Your building us up, when you try to break us down

Just for Nikole. Every time you pull something I think you need to see what you’ve done. You are so far gone in your thoughts that you really believe you have done nothing to your own children to be angry with you. You can be angry with us or just me, I’m used to it. I just brush it off. I know what the truth is. I know the things that were told to us from your own children. When your youngest came to our home and told his brother that his mem said she would not answer the door for him if he showed up contradicts the words you portrayed to him. You state also that Aaron was grounded and could not contact his brother because he lost his phone etc and you gave him the home number finally because it was the right thing to do. The right thing to do was also to give the father of the children the phone number so the father could speak to his child. But you say you aren’t keeping him away from his family. However there are different kinds of ground action in your home. No phone but video games are ok. A failing senior in your care but when he is with his father he is a honor student. There were no issues here you were just upset that he was doing well , but you wanted to be the one to do it.and that’s ok. It’s what your suppose to do. But you haven’t. I or we get blamed when you feel badly about what’s going on or when your parenting skills are lacking. Well the more you try to bring us down with your words your really only building us up. There is no anger anymore. Mason is a grown adult, pays for his own phone, is no longer monitored by mommy and daddy because he needs to pay attention to school etc. his own mind, at 21 an adult. And still you blame us. If that’s what makes you feel better then ok. Some people have church or psychiatrists, you have self comforting lies. You’ll see someday that you were wrong all along. Mason shares his days and life stories with us cause he chooses to, not because he has too or feels that he is forced to do so. He came to me with what you sent him about getting ahold of his brother and all the other self comforting things you said. It’s ok. Our eyes are open to what’s real and are not blinded. We wish you well and everything you deserve in life... good or bad. Your choices in life make you who you are and lead you down a path you have chosen. So with that being said, I wish you well and happy thanksgiving to you and your family.
52 Pins
When you find out how much your ex and his wife talk about you, you can't help but think how pathetic!
This is EXACTLY my thoughts, because this is exactly how it is! Like a Cheetah on the prowl in the grass, the deer were too smart this time and got away. Karma!
I've seen my share of shitbird that think they're good people. Bwahahahaha, yeah right.
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57 Motivational And Inspirational Quotes About Success In Life 19
Always wanting to blame other people for your failures. And telling people I'm afraid of you, won't answer your calls/texts?? Really bitch? Keep telling those lies if you need to sleep at night. We both know your weak, insecure ass doesn't have the balls to call/text me ever again because you really don't want to know the truth about how many other girls there were. You just want to pretend and play victim.
19 Inspirational Quotes with Great Messages It makes that success even more sweeter than you could imagine. What will the year do to you? You never know what you could do, so it’s important to go forward with your dreams even if you don’t feel like everything is in place. Staying in your comfort zone …
People try to justify what they did in the present by bringing back old issues that you've settled and talked about....such a pity to do that so they'll feel good.
Wow! And that word has been thrown around ALOT! Nikole