For Anashia

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I'm sorry if sometimes I make you feel like I don't love you, but trust me I love you more..
I'm sorry if sometimes I make you feel like I don't love you, but trust me I love you more than u know, I'm just not good at expressing my feelings..🖤
Seems like we forget that im human and i actually loved you for real. You just keep playing me hard as fudge. Idk what to feel so i guess one day we can be REAL rite...??? Yeah probably not to many images to uphold
I couldn't forget you, who I loved. 🤞❤
I forgot you, the girl who broke my heart, but i couldn't forget you, the girl who I loved, I couldn't forget you. #Lovequotes #relationshipcouplequotes #lovefeelingsfeeling #aboutlovequotesfeelings
You broke me, then made me stronger… taught me to be careful who I trust and not to judge too quickly… you taught me I’m not as weak as I thought myself to be and that made me stronger and a better person… you may have broke me before and shattered me like glass, but I stuck that glass back together and turned it into a sword, and me a warrior, so for that: thank you.