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Terms That Describe Gender Identity and Expression
Why does it matter? Language and labels are important parts of understanding your gender and knowing how to be affirming and supportive of other people’s genders — but they can also be confusing. Having language that helps demonstrate the many ways people experience, express, or identify their gender allows us to more clearly see and understand the entire gender spectrum — including and beyond the traditional binary gender categories of man and woman.
Health is a Privilege, Not a Virtue
Health is neither a personal choice, nor a moral obligation. Healthism assumes that we are responsible for and have total control over our health. We are told what (not) to eat, considered lazy if we don’t exercise, and taught that a particular lifestyle prevents illness and early death. This ideology neglects the social and genetic determinants of health and makes people feel that being "unhealthy" is the product of an individual failing. Weight is considered an indicator of (un)healthiness.
10 Signs That You Aren’t Their Priority
Sometimes, you find yourself in the unlucky position of having to settle for someone who doesn’t see you as an essential person. And it sucks whenever that’s the case. You never want to be with someone who is only going to be taking you for granted. That’s why you want to make sure that your partner is someone who always treats you as an absolute priority.
Relationship Spectrum
All relationships exist on a spectrum from healthy to abusive, with unhealthy relationships somewhere in the middle. If you recognize any of the warning signs, it may be an indication that your relationship is abusive.
Subtle Signs of Emotional Abuse
If one or both partners are second-guessing and self-editing to avoid unpleasant exchanges, subtle abusive behavior has already been internalized. Eventually, it will become more overt.
Believing You Get What You Work for Can Destroy Compassion
If the world is just, inequality is justified, victims share blame in their circumstances, and other possible explanations of misfortune are disregarded. A Just World Belief allows people to feel a sense of safety, as they have control over their own actions. This in turn makes the world around them a predictable, manageable, and safe place. The Just-World Phenomenon is associated with religiosity, conservatism, and negative attitudes toward underprivileged groups.
Lost touch: how a year without hugs affects our mental health
As adults, we may not comprehend the importance of touch even when it disappears. We might begin to realise that something is missing, but we won’t always know that it’s touch. But when we talk about the problem of loneliness, we often ignore the obvious: what lonely people aren't getting is touch. In high-stress states, it can feel as if our bodies can barely contain our emotion if there’s no one there to hold us. Touch can temper the effects of stress and pain, physical and emotional.
10 Relationship Red Flags
At the end of a difficult relationship, people often say: “He (or she) told me who he (or she) was at the very beginning, but I just didn’t listen.”
One Way to Deal With Someone on A Power Trip
Not everybody who seems to be on a power trip actually is. Even the most controlling, domineering person in your life may simply be… protecting herself. If you can spot self-protection in action, you’re more likely to respond effectively and even potentially help the person heal. If the relationship is important to you, don’t skip over self-protection as a possible explanation for behavior that appears power-driven.
Anger and Intimacy: Incompatible but Unavoidable Housemates
As a result of being emotionally committed to another person, you can’t help but experience what they say to you, how they seem to feel about you, and how they react to you, as important—if not crucial—to the security of your bond with them. So if they contradict you, seem critical of you, appear bored, distrusting, or upset with you—or if they make it clear they’d like more time apart from you—all these possibilities are bound to feel threatening.
What Do You Want in Relationship: A Partner or Parent?
What’s called for (difficult though it may be) is that you make space for your own shattered illusions and longing for union, and also, simultaneously, for your partner’s existence. Ultimately, you might even be able to recognize that your partner faces and struggles with the same existential human aloneness as you. And therefore, in reality, in the absolute — you are in fact wholly united.
Relationship DUI - are you sure you're in love?
Relationship DUI - are you sure you're in love?