Cea mai popular tehnic utilizat la copii este derivat din nvarea operant i prin modelare, ind aplicabil tulburrilor de externalizare cum ar agresivitatea. Aplicarea metodelor operante a inclus: utilizarea ntririlor pozitive i negative, supracorecia, contractele terapeutice, extincia i pedepsele. Aceast tehnic, aplicat i la adult, cnd este utilizat la copii trebuie s e clar, concret, uor de neles i de enunat de ctre copil. Copiii sunt expui i n mod natural unor tehnici bazate pe modelare ca parte a procesului de ma-
turizare (de exemplu: n rolurile sexului, n deprinderea abilitilor sociale prin interaciunile sociale). Utilizarea modellingului n terapie este nsoit i de alte tehnici ca self-talk-ul sau ntririle, care s-au dovedit utile n cazul anxietii i a stresului i n nvarea de a gndi nainte de a aciona. Tehnicile bazate pe condiionarea clasic cum ar relaxarea i desensibilizarea (Wolpe, 1982) sunt mai dicil de aplicat la copii, necesitnd adaptri speciale sub forma imageriei auto-instruciei, conciziei instruciunilor,
Necesitatea terapiei DA NU NU NU DA DA DA DA DA DA NU
Tabelul 1. Criterii comportamentale care determin nevoia de terapie (adaptare dup Ronen, 1997) Comportament Corespunztor criteriilor de diagnostic pentru o boal (tulburare) - ICD-10, DSM-IV-TR Conform normelor mediului cultural Conform vrstei cronologice (ex. enurezis) S-a ameliorat S-a agravat sau este stabil Exist riscuri pentru viitor Are un prognostic bun Exist o mare motivaie pentru schimbare Este important pentru copil i familie A schimbat o situaie anterioar Se poate remite spontan Tabelul 2. Caracteristicile cadrului terapeutic (adaptare dup Ronen, 1997) Cadru Grup parental Consiliere parental individual Consilierea educatorilor Intervenie colar Terapie familial Terapie de grup Tip de intervenie Educativ Educativ terapeutic Educativ Educativ Terapeutic Terapeutic Vrsta copilului Orice vrst (n special cei mici) Orice vrst (n special cei foarte mici i adolesceni) colari colari colari Preadolesceni i adolesceni Vrsta grdiniei i peste aceast vrst Problemele copilului Dezvoltare normal Tulburri de conduit, neascultare Comportament necontrolat Sociale Comunicare Orice tulburare Orice tulburare Obiective Aport informaii, suport mprtirea de abiliti pentru schimbare Dobndirea de abiliti Modicarea normelor, interaciunilor Modicarea comunicrii, rolurile
Schimbarea comportamentului, gndirii i emoiilor Terapie verbal Copilrie mijlocie, > 7 ani - adult Abiliti nalte Externalizare, subcontrol
Tabelul 3. Criterii de selecie pentru psihoterapia individual a copilului (adaptare dup Ronen, 1997) Variabile Vrst Nivel abiliti cognitive Tipul problemei Terapie nonverbal < 7 ani Mai puin avansate Internalizare, supracontrol
Tabelul 4. Cele patru alternative n psihoterapia cognitiv-comportamental a copilului (adaptare dup Ronen, 1997) Direct Indirect Discuii directe sau discuii despre evenimente, Terapie verbal Comunicare reectiv (discuii despre alii), biblioterapie comportamente i sentimente Utilizarea direct a jocului, artei, Terapie nonverbal Utilizarea artei i jocului fr o referire direct constituind un model pentru schimbare
Revista de Neurologie i Psihiatrie a Copilului i Adolescentului din Romnia - 2010 - vol. 13 - nr. 1
ajutorului din partea prinilor, jocului, picturii, bomboanelor i jucriilor oferite ca recompens, care toate duc la creterea motivaiei copilului i a abilitii acestuia de a se relaxa. Tehnici psihoterapeutice aplicaBile la copii i adolesceni Cele mai multe forme de psihoterapie a copilului i adolescentului se bazeaz pe metode nonverbale i nondirective, cum ar terapia prin joc sau artterapia, formele cognitive sau hipnoza ind mai puin rspndite, dar n continu cretere prin adaptarea la copii ale unor tehnici de la adult. n zilele noastre, exist aproximativ 230 de tehnici psihoterapeutice care pot aplicate la copii i adolesceni (Kazdin, 1988). Dintre aceste tehnici, trebuie selecionate acele forme care se potrivesc cel mai bine cu cazurile concrete din practica curent. ondiii pentru reuita C psihoterapiei Pentru a asigura reuita deplin a oricrei psihoterapii, la copii sunt necesare evaluri precise ale situaiei copilului prin: 1) Obinerea unor informaii despre copil din mai multe surse: prini (pentru tulburri de tip acting out neascultare, agresivitate, negativism, hiperactivitate, impulsivitate) educatori, profesori, nvtori date privind raportarea copilului la normele corespunztoare vrstei cronologice (randament colar, intelectual, abiliti sociale de comunicare); direct de la copil pentru nelegerea emoiilor sale, aprecierii stimei de sine, depresiei; observaia direct. 2) Compararea acuzelor actuale cu comportamente considerate normale pentru vrsta copilului. 3) Aprecierea dac tratamentul copilului trebuie iniiat sau dac sunt anse ca problemele s se rezolve de la sine (tabelul 1). 4) Alegerea celui mai potrivit cadru terapeutic (tabelul 2). 5) Alegerea celei mai bune tehnici pentru problemele prezentate de copil (tabelul 3 i tabelul 4) (Ronen, 1997).
li Factori importani A implicai n reuita psihoterapiei 1) Vrsta: copiii i adolescenii sunt cei mai receptivi la psihoterapie, inclusiv la hipnoz, spre deosebire de persoanele de peste 40-50 de ani, care sunt mai refractare; 2) Nivel cognitiv extremele: superdotaii i cei subdotai nu se preteaz la psihoterapie - este necesar un ascendent asupra clientului; 3) Nivel de culturalitate: cu ct copilul este mai primitiv, cu att este mai dicil colaborarea; 4) Este necesar un diagnostic precis, pentru c exist indicaii i contraindicaii precise ale psihoterapiilor. n general, alegerea metodei se face n principal dup trei criterii: a) dup valenele psihoterapeutului; b) dup client (diagnostic, personalitate); c) dup timpul avut la dispoziie. articulariti la copil i P adolescent Psihoterapia copiilor i adolescenilor difer de cea a adulilor din mai multe puncte de vedere. Una dintre diferene const n nsi natura copilriei, copilul ind comparat cu o int mictoare, ind ntr-un permanent proces de schimbare. Aciunile i comportamentul su sunt o rezultant a stadiul su de dezvoltare, situaiei familiale, inuenelor mediului ambiant i caracteristicilor individuale. Psihoterapeuii care se ocup de aceast perioad de vrst trebuie s cunoasc foarte bine sociologia copilriei, psihologia developmental, normele de conduit i procesele familiale, nainte de a intra n psihopatologia copilului i n deprinderea tehnicilor psihoterapeutice. Psihoterapia copilului este comparat cu abilitatea de a combina mai multe piese ale unui puzzle uria, ind n acelai timp tiin i art i necesitnd talent nnscut, disponibilitate i creativitate din partea psihoterapeutului n comunicarea cu copiii. Psihoterapeutul trebuie s nvee anumite strategii i metode verbale i nonverbale transpuse la nivelul de nelegere a copiilor n suferin. ntrebri orientative pentru psihoterapeut n aplicarea oricrei forme de psihoterapie individual cu copilul, terapeutul se poate orienta dup urmtoarele ntrebri: Copilul cu probleme se a n stadiul de dezvoltare n care s e posibil terapia verbal?
Viorel Lupu
Are copilul abilitatea s stea s asculte i s se concentreze? Are copilul motivaie pentru terapie sau trebuie aplicat o terapie prin joc, pentru a-i capta atenia i motivaia? Are copilul abiliti verbale sau este mai performant n art, muzic sau joc? erapia cognitiv a copilului i T adolescentului Terapia cognitiv a copilului i extrage o mare parte din ascenden de la teoria lui Bandura (1977) referitoare la rolul expectaiilor n orice nvare i a capacitii expectaiilor de a facilita succesul terapiei. De asemenea, i ali teoreticieni au inuenat aceast form de terapie la copii, cum ar Ellis (1962) (terapia raional emotiv), Beck (1979), Meichenbaum (1985), DZurilla (1986) (trainingul rezolvrii pro-blemelor). Tratamentul cognitiv al copilului trebuie s se refere la nvarea celor mai potrivite abiliti i aplicarea celor mai adecvate tehnici. Consideraiile teoretice au dus la ipoteza c cel mai important moderator n ecacitatea implementrii teoriei cognitive la copii este nivelul lor de dezvoltare cognitiv. erapia cognitiv a copilului i T adolescentuluI reZultate Cele mai bune rezultate se obin la adolesceni (ntre 13-18 ani) i la preadolesceni (11-13 ani) i rezultate mai modeste la copiii mai mici (5-11 ani) (Durlak, 1991). n ciuda acestor constatri, se consider actualmente c orice copil, indiferent de vrst, poate benecia de terapia cognitiv-comportamental, cu condiia ca terapeutul s adapteze terapia la stilul cognitiv personal al copilului (Ronen, 1992; Knele, 1993). Copiii mai mari i pot dezvolta strategii cognitive independent, n timp ce cei mai mici au nevoie de terapeut s le dezvolte aceste strategii. Copiii cu un nalt nivel cognitiv pot adopta strategii generale i abstracte n timp ce cei cu un nivel modest au nevoie de strategii mai concrete. Terapia cognitiv se adreseaz att copilului cu tulburri externalizate (hiperactivitate, agresivitate, comportamente disruptive) ct i cu tulburri internalizate (depresie, anxietate). Copiii cu tulburri externalizate i cu lips de autocontrol dovedesc diculti n tolerana la frustrri, 22
n ntrzierea graticaiilor, meninerea ateniei asupra obiectului sau utilizarea abilitilor de rezolvare a problemelor directe. Copiii cu tulburri internalizate sau supracontrol au abilitile necesare, dar acestea sunt ru folosite. Ei percep greit situaiile sociale i pot benecia cel mai bine de modalitile terapeutice non-verbale, n special de cele de expunere i de cele experieniale. Kendall (1993) sugereaz c n timp ce copiii introveri sunt limitai de gndirea distorsionat, cei extroveri acioneaz fr s gndeasc sau si planice aciunile i nu proceseaz informaiile n situaiile n care gndirea le-ar putea benec. Terapeuii cognitiviti arm c orice copil care este capabil s nvee este un bun subiect pentru terapia de tip cognitiv. plicarea tehnicilor A cognitiv-comportamentale la copii i adolesceni Exist o mare varietate de tehnici cognitiv-comportamentale pentru copii care presupun manipularea rspunsurilor comportamentale, cum ar : modellingul, repetiia secvenial i trainingul abilitilor. Scopul terapiei const n modicarea distorsiunilor i decienelor cognitive care inueneaz comportamentul. Toate tehnicile cognitive intervin cu scopul de a inuena gndirea. Aceste tehnici identic, testeaz realitatea i corecteaz concepiile distorsionate i schemele (credinele disfuncionale) care nsoesc aceste cogniii. Prin reevaluarea i corectarea gndirii, clienii nva s-i stpneasc problemele i situaiile. Copiii sunt nvai: s-i monitorizeze gndurile negative automate (cogniiile); s recunoasc legtura dintre cogniie, trire i comportament; s examineze evidena pro i contra gndurilor automate; s substituie interpretrile bazate pe realitate n locul celor bazale negative; s nvee s-i identice credinele disfuncionale care-i predispun la astfel de experiene (Beck, 1979). Un program de intervenie poate include varia-te combinaii de proceduri i metode. Nu exist o formul generalizat, cum ar : metoda X pentru problema Y. Planicarea interveniei terapeutice se bazeaz pe consideraii individuale. Un criteriu de decizie n ceea
Revista de Neurologie i Psihiatrie a Copilului i Adolescentului din Romnia - 2010 - vol. 13 - nr. 1
ce privete procedura de intervenie este dac problema reprezint un decit sau un exces comportamental. Sarcina terapeutului n condiiile unei probleme de decit comportamental este de a crete puterea comportamentului particular (proceduri de cretere a rspunsului), sau de a aduga achiziii sau noi patternuri de comportament (proceduri de achiziie a rspunsului). Dac este vorba de un exces n comportament, sarcina terapeutului este de a elimina sau reduce puterea comportamentului (proceduri de descretere a rspunsului). Prinii adeseori se ntreab: Cum pot s-l determin s fac asta? Cum pot s-l fac s continue comportamentul dezirabil? Cum pot s-l opresc? Un copil care nu doarme sucient poate iritabil, nepoliticos. Un somn timpuriu poate rezolva problema. Cererile directe pentru schimbare pot uneori s e suciente. Schimbrile n mediul zic, schimbrile n rutin sau responsabiliti pot funciona n anumite circumstane. Metoda terapeutic va determinat de inta problemei. Nu se va folosi tehnica desensibilizrii la o persoan care chiulete de la coal, motivnd plictiseala de la cursuri. Problema nu apare numai la nivel de aciune, dar i n gndurile i tririle clientului. Exist dou sarcini de baz n nvare, des ntlnite n terapia copilului: 1) achiziia, nvarea comportamentului dorit, dezirabil (autocontrol, uen verbal, abiliti sociale, academice) sau a acelui comportament care este n decit; 2) reducerea rspunsului nedorit n repertoriul comportamental al copilului (agresiune, furt, ticuri faciale, anxietate, fobie, bulimie etc.), sau nlocuirea unui rspuns cu altul (asertivitate n locul timiditii). Toate aceste sarcini pot realizate prin combinarea a patru tipuri majore de nvare: a) condiionare clasic b) condiionare operant c) nvare prin observare d) nvare cognitiv Alegerea abordrii terapeutice nu depinde numai de natura comportamentului int sau stimulii care l menin, dar i de vrsta, maturitatea copilului, circumstanele n care comportamentul problem se manifest i de unele aspecte ale mediului (Herbert Martin, 1981). Succesul terapiei cognitiv-comportamentale este condiionat de o bun evaluare a cazului i de o corect conceptualizare a acestuia i de aplicarea acelor tehnici care au fost validate tiinic prin studii randomizate (Lupu, 2009).
ConcluZii 1. Se consider actualmente c orice copil, indiferent de vrst, poate benecia de terapia cognitiv-comportamental, cu condiia ca terapeutul s adapteze terapia la stilul cognitiv personal al copilului. Copiii mai mari i pot dezvolta strategii cognitive independent, n timp ce cei mai mici au nevoie de terapeut s le dezvolte aceste strategii. 2. Succesul terapiei cognitiv-comportamentale este condiionat de o bun evaluare a cazului i de o corect conceptualizare a acestuia i de aplicarea acelor tehnici care au fost validate tiinic prin studii randomizate. BiBliograFie
1. 2. 3. 4. Bandura A. (1977): Social Learning Theory. Englewood Clis, N.J. Prentice Hall. Beck A.T., Rush A.J., Show B.F. & Emery G. (1979): Cognitive Therapy of Depression. Guilford, New York. DZurilla T.J. (1986): Problem-solving Therapy: A Social Competence Approach to Clinical Interventions. Springer, N.Y. Durlak J.A., Fuhrman T. & Lapman C. (1991): Eectiveness of Cognitive-behavior Therapy for Maladaptive Children: A Meta-analysis. Psychological Bulletin, 110-204-214. Ellis A. (1962): Reason and Emotion in Psychotherapy. Lyle Stuart, New York. Eysenk H.J. (1959): Learning Theory and Behavior Therapy. Journal of Mental Science, 105, 61-75. Kazdin A.E. (1988): Child Psychotherapy: Development and Identifying Eective Treatments. Pergamon, New York. Kendall P.C. (1993): Cognitive Behavioral Therapies with Youth: Guiding Theory, Current Status and Emerging Developments. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 61, 235-247. Knell S.M. (1993): Cognitive Behavioral Play Therapy. Northvale: Aronson.
5. 6. 7. 8.
10. Lupu V. (2009): Introducere n hipnoterapia i n psihoterapia cognitiv-comportamental a copilului i a adolescentului. Ed. ASCR, Cluj-Napoca. 11. Marks I. (1987): Fears, Phobias and Rituals. Oxford University, New York. 12. Martin H. (1981): Behavioral Treatment of Problem Children. A Practice Manual, Academic Press, London.
Viorel Lupu
13. Meichenbaum D.H., Bream L.A. & Cohen J.S. (1985): A Cognitive-behavioral Perspective of Child Psychopathology: Implications for Assessment and Training. In R.J. McMahon & R. De V. Peters (EDs.). Childhood Disorders: Behavioral Developmental Approaches (pp 36-52). Bruner/Mazel, New York. 14. Ronen T. (1992): Cognitive Therapy with Young Children. Child Psychiatry and Human Development, 23, 19-30. 15. Ronen T. (1997): Cognitive Developmental Therapy with Children, John Wiley and Sons, N.Y. 16. Wolpe J. (1982): The Practice of Behavior Therapy (3rd ed. n.), Pergamon, New York.
Revista de Neurologie i Psihiatrie a Copilului i Adolescentului din Romnia - 2010 - vol. 13 - nr. 1
Abstract Cognitive therapy with children is an extension of the fundamentals of behaviour therapy based on the classical theory of learning merged with modelling, being useful in the treatment of externalized (hyperactivity, aggression, disruptive behaviours) or internalized disorders (depression, anxiety). Behavioural therapists adapted techniques to the specic level of development of each child. Operational methods include: using positive and negative reinforcements, overcorrection, therapeutic contracts, extinction and punishments. Nonverbal and nondirective methods (therapy through play and art therapy) are the most notorious while cognitive forms and hypnosis are rarer. There are 230 psychotherapeutic techniques that can be applied to children and adolescences. We have to make a precise evaluation and an adaptation of the verbal and nonverbal methods and strategies to the level of the children. The best results are obtained with adolescents (between 13-18 years) and preadolescents (between 11 and 13 years) but any child may benet from cognitive-behavioural therapy. Through re-evaluation and correction of the way of thinking, children and adolescents learn: to control their problems; to observe their negative automatic thoughts (cognitions); to recognise he connection between cognition, emotion and behaviour; to examine evidences for and against automatic thoughts; to substitute interpretations based on reality in the place of negative ones; to learn to identify dysfunctional beliefs which predispose to those kinds of experiences. Key words: cognitive behavioural psychotherapy, children and adolescents. Motto: H. Ey: If psychotherapy is not always sucient, it is always necessary. The cognitive behavioural psychotherapy term has a lot of meanings. In a restricted sense, the term covers classic cognitive and behavioural therapy, and in a larger sense it refers to a cognitive perspective on the entire psychotherapy insofar as it aims at modifying the behaviour, the way in which the information is processed and the way a traumatic situation is lived. Some psychoanalytical and experiential dynamic techniques of orientation are reevaluated from a cognitive-behavioural perspective. he beginnings of child and T adolescent cognitive behavioural psychotherapy Cognitive therapy in children is an extension of the basic behaviour therapy based on classic learning
ecturer of University of Medicine and Pharmacy Iuliu Hatieganu, L Cluj-Napoca, Discipline of Child Psychiatry 2 Clinical Psychologist and Psychotherapist, School Iuliu Hatieganu, Cluj-Napoca Correspondence address: Viorel Lupu, Ospatariei Street, F.N., Cluj-Napoca Cluj district, cp. 400660, e-mail:
theory which is operational through modelling, too which can be useful in the treatment of psychiatric diseases. (Eysenck, 1959). Many of the cognitive techniques used with children and adults resemble those that are used in the behaviour therapy. For example, the training of social abilities is considered at present a cognitive strategy, but the roots are deep in the behaviour therapy, by making use of models, role-play and repetition. Also, the relaxation is an important technique in cognitive therapy, although it was initially dened by Jacobson (1938, after Ronen, 1997) and then developed by Wolpe (1982), being further used as a part of the classical desensitization in behaviour therapy. Marks (1987) developed the exposure therapy, as part of operational conditioning, which was then introduced into the cognitive therapy, helping to centre on ones exposure, as a necessary condition in the images of diculties (especially in learning to accept ones own emotions). Behaviour therapists did not create special techniques for children, they just adjusted these techniques to suit their particularities. The most popular technique used with children arise from operational and pattern making learning, which can be applied to externalization disorders such as aggressiveness. The application of operational methods inViorel Lupu
clude: the usage of positive and negative reinforcement, over-castigation, therapeutic contracts, extinction, and punishment. When it is applied to children, this technique, which is also applied to adults, must be clear, concrete, facile, and easy to explain to the child. The children are ordinarily exposed to pattern making techniques as part of a maturing process (for example: the role of the sex, gaining social skills by social interaction). Beside models based therapy, other techniques are used too, like self-talk or reinforcements which
proved to de useful in anxieties, stress and learning to think before acting. The techniques based on classical conditioning such as relaxation and desensitization (Wolpe, 1982), are dicult to be applied with children, requiring special adjustments like self- instruction image, concision of instructions, parents help, playing, painting, lollipops and toys which can be oered as a reward, all of these leading to increased child motivation and training of relaxation abilities.
Table 1. Behavioral criterion which cause the need for therapy (after Ronen, 1997) Behavior According to the diagnosis criteria for a disease (disorder) ICD-10, DSM-IV-TR According to cultural environment norms According to chronological age ( ex. enuresis) It has improved It has aggravated or it is constant There are future risks It has good expectations There is a greate motivation for change It is important for the child and his family It has changed a previous situation It can be remitted spontaneously Table 2. The characteristics of the therapeutic frame (after Ronen, 1997) Frame Parental group Parental Individual Counselling Educators Counselling School intervention Family Therapy Group therapy Individual therapy Intervention Instructive Therapeutic instructive Instructive Instructive Therapeutic Therapeutic Therapeutic Childs age Any age (especially the little ones) Any age (especially the very little and adolescents) Scholars Scholars Scholars Preadolescents Adolescents Kindergarten and over that age Childs problems Normal development Problems of conduct and disobedience Incontrollable behavior Social Communication Any problem Any problem Objectives Information and support Gaining skills for change Gaining skills The modication of the norms and interactions The modication of communication, roles The change of abilities, new abilities The change of the behavior, ideas and emotions Therapy Necessity yes No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Table 3. The selection criteria for child individual psychotherapy (after Ronen, 1997) Variables Age Level of cognitive abilities The problem type Non-verbal therapy < 7 years old Less advanced Internal, over control Verbal therapy Middle age childhood, > 7 years old - adult High abilities External, under control
Table 4. The four alternatives in child cognitive-behavior psychotherapy (after Ronen, 1997) Verbal therapy Non-verbal therapy Direct Indirect Direct discussions, or discussions about behavior and feelings Reection ( talking about the others), bibliotherapy Using directly the games, art like a change model Using art and game without a direct reference
Journal of Romanian Child and Adolescent Neurology and Psychiatry - 2010 - 13th vol. - no. 1
sychotherapeutic techniQues P applicable to children and adolescents Most of the psychotherapeutic forms applicable to children and adolescents are based on non-verbal and non-directive methods, like the playing therapy or art therapy, cognitive forms or hypnosis being less used for the moment but they are in a continuous development by adjusting adult techniques to children. Now there are almost 230 psychotherapeutic techniques that can be applied to children and adolescents (Kazdin, 1988). One must select from current practice those forms of psychotherapy which are appropriate to the cases that are treated. onditions for the C success of psychotherapy A precise evaluation of the childs situation is necessary in order to guarantee the complete success of any psychotherapy method that is applied. This evaluation must take into consideration the following aspects: 1) Obtaining information about the childs situation from varied sources: parents (for problems like acting-out- disobedience, aggressiveness, negativism, hyperactivity, rashness); pedagogue, teacher, schoolmaster-information regarding the way that child is related to the norms of the chronological age ( intellectual and school ecaciousness, social and communication abilities); directly from the child- to understand his emotions, evaluate self-esteem, depression; direct observation. 2) The comparison of the present problems/disorders with behaviours that are considered normal for the childs age. 3) Evaluating if the child needs treatment or if there are chances that the problems will be solved without any intervention. (table 1) 4) Choosing the most appropriate therapeutic frame. (table 2) 5) Choosing the best technique for the childs problems. (table 3 and table 4) (Ronen, 1997). Other iMportant factors involved in the success of psychotherapy 1) Age: children and adolescents are the most susceptible to psychotherapy, including hypnosis, in comparison to 40-50 year old people, who are reluctant;
2) Cognitive level - the extremes: the very gifted and the least gifted do not respond to psychotherapy it is necessary to have an ascendant over the client; 3) Cultural level: the co-operation is dicult if the child is primitive; 4) A precise diagnosis is necessary, because there are precise indications and contraindications for dierent types of therapy; Generally speaking, the method is chosen based on three criteria: a) therapist valences; b) the client ( diagnosis, personality); c) the time available for therapy. Child and adolescent particularities Child and adolescent psychotherapy is dierent from adult psychotherapy, for many reasons. One of those dierences is the nature of childhood, since the child is compared with a moving target, and he is in a process of continuous change. His actions and his behaviour are the result of the stage of development he is in, his family situation, the inuences of the environment and the individual characteristics. Psychotherapists that handle this age group must become familiar with childhood sociology, developmental psychology, conduct norms and family processes, before they begin their struggle with child psychopathology and start learning the therapeutic techniques. Child psychotherapy is compared with the ability to combine a lot of pieces from a giant puzzle, which is at the same time science and art and requires natural talent, availability and creativity on the part of the therapist in communication with children. The psychotherapist must learn certain strategies both verbal and non-verbal methods that must be adjusted to the understanding level of the suering children. InforMative Questions for the psychotherapist In order to apply any form of individual psychotherapy to a child, the therapist can take the following questions as a guide: Is the child with problems in a developmental stage where the verbal therapy can be applied? Is the child able to sit, listen and concentrate? Is the child motivated to do therapy or a playing therapy must be applied in order to gain his attention and his motivation? Has the child verbal abilities or has he got better performances in art, music or play?
Viorel Lupu
hild and adolescent C cognitive psychotherapy Child cognitive therapy has a big part of its origin in Bandura s (1997) theory, which refers to the role of learning expectations and the expectation abilities that facilitate a successful therapy. Also, there have been other theorists who inuenced this form of therapy with children, such as Ellis (1962) (rationalemotive therapy), Beck (1979), Meichenbaum (1985), DZurilla (1986) (solving problems training). Child cognitive treatment must be based on learning the most appropriate abilities and on the application of the most adequate techniques. Theoretical considerations led to the hypothesis that the most important factor involved in cognitive therapy ecacy in children is their cognitive development level. hild and adolescent C cognitive therapy results Best results are obtained with adolescents (between 13- 18 years old) and preadolescents (11-13 years old) and modest results are noted with young children (5-11 years old). (Durlak, 1991). Despite these ndings, at present it is considered that despite the childs age, any child can benet from cognitive-behavioural therapy, if the therapist adjusts the therapy to the childs personal cognitive style (Ronen, 1992; Knele, 1993). Older children can develop independent cognitive strategies, while the younger need the therapist to help them develop these strategies. The high cognitive level children can achieve general and abstract strategies while modest level children need concrete strategies. Cognitive therapy addresses both the externalization troubles (hyperactivity, aggressiveness, a disruptive behaviour) and the internalization troubles (depression, anxiety). Children with externalization disorder and lack of self-control, have diculties with their blight tolerance, with their gratuities, maintaining attention over the objects or using their abilities of solving direct problems. Children with internalization disorders or over control have the necessary abilities but they are not used properly. They misunderstand social situations and they benet the most from non-verbal therapeutic strategies, especially the exposure and experiential ones. Kendall (1993) suggests that, while introverted children are limited by the distortion thinking, extroverted ones act without thinking or planning their 76
actions and they do not process data in the situations where thinking can be favourable. Cognitive therapists assert that any child who can learn is a good candidate for the cognitive therapy. pplying cognitiveA behavioural techniQues with children and adolescents There is a large variety of cognitive-behaviour techniques for children that assume behaviour response handling, such as: modelling, sequential repetition and abilities training. The therapy purpose is to modify cognitive distortion and deciency that inuence the behaviour. All the cognitive techniques have as intervention purpose to inuence the thinking. They identify, test the reality and correct distortion views and schemes (dysfunctional beliefs) that accompany those cognitions. By thinking reevaluation and correction, clients learn how to overrule their problems and situations. Children are taught how to: handle their automatic negative thoughts (cognitions); recognize the connection between cognition, feelings and behaviour; observe armative and negative evidence of the automatic thoughts; substitute basic negative interpretations with reality based interpretations; learn to identify dysfunctional thoughts which predispose them to those kinds of experiences. An interventional programme may include various types of procedures and methods of combination. There is no general formula like: method X for problem Y. The planning of therapeutic intervention is based on individual considerations. One of the intervention decision criteria is the nature of the problem: behavioural decit or excess. If there is a decit behaviour problem, the therapists obligation is to increase the power of the particular behaviour (answer increasing procedures), or to add acquisitions or new behaviour patterns (answer acquisition procedures). If there is a behaviour excess the therapists obligation is to eliminate or reduce the power of the behaviour (answer decrease procedures). Often, the parents ask themselves: How can I that to him? How can I make him continue the desirable behaviour? How can I stop him?
Journal of Romanian Child and Adolescent Neurology and Psychiatry - 2010 - 13th vol. - no. 1
If a child does not sleep enough he may become irritable and impolite. A good sleep can solve the problem. Direct demands for the change can be enough sometimes. Environment changes, changes of routines or responsibilities can be useful in certain situations. The therapeutic method will be established by the target of the problem. The desensitization technique will not be used with those who do not go to school because they say they are bored in class. The problem does not appear only at action level but also at the thinking and emotional level. There are two basic learning tasks in child therapy: 1) acquisition, learning the wanted, desirable behaviour (self-control, verbal uency, social and academic skills) or the decit behaviour; 2) decreasing the unwanted answer in the child behaviour (aggression, theft, facial twitch, anxiety, phobia, bulimia) or changing one answer with another (timidity with assertion). All of those tasks can be achieved by combining the four major learning types: a) classical conditioning; b) operational conditioning; c) learning by observing; d) cognitive learning. The decision about the therapeutic approach depends not only on the nature of the target behaviour or on the stimulus that maintain this behaviour, but also on age, childs maturity, the circumstances of the behaviour manifestations and on some environment aspects (Herbert Martin, 1981). Success of cognitive-behaviour therapy, is conditioned by an appropriate evaluation of the case and a correct conceptualization and the applicability of those techniques that had been validated scientically through randomized studies (Lupu, 2009). Conclusions 1). At the moment it is considered that no matter the age, any child can benet from the cognitivebehavioural therapy, on condition of adjusting the therapy to the childs personal cognitive style. Older children can develop independent cognitive strategies, while the younger need the therapist to help them develop these strategies.
2). Success of cognitive-behaviour therapy, is conditioned by an appropriate evaluation of the case and a correct conceptualization and the applicability of those techniques that had been validated scientically through randomized studies. BibliograPHY
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Viorel Lupu