Air Fryer Snacks

16 Pins
Air Fryer Chocolate Chip Cookie Cheesecake
This easy and creamy cheesecake, is filled with yummy chocolate chips, topping a chocolate chip cookie crust, all cooked in the air fryer.
Air Fryer Lava Cake
Air Fryer Lava Cake is a decadent dessert with a molten chocolate center that will curb any chocolate craving. There is an airiness to the batter with a rich flavor of chocolate deliciousness in every bite.
Luftig-leichter Genuss: Hefezöpfchen aus der Heißluftfritteuse
Diese Hefezöpfchen aus der Heißluftfritteuse sind nicht nur unwiderstehlich lecker, sondern auch im Handumdrehen zubereitet. Die goldbraune Kruste und die fluffige Konsistenz machen jedes Zöpfchen zu einem Genussmoment. Hol dir den Duft von frisch gebackenem Hefeteig direkt in deine Küche! 🍞✨ #HeißluftfritteuseBackzauber #HefezopfGenuss
Super Easy Air Fryer S'mores
You won’t need a campfire to make these s’mores, all you need is an Air Fryer. Delicious roasted marshmallows roasted right in the Air Fryer in less than 10 minutes. It’s the perfect easy dessert. #smallbatchdessert #airfryer #airfryerrecipes #airfryerrecipesfordessert #dessertrecipes #dessertfortwo
2-Ingredient Banana Donut Holes
These 2-Ingredient Banana Donut Holes are easy air fryer banana bread treats perfect to fix your banana bread craving in less than 15 minutes.
Air Fryer Croissants (with Nutella and Chocolate Chips)