Exprimarea Actiunilor Viitoare

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Exprimarea actiunilor viitoare

Viitorul simplu –

Forma afirmativ: (subiect) + will + vb la infinitiv

– I will go there tomorrow. They will give you the information you need.

Negativ: (subiect) + will not (prescurtat: won’t) + vb la infinitiv

I will not (won’t) go there tomorrow. They will not (won’t) give you the information you need.

Interogativ: Will + subiect + vb la infinitiv

Will he come to the party?

Interogativ-negativ: will + subiect + not + infinitiv; mai des: won’t + subiect + infinitiv

Will he not come to the party? Sau: Won’t he come to the party?

Viitorul apropiat cu expresia (subiect) be (la prezent) going to + infinitiv. Are si nuanta de
intentie, de actiune iminenta.

I am going to visit the shop on Tuesday. – O sa vizitez (intentionez sa vizitez) magazinul maine.

I think it is going to rain. – Cred ca va ploua.

Negativ: I’m not going to visit the shop.

Interogativ: Are they going to visit the shop?

Interogativ- negativ: Aren’t they going to visit the shop?

Present continuous (denumit si progressive) cu valoare de viitor (pentru exprimarea

actiunilor viitoare), insotit de adverbe de timp viitor, precum tomorrow, next week/year, in three
days (peste trei zele), etc.:

Mitch is coming next week. – Mitch vine (va veni) saptamana viitoare.

My parents are cleaning the house tomorrow. – Parintii fac curat (vor face curat) in casa maine.

Presentul simplu, doar pentru actiuni planificate in avans, de obicei parte a unui orar:

The train leaves at 9. – Trenul pleaca (va pleca) la ora 9. (trenul respectiv e programat in general
sa plece la ora 9).

The Romanian tennis tournament starts in June.


Put the verbs into the correct form (will, going to, simple present or present continuous).


 De multe ori, in aceeasi situatie, se pot folosi mai multe forme, adica fie prezentul
continuu, fie viitorul simplu, fie expresia “be going to”, in functie de intentia
vorbitorului. Important este sa stiti ca se pot folosi si sa invatati sa folositi, pe cat posibil,
toate formele de exprimare a actiunilor viitoare.
 Se completeaza direct pe paginile date, imediat sub fiecare propozitie, desi este indicat sa
fie si copiate in caiet de catre cei care au nevoie sa exerseze ortografia engleza.

1. They (drive) to New York tomorrow morning.

2. I hope the weather (be) nice.

3. I offered him this job. I think he (take) it.

4. I promise I (not tell) your secret to anyone.

5. Take your umbrella with you. It (rain).

6. They (play) cards this evening.

7. I (go) to the cinema tomorrow.

8. They (fly) to Seattle next summer holidays.

9. I (invite) 50 people to the party, and I hope everyone (come).

10. That exercise looks difficult. I (help) you.

11. he (go) to the football match?

12. Are you sure they (win) the match?

13. She probably (stay) till Thursday.

14. He (not leave) tomorrow.

15. We think he (come) home late in the night.

16. I love London. I (probably / go) will probably go

there next year.

17. Our train (leave) at 4:47.

18. What (wear / you) at the party tonight?

I haven't made up my mind yet. But I think I (find)

something nice in my mum's wardrobe.

19. This is my last day here. I (go) back to England tomorrow.

20. Hurry up! The conference (begin) in 20 minutes.

21. My horoscope says that I (meet) an old friend this week.

22. Look at these big black clouds! It (rain)

.23. Here is the weather forecast. Tomorrow (be) dry and sunny.

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