All India Forward Bloc
#SubhasChandraBose established #ForwardBloc in 1940 – a left-wing nationalist political party in India. It emerged as a fraction within congress with its strong hold in #WestBengal. #subhaschandraBose #subhashchandrabose #bhagatsingh #netaji #jaihind #india #indianarmy #indian #chandrashekharazad #bose #netajisubhashchandrabose #inquilabzindabad #mintageWorld #onlineshopping #coin #stamp #indiaPost #bharatmatakijai #bhagat #netajisubhaschandrabose #singh #vandemataram
Narayan Meghaji Lokhande
Sunday was not exactly a holiday nearly a century ago. #TextileMill worker of #Bombay ( Mumbai) in 1854 use to work seven days a week, 30 days a month and 15 hours a day without break. #NarayanMeghajiLokhande effort bought us the most awaited holiday of the week - Sunday in 19th century.
Indira Gandhi Imposed the Emergency
It was 46 years ago, on 25th June 1975 the then prime minister Indira Gandhi had declared a state of national Emergency in India. #emergency #nationalemergency #emergencyindia #1975 #indiragandhi #fakhruddinaliahmed #blackphaseofindiadamocracy #indianhistory #historyofmodernindia #anniversary #primeminister #president #pmoindia #historyofindia #past #history #politics #political #politicalgames #chess #shatranj #throne #gameofthrones #coinsofindia #indiancoins #numismatics #mintageworld
C. Rajagopalachari - Independent India's First and Last Governor Genral
#CRajagopalachari was appointed as #GovernorGeneralOfIndia today. His tenure lasted for two years after that this position was abolish. #lastgovernorgeneral #freedomfighter #freeindia #joinofice #lastservinggovernorgeneral #powershift #independencestruggle #bhratratna #greatleader #freedomactivitist #thinker #cretorsofmordernIndia #indiansociety #mintageworld #onlineshopping #IndiaPost #stamp #stampcollection
Hanuman Jayanti Gold Coin- Kadambas of Hangal
Jai Hanuman! On this auspicious occasion, #mintageworld wishes all our patrons a happy Hanuman Jayanti. #KadambasofHangal, a South Indian dynasty, issued a gold pagoda featuring Lord #Hanumana on Gold Varaha. The obverse of this coin of high artistic merit features Lord Hanumana seated to the right, chowris, and Shankha on each side, Kannada legend “Nakara” below. The reverse of this coin features an ornamental scroll within a decorative border. #mintageworld #coins #numismatics
"Rakesh Sharma"-First Indian in Space
#OnThisDay in 1984, Wing Commander #RakeshSharma, a former Indian #AirForce pilot flew aboard #SoyuzT11 as part of the #Soviet Interkosmos program. Thus becoming the only #Indian citizen to travel in #space. When he was asked how India looks from Space by PM Indira Gandhi, replied "saare jahan se achchha" #philately #stamp #Astronomy #thematic