Friday Fitness Tip

Every Friday we will post a Fitness Tip to help you with your exercise program.
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Healthful Life MD
Friday Fitness Tip ~ MAKE A PLAN! Plan when you will workout. Put your workouts on your calendar. Choose which exercises you will do each day. Decide how long you will exercise for. Staying consistent and doing exercises you enjoy will be more effective and create long lasting habits. Share with your friends, they will love this news! #healthfullifemd #fridayfitnesstip #calendaryourexercise #makeaplan #planyourfitness #abbybleistein
Healthful Life MD
Friday Fitness Tip ~ People who work out often look younger than their friends, and now research has found that exercisers truly are younger, on a cellular level, than their same-aged peers. Telomeres, the cap on the ends of DNA, start out long at birth and get progressively shorter with age. Up until recently it was thought there wasn't much we could do to change that, but a new study showed that endurance athletes have llonger telomeres than their peers. #healthfullifemd
EBook — Healthful Life MD
Friday Fitness Tip ~ Exercise more for less time. (15-20 minutes 4-5 times a week) This helps you build the habit of working out!! #healthfullifemd #fridayfitnesstip #exercisemoreforlesstime #buildthehabitofworkingout
EBook — Healthful Life MD
Every Friday we will post a Fitness Tip to help you with your exercise program. #healthfullifemd
Healthful Life MD
Friday Fitness Tip ~ 10 Habits that can HELP you lose weight. Putting these habits into play will help you . . . Dr. Abby can help you if you are in the Metro Denver area and ready to get healthy and fit and she will create a personalized program designed just for you, book your FREE Consultation with Dr. Abby who is located in Golden, CO here: #healthfullifemd #meetwithdrabby #abbybleistein #goldenco #loseweightingoldenco #newyear #2017tips #coloradoweightloss #golden
Healthful Life MD
Friday Fitness Tip ~ Yoga can help treat patients with stress-related conditions such as high blood pressure, cardiac disease, depression, and anxiety, according to researchers. Yoga stretches and strengthens your muscles and offers some surprising health perks. It can soothe back pain, boost your memory, help you sleep better, and even ease a hangover. Have you tried Yoga yet? #healthfullifemd #fridayfitnesstip #yoga #improvestress #healthytips #coloradoweightloss #moveyourbody Everyday Health
Healthful Life MD
Friday Fitness Tip ~ Exercise adds years to your life... People who exercise live longer. Yeah, we said it. Research has shown that you can add up to seven years to your life by exercising a minimum of 150 minutes a week (that's just three days of working out for 50 minutes), regardless of what you weigh. #healthfullifemd #exercise #exerciseaddsyearstoyourlife #fridayfitnesstip #weightlossgolden #weightlosscolorado
Healthful Life MD
Friday Fitness Tip ~ Having a workout routine buddy is a great motivator. Make plans to meet your exercise buddy at the gym at 6 a.m. or on the tennis courts at 7 a.m. or at the park for a walk. You are less likely to cancel or procrastinate if you know someone is waiting for you. You GOT this! Morning workouts will ROCK your day! "Getting Healthy from the inside out" ~ Dr. Abby #healthfullifemd #fridayfitnesstip #workoutbuddy #movitation #morningworkout #workout #weig
24 Fitness Quotes More Motivating Than Tony Horton on Crack
Schedule your workout into your calendar #likeaboss
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Healthful Life MD
Fitness Friday Tip! Walking with weights maximizes your calorie burn! If you are in the Central Colorado area and ready to get healthy and fit, book your FREE Consultation with Dr. Abby who is located in Golden, CO here: #healthfullifemd #fitnessfriday #fridayfitnesstip #walkwithweights #maximizecalorieburn #burncalories #looseweight #goldenco #looseweightingoldenco #coloradoweightloss #goldenweightloss #goldencoweightloss