ALOH Quotes

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Happiness Is Important | Quotes | Positivity
Happiness is very important. It plays a crucial role in our overall well-being and functioning. It can improve our; physical health, mental health, productivity, relationships, resilience and quality of life. Happiness can be found in the smallest of things, it doesn't need to be anything big or expensive. It's the appreciation of the little things in life, so try and focus on what brings you joy, instead of focusing on negatives. Negatives do happen in life, and it can take over. But it's about accepting those negatives, and looking at focusing on the positives a little more. 🥰
Positive Quotes | Awareness | Struggling | Suicide Prevention | Not Alone | Happiness
Some days are extremely difficult, today might be one of them for you. If so, please just stop for a second and save this post. Keep reading it through- because this feeling is temporary and it will pass. Each and every one of you are loved by people around you- even if you don’t feel like it. Don’t let your thoughts win and please don’t give up. You are worthy.
Life Quotes | Positivity | Happiness | Design | Enjoy The Moment | Love | Life
A simple but effective design. Here are 3 things to remember. Especially when your struggling and need a little pick me up. This image will remind you to; - Live life to the full. - You are entitled to happiness. - Enjoy the moment. Feel free to save this design, im more than happy to send it to people if they want to keep it. If you do re-share, please tag me. So that i can see how far my design is going. I hope it can help at least one person out there. Take care xx
Friendship | Quotes | Abandoned | Arguments | Leave Life | Unfriend | Life Quotes | Fall Out
I had a personal encounter recently and i was speaking through the situation with a close friend of mine. She helped me to summarise my thoughts, and string them into sentences. This post comes from that conversation and situation. I’ve realised that what happened, wasn’t my fault. The people that left my life, was going to do it no matter the circumstances. I’ve learn’t that the people who matter and who care, will stick around and be there for you. The people that walk away, or that don’t put
You Make The World A Better Place | Positivity | Quotes
A simple but effective quote, you make the world a better place. A reminder that each and every one of you mean something to someone. People do care about you, even if you think they don't. Believe it or not, you are the reason that someone smiles every day. You matter in this world. 💛
Positivity | Quotes | Mental Health | Chronic Illness
Simple but effective message. Sometimes we spend a lot of time thinking about our past and what we wish we could of done differently. The thing is, we can’t change our past. We can only do our best for today and tomorrow. So let’s focus on the present day and the future too.
Positivity | Quotes | Mental Health | Chronic Illness
A little note to yourself. You are a pleasure to be around, whether you believe it or not. You are. You matter to this world.
Positivity | Quotes | Mental Health | Chronic Illness
Being kind costs nothing. So be the reason that someone smiles today! You never know what somebody is going through, a simple smile can make somebodies day.
Positivity | Quotes | Mental Health | Chronic Illness
Remember that everybody makes mistakes and mistakes mean that you're trying. I'm proud of you and I'm sure many others are too.
Positivity | Quotes | Mental Health | Chronic Illness
We only live once, we cant change the past so don’t let the past effect what you do today. Its only natural to make mistakes, we learn from them. But don’t let that fear effect what you do today.
Positivity | Quotes | Mental Health | Chronic Illness
Don't sit and wait for someone else to light up your world, light it for yourself and enjoy life to the full. There are so many beautiful reasons to be happy, without including someone else. You've got this. 💛
Positivity | Quotes | Mental Health | Chronic Illness
A little quote for you all to remember. Feel free to save my quotes until you feel like you need them to look back on! Also if there's ever a topic you would like me to do, please message me! Each and every one of you are amazing. Never forget that. Xx
Positivity | Quotes | Mental Health | Chronic Illness
Don't focus on the past. Focus on the moment and get yourself to where you want to be. Don't focus on the future either. Sometimes it can bring happiness but it can also bring negative thoughts about whether you will reach the goals you want to. So I say, the best thing to do is to focus on the here and now, what is happening right now and what you can do right now to improve yourself or to reach the goals that you have. Everyone has goals, but goals require steps to get there, it's all about
Positivity | Quotes | Mental Health | Chronic Illness
I know that things can be really difficult at times but I want you to remember that it is going to be OK. Please hold on, keep fighting. I know sometimes it's SO hard and you really want to give up. But life is precious, life is worth it. It might be rubbish right now but it will get better. Believe in yourself. 💛
Positivity | Quotes | Mental Health | Chronic Illness
I've been pretty behind on posting as I've had a creative block so I do apologise. Please bare with me. In the mean time here's a quote for you. It's reminding you that it's normal for people to come and go in your life, but the people who truly care about you will stick around. They will be at the other end of the phone call if you need them, and you know that they will support you no matter what. People who are like that are the ones to keep close as they are the ones that truly care about yo