Moon Magick

Every Witch Should Know... ✨Magic Takes Time
The Winding Path of the Witch ✨Magic Takes Time
BEFORE YOU BUY! Seed and Sickle vs Woodlands Wardens Oracle Deck Comparison
BEFORE YOU BUY! Seed and Sickle vs Woodlands Wardens Oracle Deck Comparison
FULL MOON How to FIND REST in these Times of DEEP CHANGE? PICK A CARD 11...
Listen To Your Inner Voice, It Will Better Inform Your Teaching (Opinion)
Although Jiminey Cricket may not be visible on your shoulder, there is likely an inner voice that can be heard when you quiet yourself enough to listen. This voice is the important and knowledgeable built-in device we all have that helps us recognize danger or aids in making quick decisions. You may not want to respond "it was my gut" when people ask how you knew about something (as that may not sound as concrete or precise as something like data or other warning signs), but when we pay atte...
Full Moon Ritual Magic
This full moon ritual is for witches looking to gain insight using the Tarot magic. Easy to do with bigg results...
Full Moon Ritual Magic
This full moon ritual is for witches looking to gain insight using the Tarot magic. Easy to do with bigg results...