quotes from movies I love

princess bride+hunger games+national treasure+duck dynasty+star wars+captian america+iron man+avengers
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This awkwardly precious scene... I can't. I feel Peter's pain so much it actually makes me embarrassed to the point where I blush... But it's just so CUTE!
The Amazing Spiderman 2 trailer!!! *fangirling*
Pete was kind of stuck up in this one. he had to deal with not being King in our world when he had been king in Narnia for years! It was a big change I guess. So when he finally got back to Narnia, nothing was the same!
The Internet's Most Asked Questions
I am going to have to go back and watch both of these movies and see if this is for real... so crazy..
Captain America The First Avenger: Captain America/Steve Rogers, Peggy Carter, & James "Bucky" Barnes
Oh Hello There
One of the many reasons that I love Darcy. <-I just re-watched this movie tonight and I busted up laughing at this part XD
Never not repinning. Just watched this last night. LOOK AT HOWARD'S FACE. SCARED FOR HIS LIFE. Bet he never told Tony THIS story...