quotes | the law of attraction |

quotes about the law of attraction | visualization quotes | energy | abundance | expectation | synchronicity | manifestation | appreciation | deliberate creation |
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All you need to do is be quiet and listen. When you stop overthinking, the Universe will give you…”
Affirmations to change your mindset and life
Affirmations help you stay grounded and positive in difficult situations. Read how they can benefit you in many ways on my blog theheartthinker.wordpress.com
My Law of Attraction Life
My Law of Attraction Life | Posts tagged Abraham Hicks
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When you start adding the "why's" to what you want, then you really begin to vibrate in concert with that which you are, and when you begin to vibrate in concert with that which you are, oceans part and mountains move, and people come out of the woodwork to accommodate you. *Abraham-Hicks Quotes (AHQ1678)