Perfect house

50 Pins
DIY Septic Tank Plans (PDF file), A Farm Septic Tank pamphlet by Professor William B. Herms
"THIS IS A DOWNLOADABLE PDF FILE, NOTHING PHYSICAL WILL BE SHIPPED \"The facts cited in this pamphlet are the result of extensive study of disposition of household sewage, and are directly applicable to the construction and maintenance of the farm septic tank.\" -LA Times, Dec. 25, 1921 \"So great has been the demand for... 'A Farm Septic Tank' ...through the directions, descriptions and specifications given in this circular it is possible for anyone to build a septic tank at a small cost...tell
How to Cheaply Build a Foundation for Your New Home. Yes, A D-I-Y House Foundation can be Built Without Using Cement, Steel, or Heavy Equipment!
Reverence for Wood – Cool Tools
#Homestead #LostSkills - Interesting book on old wood-working methods - A Reverence for Wood