DIO Whale hunting 18 century

86 Pins
The natural history of the sperm whale : its anatomy and physiology, food, spermaceti, ambergris, rise and progress of the fishery, chase and capture, cutting in and trying out, description of the ships, boats, men and instruments used in the attack, with an account of its favourite places of resort
Ghost town in antarctica : The abandonned whale station of Grytviken South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, South Atlantic, Antarctica
Britain's abandoned whale hunting stations - in pictures
Gefährlicher Walfang in Norddeutschland: Schiffe damals wochenlang mit Harpunen im Eismeer unterwegs
Whales and whaling pictures - thumbnails page 2
Whales and whaling pictures - thumbnails page 2
Whales and whaling pictures - thumbnails page 2
Whales and whaling pictures - thumbnails page 2
Whales and whaling pictures - thumbnails page 2
Whales and whaling pictures - thumbnails page 2