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"Islam is often perceived as a religion that is not receptive, even hostile, against liberal Enlightenment values such as democracy, religion-state separation, and religious tolerance/pluralism. However, several Islamic organizations have... more
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      Islam in TurkeyIslamIslam in IndonesiaMoral Authority
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      Comparative PoliticsSoutheast Asian StudiesIndonesian Studies
"Much of the current scholarships on globalization and Islam in Muslim-majority countries focus on the political discourses of conservative/fundamentalist Islamic groups such as Al Qaeda and Hamas. Fewer scholarships have examined the... more
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      IndonesiaTurkeyIslamGulen Movement
"Several Islamic organizations have experience major changes in their theological frames and political identities away from fundamentalist and revivalist theological orientation to one that embraces a progressive Islamic theology that... more
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      IndonesiaIslamMoral AuthorityNahdlatul Ulama
In recent years, there has been a renewed interest in the politics of religious freedom in non-Western societies, particularly in Muslim-majority countries. Many of these countries such as Indonesia and Egypt have established religious... more
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      Islam and Christianity: relations and exchange of ideasIslam in IndonesiaIndonesian PoliticsIslam and Pluralism, Christian-Muslim Relations
In my visiting fellowship with the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS), I am working to analyze the 2014 Indonesian legislative and presidential elections. In this study, I seek to discover how the campaigns for these elections... more
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      Comparative PoliticsPolitical ScienceIslamic Studies
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      Comparative PoliticsPolitical Science
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    • Comparative Politics
Course Description: This is an introductory course in comparative politics, broadly defined as the comparative study of politics and government of different societies in the world and how their respective culture, history, socio-economic... more
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    • Comparative Politics
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    • Islamic Studies
This course is an advanced graduate-level survey of the history, political development, and political institutions of the eleven countries that make up the Southeast Asian region, including Burma/Myanmar, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines,... more
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    • Southeast Asian Politics
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    • Middle Eastern Politics
One key issue contested during the recent Nahdlatul Ulama congress is the debate over Islam Nusantara. However, the idea was drowned by a tussle for leadership.
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      Islam in IndonesiaIndonesian PoliticsIslam and Indonesian PoliticsNahdlatul Ulama Studies
Muhammadiyah’s 47th congress was marked by a fierce theological debate between its moderate and conservative members. While a moderate candidate was eventually elected as its new chairman, the conservative contender came very close to... more
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      Islam in IndonesiaIndonesian PoliticsIslam and Indonesian PoliticsMuhammadiyah Studies
Indonesia held its first simultaneous local executive elections (Pilkada Serentak) on 9 December 2015. While administrative efficiency was the primary rationale for the simultaneous elections, structurally it may lead to greater power... more
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      Indonesian Politicslocal politics in IndonesiaContemporary Indonesian Politics
Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), Indonesia’s largest Muslim organisation, has sponsored an international conference as part of its strategy to promote Islam Nusantara worldwide. However, the concept remains deeply contested, even within the NU... more
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      Political IslamIslam in IndonesiaIslam and Indonesian PoliticsNahdlatul Ulama Studies
RSIS Commentary is a platform to provide timely and, where appropriate, policy-relevant commentary and analysis of topical issues and contemporary developments. The views of the authors are their own and do not represent the official... more
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      Indonesian StudiesIndonesian PoliticsTransisi Politik Di IndonesiaSistem Politik Di Indonesia
The increasing number of violent incidents against religious minorities in recent years is a growing concern in Indonesia. A workshop was recently held in Jakarta to discuss the challenges of rising religious intolerance in Indonesia and... more
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      ReligionIslamic StudiesIslamTolerance
Since 2001, Indonesia’s political decentralisation has opened fresh avenues for a new generation of local government executives to be elected. These new local leaders tend to promote novel styles of political leadership that are can... more
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      Indonesian StudiesLocal GovernmentLeadership (Political Science)Indonesian Politics
Synopsis Two years after it was first introduced, the Islam Nusantara theology of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), the largest Indonesian Islamic organisation, continues to face opposition from more conservative factions. This is casting a shadow... more
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      Indonesian StudiesIslamic StudiesIslamIndonesian Politics