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Break Free (Ebook - Russian): How to get free and stay free
Break Free (Ebook - Russian): How to get free and stay free
Break Free (Ebook - Russian): How to get free and stay free
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Break Free (Ebook - Russian): How to get free and stay free

Автор Vladimir Savchuk

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Возможно, вам кажется, что вы живете в духовной клетке и не в состоянии выбраться наружу, повторяя один и тот же грех снова и снова. Возможно, в вашей жизни повторяются греховные наклонности ваших родителей и мешают двигаться по направлению к той судьбе, которую приготовил для вас Бог. Если вы устали делать два шага вперед и три шага назад в сво

ИздательVladimir Savchuk
Дата выпуска25 окт. 2018 г.
Break Free (Ebook - Russian): How to get free and stay free

Vladimir Savchuk

Vladimir Savchuk leads the HungryGen movement and pastors a multi-cultural church with a clear-cut, focused vision to win souls and make disciples. They focus on the salvation of souls, healing, deliverance, and the raising up of young leaders. He leads the annual "Raised to Deliver" conferences which attract thousands from all over the globe. He also leads three different internships, one for teens and two for young adults. Pastor Vlad is a sought-after speaker at conferences and camps. Vlad was born in Ukraine and raised in a Christian home. He immigrated to the U.S. at the age of 13 and became a youth pastor at 16. At the age of 30, he became the lead pastor of the HungryGen Church. He is married to his beautiful wife, Lana, with whom he enjoys spending time and doing ministry together.

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    Break Free (Ebook - Russian) - Vladimir Savchuk


    Pastor Vladimir Savchuk is an amazing young pastor whom I’ve had the privilege of getting to know personally. His dynamic ministry has the courage to focus on matters of spiritual warfare in a bold way.

    His book Break Free is a much-needed perspective on deliverance and exorcism and covers a wide range of topics that every Christian should be aware of. I especially like his emphasis on the renewed mind in Christ and the importance of keeping the freedom that deliverance brings. Living in Arizona, I found his insight on dead snakes personally inciteful.

    A helpful Study Guide at the book’s end gives the reader an opportunity to quickly grasp the most important points. Break Free will help many to escape the bondage of ordinary religion and realize that the destiny of every Christian is to live a life of freedom from unnecessary torment by the Evil One.

    Pastor Savchuk is a new, fresh voice calling the church in the Western World to experience an extraordinary life in Christ. I personally expect great things from this book and this unique man of God.

    - Dr. Bob Larson

    The world’s foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural

    Author of 37 books, including: Larson's Book of Spiritual Warfare, Larson's Book of World Religions, Demon Proofing Prayers, Curse Breaking, Jezebel, Dealing with Demons and four fictional novels


    One of the main reasons why Jesus came to this world was to destroy the works of the devil (1 John 3:8). Jesus even stated that he was anointed by the Holy Spirit to set at liberty those who are oppressed (Luke 4:18). Lives being delivered from demonic possession and oppression were among the main manifestations that took place through the life of Jesus. Jesus Himself said, But if I cast out demons by the Spirit of God, surely the kingdom of God has come upon you, (Mathew 12:28). In the book Break Free, Pastor Vladimir Savchuk helps us to understand the reality of the spiritual world and how to walk in the freedom that only Jesus can give us. Through his personal experiences, and Scriptural applications you will receive the knowledge and revelation on how to be set free from mental and physical oppression in your own life. As you read this book the works of the enemy will be exposed, and you will discover the decisions that you must make to experience true liberty in Christ. Your eyes will be opened to see how to operate in the power and authority that the Lord has delegated to every one of His disciples. I believe that the Holy Spirit will also use the words in this book to empower you and give you the faith to believe in the abundant life and joy that Jesus promised to those who believe in His name. Get ready to experience the words of Jesus in your own life, Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed. (John 8:36).

    — Andres Bisonni, Evangelist

    Author of My Beloved Holy Spirit

    Pastor Vlad Savchuk’s book, Break Free, is an excellent treatise of the reality of the spirit world and the hold that demonic spirits can have in areas of spiritual bondage. It gives practical steps on how to break free of bad habits and walk in freedom. I highly recommend it for any young person or youth group!

    — George Davidiuk, Evangelist

    Break Free is so captivating to read! It gives the reader solid, simple, and practical directions to walk in liberty. It not only exposes a problem that exists, but gives you detailed guidance to the way out!

    — Vadim Pekun, Evangelist

    I believe that God raised up Pastor Vlad for such time as this. His sermons are impacting thousands of people around the world. Finally, he published his first book where he shares powerful revelations about the spiritual world and gives practical advice on how to get free and live from the place of victory and freedom. This is the will of God for you—uncompromising, unrelenting freedom. For this, Christ died. For this, He rose. For this, He sent His Spirit. It’s time to break free and help others to do the same. Get your copy today. This book will change your life.

    — Evelina Smane, Missionary

    I believe this book will bring so much hope to people that feel stuck or trapped in bondage. It provides practical steps on how to find freedom in Jesus Christ and points to open doors that the enemy can have in our life. The Bible says, ‘…know the truth and the truth will set you free.’ This book is filled with scripture that will help you renew your mind, especially in this area of life. I strongly encourage you to get a copy, it’s worth the read.

    — Roman Trachuk, Pastor of Church of Truth

    A very deep and important topic is touched in Vlad Savchuk’s book Break Free. I read it, with great interest, in just two evenings. The real-life examples described in this book reveal the truth about the reality of the spiritual world and the authority that God has given to us as believers. Thank you, Vlad, for so openly and sincerely writing about your personal battles and victories. I am sure that, for many, this book will be very relevant and useful.

    — Lika Roman, Miss Ukraine 2007

    Author of Amazing Life

    Break Free is a powerhouse book! In a culture where the church has strayed away from preaching about demons, strongholds, and deliverance, Vladimir hits these topics head on. And he is DEAD ON! This book is definitely coauthored by the Holy Spirit Himself. I would encourage anyone, whether you are struggling with an issue or you are a minister of the Gospel looking for revelation on how to deal with those who need deliverance... read this book!

    —Myles Rutherford, Pastor of Worship with Wonders Church

    Break Free is full of powerful revelations that are guaranteed to transform the life of the believer. Vlad clearly explains many Biblical truths that will shift old mindsets and will set believers free to walk in understanding, freedom, and authority. His writing is impactful, memorable, and easy to understand as he uses numerous vivid illustrations, stories, and testimonies. I highly recommend this book not only for personal reading, but especially for small group study along with the study guide. The depth of the many revelations in this book are best absorbed with slow and extended study like a small group setting. I highly recommend Break Free to both new and mature believers.

    —Vic Fomenko, Director at California Coast Bible College Associate Pastor at The City Church – Ventura

    Break Free is very practical! It gave me tremendous insight to my own struggles as well as others’. It helped me in my personal life and with counseling others. Pastor Vladimir is an amazing speaker and is like an artist in that he paints pictures in your mind as he speaks!

    —Rod Brogado, Retired teacher and coach

    County Director for Fellowship of Christian Athletes

    Honestly, I’m not usually a fan of books that deal in the subject of demonology, because typically these kinds of books focus more on demons than they do on Jesus as the key to deliverance. Break Free is the exact opposite. I have never read a book that focuses more on deliverance and walking in the freedom in Christ like this one. I have suggested it to multiple people, because I believe it is an awesome weapon in the hand of every believer, filled with real life stories and nuggets of wisdom on every page!

    — Philip Renner, Philip Renner Ministries

    Pastor Vladimir has written an excellent book on how to get free and stay free. This book is filled with testimonies of individuals who have experienced deliverance and maintained their freedom. If you have any addictions or habits that you desire freedom from, I highly recommend that you read this book.

    — Marlando Jordan, Pastor of Word of Faith

    Wherever you are on your walk with Jesus, this is the practical guide to not only gaining true and lasting freedom but recognizing and embracing your true purpose. If you are asking yourself, Why won’t things change in my life? read this book...they are about to.

    — Matt Shea, Washington House of Representatives, 4th Legislative District

    Break Free, by Vladimir Savchuk, is not just a good book title—it’s the command and promise of the book. Getting free and staying free is what separates the life message of Jesus Christ from every other religion or philosophy. John 8:36 says, Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed. All other freedom is a counterfeit. Break Free will direct you to real and lasting freedom. It challenges you to take all the victory Jesus won on the cross. I am especially impressed with how practical and easy to read this book is. Break free and stay free!

    — Mario Murillo, Living Proof Ministries

    Spiritual warfare is real, and Pastor Vlad is definitely qualified to write a book on the subject of deliverance. As the pastor of Hungry Generation Church, he has prayed for and witnessed many cases of people being delivered from addictions and demonic oppression. The book is filled with scriptures, stories from personal experience, and testimonies of people. If you want to know the rules of engagement in a spiritual warfare, what tactics to use, and how to pray for deliverance, this book is for you.

    —Roman Sheremeta, Ph.D.,

    Professor at Case Western Reserve University

    Pastor Vlad Savchuk has been anointed for such a time as this—to serve this generation. He has been specifically ordained by God and gifted with the ability to lead and show people the way out of slavery and bondage (and not just spiritual, but also mental slavery and bondage). I believe this book is a tool for many to be able to find full freedom and realize their complete potential to live a free life in Christ Jesus.

    — Andrey Shapoval, Flame of Fire Ministries

    Author of Predestined

    This is an easy read, a well put together presentation of Pastor Vlad’s ministry. His heart comes through each page as it pulls you in from the first page. The topic of spiritual freedom for believers is important since there is no consensus on the demonization of believers. The prayer at the end of each chapter is a great tool allowing readers to search their hearts and apply it personally. The testimonies of Pastor Vlad and the people he has ministered to are powerful. I believe this book will be instrumental to many people in identifying strongholds and obtaining personal freedom.

    — Peter Golosinki, Pastor of Connect Church

    This book is so timely and needed for this generation. Pastor Vlad shares not only the importance of how to receive freedom in our life, but also how to live free! I love how raw and real Vlad is. His real-life stories and experiences are interesting and powerful. What I loved most in this book is how empowering and possible it is for anyone to walk in freedom. I absolutely recommend this book and will be rereading it over and over! Thank you, Vlad, this is pure gold for our generation!

    — Meesh Fomenko, Be Moved Ministries


    It was a usual Thursday night when all the youth would gather for service. Through the entrance walked a tall, handsome, and young man of Italian descent. That night, I gave it my all and I passionately led an altar-call for salvation. This man came running to the front, sobbing and panting before Jesus. As the service ended—people were exiting the sanctuary—the youth gathered around him and listened to him share his story. I overheard him speaking about what he had done and the sins he had committed; telling of his pursuit of sex and money.

    He had made a decision to join the religion of Satan. This occurred when he picked up the book of Satan and requested that Satan enter him. I knew I had to lead him in a prayer of repentance, so he could renounce the pact he made with the Devil. He continued to tell the story of why he broke his pact with the Devil. He had a frightening dream of hell, which drove him to throw away all his satanic books. This young man just wanted to live a simple life and no longer desired anything to do with the Devil.

    I could not help but interrupt this young man. I asked him if he would repeat a prayer out loud with me so he could renounce any, and all, connection with Satan’s kingdom. This simple prayer went as follows, I repent for making a contract with the Devil. I am sorry for turning my back on God by getting in bed with the Devil. Lord Jesus, deliver me today.

    As I said, Lord Jesus, this man was unable to repeat the prayer. Instead, he began to manifest demonic spirits.

    I was only 17-years-old and had only seen demonic deliverances on video, but had never prayed for someone who needed deliverance. At this point, only young people remained and the pastor was already gone. Feeling a mixture of excitement and nervousness, Holy Spirit prompted me to stand further away from him and insist that he pronounce the name of Jesus. An unusual fight took place against the spirit that was tormenting his life. It was a great struggle for him to pronounce the name of Jesus and ask for forgiveness. The color of his face changed and his hand seemed to want to hit somebody. He acted as though someone was holding him back, but no one was touching him. Everyone stood away as he collapsed to the ground.

    We were all excited because something miraculous happened. However, there was still one problem. He laid unconscious and I stood in fear! The only thought going through my head was, This Italian man was killed by Russians at church. Instantly, I remembered the story from the Bible where Jesus cast a demon out of a boy. The boy fell down like he was dead, but the moment he was picked up he came back to life and everything was fine. Our only option was to pick this man up, and after a few minutes he came back to himself.

    All of us were curious about what just happened to him. He told us that something came over him. Strong voices insisted that he physically punch us, however, the feeling of someone holding him back overtook him. The young Italian man was shocked to find out that no one was holding him back! Certainly, it must have been God’s angels surrounding him during this time of deliverance.

    This man’s life changed radically after this battle. The following day, when we met, he testified of being healed from a long-term sickness. It was my first time successfully praying for deliverance for someone who was demonized.

    Perhaps you have seen videos of deliverance from our ministry. Some manifestations are very physical and loud, while others are quiet with less bodily demonstration. Physical manifestations are not a prerequisite for freedom, however, Holy Spirit’s anointing is always a requirement for true deliverance.

    Before God publicly used David to kill Goliath, he first had to privately face a lion and a bear. I believe our private victories prepare us for our public triumphs. As I’ve examined David’s life, I suspect he was not too fond of facing a lion. I can imagine these type of thoughts—Why am I being attacked? and, Where is God in all of this?—must have crossed his mind. When David experienced an attack from a lion and lost a sheep, he could have wallowed in defeat and self-pity. However, David had to make a decision to not live in regret because of his failure of losing a sheep. Thus, he chose to get up and fight to get back what the lion had stolen from him. David did not realize that the battle with the lion would eventually give him the courage and determination to face the giant, Goliath, publicly.

    Today, I still believe in deliverance. I believe in deliverance, not just because I have witnessed other people’s lives change or because Jesus commanded us to cast out demons, but because I, myself, have experienced freedom from various things that occurred in my life.

    At the age of 12, I came across pornographic images. At that time, I did not consider the impact of this exposure, as I did not understand the effects of this material on my life.

    I was 13 years of age when my family immigrated to the United States. Everything was new—the country, the friends, and even the language! However, little did I know that I was about to discover a new addiction, which would require God’s deliverance.

    Six months after our family immigrated to America, my neighbor asked me if I would house-sit for seven days. I was extremely curious to find out how Americans lived. Besides the daily routine of cleaning the house, feeding the cats, and mowing the lawn, I looked forward to checking out the entire house. In doing so, I came across a set of VHS tapes.

    The covers of the tapes

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