Chain Sets

13 Pins
SEVEN94 on Instagram: "Mini Medusa Set with Cuban Link Chain ⛓️ . . . #seven94 #seven94jewelry #mansfashion #mensnecklace #menschain #jewelryoftheday #waterproofjewelry #jewelryforsale #jewelrystyle #jewelry #jewelryshop #mensjewelry #cubanchain #cubanlink #goldnecklace #compasspendant #goldchain #cuban #medusapendant #medusanecklace #medusahead #goldmedusa"
SEVEN94 on Instagram: "Serpent on a Rose pendant is associated with love and lust, and it is also a symbol for passion and evil temptation. ⛓️ . . . #seven94 #seven94jewelry #mansfashion #mensnecklace #menschain #jewelryoftheday #waterproofjewelry #jewelryforsale #jewelrystyle #jewelry #jewelryshop #mensjewelry #cubanchain #cubanlink #goldnecklace #goldchain #ropechain #serpentpendant #goldrose #rosependant"
SEVEN94 on Instagram: "Hamsa and Rope Chain in Silver ⛓️ . . . #seven94 #seven94jewelry #mansfashion #mensnecklace #menschain #jewelryoftheday #waterproofjewelry #jewelryforsale #jewelrystyle #jewelry #jewelryshop #mensjewelry #goldnecklace #chainnecklace #goldchain #hamsa #hamsapendant #goldhamsa #evileye"
SEVEN94 on Instagram: "Compass Rope Set in Gold ⛓️ . . . #seven94 #seven94jewelry #mansfashion #mensnecklace #menschain #jewelryoftheday #waterproofjewelry #jewelryforsale #jewelrystyle #jewelry #jewelryshop #mensjewelry #menschainset #chainset #cubanchain #cubanlink #goldnecklace #compasspendant #goldchain #cuban #northstarpendant #compassnecklace #northstarnecklace #goldcompass"
SEVEN94 on Instagram: "Tridents and Ropes ⛓️ . . . #seven94 #seven94jewelry #mansfashion #mensnecklace #menschain #jewelryoftheday #waterproofjewelry #jewelryforsale #jewelrystyle #jewelry #jewelryshop #mensjewelry #goldnecklace #chainnecklace #goldchain #trident #tridentpendant #ropechain #poseidon #poseidontrident #greekjewelry"
SEVEN94 on Instagram: "Zeus Pendant in Gold ⛓️ . . . #seven94 #seven94jewelry #mansfashion #mensnecklace #menschain #jewelryoftheday #waterproofjewelry #jewelryforsale #jewelrystyle #jewelry #jewelryshop #mensjewelry #goldnecklace #chainnecklace #goldchain #zeuspendant #zeus #goldzeus #chainset #necklaceset #zeuslightning #lightning"
SEVEN94 on Instagram: "Praying Hands Set in Gold . . . #seven94 #seven94jewelry #mansfashion #mensnecklace #menschain #jewelryoftheday #waterproofjewelry #jewelryforsale #jewelrystyle #jewelry #jewelryshop #mensjewelry #goldnecklace #chainnecklace #goldchain #prayinghands #prayer #necklaceset #necklaceforman #ropechain #cubanlink #goldcubanlink"
SEVEN94 on Instagram: "Gold and Silver Da Vinci Sets ⛓️ . . . #seven94 #seven94jewelry #mansfashion #mensnecklace #menschain #jewelryoftheday #waterproofjewelry #jewelryforsale #jewelrystyle #jewelry #jewelryshop #mensjewelry #silver #silverchain #silverjewelry #cubanchain #ropechain #goldnecklace #vitruvianpendant #goldchain #rope #vitruvianman #davinci #golddavinci #goldvitruvian"
SEVEN94 on Instagram: "SPARTAN WARRIOR •fight with honor die with glory• Available in silver and gold ⛓️ #seven94 #seven94jewelry #mansfashion #mensnecklace #menschain #jewelryoftheday #waterproofjewelry #jewelryforsale #jewelrystyle #jewelry #jewelryshop #mensjewelry #etsy #etsyshop #etsyjewelry #cubanchain #cubanlink #goldnecklace #spartanwarrior #silverchain #cuban #spartanpendant #warriorpendant #greek"
SEVEN94 on Instagram: "Fleur De Lis set in Gold ⚜️⛓️ . . . #seven94 #seven94jewelry #mansfashion #mensnecklace #menschain #jewelryoftheday #waterproofjewelry #jewelryforsale #jewelrystyle #jewelry #jewelryshop #mensjewelry #cubanchain #cubanlink #goldnecklace #flurdelisgold #goldchain #ropechain #fleurpendant #fleurdelispendant #fleurdelis #goldfleurdelis"
SEVEN94 on Instagram: "St Michael sets in Gold and Silver ⛓️ . . . #seven94 #seven94jewelry #mansfashion #mensnecklace #menschain #jewelryoftheday #waterproofjewelry #jewelryforsale #jewelrystyle #jewelry #jewelryshop #mensjewelry #cubanchain #cubanlink #goldnecklace #ropechain #goldchain #cuban #stmichelsilver #stmichaelpendant #stmichael #goldstmichael"
SEVEN94 on Instagram: "Gold Dagger Pendant Set 🗡️ ⛓️ . . . #seven94 #seven94jewelry #mansfashion #mensnecklace #menschain #jewelryoftheday #waterproofjewelry #jewelryforsale #jewelrystyle #jewelry #jewelryshop #mensjewelry #swordnecklace #cubanchain #cubanlink #goldnecklace #daggernecklace #goldchain #cuban #swordpendant #daggerpendant #goldsword #golddagger"
Large Compass Set - Gold
*SOLD AS A SET - Gold Large Compass Pendant Necklace and Gold Rope Chain*Our Large Compass necklace and Rope Chain are made from Premium quality 316L stainless steel. This allows the pendant and chain to be water and sweat resistant. This chain can be worn on its own as a statement or be layered with other chains from our shop.♛ DETAILS & MATERIALS ♛Large Compass Pendant Necklace:◈ Chain Length: 20.8 Inches◈ Chain Width: 2.2 mm◈ Chain Style: Curb chain◈ Pendant Size: 25mm x 25mm x 3.5mm◈ Chain Q